Cert Action SPR 75 Brandt 052019SITE PLAN REVIEW DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 TIME STAMP HERE Page 1 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACTION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW DATE: June 5, 2019 PLAN ENTITLED: Site Plan Review Proposed Office Building 75 Brandt Avenue PLAN DATED: February 25, 2019 SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 75 Brandt Avenue ASSESSOR’S MAP/LOT(s): Map 166 Lot 27 APPLICANT: Mamo Realty LLC OWNER: Elisa N. Jardin. etal (if different than Applicant) This is to notify you that at its meeting of June 3, 2019, the Dartmouth Planning Board voted to approve the above-referenced site plan. The plan sheets referred to in this action are listed below: Title Sheet Date Cover Sheet 1 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 Existing Condition Plan 2 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 Site Layout Plan 3 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 Grading and Utility Plan 4 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 Landscaping and Lighting Plan 5 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 Construction Details 6 of 6 2/25/19 rev. 5/24/19 The Dartmouth Planning Board voted to approve the above-referenced plans with the following conditions: REQUIRED PLAN REVISIONS 1. The following Technical Reviewing Departments issues need to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Departments prior to plan endorsement: Refer to Project Review Comments dated May 9, 2019 (Attached Herein) SITE PLAN REVIEW DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 TIME STAMP HERE Page 2 of 2 2. Any additional plan revisions required by the DPW or Conservation Commission shall be made. 3. Applicant shall submit 2 full-sized hard copy sets and an electronic plan set (PDF & CAD) of the final plan to the Planning Office. If the plans are deemed complete by the Planning Director, “Final Approved Plans” will be forwarded to the building department. 4. Any substantial changes to the plan referenced in this Certificate of Action shall require additional Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Director shall make the determination. A building permit shall not be issued unless a final plan has been approved by the Planning Board, and if one is required, an occupancy permit shall not be granted by the Director of Inspectional Services until the parking facility has been built in compliance with the approved site plan, unless the completion of such facility is delayed by seasonal considerations. Approval of this plan does not imply compliance with other Town ordinances, standards, and/or requirements administered by other Town agencies. For the Dartmouth Planning Board, Christine A. O’Grady, AICP Director of Planning