BP-90317Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by pern 1. 13ui1ding �- 2_Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Off -Street Parking 6 Total 0 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) Estimated Total Cost Including Labor: $ f H_/ pip (Please Print) I, 7=9tt)L ,JN'�/ as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to a y behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date CO3"I]ERCIAIIL _ nt S25.00 APPTIVA't ION VVY,, i,Q N9111v 1Rur c -6, IC(N�SC as Owner/Authorized Aaant hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. �j/rj Less Application Fee: $25.00 Total Permit Fee: $ U Other $ Amount $ Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued to: J Page 4 Remaining Balance: $ DATE RECEIVED _f� �. DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPAR 'MENT 400 Slocum Road, � t Dartmouth, MA 02747 - #t. Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us `�--•-�--' APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A COMMERCIAL BUILDING (including 3 or more family dwellings) �'�� �� = THl5=SECT[t)N t`t�R'DFFtCIAL ETSE=UNLY. �� . _ - - I3L11LDIN� PERMIT NEIMBE DATE � ,�Zorag L�[strtct _ � � � Proposed >�se � 2'�ne L] X C7 S Cg A I7 V AqurferZone TT!]=3ttlfitG �4GEFit�#ESHfltJ1J $10TlI�IEI r `� 4 � gS Ei f3czard oT r EI fiord of LGatrs ' t D Duna E7 tIPW II Etec [j t nergy I�eporf Appeal }featth 1;ofnnt�ssT©fi 171, Air+davr Garr35ertt y Gut Qtf Ffsltow up z r _ r 4 g �Lt e ❑ Gas CI Planning ', 6Sewer Carc1 ��©Water Gard - E}��rning - ©otfier -- - CuiQ# 6oaeti _ '"REQf7(RE5 �N�PECTfJ R SRE;VIE W 8�Fi3 RE 7 H�, tSSCiAt�ICE:flI= yl, �?ERMIT..� - DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL Board of Health.- Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature:' Date: Signature:' Date: Signature: Date: Brief description of work being performed. 'F_C-VNPA110r 1 F_ (4tL) *rCM [,eWALL— SECTION 1' SITEINFORMAT(OM _ .. r = 1.1 Property Address: 3_75 Fl f t%N Lt� ag6 f 1.2 Assessors Map & Lot Number: Map V3 Lot Nearest Cross Street:—%i�I•P 1.3 Wat upply (MGL csl0 s54): ff unicipal ❑ Private Well Business Name: �11�LEY cST� 7^Nba:gNa' Ug Business Phone #:8 Total Land Area Sq. Feet.. �ce5 1.4 SewpeDisposal System: R IGtunicipal —/-,7 ❑ On Site Disposal System ,4_ - - _.. SECTION Z APR€IPERTY_OINNEItSRtP1AU�HO(tEO_AEhIT .. _` 2.1 Owner Record: �r7 KI I--S-V t7 - %bo — f'% z� S UP, b6 2;P , 6AA JAB. t`4"l Name (print) Contact Address �j�7g p Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) %" Contact Address Phone Number Ec-cetior, of Debris Removal per N1 1% C,40 See. Page 1 Revised 10/11 ' 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor. rlft .%� Go SDAl Not Applicable ❑ License Number: 65, " 055/ I Address: 0 -X-v V IA-- �111I:�'1 9 Expiration Date: 9' 26• 7-620 Signature: Q,Gt.( Telephone: 78/• 9 3•//90 WORKER`SCOMPENSA'I�lON;1�IS�J�tAAtCEAFF{DA�1TjNfGLc15Z�25}_ Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit (MGL 152 Section 25A). Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No �� s � .;_ � .'h ... Sf=S7'I©tV5 IIE�GfZIPTiON OF i?ROP�SED INaR}� {Check alt=appladable} �_,. ` r•` _ _ -- ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Repairs ❑ Accessory Building (Shed/Garage/Other) ` �ther(Specify Sec. 6) ❑ Demolition ❑ Sign ❑ Replacement window/door No. of Windows Doors ❑ Fire Protection ScTlaty s ,,PROPOSED pR4.1ECT=USE T iNGLUD1Hta THREEFAMII:Y �R NtOREAND EXEMPT`t7SES The following descriptions are based on the Massachusetts State Building 8th Edition, Code Article 3, as noted. See the Code. ❑ Assembly - restaurant, lounge, theater, school, etc. (see Code Section 303.0) Describe: ❑ Business - office, assembly with