Request for Determinationn/f Crissman n/f Teal Pond Nominee Trust WETLANDS AS DELINEATED BY DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION AS OF 7-30-99 5uzzards Bay LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE 1 Notes ALL WELLS FOUND WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE= 6.23% REFER TO APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN OF LAND IN DARTMO MA., DRAWN FOR MISHAUM NOMINEE TRUST, PLAN NO. SE 15915 DATED OCT. 1,1999 BY KENNETH R. FERREIRA ENGINEERING, INC. BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN OWNER: FERNANDO LEMOS 2 6 ' KEIR ASSESSORS MAP & LOT:MAP II, Portion of Lot 22 N " (Plan Lot 2) 9 ISi PF Q STREET LOCATION:MISHAUM POINT ROAD ENGINEERING FIRM: nneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 DATE: 4-25-00 SCALE: I" = 30' CONTACT PERSON: K.J.S. ADDRESS: same as above TEL: h. I o SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE F/F/F= 34.1 /O/F= 33.0 Ix 0 r" ,D i !. /B/F= 2.5.5 ti" -lz' CLEAN N STONE W/PEA S 4 ROWS OF 4" PERFORATED P 5' SAND OVE (SEE NOTES) PROP. RISERS TO WITHIN - 6"t OF FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE= 31.5t 427-50 t2" min.OG" max) 27.50 LIQUID LEVEL N. PROPOSED 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 4.5' FROM PUMP CFIAMAGR 30' LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE µ'OODEN P�-S7' = PPG°EX -SILT 5 7G SEDIMENT CON7POL 57F.ESS F.ELYFOPCEME4'T 5AND ( TYPICAL ) SACY.FILL TPENCH, 4- - 6" h'�TIVE SGIL SILT FENCE NCT 70 SCALE 2725 6" MIN. = 5' 14" MIM. GAG .•• 4.Z5' BAFFLE F. E. Myers a 1101 Myers Parkway Ashland, Ohio 44806-1969 4191289-1144 FAX: 4191289-5658, TUC: 98-7443 24- OPENING - CAST IRON FRANC FINISH GRADE= 29_5�._._.L_ --------e COVER-- ---- - - I2" MIN- -- --- - EL. 2758 a --EL. 2725 26 G ALVANIZEDl STANLE55 ,�. _ LIFTING CHAIN OR CABLE r . I" MIN ELEC CONDUIT CONNECTING NOTE INLET e OUTLET LOCATIONS ON PLAN VIEW MECHANICAL FLOAT SWITCH cperc:tcn. (P;ccyba^:c models onty 4110 HP MOTOR P-essed . place cnd Oii-:i'-led Ines: a!:gr� env and hen,: 7.O POWE CABLE .'' WATERPROOF JUNCTION BOX WITH GROMMET WIRE SEALS 4- SCl1 40 ` O 7T- EL. 27.0 le, MIN, -, BALL SHUT-OFF -THREADED D15CONNECT •^, ALL PIPING n FITTING-� --ALARM FLOAT PLASTIC WIRE •• 54" 6 IN BASIN: II- SCH 40 WIN] = TIE TO DISCHARGE PIPE FLOAT ELEV. TO BE 2- ABOVE -ON- POSITION r 3" _ONti __�CIIECX VALVE 217' ;' PROP. MYERS SRM4 4/10 HP PUMP �/ (SEE DETAILS) I9" - - EL. 22.5 •rDISCHARGE EL. 2.2.25 - - -- - 96" -� PROPOSED M B 5 1000 GAL. PUMP CHAMBER I (OR EOUALI FLOATS SET TO PUMP ONCE A DAY 102" _ _ _ AT 450 GALJCYCLE WITH 450 GAL. EMfRGEN STORAGE AFTER ALARM SOUNDS. \ POWER CORD Quick-Cscon-nec' ! MOTOR HOUSING Heavy cost Iron, for DUAL THRUST r e:'Ic.en: n4cca: isle-. WASHERS, SLEEVE L,.- BEARINGS �- Ci: lubricated. f. ' -i , er.*.crc2 s^ooth { _ F CAST IRON VOLUTE opera':cn on:! � [ - � F �• P^._ssas 2' d,=ne:=_r L J_ f i MECHANICAL SHAFT SEAL Ca -bon and ceramic 'aces, body!s stationary, prevents s!%ng or trash !--am vr,nding on seal. CSP•1f4 �� RECESSED IMPELLER Ooemles cut of volute passage. allowing maxmum flow of Liquids and sollas. HE SRM4 MINI NON -CLOG PUI12 IS THE MOST RELIABLE 4/10 HORSEPOWER RESIDENTIAL SEWAGE PUMP AVAIL- ABLE TODAY.. e S I,✓,' s a p:',:-:_tea-<_1ccn7ec1c.s dream ... ;1 will not clog! 1:s recessed lmpe-_ter desiaa cllcws 2' solids to pass freely 1rcaeh the volute -v.::hc.d the chance of 'amm'na the 4m.zeller. The SiJJ,4 se7-.-. pump has a national field-p: c✓e^. record cf re:icb:i;y, Lock to your flyers dS:r:bu`.