BP-68502RESIDENTIAL ❑ Phased Approval (R106.3.3) $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON BE-FFNBABLE & NON-TBANSFEBABLE Revised 10/11 ❑ CONSTRUCTION PLANS ❑ SITE PLAN ❑ ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL 'SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner Record: �5 Name (print) Contact Address one Number `O 2.2 Aut orize Agent 14`' l ifiZ Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number ? ; , SECTION' 3 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES .. 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor/Special License: License Number. Company Name/Contractor Name: r Address: Expira ion Dat signature: 3.2 Homeowner Exemption - One & Tw i y Only Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Exception: FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner' is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: ` SECTION 6 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit s!1 w AD 6! ✓ Less Application Fee: $25.00 Signature: Total Permit Fee: $ A9 Other $ Amount $ SECTION 4 -:WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL c 162 § 25) , Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this Gross Area - New Construction total sq, ft. affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued to: SECTION 5 =� DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Check all applicable ❑ Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace oodstove/Pellet Stove ❑ New Construction* ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Roofing/Siding ❑ Other (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Specify below) ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement window/door ❑ Demolition (Energy report required) No. of windows Doors (Specify below) *If new construction, please complete the following: t Single Family: No, of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided 0 Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Remaining Balance: $ _ Limited Forever Warranty TM Ventis® Class -A All -Fuel Chimney Pipe VENTIS® Class -A All -Fuel Chimney Pipe is designed to vent residential heating oil, untreated wood, low sulphur coal and natural or LP gas. Limited Warranty Coverage Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc. (Olympia) warrants to you (the "purchaser") that for the period set forth below, the VENTIS® Class -A All -Fuel Chimney pipe and components when used according to the specifications set forth in the warranty & installation instructions; and, if properly installed, maintained and used shall be free from defects in material or manufacturer's workmanship. This warranty provides for the replacement of any system components damaged in a chimney fire or that fail as a result of normal use on a residential fireplace, wood burning stove, furnace or boiler. It does not provide a cash surrender value or reimbursement for expenses associated with labor of any kind that is required in the removal or replacement of the VENTIS® system replaced under this warranty. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, damage caused to the structure by chimney fires, misuse of the chimney system or any components or parts not manufactured by Olympia. Following a chimney fire, the system must be inspected by an experienced chimney professional before resuming use of the heating appliance. Coal Warranty Coverage A chimney system connected to a low sulphur coal appliance that uses a 304L stainless steel inner wall is covered 100%for 10 years, then 50% for subsequent years as set forth in this warranty. A chimney system connected to a low sulphur coal appliance that uses a 316L stainless steel inner wall is covered 100%for the life ofthe system as set forth in this warranty. All terms in the above "Limited Warranty Coverage" also apply. Warranty Period The benefits of this warranty shall apply to you (the "purchaser") Forever with no time limit, provided that you continue to own the home where the Ventis® Class -A All Fuel Chimney system is installed. In all events, even if you sell your home, Olympia will honor the warranty Forever with no time limit, which allows that new owner to benefit from the Ventis® Class -A All -Fuel Chimney system installation in your home. Warranty Conditions and Limitations You may register your VENTIS® Class -A All -Fuel Chimney System online at www.olympiachimney.com or by mailing your registration card to the address specified on the card within 60 days of having your system installed. The Ventis® warranty is subject to the following conditions:1) installation of the pipe and components must be in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions; 2) the pipe is designed to operate at a continuous temperature of 650 degree Celsius (1,200 degree farenheit) or less; 3) this warranty only covers the use of low sulphur coal, all other types of coal are not covered under this warranty; 4) corn, driftwood, wood or wood pellets