OSRD Subdivision PlanLOCUS MAP MAP 42 LOT 27 N/F RT. 6 REALTY, INC. DH IN WAL L- FND. 1 \ 1. This plan is approved in accordance with and is subject to, the requirements of Section 6 of the Zoning Bylaw entitled Open Space Residential Design (OSRD). 2. Approved for a maximum of three lots/units. There shall be no further subdivision of this land to create additional buildable lots. 3. Parcel A and Parcelgshown on this plan shall be permanent open space subject to an Open Space Covenant dated , running with the kind, to be duly recorded with this plan by or for the owner of record. 4. The Director of Inspectional Services shall not issue a building permit for 'Grace Meadows' until a lot release signed by the Planning Board is delivered to the Building Department 5. No building shall be placed on lots 2 through 3 without the prior written consent of the Board of Health. 6. Property owners shall be responsible for their own collection and disposal of trash. Trash may not be placed on a public way other than the frontage of the lot where the trash is generated. If in the future the Town develops a new policy and procedure, this requirement may be modified. 7. All utilities shall be underground. _ MAP 42 LOT 25 N/F THOMAS & KAREN ROCHA 8. THE SPECIAL PERMIT ISSUED BY THE PLANNING BOARD HAS ALLOWED THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING SY-LAW FOR LOTS 1 THROUGH 3 EITHER GENERALLY AS TO ALL OF THE LOTS AS NOTED, OR SPECIFICALLY AS TO ONLY CERTAIN OF THE LOTS, ALSO AS NOTED: Section 48.401 Lot Area: To allow lot area to be a minimum of 32,000 square feet as to both total kit area and total so-called upland area requirement Section 48.402 Lot Shape: To allow for lots to be shaped in the manner that Lots 1-3 inclusive are shaped Section 48.403 Lot Frontage: To allow for Lot 1 to have a minimum frontage of seventy-five (75) feet. Additionally, to allow Lots 2 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have no frontage on a DDublic way and to instead have access to and from a public way by way of a common private way within the Common Amass area shown on this pion. Section 4B.404 Setbacks: To allow for Lot 1 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have a minimum front yard setback of twenty (20) feet• including a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from vehicular easement Imes, with such vehicular easement lines being specifically identified as the Common Access Area shown on this plan, and to allow for Lot 1 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have a minimum side yard setback of fifteen (15) feet from perimeter property lines. S. A 1'X1' sign shall be set in the middle of each lot at the open space boundary dividing the proposed lots from the open space stating "Open Space Boundary . / . OWNER: CARLOS BELOU 408 CHASE ROAD DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 APPLICANT: CARLOS BELOU 408 CHASE ROAD s r MAP 42 LOT 24 DARTMOUTH. AM 02747 as s''.,,'�• KENNETH & PATRICIA CHARROs DEED REFERENCE: BOOK 10094, PAGE 346 F PROJECT LOCUS: MAP 42 / LOT 14 OPEN SPACE ( MAP 42 y� PARCEL A ; LOT 23 ' Nw ..�. 255120.2 SO. FT. 5.86 ACRES - 1 N/F Na, �• I RA A A & ¢ B ' 1 I A26 A24 A23 A22 -)�EK1 LNG r -- 99.87 - 4(` p21�� A2A15 �C \ - A28 A27 A25 A14.. �C- .. / A13A CONCRETE BOUND C".) A19. I TO BE SET A18 -a A14A /A29 A3 / Ai LIMIT OF BORDERING 69. VEGETATED WETLANDS g + --"' N 81 05'..W ._..... - ' I i 20, A,7� LOT 3 N a 40574.2 SQ. FT. 0.93 ACRES c A31 _ "OPEN + \ 1 ,74 SPACE BOUNDARY - \ SIGN (TYPJ 1 "1'QS S t8. E1, - MAP 42 LOT 10-7 I 1 �,15 io in I 35. q z JEFFREY A KATZ y1 Ail � Z I \ C EXISTING BARN '. 0 ISOLATED LAND (TO BE REMOVED) N NN 112 Z o ABJECT TO FLOODING ;\ LOT 2'l la m� . N, „6 o 7 33652.6 q( X6 0.77 ACRES \ �I` v \ 119 _ ' 4D-0( -118.1'8' -�- � 108 12D 121 10 101 102 I 3A N 84'11'OS' W 7.S6j 70� \ m 1 � - o W I Pv ryQ 40.0 � A37-END _ \ - �� /'Xc10^ T 1 7C104 8 '4,97' rn/ 31NOS � 134.97' - 0- / S 1100NG .0NO - , 41.( TOTAL PARCEL AREA: 399132 SO. FT. t 9.16 AC. AREA OF OPEN SPACE: 258117.5 SG. Fr. t 5.93 AC AREA OF CONTIGUOUS OPEN SPACE: 255120.2 SO, FT. t 5.88 ACRES :. 