Septic Design Plann/f Crissman n/f Teal Pond Nominee Trust I WETLANDS AS DELINEATED BY DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION AS OF 7-30-99 €i €J 2 L US 00 Pon 5uzzcrds Bcy \i LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE Notes ALL WELLS FOUND WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED S.A.S. ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. • PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE= 6.23% REFER TO APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN OF LAND IN DARTMOI MA., DRAWN FOR MISHAUM NOMINEE TRUST, PLAN NO. SE 15915 DATEDJUNE 6,2000BY KENNETH R. FERREIRA ENGINEERING, INC. BACMIASH OF W&L�t*, RD PURFICATION OR FILTRATION DEVICES MAY NOT BE DISCHARGED TO THIS SEPTIC SYSTEM 310 CMR .15.004 (9) CONSTRUCTION OFTHIS SEPTIC SYSTEM MUST BE COMPLETED WITH THREE (3) YEARS OF THE DATE 0R'H6BMS7M3SA16TS DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE G-7:',`DER, WHIRLPOOL OR OTHER HIGH WATER USE DEVICES. ENGINEERS AS -BUILT .LAN & CERTIFICATION STATEMENT REQUIRED BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS i;;-UST N!OT BE CI A; --HIED i�liTl BOUT BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVAL BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED VvHEN EXCAVATED P.L.S. STAMP 50 OF G:izsiIOUTH ?D OF HEALTH SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN OWNER: FERNANDO LEMOS ASSESSORS MAP & LOT:MAP II, Portion of Lot 22ot 2) STREET LOCATIONUISHAUM POINT ROAD ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 KEEN ET;; ' SCALE: I" _ 0' DATE: 4-25-00 CONTACT PERSON: K.Q.S. r�sIS I ADDRESS: same as above TEL: h. I of SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE "/F/F= 34.1 PROP. RISERS TO WITHIN 6't OF FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE= 26.5 /0/F= 33.0 : : 7.39 (MIN) ti 12' mtn.(36" marl x 6. C LIQUID LEVEL NIN. MIN 4' SCH 40 PVC ;• 10' MIN. )MIN. _ PROPOSED 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 4.25 q caG •! 4.1' BAFFLE lit /B/F=Ub , , 10.5' n CLEAN N STONE W/PEA 5 4 ROWS OF 4" PERFORATED P 5' SAND OVE (SEF NOTES) FROM Y PUMP rIAAUAFR 30' LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WOODEN PCST PPOPEX -SILT 5TOF- SEDIuEN7 CONTROL FFEPIC STRESS F.EkW-ORCEMEN7 fit ND ( TYPICAL ) S4CKFILL TPENCH 4-- 6- N4 TIVE SC4L SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE lIV® F E. Myers 1101 It V l Fr 5 Ashland ers Oh oa44805-1969 E1 4191289-1144 FAX: 4191289-6658, TLX: 98.7443 24- OPENING --- CAST IRON FRAME -----I COVER --- 12" MIN. FINISH GRADE VARYING i -EL. 25.G 2BAB • 28.24 IIZ"LAIN. TO 3G" MAX.) • EL. 24.5 ROP- PVC TEE /r_ G. - PROP. VENT MIN_ 29.5 GALVANIZED/STANLESs 'g 7`rLAYER OF"-"DIA DOUDLE WASHED STONE 5r* 28b _ - - - I LIFTING CHAIN i" MIN. ELEC. CONDUIT CONNECTINGZ' tar 23.58_i._ `- - - FRCLF1301d.1[i0�1.'f�NGS_lL011SS - - - POWE .. •: WATERPROOF JUNCTION BI PROP. DB-5 - q-2B.0 CABLE •�•'` E1�12333MMET WIRE SEALS (j�I �'� { • °f'Y-g45DRZ'35 PERFORATED<P{PE OR EOl1AL7-5L•:0.005 J, �i�;r,' $=O. 4" SCH 40 Q IRONS FINES 8 DUST "r (� '� G �.. •• } J- DIA. DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE FROM _ { 27 5 NOTE INLET R OUTLET _ 18" MIN. BALL SHUT-OFF PRO.. LOCATIONS ON PLAN VIEW ;,�.I �_ WEEPHOL -THREADED DISCONNECT ALL PIPING ii FITTING -ALARM FLOAT PLASTIC WIRE r 5' "'� 5•Tic TO DISCH 727 55� 4, 7N BASIN: h SCH 40 (MINJ FLOAT ELEV. TO BE ARSE PI2 EABOVE -ON' POSITION _ � CHECK VALVE 1 PROP. Ill ERS SRM4 4/10 HP PUMP ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE I 225 4' 127 - (SEE DETAILS) EL__ 1.9.33E i_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ SAND OVERDIG EL.