BP-621PARCEL "A" CIE-Z3cv MASTER;:iRu aaur TOP OF FOUNDATION = 47.31 ROCK O'DUNDEE ROAD SMITH NECK ROAD SMITH LOCUS FIELD PLACE SOUTH AVE. LOCUS MAP_ ASSESSORS MAP S LOT # PART OF LCT- 24, MAP 20 PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE 3% SUBDIVISION LOT 6, "SMITHFIELD PLACE", 3122186 L J, /p Lnc� RESERVED FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT T:.. AS -BUILT FOUNDATION SCALE: Ifo= 50. APPROVED BY DRAWN BY DATE: 513188 JOHN BABBITT OLDE BOSTON LAND SURVEY CO., INC. DRAWING NUMBER 172 W►LLIAM ST., NEW BEDFORD MA. :`F .x:.t;•,., .. ;: EM I, I,..SHED GARAGE FLOOR i 1, yr MMS�D FIRST FLOOR 148.0 I TCP OF FOUNOATION lF N SXED SASEP�EV T FLOOR J-399.5- 47.0 p € INVERT AT FOUNDATION i 43 S 0& I;tiV�fiT 1.\' O SEP-11C TANK t, J-43,50 hdV I 143,35 1 MIN. MIN. 43,8 rINISidFD GRADE 43.6Q-/ U ;' 1ERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK , INVERT !gtTO D-EOX 4 .i�3 3i ." ?'S 3;0; by 43.3 7 LINVERT OUT OF D-E>OX 142.63i`' z : l _ ' 'A' 77' ;, t� T. �! L ii��i1 Jar i1 ___ 4" SCH!'DU!_E 40 P'VC SOLID ' I PERT A T rNLET OF TRENCH PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL 4 INVERT AT END OF TRENCH . 42.30 ELEVATION OF SOT, OF SYSTEk) 4 8 0 ELEVAT ION OF G.W.T. 135.8. 4kPNID COPY S&\TT TO BOA:1?D OF HEAP TIT . r l_:11 %W /•/0.00, �:Mo",I'm, AN :mow R u__l �w \ ��ti i := v BASIS 9 " SANS IRRY ES f G 1` s j NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 GARBAGE GRINDER: NONE ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GAL /DAY SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK 1250 SAL PERCOLATION RATE: 17 MIN./INCH DESIGN RATE: 17 MIN. /INCH LEACHING AREA PROVIDED: NO SIDE AREA PROVIDED 24' width x 38' length = 912.0 s.f, 18' width x 50' length = 900.0 s,f. (reserve) TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY: 912,0 s,f, x 0.38 gal /s.f,/day = 346.56 gal/day '900.0 s.f. x 0.38 gel/sf./doy = 342.0 gal/day (rose 42.63 .. r. Sys~_ E PRO ILE: NOT TO SCALE I'I11 T w , - I IED f. . .i ... Ns 1 i • .�.. E i F+.1 � a . J c...J � � �11 DART/ bRIVEWAY W/2CAR PARKING 42.4 FINISH GRADE 43.807 NN. 2 MIN. CONCRETE, END CAP p I , OR VENT TEE 42.30 4"PERFORATED PIPE 0.005 SLOPE MIN. 4" N/N. TO WATER TABLE �G�UII'2t� �' E ✓w k i' L" EL. 42.30 40.i __T_._ EL. 41.80 EXIST. 60": LEL. 35.80 V viOUTf-1 UV KID OF HEALTH .+-::...r:' r-.; •.'�'^'"'w---a:_=" .mot, '--..,.,..::'.,:h--_."., Valli.- to ltom. B., "(`Ird�, Dom} "• :k_S to C 'oil a or DWELLING TO BE SERVICED BY TOWN WATE EXCAVATE ALL MATERIAL 25' LOCUS IS LOT 6 ON A SUBDIVISION ENTITLED "SMITHFIELD MEASURED HORIZANTALLY PLACE", DRAWN FOF FROM THE LIMITS OF THE ROB ROY QUINZANI DRAWN BY OL')E BOSTON LEACHING FIELD TO A DEPTH LAND SURVEY DATED 9 /22 /86 OF 42" BELOW ORIGINAL GRADE. OWNER: KAREN 8 JIB BABBITT SEE NOTES 15 8 16, AREA: 1.16 ACRES ,y A'AOUNT OF IMPERVIOUS COVER: FUTURE 2 CAR GARAGE BIENCHMARK IS THE LETTER "E" 44 THE WORD r 100 OPEN ON A HYDRANT SOUTH OF THE oo INTERSECTION OFSMITH NECK P.