0 ��to / o to I z I I _ f ! DH IN WALL 40.21" 82.0 MAP 42 LOT 10-1 N/F SINATH IM 5.24-- Z- Zof a• w LOT 1 ACCESS / unuTY 52897.2 SO. Fr. EM� 1.21 ACRES /730.4 SO. Fr. 50743 SO. Fr. TING (STING (UPLAND) SHED LEACHFIELD INTERMITTENT EL 813L CHANNEL 73F WIG8131 6,11 Bj,CK�f� Q_ 422.47• Bt ttri gj'- BSg'- 913A /g13- N 81' 10'o V W 300.25' ;;7 610 i 0' 50' 100' 150'0' MAP 42 LOT 18 N/F DAVID L & CHARLENE E. MEANEY MAP 42 LOT 16 N/F DAVID L & CHARLENE E. MEANEY DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD Approval Under the Subdivision Control I APPROVED (date): ENDORSED (date): I hereby certify that the notice of approval of this plan by the Dartmouth Planning Board was received and recorded at this office, and no appeal was received during the twenty (20 days nerd after such receipt of recording of said notice. Town Clerk, Dartmouth, -Ma Date Subject to a Special Permit dated I running with the fond, to be duly recorded with this pion by or for the owner or record. Subject to Grace Meadows Homeowners' Association Trust dated running with the land, to be duly recorded with this plan by or for the owner or record. A Common Driveway Plan for this Subdwisan, showing required improvemen is on file with the Dartmouth Planning Board and the Dartmouth Departmer of Public Works. All In preparing the plan entitled, SUBDIVISION PLAN OF GRACE MEADOWS, n A -MAP 42 LOT 17 and dated September 2, 2017, 1 hereby certify that the above named plan accompanying data is true and correct to the accuracy required by the cu \ Ail N/F Subdivision Regulations for the Town of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and as i DAB L & CHARLENE E. MEANEY }i_ I by the Rules of the Bristol County (S.D.) Registry of Deeds. a N \ oACCESS / UTILITY All� _ eeicriaa. EASEMENT Al -Sr ,F^^„ !A 1730.4 SQ. FT. rro. a cax • N s 11 2 Qrs A5 A4 - I.� ACCESS / UTILITY A3 02 I LEACH,dr X DATE7 9 PROFESSIONAL SEAL EASEMENT I 1766.3 SO. FT. 44 94' L-40.59' Q' S 45'20'28' E -274.07' R=25.00 A=93'01' S 61'10'04' E - - 314.13' - - 5• E GRACE LANE r10.00' N 81'10'04' W 316.76' 6 - B. 275.75' q B18 B19 �rNENtt'1II4'� .'- r R=25.0 ' x 617 ( �0 I �- I �,� 8211 I G=86'5 3 0 I " PEN SPACE ;sLIJ xB,6 PARCEL B ' co I 1 2997.3 SO. FT. / B15 0.07 ACRES I U MAP 42 MAP 42 MAP 42 4 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 11 N/F N/F N/F 1 M"-F- MELANSON JOSEPH E. MELANSON JOSEPH E. MELANSON OPEN SPACE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN (OSRD) SUBDNISIO ENTITLED GRACE MEADOWS LOCATED IN DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS PREPARED FOR CARLOS BELOLI SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 2017 REVISED: DECEMBER 27, 201 JANUARY 22, 2108 PREPARED BY SITEC SI tmouth, 449 Faunce Comer Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 (508) 998-2125 Civil and Environmental Engineering FAX (508) 998-7554 Land Use Planning ACAD RLE NO. DAR D9-4389 OSRD-1-22-11! 4 , n 1. This plan is approved in accordance with and is subject to, the requirements 8. THE SPECIAL. PERMIT ISSUED BY THE. PLANNING BOARD HAS W ALLOWED THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS titled R id ti I Design of Section 6 of the Zoning Bylaw en Open Space es en a es gn (OS RD). - OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING BY LAW FOR LOTS 1 THROUGH 3 EITHER GENERALLY AS TA 2. Approved for a maximum of three lots/units. There shall be no further subdivision ALL OF THE LOTS AS NOTED, OR SPECIFICALLY AS TO ONLY CERTAIN OF THE 'LOTS, ALSO AS NOTED: of this land to create additional buildable lots. Section 46.401 Lot Area: To allow lot area to be a minimum of 32,000 square feet as to both ' ' 3. Parcel A and Parcel B shown on this plan shall be permanent open space subject to an total lot area and total so-called upland area requirement. P q Open Space Covenant dated ,running with the land, to be duly recorded Section 4B.402 Lot Shape: To allow for lots to be shaped in the manner that Lots 1-3 with this plan by or for the owner of record. inclusive are shaped. i.{ 4. The Director of Inspectional Services shall not issue a building permit: for Grace Meadows Section 46.403 Lot mini t Frontage: To allow for Lot 1 to have a minimum frontage of seventy-five 75 feet. to Additionally,to allow ° `- until a lot release signed b the Planning Board is delivered to the 9 Y 9 Lots 2 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have no frontage on a public wayand to instead have access and by from a public Building Department. way wa a common private way within a ommon ccess areas own on this plan. y y of co the C h 5. No building shall b placed on lots 2 through 3 without the rior written g e p c g p r tten consent of the Board of Health. Section 4B.404 Setbacks. To allow for Lot 1 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have a minimum front 9 hard setback of twenty (20) feet, including a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet from vehicular easement lines, with such vehicular fi. Property owners .shall be responsible for their own collection and disposal of `trash. Trash may not be placed - easement dines being specifically identified as the Common Access Area shown on this plan, and t o allow f or .FOCUS on a public way other than the frontage of the lot where the trash is generated. If in the future the Town P Y Lot 1 through Lot 3, inclusive, to have a minimum side yard setback of fifteen 15 feet from ) :cater develops a new policy and procedure, his requirement may be modified. P P Y P q Y perimeter property lines. 