BP-62Cedar s r Island SOiL STPATA 0'- 18, Brown Loam . �. ,,..a a. " � .. i.•_ p ems: �-. a , ATM LL MEADOW CEM. 4' 18'- 52' Subsoil LUMMEH EMORIAL gBIDGE r y. ' - 1 7' Dense Gray Fine to Med. Sand r 5 2 O v � Traces Slit, Some Stone - w rd ���. � ���:,, e� Existing Grade.,, �. �� �- Dona 1 Pro osed Grade , e , :: P tomska'Pt:;., r f -- 1 M m. A. P. 7, Lot 7 s 2.0% —�. EMAREST` `LOYD :;; . 3 Sa1tersP. 1�N ORIAL STATE PARK' 2 5 �_ 1 Q Deepwater Pt�<1 4�' E 4 P.V.C. -----_ Top of C TEST (TYP), PEi2 _ _ Barrier t , °;> . = - 10- 92 um Station 0 DATE 9 P p O p Elev. 8.0 PATE, 10 min/In See Detail 6 .. Exist TEST PIT ) _ — 1000 gal. Exist . EXCAVATED 9 I q 9 2 g >" X �r Deck , Washed Stone , , „��',� -� � r � . Septic Tank Wood ELEVATION 1 1 .8 (To Be Abandoned) ENGINEER, RPH Exist. Prop. EN Proposed Clay Barrier �- �� �� : � �� � -F ��-.: PP ox. Location INSPECTOR= SG Wood �, �.� ,� n� A r 1 500 Cal Deck a. 50� b Weight Passing of Exist. Bldg. is Tank ) Y 9 g Sewer Sept al 200 SeiveBottomR ` S # of , � ���' ,• - i 4 • 0% CD !� \ Exist. � _. `.:� _,:�4lesfiaum'. DO ter Burner �y� b.) Percolation Rate Greater � � ��-,� �� ._ � �a,�� ,..a �' � Wood i-- �•.- Elev. = 3.5 than 30 min/inch � 2 P.C. than s 4� P For Main Bath Pro �' �, m • tp House 10• TYPICAL CROSS SECTION LOCUS Existing Box Exist. Prop. 4 P.V.C.Scale i Nor. I in. = 3 ft. - Scale 1 1 In. 3. 000 ff . ' Exist'. for Field S 2.09: Vera I in . = 3 ft . l 2 s y FYi. C3 1 l C Weil Wood -...Sf . > Exist. j Stone Exist A. P . 7, Lot 9 Approx. o = Fleld d st j I 1 ' Patio Conc . Location Frame Stone t JI j ' of Exist . m sty 1 steps Dwelling Patio Leaching x First Floor I I I (10' Y a Area 18.50 try Q U O Approx. 1 0 U = Location of II ' I0- . Exist. Bldg. 6 0 0 Exist . o Sewer Wen w 11 �o � 5 0 � 4�- �i i x DETAILS PUMP STATION DETAIL 1 280'+ to I , 500 Gallon Septic Tank Distribution Box Myers SR 1830 Packaged Simplex Mishaum Point Road Exist L ` i2otondo ST 1500 or Approved Equivalent 2otondo DB - 5 w/Baffle or Approved Equivalent Sewage System w/ SRM4A I C Pump Drywell Proposed o m or Approved Equivalent Leaching Field a= 100 ft . Radlus Proposed Clay Barrier Q m From Exist. Well ;See Typical Cross Section) DIMENSIONS swrrcx xouszrlG BENCH M Aier�1�V (SRM4A) Completely 4/10 HP MOTOR 27 A.P. 7, Lot Top of Set Stake, EIeV . _ 13. 60 sealed from liquid. Easily 1620 RPM, 60 HZ,115 or u i Shaded ( Datum = Approx . Mean High Wafer) 1o'-s••removed if service is V, single phase. — necessary. Shaded pole design elim- inates „� � starting switch or relay mechanise. Pressed r - - - - - - - - - - in place and oil filled for I- -- - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - I best alignment and heat transfer. PLAN_ Scale ► 1 in . 30 ft . MOTOR xousnao _ t I I I Heavy cast iron for efficient I I L _ _ , - - 301Aheat transfer, ,_3. s• DIA. MERCURY FLOAT SWITCH t IKNOCKOUTS INLET _ 90degreoperating angs e. 9" pump ed wn. . 