= 19.9 (64"1 BELOW GRADER .• Y. _._ ______________ / • •. • • , IDl$CHARGE - r ? r ` 7'' • • EL. 19.0 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health 96" PROPOSED J 8 R 1000 GAL. PUMP CHAMBER(H20 RATED) regulations Any MODIFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local - (OR EOUALI FLOATS SET TO PUMP 4 TiMES/DAY Board of Health. - 102• - _ AT 112 GALJCYCLE WITH 670 GAL. EMERGENCY STORAGE AFTER ALARM SOUNDS. 2 Contractor shall ve ty and check the n=NCHMARK(S) as shown on this plan p or to construction. MECHANICAL FLOAT SWITCH !,!a. as. 97 ana:E operation.. (?:c.^ybc::< ...�__s cn:y) - 4'IO HP MOTOR ?reset : ce and Oi%tilled :c: best POWER CORD al!gamlent cnd hest r a'ulck-dscon_n-ec: transfer. ?;:.: -tit _ water' y : !;timg overload prclecticn-. �. MOTOR HOUSING -- Heavy cast ircn for DUAL THRUST _ e::imen: heat •a:s:e:. WASHERS, SLEEVE BEARINGS�- G!l 1,._.tr .c..te.., a T en`.a-ce s-.0ctn , r , i ; j ' • CAST IRON VOLUTE coerc:-cn a -a �i ' F x • - ?-..ses 2' d!a:reter extend pump life. F� t so:ids. 777 tit L Lf MECHANIGII. SHAFT SEAL Ca:bcn anc:era^Ic ;aces. body is stationary. p.even;s Bring or trash from winding cn seal. lisp UL @P RECESSED IMPELLER Cpera!es out of volute passage, allowing r-.=rnum flow of Llqulds and sollds. EE SRM4 MINI NON -CLOG PUM2 IS TIIE MOST RELIABLE 4/10 HORSEPOWER RESIDENTIAL SEVFA,GE PUMP AVAIL- - c, 1 r •-._-c/^-. �c 7 c LE TODAY ..4 r '. AB _.,. ._ a fur _._ _ P _-n�-actors dream .. not -C - sse a--- cog- c a imp_ _: a-s:ca allows 2 _o.lds c pass freely hrcu­eh the volute w.:;ir ' the chance of The SR11..4 senes pump has a ..-..on ct [e]d proven record of r e y Look to your ' %, e .ribs fcr the ans•w er : esidential sewage -._ :al:ng nee < and across the Ft will be the Myers :n4ni ncn-clog :-..e SMA4. It WC-`+S :cr ;CUI For more infor- aticn, call yc-r I yens di<_L-ibctcr:Clay, or the Myers Ashand, Ohio sc:es office at 419r'2c'>>-] 144. 4/10 Horsepower Residential Sewage Pump DIMENSIONS I \J - r PERFORMANCE CURVE DVANTAGES BY DESIGN ARABLE MOTOR WILL DELIVER MANY YEARS OF iLIABLE SERVICE. Oil -filled motor for maximum heat dissipation and continuous bearing lubrication. Overload protected shaded pole motor eliminates starting switches. Recessed vortex impeller provides r i ni nal radial loading for long bearing life. 1E SRM4P IS ENGINEERED FOR MANY YEARS OF AINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION. Wide-angle piggy -back float swath !or mcx- riu n draw, down. (Automatic models) ?amp can be operated manually by unplug- ging piacy-back switch and plugging pump directly into outlet (Automatic models). Recessed vortex impeller operates completely cut of volute and provides free flow !:rough passage for solids and liquids. 20DUCT CAPABILITIES Capactles To 95 gpm 360 L^ p 1'eO"s 'O E1. 5`m 19 It -^-uloff S.E m a.::mp Down Range =1001 sw•llcll 7 to 14 inn 117E to 556 solis'rcding C^pad'y 2m, I 50.E r:.•n sewage, e_ueni, L^Jet^.:•tent luicrnd Temp. I pp to 140°F I up to 6-C h9ot o: I 4/10 HP shaded pole 1550:�>M Elecn1^1 11 5V, 12A or 230V, 6A 10 60 ^'.z. Aacep'cble Pi'- Range I 9 Dscna:ge N? 2 50 e Sump Diame•.er 1 e m. 457 ::tm Duplex. 