containing salt, preservative treated lumber, plastic, experimental fuels and household trash must not be burned in the appliance; 5) this warranty does not cover any products that have been moved from their original installation site; 6) the Ventis® chimney system must be cleaned and inspected on an annual basis by an experienced chimney professional commencing from the date of purchase. Receipts verifying that the annual maintenance was performed must be retained. Claim Process and Limitations of Liability You may make a claim under this warranty by giving notice to your chimney professional and having your chimney professional provide information about the claim to Olympia. Upon approval of your claim, Olympia shall provide new Ventis® pipe and components to you as your exclusive remedy. Olympia does not assume any liability or responsibility for faulty installation of the pipe or components, or for defective materials not supplied as part of the Ventis® chimney system. Neither Olympia nor the installer of the Ventis® chimney system shall be liable for any removal or installation charges or for any special, incidental, or consequential damages in any way related to the Ventis® pipe. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Please register this information today. This will help us to provide you with the best warranty service. Choose from the following. 1. Register online at www.olympiachimney.com 2. Register by mail by filing out the information below and mailing to: Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc., 600 Sanders Street, Scranton, PA 18505 Customer Name Address City State Zip Installer Name Company Address State - Date of Installation TYPE OF APPLIANCE VENTED: Wood Stove Fireplace Insert Fireplace Gas Log Coal Appliance (low sulfur only) Water Heater Gas Central Heating System Oil Central Heating System Other (specify) All-Fuel Chimney System MAJOR CAUSE OF CHIMNEY RELATED FIRES IS FAILUR TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES (AIR SPACES) TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT THIS CHIMNEY BE INSTALLED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc., 600 Sanders Street, Scranton, PA 18505 (570) 496-8890 The quality and workmanship of Ventis Class -A is reflected in the recognition Underwriters Laboratories has given these products. The rigorous UL testing and listing requirements, is your assurance of consistent quality in materials and manufacturing standards used for this chimney system. In addition, the industry leading Warranty on Ventis Class -A is a further indication of our confidence in the quality of these products. Thank you for choosing Ventis! The Ventis Class -A chimney system is UL 103HT listed to 2100 degrees up to 8" diameter. The chimney system must be installed by a qualified chimney or venting professional according to these installation and maintenance instructions. Read through and become familiar with these installation instructions before installing this product. Failure to follow these instructions may void the manufacturer's warranty and the UL listing status of this product. Codes & Permits The criteria for installation must be in conformance with the specifications contained in the latest version of the NFPA 211 (Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances) and local or state building codes, whichever has jurisdiction. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection in your area. It may be necessary to obtain permits before installing the chimney system. ALWAYS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL OR FIRE OFFICIAL REGARDING PERMITS, RESTRICTIONS AND INSTALLATION INSPECTIONS IN YOUR AREA. Product Applications The Ventis Class -A Chimney system is intended for use with heating appliances utilizing solid fuels, oil, gas (natural or propane) and coal. This includes, but is not limited to, the following appliance types: free standing wood stoves, wood stove inserts, fireboxes, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, stoves, ranges or water heaters that require a UL103 HT chimney system. Ventis Class -A is not listed, nor intended, to be installed with forced draft or positive pressure heating appliances. -loft. (3.Im) — Rid e 2ft. (.61 m) Minimum [�_ I Termination Above the Roof The termination of the Ventis Class -A chimney system must be in accord with the NFPA 211 codes. This code requires that a chimney terminate at least 3 feet above the point where it penetrates the roof and 2 feet higher than any structure within a 10 foot radius. The maximum height of an unsupported chimney above the roof line is 5 feet. Chimney heights greater than 5 feet above the roof line must use and extended roof brace. Top of Chimney to Roof Penetration 3 feet (.92 m) Minimum Chimney or Vent The chimney system must be installed and service by a qualified chimney or venting professional. The criteria for the inspection and maintenance must be in