Zoning Review..,y.} ...!A.?=.>`•"M".".C�M:�`}?fi.}'.'�Mr'aeh vAs'9,N°i.�t"A5Y7F'2Y-•!flY�4`1. ,.fx'+`�.k�$i.M9Sr'.',d"+1M'MA!}:.t•'11K11F.1M'yAYA,'c':?.S".:i.''.9r:wRi3PRf+ e��.Kit'1Gt'bYMF.`WXV..d1?MF.�=.CVf.R'*ALMRdGP em4"UYR+.X'L'FNAfR.}:A:Yf�1fMR": _ .• _ `.�l+lh'b'+C,AIW'=.�iNv: i1X'Fi.i34., TYTM9w" w..nwi..'.. SEPTIC TANK COVERS TO BE 4" SCH 40 1 114" SCH 40 DESIGN WITHIN 12" OF FINISHED GRADE = 3' L= 124' ' S= 0.01 FINISHED GRADE Il.o FINISH GRADE 211v� FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR : 12.05 - /�� / I� //� (�� t5.60 y/ , TOP OF FOUNDATION : N/A : '� ;�.�.s:t• `�a+, �' SEE NOTE II s- 2" MIN. 51' D-BO CONCRETE, INVERTAT FOUNDATION : 10.0+/-, END CAP S 7 �; �: s Ab� a! a OR VENT rEE INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK : 9.00 : 9.00 INV. SEPTIC ': '~-' �'' 15.58 15.50 `i' TANK e 8.72 4" PERFORATED PIPE INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK : 8.75 15.73 4" PVC 0.005 SLOPE MIN. PUMP 4' MIN. TO WATER TA9LE INVERT PUMP CHAMBER INLET : 8.72 : " ' '' '•�:'•'.�' '' ''.'•'.'=y': CHAMBER 8.72 :INVERT PUMP CHAMBER OUTLET* 5.i 4" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE 5.47 ' OR APPROVED EQUAL : INVERT INTO D-BOX 15.73 ; : INVERT OUT OF D-BOX 15.60 I SYSTEM PROFILE LEACH. AREA INLET INVERT : 15.58 : NOT TO SCALE ' LEACHING AREA END INVERT : 15.50 : : 314-II/2" WASHED STONE MIN. PROPOSED GR/ El. 15.50 12" MIN. COVER MATERIAL 2" �-"- Z" WASHED STONE 3.5 "- I Z" WASHED STONE EL. 12.0 I --�"` J I I1 AI ., .,.,1 3.0' 5.5 10.5' �) EL. 6.5 MAX. G.W.T. 6 4" PERF. PVC I t/4- SCH 40FROM PUMP r HAMPER PRECAST 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK W /END CAPS --------- °----------- 3.0' EVENT WIINSECT SCREEN DB 9 CONC BOX 4" SOLID PVC 12' W/INLET TEE DISTRIBUTION LINES BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN ___.-_-._-- ---.---- .3 BUILDING USAGE: RESIDENTIAL 3 BDRM. SIZE OF TANK: 1500 GAL. 30' MIN. - GARBAGE GRINDER: NO CLOTHES WASHER: YES LEACHING TRENCH DETAILS ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GAL/DAY PERCOLATION RATE: < 2 MIN /INCH NOT TO SCALE DESIGN PERC. RATE: 10 MIN /INCH / \ e / 19 e� G , , • / 9 VV Goy UPLAND /\APPROXIMATE AREA OF /EXISTING LEACHING FIELD _ HAYBALE CHECKDAM / WELL 1 -- --- 12 REFER TO NOTICE OF INTENT 51 HoMs / 13 2 NOTE #8 SHEET 1216-2 / / / / / / • •PROP. / / r, • PUMP / `14 / TANK ro / ,15 f • W EL\ 3 Q � 7 EXIS C OV y VE ALTERNATE BENCHMARK: - PAINTED SQUARE ON ASPHALT DRIVE °� 19 / Q AT END OF WALL EL. 18.91 2 Az NO CHANGES TO EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY NEEDED. BENCHMARK: NAIL SET IN 24" OAK FOR TOWN USE ONLY EL. 8.31 N.G.V.D. II -� 7 MARSH 38.E O , �h p 20 �o SITE PLAN SCALE: I" = 30' FLAG I O WELL LEACHING AREA• 2 TRENCHES X 30' LENGTH X 3' WIDTH = 180 S.F. 2 TRENCHES X 30' LENGTH X 2 SIDES X 3.5' DEPTH= 420 S.F. SYSTEM CAPACITY: 180 S.F. X 0.55 GAL /SF /DAY= 99.0 GAL !DAY 420 S.F. X 1.0 GAL /SF /DAY= 420.0 GAL /DAY TOTAL 519 GAL/DAY DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION PERFORMED BY: K. FORTIER WITNESSED BY: W. HENDERSON DATE: 1 /5 /95 T.P. #1 EL. 20.0 0 10" ORGANIC DECAY 10" - 30" LOAMY, MED. SAND, STONES 30" - 162- CLEAN MED. SAND PERC RATE: C 2 MIN /INCH AT 60" NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED AT EL. 6.5 T.P. #2 EL. 20.5 0- 8" ORGANIC DECAY 8" - 30" LOAMY MED. SAND, STONES 30" 144- CLEAN MED. SAND 144" - 162" COARSE SAND, GRAVEL NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED AT EL.