60 tin-. 762 item C:omt uctlon Materials Motcr Housing - I cast Lroa. CGass 50 ASRJcasi A48 VOIL'tE CCSQ I cast = s. C.=s a0 A_T7J. AC E Lmpel;er recesses. lhe.-nopi:snc Power Cord 12011 161? S2_; W1SJn`.1_A- Meaha^um1 Sea] carbon and oe=,ic 3 Notify the local Board of Health when:- System Is ready for INSPECTION. pnor to any back`Iling. If - CONF IRf,fAT10N OF CONSTRUCTION ,as -built) Is required. 3 day advanced notification is required. 4 DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION inc�cates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and show!: be ver6ed at the time of construction. The contractor shall notlf}' the local Bcarc of Health if GROUNCWATER o- =ERC'-:_D \PATER is encountered at a higher elevation tnanindl;aied on ' this plan : TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT a-c FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NCT L014'ERED without the consent of the engineer. ° „-Mess spec:5ed in tre Eas's c` San. ;a-, =esgn :rrs system .s NOT descried for the use of a carvaae onncer or goer high water usage devices - ;Where the building sewer pipe exits the `_unca:Ion .ABOVE the basement floor. an effluent a grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15 22e may be _set tc c scharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25°A OF THE DESIGN FLC'✓ti' from any future baseman: tatnra-. / snk facilities - 5 If any components of the proposed sy's:E-. are spec*red as HEAVY DUTY, those components shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSHTC H-201oaCing _ The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 calla-s mlinlmum, unless otherwise specified on this design plan. and fried with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper lenoth. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CMR 15,226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. : SEPTIC TANK. DISTRIBUTION BOX, a-c PUMP CHAMEER (if any) shall be placed on a 6" minimum Wmpac;ed GRAVEL SASE to prevent heaving or s rig. ALL SEAMS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT. sealed with, asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that sDearrtc component. EXCAVA7EALL UNSUITABLE [,SATE will five feet horzontalty of the leaching area from the pee stone cover down to elevation El. ( 6z « _low the on0inal existing grade.) Excavation may be required 10 extend deeper if uniform surtabl= =ter= c not encountered See notes Ile & 11b. a no SOIL P R_PA= ON P R 0 C o",._ F _ I N G FACILITY AREA shall . conform tc 3'C CV:R 5 246 & ' 5.24 ny EX CA 'IT ION C L,NSL. JA.-_RIAL casignal e: on the pan shall on nfcrn to Cc st .:_;ton in Fii r_cui.e__^S as C.-,tfined in 0 CN, _ 2,,,; EIDce.<_ ccmb-s'_ 17s _ -,c. ... _= _: --- .,_% :Ent pipe 5"aV :,.I:'_E c^ I^I=. 'Dent to extend 24" min ab^ve propose:: -ace -- y C_EAIc CJTS sir0wn sea axleng ace a-c alappeo vritt a SCH 4C lnrea.cd clean out `::irg No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run :. _ e--c-�p,,nents or the prepared leaching area during instalation RUBBER TIRE MACHfNERY ate no! ;c pe :n;En over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed dunno V<'eT Instal:. a Jon = A.NK SEAMS. user connechonc rrf a^ . -n: all pl.l^tbin0 joints to be Installed 100% V,IATERPROOF ALL JGNTS MUST BE VIATER71G7T, sea