BP-41961RESIDENTIAL 2005 RESIDENTIAL 2005 ,ti " _ Y R- CTIOPt$ 1. Date plan reviewed: 2e 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: /1/G y" ,,- r',a�f-v APP C'ANTNOTIFICATION,0 SQL-00, .,,..-r..,.SEGTION ,.c Clerk: Applicant inforipeo of above Dat : (/ Time: Clerk: Comments: 4 tiny ; t„II �.,{�,.SECT;tONiO.OFFICi\1NSPkGTOR'SNOTES Total Permit Fee: $ S � - Q © Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance. $ TOTAL FEE: / 3 © G Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. 7— Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To, /2/4 /1° / S r{A-x? /7C A /L U 4 %U /? dl 6 V S C r- ev C V /n/ 4-- Co%" 1'4AI kh 711 7 S-C cia-/ /? //77 /1 C-C C ! /zn�- eLrEL -.05,M`�`� SFCTIO'�YII. ADDFITahpY,�o141MENTSIsxETCfIEs "-h„W Y _a. Ff,I �lS ee- ❑ FO UNDA TION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE 8i NON -TRANSFERABLE: L1iiI !.,I LDATE RkbVED <� \ DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT ;1 zi ii 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 --- 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING S CTIO IFOROFFICIALQSEOIVLY - - taEa' 3 I t' ffl . •• iesa a:i ' ' 4 '�X . f': , tt At11ELL'VG PE&4llT NI71rBER t ii4 DATE SENT FOR REYSEW../?'rDATF.ISSDED y .. p R?v:• { .I tom'# DATE"il SIGNATURE - Fi""' -0hT0ISSUE - Bwtdiug,CommisstoaerIIn Zonin"Dist�cts 'Proposed>re '' Zone. C'QB`�A QV odui eFloodZone �q ferZoue=� -THEFOLLOWINGAGCIESSBOU]. ES[OTIFIED +` { i S s14 y Lt' .} jt1t}-'STY £ QBoardoftQ ardof onCom�I.�;LI-Demo §"'Q , !Appeals - " •. ealth' ,u I>u°�ffidactt `Cnrd.Seut iM`= Cttt Off *Follow Yrp* �,.' H- 1 _ r,.,.__: 'n.Y'ar r, �' � ` - tl>; F� " sQ Frze Q Gas Q Planumg Board* , q Sewer Card : QWafer Card ,; i, ❑Zoning QOther- Chref t Cut Off t7 t) Cut Off L Gut Offa Renew* 3 t' * a-k 4� 1 -'ijl, t*n't j4� Y � - re � 'S� re •� S + •�,,.iI REQti[RESINSPECTOWSREVIEWBEFORE=THE-fSSU NCE:OFAPERMIT.!u - I ��d ,t ��EP...RTM ALAPPROV' Zoning Review: Signature: LG/ f� Date: Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: Signature: Date: I�A j Board of Health: Signature: - / Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signa ate: ✓ p Description of work being performed - ,., NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes ❑ no 1.1 Property Address: OF Q. 1.2 Assessors Plat of Number: Plat Lot !n` Nearest Cross Street: (2.N,; ti -Tol 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes ❑ no Subdivision Name: Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: L Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ryes ❑ no Date: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1 �L5 Sewage Disposal System: kl d 'T U•1 t v J( 4 ,,Tee . o w eaA v 1 tm'V ^ Well ElMunicipal ❑ On Site Disposal'System ❑ Municipal56rivate . - II SdA l a,. &i .?Ke wetl 4d/2. a2 m y UA dkH i5 oo-l�aif7 QJ Unl �� _ p C:\bldg.fors\Bldgapp.res.wpd r �} /yQ� cl Lot Page 1 rX � gwN toT A' A C:lbldg.fornts\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. June 26, 2003 Rev. June 26, 2003 RESIDENTIAL 2005 IOwner ofRecord: Q (� a Name (print) f Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, stare ',°one") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place -Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 omeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only r A FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO MTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings orbvuctures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the proposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section si bellow: , A/ k^),W Signature: N Your signature carves certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability L C. RESIDENTIAL 2005 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance (see Appendix of 780 CMR RS 2.15) vSECTION 4 rWORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFE76AYIT(MGI fi:152 § 25)NO Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building pemtit. Signed Affidavit Attached:❑ yes ❑ no (i*I�„., 't,,,,,;?,w,y�°SECTIONS-DESCRIPTION"OF PROPOSED WORK`:(checkall"appheabJe) -�"elz = £,t?