•7.0 , A\\ , Q PLIe LOC laland � � � C• , v 'f 111 L l\'Great LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND EXISTING rKUrUbLU 100---- CONTOURS l00 91 x 9 SPOT ELEVATION--,"91.1 PROPERTY LINE E.P1 EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.P. _ STONE WALL WELL • ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE No. Description Revisions GENERAL NOTES: 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of TITLE V of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. 2. Any modification to this design must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 3. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCINARK as shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 4. Deep Test Hole Information indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. 5. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health ,if GROUNDWATER or P]KRCIIED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than .indicated on this design plan. 6. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready, for INSPECTION, prior to any backfilling. 7. If CDNFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required by an engineer, notify' this office prior to any backfilling. 8.' The pipe between the house and the septic tank shall be 4" extra heavy duty cast iron, Schedule 40 PVC, or other suitable material acceptable to the approving authority. The slope of this pipe must. be a minimum of 0.01 (0.12 inches per foot). A slope of 1\4".per foot is recommended. 9. The septic tank shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this design plan, and equipped with INLET AND OUTLET TEES of proper length constructed of concrete, PVC, or cast iron. Septic tank concrete strength is to be 5000 psi at 28 days conforming to all applicable ASS11T0 11-10 .loading requirements, unless otherwise specified. 10. If any components of the proposed system are specified. as HEAVY DUTY, those components .shall conform to all state and local requirements for ASSIITO 1I-20 loading. 11. Septic tank, distribution box, and pump chamber ACCESS MANHOLE COVERS are to be built up to finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. 12. Septic tank, pump chamber, and distribution box shall be placed on a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. 13. All joints must be watertight, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that specific component. 14. Excavate all UNSUITABLE MATERIAL in the area surrounding the washed stone leaching facility to the limits specified in regulation 15.02 (17) of Title V and replace with clean coarse sand and gravel, free from fines, clay, organics, stumps, and waste construction materials. 15. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder, hot tub, or other high water usage devices. 16. Top 8" of fill is to be topsoil. 17. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the leaching area unless those items are specified as HEAVY D(TY. 18. RUBBCR TIRE MAC31INIMY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 19. For proper performance, the septic tank should be INSPECT11) annually and when the solids and scums depth exceeds 1\3 of_the liquid depth, or three years has elapsed since the last pumping, the tank and the leaching pit (if any) should be pumped. 4 . 2 r � ' , r> /�" � •C .