BP-69949i RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval (17106.3.3) $25.00 APPLICATIOIT FEE IS NUN RE -FUNDABLE & NUN -TRANSFERABLE �p o� H DATE t V DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT I g � ED ': 400 Slocum Road 9 =I-r.DEPT fu A, of Dartmouth, MA 02747 2p13 -1AY 22 PM 1: 31 �. Phone: 508-910-1820 Fax: 508-910-1838 www.town.dartmouth.ma.us APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: 4-1— BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER. i _,y Y-6 SIGNATURE: Building Buildings. DATE ISSUED: DATE: Zoning District: Proposed Use: Zone: 17 X ❑ B ❑ A ❑ V Aquifer Zone: THE FOLLOWING AGE OULD BE NOTIFIED: ❑ Board of Appeals 0 Board of ❑ Cons. ❑ Demo ❑ DPW ❑ Elec. ❑ Energy Report Healt Commission Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow-up` ❑ Fire ❑ Gas ❑ Planning ❑ Sewer Card ❑ Water Card ❑ Zoning ❑ Other Chief Cut Off Board Cut Off Cut Off *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT _ DAPARTME TALAPPROVAL Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission:. Signature: Date: —T Other. Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Brief description of work being performed. SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: t— L1,2Assessors Map & Lot Number: --�p Lot Area (sf.) Frontage Map -f_ Lot Required Provided Front Yard Side Yard !p 1.3 Historical District ❑ Yes L Rear Yard Year Built Altering more than 25% per side of building 1.4 Water Supply (MGL 040 s54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission l7 Municipal d P iv to if ❑Municipal ❑ ?npi e Disposal System 0 Yes , ❑ No Date: I Revised 10/11 ❑ CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN ❑ ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: Na���� J � ���-c�.�--� me pri� fit✓ ✓ Contact Addr s Phone umber 2.� Authorized Agent: -6, , V it 9 -6- v Ngme (print) Contact Address Phone Number SECTION 3 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Specialty License: License Number: Company Name/Contractor Name: Address: Q t - L Expiration Date: Signature: % .Telephone: 3.2 Homeo er xemption - One & TiFamily Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: SECTION 4 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL c 152 § 25) Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: U-(es ❑ No SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Check all applicable) ❑ Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑.Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace ❑��Woodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Roofing/Siding tither (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Specify below) ❑ Addition ❑Replacement window/door all- �° ❑ Demolition ` En r report required) No. of windows, Doors- "`- ° r" i ( 9Y P q ) (Specify below) �'1 ✓vC J �'Lt criAl *if new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: No. of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): • Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other 0 tLe SECTION 6 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1, Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Total=(1+2+3+4) SECTION 7A - OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building pennit) (Please Print) I, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize ✓ C\� to act on my behalf, in all matters relative work authorized by this building permit application. Sign ture f owner Date ' SECTION 713 - OWNERIAUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I. -�✓ as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on he foregoing applicati4 are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sinne under the pain and ralt' f perjury. Sig at - ne-r/Auth iz d gent Date SECTION 8 - OFFICEIINSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: $ V Less Application Fee: $25.00 Other $ Amount $ Remaining Balance: $ _3 Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued to: SECTION 9 - ADDITIONAL COMMENTSISKETCHES L'" yl (�� wJ L �i�,V 'e t�G(,��,1/�-'\%\\ �roA(%�C.