conformance with local or state building codes, whichever has jurisdiction. It is recommended you use an inspection form and make notes that you can review with the homeowner. WARNING FOR SOLID FUEL APPLICATIONS "Creosote and Soot -Formation and Need for Removal: When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney flue of a slow -burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire. The chimney should be inspected at least once every 2 months during the heating season to determine if a creosote or soot buildup has occurred. If creosote or soot has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire." MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES It is important that the chimney system be checked and cleaned annually. This is for the safety of the homeowner and necessary to meet the warranty requirements of Ventis Class -A. As noted above, in the case of solid fuel burning appliances, more frequent maintenance may be required, depending on use and the appliance manufacturer's instructions. The entire system, from the connection at the appliance to the top of the chimney must be completely inspected and cleaned. To clean the chimney lining system it is recommended to perform the following: 1) Remove cap by either removing the 4 bolts on the cap lid or by loosening the clamp band. 2) Select the proper sized chimney brush to clean the chimney. Be sure the brush head passes throughout the complete length of the liner, including the connectors, terminals and tees. 3) In some instances, proper cleaning will require removing the appliance and disassembling the connector assembly to thoroughly inspect and clean parts that cannot be reached otherwise. 4) Inspect and clean the chimney cap. Spark arrestors and other screens may be necessary or required in some areas, but may be susceptible to blockage from creosote or through freezing moisture in areas of low ambient temperature. 5) Reinstall chimney cap 6) Before the initial firing of the appliance, check the appliance's operating instructions for initial firing precautions. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1) The Ventis Class -A chimney system is intended for use with heating appliances, burning home heating oil, natural or LP gas and solid fuels (pellet, wood, and coal). Use of experimental fuels is not permitted and voids the warranty. 2) Use only components listed for use with the Venis Class -A Chimney System 3) For solid -fuels, the chimney system is not to be sized less than that specified in the appliance manufacturer's instructions. VFNTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2 STEP 1 - To properly size the chimney for a masonry fireplace, the cross sectional area of the chimney (ID - inner diameter) is to be a minimum of 1/12th of the area of the firebox opening. STEP 2 - Install fireplace anchor plate. Seal the fireplace anchor plate to the masonry flue opening with high temperature adhesive/sealant. Further secure the fireplace anchor plate in each corner with four'/4" x 2" tapcon type masonry anchors. Always maintain a 1 inch air space clearance from the mounting plate to combustibles. Note: Make sure the mounting plate is level and anchored toa flat surface. Modify the masonry to obtain a flat level surface if needed STEP 3 - Assemble the Chimney: Secure the first chimney section to the fireplace anchor plate with a minimum of three self drilling screws. Attach the remaining chimney sections above while still maintaining the required 2 inch air space between combustibles. Use a minimum of three d to be installed no more than 8 feet apart along the vertical chimney length. The final chimney height should be determined using the specifications found on Page 2 under the heading "Termination Example of Only install the Ventis Factory Bullt Fireplace lnetallatlon Class -A Chimney System with factory built, or zero clearance fireplaces, Sheet Metal --Chimney Section Screws that approve its' use. Be (4 Required) sure to read thoroughly I and follow the fireplace Anchor Plate manufacturer's installa- tion instructions. STEP 1 - Install fireplace anchor plate. Seal the fireplace anchor plate to the flue opening of the fireplace with high temperature adhesive/ sealant if permitted by the manufacturer. Secure the fireplace anchor plate in each corner with four 1/2" sheet metal screws. Always maintain a 1 inch air space clear- ance from the anchor plate to combustibles. Above Roof." Be sure to enclose the chimney if it should pass through occupied areas. STEP 4 - Completing the top termination: Please refer to Step 8 on page 7 for instructions to complete the top termination. If the chimney is within a chase enclosure, please refer to Page 9, Step 7, Option 2. STEP 2 - Assemble the Chimney: Secure the first chimney section to the fireplace anchor plate with a minimum of three self drilling screws. Attach the remaining chimney sections above while still maintaining the required 2 inch