7. All utilities shall be underground. MAP 42 LOT 25 N/F _ THOMAS & KAREN ROCHA 9. A 1 X1 sign shall be set in the middle of each lot at the open space boundary dividing the proposed lots from the open space stating "0 en S ace Bounds " LOCUS MAP P P ry FINAL APPROVED PLAN h6ti'� OWNER: CARLOS BELOLI MAP 42 LOT 2 % ti°c 408 CHASE ROAD DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD N/F DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 i RT. s REALTY, INC. Approval Under the Subdivision Control Low APPLICANT: CARLOS BELOLI APPROVED (date): s MAP 42 LOT: 24 408 CHASE ROAD ENDORSED (dot sr2, DARTMOUTH, AM 02747 N/F KENNETH & PATRICIA CHARROS DH IN WALL-`•Rj.F DEED REFERENCE: BOOK 10094, PAGE '346 FND. Kevin A. Melo, Clerk � PROJECT LOCUS: MAP 42 /LOT 14 OPEN SPACE MAP 42 I 1 hereby certify that the notice of approval of this plan b t PARC[. c Pp p y he Dartmouth EL A 1 I Planning Board was received and recorded at this office, and 1 LOT 23 no appeal was received during the twenty (20) days next after such 255120.2 SQ. FT. receipt of recordingof said notice. N/F .MAP 42 LOT 18 5.8E ACRES _ aa,. ocp, RANDAL A & N/F BETH M. MELLO 1 DAVID L. & CHARLENE E. MEANEY Town Clerk, Dartmouth, Ma Date I S 84' 11'05" E _ - ---- A26 A23 A22 1;.. EXISTING - 99.87 A24r A20 Al R`�� I 1 P running with the land, SHED �. Subject to a Special Permit dated 01� to be duly recorded with this plan by r f the owner or record. \ A28 A27 A25 - X A15 k: A14 ti \ A13A Subject to Grace Meadows Homeowners' Association Trust dated 5 N CONCRETE BOUND . (TYP.) At 9 I A13 o TO BE SET A18 A --g14A running with the land, to be duly recorded with this plan o , - by or for the owner or record. 2 A29 LIMIT OF BORDERING 169.62 „ - MAP 42 LOT 16 a. A3 i VEGETATED WETLANDS m N . 84' 1.1.. 05 ._ . W .. _.. - - 1 I 1 o o 20 N/F ; 3cr 120 ,' DAVID L. & CHARLENE E. MEANEY Al2 , _ LOT 3 - o \ 40574.2 SO. FT. b A Common Driveway Plan for this Subdivision, showing required improvements, \ 0.93 ACRES q is on file with the Dartmouth Planning Board and the Dartmouth Department A31 "OPEN SPACE BOUNDARY" A114 of Public Works. 114 \ SIGN (TYP.) In preparing the plan entitled, SUBDIVISION PLAN OF GRACE MEADOWS, t° M A10 E MAP 42 LOT ' 7 and dated September 2, 2017, 1 hereby certify that the above named plan and S 8 '110,5u - accompanying data is true and correct to the accuracy ' - `� 35.0 ; 0), A9 N/F y required by the current Z �, 3 Subdivision Regulations for the Town of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and as required �-_ ( b DAVID L. & CHARLENE E. MEANEY <<.! by the Rules of the Bristol Count S.D. Registry of Deeds. LOT 10- 7 _ 115 ` 10, N Y ( ) g� ry MAP 42 L Go A32 N_ �� v(OF N/F Z. o EXISTING BARN ; 20 ` a° JEFFREY A. KATZ ��, I ISOLATED LAND Z (TO BE REMOVED) �N N o ACCESS /UTILITY 8` , I SEM r' cr 1i2 UBJECT TO FLOODING w o No EASEMENT ��icii. �+ AlAl-STAR Hit a _ 116 ` LOT 2 �o o m 1730.4 SO. FT. 'X X, �_ 82 t �.� A5 - A4 .LEACH A34 N' a ' G 117 118 co � 33652.E SQ. FT. oasw`' A 1 �X \ w \ 0.77 ACRES ACCESS / UTILITY A3 A2 1 cl DAT �:, 119 000 EASEMENT I Q 40 00 1766.3 SO. FT. 111 110 109 -- 120 121 100 Z18152 g, 108 X 101 � N 84' 11'05 W 7.86' 44.94' " L=40.59 �( 107 -� 102 l R=25.00' 0o W b 1 S 45'20 28 E A=93'01'01 " ' X� = I103 1 n N Q 40.06' 274 07' S 81'10'04" E I X/ � 106 � ��:-.- �,, ,, � o � ti _.. _. 314.13' - -' _�� 3 OPEN SPACE E �` , RESIDENTIAL DESIGN (OSRD) SUBDIVISION A37-END \ S 81. O'04"1 E5 04 �` � P / # �c, / o i ,v .27' 1to - - 134.97' _ _ ,�� ,�� 31 N 05'48'55" E GRACE LANE o ENTITLED B 3 d- �'S 81'10'04'�E �N*-bI. 1� EXISTING / 10.00' N 81'10'04" W 316.76' B24 00 �ocJ` .p`L�' • DWELLING 41.01 275.75' B22 - GRACE MEADOWS --61.57 , / oI o - - - 276.28 _ N S 81' 10'04" E cNvl N B18 B19 W L=37.95 _ L=37.95' st 1� 6g8 65.24=- �� ,d- X �:. I B20 B21 1 0=86'58'S9" R=2500' 10.44' � 41 01 617 I N� 1 0 0=86'58'59" LOCATED I I S 71'02'24" W LOT 1 ACCESS / UTILTY 3 XI TIN OPEN SPACE I DARTMOUTH,. EASEMENT MASSACHUSETTS � �52897.2 SQ. FT. x X616 ��_ p ®I 1.21 ACRES 1730.4 SQ. FT, ca 1_"A!