BP-50312Y Q SWINGTIES A1=36,3 B1=21,8 A2=44,2 B2=17,5 A3=72,0 B3=29,6 A4=65,6 B4=26,5 A5=90,8 B5=73.0 A6=99.4 B6=76,3 A7=78,0 B7=36,4 AS -BUILT SEPTIC ELEVATI❑NS L❑CATI❑NS DESIGN ELEVATI❑N PIPE AT F❑UNDATI❑N PIPE IN SEPTIC TANK PIPE OUT SEPTIC TANK PIPE IN D-BOX PIPE OUT D-BOX BED IN (1) BED IN (2) BED END (1) BED END (2) I certify that this Septic System shown on this Plan is in compliances with Title V and and any Town modifications. 104,18 103,88 103,63 103,43 103,26 103,25 103,00 DESIGN 50 X 12 1500 GALLON TANK AS -BUILT ELEVATI❑N 104,03 103,74 103,47 103.35 103,28 103.27 103,03 103,02 B Dc r A �ti� E BM/EXISTING T.O.F. ELEV. 108.89 �p� , O� ,gyp 3 r N �3 26 . Correia's Engineering Inc. LAND SURVEYING 8 Grinnell Street South Dartmouth, MA. CML ENGINEERING 02748-28 f4 SUBDMSIONS Telephone (508) 996-6052 SITE PLANS 4 Fax (508) 996-6052 AS —BUILT PLANS Joseph E. Correia III Pres. & Joseph E. Correia IV VP. Uj -j AS-BUILT SEPTIC PLAN in DARTMOUTH, MA. prepared for BRIAN MORENCY Scale 1"= 60' DEC. 21, 1999 FILE# 97-0015 JEC III SWINGT_T A1=36.3 C B1=21,8 A2=44.2 B2=17,5 A3=72,0 B3=29,6 A4=65,6 B4=26,5 A5=90,8 B5=73.0 A6=99,4 B6=76,3 A7=78,0 137=36,4 I certify that this Septic System shown on this plan is in compliances with Title V and and any Town modifications. AS-BUIf _T SEPTIC ELFygTIpNS LOCATI❑NS DESIGN AS -BUILT ELEVATION ELEVATI❑N PIPE AT F❑UNDATI❑N PIPE IN SEPTIC TANK PIPE OUT SEPTIC TANK PIPE IN D-BOX PIPE OUT D-BOX BED IN (1) BED IN (2) BED END (1) BED END (2) 104,18 103,88 103,63 103,43 103,26 103,25 103,00 DESIGN 50 X 12 1500 GALLON TANK ., . N YA �ti� E BM/EXISTING T.O.F. ELEV. 108.89 � O� 01 6� •9 �r E 13 26 2 Correia's :Engineering Inc. 8 Grinnell Street LAND SURYErlNG South Dartmouth, MA. CIPIL ENGINEERING 02748-28 f4 SUBDIVISIONS Telephone (508) 996-6062 SITE PLANS Pax (608) 996-6062 AS —BUILT PLANS Joseph E. Correia III Pres. & Joseph E. Correia IV VP. 104,03 103,74 103,47 103,35 103,28 103,27 103,03 103,02 2-1 ti � '� 0 Sq. Ft..�,� 2ES N y� • NO AS -BUILT SEPTIC PLAN in DARTMOUTH, MA. prepared for BRIAN MORENCY Scale 1 "= 60' DEC. 21, 1999 FILE# 97-0015 JEC III y