Zoning ReviewSYSTEM PROFILE N07 TO SCALE F/Ii 34.1 PROP. RISERS TO WITHIN G"t OF FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE= 31.51 17/0/F= 33.0 29.22 12" min.(36- max) i 27.50 0.0 QUID LEVEL MIN 4' SCH 40 PVC , � '• 10' MIN. 14" ulu. D °.• PROPOSED 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK q' GAF �.° 43' BAFFLE I0' F/B/F=25.5 -IZ' CLEAN STONE W/PEA 4 ROWS OF 4' PERFORATED 5' SAND OV (SEE NOTE! FROM PUMP CHAMBER I LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WOODEN POST FFOPEX -SILT S;OF- SED.MENT CONTP.OL F45RlC_ OR £OUAI_ STF.£SS F.ELYrORCEME.h'T 5AN0 ( TYPICAL ) _ E.4CKFILL TFEf'CH i' 4-- 6- NATIVE SOIL SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE 2725 F E. Myers rs I Vy�+ 2' 1101 Ashland, eOhoarkwa44805 �/�,yy') -1969 El 4191289-1144 FAX. 419/289-6658, TLX. 98-7443 GALVANIZED/STANCES LIFTING CHAIN OR CAB NOTE INLET 8 OUTLET -_ LOCATIONS ON PLAN VIEW MECHANICAL FLOAT SWITCH Merc=1-!rse. 9- arc:e ce:c::or. (?.^T;`ac2 .-.odes oa •y). 4'30 HP MOTOR ?ressed :n place gait O:i :i'""led :c: loss: 24- OPENING CAST IRON FRAME -- 8 COVE Z' MIN. S LE l 2.7.58 _ { 1" MIN. ELEC. CONDUIT CONNECTING POWE WATERPROOF JUNCTION BOX CABLE L? WITH GROMMET WIRE SEALS / SCH 40 EL. 27.0 f - it' MIN. BALL SHUT-OFF '.V Imo- -THREADED DISCONNECT ALL PIPING B FITTING -ALARM FLOAT PLASTIC WIRE . 54" A;�' IN BASIN: 40 (MIN) TIE TO DISCHARGE PIPE "ON- y- FLOAT ELEV. TO BE 2' ABOVE POSITION CHECK VALVE 21- PROP. MYERS SRM4 4/10 HP PUMP -`/ (SEE DETAILS) EL. 22.5 - -- 1 - ` � DISCHARGE , - -- - PROPOSED M 8 S 1000 GAL. PUMP CHAMBER 96" OR EOUALI FLOATS SET TO PUMP ONCE A DAY AT 450 GALJCYCLE WITH 450 GAL. Ell RGEN STORAGE AFTER ALARM SOUNDS. \ POWER CORD .-.:C.:..,e... C..d r eiU:ck-d=D .nec! ..gala-. ......:-1n water ;nt!Inmg. overload-o:ec:= 1 _ MOTOR SOUSING Hecvy cast iron for e::totem tea: 'aa`.er. DUAL raausT � _ _ [ WASHERS SLEEVE BEARINGS CIl I'ub"rcc•cd _ sl -1 =e s:nctb - - CAST IRON VOLUTE ce-attar arm t 54..- - 7t s -ses 2' Lameler ^.:• _'�'_`--.�,.-�_ - - - solids. 1, r MECHANICAL. SHAFT SEAL Carbon and ceramic faces. body Is stationary, prevents s:.".ng or trash fro^ wr.nd:.n"g on seat. UL Ei� 0 RECESSED IMPELLER Ocem!es out of volu!e passage. allowing msCmum flow of liquids and solids. THE SRM4 MINI NON -CLOG PUN2 IS THE MOST RELIABLE 4/10 HORSEPOWER RESIDENTIAL SEWAGE PUMP AVAIL- ABLE TODAY, The S. 1✓:4 is a p1'.:rrters/ccatractors ci:eam .. 0 will not c'o-I Its recessed i-peller design allows 2" seLd=_ to pass freely through the vo uie v,'::o :t the chance of arnming the:-npe:Ier. The Sk1✓.4 s--es pump has a ndtienal held.proven record of :.y Look tc your Myers dls'ributcr for the answer c t r -es!der-ticl sewage a' na reeds and ac s the ter ti:'.1 be the Myers - a non-c oq *e SRM4 1 errs r yc,:I Fcr more mfor- muticn, cc17 rc Myers a s .:>✓� cr cam,. y, cr the Myers Ashand, Chao sa"es office ..t 419!2c9-1144. 4110 Horsepower Residential Sewage Pump DIMENSIONS PERFORMANCE CURVE ADVANTAGES BY DESIGN DURABLE MOTOR WILL DELIVER MANY YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE. ■ Oil -filled motor for maximum heat dissipatian and continuous bearing lubrication, le Overload protected shaded pole motor eliminates starting stidtches. ■ Recessed vortex impeller provides minimal radial loading for long bearing life THE SRM4P IS ENGINEERED FOR MANY YEARS OF MAINTENANCE -FREE OPERATION. ■ Vlide-anele piggy -back Ioat sv'acn. for mcocod. --:.:-m drew down. (Automatic model=_) ■ Pump can be operated manuai;y by unplug- ging piccy-back switch and pluacing pu-np directly into outlet (Automatic mode's). ■ Recessed vortex impeller operates completely out of volule and provides free flow t"rcuch passage for solids and liquids, PRODUCT CAPABILITIES j Capoches 10 1 95 gpm J6r imp Heads 10 lEF. 19 a. s:nrc"_ P,-, -p Down Range I ?ioal Switch 7 to 14 m. i °E to 356 "^"ram Sc'.1ds " '-� ..L'nr Cayce • 2 5Cr8 uds :?andlL:p %-w sewage, eWuent. dram Wore - lent Ligvd Temp. ::pto14Z=7 up106,C Mo!o. 4'10 H? shaded pole Ex'ac'" 116V, 12A or 230J, 6A 10. 