DARTMOUTH BUILDING SUPPLY-REVIEW ENGINEER APPROVAL LETTERRAPOSO ENGINEE層/NG CONSuL 〃N句[LC Gustavo O. Raposo. P.E. 14 Ritaしane Westpo巾MA O2790 August 24, 2020 Mr. Marc」. Garrett Environmental A什airs Coordinator Town Ha= 400 SIocum Road Dartmouth, MA O2747 Re: Proposedしumber Storage Faciiity Dartmouth BuiIding Supply 958 Reed Road Da鷹mouth, Massachusetts Notice of Intent l Stormwater Design Review Dear Mr. Garrett, l reviewed in deta冊he Revised Site Pians and the Stormwater Repo巾dated August 18, PrePared by PRiME ENGINEERING, lnc. for the ’“proposedしumber Storage Fac冊ty- Da鷹mouth Buiiding SuppIy- 958 Reed Road, Dartmouth, Massachusetts’’. PRiME ENGiNEERING, Inc. addressed a= my comments. i don-t have any additional comments. PIease contact me on my ce= phone 401-529-0403, at my O冊ce 508-999-4681 or via e-mail at graposo6@gmaiI.com ifyou have any questions. Ve 「y ■施 .名声∋ Gustavo