CertOfAction.Dartmouth Place1 of 2 D A R T M O U T H M A S S A C H U S E T T S PLANNING BOARD John P. Hansen, Jr., AICP Town Office Building Planning Director 400 Slocum Road - Room #317 Email: jhansen@town.dartmouth.ma.us Dartmouth, MA 02747 Phone: (508) 910-1816 March 15, 2017 CERTIFICATE OF ACTION Site Plan Review DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD Dartmouth Place – 49 State Road Map 169 Lots 236 & 237 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify you that at its meeting of March 13, 2017, the Dartmouth Planning Board voted to approve the Site Plan entitled “Dartmouth Place Entrance/Exit Drive Widening” by Prime Engineering. The Plan shows the addition of left-turn only lane exiting the subject property, a 21’ increase of pavement width of the driveway, and an associated drainage facility to accommodate the stormwater from the increase in paved area. The plan was submitted to the Planning Office on February 24, 2017. The Plans referred to in this action are listed below: Title Sheet Date Highway Layout Plan 1 1/17/17 Highway Layout Plan 2 1/17/17 Traffic Management Plan 3 1/17/17 Condition of approval is listed below: 1. The DPW comments from their 3/7/17 letter be addressed to their satisfaction. An occupancy permit shall not be granted by the Building Commissioner until the parking facility has been built in compliance with the approved site plan, unless the completion of such facility is delayed by seasonal considerations. 2 of 2 Approval of this plan does not imply compliance with other Town ordinances, standards, and/or requirements administered by other Town agencies. For the Dartmouth Planning Board John P. Hansen, Jr., AICP Planning Director