150 LF- 4- DIA: I 28% OUTLET 1 15­-' i � � .. CASE IRON VOLUTE I I ^ ; Passes 2" diameter solids. � L -_ -- - -- - --- ---------.--- - - - I PLAN VIEW T " 6" x 9" COVER 18" DIA_ COVER 13, 1.,TAPER '��10"'a 14" COVER 5, 5•' DIA. OUTLETS 5"DIA. INLETS 1 i------ ° °': . "♦ ..:':+- . 4 o..-.. �y.. _ ..� - 2" WALLS a, .. _ 2.. , First Floor 3.. 1 Linear low -density po-TUV Elev. = 18.50 t. 1 • L� I with stabilization Exist. Llo•• :. ,..x, 4._5.. 5 PERFORMANCE CURVE Field Stone LIQUID -t I CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE -. 3" WALLS LEVEL 2" Patio ' 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 2' Dla. Conc. I('.b ..4.'- 24 ' Riser w/ M.H. Cover : , .. -.. .: I 1 20 6 W Set t0 Grade CROSS SECTION VIEW 3 MECHANICAL SHAFT RECESSED IMPELLER SEAL Operates out of volute LL 16 6 Carbon and ceramic ZZ 7- Southerly faces, body is stationary, mum flow of liquids and W 12 W passage, allowing maxi- 1 04 Bld . Fndtn. Outlet 9 Existing Grade Se r prevents string or trash solids. i 3 Inv. = 13.5 f g from wrnding on seal. V DUAL THRUST WASHERS, ° 2 0 SLEEVE BEARINGS 4 1 Oil lubricated, enhance i smooth operation and o ,0 20 30 46 w 60 >o so so Prop. 1,500 Gal. extend pump life. CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE Basement Floor Septic Tank _ SPECIFICATIONS _ SPECIFICATIONS Elev. = 10.5 • Concrete Minimum Strength -4,000 P.S.I. @ 28 Days Prop. Dist. BOX Proposed Grade • Steel Reinforcement - 6" X 6" X 10 ga. steel wire mesh • Concrete Minimum Strength - 4,000 P.S.I. @ 28 Days Inv. 9.15 • Construction Joint - Sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent Steel Reinforcement - ASTM A-615 Grade 60, 1" Min. Cover = 0 Inv. = 10.0 f Northerly 4P.V.C. s = o.s� Bldg. Sewer 21.F Pum Station Notes Inv. = 9.40 s - 2.0 c P In = 8.51 Inv. = 8.34 1 . ) High Water Alarm for Pump Is to be Installed In Existing Inv. = 8.09 7 Story Wood Frame Dwelling In a Clearly Visible Location. _Washed 2. ) Pump Station Is to Handle Flow From an Existing Sirc Stone " and Outdoor Shower Associated with Existing Wood Frame Bath House . 3 .) 2' P . V . C . Force Main is to be Installed So That the Slope Is Continuously Lipward From the Pump Station to the Septic Tank. Leaching Field Calculations General Notes. 2 Dec. 7, 1992 Clay Barrier • (2equired Leaching Area . . ) Pipe and Fittings Shall be Schedule 40 1 Oct. 29, 1992 Raise Inverts, Change Grading Over System First 3 Bedrooms = 600 s . f. P . V . C . Pipe. Minimum Slope for the Building �a. Revision Date Description DATUM ELEV Additional Bedrooms Sewer Shall be 2. 0 % . E3. 0.14. 'TAMP P . E . STAMP ..1 ( 3 bedrooms) x ( 150 s . f . /bedroom) = 450 s . f . SUBSLlQFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLAN 0.00. 2 .) Topsoil, Peat, arld Qjher IrT�ervlous Materials TOTAL = 1 , 050 s . f. Shall be Removed for 10 Ft . In all Directions From N o N the Proposed Leaching Field to a Depth of 52'. CLIENT: Pev , rs William � Joseph Gallagher o o; Actual Leaching Area 50 ff x 24 ft . = 1 , 200 s . f . 