(AD AND SMITHFIELD PLACE _ yoATION 47.98 (MI,Sof vt6 Ms tr Ay P/O E D SINGLE ?' 114> o ,8 DuringT PRO O� 11) S IVA 01k< �-' FAMILY DWELLING 1� � .`p..►vtOr / 3� LOT 6 ,6 .45 a �44_-=" 43_L 42 41 )0.00' "~ +• �. V a cl of ti.L n,, h : Ih,_i � p o� u'� ^�.1 ` �e��lzreci rues Ed;�I�7nfj � "EP T E HHOLE 1 rF0R V1A 10N TEST PIT K 0"-12" TOPSOIL TEST PIT K W 0"; 10" ORGANIC LOAN 12"-22" SILTY 10 -20 SANDY SILT SUBSOIL SUBSOIL 22"-38" SILTY 20"-39 SILTY SAND SAND 39"-108" SILT' SAND 38' -85" SAND,GRAVEL 8 GRAVEL W/ SOME SILT 85"-105" GRAVEL,SAND WATER AT 85" WATER ATGO" TEST TAKEN 7 /7 /86 TEST TAKEN 3 /18 DEPTH OF PERC 50" TESTS TAKEN BY K. FORTIER. 207.73' 1-Y I+� MAP NPnTTii 't r <Gotf� �� __ �hore • 0 ^ GENERAL 140TES MIN. PROPOSED GRADE 43,$0 3' 6' 6' 6' 3' 12" MIN, COVER MATERIAL 1. The sanitary sewage, disposal system shown hereon shall be --1�" 2" "- WASHED STONE constructed in Accorrinnre with the requirementse- of Title- V of the �"- �6 10" 3"-IZ" WASHED STONE state environmental. rnrie and local r nonri of health rncrulations, 2, Any veri.f.icntion or modifications to this design trust be Arpro=•od In writ.inq by the engineer and the Ilonrd of Ilenl.th prior to imrl.ementation. 4' + 2' HANDICAP - 3. Notify the local Sonrd of tfeAlth when the system is rearly for MAX. G.W.T. inspection, prior to hnckfl.11inq. 4. If confirmation of rnnstruction is required by An enginer, ���}rl Tli"j' T'�r Luuiu Cf notify this office" prior to barkfill of the system. PLet7uired wiien Ex-c LV OA00 S. Contractor shall verify and chick bench mark As shown on this plan prior to constrtlrkion of the proposed system. LEACHINGFIELD 0 � 6. 'oil lore^ indir,ate soil condition, percnlAtion rate, And wAf:er t.1h1e oln iA Aon friund At tho time and lornf.ion of actual NOT TO SCALE ti -sting And ezhoulrl he verlfirrl At the time of construction. 7. The septic tank shnII he A 1n00 gallon Linhar.es PrerAst, Rotondo, or rgnivnl.rnt nnlrss otherwise specified. The inlet And outlet pipes Are to he fitted with tents of proper length. Conrrote strr.nrth is to be 4000 psi, 29 dnys, and rrinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 r•rire me^h and confnr.m to all ASSHTO 11-10 loading regtt.irement.s unions ot•,horwlse speri-fi-ed. n. If Any components of the proposed system are specified as heavy (btty, those rnmpnnnnt ^ shall conform to all Statr' and Local " ' ,•• • •.' • • • . ri - , '' requirements for ASSII'rn 11- 20 .l.o,-+di nrl. - .