less then 50 occupants - indicate Medical or other professional (see Code Section 304.00) ❑ Education - struction for training including child day care for those over 2 year 9 months (see Code Section 305.0) ❑ Factory/Industrial (see Code Section 306.0) ❑ High Hazard (see Code Section 307.0) ❑ Institutional - hospital, nursing home, infant day care (see Code Section 308.0) ❑ Mercantile - retail stores (see Code Section 309.0) ❑ Residential - three or more family, hotel (see Code Section 310.0) ❑ Storage - including garage (see Code 311.0) ❑ Utility & Miscellaneous Structures - includes tents and agricultural structures (see Code Section 312.0) ❑ New Tenant - for any of the above, please indicate (see Code Section 105.1) ❑ Trailer - temporary P rpose? ta'O'ther:- 4--1Z NE-W JV_CX= U--AV- OF TSyLe-alAI& Describe the proposal, INCLUDE number of dwelling units and bedrooms or occupant load as applicable, also existing condition (if extra space is needed, attach an additional sheet): oV ❑ New construction and/or Additional (total gross cubic feet proposed) - indicate If the project is an addition to existing structure - total gross square feet of existing: Iteration of existing, no increase in gross square feet. A separate Refuse Disposal Declaration is required. Will this project be subject to CONSTRUCTION CONTROL (over 35,000 cu. ft. } - � es ❑ No If Yes, see Code Section 107.6.2 Designer to submit Code Synopsis in additional to original plans and if existing building Chapter 34, ❑ Demolition* - describe structure: ❑ Trench Permit Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No See Trench Requirements G.L.C. 82A and 520 CMR 7.00 et seq. ❑ Moving* - (provide copy of DPW moving license) *Type of structure: from where (map/lot or address): to where (map/lot or address): number of dwelling units: number of bedrooms per dwelling unit: ❑ Replacement doors and windows - (for existing only) (only where doors and windows exist and will not be enlarged) EGRESS dimensions must be maintained. ❑ Temporary s - wed new tenants r p ry structure and uses includes, when alto ,toilers, tents and the like and only for limited periods of time. Describe: ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler jtieating) - fuel gas. (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) Roof Top Unit (RTU) New .❑ Replacement ❑ None of the above to be provided Mechanical Ventilation ❑ ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other F: SECTI©[ .9 PRIT�CKLERS_ANDIQR'_FIRE„FftOT'ECTfON , COPIES_ F fLANS,AND f�[ARRATIVE REQUIRED . equired.- plans provided plans not provided, why? ❑ Not required, not to be installed, why? Narrative'Submitted? ❑ Yes. ❑ No SECTfON=:f Q ' tIINTfFIGA7tDN 11.1 Arch itectlEng[nee r- for overall design Company Name: Address: Phone #: OCR Certified by State of Massachusetts as: . Certification Number: Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits & other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. 11.2 Architect/Engineer - project supervision and reports Company Name: ,1�T Address: Phone #: Certified by State of Massachusetts as: Certification Number: Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits & other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. 