BP-636v': 0( 7 17 9 --q " RCe)36 RC1334t-is 36 RANGE Ct g-6 82 I'S z q I BEDROOM 7' A 7' 1: 9FF REF. 7 m //,-0" o. R Y� I ,em A III SMO"� yC�Cps C[41 rC oow IN L c- � _ 284Z (+jtJu.kitl _. INSvtill r? vk , - A G_v i CEIUVG t,ioul".TES' 0`Yi.N ! 62, 7 Li 0 IcarF V. ji FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR 40,2f FINISHED FIRST FLOOR N/A _ TOP OF FOUNDATION N/A FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR N/A INVERT AT FOUNDATION 35.9= INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 35.461 INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 35,20 INVERT INTO D-BOX 34.90 INVERT OUT OF D-BOX 34,731 11INVERT AT INLET OF PIT 32,4 iPd'oERT A=EP4D 6� ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTEN 28.0 ELEVATION OF G.W.T, 22.4 ASSESSORS MAP 10, LOT 2 AREA: 38.22 AC. I I EXIST, FINISHED GRADE 37,0i. 35,9t 34.90 F TH OUTLET SLAB 34.73 40.25 S, 2% S= 3% EXIS 32.535.6 EXIST, EXIST. EXISTING ! z s s° EXIST. 1000 GALLON 4 ; 35zo EXIST, 4.. PVC 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC SOLID PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL 32.4 SYSTEI&I PROFILE NOT TO SCALE ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVAL FIN, GRD, 36.8 [fall WRAO&P&It? PIT #1 :cC) 0000 0000 EXISTING PIT F. o0oo00o0 "" S;7 FIN. GRID. 36.8 r PIT #2 T 000000 PROPOSED PIT 000000 THIS PLAIN IS FOR THE UPGRADING OF AN EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM TO CURRENT TITLE 5 AND DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH REGULATIONS. EXIST, WELL 2.t 0 CONC, WALL N/ 38 EXISTING 1000 GAL. CONE. SEPTIC a0 39 W /PVC INLFT TEE E< m CONC. OUTLET TEE t� U 39_r > (D o MW to (1 (D I I I- I C No77 I 36 I/ /� �� � M. I INSTALL DISTRIBUTION BOX ROCk EXISTING 6' DIA, 4' DEPTH CONIC, LEACHIN OUTCROP I I PIT W14' OF WASHED WASHED STONE AND I SURROUNDINGCOARSE I \ (� / 1 I PEA STONE COVER 5 oL I �I � � �41 /I - I Io�,..0 28, Z (\ I \I \ l 12' I 1 NO ALTERATION OF EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE REQUIRED 37.1 I BARN RN IT I INSTALL NEW 6' DIA, 3.5' DEPTH PIT I 1 AS SHOWN IN LEACHING PIT SECTION Il Ili 3q3 137 \�1 BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION l REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED 1 DRIVE 35 37 38 70 @gRReyS ✓OY Rp SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' BENCHMARK: PAINTED SQUARE ON CORNER OF GARAGE APRON ELEV. 40.00 (approx. N.G.NI.D.) I' !s N'c. t D signed I o Q�& r� grinder, Whirlpool . 0the rligh hater Use Devices. EXIST, GIRD. 36.8 E L 36.8 SEF NOTE P9 - - E L 32,83 E L 32.0 - I bus 2"-1/8"-1/2" WASHED �z . PROPOSED I� � STONE 3/4"-1 1/2" I 1 55' COARSE 42" ' 42" WASHED STONE _ 3/4"-1 1/2" EL 28.5u� �J s" WACOASHED M� I EL 28.0 I STONE E L 22.4 LEI ���zr':'G PII SECTION %q7 T,, •4 L` L( LOT `-- ENGINEERS AS-BU!LT ?LAN & CERTIFICF; ION STATEMIENT REQU�'LED 0 7 N EM i LOT 2 38.22 AC. c1 N W RIDING FIELD APT.IGARAGE BARNS to m 77 130't (S) 266.2' ;l LOT I :. e�TICVI PLA6, C' +LE: I" = 200' Sc I. The sanitary sewage disposal fysten shown hereon shall lie constructed in accordance with U,e requirements of Title V of the state environmental I code and local r Jt Board of cal [a ih�Lol u t th AnV i Ci cas design I+r( I �- _ must be approved in writing by' the engineer and 3 the Board of Health prier to implementation. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for inspection, prior to backfilling. 1 �� 5'-8" I `i I I 4. If [Unf limit ion of construction is required by an PVC CONE - / engineer, notify this office prior to Lackfill of i ice °fo . ILi, J the system. U -- --- - -- -- - ° 5. Cunt tact ar shall verify a�.d chuck bench - I _ m. rk as shown on this plan Prio, . to construction of the Proposed system. - _--- 6. Soil logs indicate soil ccndition , percolation rate, and water table elevation found at the time and location of actual testing and shoulJ be ���111 EXISTING verified at the time of construction. PRECAST 7. The septic tank shall be a 1000 gallon Linhares c 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK Precast, Rotondo, or eyu i va lent unless otherwise specified. The inlet and outlet pipes are to be NOT TO SCALE fitted with tees of proper length. Concrete strength is to be 4000 psi, 28 days, and reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh and conform to all ASS11"10 II-l0 loading requirements unless otherwise specified. BASIS ®6p. S�ITRY DESIGN 8. If any components of the proposed system are f specified as heavy duty, those comporents shall conform to all State and Local requirements for ASSHTO II-20 loading. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 2 GARBAGE GRINDER NONE 0. Septic tank, distribution box, and leaching pit (if any) access manhole covers are to be built up ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW 220 GAL/DAY to within 12" of finis?ed grade unless otherwise SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK 1000 GAL. specified. PERCOLATION RATE 6 MIN/INCH 8 19 MIN/INCH ]0. The distribution box and septic tank shall be DESIGN RATE 20 MIN/INCH place) on a minimum 6" composted gravel base to LEACHING AREA PROprevent heaving or settling. . �!I ED SIDE: 2 PITS X 2 ( 3A ) 4' HEIGHT = 326,7 S,F, II. The pipe between the house and the septic tank BOTTOM: 2 PITS X ( dd:-A_ )2 = 265.4 S.F. shall be 4" extra heavy cast Iron, Sc-,edule 40 PVC, asbestos cement or Other material acceptable TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY to the approving authority, 'Ihu slope of this 326.7 S.F. X 0.5 GAL/SF/DAY = 163,3 GAL/DAY pipe must be a minim.m, of 0.01 (0.12 niches per 265,4 S.F. X 0,33 GAL /SF IDAY= 87,6 GAL /DAY foot). TOTAL= 250.9 12. The distribution pipe shall have a slope of 0.005 (6" per 100 ft. length). DEEP TEST DOLE INFORI114ATION 13. All joints must be watertight, sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent. -PERFORMED BY : K. FORTIER la. If Leaching facility and septic tank are located WITNESSED BY W HENDERSON at least 25' from the house foundat ton, a DATE : - foundation drain may be installed at the owner's JANUARY 21, 1993 discretion. 15. Excavate all unsuitable soil in the area of the T.P. #/101. (EL, 37,0) leaching system to the limits specified in Reg. 2.17 of Title V and replace with clean, coarse 0 - 40" LOAM, FILL, SUBSOIL sand and gravel. 40" - 70" TIGHT, SILTY FINE SAND 16. Any fill material required around the system, 70" - 96" MED-FINE SILTY SAND beyond the washed store, shall I e clean coarse washed sand, with a pert rate of less then 2 minures, free from flnus, clay, organics, Str:a,p, 96" - 188" MED-COARSE SILT'! SAND and stones. 