e: with rubber joints, cement or other suitable sealer for that specrfic: ..c-pcnent. Any grcu^.cwa:e' c' 5ur1a:._ :._ter cn'E ..ng the _system wa severely IICTt the life span blithe System 16 PUMP CHAMBER is to be J e.R recast 1000 gallon HZO concrete lank, or equal, (unless otherwise specified) with inlet and outlet locations as specified Concrete riser (A needed) is to be fated with waterproof Butyl asphaltic sealer, mortar, or equivalent. Access cover shall be 20" dia. min. Cast Iron frame and cover to grade.' 16b. PUMP TYPE: MEYERS SRMS, 4;10 hp with 2 0" NPT discharge. 115v., 1 phase. 60hz (230 volts recommended If available at the dwelling. 16c. ALARM CONTROL PANEL Audible and visual alarm panel, interior mount, equipped with 230v. pump disconnect Circuit. Alarm to be wired to a separate crcuit from that of the Pump. ;6o. FLOATS. Factory installed "on -off float switch to be field adjusted to specified elevations. Separate MF S Mechanical Float Switch, with suitable bracket/connection to discharge PVC. for alarm. To be hard -wired in junction box. Any necessary wiring hanging fixture is to be plastic or stainless steel. _e. JUNCTION BCX 100% waterproof potyp-opylene junction box, at:ached to the end of the electrical conduit. is to be installed directly under the pump cha nner access Cover to facilitate future pump, alarm, and float adiustments / repairs. If riser Is used, float & pump connections shall be inside riser. All wising is to be hard -wired into junction box. Standard `plu_ in' connections not :=_rirtined. =RESSU^.= LIN=. 2" SCR-21 PVC mlrn.^::m or eou!valent Pressu-e plpng Is to exit through unused knockout IF NO RISER IS REQUIRED. Piping is to exit through riser 18" below cast iron frame if riser is used, Pressure pipe drains tack to chamber to prevent freezro and to be installed 48" below orade. _ Electrical wiring between tine dwelling arc pump chamber ;s to be encased In conduit with proper fittings at each end 10 maintain a waterproof connection. Electricl installation s^all conform with the N. E. C. Code and any applicable local regulations. 1, 6n. In case of pump failure. ;he pump chamber and septic tank are to be pumped by a licensed sewaae hauler prior to repairing of sewage pump. This procedure will ensure no overload of the leaching area will occur when pump In restarted A warning sign is recommende: to be placed on the pump chamber cover stating: 1. disconnect power prior to servicing. and 2. proper ventilation to be used when working on the pump to prevent a build up of sewer cases 61 AA, backup genera:or (adeg'Jc:e f0- sUp,1Iv; _ the sewage pump In Case of electrical failure) Is strongly recommenced rn '7 EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES snovm are approximate only. Actual locations are to be verified by _2 F- Contractor onor to excavation th-ouch D = 'zV and Dig -Safe procedures J .. Site is NOT Ira EvLnlr a Specal =10o-azzrC Zone as delineated on =EIJIA Flood insurance Rate Idzp =. o_ 250C I - 24E deed july2.'9=2 Site is NCI locate-, Pi hint an ec Ir'ited F aodat or rare wetland wlldIrle species as Y z 23 it s CCNTRACTORS RESrC!zSIBIL - ;o sece _re a copy c` P RECCRCED ORDER OF CONarc h (7l.(7 all ne cssary pe is prior to any site aG.. �v IF A CERTIFICATE 0= COMPLIANCE .s recuired at the completion of the pr0jeat. Notify the Conservation Ace-:± antl the Engineering Company for any required inspections, repors, o or as -built plans that may be required. co _ A P-ECC?