•ham � �' SITE PLANr \ f, � -r, RALPH MEDE-IROS 194 GAFFNEY ROAD co SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. 411 Land Survey Co., Inc. / Engineering Co., Inc. / Environmental Assoc., Inc. 172 William Street New Bedford, Mass. 02740 Tel. #(508) 997-6494 FAX #(508) 997-9656 Job Numb er__OBE 1216 Drawn By: _g,M.B. Drawing No. By Date Scale: I- = 30, _ Checked By: K.R.F. 1 21 6 -1 Date: 1 /25 /95 Designed BV: K.E.F. --5'-0" F--- - -, I � 1 5 o" I � 4.-0• 2'-0" PLAN VIEW G" WALLS 24- ¢ CONC. COVER IN CENTER SLAB TOP r G. EL. 9.88 EL.9.38 5" 0 INLET OPENNG ONE-2" 4 OPENING ON E WALL. NCIT EEL. 8.72 SID END WALL (SEE PLAN VIEW) ! �. EL P.72 E'_. 5.47 _ 4.97 CROSS-SECTION VIEW PRECAST ROTONDO PC 4X4 PUMP CHAMBER NOT TO SCALE 5, 5" DIA, OUTLET S TrE TO 6E IKSTAL Lc.D :S SHOWN I L• ' 2- MIN. t �r 1.-8.. � { � { 12" MIN: 5 1L ----- DUAL SLErVL BEARINGS Supper rolon lake radial and,!or tr.n:s' loads. PROMEITT SWITCH "flows L^Stallallon in small ranps. H,2h-Srenpth thermoplastic 'tm . bronze Lmwrl TYPICAL D-BOX NOT, Tv SC-aLEE PONE: ✓+ FLOAT CORDS Crock-Cerme... wale.^.:^hl PLUG vim cre r,le-hanpeable. Feplaces replace :rom pump switch exlenor. assembly for /� / 1 manucl IT DODO[ OVERLOAD SWITCH PuA:-m to prolect C;=msi overload condtttorn. 1/3-HP LOTOR I.Dx rprr. e0 Hz 115 or 233V. s:n2le phase Oil cooled and //��luubbnccam ed ►[ lcm FLOAT rJOw PACEAGr . 07=11 Included w,lh 90• operann2 standard. p•=p. cn2le. r + E-3 i 1/3 HP Effluent Pump for Residential and Pressure Sewer Applications DIMENSIONS --1lerm i I - IErnN� I..tmml rr,mm,—i � "III 12 ON r t•NPT IVA.DrF rJb•rn� A. .�h ,0,•f i a•.a t I I PERFORMANCE CURVE CA►►CRY UTEAS PEA WRL" is 30 .S W W n rc E u ` x 0 17' +o jQs�Eiill�® ®�� 2. is 21 a t5 7 12 0 r E 0 . • +2 tE 20 CAPAC" Gi PEA IO KM 11 GPM F. E. Myers. A a r Ca .any TOO layelib v-0 1101 Myers Park -ay Ashland, Ohio 44EO5-1523 CAST IRON FRAME 8 COVER 4' 24" 12" HIGH CONC. EXTENSION RING �,24" BUILD UP TO . FINISHED GRADE GALVANIZED LIFT -OUT CHAIN d .. :at:.:,,•.., ';; :� . ,:.' .;�:. OUT TO D-BOX disconne t coupling IN FROM SEPTIC TANK ball valve ; < shut-off ' ALARMLi " 4'-II" • PUMP "ON" 39" 12- ° f " WALLS PUMP "OFF" 9.5 0 r� v PUMP CHAMBER W /MYERS E-3 PUMP PUMP "ON" FLOAT SET TO PUMP Z44 4 GAL. PER CYCLE. NOT TO SCALE CAPACITY OF 1 1/4" FORCED MAIN 15 7.9 GAL. OVER FLOW RESERVE CAPACITY IS 269 GALLONS ORIGINAL SEPTIC TANK TO BE PUMPED EMPTY, PHYSICALLY DISCONNECTED FROM SYSTEM AND FILLED W /CLEAN FILL OR REMOVED PVC CLEAN OUT W /THREADED PL NOTICE OF INTENT Notes: 1. Site locus is Lot 9 Assessor Map 13; also known as 194 Gaffney Road 2. Site is located within a Single Residence "B" Zone. 3. Part of the site is located lthin a elevatione ofall3 Flood as Hazard Zone A9 with a flood delineated on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map # 250051 0021 D. 4. Site is located within an estimated habitat of rare wetland wildlife species. 5 Site is not located within a Town of Dartmouth Zoned Wetlands 6. Any utilities shown are approximate only. Actual locations are to be verified by Contractor prior to excavation through D.P.W. and Dig -Safe procedures. 7. It is the Contractors responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to any site activity. 8. A Haybale Checkdam is to be installed, as shown on the site plan, prior to any activity and is to remain in place and be maintained until all activities are completed and vegetation established. 