Zoning Review'4L "it CK DARMUTH LOCUS WESTPORT LOCUS MAP SCALE: N.T.S. DESIGN DATA DESIGN PERC, 15min./ln, Ciass II SOILS DESIGN FLOW, 3BR. x 110 GPD/DR 3305PD BM/TOP OF STAKE) ELEV.=105.02 IT .00 2 40 PERCEI IT F LOT COYERAGE- 40,000 S-F, "7 MAXIMUN LOT COVERAGE A HOUSE 1,164 S.F. OG 10 3 -PROPOSED B.T, DRIVE 1,653 S,F, TOTAL = 2,817 S.F. 61.94A PERCENT Or LOT COVERED, 3,5% < 50% OX Q.cy- 2 6 PLAT 227 ESTATE L_0T_?-2 $36 06*21 28, a ro ,J — 7 011 0 (A)FINE SANDY LOAM (B)FINE SANDY LOAM (CI)FINE SANDY LOAM (C2) LOAMY SAND 77,U 98.2 963 26" 94.3 50' 92.7 68' (A)FINE SANDY LOAM (B)FINE SANDY LOAM <CI)FINE SANDY LOAM (C2) LOAMY SAND 97,7 962 ICU PERCOLATION RATES, 4nin./In. PERCOLATION RATES, 12min,/In, M,]TTLING 30' EL= 96.5 MOTTLING 30' EL = 96.0% PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY, CORREIA'S ENGINEERING INC. SOIL EVALUATOR, RICHARD C., ALVES JR, DOil INSPECTOR, CHRIS MICHAUD GENERAL NOTES, 1. All work must be An.. accordance with the 'Massachusetts Department of "Environmental Protection Regulations 310 CMR 11.00 & 15.00 (Title V) and any local, Board of Healt.h Modifications. 2.. No modifications shall be 'made to * this system without prior written approval by the engineer and, the local..,Board of Health., 3., Engineer and.the Board of HedIth 'must inspect 'the completed system prior to backfilling.: 4. Elevations shown on plan are based. on an subdivision daturn. 5. Heavy equipment shall 'not be, run over the disposal system.' 6. All unsuitable -soil is to be excavated from the Leaching Area as shown on plan, and backfilled with clean gravel or coarse sand as -specift0d in, 310 CMR 15.255(2), 7. Washed crushed stone shall be free of iron, fines and dust. 8. Septic tank, distribution, box, etc. shall be monufattured by 'Rotondo Sons Inc. or approved equal, and installed per manufacturer's specifications. Grout ,shall be used to provide%a water, tight seal at' all joints where pipe enters or leaves a concrete structure. 9. Outlet distribution lines shall be level f& -a minimum of the first -two, feet of their .'length as specified in .'310 CMR 15.232(3).- 10. A Board of -Health certificate of Compliance as required by 310 CMR' 15.021 must be obtained by contractor upon completion of work. 11. Distribution lines to be capped at outlets. 12. This system is not designed for,,a garbage grinder. 13. No bcckwosh from water Purification or Filtration Devices shall be discharged into any. system Regulation under 310 CMR 15.00 PLAN LEGEND- 41 P.V.C,'PIPE SCHL. 40 (TIGHT JOINTS) O O O SEPTIC TA1,1K 56 "56 EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS DISTRIBUTION BOX TP RESERVE LEACH AREA TES'T.PIT W WATER LINE RM, BENCH MARK PROPOSED WELL �_3�?�9�00?00oo 0 0 C OUOUOvdU0 C 0 0 0 0 — 0