•ST-LCTION ` CGNFEFENC= 'ecuired is to be had between me Contractor and t n e Ccnse-va;gn x -gert _ cc s:roc:ron Con: -actor s a provide Conservation Acent with ratification of construction s:a- r m O n 22 _ =1 � I ^ ANY I_ I..I � •: F .J ,!� .. aid ,. 0 _ C G OR . - , .,A__,. are to be installed. as shown or. the site plan, prior to any activity an.. o 'd" I are to re -an in place and to ma•manec u•'cil 211 activities are completed and veoe;ation established. cw • 23 ANY SAES -A•: -,AL SIL-ACC trULAT . = airst the sift fence is to be removed by hand labor. Ei> K ru o- 24. NO RE=CELING OF VE"ICL_S is allowe_ within 100 feet of the resource a -ea 25 AI! CC!:STRUCTICN LIT=R AND DEE= S a ;o be removed from the wurcy of the Sat Fe-,celhaybale line carry BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN Building Usage: Proposed 4 BEDROOM Title 5 Sewage Flow: 440 GPO Septic Tank Size: 1500 GALLON Garbage Grinder: NONE Washing Machine: YES Percolation Rate: TP 102 = 5 MINANCH, TP 103 = <2 MINANCH Design Rate: 10 MIN./INCH Class 11 soil PROPOSED LEACHING FIELD INFORMATION Bottom Area: 20.0 ft. (width) x 38.0 ft (length) = 760 sq.ft. Design Flow Provided: 760 sq. ft. x 0.60 gpd)sq.ft. = 456 gpd SOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Date(s): 08/31199 Performed by: Kevin Silva Witnessed by: Susan Griffin DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 102 {EL, 2G.Ot) Depth from Surface Qnches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other. Structure, Stones, Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel - 0 - 111, A° Sandy Loam 10YR 4/4 Friable 11 - 26" Bw Sandy Loam 10YR 5/8 Friable 26 - 126" C Sandy Loam/ Loamy Sand 2.5Y 5/4 Mottles @ 32" SYR 5/8 Finn, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles and Bouldres PERCOLATION DEPTH 65 " ELEVATION = 20.6 BEDROCK DEPTH Refusal @ 126" ELEVATION = 15.5 WATER AT = NONE ELEVATION = ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 32" ELEVATION = 23.33 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG TP # 103 (EL. 25.2t) Depth Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other. Structure, Stones, from Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders, Consistency, % Surface Gravel (inches) 0 - 10" I A, Sandy Loam 10YR 4)4 Friable 10 - 24" Bw Sandy Loam I 10YR 518 Friable 24 - 115" C Loamy Sand 2.5Y 514 Mottles @ 33" Firm, Gravelly, Stones, cobbles 7.5YR 518 and Bouldres @ 84", pockets of Sandy Loam PERCOLATION DEPTH 64" ELEVATION = 19.9 BEDROCK DEPTH Refusal @ 115" ELEVATION = 15.6 WATER AT = NONE ELEVATION = - ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER DEPTH = 33" ELEVATION = 22.45 BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS P.E. STAMP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN PLAN OWNER: FERNANDO LEMOS Y N/ L _P• Flu F r ASSESSORS MAP & LOT:Map 11, Portion of Lot 22 w F STREET LocATION:MISHAUM POINT ROAD ENGINEERING FIRM: Kenneth R. Ferreira Engineering, Inc. P.L.S. STAMP 46 Foster Street, New Bedford, MA. 02740 aka,` Tel. (508) 992-0020 Fax: (508) 992-3374 I n b �NNcr'- .) . - K , 1 A m 1 r.. 0 25 DATE: 00 E SCALE: AS NOTED ai "tiv PERF;EIRA i a No 2 71 CONTACT PERSON: K.J.S. orgA Aata>s� ADDRESS: TEA: same as above 5 Ck S) of 9