9. No refueling of vehicles is allowed within 100 feet of the resource area. 10. All construction litter and debris is to be removed from the vicinity of the Haybale line daily. 11. Any substantial silt accumulation overwashingagainst of the Haybales, that may cause checkdam, is to be removed by hand labor. 12. Stockpiled earth materials, in the vicinity of the proposed tanks, are to be located on the up - gradient side of the driveway. 13. A preconstruction conference, if required, is to be held between the Contractor and the Conservation Agent prior to construction. 14. A Certificate of Compliance is required at the completion of the project. Notify the Conservation Agent and the Engineering Company for any required inspections, reports, or As=built Plans that may be required. 15. Dwelling is to- serviced by on -site potable well water. • WELL 5' OF 2 1 /2" 0 SCH 40 PVC SOLVENT WELD ) ENCASE 1 1 /4" FORCE MAIN. I, VT SH AREi 7 PLUMBING DETAIL SCALE: I" - 20' E A. PUMP TYPE: Myers E-3 1/3 hp. 1/8" solids -handling effluent pump with 1" NPT discharge. 230v., 7 amp, 1 phase, 60hz. B. ALARM CONTROL PANEL: EA-1 115v. with 20 amp pump circuit and separate 15 amp alarm circuit. C. FLOATS: Pump.... Proximity switch set at elevation shown on plan Alarm ... Myers P-M (NO) polypropylene switch with stainless steel hardware D. JUNCTION BOX: 100% waterproof polypropylene junction box, attached to the end of the electrical conduit, is to be installed directly under the pump chamber access to facilitate pump, alarm, and float connections. PUMP CHAMBER: E. Pump chamber and septic tank seams, riser connections (if any), and all plumbing joints are to be installed 100% WATERPROOF. Any groundwater or surface water entering the system will severely limit the life span of the leaching area. h. DISTRIBUTION BOX cover is to be built up to finished grade and is to be equipped with a "tee" on. the inlet line. G. A check valve is NOT to be installed in the plump discharge line unless a 3/16 inch minimum weep hole is inserted downstream of the check valve. It. Electrical wiring between the main bldg. and pump chamber is to be encased in conduit with proper; fittings at each end to maintain a waterproof connection. I. Electrical installation shall conform with the N. E. C. Code and any applicable local regulations. J. Alarm system is to incorporate a pump disconnect switch activated automatically when visual and audible alarm sounds (Meyers EA-1 or equivalent). K. PRESSURE LINE: 1-1/4" Schedule 40 Pvc minimum or equivalent L. PRESSURE LINE SLOPE: 5 % minimum to ensure all effluent in pipe will backflow to pump basin when pump switches off, and to prevent any depressions or pockets in the pump line path that would continuously hold effluent. M. In case of pump failure, the pump chamber and septic tank are to be pumped by a licensed sewage hauler prior to repairing of sewage pump. This procedure will ensure no overload of the leaching area will occur when pump in restarted. N. A warning sign is to be placed on the pump chamber cover stating: 1. disconnect power prior to serviciiifr, and 2. proper ventilation to be used when working oti the pump to prevent a build up of sewer gases- 0. A backup generator (adequate for slipplyint; the sewage pump in case of electrical failure) is stone,*ly recommended. �LN