� CEL Ee: W EXIS NG o 6 1 1 2997.3 SQ. FT. PREPARED FOR �' k �, s2 L "a� 50743 SQ. FT. rn o r a, U?/ EXISTING oo ISHED 0.07 ACRES NLEACHFIELD o CARLOS BELOU I I TOTAL PARCEL AREA: Z INTERMITTENT �' -M MAP 42 MAP 42 MAP 42 I scALE: "=50' 399132 SQ. Fr. f � � CHANNEL e13L - � � DATE. SEPTEMBER 2, 2017 B13F B13G B13K� B14 LOT L®T 11 REVISED: DECEMBER 27 2017 9.16 AC. I 1 613H B131 _ B13J -X 1 LOT 1.J 12 � 422.47' 61 - =_" - BSA = ! N/F N/F N/F JAN UARY 22, 2108 AREA OF OPEN SPACE. 8-13 ` B� 613 - _ JOSEPH E _MELANSON JOSEPH E. MELANSON JOSEPH E. MELANSON PREPARED BY DH IN WALL 40.21''' - 82.00 - - N 81' 10'04" W - '" 258117.5 SQ. FT. � 300.25 B11 B12 � . 5.93 AC. FND. / �`` SITEC, Inc. AREA OF CONTIGUOUS OPEN SPACE. MAP 42 LOT 10-1 , 449 Faunce Corner Road N/F ' �9 '- 91Tx C Dartmouth, MA 02747 255120.2 SO. FT. f SINATH IM 0' 50100' 150 (508) 998-2125 5.8E ACRES Civil and Environmental Engineering FAX (508) 998-7554 Land Use Planning ACAD FILE NO. DAR 09-4389 OSRD-1-22-18 f t AL APPROVED PLAT a� s LOCUS MAP ��• MAP 42 LOT 24 0 SCALE: 1 "=800'f N •Q o E > �. E a o C U � o MAP 42 LOT 14 ` ° om QA 399132 SQ. FT. t N c U' 9.16 AC. o 0 rn0 CP. w- U CL �Z _ ,- "1jIlj�� A34 N. " I k l 1 A35 A �11iEi -t - A3 A37-ENO MAP 42.LOT 10-7 ` \o EXItTING--'� \\ \ \ \ l \ \ \ SHEQ \ IINTf-RMITTENT B1 �B1l CHVNEL ' l� Nl �B1'3� 8131�1 1 8131 8131 E 13K MAP 42 LOT 10-1 s 6p ss 'sa��s7 l �\ \ 811 812 B10 �54 - � -K 53 i / 89 - X� B8 134 81 -� B7 B6 MAP 42 LOT 18 A13 MAP 42 LOT 16 1 — •� i %A10�� \As Ln I i i PAVED �i APRON 00 00 N N N O N N �z wQ o� Z � N O O N d- I C II Q �-- z cn cn w �W � '� O •O � Q a�i Z U O D Z Q _j dN 0 C O o Z Q�� m 0 LEGEND ��F- 0 o = 0 0 PROPERTY LINE � v - � _z ~ (n STONEWALL ui Q 0 o 0 a W A-5 A-g e EDGE OF BORDERING a `' - VEGETATED WETLANDS S5 0 I TEST PITS �� - - O Q N Co U N O1 EXISTING SEPTIC TANK woo 0) 0 4 E o—v 000 Fo--o-1 EXISTING PUMP CHAMBER v� EXISTING LEACHING AREA W E lm rc -= is w ° a� o OWNER: CARLOS BELOLI 408 CHASE ROAD Acad No. DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 DAR 09-4389 EC.DWG File No. 09-4389 52 EXISTING GUTTER LINE OFCHASE ROAD I •209; I r 1 E E i 48 } i t I PROPOSED; CENTERLINE 000 GRADE 44 EXISTING ENTERLINE ; 1•307. GR 1 1 1 10 0o l co ! r N N to II`- cD #cam O O 6 Cod 1 6Ln ►+) i�� i � •00 3+50 3+00 2+50 2+00 1 +50 1 +00 0+50 0+00 GRACE LANE PROFILE SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 "=40' VERTICAL 1 "=4' WATER QUALITY SWALE L L) I L..7 LIMIT OF BORDERING sue\ 52\ 51` VEGETATED WETLAND �, h 1 ,-- A26 \ A25 A24� i s rk � �•_�� ` .� _ � _ � _ _ _ _ � MAP 42 LOT 18 HECK w�� , \ E � 0 A30 /� �i i�� 5� - — — — — — —DAM o -- \ _ IP-RAP ®� PROPOSED- gILT FENCE}(\ — 7- �IIIlI,I�� �� o� \� LIMIT OF WO?K i �/ 11 i •\1 A14 / I!!IlIII DRAINAGE m I I \` rj - / I t !! I! DETENTION AREA t \ / / A17 A A31 ] ! t E /%/r SHED -- 11 A13 / 1ll1J --- _ I IJ 1 TO BE t OAM & SEE0/W NEW t 1 t DEMOLISHED I f ENGLAND WETL�ND SEED t LOT r PROPOSED I t , /!i� I/Ili 11 MIX 1\t 1 r? @WELL p Ij Lu r,,l, - I ► � P 42 LOT 16 rt , 115 1�3211 111 11 J I �� t TO B Al sot ' 1111111 1, t � � ` _ _ 1 DEMOLISH r EXJSTING \ I ' ' ► ]/ �� - I 1111 ISOLAT D .LAND 1 JI 64 A34 �? - I I t l 1 i SUB 1EGT O FLOODING t PRO OSLD II / A10�' i i�t 116 WE�Li 1 \ I \ — r a r 1 } CHECK \\ - Ax A35 A 1 t t 1 �t7�� ld s� 1 I ih t , 117 DAIS\ \As 1,1 118 V , J MAP 42 LOT 17 A3 Xj IJ 1 A3 t\ 1\ �` __ -- �� :�-��' ---- 54----''�� i I j \� ow \\\f So It- / o \� \ \\ 7-END \� �\\-------- \` �� ���8 �� \20 f I ao N �, \� \\ A8't \ 121 10-0 -' 101 ACCES� / UTILITY EAS �y NT 102- p USED E A1\ G L DRIVEWAY r \ \ \ -STAR 1 1 \ \ l A5 1\ MAP 42 LOT 10- 7 `� � t t � t � t �\105. \. y _ A4 1 1 1 \ + \ \ \ \ f / \' �� - 1 l — — — — PROPOSED \ \ \ I---- �� I to ` 1 / /~ ' \ WAT R QUALITY SWALE \ \ \ \ / A3 A2 — — — y \ i i PRO;POS D SILT ENCE/ / / ► LIMIT F WOft J-- J I I 1 I \ 1 _p n I 04f E 23(4.07' ut 0, 1 J \ > IbJ 1! _ � 1 1 1 � \ �� i 1 � Big �� 27g � --- \ \ \ \ ACCESS / UTILITY @ xB17 x 8 622 0 LOT 1 EASEME I \ �\ B20- / ` � \ ANTI -TRACKING PAD EXI TING \ \'� \� 1'- \ �Q (REMOVE PRIOR TO PAVING) SHED \�Q As s \ GRADED TO \\ �\ �\ \\ \ \ \\ \ �� 1 ��` �\ o \ ,XB1d� PREVENT RUNOFF FROMENTERINGTHE ,; OPEN SPAS CHASE ROAD LAYOUT (SEE DETAIL) `n PARCEL B Q INTERMITTENT \ \ �� \ 81 -a--Bl CH VNEL f \\ B15t, V \o �� \ \ �_\ --` \ , F N\ B1 8131\\ B1 Y So �� — �s R It �` - --_ B13J13K _ B1 MAP 42 MAP 42 MAP 42 LOT 10-1 61 1.1�\ . t B B B1 A- _1 _ ¢ MAP 42 6, 60 ~59��5g\_S7 - -- 13 _ LOT 13 LOT 12 T GENERAL NOTES: s� �55i B10 54 811 Bit -s, LOT 11 % 53 S2 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TOWN OF / 9 DARTMOUTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST REVISION. 