67 Hz_ Acaepiabie p3 R'vrae 6 - 9 Disc`"= e. NF 2:r.. 50.E _m M.--_mS pD!ame'.er S :E.-r. I b7:rum r"ex D.ple'x JJm i62 �--1 Cors�,rc ion Materials mv.o- =C15-s-1^y oast _ - Gass 30, AS '.! A45 vc:u:e Crse cast :. Gass 30, AS:7f, A45 recessed, i:-ennoplrsnc ?owe- Co m Y n. 16'3 S_7W SJ7,V:-A li me-::n=Jcl sw! j carbon omit FINISH GRADE VARYING - �y/ % 29.5 OZ"MIN. TO 3G" MAX.I --- - 1c -1.. .--- - - - -- _- --- -' --- 1 +Te ,5------ ____28 �DS­ xAYER OF -- DIA DOUBT E WASHED 51 ONE'4���LtCL1[IOMUftS1N.INES_Fl_O.U.STPR.L --28.0 4"SDR-35 PERFORATED PIPE OR EOUA SL 0.005 „ f6f'ty �5, JZ" DIA. DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE FROM - ry IRONS FINES 8 DUST �++�(1°+tf��7 v 27.5 I I I • I5 � 1 ' ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATE-B�9QLE 22b - - - -SAND OVERDIG EL_ 19.9 (64"t BELOW GRADE] 1 The sanitay sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCEwiththe requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION TO -CIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health. CY 2 Contractor shall verify and check the SENCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan prior to construction. Notify the local Board of Health when are systemIs ready for INSPECTION prior to any back Cling If CONFIRMATION OF CONS -RUCTION :,as-puiC) Is required. 3 day advanced notification is required. L DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION in-cates soil condition. percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and shot c be ve^5ed at the time of construction The contractor shall nobly the local =car, of Heath if GROUND'; -TER o- cERC- ED WATER is encountered a: e Maher elevation tranlndlcated on tins plan -OP OF FOUNDATION. BASEM:EN'T a-c -IRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED w't-out the consent of the engineer. -less spepfled ,r tre Basis Cf Sanl:a-, _as z-. t _ syslem s NO JesioneC'or the 'use of a cartage C-incer or caner non s'ater usage devlc=_s Where the building sewer pipe exits th `cuncailon ABOVE the basement floor. an effluent a Odnder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be _sed io dlscharce A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN P 01N from anyfut,-re Dase-et bathrc- I sink faci➢ties e If any components of the proposed _ry='e-', are speCifie"_ as HEAVY DUTY. those components shall conform to all state and coal requirements for ASSH-C 1-20 Icadng Tie SEPTIC TANK shall be , 500 callo_sinlmum. unless c therwse specified on this design plan and fitted with PVC scnecule 40 INLET TEE and CUT -EE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15.226, The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specr5ed on this cesgr. plan. SEPTIC TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX. a-: PU'✓P CH.AMEER (If any) shall be placed on a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL EASE to prevent heawnc or sal-l'ng. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE'VVATERTIGHT. se2led wltri ascha° cement or other cement suitable for that sbe i`ic component. EXCAVAALLINSUiT. MAT ^Ir `ve feet no oh ally of the leaching area from the pea sere Cater down n IC eevation EI. c ( 64 es celC , e onglr'a. existing grade ) Excavation may be reo Jl-ed to extend deeper If uniform suitable maie. c S no, encountered. See notes 112 & i 1b. _F, SO[L =REPIF., 1O J PROG - JR= _ ING =i-C Ll7l A. cA s`all . co-formto 0 _ R .5.246 & `_ 24 y EXCAVA-ION C-. UNSL IwL ces,_n2 e_ on the clan sNl conform to Fi'': reoui,eme7,s as outlined I'. 