„ aN.tY,.Tr ,eW}u�F ?„, ❑ new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy -report required) fireplace emolition ❑ deck ❑ pool H•accessory bldg W rj ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other k0specify (s'1ed'a:araee) no. ofwindov, doors(specify below): w * If new construction, please complete the following: �G Single Family: no. of bedrooms uo. of baths vi Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I no. of baths unit 1 no, of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other BfiefDescription of Proposed Work: W .t C e, c 'J. u G O. M r o ZU fa l d./o I -F Gt = GESTIMATED,CONSTRUCT'ION COSTS`t„tr 44,(!I;SECTION Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. BuildinIlo a z, 2 Electrical 3. Plnmbin!� 4. Mechanical HVA 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) *Estimated Total $ SE('ION 7A pWVF.StAUTAORIZA_TTON t- �(+{t ,iril tobecom letedwlienoener'9'a ent`orcontracrora h�`sffortiuddtnpermit) tiff �F...t a { 3 i'1-H+attgtKi f ,el b ItLi. fl.. ti, =�HtIU ttI ti N'i(e.h.Ek,s. � .r. K�i3SSIt{I'�� lil .tlh+° t� k6 , (please print) I, as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date t ,"} G u iyz *'i a9 I ti �S+E(a'tt tar, d'.„. raise<+d11it R!,. :fir , 4i;:i Pt o _`s" ENT L P_ wSJrt I r LW C a , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Signature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date CAbldg.formslBldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 - Rev. June 26, 2003 CAbldg. forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. June 26, 2003 ✓ 1 SLOCUMS R/bER Ar v / + x 31 o < r .y- r / ROPO yFsf' fLOPO �O I 1 1 ° — — — — — — — — — N2723'401E iEc>< LOCUS 9° \\ j / / 92 3x3 x \ 1 / / \ \ DARTMOUTH �a \\ 1 /I o / �------------ \ PILE OF 1 \ BOULDERS SITE LOCUS NOT TO SCALE \ 04 7/ LOT-3 Z,— OAK / / \ 1 \ \. \ J'l. x , AP 9 LOT 31-3 403 - a , x ,' / / 1 r PROPOSEf)------- �._ 48'"x24'B-RRW----- -_ _-_ - cht---_- - PILE OF X MAPLE / / / / / // x / / i I 12^ / \ \\ ' BOULDERS / 1 / MAPLE —\ " BENChI MARK \ ry ( \\/ Q------- r SPIKE SET IN 12� MAPLE TREE NE / 41.67' N.G.V.D. 1929 LOT-1 O O SW 4ai ELEVATION >< / �CK U / r (. RETAINING WALL \� ) \ / / // // , // /'' �• 20. S / J 19W44aa MAP 9 LOT 31-1 I t \\ / BW 4L4 / p, POPLAR x BARN43.3 r \ x422 ass 1 'f 1sPRuce \ OVERHANG CHICKEN COOP SP10* RUCE UN�DER,ROUND ELECTRIC- //�� SHED wo 3. / i/II SPRUCE / K q 437 / CHERRY \44 PINE / SPRUCE X 4' CHERRY // \ \ \ /' �/ , • CEDAR LOT-4 //' \\ // i �q� I\ MAP 9 LOT 31 z� 110 \ \ r\ _ ' 1 �3"CHERRY _——__—._--- — '- / 44'4x m , CEDAR I PINE\ \ APPLE MAPLE\ N CEDAR / I LOT-5// / STONE / I / MAP 9 LOT 31-4 PILLAR CLOTHES / / D / / I LINES �w (�'� APPLE / CEDAR / 2, ���X s� X 1 h ,7 LjJ / \ CEDAR X FIRE PIT 3" SPRUCE 44.4 SEPTIC TANK Ls' C..J , 3.t�f� �y RIM=44.27 \ 6" CHERRY 44.4 TREE �S.i / \\ 10 0 J 10 20 F ILL, i 3' ` TREE 19 ` !t'\ TREE ,{ O SCALE: 1 INCH = 10 FEET w z w 3 x p Ln Z 0 0 P a b a W Q N p I C4 N W O p O M O N o! Z W 0 W Z � H- to o a O N 1[1 N IZ' W m O 0 0 O II O Z W J p Q U O V1 H Ld Z D = 1n o U w _1 O Q o n `` m Za LLI w Q� a� W � Ir o �— � in p 0 era •m a n �2 $ f � � p m _ Tod : wOo� Q K, �J I • W c • n\ J 1 nmm W Y Yoga W N M J x gj z m O � • z x:�& m�0 _ �rc6o S W J�N no m J <V FILE#: 20130024PR.dwg A Copy of This Endorsed Plan raluSt Be Kept On site Date O TYPICAL 18" STEP IN GARAGE