BP-11721. Residential �� � � � Q ' �' .� � � � � 1999 Residential ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY 1999 1. Date plan reviewed: Y' / ;— — Cl I1 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date' 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Applicant informed of above Date-, k�— - 11' tlTime: 1 i JA Clerk - Comments: c t Comments: eeo RU tI C- 0 Cam&,, �7#` Date: —0Z " � DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 508-999-0720 FAX 508-999-0738 { } `DATE RECEIVE _ PT 11r\ T, ._ i. _. f a APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING Zoning Review: Signature: 4 14r,3 S I Date: Energy Report: C) Signature: ,_ Date: Fire Chief: a Signature:- Date: Board of Health: Signature: Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signatur& Date: »::::>::::>:::: , .......; SECTh r1. .. YTE..11: F: t21 :::IOI ....:........:....: ;:::>:>::.>::......:: >>:::>.>:>:>»:; :.:::..:.::::::::::::::.::.......:.........:..:::..::.:.:...........::.....:.:...::::.... ..... .>:.;:::::; _...... NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: 3 SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: yes -.... .... ..:::::::.::::::::.::::..::::::::,:..::::, ❑ no 1.1 Property Address: 'R4Gk a 1J 1A, ae, 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: Nearest Cross Street: C3►94CeRy���� Plat z� Lot Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes ono 4y 1 Z 0 Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: ❑ yes p no Date: ater Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): ❑ Municipals Private Well I �-1001 i i 2.1 Owner of Record: Name (print) ❑ Municipal 9. 0n Site Disposal System Contact Address B A phone number c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 4 January 20, 1999 c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 1 January 20. 1999 Residential 1999 Residential 1999 2.2 Authorized Agent: Contact Address \ c� Telephone Name (print) _. - X. »: Cx> O » C4N 'C) _. _.;. iC'TIbN SIN 't'tC>�S 3.1 Licensed Con truction Supervisor: 'P- VAU\ Not Applicable ❑ O S Licensed Construction SupervisoQ z� License Number �d 5� Address < Expiration Date r — / S ^ 2 Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state "none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) ,'27-8598 ' Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund .Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 2 January 20, 1999 c:\wpwin\forms\bldgapp.res Page 3 January 20, 1999 A-1 First Floor plan Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4:29 PM cc's'�f°a ��am,; d"�: ,'s +.., 5 ,_•a t ,9-"i""P Fr-pla 1___Q: ,2 a... 1 ". w.¢Y'r,� PensbraVons thiru rated w&JIs and floors shall be scaled a1 th a material ca-pab 0 of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. `y'C'J'9 DRAWING "T LNv:-- r"ICE AT THE CUILDING DURING T PR 3 OF THIS WORK. N NOP ��3R£uora s Built Survey trust be Thrm of o �J�i.Qth'G [1EfiART�,!SNT An ..., , sub,-niated to the Building Dept. prior to calling for BONO-TUBE SIZE hND Dc^TH a foundation inspection or INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE any further construction. THE COtNCRE T E IS POURED. F 11dLDiN^a DEPARTMENT Teen of Dartmouth TDIFUM OF DARTMOUTH ES0910 PLAN A Copy Dt This EIrd,-1med Plan Must Be Seopt Qn Site Dui Gunstrupan Date VI f 09,C 4 A-7 5-6 7-11" OF WINDOW 2A 0 ! C OF RIDGE 2A ! 2 2 0 0 O w O_ o s o N i w ' 3'- " ! NOTES: 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE FRAM90 WITH 2 x 6 STUDS AND INTERIOR PAR11ONS ARE FRAMED WITH 2 X 49 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. PROVIDE SIX SHELVES AT THE LINEN CLOSET AND A CLOSET SHELF ME) POLE AT ALL OTHER CLOSETS. 3. ALL INTERIOR FINISHES, MATERIALS, CABINETS, FIXTURES, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER. FORBIDDEN FRUIT FARM b RC3GK O'DU NDEE ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA c r, is IRST FLOOR PLAN aArrz SCALM- IX BY: DURLAND & VAN VOORHIS ARCHITECTS Q8 PLEASANT STREET - W TE M TEL (508) 993.6567 NEW BEDFORD, MASSAC HMETTS 02740 FAX (5%) 993-6581 ARCHPIECTURE DESIGN PLANNING Amwal - MW SECOND FLOOR PLAN 114 A-2 Second Floor Plan Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4.28 PM YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. tILDINQ MPARTMEWHLE r I't+r m of Dartmout'l — SONG -TUBE SIZE A^3D DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth FIRE STC 'PHN"G` REQUIREMENT MENT Pcnotrations thiru rated walls and floors shall be scaled with a material capable of preventing the passable of Barre; and hot gasses When subjected to till requirements of the Test Standard specific for Fire Stops RS'i M-E-814, NO An As Built Survey roust be submitted to tiro Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. 