2. A RIGHT OF PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FOR CURB CUT OF DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ,/ B8 MAP 42 LOT 14 3. GRACE LANE AND COMMON DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN PRIVATE DRIVEWAY, NEVER TO BE ACCEPTED--'" 62 B3 B5 �.� 399132 SQ. FT. t OR MAINTAINED BY THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH. B1 / �- .B7 - 9.16 AC. 4. ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION LOTS. (2-3) SHALL HAVE ROOF DRAINS DIRECTED TO ONSITE B6 RECHARGE UNITS AS DEPICTED ON THE DETAIL SHEET (SHEET 4 OF" 4). OWNER: CARLOS BELOLI 408 CHASE ROAD DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE STONEWALL A-5 A-6 EDGE OF BORDERING VEGETATED WETLANDS TEST PITS Fo--51 PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK ° PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION BOX PROPOSED LEACHING AREA PROPOSED RESERVE AREA 97 X5 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE PROPOSED CONTOUR OPROPOSED STREET TREE i t, � a V0 s� U o 0 N a� c 0 •vi E o •> a •L Q C.) co °' o � O :� v o m v o v v .N •� .� c o 0 0r U CL r- m 00 N N a� r. N 04 N o U w Z o -5 Z `-" N N � II N ¢ (n w N Q a Go m o� c Z 11 Q w 0 d- 07 z O O U) J I Q ___I OU � 0 V) Q O Q LIJ < m Q LLJ mQZ Q O oU� I 0 (10 000 < O w a U w cr �, 0 a v v N C3 TO O Q U� N rn W �uZoo— moo '^^ LO Vl ,4-0 c W E 8� �n W V� oM con_ •o U _103 Acad No. DAR 09-4389 WD.DWG File No. 09-4389 INE )RDERING NETLAN DS OWNER: CARLOS BELOLI 408 CHASE ROAD DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 c) 0Q�V)V) c 0 'v� 3 c 'E '> o F CL U v U � y O N p m � o c:0)'� • C 0 o � U a 00 0 0 N N N r o N N U Z W Z '' c,41 Lu I O N oLO > �L z oo 0 a ICU � � c 0 y U C� y Z V) W 0 Z 0 d r_/ ^ V` / �-- p V) 0 J � m Q W_ C14 V) d- Q Q W Q m <�� O ly z OUj - j V 00 Of Q ;ago U a U a v 0 �r O ¢ N T M U � N � �j c - rn o :3 :3 0 W E 00 v -t oOX O v LLQ C 'C G1 N C W v� c ctm o c •r- v w n- c o � - v c Acad No. DAR 09-4389 EC.DWG File No. 09-4389 1 "x1" PINE STAKE LOAM & SEED ILT FENCE. FABRIC (3' long ) DISTURBED AREAS LOAM SEED SWIDE "GEOFAB" DISTURBBED AREAS SILT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 20' ( or approved equal) THE MAINTENANCE OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE PROPOSE D PROJECT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILL REQUIRE PERIODIC INSPECTIONS AND CLEANING, TO INSURE THE LONG TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SYSTEM, THE FOLLOWING MEASURES WILL BE TAKEN BY THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION: SLOPE 3/8"/ FT (MIN.) ' 6» 24" 1. THE GRASSED WATER QUALITY SWALE AND TRAP ROCK DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED MONTHLY FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS AFTER CONSTRUCTION AND TWICE A YEAR s - I THEREAFTER, AND SHALL BE CLEANED AT LEAST ONCE PER YEAR: THE SWALE MAY BE Z/Z/, TOE=1N BOTTOM 12" J 12„ MOWED (WHEN DRY) AND RE -SEEDED AS NECESSARY. OF SILT FENCE 2. MOW GRASS IN THE SWALES (APPROXIMATELY 4") AS NECESSARY SO THE GRASS DOES ♦ ♦ ♦ .� � . �. �. r. NOT EXCEED . 6". SILT / DRIVEWAY APRON WITHIN RIGHT O F WAY EROSION 3. REPAIR AREAS OF EROSION AND REVEGETATE AS NEEDED. cRoss SECTION CONTROL FENCING NOT TO SCALE THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE BMP'S LISTED ABOVE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NOT TO SCALE THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION, A REPORT DETAILING THE CONDITION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION. TOP OF ALL SEDIMENT AND HYDROCARBONS SHALL BE PROPERLY HANDLED AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE BERM (, 4.5' I, . 2' I 4.5' PQ WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS. R° CONSERVATION SEED IX 3 DRIVEWAYDRA Ps�o °° °°° 2S. ,� I NAG E CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 6" TYPICAL ., 3 ff 18 MINIMUM °°pa°p gapgAo° A.) INSTALL SILTATION CONTROL DEVICES AS NOTED AT THE LIMIT �:.: • Y.. i t •,) - °Op P°oo °pp O° �9�QO8ppa q�gaga oa3O •��*_�`` � ' �'•� • MIT OF WORK. . .: ^ •.1 ..: .. ., ° 00pp °u qP p° pOp Oppppp°po pp `: ` ° °op ° �aa�;oa ap°Qopp000°op�pp B. CUT ALL TREES AND SHRUBS - ^.. �.. .'..t .:...; ^. •• `.:.,.: •...•...^'''-.: ^. `. .^ .'..1 .•'.:.