air space to combustibles. Use a minimum of three self drilling screws to attach per joint. Wall support brackets will need to be installed no more than 8 feet apart along the vertical chimney length. The final chimney height should be determined using the specifications found on Page 3 under the heading "Termination Above Roof." Be sure to enclose the chimney if it should pass through occupied areas. STEP 3 - Completing the top termination: Refer to Step 8 on page 7 for instructions to complete the top termination. If the chimney is within a chase enclosure, refer to Page 9, Step 7, Option 2. A transition plate is similar to an anchor plate, but is designed for transition from a single wall flue liner (such as Forever Flex, Rhino Rigid or Armor Flex to Ventis Class -A in a chimney restoration). Seal the transition plate to the masonry chimney opening with high temperature adhesive/sealant or mortar. Further secure the transition plate in each corner with four 1/4" x 2" tapcon type masonry anchors. Always maintain a 1 inch air space clearance from the mounting plate to combustibles. Ensure the masonry chimney is a minimum of 10" above insulation and any other attic combustibles. Attach the remaining chimney sections above while still maintaining the required 2 inch air space to combustibles. Use a minimum of three self drilling screwsto at- tach perjoint. Refer to page 6, step 5 for the roof opening and page 7, step 8 for top termination. A minimum 2 inch airspace must be maintained between the exterior of the Ventis Class -A chimney system and combustible materials or as established by factory built supports and firestops. Ensure that building insulation, electrical wiring and/or any other combustible materials do not violate the required 2-inch airspace clearance. The clearance between single wall connector pipe (VENTIS BLACK" SINGLE WALL STOVEPIPE) and unprotected combustible material must not be less than 18-inches (See latest version of NFPA 211). The distance between the vertical single wall stove pipe and the ceiling may be less than 18-inches depending on the specifications of the finishing support. For double wall connector pipe (VENTIS BLACKT" DOUBLE WALL STOVEPIPE) the clearance to unprotected combustible material must not be less than 6-inches to vertical walls and 8-inches to the ceiling (See latest version of NFPA 211). The distance between the vertical double wall stove pipe and the ceiling may be less than 8-inches depending on the specifications of the finishing support. Tools, Equipment, and Hardware TOOLS: Reciprocating Saw Plumb Bob Hammer Keyhole Saw Level Caulk Gun Drill Tape Measure Screwdrivers Metal Snips Ventis Class -A Chimney Components (Part No.) factory -built chimney that extends through any zone above that on which the connected appliance is located is to be provided with an enclosure having a fire resistance rating equal to or greater than that of the floor or roof assemblies through which it passes. For installing the chimney system in a chase application, the chimney must extend a minimum of 6-inches above the chase cover. Sizing the Chimney Systems Always size the chimney liner in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions. Keep in mind that the outside diameter will be 21/2-inches larger than the inside diameter. The Ventis Class -A chimney system may be installed to a maximum height of 60 feet. Additional Considerations It is recommended, in colder climates, that exterior mounted chimney systems are enclosed to help reduce or limit condensation, creosote build-up and poor draft. EQUIPMENT: HARDWARE: Ladder #8-1 '/z" & 21/2" Screws Safety Glasses Framing Nails Protective Gloves Roofing Nails High -Temp Sealant Note: xx = diameter; yy = length; zzz = type of stainless steel (inner pipe); vv = pitch eftton Plate Approved Installations Use of any parts or materials not specified in this installation manual may not provide a listed system and may void the Ventis Class -A warranty. Do not attempt matching Ventis components or pipe sections with another manufacturer's products. Do not use damaged or modified parts. Safety Considerations Caution: The ends of the chimney sections, edges of the cap, roof flashings, tee and other components can be sharp! We strongly recommend the use of gloves during installation. Warning: Watch out for overhead power lines during installation. Be sure to check above and around the chimney for antennas, power lines, or any other obstacles before beginning the installation. Be sure that the chimney does not come in contact with electrical or any other wires. VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 10 3 Ceiling Supported Installation See page 5,==,, L Ceiling Support Must Extend a Minimum of 3 Inches Below finished Ceiling 18 Inches Minimum for 51ngle-Wall Stovepipe, 6 inches Minimum for Double -Wall Stovepipe Exterior Supported Installation See page 9 Flashing or Chase Top Flashing Optional Framed