11.3 General Contractor Company Name: A WA L-Lo Address: 1-7 Tzp . � W N. kIA- '6a7I7 Phone #: -5-4�71S. ; oa. 09` Construction Supervisors License Number: 7CL , Note: Signatures and seals on all plans, affidavits & other documents SHALL BE originals and not reproductions. Page 2 Page 3 NORTH BUILDING "All EXISTING P Q UN NLW WALL ANU LN INY CENTER SECTION 4 NEW FOUNDATION - KEY PLAN S1.0 DO NOT SCALE Oni ITLI BUILDING "Bn 4 r5 FOUNDATION PLAN - PROPOSED S1.0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 5 i INCORPORATE EXT'G COLUMN/PEDESTAL INTO NEW FORMWORK AND POUR TYP. ALIGN FACE OF EXT'G PRECAST PANELS ON ANGL TYP. PRECAST TYP. --_ ----- ---- NEW CENTER SECTION FOUNDATION EXT'G VF FOUNDATION i MASONRY SHELF TBD ALIGN FOUNDATION WALL AND ACCOMODATE POSITION OF PRECAST PANELS. ADJUST THICKNESS OF WALL/ANGLE AS REQUIRED. r3: FOUNDATION TRANSITION @ EXT'G 51.0 SCALE 1/2"=1' INTEGRATE EXISTING FOUNDATION PIERS INTO NEW WORK AS REQ'D EXPANSION JOINT EXTERIOR FINISH 1 SYSTEM TBD 6" CONC. SLAB ' 16" 1 CHAMFER @ #5 DOWELS @ 16" O.C. T.O. WALL ON TOP OF MESH T.O. WALL WIRE MESH v�LV.LF. 2" RIGID d'{ INSULATION z 4" MASONRY SHELF TYP. 01bNEW SLAB —MATCH EXT'G I; a I: F POLY VAPOR �� ij BARRIER ,��>�� ; v� y , v� % \ RTICAL . #5 BARS CALORHZONTAL\ \2--#5 BARS 'EQUAL-"Y�SPACED\: . \ '=1111111111=1111 I'I =SOIL - \\SELECT: \BACKFILL, _ \X I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1-_I \\.,\� ILL\\y COMPACTED ®95% � � \\ � I— `� v="� ASELECTBAbkF /j!- '\ FOUNDATION W, Lt=_I (I I vv COt� ,K�Y�VAY v�\ v vV\, v%vA� V`�/V VA'TERPROOFIN-G' III ASPHAL EMULSfpN'tRQUAL (5) #5 BARS A "BOTT, OF FOOTINGv yTYPE III —I i III —III III III III I I —III III III III III I I' III=1 I I i l 1= I III=1 I I III —III III I I I_I I I III- l i l 1-1II Ili II II II LI[ I'I III III=1'i 1=III IIi_;II_III iI1 -iII III=III ! I II UNDISTURBED SOIL_ 11.:- I I C i f I E= 1( I�1 i I -- I=IiI I'I -IiI II\ II!\III PROPOSED FOUNDATION WALL - TYP. SCALE: 3/4"=1'—O" I�lillllll 11C TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVED — 7x7 TUBE STL. COL. f1" THICK x 12" BASE PLATE ON GROUT BED EXT'G COLUMIN FIELD OBSERVATIONS SCALE 1 /2"=1' CALDWELL ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES Commercial- Residential- Sustainable KEVIN S. CALDWELL, AIA, LEED AP caldwell architectural associates, inc. 10 whiteweed drive dartmouth, MA 02747 (p) 508.965.2526 (e) kscarch@comcast.net (w) www.caldwellarchitect.com LIMITATIONS OF USE ©CALDWELL ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 2018 THESE DRAWINGS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED fOR A ONE TIME USE IN REFERENCE TO THE PROJECT LISTED BELOW ONLY. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF OR UTILIZATION OF THE DOCUMENTS OR ANY PART WITHIN IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. STANLEY STREET HOLDINGS, LLC 375 FAUNCE CORNER RD DARTMOUTH, MA LIABILITY DISCLAIMER THE DRAWINGS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED FOR CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION. CALDWELL ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATES, INC. IS RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR THE ACCURATE REPRESENTATION, COORDINATION, AND DEPICTION OF THE GENrRAL DESIGN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE FOR THE SELECTION OF @OTH MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION IN REGARDS TO, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION, PROPER APPLICATION AND INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, AND THE UTILIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INDUSTRY STANDARDS. THE CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS OF THE PRr-EXISTING CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. ACCEPTANCE Of THESE DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CONTRACTOR IS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO AND AGREEMENT WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. REVISIONS # DATE NOTES PROJECT PROJECT NO. STANLEY ST. 2015-14 DATE 10/11 /2018 SCALE DRAWN BY AS NOTED MG/KSC DRAWING NO. sino TITLE FOUNDATION PLAN - PROPOSED