•...' pO6Op pp?9p6ppOpo ppAOp °pp °U •) WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK AND REMOVE FROM THE SITE. ' •` • p0 op°°ap°nqp� pOp°°°° - C. REMOVE ALL TREE ST UMPS WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK A " �•:: '•SO%' SAhID' :• � 6 MIN.. pp ppp pp pp AND REMOVE FROM THE SITE. 12 TYPICAL °° °oaooaa °° °°° D. REMOVE THE TOPSOIL FROM THE LIMIT OF WORK AND STOCKPILE "'' '` SOS FOAM: I.IX.::. t pp0°ep° ° ) ° ILE IN THE DESIGNATED 2 -4 WASHED pp ° pp°p°9 AREAS. REMOVE UNSUI TABLE SOILS F p ROM COMMON ° p DRIVE WAY AREA. k.. , . CRUSHED D STONE p _ \\ \\ GEOTEXTILE ���� ����\����\ ����\��������\����\��� ROAD STABILIZATION �2 E.) CONSTRUCT THE TEMPORARY STONE STABILIZED ANTI -TRACKING PAD (SEE DETAIL). FILTER FABRIC F. CONSTRUCT THE STORMWATER SWALES AS SHOWN. EROSION G.) CONSTRUCT PROPOSED TRAP ROCK DIKES. TRAP 1 °'� BNK TEMPORARY PO RARY ROCK GRASSED WATER QUALI QUALITY SWALE H.) CONSTRUCT PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN. TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM DETAIL NOT TO SCALE. ANTI -TRACKING PAD I.) LOAM AND SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION PHASE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL ' CONSTRUCTION PHASE POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 3/4" _11/2 WASHED CRUSHED STONE LOAM & SEED 4 OZ. NON -WOVEN FILTER .. 1. Waste Disposal FILL FABRIC ALL AROUND '. 1. Erosion and sediment control measures will be installed '• All waste materials will be collected and stored in a securely lidded metal prior to stump removal and TOE dumpster .from a licensed contractor. The dumpster will be emptied a minimum construction. Gravel construction entrance will be installed before construction traffic 1 1 ( 1 ! ! ! 1 1 ;r. ,•<,.....,.w :.•. , �. :,�,: ..."t:.;>. ,.',.. o into and out of project area e .,r s,. t" +� a � a�...I• .r '% .fit .;, _,3..,r i...«,^'� +6 f once per week or as necessary. No construction waste is to be buried on site. p 1 begins. Stabilization of all regraded and soil stockpile areas ;. 4:r�r•ti�.;%'u �; Rt x..,;;= );_• ,* � , ri.�azs:o•-„ "-«H"= sr''c;...s,... �:*: ;, ,... �.:x. a, i•k. t;, g P .{®.�:.5`ri:}`, , '>t,. ,qC.. n, �..i}7v . • . :14..••:h£N:.: r M1'.F.. `a ....li i..A •. wit' N.?LeL.^'.!>�.!`'�:}' is ,r..•ti)c �y �� 7 cr s r, . t H r. fv�+r.: • z': ta.>. .;. y¢ r?..e ?.•,- .t!�i� c Z py 2 yi All personnel will be instructed regarding the correct will be initiated and maintained during all hoses of construction. `i�re.r.:a;f4:.-..�i'e.gt.; ;�qE _afk,.v. ,''=t$ps. 'Syi�'t#''r»C:t:` :7i,". `rr» z-A./.{'>;�%a.�..."".'P-'r:^%4�"�':,if'.:r•sT.^:`:�s»-;•:P:e! - - _ fire. f r ` ev..ty - ,wr.,t'r . ) .da `v tr.y- .9' fit; y,......,.�. w•:, s . u..:: L,fi<F t°'f , ••!' • g g =�t.��• ,��.a.� ;.t:.C�y ...� ...,,,� �.�:.�•�� aY•�:>� f r.,. �.�._,r-=�.�..:��s', u.°� / � procedure for waste disposal. 9 P ction. t �r rr. .� ��f .�, :.<._-• _. n will be manages the day-to-day responsible 14 MIN.-.>.»�;.d..: e.'„rKa.:�L:a'��.-!°-ht.^„,�: ,,,.a:'.,4 .,�.. Y .. �._°•-,._5• � The individual, who mono a site operations, p > 0 t 11 0 t 0 O > > < O 0 c < a 0 < 0 < HOSE CHAnN(;`GUAR6 AT for seeing these procedures are followed. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed in accordance with A>>^cfl? >a ��) 80, <4�; 1 a ^c t°00 < < t t° 0 0o t oo t �")� ; a nt �A)�t `� FIRST BRANCHING standards and specification of the "Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Water Conservation" ' " Q ° t C. " ` o t t )"t t) TRUNK WRAPPING MATERIAL. 2. Hazardous Waste and Town of Dartmouth regulations. All erosion control measures are to be maintained 4co > ° ° t t r° �" �° p°> ° goy �i TURNBUCKLES All hazardous waste materials will be disposed of in a manner s ecified b and upgraded as required to achieve proper sediment control during construction. All r ° ° b, N ON ALL GUYS FLAGGING Local State, p P� y grade benches . shall be kept free of sediment during all phases of development. r a / Federal regulation and in accordance with any manufacturer's g o P° 0)P o P° o P 0 "0 P° P WIRE GUYS, recommendations. z 3 PER TREE FILTER FABRIC 3. Additional control measures will be installed during the construction period, if deemed �� / 3. Sanitary Waste necessary by the Owner or Agents of the Town of Dartmouth. 