1'-0" OVERHANG TOWN OF A HTMOUTH � 01 COng PUM C A Cope Of This Eta orsed Plea Must Co Kept On Site Qur1 Conttruet'on O --11K 0 0 NOTE: 1. CALL WINDOWS ARE THE SAME AS THE WINDOWS THE FIRST FLOOR BELOW UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. 3 BUILDING -SECTION 1/4• = l'-0• 1JL4f 5f4a L � � CENTER ON GABLE z SKYLIGHT VELUX V5236 WITH SCREEN TYP. i 0 P t� � * • EQUAL O z 7 1 O ATTIG FLOOR PLAN I i � ART Of DV1 0 SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DI LrSl INSPECTION IS REQUIRED I TIEC Tt1s Endl ,nd THE CONCRETE IS POUT Plan ltppt On 5110 BUILDING DEPARTME •'� Town of Dartmouth Dur• an-'-truqqion .S Date YOUR DRAWING MUST BE AT THE BUILDING DURING PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMEN Town of Dartmouth -a, -V- N oI C An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction, F RS STOPPING R cnatrations thiru rated wal sealed with a materiel cap; P36ra9e of flarrles and hot g to the requirements of the for Pier Stuns ASTWE-814. l FILEV }"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -- ----- - ------------------------------------------------ -- 1• - °R' 26 CLOSET - T---------------------•-------------- ------ . - ----------------•---------------•----------------------------------- - ------------ F --------------------------------------------------------------- ••--------.----------------- --## _----.__-•--__-___ _---__--_-_-_--_•---_----•_-__----------__----_-_---_-_-_--. _ _..______._-------------- ----_-_-_-_---.-. ___ -__ -_ EQUAL i A2 A-6 IVI s/x 17, 5 , �s l� p NOTE 1. ALL WORK AT THE ATTIC FLOOR LEVEL SHALL BE PRICED AS AN ALTERNATE. 2. PROVIDE ROUGH PLUMBING FOR FUTURE BATH IFALTERNATE NOT TAKEN. A-3 Third Floor Plan STAIR DETAIL Z 1a• =1,� b �o SECOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR A-5 West Elevation Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4.24 PM €� 'QUIREMENT It 701 iy 6Y +srI` 111 Penetrantions thm rated wars and floors shall be M rs=fit° i " � r sealed with a material capable of preventing the , i1 t Be V.Pgt On SHO r passage of flames and Foot gasses when subjected to the Qt1p3:i Cp netruction S . requirements of the Test Standard specific - 9 kr R(c, ?tapp !�§TM-E-814. '�0 I I �`.� PTA ;13IDPECTION IS REQUIRED EEI` E, �r THE CONCRETE 1S POUncia BRICK CHIMNEY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10 Town of Dartmouth YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PnoGREss OF THIS VVORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth N 1 C. El An As Built Surv-ey must be submitted to the Building BOARDS Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or SECOND FLOOR ;any further construction. - WOOD SHINGLE SIDING W/X EXPOSURE 11 - __ _I _ FIRST FLOOR_ i 1 1 r- L---------------------------------------- L--,-------------- r------------------------------------------------------L�----�-� L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 �Ofi�81DDEN wEST E�EvATION FRUIT FARM ROCK O'DUNDEE ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA PROJECT 1/X 1'-9 3/8' 4'-& F XED 6L. � 4 ( } 1 DOUBLE HUNG 2n DOUBLE HUNG 3 DOUBLE HUNG AWNING 5 DOUBLE HUNG n6 DOUBLE HUNG y DOUBLE HUNG 8 FIXED SASH 9 FIXED SASH WDH 2426 0/ O �..../ 2826 WDH242(1 O WDH ?� 2824 � a O WDH WAG814-11 24 VJDH1622 FIXED SASH ABOVE WINDOW, SHOWN ARE POZZI DOUBLE HUNG, AWNING AND GEOMETRIC WITH: WINDOW TYPES EXTERIOR PRIME FINISH $ UNFINISHED INTERIOR TRUE DIVIDED SINGLE PANE CLEAR GLASS WITH REMOVABLE EXTERIOR ENERGY PANELS INSECT SCREENS JAMB EXTENSIONS 1 WV1V11V 11.111 111 lull... TYPICAL WINDOW TRIM 3/4"=T-U 1 V47 DRIP CAP SHINGLE IN COURSING MTH TOP OF TRIM @ LEAD. TO MATCH BROSCO # 8019 `�- X TYPICAL SHINGLE EXPOSURE .E IN COURSING OP OF SILL WEST ELEVATION WINDOW SCHEDULE scA4.F- AS NOTED DURLAND & VAN VOORHIS ARCHITECTS 628 PLEASANT STREET - SUME M TEL (508) 9936 NEW BEDFORD, MASSACHUSEITS 02740 FAX (508) 993-6581 ARCHTIIECTURE DESIGN PLANNING A0005 A-6 South Elevation Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4.23 PM OSOUTH ELEVATION V47 + P-O' FC )ING EQUAL TO 018 RETURN ORNER TO END BOARD FRE S O 1 ii9ra, or--r- V11 T Penetrations thlru rated walls and floors shall be sealed w1th a material capable of preventing the Passage of flames and hot gasses when subJected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific fir Fire StOps ASTM-5-814. N01 ICE An As Built Survey must be submitted to Idle Building Dept.p.