- N n �) - �l j V �T Z �O COPY CO w 2 ci if W FL Cie 1 t { i - o of ► �6a 1 f �• r i ._..1 COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents— t� 1 These drawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared for } • W es"' i _ r ._. y w # G.. o� this used. i� at this or and am n my other purpose, location or - • • w j V Pam owner without far ownwritten consent of the ?L�W0Do Do Architect Y+MA_�w i ({tiL_SI_ r,. r lr ISSUE: PERMIT htr j� i ` i i REVISIONS: M j" i jl ?i3I i t t't ..3 1A W i I i I.I.. J w o J N 25 X D 2'l 3 0- Cie a" �- N a n tri fl. LL J v . o, '^ W w0h O d Q Q a V) e,% i U OLU v APPROVED TOWN OF DARTN#OUT H SA BUILDING DEPARTMENT ---------- c4 PIM Yk t ANC IL, b 140% cli 11 I 52 j 400 I a Z 6 < C-) Be ::E 3 COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents - These drawings am the property of the Architect and have been prepared for the owner, for this protect at this site and are not to be used, in whole or In part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect. ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: > 0 z O Z LL : _j _j < = u < ZCl 4r) 0 Lu 6 V5 X C', 4 LLj E -1 a >- In -j Lu 0 LO a- wo fl Lo V) V) V) 0 -W " 0'- (.D i.= E is S5 L-AP Qt-YW e DO --1 f�fi- yJtN'� ft#� Wtap sew pa , o e.'CILs� G llama- P -ms- ektf, A GMW c:K SouQ---- -------- __ �1f h S'm ME J otsT'S 'F"�. S.x�s�ic� 2x4 vJkw It G�Av ckY J o�STs �. SiMesetJ Hp��- C-Ai�� ,o C�bV. dots Wot1+ r46 d7 jl1JGti4etL WIN W.'tN CJ) at►4 J�F�'. BPcRS M O m w 2 C Q LL D OroJ W M ,Q V COPYRIGHT Ownership and use of Dooumente- These drawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared for the owner, for this project at this ate and we not to be used, in whale or in part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect. ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: J J J J m Z W v ¢ } QJ J C Q Z O u.l 0 LLJ oXto O Z N N N 0 I.- in a VJ0.° 02 �O w v 0 E S6 s'-019 L I I I I A A4 I I I I � /I o TbU4hN OF DARTMOIITIi NULI?ING DEPARTMENT RE -FRAMED AREA/ QppHOo ED TU RAL IZATION for the :LD CABIN l Z6<M o m (e-A Q_O}0 � ao J LU E: (Q V COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — These drawings are the property of the Architect and haw an beprepared for the owner. for this project at this site and am not to be used. In whole or In Part. for any other purpose. location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: nn N� m Z ZQ < J � � a O O O W O x�� Oz J LL_ w a O LLI Q 0 LO _ NLUO@) t� V w C Q V) 0 a C� F= E 0) 1 JI I I Ir ,r------------------ 5.25:12 I II it II II II II II �I II II I II I II II i� I II jl 12:12 II II H 12:12 �I II II II II II II II II II I II �I II L-----JL OROOF PLAN %a = 1 r-Orr 8 i_ r Zoe"' o m U-1 Q U- D 00 LL O aoJ LLJ V COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — These drawings are the property of the )R Architect and have bean prepared for the owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used, In whole or in part, for any other purpose, location or NS owner without written consent of the Architect N -E I ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: m N Z ZQ Q J CL Cie W Oo O N LL Q w __j Q tN A2 Q U Q J J C O w O X N F Q u to 1 m F- } LO CL W0 h O to (5 � � 0�� E _ 30 YEAR ARCHITECTURAL — GRADE ASPHALT ROOF — SHINGLES OVER 15# — FELT — USE TWO COURSES ICE&WATER _ — = SHIELD AT EAVES, — - TYPICAL OD SOUTH 12 5.25 r F Z� —I © WEST NOTE: NOTE: NEW WINDOWS TO BE LEFT AS SHEATHED ROUGH OPENINGS 6X6 P.T. POSTS, TYPICAL (5) 2X6 P.T. STRUT & DIAGONAL BRACE - USE (2) "TIMBERLOK" SCREWS AT EACH BRACE & STRUT INTO POST Z6Q`_" fie � O m w 2 aLL U ��� F .J W a COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — The" drawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared far tha owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used. In whole or In part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: N Z:�E O a z W Q J f%oo W 0 Q O O V Q W II oXLO — Q wit N `x' / \ \ to W F. r sZ Lq L U a O r Q N 6M W @� a cn q a 0 '= >� A3 OB NORTH 0 EAST 2HD-3: (2)1.75 X 7.25" LVL'S (2) 1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S PITCH MEMBRANE ROOF 4":1 FOOT CANTILEVERED RB-1 SEMI -ENCLOSED BALCONY LAP PLYWD. SHEATH. ON TO BEAM 2FB-7: q (3) 1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S WOOD BRACKET - SEE DETAIL A/A8 2FB-1: (3)1.7511 X 1 1.875" LVL'S GENERAL NOTES: 1. FOR REQUIRED SHEATHING, NAILING, & CONNECTOR DETAILS REFER TO "WIND SPECIFICATIONS" AND "ROOF MEMBER SCHEDULE" AND PREPARED BY YODER & TIDWELL, LTD, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, SHEET A5. RC-1: (2)1.75" X 16" LVL'S TYP. 6" RAKE O.H. 0 2X8 CEILING TIES @ EACH RAFTER PAIR LOFT _ GUARD RAIL AT 00 O `Q FLOOR OPENING ,0 t7 Cl) 9 2X10 JOISTS @ 16" LO O O.C. W/ 4" T&G iv PLYWD GLUED & SCREWED, TYP PORCH iz LIVING 0 4X6 P.T. POST EXISTING W/ SIMPSON FOUNDATION & ABU POST BASE FIRST FLOOR & CC POST FRAMING TO CAPS REMAIN NEW 30" X 30" X 12" FOOTING O SECTION Ya 1 -0 11 2HD-2: (2)1.75" 9.5" LVL'S N 0 ih 2FB-4: (4) 2X10'S SPF #1 /#2 OR (2)1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S CMU FOUNDATION CAP TO BE FULLY GROUTED WITH ADDED PLATE ANCHORS - SEE DWG S1 STRUCTURAL PLANS COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — These drawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared for the owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used, In whole or In part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: Z� O m Z w 3 V 0 Q Z a o 1 J J � X C4 } Via � } . • • N LU 0LO a �I- Q Q "' LU QU v E to 2,! a 8" PLYWD ROOF SHEATHING OVER 2X10 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. TYPICAL TIINTBLI., Ud. Architects and Engineers 1. Use Simpson LSTA24 ridge straps over all ridges. 2. See the attached roof member holdown schedule for all rafter and ridge beam connectors. Alternate connectors may be used as long as"they meet the uplift forces listed in the schedule. 3. Top plates to wall studs: Use double top plate and lap plywood a minimum of 16" onto stud. Use (4) 8d nails into stud and 8d nails at 6" on center into each top plate. Use LSTA12 strap at each end and on each face of door and window headers spanning more than 6'-0". 4. Stud to stud at floor levels: Lap plywood a minimum of 16" onto the stud above and to the stud below at each floor level. Use (4) 8d nails into each stud and two rows at 6" on center into the rim board. Alternate: Use Simpson CS20 with (5) 8d nails into upper and lower stud. 5. Bottom of wall to existing foundation: Lap plywood a minimum of 16" onto stud. Use (4) 8d nails into stud and 8d nails at 4" on center Into existing sill plate. In addition to the shear wall hold downs, anchor existing sill to existing CMU cap with %" diameter anchor bolts at 48" on center. Grout cores solid at anchor locations. 1. Roof sheathing shall be minimum S/8" T&G plywood and fastened as follows: a. Use 8d nails at 6" on center along all plywood edges. b. Use 8d nails at 12" on center at all intermediate members. c. When within 48" of a roof edge, use 8d nails at 4" on center along plywood edges and 6" on center at all intermediate members. 2. Floor sheathing shall be 3/4" T&G plywood glued and fastened as follows: a. Use 8d nails at 6" on center along all plywood edges. b. Use 8d nails at 12" on center at all intermediate members. 1. All new exterior wall studs shall be 2x4 S.P.F #2 or better studs at 16" on center. 2. All exterior wall sheathing shall be %" exterior plywood. See the shear wall drawing for location of specially designated shear walls, schedule for sheathing nailing, end anchorage, and other typical shear wall construction notes. At all locations where a window occurs within a shear wall or an opening is less than 48" from a corner, cut plywood in'L' shapes around the door/window opening. Extend each leg of plywood a minimum of 16" beyond corner of opening. 