6» 47" 4.33' 6" 4" MULCH 3» SAUCER RIM All sanitarywaste will be collected in portable units installed on site. The 1 to CENTER TO CENTERP y q 4. Septembers 15,nareasllwill be April uw thne � haybale and u9 check, ust 5fi terto sfabric September15. wood hip (TYP.) After portable .units will be cleaned and emptied b a qualified licensed contractor.P REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL - mulch, as required, to control erosion, for areas to have specific landscape coverage REPLACE WITH CLEAN SAND SOIL MIL WITH PLANTING 4. Concrete Waste other than seeding or sodding, see landscape development plan. ° SOIL MIXTURE All concrete washings will be disposed of in a designated area away from �2" 12" 9 P 9 Y MIN, wetlands and any property line. When the concrete hardens it will be removed from 5. Areas to be left bare ` before finished grading and seeding is. achieved, shall receive a MIN. " o FOLD BACK BURLAP the site. temporary seeding of Perennial Ryegrass applied to a rate of 2 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. at a 00 CULTEC CONTACTOR #280 � REMOVE SYNTHETIC AND 2" MIN TREATED BURLAP 5. Good Housekeeping Practices depth of 1 /2 inch. Limestone (equivalent to be 50 percent calcium plus magnesium f, oxide) shall be applied as seedbed preparation at a rate of 90 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. Planting -TYPICAL (III LOOSEN SUBSOIL I BELOW seasons shall be March 1 to June 15 and August 1 to October 1. Where grass CROSS SECTION 0 N DETAIL,- L BorroM of PLANTING PIT A) Store only enough products on site to do the job. predominates, fertilize according to a soil. test. at a minimum application rate of 1 lb. of ROOFe B) All materials stored outside will be stored in a neat, orderly manner nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. P R 0 0 f DRAIN _ CHAMBER SYSTEM TREE PLANTING DETAIL in the original containers. Areas to be left bare before finish grading and seeding outside of planting seasons shall receive an air-dried wood chip mulch, free of course matter, treated with 12, lbs. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE C) Products will Abe kept in their original container with the original nitrogen per ton, applied at a rate of 185-275 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. STREET TREE NOTES: manufacturers label. 6. The Contractor shall establish an erosion control line (haybale "check or filter fabric) 1. NO MORE THAN ONE -QUARTER OF THE TREES about ten 10' feet from toe to slope of proposed fill areas ROOF DRAIN NOTES: PLANTED SHOULD BE OF THE SAME SPECIES. D) The site contractor will inspect daily to ensure proper use and ( ) P P P prior to beginning fill 1. (3) CULTEC CONTACTOR #280 UNITS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION . OF EACH PROPOSED THE FOLLOWING SPECIES ARE RECOMMENDED: disposal of materials onsite. installation: Stabilization of slopes in fill areas .(using mulch or grass) shall be initiated within thirty (30) days of commencement of fill installation. All work within 50' of a DWELLING. ACER SACCHARUM - SUGAR MAPLE wetland will have a combination silt fence and staked haybale erosion control barrier. 6. Product Specific Practices 2. A SITE PLAN FOR EACH NEW CONSTRUCTION LOT (2-3) SHOWING DETAILED LAYOUT AND THE LOCATION AN PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA - LONDON PLANE TREE P In addition, all work within 50 of a wetland shall be stabilized within 7 days .of the initial ZELKOVA SERRATA ZELKOVA CONSTRUCTION DETAIL OF THE CULTEC RECHARGER UNITS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CONSERVATION A) Petroleum Products: disturbance. ULMUS AMERICANA VALLEY FORGE - AMERICAN ELM 1. Refueling vehicles .will be DOT Certified and have SPCC COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. Stabilization of slopes in cut areas (using mulch or grass) and the installation of control Plans in place and contain emergency equipment to contain line (haybale check or filter fabric) at the toe of slope shall be initiated within thirst (30) and clean up small spills..days of commencement of cut. 2. All on site construction vehicles will be inspected for leaks 8, Sediment removed from control structures will disposed of in a manner which is and receive regular preventative maintenance to reduce the consistent with the intent of the plan. All haybales or silt fence retaining sediment over chance of leakage: 1 /2 their height shall have the sediment removed and all damaged erosion controls 3. Petroleum products will be stored in tightly sealed removed and replaced. containers, which are properly marked. 