Disposal Works Permit+350, 1®va'l tea' D B U It L Di. a G.3 DEFT. Q- r�' iOF r os ;,�SPECTIDN � • 1e� BOARD 0f NEALT REQU4RED WH • + Ptdo , REs���,t T.P.•\ r,-�c�v j K� l • w • / �/4 $0 r f � �aq r 11► - }212� s �\3 Z r tAust Be Kept At The Bui' ling During The Progress �s vlork. BU1l.D114 DEPARTMENT i Town of Dartmouth VJ t \ \_ Au�S t PLAT # 19 , ricGAFFNEY N U, ...10 DARTMOUT �'3.10 Al t:. for Dept• ti founucten or a ion insP� any further construction - r— 0" 32� 54,, (2p•� LOG OF DEED' OBSERVATION HOLES DATE: 12 APRIL 90 TEST PIT #1 TEST PIT #2 Lo AM rak n C. O is QS O ts�AUEt_ it YE�L. \A {�ANAttRP �Q'CTQtY1 \ At!, 'R�) o `r't o k-i RESULTS OF PERCOLATION TESTS PERFORMED BY: J. GULSHELL WITNESSED BY: W. HENDERSON DATE: 12 APRIL 90 LOCATIONI nF.pTn VAMP EST PIT #1 54"-72" 2 MIN./IN. EST PIT #2 NO FERC. TEST PERFORMED % a 3,Z.G i too ,-1 is LEGEND This System Is Not Designed For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool Or Other high Water Use Devices. PROPERTY LINE WETLANDS BOUNDARY BUFFER ZONE BOUNDARY EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS WELL LOCATION TEST PIT LOCATION LIMITS OF SAND FILL PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION GROUND WATER TABLE SPOT ELEVATION DCC WETLANDS FLAG 4 "NEERS AS -BUILD' & CERTIFICATION .T IMENT REQUIRED APPROVED BOARD of HEALTH Dare ?- 9�110 l� r� TOCVf1 of ARTMOUT51 l: All system components are to be designed and installed in accordance with Title V (310 CMR 15.00) of the Environmental Code and local Health Rules, as amended. 2 Any modification to this plan must be approved, in writing, by the Engineer and the Board of Health prior to construction. 3. The Board of Health authorized inspector shall inspect the construction of -the septic system when the disposal area is excavated and the septic tank is in place, and when the distribution box and leaching pipes are in place and not covered by stone. Installer is to notify the engineer and Board of Health at these times. Appointments with the Board of Health and engineer should be made not less than 24 hours in advance. 4, All pipe between dwelling and leaching area to have watertight joints, sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent. i 5 This system is not designed to accommodate a garbage grinder. t 6: The engineer is to provide the Board of Health with a certified statement that the system is installed } according to the approved plan and is to include an as -built drawing showing final locations and elevations E of the system components and foundation. 7. Installer shall verify benchmarks as shown on this plan prior to and during construction of the proposed system. i 8. No heavy equipment shall be run over the disposal system, 9. _ ___No__we_lls,_ str-eams.,_sur-face or subsurface drains, or wetlands exist within 100 feet of the proposed disposal J facility. No known source of water supply exists within 200 feet of the sewage disposal system. ; I 10. Septic tank proposed shall be 1250 gallon M&S precast concrete, 4000 psi. Baffle shall be removed. Precast concrete outlet tee conforming to this plan approved. Inspection cover over inlet tee shall be raised with brick and mortar to allow for minimum 3" clearance t between top of tee and inside of cover. Cleanout cover shall be built up to within 12" of finish grade with 24" cement pipe. lie All elevations shown a-r-e-_ba__sed__on-_an assumed __1.00' -----benchmark benchmark datum, base of telephone pole, northwest corner € of property. Q-4p-1_ 12. Septic tank should be inspected at least annually. { 13. Washed stone in leaching area shall be free of iron, fines, and dust in place, and .2% material finer than a number 200 sieve as determined by AASHO Test Methods T-11 and T-27. 