3. ) Stone In Leaching Area Shall Consist of _ PLAT 007 LOT 001 O Washed Stone flanging From 3/4' to 1 1 /2' In O 00 I +GD 2 +00 Size and Shall be Free of Iron, Fines, and Septic Tank Dust In Place. Said Washed Stone Shall Extend STREET LOCATION 165 Mishaum Point i2oad Pequired Sep From the Top of the Distribution Lines to a Depth South Dartmou`h , Massachusetts (6 be(iooms) x ( 110 gal/beciroom) x C150%) = 990 gal of 6' Below the Invert. The Distribution Pipes Shall FiQM TITLE: Be Covered With 2 Inches of 1 /8' to 1 /2' Washed I--IOlmes � Geisser , Inc . Proposed SepfiiC Tank Stone Prior to Backfilling With Gravel. 120 Pershing Street PROFILE Use, I 500 Galion Septic Tank 4. ) All Areas Disturbed During Septic System B . O . H . NOTES P . L , STAMP East Providence, Qhoae island 02914 Scale. Nor. I In. = 30 ft . Construction Shall Receive 6" of Loam and Seed. (401 ) 438 - 7320 Ver. . I In. = 3 ft . Setback From Slope ( 150 ft .) x ( I fit . / I O tt •) = i 5 ft . 5 •) All Construction is to Conform to Title 5, SPECS: Minimum Pequirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage State Environmental Code, and Town of Dartmouth Regulatlons Governing Maintenance and Installation of Sewage Disposal Systems . CONTACT PEf�SON= 12ussell I-,<ilimar ADD(:ESS c/o Holmes E Geisser, , Inc. TEL: (401) 438- 7320 r 3AP Will 11`�'i 1wmta. raw. ,77 r .e # " OW ale, A -. r all MIM MINIMUM 161 f ` No i/i f. Oil I owl mm i Mill I 1 .. if- OW "►°• kNOW #A m n'r!�-k>Vt iRa OWN NW&M Is Mill VA - Dili!NA MENIONARM.- oil AW SIMON 20, 1,7 lily �Ik M a ,�ax�, 11 2- J "MAW MORIM" .. ....�..»kim.5.Mus 11; Og m, .. ,, v. ... ".. ... ,... �*: .:. .... a....." .... ,. a ..w a :, _,. '$.. .'st 't -,✓•:Kv Mx .. `.�>N`..,...-,....._.,. ,.. "., .. a ... _. , .... ._... ." a �....,.. '. _ ... r... ._,.. ,.. _.... .... ,-.i.,.... _._. .. ..... .. ........ ,. ... F.e "... .. .. "h.. ..... .. r.. _. ,,.. ,...:_. 2,.�.. .._.,_ a�s,,..,...x..�2":.r:,,, �...'`�.32... '�,., ..w r. , r : .. a.z d i } ( PC- {ab yv':•, g t �. � fug �$ �S�gA�A ts-L'"?+'xai�; fi T'.�ii��el �'`� "p ` ��" . �' ,as.. ;< a �. �. } _ Syr ' �•: _ � �'� '.'� ° � 1;� m'sx pa. � F C W <, x �., j _ °ire NOW,— L ,.aaz.� rr»"'T��.-�'����r 3'•xJ ,:y l<c+'^'se,•.-d: AL SY�' ... .- '.... .. -r ...,. .,,: .l8 �r'f` 4 h,. ...:.,, {.. 4. #' i s�kH`� �•:b'�a:. " fit, �'� >_�,.-®syw •.�wrass's- •,sr aanev^-_ wy''. `a�?ri Y'� r • . , ... .� G "�.v=, •§;` � ems` n$ � s''K=✓� .,,. .Trc, atv<, ., v r .,. ✓� �, b.,. , e .'us'-.r. ,. '� xd„ ,., '�" � . 4 «"`'.'^£v..r.... <s�t`�'.'s vka"�4ru�.'';.�;1 w _.�?,�:�... .:..i 3�; d >. _.,,:43:."S. l #k ..Z ;74�'_ p � C ,h 4<? v�. i Y �Y f- nr� + ;r�.+F. re as_ ,z, ,a •, :. < :- `' 1 } d „s..rr�„ _i*u• �,.� %"' T�YI 3-:.,,?' to ��. �s ,,.,^z v .;:.* fit"". _. .. '- JF'. .. tYp m. lie o- 'il 1 . s : e < G =1 h I � II s 3134W.R;'7-. 3rrG,I`'! ?` zai< 6 �j L�3V 4 aa+ lY .z e r"r 'x d. 6.. - a v YuTF ". 3 � i maymmewnw� , i III r ® P ; �` �" i 'may b^ "'� 2S , ?�.r ;:. :: •. : �` i � 'k o _ e T,1 e w r