BAY ENTRY AREA n 4, 01, - — — -- — — — — — — ALL NON -ENCLOSED POST 8 BRACES TO BE WHITE OAK 12" 50NO TUBE P05T CONNECTION TO BE CB88 COLUMN BASE ON ALL INTERIOR WHITE OAK P05TS TOP OF RIDGE h +3 51/2—E 1 X 12 VERTICLE BOARDS SECOND FLOOR + 20'-o" FIRST FLOOR + 10'-0" 42" FROST WALL W/ 18" STEP AND 4' RETURN INTO BUILDINGATOP A 10" X 20" CON'T FOOTING WHITE OAK HA7 10" THK GONG. FOUNDATION ATOP A loll X 20" CON'T CONC. FOOTING TOP OF RIDGE (;)NEST ELEVATION I/4 1 0 � NORTH ELEVATION 1/4 - 1 GENERAL NOTE5: ALL 2ND t BRD FLOOR MATERIAL t SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN WHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LOWER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE WHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN ❑ APPROVED ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE t RESuBMrt NAME: DATE: TI415 FRAME HAS BEEN ENGINEERED 1 X 12 VERTICLE BOARDS COND FLOOR h + 20'-0" ZST FLOOR + 10' -O" 'OST CONNECTION .B.D. ' FR05T WALL OF A 10" X 20" N'T GONG. FOOTING > > > > > 0 m (A zz Q Lu l'3 W fLx U Q 0. 0 U z o ,ATM G; Q — ERNEST D. LU �� ,_ GEORGE, JR. ` No. 29309 LLI 6 O 105 South County Post and Beam Q +� ;se drawings are the property of South County Post and a C w Jm and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of = j s project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated u 0 used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, n = 3 ;tion or owner without the express written consent of i m Ith County Post and Seem. edence notes on these drawings are typical and applyto all parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication 'or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of 1 0, 14' To A' C-,- EAST ELEVATION 114" a 11-011 I X 12 VERTICLE BOARDS TOP OF RIDGE IV + 35 -E SECOND FLOOR + 201-011 FIRST FLOOR 42" FROST NALL W/ 18" STEP AND 4' RETURN INTO BUILDING ATOP A 10" X 20" CON'T FOOTING — ,5 SOUTI-I ELEVATIO\1 1 /4" = I' GENERAL NOTES: ALL 2ND t 3RD FLOOR MATERIAL t SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN WHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LONER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE WHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN CUSTOMER SIC fN OFF ❑ APPROVED ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE t RESUBMIT NAME: DATE: THI5 FRAME PAS BEEN ENGINEERED OAK NAY BEAM /ERTICLE 3 O U O O O O _O > > > > > Q J CIO lid Z Q D ~ 3 0 _(0 < U Q Q CL U 1 Q M J W � 0 imim � O L 13 a )05 South Countv Post and Beam :se drawings are the property of South County Post and -M t +— xn and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of Z -s (n a project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated M Q used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, jyl C L11 3tion or owner without the express written consent of 0 o W x th County Post and Beam. .cucncc notes on these drawings are typical and applyto all parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication 'or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of discrenoncies OCK SCREW 2" CATION @ PLATE LOCATIONS (4) TIMBERLOCK SCREWS NE BOARDS 811 MIN W/ 2" PENETRATION [R RAFTER AT EACH BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION THROUGHOUT BLDG AT EAVE LOCATIONS 'OST TOP BOARDS ZNDARY FRAMING 1,1D WINDOW OPENINGS ATOP BOARD SECTION 7NRU NALL (2) TIMBERLOCK SCRE FOR RAFTER TO PLATE ♦; PUR CONNECTIONS @ TRUSS RAFTE BENT I 1/4" = I'-011 1 121-011 1 121-011 1 3 BENT 3 1/4" = 11-011 I 1 "1' —U" I 12' — U " I 2 BENT o2 2 X B RAFTERS TO BE TIMBERLOCK SCREWS FOR RAFTER TO PLATE 8 PURLIN CONNECTIONS @ ALL RAFTERS A +b +6 b 8°x10" v VIXII FI 77 AI co o) (Y do 03 o] 21-611 TYP. BRACE U.N.O. 8'x10° BEN(' 4 