333 Smith Street Providence, RI 02908 Tel: 401-751-2460 - O SECTION Fax: 401-274-7517 A 1/4 t _ if —oft RB-1: (2)1.75" X 16" LVL'S 2X8 CEILING TIES @ EACH RAFTER PAIR 12 ---112 Z o og�< `" InnLU Q O V L� Oro J W M rQ V COPYRIGHT Ownershlp and Use of Documents — These drawings am the property of the Architect and haw been prepared for the owner, for this project of this site and are not to be used, In whole or in part, for any other purpose, location .or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: 06 Z O m F Z W Q N Q J Q ZQ 12< } O C —� II Q = U >- Lo d O _ j�eJ �0- 1 Q V/ Vi IL CJ' r 0) A5 1FB-1: (3) P.T. 2X8'S RB-2: 8" PLYWD ROOF (2) 2X10'S SPF SHEATHING OVER 2X10 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. TYPICAL F 0 N W x a 0 'v O N 1 FJ-1'S: P.T. 2X8 JOISTS @ 16" O.C. 6'-8" / CLEAR �m STORAGE 1 FLG-1: P.T. 2X8 LEDGER FALSE -FRAMING OF 12:12 PEAK 12 5.25 F_ LOFT 0 Cl) EXISTING FOUNDATION & FIRST FLOOR FRAMING TO REMAIN OSECTION AT STAIR B Ya = 1 -0S GENERAL NOTES: RB-1: (2)1.75" X 16" LVL'S 1. FOR REQUIRED SHEATHING, NAILING, & CONNECTOR DETAILS REFER TO "WIND SPECIFICATIONS" AND "ROOF MEMBER SCHEDULE" AND PREPARED BY YODER & TIDWELL LTD STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS e" PLYWD ROOF SHEET A7. SHEATHING OVER 2X10 RAFTERS @ 2, REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS, S1-S6, 24" O.C. TYPICAL 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. GUARD RAIL AT FLOOR OPENING EXISTING FIRST FLOOR WALLS TO REMAIN CMU FOUNDATION CAP TO BE FULLY GROUTED WITH ADDED PLATE ANCHORS - SEE DWG 0'I S1 STRUCTURAL PLANS 1FB-1:f (3) 2X8'S P.T. GRADE `F ; j ( .) (2) NEW 10"0 REINFORCED - } CONCRETE F-J t FOOTINGS - USE (2) r_1 #4 REBARS EACH F-� I � 1 FJ-VS: 2'-0" _P.T. 2X8 JOISTS @ 16" O.C. - FASTEN MIN. TO BEAM W/ SIMPSOM H2.5A'S �✓ OSECTION AT STAI /a 1 0 " TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT � PPR'�3,00YL COPYRIGHT Oship and Use of Documents— Twnerdrawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared for the owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used, In whole or in part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: Z� O F-- Ina LU . � ,� V 0 Q Z _ o �a Q C) w o J II 0QN N t ^ Lfi U H i- LO >] W W t O Q Q U 0Lu °�v E to 0- 0 IFS 23 OB SCREENED PORCH DIAG. BRACE ELEVATIONDETAIL %4 1 = 1'-0" (2) 1.75 X 9.5" LVL BEAM @ POST LINE (2) "TIMBERLOK" SCREWS INTO BEAM & POST, TY P BRACE P.T. 4X4 BRACKET (FORWARD) P.T. 6X6 POST GUARD RAIL LAP PLYWD. SHEATH. ON TO BEAM o c� %4' PLYWOOD OVER TAPERED SLEEPERS W/ 12 EPDM ROOF i4 r-MEMBRANE P.T. 6X6 POST - DECKING - ABU66 POST BASE W/ 6 EMBEDMENT 11GROUT CMU SOLID O SCREENED PORCH BRACKET DETAIL %4 9 = V-0" 0 MORTISE & TENON JOINT -THRU BOLTED % THRU-BOLTS, TYP SCREENED PORCH LO FUTURE DOOR R.O. %4" T&G PLYWOOD Z C; < m 0 m w 2 tv 0 V O 0� a o J W LL Ole 'Q V COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents - These drawings are the property of the - Architect and how been prepared for the owner, for this protect at this site and are not to be used, In whole or In part, for any other purpose, location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: J Q m W V a Z_ ua O 0Lu 3 .0 J Z X N Z) N Q N N m Q W } Lo Q- LO O �/yy�� W J Q 0- �lZ1 N W a av , -1 E -0F= o 6X6 P.T. POSTS WITH ABU POST BASES SET INTO SOLID GROUTED CMU FOUNDATION WALL CAP - 6" EMBEDMENT, TYP (5) NOTE: FASTEN EXISTING SILL PLATE INTO CMU CAPWITH 2' ANCHOR BOLTS@ 48" O.C. TYPICAL - GROUT CMU SOLID. II ' III � Itl II I I II I III J I) NEW 30" X FOOTINGS �Ir II III II III (I NEW (3) 2X8FLUSHII BEAM IN FLOOR III II r -II� -1 u nl II 4X6 P.T. POST WITH II SIMPSON ABU POST BASE & CC POST L J rl--� CAPS ul II I nl 1 FB-1: (3) 2X8'S P.T. - LOW BEAM - FASTEN JOISTS TO BEAM W/ SIMPSON H2.5A'S t I_ Il l (2) 10" 0 CONC. II�SONOTUBE II I I I I I I FOOTINGS W/ BIGFOOT" TYPE II I I I I I tl FOOTING BASE - USE 1 F1-1'S: I I I I I I I (2) #4 VERT. REBARS FLOOR EACH JOISTS @16" O.C. II II II I I I I I II 1 FLG-1: 2X8 P.T. LEDGER W/-1"0 LAG SCREWS @ 16" O.C. INTO EXISTING WOOD SILL / RIM JOIST EXISTING FOUNDATION/ BASEMENT W/ EXISTING FIRST FLOOR FRAMING NOTE: THIS PLAN INCLUDES STRUCTURAL SHEAR WALL INFORMATION ' 14" X 14" CONC. PIERS WITH (2) #4 VERT. BARS - PIN TO EXISTING STONE WALL WITH #4 PINS @ 12" O.C. - TYPICAL AT 4 CORNERS EXISTING STONE FDN. WALLS SIMPSON HDU FASTENED TO DBL. JOIST - TYPICAL AT 4 CORNERS COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Oocunnents— These drawings are the property of the Architect and have been prepared for the owner. for this project at this site and are not to be used. In whole or in part. for any other purpose. location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: m � Z � OQ Q O JI C < O J C U- W - 03 d F— Z Nto < N >- toQ � < Q w W O t N O Q N O LL V 0 , v V) n. (5 �-= E rn S1 6X6 P.T. POSTS, TYP (5) DIAGONAL BRACES AT CORNERS (2) - SEE DETAIL B/A7 STRUCTURAL BRACKETS (3) - SEE DETAIL A/A7 2FB-7: (3)1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S 2FB-6: (2)1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S CANTILEVERED BEAM - - - - 1 HD-1: - - - POINT -LOADS (2)2X6'S SPF ABOVE (3)2X4 1 STUDS I I 'T 7 112FJ-1'$: I I 1 II ,r— ,r I 1 1 I I I I I I 112X10 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C.I 1 o II I I I I I I I I II I I I I I� I I I I Ib I I I I INI I I I I II I I I I I^ I I I JI I I I I � I I III h I I ( I I O L J1 _1L Ll L JL �JL� I I I 11�I I I I I II I I 1 I IN — r I 1 I 1 ORI I I I 1 11 I I I I I cnl 2FB �3: (2)2X10 S SPF �JI III I 1 I ICI I I I I II I I I I IN0'I NI I o,l I 1 I 1 rl I I I I II I I I 1 I p >< N N o IN II OPE I I 1 C41 I I I I II I I I I I I TO V I I I I I I I I I I I I ICNI I BELOW I 1 I 1 I I I I I II I I I I I I 1 I 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL __ __ J 2FJ-2'5: y 2FB-6: 2X10 FLOOR JOISTS (2)1.75" X 9.5" LVL'S @ 16" O.C. CANTILEVERED BEAM (3)2X4 STUDS 1 HD-2: (2)1.75" X 5.5" LVL'S - USE DOUBLE JACK STUDS 2X12 STAIR STRINGERS @ 12" O.C. 1 HD-1: (2)2X6'S SPF POINT -LOADS ABOVE _ 1 HD-1: (2)2X6'S SPF 1 HD-1: (2)2X6'S SPF COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — These drawings are the property of the Architect and how been prepared for the owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used, in whole or in part, for any other purpos% location or owner without written consent of the Architect ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: m z De Za 0Q� O J Q < J U- Q— c � -- O 0 W � O X g 0 Z 0 � II tea( } Z N > r L a N w U1 N 2 Q Q N w 0 @) Ln L N ft 7 rn RJ-2'S: 2X10 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. TYPICAL I li F 1 DBL. MEMBERS AT RB-2: I 1 OPENING FOR (2)2X10'S I SKYLIGHT SPF I I I I I I I I I I i I I 1 1LJ I I I = L I 11 II II I II (I II II IF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �I I I 11 I I I I 2HD-3: III II II II II II I it 11 II I ( I (2)1.75 X II II 11 II p III I III II II ( / 7.25" LVL'S I I 1 li I I I I II II II E I I I I wwwww_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CANTILEVERED I I RIDGE BEAM 11 II II II II II I II II II I 11 II II II II II II II II I I�I II II I II II 4X4 POST DOWN TO I I I I I RJ-1'S: 2X10 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. TYPICAL I I I l HEADER I; I I�- 2HD-1: (2)2X6'S SPF (3)2X4 STUDS 2X8 CEILING TIES @ 24" O.C., TYPICAL RB-1: (2)1.75" X 16" LVL'S 2HD-2: (2)1.75" 9.5" LVL'S 4X4 POST DOWN TO HEADER Z 6<m ��o m U1 a LZo� 0aoJ LU LL De Ia V COPYRIGHT Ownership and Use of Documents — These drawings are the property of the Architect and how been prepared for the owner, for this project at this site and are not to be used, In whole or In part, for any other purpose, location or ollner wW10Ut written consent of the Architect. ISSUE: PERMIT REVISIONS: Z z < Q a � � Q Ll a J LL W O O _ �ox� O �N�In ~r De Z LL1 W O Lo O Q N a 2bI. = S3