=: fcr :he ans-vier t0 'j Cc7 residential sewage -cria:ing neecs -., cna across the C EI Will be the Myers m:r.i non-c:og, t'.E S_- ✓M4. It works for yc,:! For more infor- maticn, coil yo.:: !..yers d.stnbuicr :ode,•, or the Myers Ashand, Ohio sales c::ice at 419/2E9-i 144 4/10 Horsepower Residential Sewage Pump DIMENSIONS >t PERFORMANCE CURVE ADVANTAGES BY DESIGN DURABLE MOTOR WILL DELIVER MANY YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE. ■ Oil -filled motor for maximum heat dissipation and continuous bearing lubrication. ■ Orrerload protected shaded pole motor eliminates starting switches. ■ Recessed -Vortex impeller provides rmimal radial loading for long bearing Lle. THE SRM4P IS ENGINEERED FOR MANY YEARS OF MAINTENANCE -FREE OPERATION. ■ 1Nide-angle piaay-back floc: switch for mcrd- muim. draw down, (Automatic modes) ■ Pump can be open ated manually by unplug- ging piggy -back swrl and plugging pump d':ectly into outlet (Automatic models). ■ Recessed vc-iex impeller operates cemoielely out of volute and prc�ddes free flow in, ouch passage for solids and liquids, PRODUCT CAPABILITIES CcpCc::es Te 95 gpn 36O Imp 9ecds To .8 ft 6e _ .'. �19 l'rnp m i2•,_"lge Pioal Swmch I 7 to 14 in. 1178 tc 956 ^. i Soh3 idcncng C�cty 2 m. 5CE = • �.. ., age, e-:iuent .+...:.� warn,: L-Je.^r:rent Lgnd Temp- -,:p to 14: F l ❑p tc 6-C Motor 4'1C Pshadecpae 1550 :v :". i Eec'ncal l 1 EV. 1 LA. Cr 25:-✓. EA_ fl, 69 Hz, I A--epicble PH -Range ' 1.1 � ._:n S'snp D=me•er D..^.ex l _. l e m. 457 = 33 in, 1 762 m..^.1 construction materials ?✓,otcr:io'.:sing_ cast L-c : CLLs 50, Fc-1J A48 Verute Ccse cast n. Cass 20. P5� : A4b L:.peSe: rc-resod, therrtopl:shc I Power Card 120 f t 1613 SJN✓lc NJN A I mec cricl Seel j Ccbcn cnd oe =mnc 2BA8 26.24 PVC TEE /r- FINISH GRADE VARYING MIN. TO 3G" MAX.) 29.5 ---- ---- ---I:,-�-1.. -- -- -- - 28.5------ _`� ' -- T`'' __ 7" LAYER OF -p-��Z��D�IAL DOUBLE WASHED BONE • { 3}1'j>4'r' PROP. DB-5 �._ I REEF rI0A1�[illN_ I INE A DUST L4"SDR-35 PERFORMED PIPE OR EQUAL)SL: 0.005 f�'-28.0 1Z" DIA. DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE FROM 6" '11 IRONS FINES 8 DUSTi-"* y 27b 1 5. 5, 5 - I I ' ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE I I -- - - - - --- -- ---- ---- -- SAND OVERD{GEL_19.9(64"!BELOW GRADE)3 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations Any MODIFICATION TO -HIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of i-ealth. CY 2 Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction. Notify the local EoarC of Health when :-e system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. If - CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTIC•, as -built) is requires, 3 day advanced notdication is required_ 4 DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION inc�ca:es soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and shouic pe venfiec at the time of construction. The contractor shall nctrfy the local card of Health If GROLINE'A -TER g :RCHED +'WATER is eneo'Jrtered at as higher elevation tralrnc!c21ed on -as pian -Co OF FOUNDATION E,SENVENT a-_ FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LONIERED without •ne oonseni of the encineer Unless eoecf:ed in tre Eas:s cf San::a-. _esg-: :-: s systeT:.__ NCT cesionec for t`ie use of a garage ginger or C. :net •lion v:a!er usaoe cev'ices ne-e the building sewer pip= exits the "o ncacion -,BOVE the basement floor. an effluent a onnder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15229 may on _sed to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLC,h' from any `.tire basement bathrr-, / sink `ao:l:t!es. - 8 If any components of the proposed -rys:em are specified as HEAVY D'JiY. those components shall cgnfomn to all state and local reouirements for ASSH-C H-20loading. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 callccs minimum. unless otherwise specified on this design plan. and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TE_ S19TH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CtAR 15-225, The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to &thin 6" of the finished crade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. _ SEPTIC TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX a-: PUMP CHAMBER (if any) shall be placed on a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to p-event heaving or Sergio ALL SEAMS ARE TO EE WATERTIGHT. sealed with asoha!t cement or other cement suitabie for that sce_cfic component EXCAVATE AL L'xSUITAB' NIATE v in fve feet horzortally of the leaching area fro- the .,_a scone Cg\Er gown t0 61Elcign El, _ (64 _IOW the onginal exist rg grace.) Excavation may be rccurec lc extend deeper P uniform Sul aol_ mate a s not eincguntered. See notes 11a & 11b. - - "a F.c SO'L =R ION =RO J.+- = -E.-' -_-INGC ,4C'1_Tv shall ccrfo-m :c 3'O CVR 15 245 & '_.<< EY.C,r•. J10'. C U.:SU. ,he :an S^al' Oonforr to Cc7s! JC:on ig - ° C_ :'v (O iF C- 5 s..ai: c sriced C'4" solvent Feld SC � 4 PVC. --,a •w ^ _ ..e_. _e Ibov.s comps , Lhe -_ _ al. -�ot a _-jec Any box vent pipe shall utilze an inlet ,nocko_: Vent to extend 24" minabove p-opcsec --aoe -y C'-_r. N- v T S s pw^ sna' ex:enc _fade as-d cagpec ..Ln a SCH 40 fnreacc-- clean`gut `ril- " No HEAVY EOUIPM.ENT steal; oe_ run o-.e• ;-e c-r-ponen:s or the prepared leaching area during !nstaF.ation- RUBBER -IRE MIACHINERY a-e no: tc :- a -wen aver the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone beg dunnc Svs:em ihetaliaTgn TANK SEAMS. user connect!c-s rrf a >, a-,C all pL;-ibino joints to be installed 10D% VJATERPP•OOF ALL JOItJTS ttUST EE'd2ATEF.TIG: -�T, sea ec w;th rubber joints- cement or other suitable sealer for that specific component :.ny ^yrOJ,ngwaler G- sur`.c:i_ +Lacer cr;tenng the sysem wih se'.re-e!y limit the Ice span of the System 16 PUMP CHAMBER is to be M&S Precast tODO gallon standard concrete tank, or equal, (unless otherwise specified) with inlet and outlet locations as specified. Concrete user IF needed) is to be fitted with waterproof Butyl asphaltic sealer, mortar, or equivalent Access cover shall be 20" diamincast iron frame and cover to grade. t6b. PUMP TYPE MEYERS SRMS, 4110 hp. with 2.0" NPT discharge. 115v, 1 phase, 60hz (230 volts recommended if available at the dwelling. 16C ALARM CONTROL PANEL Audible and visual alarm panel, interior mount, equipped with 230vpump disconnect circuit. Alarm to be wired to a separate circuit from that of the Pump. FLOATS Factory installed `on -off foal switch to be field adjusted to specified elevations. Separate MFS Mechanical Float Switch, with suitable b-acket/connection to discharge PVC. for alarm. To be hard -wired in junction box. Any necessary wiring hanging fixtu�e is to be plastic or stainless steel. ..� JUNCTION BOX 103% waterproof polyp-opylene junction box, attached to the end of the electrical concuit. is 10 she installed directly under the pump charnner access cover to facilitate future pumpalarm, and float adiustmens I repairs. If rser is used float & pump connections shall be inside user. All wiring is to be hard -wired into junction box. S.ancard `ptuo-in' connections no! -_--rift:ed. PPESSURE LINE 2" SDR-21 PVC min mum or ecuivalert Pressure piping Is to exit throuon unused knockout IF NO RISER IS REQUIRED. Piping is to exit through riser 1.8" below cast iron frame if riser is used. Pressure pipe drains back to chamber to prevent freezro and to be installed 48" below crade. _ Electnca: wmno between the dwelling and dump chamber !s to be encased in conduit with proper fittings at each end to maintain a waterproof connection Electrical installation shall conform with the N. E. C- Code and any applicable local regulations. in case of pump failure, the pump chamber and septic tank are to be pumped by a licensed sewage hauler prior to repairing of sewage pump. This procedure will ensure nc overload of the leaching area will occur when pump in restarted. A warning sign is recommended to be placed on the pump chamber cover stating: 1. disconnect power prior to se-ocing, and 2. proper ventilation to be used when working on the pump to