1/4" w 11-011 GENERAL NOTES: ALL 2ND t BIRD FLOOR MATERIAL t SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN NHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LOWER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE WHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN CUSTOMER SIGN OFF ❑ APPROVED ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE t RESUBMIT NAME DATE: THIS FRAME HAS BEEN ENGINEERED ERNEST D. GEORGEJR. No. 2609 :se drawings are the property of South County Post and Inn and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of I project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, Ition or owner without the express written consent of th County Post and Berm. O O O O O j j } }j z LU [a Q ( 3 0 o�wQw (a Q _ a o u _J Q W J J Q z � O W� O L o m� Li o ^ :n CQ a In .c ucr 1tc notes on these drawings are typical and applyto all (parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication "or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of TeFal eiiarrvnnnriPa -k - L Ifo -v 1. 161-0" 1 A WALL A 1/4" - 1'-0" Em C WALL C I/4" = 11_0" 16'-011 16'-011 I_ 16'-011 8 IWALL oB TIMBER POS- Ix12 BOARD; NAIL @ 6" SPACINI TO POSTS CL GRADE BEAM! ' I I Wo BACKER BOAR[ (2) CSIG STRAPS @ ALI POST TO PLATE CONNECTION LTP4 @ 12" O.0 2x8 DBL. P.T. SILL PLATE b11 ANCHOR BOLT @ 6' O.G. 12" MIN FROM ALL CORNERS #4 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 2 @ TOP, MIDDLE t BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION 10" THK FOUNDATION ATOP A 1011x2011 CON'T CONC. FOOTING Vx(o11 T4G ELECT DECKING FRANE t FOUNDATION CONNECTION 1 1/2"=I'-O" 0 I 0 —ROVIDE SECONDARY FRAMING )R DOORS t WINDOWS 3 NEEDED JT THRU TIMBER POST x6 BACKER BOARD SPACED 16n Ixl2 BOARD; NAIL @ 6" SPACING TO POSTS C GRADE BEAMS WALL SECTION PLAN VIEW 2 ! 1/2"-1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: ALL 2ND 4 3RD FLOOR MATERIAL 4 SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN NH'ITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST 4 BRACES ON LONER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE NHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN CUSTOMER SIGN OFF ❑ APPROVED ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE 4 RESUBMIT NAME DATE: TH15 FRAME PAS BEEN ENGINEERED OF ERNEST D. GEORGE, JR. Na 29309 ;se drawings are the property of South County Post and Inn and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of I project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, Rion or owner without the express written consent of th County Post and Beam, Hlie $ Z� W LU •• O� U- W U u �Oil m 1 13- U IN a Ce O O O O_ O_ a LJ o - o " _ N J 0 m 10 LU CL U AHD4 1� 4 n W� -C O 7 L W � i x IL notes on these drawings are typical and opplyto all parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication ,or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of discrepancies. To F 1 025' 3 2 r--'�BARN POST FOOT PLAN \ 1/411 = 11-011 611x1011 � I X aD K810-011 co O X 0 I 0 X � X X 41 6 10 I O x X ; JL 0 .x 6 6 1 6 1 6 10 6 10 WIXIT 811XI I-011 611x11-01 8 MXI1-011 811x11-011 511x11-011 81X11_011 8110-011 810-011 6110-011 6 10 6 10 0 6 10 b I b x10 6 10 6 I 8'1X1011 12' -011 121-011 DFIRST FLOOR FRAME 1/4" = 11_01, i S ■ ■ ■ N I s D-� SECOND FLOOR FRAME va° GENERAL NOTES: ALL 2ND t 3RD FLOOR MATERIAL t SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN WHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LOWER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE WHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN _ CUSTOMER SIGN OFF ❑ APPROVED ❑APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE t RESUBMIT NAME: DATE: THIS FRAME HAS BEEN ENGINEERED G w w w w w (Y AC (Y