BP-90857D►4RTMOUTH MODERN T—�1f�w���r�AM At-r RETRT pE,A�IICAJ of IGIV air rtet gy �sl�n i 106 Milk St, Ste 3 • pf,uatn, Mb, 02100 148 Miahaum Pointy +Road i g17t�E0-S00i Dartmouth, IM# QG'f'ji8 i eheroenorgy,eom Civil En ineer.. Wngscape Designer: StrtlkVEal Engineer. 5- Boucher & Heureux, Inc Soreln deNiord Design Studio Webb Strudc. tural Services, In 648 American Legion Hwy. 43 Weliwood Road 670 Maih Street MA 02790 Portland, ME 04103 Reading, MA 01867 Westport, - 508�36a�905 207d00-2450 781779-1330 aheureux@boucherandheureux.com soren@sorendeniord.com mikerebfiss.net Lm{utht General ReDairements 8 ff$ 4 4y 1. All wank shall comply wlfh federal state and local budding codes and rel7ulations. '''y`)"', s ,t_ ,.,,� _ , __k ,:.� •'" - 2 Ali mechi electrical and plumpingwork shall he performed PY subcontractors litensed in the state in winch- �; - - work is been performed. _ � 3. AN subcontractor shag provide cenlfiration of general liability in�nce and wnrkmarl9 tdmperlsation coverage, as DfaWln- - +• 4>' utred b Ifi Ge era[ Contractor 00f,Cr Lead 1200 0411, nfy Lovol 2392 fq• ft, Tate, #1lliglIld eras 3811 sq: ft Unfinished Booment 839 31.ff, Gerage 758 sq.ft, j Screened Parch 260 sq•ft, Wdoor Living 356 wit. i Master Roof deck i 400 aq,ft, 4�General ContracRor shag coardfin'at9 anftr obtain all building per R its required far con4ttuc[icn Mil certificates of 5 Geoccuneral Comrador shall be solely respeilsible for all construction meartis, methods teeMdiques, and procedures. 7 1 6. General Comrador shag be responsible' for all aspects of safety @uric building constnldion ar1r1 shall provide * ` * adequate shoring and bracing to ensure such safety. 7. AN dmensons and site conditions to pe Held verified and shag bt the responsibility cif the deneral Contractor. The for to commedcerfitn of work. - _ General Car shag notify ZeroErergy Design of any discrepancY P 6. h shah be the responsibility of the General. Contradorto locate al existing utilities vAti eir indicated on the plans a not, and to protect them from damage. s. All details, sections, notes, or references to other drawings are intended to be typical, to. During canstrudion, and prior to fie incorporation of arty changiis, revisions, mcaldirtiotts arWor deviations from the construction dgcumenta, cortrador shag bring to the attention of Zero Energy Design and obtair approval from the governing bUldirg pffidal before pripMedirig with the work. 11. The manufacturers. Products, arid equipment listed in the drawings arid spedriut'06; e"Ash performance } R requirements- Substitutions of equal performance may be submitted for ZeroEnergy Design's approval. 12. All materials shall be installed per inangfadurees kmtnxtionsfspeaficdtions unless nihenmse specified. - p 13. Specific notes anddetailson drawings shall take precedence over general notes and typical details. where no details are skovm Eonsirucnon shall con Form to similar work on the proieot - s are intended to d4lde the basis far open 14. Drawing;, specalions, and atY wbseguent addenda & change Pr car 1 F completion of the tyork suitable for On intended use of the Owner. Anything not expressly set forth du[ which is reasonably imfereg or necessaryfor propef performance of the project shall be included. i t Y General CorLtruc ion Notes Civil Notes: `Jl� See Ciwl's site plan for adc'ttona.,' ragpl ements. 