Exterior Chase Enclosure (Minimum 36 Inches Clearance Between Cap & Chase Top) Wall Support Brackets Maximum & ft. Apart Factory Bullt Fireplace Installation See page10 Sheet Metal ---Chimney Section Screws (4 Required) \i i Anchor Plate 1 / Roof Supported Installation See page & Universal Adapter to Single or Double' Wall Connector Pipe Roof Support Trim Collar \ Finishing Collar Masonry Fireplace Installation See page 10 Anchor P Exterior supported installations are used when passing through a living space to an exterior mounted chimney. The exterior supported installation uses our secure wall support bracketing system that provides lateral and vertical weight bearing support. Note: The total height of chimney from tee to top termination should not exceed 60 ft. STEP 1- Position appliance: locate appliance in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions and clearance specifications. Pay particular attention to the outlet flue collar of the appliance and endeavor to position it between the wall studs. STEP 2 - Rough frame wall opening: The wall opening should be centered between two wall studs. To determine the height of the opening it is helpful to preassemble stove connector pipe and fit to flue outlet collar. Mark location on wall. Cut and frame opening. Refer to Table 1 on Page 5 for rough opening dimensions. STEP 3 - Wall pass-thru (thimble) installation: The wall thimble assembly consists of three parts: The exterior firestop section, the adjustable extension and the interior trim plate. Install the firestop section on the outside wall with the tube section pointing to the structure interior. It is recommended to seal the outside edges of the firestop section with a water -proof silicone. Secure to the framing with a minimum of four 8-penny nails or four #8 x 1 1/2" wood screws. From the interior, slide the adjustable extension onto the firestop section tube. Adjust the extension so that it will be flush with the interior trim plate once installed. Use a minimum of three self drilling screws to secure the adjustable extension to the firestop section tube. STEP 4 - Wall support bracketing: Determine the chimney section length needed from the tee take -off to the structure interior. A telescoping chimney section is useful to obtain exact length desired. Keep in mind, the chimney must penetrate through the wall a minimum of 6 inches into the interior. Secure this length of chimney to the tee take -off using a minimum of 3 self drilling screws. Then, secure a full length chimney section to the top of the tee using a minimum of three self drilling screws. Loosely install a wall support bracket on the first vertical chimney section above the tee. Install this assembly with the tee take -off chimney section going through the wall thimble. Using a level, plumb the vertical chimney section and attach the wall bracket. Secure the wall support bracket to the outside wall using a minimum of four #8 x 21/2" screws. It is recommended to endeavor securing wall support brackets into framing members rather than sheeting only. Further, secure the wall support bracket to the chimney section by tightening the nut/bolt and use a minimum of three self drilling screws through the pre -drilled holes of the wall support bracket band into the chimney section. Install the tee cap onto the bottom of the tee using a minimum of three self drilling screws. Optional tee cleanout - If desired an additional chimney section may be added to the bottom of the tee for chimney cleanout purposes. Then simply add a tee cap to the bottom of the cleanout section. Ensure that the cleanout tee and any added sections below for cleanout purposes maintain the required 2 inch air space to combustibles. STEP 5 - Trim plate and transition collar: From the interior, slide the Finished Trim Plate Section of the Wall Pass Through (Thimble)over the horizontal section of the chimney and secure it to the framed opening using screws supplied. Secure the Universal Adapter (VA-UAxx) to the end of the horizontal chimney section using a minimum of three self drilling screws. NOTE: A Finishing Collar (VAFCxx) should be installed over the universal adapter for appearance purposes only. The stove Example of Exterior Supported Installation Flashing or Chase Top Flashing Optional Framed Exterior Chase Enclosure (Minimum 6 Inches Clearance Between Cap & Chase Top) Wall Support Brackets Maximum 8 ft. Appart Chase Top Flashing Custom Made & Sold Separately connector pipe can now be secured to the universal adapter. STEP 6 - Assembling the chimney: Attach the remaining chimney sections above while still maintaining the required 2 inch air space to combustibles. Use a minimum of three self drilling screws to attach per joint. Wall support brackets will need to be installed no more than 8 feet apart along the vertical chimney length. STEP 7 - Finish the installation OPTION 1 - Non chase enclosed chimney: The final chimney height should