fY (Y O -J 3 LU LU H OF ' f<^fii^ < sf 1� 37 9� ERXEST D. 5G 111ME. AL No. 2M S N ai j�at L w O bN4L4-3 fSj6/� A 7 L 6 �05 South County Post and Beam p me drawings are the property of South County Post and i � Im and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of �/ s project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated u M 0 used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, o Rion or owner without the express written consent of m th County Post and Beam, notes on these drawings are typical and applyto all (parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication /or installation and notify South County Post and Beam ofT4Fs3 diarronnnriaa PAY ,—,.I A. n..n oAGT C= 1 121-011 �. 12'-01I L a BARN ROOF PLAN 114" = II-011 GENERAL NOTES: ALL 2ND t 3RD FLOOR MATERIAL t SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN WHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LOWER LEVEL TO BE FULL SIZE WHITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN CU5T_0MER SIGN OFF ❑ APPROVED []APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE ! RESUBMIT NAME: DATE: THIS FRAME PAS BEEN ENGINEERED :se drawings are the property of South County Post and im and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of a project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, Won or owner without the express written consent of Ith County Post and Beam. U wo gg.s O � ULLI u � Y N W �3 u �o a LL1 n� m J LL O Q U U W O 1� Z Q z � z Q w1L 0 � O w Z +-) 'O II� V! W W a N ecenee notes on these drawings are typical and opplyto all parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication ,or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of J:-------- . -Tok a4 - (1) H2.5 HURRICANE @ EACH RAFTER TO PL. AND RIDGE CONNEC" r 10'-3" iF I -t -Z /B 1 --VS I F BENT 5 8 (2) TIMBERLOCK SCREWS 11 OIr1/C T/'Y i]I'1GT //"A AIC/'YI/IAIG 30' -0" W WALL E E 1/4" TVP11I A 1 /�..ff P1 A rT rf1/` x I 21-47�611'921-47/jll (2) TIMBERLOCK SCREWS @ ALL POST TO PLATE CONNECTIONS I 111—n1/BII ID E 5 BENT 6 $ 7 N in I in WALL F 101 S)-)NALL 1)1/4" = 1'-011 E ►Z� F= TYPICAL 6x6 EXTERIOR P05T TIMBER POST (2) CS16 STRAPS ® ALL POST TO PLATE CONNECTIONS 2xB DSL. P.T. SILL PLATE g" ANCHOR BOLT Q 6' O.C. 12" MIN FROM ALL CORNERS #4 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 2 i TOP, MIDDLE 1 BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION' 0 A u d• POST FOOT DETAIL @ SPED I►51 6x6 INTERIOR POST TO SIT ATOP 10" DIAM. SONO TUBE W/ 3'x3' GONG. FOOTING 9'-6° 10'-3° 30'-0" 7 BARN POST FOOT PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" ALL 2ND 6 3RD FLOOR MATERIALS SILL PLATE TO BE EASTERN WHITE PINE, ROUGH SAWN ALL INTERIOR POST t BRACES ON LONER LEVEL v TO BE FULL SIZE NNITE OAK, ROUGH SAWN CUSTOMER SIGN OFF �Yl ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑REVISE t RESUBMIT NAME: ERNEST D. y� {• I�� GEORGE, JR. '^ /.� DATE: No. 29309 �" I: �/ � -C O H i r J W )� yPO.c �QJSTEa�4""r .� O THIS FRAME HAS BEEN ENGINEERED Cs/O.ygy el� _ J 02005 South County Post and Beam 6 1(,�/'I n / These drawings are the property Of South County Post andw= �1 -C (, Beam and have been specifically prepared for the Owner of JIli this project at this site and are not to be copied, duplicated u BARN ROOF PLAN or used in part or whole for any other purpose, project, -- location or owner without the express written consent of 0 South County Post and Beam, a �1 Z 7 z z z LU w w-w w z L LQ [Q Q ~ nW (n :K u notes on these drawings are typical and applyto all parable conditions. Contractor shall field verify all ensions and relations to other work before fabrication ,or installation and notify South County Post and Beam of discrepancies. IN