-ior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING GEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth MIN OF DAR T MOUTH RrGQ PLC A Copy Of This Eniforced Pine Must Be Kept On Site Durinp Construction Date — �+ :, ,,, r n A— INSULATION IN 7TION TAKEN TO FINISH DOD SHEATHING IG OVER t. -38 UNFACED BATT INSULATION T FLOOR LINE DRIP EDGE V2• GYPSUM L WITH SKIM CO) OVER WOOD F 6 MIL VAPOR V 3/4' U G P SUBFLOOR 47 SLAB REINFORCED WITH 6 x 6 W.W.M. 7-a OTYPIGAL WALL SECTION 1/2' + 1,47 ONT. BED MOULDING QUA. TO BROSCO # 8019 :XPOSED RAFTER TAILS WIDE CONT, OPEN ENT WITH SCREEN ",EDAR SHINGLES WITH r EXPOSURE NEK 10* COX PLYWOOD Z-21 UNFA69D BATT INSULATON (6 @ 16, O.C. MIL VAPOR BARRIER r GYPSUM BOARD 1TH SKIM COAT PLASTER LASHING ►P OF WATER TABLE BELOW FINISHED FLOOR ZOWN EQUAL TO ZOSCO 3 6000 S-2 FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4:03 PM B.0.F El. 90.63 xCL-LADL r-- -- ----- - - -- ------------------------------------------------------- 2 X a V 16' O.G TYPICAL. � FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN I z An As Built Survey must be T 0'�"�'t� QF O���Tt °0 U ► R submitted to the Building tC� t#W% Dept. prior to callingfor $ A Cepy-0i This En t- `2 foundation inspection r Plan Must Be YXII)t On site Dt Costr on any further construction. or�- ,late SONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH FIRE STQPPImn mr-'QUIREMENT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POUREM Penetrations thiru rated walls and floors shall be u LDIAIG DEPARTMENT with a material capable of preventing the Town of Dartmouth passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard €peciflc .ebr Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. YOUn DRAVANG MUST ES KEPT AT THE EUILDING DURING THE PnOOR!SS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Tmn of Dr- til9otltff ? E' Ln; 011 2 ATTIC FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1/47 = T-a =ORBIDDEN =RU IT FARM ROCK O'DUNDEE ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA FRAMING 1 PLANS DATE SCALE: 1/47 =1'-9 DURLAND & VAN VOORHIS ARCHITECTS 626 PLEASANT STREEr- SUITE 322 TEL (50T) 99365 NEW BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 02740 FAX (5%) 993.6581 ARCHITECTURE DESIGN PLANNING Soon 2 -Fclr-lc- vA -�'CO F %Jf%VA 1 r-k/V1 A A V @ 1F O.C. TYFIC.k ROOF FRAMING PLAN 5-3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4- 10 PM IrLi FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT TOVIN, OF DARUM In Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be RECORD PLAN sealed with a 'Material capable of preventing the f, Copy, Of This Enftrced a,- t1ust Be Kept On Site passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected pl Is to the requirements of the Test Standard specific DuriV / Fftnstruct�,n for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. Date /0� -� - ist be ling for )n ot. A-8 North elevation Tuesday, March 2, 1999 / 4: 19 PM LE CU r" -.1 r----------------- 7-7-77 ----------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH ELEVATION V47 + T-O' FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be sealed vilth a materiel capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specifin for Fire Stops ASTM-fH-814, BONO-TUBE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REOUfRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. Cfz4 3VILDING DEPAR7vENT '�pwn of DartmoWh An As Built Survey must be, submitted to the Building TOWIN OF DARTUMUTH Dept. prior to calling for RECORD PLC a foundation inspection SHINSLE ROOFING or. A COPY Of This End-arsd further. coustructioa, Plaill MUSt Be Kept On site BUILDING FELT Durin entruction YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT ?Btu AT THE BUILDING DURING THE P!�QGRESS OF THIS WORK. DRIP EDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT iW� of Da_rtro BEADED EXTERIOR GRADE I LYWOOD W BEADFACING DO" 1 BE[) MOULDING EQUAL TO EXPOSED A-7ERS BROSCO #809 BED MOULDING EQUAL TO BROSCO #8018 9-0, TO PLYWOOD V oo A!;,Prp- 7(_r-'W 6 X6 BOXED COLUMN T49 V FL4 Oki 4. 1 1/2"SQUARE nN. FL 514 MAHOGANY DECK 31/2' WIDE x FULL DEPTH ti 'FRAME PORCH WITH PRESSURE (3).2x 10 TREATED LUMBER ;9PSON POST ZMHOR OR OPORCH DETAIL 31T = T-O" GROWN MOULDING EQUAL TO BROSGO #8000 AUGN WITH WATERTABLE - 1 X 6 VERTICAL BOARDS WITH V47 SPACE BETWEEN 101 Rk CONCRETE FOOTING TO A MINIMUM OF 4!-0" BELOW GRADE F11 F P.flPV TC'�771 Cr A Copy Of This Endorsed Plan U--t Be Kept On Site n Date Con ion 3��77 A7,�o 6,u�� 4 _4