2'.0 Cl,'- "c 2c5 it c. c • . C. C -a. :✓. __=s ., _ co e ., _ _ ^y D-box vent pipe sral' utilize an Ise K, :z rc-: Vent to ex•e^d L min abo\c 01CSe .e -"y rL_A.I'-CL-S srCwr s. d- _xCe^._ . _ _:ace a7, capped 11h a .SCH 4C ,nreaced Clean Cit fl.. No HEAVY EQL'IPM.ENT shall be ru- c• _ .-e components or the prepared leaching area curing mstatat;or. PULLER TIRE MA.CI-�MNERY are no::c :_ q^.;en c✓er the Drepared natural soil base or sanelstone Dec curino sys:er- icsialiai*7 TANK SEAMS. riser conhechc^s Qf any: arc all pb,;-5na joints tC be Installed 10C% WATERPROOF. AI L CIN T S I BE AATERT,GHT, sea'4= with ru`uDer Ioints. Cement or other suitable sealer for that specl`1c co-ponent. Any g:•cerdwater cr sur`aca :•E:C, en:e-rc me .system w9 severely Ilrnt the Ile span of the Sys.em 16 P'UMP CHAMBER Is to be M8S Precast 1000 gallon standard concrete tank, or equal. (unless otherwise specified) with inlet and outlet locations as specified. Concrete user (d neeoed) is to be fitted with waterproof Butyl asphaltic sealer, mortar, or equivalent. Access cover shall be 20" diamin. cast iron frame and cover to grade. 16b PUMP TYPE. MEYERS SRMS, 4/10 no with 2.0" NPT discharge. 115v.. 1 phase, 11230 volts recommended If available at the dwelling. 16C ALARM CONTROL PANEL Audible and visual alarm panel, interior mount, equipped with 230v. pump disconnect circuit. Alarm to be wired to a separate Circuit from Liat of the Pump. 16c FLOATS. Factory Insialled'on-o`r float switch to be field adjusted to specified elevations. Separate Mr"S Mechanical Float Switch, with suitable C2cketiconnection to discharge PVC. for alarm. To be hard -wired n junction box. Any necessay wining handing fixt-se is to be plastic or stainless steel. JUNCTICN BCX_ '00% waterproof polyc-cpylene junction box. attached to the end of the electrical conduit. Is to be Ind a!eo directly under the pump chamber access cover to fa ili,ate future pumpalarm, and float adjustments / repairs If rser is used float 8 Dump co.,n_ctions shall be Inside rser. All w ri is to be hard -wired into junction box. Stahpa,d `Ptug-in' connections not ._Omitted. --REcS1;,E LINE 2- SDR-21 PVC minlmum or e. !vale-t Pressure piping Is to exit tnrouch unused knocKcut IF NO RISER :S REQUIRED Piping Is to exit througn !ser'B" below cast Iron frame If rser Is used Pressure pipe drains back to chamber to prevent freezin- and to be installed 48" below cradle. Electrical wlnng between the dwelling arc Dump ohamber Is to be encasea In conduit with proper fittings at each end t0 maintain a wa!erproo` conrec!c-. Electrical installation shall conform with the N. E O Code and any applicable local regulations. In, case of Dump fail -,re. the pump chamc2' and septic tank are to be pumped by a licensed sewage hauler prior t0 repairing of sewage pump. This procedure will ensure no overload of the leaching area will occur when pump in restarted. A warning sign is recommended to be placed on the pump chamber cover stating. 