be determined using the specifications found on Page 3 under the heading "Termination Above Roof." Based on final chimney height determine if an extended roof brace will be needed. If so, follow the instructions on Page 7 under the heading "Optional Extended Roof Brace Installation." OPTION 2 - A chase enclosed chimney: For installing the chimney system in a chase application, the chimney must extend a minimum of 6-inches above the chase cover. Please ensure that the chimney exterior has the required 2 inch air space clearance from all chase enclosure combustibles including the hole in the chase enclosure top sheathing. The chase enclosure top can be finished using either standard flat roofing materials or a custom fabricated metal chase cover. Note 1: It is recommended, in colder climates, that exterior mounted chimney systems are enclosed to help reduce or limit condensation, creosote build-up and poor draft. Note 2: It is recommended to provide some means of chase enclosure ventilation This is usually accomplished by placing the storm collar approximately 2 inches above the chase collar. COMPLETION - Install a storm collar around the chimney and slide down to fit against the roof flashing. Caulk the joint between the chimney and the storm collar with a waterproof silicone sealant. Fit the rain cap to the top of the chimney. Attach by tightening the clamp band. Chimney Tee Chimney Section Thimble Wall Pass-Thru O (Thimble) Aseembly �\ 0 Example of Wall Pass-Thru Assembly L_ Universal Adapter to Single or Double Wall Connector Pipe Long Finlehing Collar Included with Wall Pass-Thru Assembly VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 4 9 Roof supported installations are popular in A-frame/Chalet type homes. In roof supported installations, there are typically two scenarios. One utilizes a square or round cathedral ceiling support and the second simply utilizes a roof support bracket. SCENARIO #1 CATHEDRAL CEILING SUPPORT (Square or Round "Tall Style") STEP 1- Position appliance: locate appliance in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions I and clearance specifications. Pay i particular attention to the outlet flue =r I -- collar of the appliance and endeavor i i Ro, to position it between the rafters and Trii joists above. Un1 STEP 2 - Frame rough opening: Cut i to roof and ceiling openings as in the case ' Wa of low attic installations. In the case of cathedral ceilings a hole is only cut through the roof. Please refer to Step 2 on Page 5 for ceiling openings and Step 5 on Page 6 for roof openings. Also, refer to Table 1 on Page 5 for rough opening dimensions. STEP 3 - Cathedral Ceiling support installation: Level the Ceiling Support into the rough opening and secure to the framing using a minimum of three 8-penny nails or three #8 x 1 1/2" wood screws per side. Secure the trim collar using screws supplied with the collar. The ceiling support must extend 3-inches below the ceiling. In most cases, the cathedral ceiling support will extend above the roof opening. You can either trim the support to be flush with the roof or slit the corners of the square support and fold them down flat against the roof. Nail flaps with 1-inch roofing nails. STEP 4 - Finish the installation: Following steps 6 thru 8, starting on page 6. SCENARIO #2 - ROOF SUPPORT BRACKET A roof support bracket type installation is used for cathedral ceilings where a cathedral ceiling support is not preferred. This type of installation involves Ventis Class -A chimney pipe being visible below the ceiling level. NOTE: A roof support bracket can support no more than a total of 45 feet of Ventis Class -A Chimney Pipe, and no more than 20 feet below the roof support bracket. STEP 1 - Position appliance: locate appliance in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions and clearance specifications. Pay particular attention to the outlet flue collar of the appliance and endeavor to position it between the rafters and joists above. STEP 2 - The Roof Opening: Use a plumb bob to locate the center of the roof opening as it corresponds to the center of the opening below. Mark the location on the underside of the roof sheeting. Drill a hole using a'/4" bit through the sheeting and shingles in order to have an exterior visible reference. A reciprocating saw is helpful in cutting the opening a minimum of 4-inches larger than the chimney's outside diameter. This maintains the required minimum of 2-inch air space clearance around the chimney. Note: The roof opening must be sized to Table 1 on page 5 and framed out with the appropriate Example of Roof Supported Installation ort Bracket 3rackete , Finishing Collar Secure Roof Support Band to Chimney Using 4 Sheet Metal Screws Use 4 Nails or 5crme on each side of Support Tighten Bolt on Roof Support Band Opening in Roof with Minimum 2" Clearance on All Sides sized construction lumber. DO NOT mount Roof Support Bracket to sheathing only! STEP 3 - Secure