14. Leaching area to be a minimum of 10' from property lines, 5' above water table, and 25' from dwelling. Septic tank to be a minimum of 10' from property lines, water supply lines, and dwelling, and 50' from well. 15. In area below leaching field and for distance of 10, in 1 all directions excavate to coarse sand and gravel. Replace with clean sand and/or gravel having a percolation rate of 2 minutes per inch or less to an { elevation of at least 97.541. 16. Based on 9 April 90 Dartmouth B.O.H. meeting, a 1' handicap has been applied to the established ground water elevation recorded on this property. d z SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM MMKA. CLAUDE GELINAS g WISCHAMM LOT 9 PLAT 19 GAFFNEY ROAD SUN 2 I Pgo DARTMOUTH, MA AN&LYSIS AND DESIGN ENGINEERING 767.MERIDIAN ST. FALL RIVER, MA 02720 TEE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE SCALE • 1 " 3 0 DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE DATE: 6 , 'I DWG O �q SHEET 1 OF 2 EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY /15/9 0 9 0 0 2 INSTALLATION DARTMOUTHBOARD OFHEALTH CONTACT PERSON: MARK A. RODRIGUES, P.E. ADDRESS: 767 MERIDIAN ST. FALL RIVER, MA 02720 TELEPHONE:(505) 672-6048 SEPTIC TANK (NOT TO SCALE) ' 'ZraSPG�-T��.a �oycR-S t PLAN VIEW \02 . ., 3aM1nt. ' 3 q" L�Wv�� ttvc ItZ • t81 " 1250 SAL_. 3•- T M4 V. } - ' ' o� CROSS SECTION VIEW DISTRIBUTION BOX (NOT TO SCALE) 3 a 'iZ cl .0 1 1 � 4" o'rLF.T PLAN VIEW • . _ 2N all LJ lol� i CROSS SECTION VIEW T0110JU OF:fl Ult-Dru DEFT. 320 SYSTEM PROFILE (NOT TO SCALE) 2 °io SLDPt M1r.1. OVE,SL F�tL.jj ;.• F i!s t S H C•rt�Rdt \2" t-tAX. 105, 3' �vt� tot. ___A��-.f � ,--.�.�_ ��.3......i � � r...,t � . �� •Y �' �:�' �1,.� '� s` �f,........•.� r � t � f � ,.s...-��.-...`.. f y t ' � lad 1 ! 1 t / � 1 10�.5' Avtr L_EACI�\lltr l-iEL� t;'1P.ealloLt t�S� J� — \�� �� �>... ; �� � •%fit>-, �.� t-.t` �t - a� � �%->• 'r f �'�-. ; � c^ s 4 H ck Co. STtagLt 4"MAN. PVC 12 SO _ So Fout�bQZ\ah1 5 tom\ 1 w. e ASE CT`t P.) TP�t, 92.54 � 4. ;a�'''`��i.:-�° _� � •- -. . ,,-�,,.� i gq.ZS / STABLE SAS ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD 'LEACHING FIELD OF HEALTH APPROVAL (NOT TO SCALE) 4' PvC PLAN VIEW A" ? EtLF . PVC, (,a0S st-opE) -4w BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED �tN\S\y t�RRoE (eat. SLoPt~ ��ra.� �g,'1l' Merl. I ml A 'l2 2 W ASILtb gZoNE h.'t �. aiL� r • �.r... -_lti,=er•�-i1��►,. ^ _.Y.�_c• n / t sa0a��aa�; •• ���^�_�i �. o° oe ,.aQp o. •� + �Oo�o flv �1V.Zt CD+a• c o• p / •• 'cC O s C 80fo o poao e •' Y'~��i O •C..�.} a4� p �* i• 3(4` �'12 •r'o : •i� a�0 APO AOeCCDp� o ,o �O+Paf eLo°Qo8 ° C 4 v os. • e, . WNS%AF-b -STORM ' • t v �� s O c aoC,0 •coo ao�� O • �L(; i',w i.JaL T;b 'f• r.r o, S:iLJl.3 ���•�.�b.�OC- oo \d4 OO JO �iQ CROSS SECTION VIEW S'ONRD OF HEALTH INSPECTIO;�i REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED DESIGN CRITERIA TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 4 BEDROOM DWELLING DESIGN FLOW: 110 X 4 - 440 GPD PERCOLATION RATE: 2 MIN./IN. SEPTIC TANK PROVIDED: 1250 GAL. LEACHING CAPACITY REQUIRED: TITLE V: 440 GPD X 1 S.F./GPD = 440 S.F. DARTMOUTH B.O.H.: 600 S.F. + 150 S.F. - 750 S.F. LEACHING CAPACITY PROVIDED: 32' X 25' LEACHING FIELD = 800 S.F. 800 S.F. X 1.00 GPD/S.F. = 800 GPD > 440 GPD DWG NO. 9002 SHEET 2