3 Debris- Remove debris within 7-U' pf building. Exterior Grate- Sicpe grade 5% to drain away from building. �'�"°'^"'• Soil gas control- AN walls, roof and'Ioprs in carted with the ground shag be constructed to resist the leakage of soil gas from the grouidto the building. A passive sub -dab depressurization system in acwo dimce with the supplementary guidelines shag be prgvided:. 1 vent pipe, min. 4" diameter, per 150o sF of slab area vented through roof. - Structural Notes See Structured plans - Architectural Notes Dip edge- Provide t" drip edge on flgshmg over openings in exterlow wags. Attic access, openl,ng 22" X 30" min. with weatherstripping. Wood protection- wood framing membersthat are not pressure treated with a mood preservative and which are supported on concrete in contact withi. the ground shall be separated from the comets by at least 6 mil poly or equal. Stair dimensions fah interior and exterlar staire- refer to drawings for actual dimensions) "°�" `T °'m,,,,�• - '�� TMTMTM� -� Minimum riser height ...:. 6' ' 1 Maximum riser hersfrt .. 8 i/." Minimum tregd depth....... 9" Minimten noting ..3r". Maximum nosing -1. A" L, a*Ah Minimumhekdroom .:6-9" c .+�"°"'•°+ t >, Minimum width 3'-0`,. Handrails arid Guards ��«_�✓'t�" { ` Handrail minimum height.. 7-1 Ir ry " Handrail makimum height- 3 2" f` vt fa 2 yi1 r` Guard minimum height.........3 Note: A clearance a not less the 1 W shall be provided between handrail and any surfbe behind it. Bedroom egress- Min. one window par bedfoom shag have a min. riot dear opening or $.9 St, a min. net dear k��� fy - opening height of 24", a min. mei Gear cape ring width of 20", and a sip height of not mcfe (hart 44" horn the floor unless otherwise spedfiel in window specifiratioq (not applicable is there is a [loot w! dared aeo6ss to the exterior on that 'ravf•"i'"•'r° - level). Interior doorfr Undercut all doors 1 t2? min. Coat closets (1) Rod and (1) shelf Mr:. Na - - Sort ion Linen closet& (4) rihelves min. and 1'-T deep min. - 2 dhanpea to (Sricing Set ditad �,1 S"2016 01 1. 6 Mechaniral,,Electrical and Ptumbhf. N*.,. q A Conrdine an y _ 1$•0g,2� See Mechanical and Electrical Pans for additional requirements 5 A casp+tiark layout 'gym 01 11,7$ Range hoodt- vent to exterior wf non-comitustible dud. 6 I�YhBrio lavatloYj6 $l6ettigr 8 2•li® Dryer vent- upped and screened dryer vent, ducting installed to Wipe to extent Carbon monoxide detectors- Locate on each floor level and interconnect.: Smoke ddestors- Locate In each bedroom and outside common bedroom hallways, min; one per level _ - - •-^-•- - - ZeraEnrMY Design ' 156 h.klK �i Ste Buildind Cade State[nent ul USE: Project shall conform to the Ninth Edif3on of the The projar#'s 0 shall be a single Massachulie to Ouliding Code (780 vMR); family regildontial dwL'!;t'g, Intemationei Rsaldontiai Cade 2013 wlttt Malilachhtt9e04 Arriond.monts, CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA i ND WINDpeaiDN 9urPJECTTO0WA®FPRofvl � ICE FLOOD AIR MEAN QR2t1Nt7 SEISMIC I WINTERDESIGN _.rN�gT .1._.e DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDS FREEZING ANNUAL ZONING - District: R1 (Residential) Min. Lot Area: SF SNPW --,_ DESIGN Y CATEGofi r TEMP. REQLARED - INDEX TEMP l LOAD EPEE TOP0. WRAT1,1611 i LINE } TBRMITE spsed 135 F Min. LotFrontage: 135 FT Max Lot Coverage: NIA (� , phi EFFECTS DEPTH t _ — Max Building Coverage: 15% .. ...a. ._�..j.Y�. Nei 4alinch i Sligmtq - 0°F Yes Yes NIA NIA Max. Building Height: 28 FT 35pif I10h No Ma elide Setpacks: i I Front 30 FT Side: 25 FT Rear. 30 FT Boston, MT 021019 T. 617-T20-5002 F. 866-101.3850 wavv2e+oEnergy.