Narrative NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF SPECIAL PERMIT PETITION FOR AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE AT 1 REDWOOD STREET,DARTMOUTH,MA PREPARED BY: PRIME ENGINEERING,INC. P.O. BOX 1088 LAKEVILLE, MA PREPARED FOR: JEFFREY AND MARION WEBSTER OWNER/APPLICANTS FEBRUARY 2, 2021 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION It is proposed to construct a two-story pool house with bathroom facilities. This is an allowed use by Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. This Narrative has been prepared in support of that Petition. 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS The locus is a 1.1-acre parcel in the General Residence District that requires 15,000 square feet of area. The lot is improved with a 3,070 square foot single-family house that was built in 2001. The parcel is a waterfront lot on Clark's Cove. 3.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to construct an 18-foot by 42-foot pool with ancillary patio and a two-story pool house between the existing dwelling and the existing seawall. These improvements meet all the relevant dimensional requirements of the Zoning District. It is proposed to install bathroom facilities on both floors. No kitchen facilities are proposed on either floor in order to assure that the proposed structure will not be used as an independent residential unit on the property. Section 375-10.3B of the Zoning Code allows the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a Special Permit to allow the proposed bathroom facilities if the following requirements are met: 1) The Board of Appeals determines that the accessory building or structure will not be used as an additional residential unit on the property. The Board of Appeals shall determine, through a review of submitted building plans, that the nature of the proposed plumbing, wiring or other utilities is not proposed in such a manner so that the accessory building or structure could be used or converted into an additional residential unit. 2) If a Special Permit is granted, there can be an inspection once a year (after notice to the owner)to determine that the accessory building or structure has not been converted into an additional residential unit. Conversion will result in the revocation of the Special Permit after a public hearing in accordance with MGL Chapter 40A. The upper floor will, on rare occasion, be used as a bedroom by one of the Webster's grown children, all four of which live across the country. The absence of a kitchen will assure that the structure will not be used as an independent living unit. The minimum standards for human habitation 105 CMR 410.100 require kitchens for independent dwelling units. The Applicant will welcome annual inspections in order to demonstrate that the pool house is not being used as an independent dwelling unit. The Dartmouth Conservation Commission has already issued an Order of Conditions for these improvements. 4.0 CONCLUSION A pool house with bathroom facilities, but no kitchen, is clearly a use which is in harmony \A ith the general purpose and intent of that section of the Bylaw. PRIME ENGINEERING 1