9. Contractor will be assigned the responsibility for implementing this Erosion and Sediment B) Fertilizers: Control Plan. This responsibility includes the installation and maintenance of control LOAM & SEED measures, informing all parties engaged on the construction site of the requirements and LOAM & SEED 1. All fertilizers will be stored in a dry protected area and only objectives of the plan, and notifying the proper Town agency of any transfer of this DISTURBED AREAS DISTURBED AREAS used according to manufacturers recommendation. responsibility. The owner shall be responsible for conveying a copy of the Erosion and 20' C) Concrete Trucks: Sediment control Plan if the title to the land is transferred. 1. The site contractor is responsible for designating a safe 10. The Contractor shall secure the services of a soil scientist or Professional Engineer who area, away from abutting property and resource areas, for shall verify in the field that the controls required by this plan are properly installed, shall excess concrete disposal. make inspection of such facilities not less frequently than weekly and within forty-eight 7. Spill Control Practices (48) hours of any significant rainfall. SLOPE = 2/8"/ FT (MIN.) In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practices 11. Stockpiles of soil shall be surrounded by a sediment barrier. Soil stockpiles to be left bare for more than fifteen 15 days P 6ff 3" discussed in the previous sections of this plan, the following .practices will be ( ) y shall be stabilized with temporary vegetation or followed for Spill Prevention and clean u durin construction: mulch. If soil stockpiles are to remain for more than sixty 60 days, P P 9 y( ) y filter fabric shall TOP COURSE: 3" CO PACTED CRUSHED GRAVEL be used in place of haybales. Side slopes shall not exceed 2:1. 1. Manufacturer's recommended methods for spill clean up ' "/� will be clearly posted and site personnel will be made 12. The Contractor shall be. responsible to control 12 COMPACTED ° p of dust and wind erosion throughout the life �`�>. aware of the procedures and the location of the information of his Contract. Dust control shall include, but is not limited to sprinkling of water on o GRAVEL BASE ° '' and cleanup supplies. exposed soils and haul roads. Contractor shall control dust to prevent a hazard to traffic on adjacent roadways. //ii//�;/�i.//� 2. All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery. BASE: PROCESSED GRAVEL TO MEET MASS HIGHWAY STANDARD M1.03.1 " 13. If final grading is to be delayed for more than thirty (30) days after land disturbances WITH A MAXIMUM STONE SIZE OF 3" AND MAXIMUM COMPACTED LAYER OF 6. 3. If any threat of explosion or life threatening condition, all personnel cease, temporary vegetation or mulch shall be used to stabilize soils. will be evacuated from the area to a safe location and the site /� �/ CROSS � p supervisor shall contact the local fire department for assistance. 14. Haybales shall be used only as a temporary measure. Where control measures will be GRAVEL WAY C R 0 S S SECTION required for longer than sixty (60) days, filter fabric shall be used. 4. The spill area will be ventilated and personnel will wear NOT TO SCALE appropriate protective clothing to prevent injury from 15. Where dewatering is necessary, there shall not '-be a discharge directly into wetlands or contact with a hazardous substance. watercourses. Proper methods and devices shall be utilized to the extent permitted by law, such as pumping water into a temporary. sedimentation bowl, providing surge 5. The site contractor responsible for day-to-day operations protection at the inlet and the outlet of pumps, or floating the intake of the pump, or will be the spill prevention and clean up coordinator. He other methods to minimize and retain the suspended solids. If a pumping . operation is will designate at least three other site personnel who will causing turbidity problems, said operation shall. cease until such time as feasible means receive spill prevention and cleanup training. These individuals of controlling turbidity area determined and implemented. will each become responsible for a particular phase of prevention and cleanup. 1-1 2 WEARING COURSE 2" BINDER COURSE : .; ° 12" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE •i , ° > C3 oo U 3 0 F o .2E E v U 0 o, r 0 o o m 0 o Cn a 4) ci v a �00 00 N N N N N 0 U W o Z - Z `' N ti 0 0 cfi I cV O N Q z cn cn (n Q w v t� d- U) 1- o C) J C14QV O Q Lli < M LLJ 3: I-- V) V) O=O 0 J U Q � oo� Q <It U ., a 0 0� p Ci E 0 N t 0Q Cb U � C, Lj c rn m Ei u- E­ � Cn rn o oU 01 x d w o •� o W a- r� oD conU J Acad No. DAR 09-4,389 DETAIL SHE .DWG File No. 09-4389