— DARTMOUTH MODERN RETREAT 148 Mishaum Point Road Dartmouth, MA 02745 COVER PAGE Date Scale 1302s� 201$ cated VENT TWOUGHW 1 . I � G-- • i i — � },, I F ,..— FtT4 ec#',r€FTI,�N tr�iTl=itsSrC3rNl._fAi';f14F: { _ { tvf, wT WhHnFITRCJ - R prr .. All* ON #I Po , f 1 � _ i i I I ; , � � 1 t ,.} ` l:s) I I i h - .,, ro Ene,I` V „ s i. VRTEPl0R0WJ46KPlVAKlNtOPtJf,IOfOFID+ AI WALL P1�,�6#��Ih+Fei W�i6k IT�.InaaN�k�FRri^--Fi CRAP I !,� rx ti�HT�F1L� i~� k"dtFNif'R F�4f1lh+ �. ALLI�t dldRr�A�TI t�r� Q JtF°tiN�,i+, 2E�a�aarN A��tt&TICri6t9tifilreJLAlIsaNAiAllltafi€KTI�Y BEr�Pr�.+rtisA.!��ATNM��,1f:4pTI1K+ti� �Fff'`r��l�l�fi A� IHbATI�;�vd9 A 5iA gT FXVr3,� ............. 'p MCI NfC�AMa k ttCnta,. . _ Pim is 4t.itiA TVf w,C11GkA t+RM U. AP,lt st+;<(l If IP}AiA l h AP ),014QArA N 1= Milo'.. rhL tEr: FHALI L2044e UL .L+2015 AAPKCAOEE, WITH tPOWR bhW R0 'N? Ct4ALLrbk € 'IAN W GiNdtfi.tiHPOUC-HPiUPA) T4MFCvoivgw2) dja V v "M*J ALL OrIr s A�, tF*Lt PC ArIAfQVV 0 AN'0t JET C A� P HIAi,L nE IN'it A I'll,EI) tNACCCANCC WftlI71ic MAf1i�AC?,�:~ i� IN.t€,.15;tP°�•h€ I i� �r+rft t�tr �iFtAl �i 1 n�le� SA�I�.Y =A� g<=?exFRI.�f�l�kH9tfl ;e R P$A>NE:1,fr�,tiAil4+�L1kAI��iU�rg�iaH€� � fl. � M P# 9LtA`x 'r:?viik;4lh' Fl t0% F?(1"x2A' ItT EIT itr �t.ry'jlr�7 Ah It !:lH'tc ra rr�F�� kr,��iJ�el•�la � r� changus to pfidig1tt dA°NO, d — GA is willna —all obis b 2, 1,1k Well #pro�rsor ReNfgH �_ dost4ri MA 02100 i, ti1ii�4.5t7Ua �, d6�2rt.3isG -- fDARTMQUTH MOMMN RETREAT 148 MiShAUM Poltit had bartr�owth, MA 01740 WEMENT/ FOUND. C DIAGRAM Project Aurr.par Dots Noverno.er 10, 209 1•-�E'EkK.�j' bieE-;11'�Y-fC�,��'ib�'M�if4 SShIT f E :i 3Ii4Ri4!KJ -__�— T&('. WRC. SEE SPEC. vn LW LTA 14 =-' s f uo,rr,rEa�ufionaRR- LED O R ss OLIfLETFORWASHLE"T ?- 6Y tit Uf w LIGHTING IN ELEVATOR AS SPEWED oT a ` 1 , Rep BAE,ME f t _ . _... _.m_, _ _,. .. .,,, _-._.._... .. __ - ------ (,JT, # All MANTIM5 AtO Lk J a1 MH _ PHALL D€ ;x4 rMEfj b m)i,T RAt,iO-4 O = PfHARDW S1l TiO' T If WITH UL 217 OR9.L IRA 41,t U-19P., �HoL LW AbPROVEO AND L JANO AND WALL P 67A,1@19 IN ACCORDANCE MtfijMRtILI�d„ 1!F!PRS ?;?T �(I4N?;•: V = CARBON Mt.1 - CARBONMOIi?�fk G>1_it yf43��SitA �F'a. �1 PtJWER ALApma SP.4, OVINVALA IN CbMPLIANCE WITH M f k'N 0 Q'i f 1 TNRt? i -- R l5-3 AM T4 WU It 14TKgLfIONS . - r &troy [i L= C = AT OF KOviDE A HOT DrT.FCTiR €f1P Thf AMPI IT ENvIROMAENi ALL PF Tktal�9 goL�'B. Al T'� Jvm AND LISTED AN@ a OH L HP Ih fALLFri Ih Y Any > WITH THE MAWFAC !f R?. IkIUPIWi" A = ZEHNDER EPY tlHk.'-f F. f '-M Hl,'AJ to,30a a3 -= Nee"w@meG M'lF6VUWFR _ j ib ON Art54 AEA TYr ,MrT 6 AN 7=f7l ' a A 1 -E egy ` _) E C sy T R10�1,rat�=j'� �L�P� ,��Is�57ea1 r -� {�ra�7�fvf i ���`TFt � �Cla�yll4�lA! �c,f • 1 row wo, 7!. I ti rf i�2t=F xit i ryfAIf if WFp Wf .': $ t �l Hie C D W, D6!«''iMP. 1t € ar.)kK sir if, a!! ._. HPR , fANf fd hoof. E,Fi fl$t3kFYj - —1 " y A,SMA ELEYA;T��N A _ _ t i AUNT L�1f i�f�ly � � _ OAUNA LVA"�iQN C - � _ _= y $ , VRA LT"PON P { Pij 9 * 1 It � 4V �{��i aik .x Zeo n gy Y-I G ", � Air f`� F!hd5� �nl 4 �s ��1fiiNU�'t�'�'t�PSf4 0-i* rds, € i iAtlwo m �f7f?'•°A.41- EEwBIs.RHE?. .... 9.1 FlitH 1'AG�f f�t1A m1§0 g, rvoob € ic" H.t 34 ,-t}_1 A11#�Nd [ia�lFda�Hfi�F3 } €k44H $ P4 AL -L.-_ DARTMOUTH MODERN RETREAT 1 144 Mishau f4 POfIi Romil Opr€moadth, FAA 02746