Notice To Abutter (1st letter)TOWN OF DARTMOUTH
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Old Reed Road Properties, LLC
958 Reed Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Conquerors of Christ Church, Inc.
156 Lisbon Street
Fall River, MA 02724
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Langburd Realty Holdings, LLC.
64 Leicester Road
Marblehead, MA 01945
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
973 Reed Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Consolidated Rail Corp
1818 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
958 Reed Road, LLC
958 Reed Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Map: 60: Lot: 22 & 26
Map: 61 Lot: 4
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
634 State Road, LLC
654 State Road, LLC
958 Reed Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Agnl Pane, LLC
c/o Angelo Gordon & Co
245 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10167
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Charles W. Barrett, Trustee
955 Reed Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Consolidated Rail Corp
1818 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
NY & NH & Hartford RR
(Right of Way)
1818 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: 508-910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
July 30, 2020
Lawrence E. Kaplan & G E Bibler
c/o Tonset Company Inc
11780 US HGWY 1 STE 204
N. Palm Beach, FL 33408
Dear Abutter:
The following notice will be advertised in the Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 and Wednesday, August 12, 2020 in the “Legal Advertisement” section.
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. on the petition of 958 Reed Road LLC who is seeking a Variance in which a proposal to
construct a new 33,750 square foot storage building is being sought with a near zero setback from “Old Reed Road” and less than 100’ setback from the residential zoning district is
being proposed. (Article 21, Section 375-21.4 E., Development Standards) Also, relief is being sought from the front yard setback elimination, and for the buffer zone reduction from
the residential zoning district which requires a 50’ front yard setback. (Article 33, Section 375-33.2 (D), Setbacks) The property is located on 919, 956 and 958 Reed Road in the Limited
Industrial and Aquifer Protection District and identified on Assessor’s Map 60 Lot 26 and Map 61 Lots 4 and 45. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may
be seen upon request. As the Town Office Building is closed to the public during the COVID-19 emergency, and as the Governor has banned public gatherings during this emergency while
allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms, this public hearing will have no physical location but rather will only be held
remotely through the Zoom application and will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0253 7892 and Password: 758893
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
For the Zoning Board of Appeals