Report-FriendlysPreliminary Site Plan Review
Friendly’s – 307 State Road
STAFF COMMENT: The applicant is looking for direction from the Board on this
preliminary layout of a demo and reconstruction of Friendly’s Restaurant. The new layout
will include a drive-thru. Parking is proposed within the 10’ rear setback and only 8
stacking spaces before the order board are proposed (10 required). Additionally, a special
permit will be sought from the Board for a reduction is parking spaces as less than the
minimum are being proposed.
The parking spaces in the setback are being pushed further from the rear and the drive-
thru stacking spaces standards do not appear to contemplate this type of use. While the
Board should listen to the reasons for the reduction in parking, it does appear that room
exists to the west for additional parking. Once a direction from the Board is given, then a
final plan and any applications for relief can be submitted.
Also, the Board should consider amending Section 16 to allow other standards to be
alleviated with a special permit, such as the ones mentioned above.
John P. Hansen, Jr., AICP
Planning Director
August 9, 2017