prevent a build up of sewer cases. A backup cenerator (adequate for supp!yi-c the sewaoe pump in case of electincaI failure) is strongly -ecommenced EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES shown are approximate only. Actual locations are to be verified by Contractor prior to excavation through D.P N and Did -Safe proceoures. Site Is :NCT coaled within a Specal Flooc -azard Zone as dehrieated on FEVA Flooc hrsurance Rate Map 250051 .024E cased July 2 1992 . _. Slle is NCT IOcal&d within an estimated ra^!tat a. rare wefiand wil de species -_ It's ,he CO:J-RrC' ORS R SPA ,SIEIL _d to secure a copy of the RECCRDED ORDER OF CONDITION'S arc 21 necessary perm!,s prior to ary site act .':v F A CER i'=1CA-E OF COVFLIANCE '.s required at ,he corntoetion of the pro!ect. Notify the Conservation Agent and the Ereineenric Company for any required inspections. reports. or ae bus pans that may be ecuired. 4. c FEE C "STP_iCTiON CC'�FERENC eq'Jlre. is to be held cetweer, me CCTraetor and :he Conse-vatlon Loert r:4.:o construction Cc':2c10r s _ .,rgvide Consen action 'Agent w,in notification of construction start. 22 ANY SILTA.TICN FENCING OR HAYBALES are to be installed. as shown on the sate plan, prior to any activity and are to remain in place and be malntaineg r::il all activities a-e completed and veaetation established. -,. =.tJY SLB„ L.NT.L.L SIL rCCi1 : UIIL A :N acanst the silt fence !s to be 'Cmoved by hand Iabgr. 24 NO REF!;EUNG OF VEHICLES is allows- within 100 feet of the resource area. 2`_ L.11 CONS=UC-iON LITTER A.rdD DEEF S :s to be removed from the wcinty of the Silt Fence/haybale line daily BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN Building Usage: Proposed 4 BEDROOM Title 5 Sewage Flow: 440 GPD Septic Tank Size: 1500 GALLON Garbage Grinder: NONE Washing Machine: YES Percolation Rate: TP 102 = 5 MINANCH, TP 103 = <2 MIN./INCH Design Rate: 10 MIN -/INCH Class II soil PROPOSED LEACHING FIELD INFORMATION Bottom Area: 20.0 ft. (width) x 38.0 ft (length) = 760 sq.ft. Design Flow Provided: 760 sq. ft. x 0.60 gpolsq.ft. = 456 gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Date(s): 08/31199 Performed by: Kevin Silva Witnessed by: Susan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 1021EL. 26.0t) Depth from Surface Qnches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other. Structure, Stones, Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel 0 - 11" A, Sandy Loam 1 DYR 414 Friable 11 - 26" Bw Sandy Loam 1OYR 518 Friable 26 -126" C Sandy Loam/ Loamy Sand 2.5Y 514 Mottles @ 32" SYR 5/8 Firm, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles and Bouldres PERCOLATION DEPTH = 65 " ELEVATION = 20.6 BEDROCK DEPTH = Refusal @ 126" ELEVATION = 15.5 WATER AT = NONE ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 32" ELEVATION = ELEVATION = 23.33 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 103 (EL. 25.2t) Depth Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, from Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Surface Gravel (inches) 0 - 10" AP Sandy Loam 10YR 414 Friable 10 - 24" Bw Sandy Loam 10YR 5/8 Friable 24 - 115" C Loamy Sand 2.5Y 5/4 Mottles @ 33" Finn, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles 7.5YR 518 and Bouldres @ 84", pockets of Sandy Loam PERCOLATION DEPTH = 64" ELEVATION = 19,9 BEDROCK DEPTH = Refusal @ 115" ELEVATION = 15.6 WATER AT = NONE ELEVATION = - ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 33" ELEVATION = 22.45 BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN cr�1HgF�G OWNER: FERNANDO LEMOS KENCNvETHA. ASSESSORS PAP & LOT:Map II, Portion of Lot 22 Ng.' 835 FCISTs STREET LOCATION:MISHAUM POINT ROAD ' ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engsneering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 DATE: 4-25-00 SCALE: AS NOTED CONTACT PERSON: K.J.S. ADDRESS: same as above TEL: Sh. 2 o