1. disconnect power prior to servicing, and 2. proper ventilation to be used when working on the pump to prevent a build up of sewer gases '5. A Backup cenerator (aoequate for supplying the sewage pump in case of slectrcal failure) is stronaly recomme_".ded '7 EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES shown are approximate only. Actual locations are to be verified by Contractor prior to excavation through D.P A' and Dig -Safe procedures. -8 S:e Is NCT coa:ec within a Special Flood -azard Zone as delreaied on FEV,A Flooc Insurance Rate -Jan = 250051 0 2LE caiec July 2. '.992. _ Site is NCT located within an estimated ha^_fat 0`, rare wetland w•ilcl`e species : t e CC%TRACTOFS SPC" SI -1 to secure a copy of t .ECC�DED ORDER OF CONDITI-NS arc all ne„essary p_r^1'.s prig, any s_ce c .:v. 'F C•_RT. F'CA E OF CCVf LIA.NC,E -s required at the ccmol2'Ion of the pro g'J '.ect. Notify the Conservation Acen: and the Enomeenno Company for any rered inspections. repb-ts. or es bu. t plans that may be required. - --ECi r%STRUCTION CO':.=ERENCE ' -eouired Is is be beta cerveen :ne Contractor and the Conse-'2tpn =cent Dr1cr 1q c0"Struct'Ior roht'actor So D'oVde CCrservaidn ;-cent with riot15Cation of construction s1a� 22 ANY S;1 , r.TICN FENCING OR HAYSA.LES are to be installed as shown on the site planprior to any activity and are to remain In p ace and be rra-^'a ec ,ail all activities are corlpieted and vegetation established -TA.N AL SILT rCC'_+Sv_A , adalrsi the silt'enpc is tc be 'er-cvec by labor 24 r lO R ".;SLING OF VEi-I-L S s allow c within 100 feet of the resource a'ea Lc All C3 ,S--.UCT CN LITTER A IC D_., E '.s to be removed from the vitinty of the SIfl Fence/haybale line daily. 28.18 28.24 PVC TEE Ir- BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN Building Usage: Proposed 4 BEDROOM Title 5 Sewage Flow: 440 GPD Septic Tank Size: 1500 GALLON Garbage Grinder: NONE Washing Machine: YES Percolation Rate: TP 102 = 5 MINJINCH, TP 103 = <2 MINANCH Design Rate: 10 MINJINCH Class 11 soil PROPOSED LEACHING FIELD INFORMATION Bottom Area: 20.0 ft (width) x 38.0 It (length) = 760 11 Design Flow Provided: 760 sq. ft. x 0.60 gpolsq.ft. = 456 gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Date(s): 08/31/99 Performed by: Kevin Silva Witnessed by: Susan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 102►ll 26.02) Depth from Surface (Inches) Sol/ Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsel!) Soil Mottling Other. Structure, Stones, Boulders, Consistency, Gravel 0 - 11" A° Sandy Loam 1 OYR 414 Friable 11 - 26" Bw Sandy Loam 10YR 5/8 Friable 26 - 126" C Sandy Loam/ Loamy Sand 2.5Y 514 Mottles @ 32" 5YR 518 Firm, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles and Bouldres PERCOLATION DEPTH = 65 " I ELEVATION = 20.6 BEDROCK DEPTH = Refusal @ 126" ELEVATION = 15.5 WATER AT = NONE ELEVATION = ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH= 32" ELEVATION = 23.33 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 103 (EL. 25.2t) Depth Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, from Horizon (USDA) (Munsel!) Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Surface Gravel (inches) 0 - 10" A° Sandy Loam 10YR 414 Friable 10 - 24" ( Bw Sandy Loam 1 OYR 518 Friable 24 - 115" C Loamy Sand 2.SY 514 Mottles @ 33" Firm, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles 7.5YR 518 and Bouldres @ 84", pockets of Sandy Loam PERCOLATION DEPTH = 64" ELEVATION = 19.9 BEDROCK DEPTH = Refusal @ 115" ELEVATION = 15.6 WATER AT = NONE ELEVATION = ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 33" ELEVATION = 22.45 BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN 0 NER: FERNANDO LEMOS ASSESSORS YIAP & LOT%ip II, Portion of Lot 22 STREET LOCATION:MISHAUM POINT ROAD ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 4G Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 DATE: 4-25-00 SCALE: AS NOTED CONTACT PERSON: K.J•S• ADDRESS: Same as above TEL: Sh. 2 o