6 MIN/INCH AT 94" GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 176" (EL. 22.3) 17. Grade of the first fir"' of Il:e I:ouse is approximate it may Lc rar--i but not lowered LOT 5 T.P, 102 tr t� _. . t, (�L. �6.�' 0 - 12" LOAM 12" - 32" SUBSOIL 32" - 54" TIGHT FINE SILTY SAND lq. i "` lea n, `-`i, � ai OI � ic�r Lt:is PI 11 ->! i i 54" - 96" MED-FINE SILTY SAND ,: s r etrJ Matcrtipl,t ,iti:ent hO� other pervious construction, in aeeorJance With 96" - 178" MED-COARSE SILTY SAND all local building department rel;ulatione. Future system enlargt emenmay require the .19 MIN/INCH AT 74" extension of these retaining malls. GROUNDWATER FOUND AT 166" (EL, 22.4) '-o• Top s" fitell to be topsoil. 21. No heavy equipment shall be run over the disposal system. 22. For proper performance, septic lank should be inspected annually and when the total depth of G �qo scum and solids exceeds 1/3, the liquid depth of 1 i Wit, - 1 the tank should be pumped. Great Neck plumbing in [he basement shall be limited to a '� washing machine if the invert of the outgoing pipe -� -�� �,• is higher than the fin i.s hod has ement floor, unless LOT4 I u..- c.� otherwise Ind Ira cede 24. If any haybale checkdams or silt fences are shown on plan, the P y :are to be staked in place prior to any construction or excavation and shall remain in ofo o �-,� place until all construction, regrading, -eQq replanti,yt, and inspections are completed. D6,t fRE �' R PPP 0 . FD �sm >-tOYDF r TTt;f �1 F Ij„r3Tn 35 ,,c�0 0 ,xft+roetAt.' '�..=1_ t �_t: hb (._ r_i.? , t1 I 25. The excavator shall notify the local Board of lth if C'i N a cle\is STATE PAR pee a ; ci�� F encountered groundwa to higher r or perched elevation terthan -�Ft o I -"-"-- indicated on plan. ._ o�k �tA�n J HO O �F�-PoR.Li rI,;.1: 01 z,a.., iY�ULTr=t i LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED 100----- „• � -�.� CONTOURS 9'X9 SPOT ELEVATIONS THE APPROVALBYTHIS OFFICE r% E I -- PROPERTY LINE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE � E P EDGE OF PAVEMENT Ea. EFFECTIVENESS OF r..%Y �_ - - STONE WALL IPeSTALLFifiOG LOCUS ��� WELL O DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEAUH - DEEP TEST HOLE r ___-_-_-_l LFACHINS TRENCH C� - - - - - - PLUMBING PPE - DARTHOOTH BLWIri DULRnkIT Thisplca the fined for rid eieredforzonhe andfand Irst ONLY SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSR� to indicate the intent far exh compliance. The applicant/owner wit �ZH Of q a�A a�P '-� submit a certified 'as built' plan to determine cowplia�e of the r` 1 KLNNEiH KATHY VON E 1 T F E L D P9 structure with zoaing placement requirements prior to way foundation S R w' IPA inspection or any further contraction- FEM iL �' �h o 3 156 BARNEY'S JOY RD. N y SO. DARTMOUTH IAA. �}}ryry o ,l1lNL u� / � i' �'� ��1 L � TM OF DARTtlLHtiH BUILDIIO hEPT41 il��_� ZONING DIST.. "� AQUIFER DIST: ;t l t '? 172 piuittm JSL � cEr �32bfarlb, Fr' Q2741' lT Ho F.I.R.K. ZONE L (el I Panel 1250351 00 '-DatE I j v�1 �o� -�Y: comment: f:�ryq K TH �� JOB NUMBER: OBE 1087 DRAWN B ( � BY: K;' 15n> R. SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNEE BY: R Z.B.A. ICTIOH: '� FERREIR.A CHECKEL �>!A EOU�Bm laiARTED case f ciT 110.28716 DATE: 2l1193 t I lYL-'2� E A COPY OF THIS PLAT TET ACMAII 117 W PIED LAI 9PS , F�7 _ o CONTACT PERSON: KENNETH E. FOPTIEP Mal= _ � � � S,a ADDRESS: 172 WILLIAM STREET TELEPHONE NUMBER: 997-6410