� o 9. Septic tAnk, distribution box, And leachlna pit (if Any) `. •••. _._ �" Amens manhole covr,rs ore to he huI It: t11) to within 1.2" of. _._ 4t�.,tnttrr•G h M, n•+. • finished trrnde unless nth-7-wise specified. - tA. 10, The district+It.inn box And sept.ir" tank shill he, planed on a •' minimum 6" romrActorl gravel hose to prevent. heaving or settling. in ;, TT* * �� " ; It. The pIrin hetweeri the house and the septic tank rhAll he 4" extrA heavy cast icon, Schedule 40 PVC, nshe^ton cement or other materIAI ar-,nrtahle to the approving authority. The slope of " • this pipe mast be a minimum of 0.01 (0.12 inchei per foot). '' ., 12. The distri-htttion pipe shAl_l hAve A slope of 0.005 (6" per 100 ft. length) 13. All joints must he watertight, sealed with ntrhnit cement or egiiVAlont. 14. If leaching facility And septic tank Are lncaterl At lea..^.t 25' from the house foundation, A foundation drain may be installed At (� ^ the nwnpr's discretion. 15, 17xcAv.�te All unsui.tAtrie soil 1n the ArnA of the leAchinq Q r,ystom to the limits specified in Req. 2.17 of Title V and ty ret,iac:c with r1oAn, coarse sand And gr.Avei. 16. Any fill mAteriAl, required 'ar.ound the system, beyond the wARhed atone, shA.11 be clean, coArse, washed send, with a perc ept rate of less than 2 minutes, free from fines, clay, organics, stumrS and stones. 17. crAde of the first floor of the housm if npproximAte.; it may r• he rAised but not lowered without the consent of the engineer. 111. Unletn specified in the, design AnAlysis, this system is not > designed for USe of a gnrhAge grinder. %1' 19. If Any leaching Aren conr_rete retAining walls are shown on �✓ this plan, they shall be con.^,tructed watertight, without �'� weepholes or other pervious construction, in accordance with all local building department regulations, ruture system enlargement may require the extension of these retAintric walls. P11ECA NSF 1 1000 V LLVOSE-r i IC TANK K 10. Top A" of fill to he topsoil, NOT TO SCALE•�•21. No heavy egtti.pment .shall be run over the di spocAl system. LEGEND 22. ror proper performArrce, sertic tank nhotll.d be, inspected Annually And when the total depth of scum and solids exceeds 1/3, EXISTING PROPOSED theli-quid depth of the tank, should be pumped. CONTOURS 100 23. Plumbinq in the basement shall be limited to A wAshing machine if. the invor.t of the outgoing pipe is higher than the SrOT ELEVATIONS ..,,t1 finished basement floor, unless otherwise indicated. PROf ERTY LINE 24. If Any hayhale cherkrinms or silt fences are_ shown on p1An, �r EDGE OF rAVEMENT they Are to bo ataknd in place Pr.i.or. to Any construction or - - -" - STONE WAIL excavAtion And shAl1 remAtn in place until all. construction, WELL regrading, replAnting, and inspections are cnmpleted. DEEP TEST HOLE O 25. The excAVAtor "hall notify the l.or•Al PAArd of Ile.Alth if LEACHING TRENCH i groundwnter or_ perched water is encountered at a higher elevation SOLID PirE than indicated on plan. REVISED 3121/88 ADD DIMENSIONS a PARKING NOTE "jf „""Krr;r t kc)x,_wQNiY BOARD OF FI(_nITl1 USr ONI_.Y SUeSU FAACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL G F ° c KENNETH �n �< t7`7r,x KAREN BABBITT °; o. 2// Euitding mmissicner ? LET 6 SMITHFI �\• { / r` E L D PLACE SO. DARTMOUTH, MA. • s A t H u s JO R NUMBER OBE 629 DRAWN BY: W.F.S. a,►+ of SCALE: I"=30' DESIGNED BY: K.E. N DATE: 3 /14 /88 CHECKED DY: r JOHN 4� LENARD 11,9 ,Q $to 26(f95 IISTEtk f CONTACT PERSON: WILLIAM F. SMITH DRAWING NO. ADDRESS: 172 WILLIAM STREET T F 01 - r) -1 P, ✓ _Lc o �L. No: 997-"IIIV .� PARCEL ,,A., LOT S ROCK O'DUNDEE 154.90• ROAD SMITH NECK ROAD SMITH LOCUS FIELD 207.73. PLACE LOT 5 SOUTH AVE. EXISTING LOCUS MAP FOUNDATION ASSESSORS MAP 8 LOT # PART OF LOT• 24, MAP 20 N/F PROTAMI PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE 3% 28. ' SUBDIVISION LOT 6, "SMITHFIELD PLACE", 9122186 39.3' 220.00' ico.00' (306 Q N/F WHI TE LOT 6 0 1.16 AC. -1" E "Y jao L V v PG 29.31' - ' RESERVED FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT Z sAs. AS —BUILT FOUNDATIQN 156.29' SCALE: 1"= 50' APPROVED BY DRAWN BY ` GATE: 513188 b.* � . JOHN BABBITT OLDS BO�STON LAND SURVEY CO., INC. DRAWING NUMBER TOP OF POUNDATION = 47.31 172 WILLIAM ST., NEW BEDFORD MA. DIETZGEN VASTER FCFM 198MF L_d YOUR DRAWING kAUS-1 BE KEPI AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth NO 1. JLC' An As Built Swivtl tr-xl%t -V i submitted to J-:1j. DA nt r -Dept. Prior tO 0 ffillrc f a foundation inks"d"011 Ot any further constructicd; v L YOUR DRAVIIING NUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS VIORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth No i ..aLi An As Built Su-,-vcg mmst be submi;12d to 6:� Building Dept. P-Mor to cara-mv, for a foundation inspection or any further construction. r i t i 11 G•. i S i �� 1 1 YOUR DRAB^DING D.,PIU5T HE KEPT AT THE DINS WORK, URING THE PROGRESS OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartm®�#;h NOL An As i =wc-7 Must be t v � I);".. i c �uiaL��:ti �c: to t;a Dept • PAOIL to c M= for a foundation ias 'Or any fu,rthOr COMutrutt V24 jis YOUR DRAWINGI P,JUCZT BE KEPI AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. -BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth NO "I An As C-�:illt L Slabzmiti,-Ml� to -til:� Dept. p:j�cr to tao!C &r a foundation inTectia-ft CT any fu�rther c=Sjr=ti,=4 C YOUR DRAWING P01UST bE KEPI AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING, DEPARTMENT Towle of Dar#mou& , / f /, pp *tli 2g, x2A MULL h ? ,,be I 2..y AV i� e i� �V;/_ .. 3T � S T : � e S .*4 PY} 2`vY 2-4 TRt PAL t 2Py x? d tAvL>I-L L n it. c. y JP 00 fr C 2//i l• �,C� � rr� I. N cy �_T �1 jjj / d I I d 0 , k i �x3z 1 tiq 4_ 1 , c + u J O• }? { d __ _ 1 •tj_ c. '\J_j . c d i # , A s - 3 f , } An As submitted to th� CaMlic A / Dept. prior to caa for �® a foundation in�ectiOr or A�lany further co��tr�zn• P - - II 1alsIts 1! 0 004 {troop PLY 41 S tovV� rt4 :_" r- vE NT ?AFrLE S AS �2 X %Z R%pt.r, i i P I G Ga 14V. VALFy 40LIAti{r,� Rs ,,y t x is ►Zigt3t RP D ,? {u — 2 X 1. 1tMGRS' UL f liK(,RS ' S F_ F s EG1 O TN (3 " g f t , ceNTrr�v�r5 � ; .� VE NTSit � r 1 t ` r j s E D rz //I t 3 j! 8 E D IL 1A ;.� B2a FA MT A S T. E E D F, " r If 1 Y 4t� Ot t_/a f ?KSvf i l' e�L r' --- _._ r r` IF F4je'p C, F'S L 2n,0 I 'off Xtb Irp r Iw1uL f� IL ' 3 F A /.A t L V F, /A, f4 f' A It T K 1 T C N F ER4 Li itf�.F CTpP ' S r: J i'Z � :1 x ? n � is °/C,----- 6 It D E Y.-- �z Yto 11 > 11 • 6i Oht ` _r , i` T YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK, S C T i 0 K) A A BUILDING DEPA;TMENT - Town of pArtmoutilk 0 r-l-ry x 70 filu-st Im , As Built s�abmitt^a to ^ Dept. Inlicr to for a o�!,clation inVcction or and a.. k• Y Y „ i�fi ,•" S t k n M G _ , n n •SS , 1 — r` Ihi4uST . G 61 Ft PC' j r. ARcu,GRMpit Fo R SKy L? LAin din Z�At ItJ(p S T E P E C t; %L •ic a x 6 l k G� _ I it s'Q' L x x17. 0 L i ! 51 yr __ F �' `�i'J� 2 �''' .•.r'�.t r�''.�/" :' a�. =c ,- G �1�.'����� C.. _ _ _ �! ., �i f i�- .__ --___ -�� _ i I i 5 r YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT T; wa of Dartmouth F it, rJ A, A F6.rN E L WOTGg "t N 0 An As Built &"-7ve7 must be sabmitt-d to th� Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inapcetion or I',1'1p �t��'t�l�r �Q0.`i�tl'i��olil• #�3s60 Y H R I f yT/ (/ C i ;+Rr,.. -s» . ,sw _.c24 ... 'T. �-e a,��•y m � �» �' !r r x�"'4a � e ,..-..-.......x,.•,- —. r: gg g eSr' jTJ R-") n.1:T;i Urs;-��T,r a�r`, `i.: Fi1$ ice,,, ____ a w,,,��v.. • ? t t I ,1 F3 V R /A �' 4 ` 3 S T `? p ..1` F A //, I L Y. -r $ t2 6 f A G. T i T s a .1 ra STAIR NFIL ¢ n -_ ^�•^ ^' " '� �'. t . ? 's .. 1 X t p 14 •iG , '' s�%" Z X I Q !R. sR /%.- `• x,p j AS G T �E" Ec.Tter! /-A Fay GFt4F-CA� NOTs e 'a..• 4 a �� :.. b +k , . _ s- z -•d� 4. fir"`-�4r o'.y, j � xV fi ' r r,^= 5T�Tr P,^P� t"'M DARTAC!jTa "a T`_'.fP ., �1171493-9"11' t)R M,',. S. jj _ l YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. WILDING VZ ARTMENT awn cf Dartmouth �ti An As Built �,=-Vcl must br submitt d to tbo �'►�iiding Dept . 'prior to warder fef a foundatica iutpettion or -y furtho const-ruttt cin• A R f 7r lz F S. 01 � c7 I er FttL i 6 f �/AAKS 1 PacKE ,,� EKE 1 a V i'6 C IK E T C /• �in pkc L 2:�Xfo IL 'A No Ic I fi' L I l n'-Ant he 1 _ mot ` to th , Deit. Prior t6 �Clr.,9 % a foundation vc—p-tib? mv further twmar tit i 1 i YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. r,=il ,DING DEPARTMENT .c.-i-Dwtmaut5 AL NVAy S��zlas`4 ! Fr RFNc E. FGI# 41,C',ATi0ti �',ilk LLS � [�fj �i � SMOKE F00TI;rGS i<;UST G�. i'E5i'vNEr,' i L' IV7Ft �+C• ti FXISTMG SITE n sal �rl t -- DETEC ORS - CEillM MOUNTED 0'611Y. B A g F3 17 � xr,FOUR DATI r ,� a & F# �' x:-.r#.# ,.f:.'. �^.y ..S 3 'Zi�l f, '.'' .... ff W;IJ i..':.: ..�,.t i....ei�`tyr �,.4,.�k,.: r.. IZ 2.2 • �t� i