roof support bracket: Secure the roof support bracket to the roof using four 6-penny nails or four #8 x 1 '/z" screws per side. Using one section of Ventis Class -A chimney, position it at the proper height into the living space. Ensure that the chimney extends at least 3 inches below the ceiling level. Tighten the roof support bracket band to that chimney section by tightening the nut bolt. Using a minimum of four self drilling screws, screw the band to the chimney section. STEP 4 - Assemble the Chimney: Attach the remaining chimney sections above and below the roof level. Use a minimum of three self drilling screws to attach per joint. STEP 5 - Trim Collar - Slide trim collar over Ventis Class -A chimney and attach to ceiling using screws provided. Attach universal adapter to the lowest section of Ventis Class -A to attach connector pipe below. Use a minimum of three self drilling screws. Note: a finishing collar should be installed over the universal adapter for appearance purposes only. Ensure the connector pipe maintains the proper clearance to combustibles See Page 3. STEP 1 POSITION APPLIANCE: locate appliance in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions and clearance specifications. Pay particular attention to the outlet flue collar of the appliance and endeavor to position it between the rafters and joists above. STEP 2 FRAME CEILING OPENING: use a plumb bob from the ceiling to the center of the appliance outlet flue collar and mark this point on the ceiling above. (Refer to table 1 regarding rough framing dimensions for each chimney diameter). Mark the ceiling for proper rough opening and cut a hole for the appropriate ceiling support. Frame rough opening. STEP 3 CEILING SUPPORT INSTALLATION: Ceiling Supported Installation OPTION 1 Round Support (Standard) - may only be used in flat ceiling support applications. Level the Round Ceiling Support into the rough opening and secure to the framing using a minimum of three 8-penny nails or three #8 x 11/2" wood screws per side. Secure the trim collar using screws supplied with the collar. Note: The bottom of the round support must extend 3" or more below the ceiling. OPTION 2 Square or Round Cathedral Ceiling Support (Tall Style)- must be used for cathedral ceilings and may be used as well for flat ceiling applications. Level the Cathedral Ceiling Support into the rough opening and secure to the framing using a minimum of three 8-penny nails or three #8 x 11/2" wood screws per side. Secure the trim collar using screws supplied with the collar. Note: The bottom section of the support must extend a minimum of 3-inches below the ceiling. Ceiling 5upport Must Extend a Minimum of 3" Below finished Ceiling 18 inches Minimum for Single -Wall Stovepipe 6 Inches Minimum for Double -Wall Stovepip, Example of Rough Framed Opening Chimney Cap_9 Storm Collar Or�Flashing Chimney Sections versal Attic UAndiapter Insulation Namorr Shield MN Framed Opening Round or Square Round Square O Trim Collar Cetltng5upport Its & ring Example of Round or Square Ceiling Support With Trim Collar Round or Square Cefling 5upport Must Extend a Minimum of 3 Inches Below Finished Ceiling \ Wood Screws are Required to Fasten Round or 5quare Trim Collars TABLE 1. ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS FOR Flit CedngSupport; Cathedraledirig Suppoit,n° RoofOpentin9rWallThimb!6,f restopAs$eriibtres Chimney°. Diameter ,o 5" 6" 7" 8" 10" 12" (inside) Opening Al 11"x1l" 12"x12" 13"x13" 14"x14" 16"x16" 18"x18" (inside) A�{ VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8 5 STEP 4 FRAME ADDITIONAL OPENINGS (for multi -story installations): This is a required step for multi -floor installations where the chimney must pass through additional ceilings (floors). Using dimensions from Table 1 (p.5), frame out each ceiling (floor) opening above the support box. Use a plumb bob to assist in locating U01Widthdalliing n 5uppor, the corresponding four corners of the opening I Minimum of 3Inches above (If elbows are used I Below Finished Calling to offset an obstruction). Wood Screws Are Required Install a Firestop Radiation Shield at each floor penetration above the ceiling support including the opening into the attic. The Firestop Radiation Shield is installed from the bottom of the ceiling/floor rough opening with the tube section of the Firestop pointing upwards. Secure the Firestop to the rough opening with a minimum of one 8-penny nail or one #8 x 1 1/2" wood screw at each corner. Adjust the inner tube of the Frestop upward to cover all framing of the floor/ceiling rough opening. Secure the inner tube to the outer tube using at least three sheet metal screws. `Adjustable Inner Tube NOTE: In the attic opening, a Firestop and an attic insulation shield extension �— Framing will be used. A Firestop is not to be installed at the roof penetration. ENCLOSURES: In a multi -story installation, Fireetop if the chimney passes Radiation Shield through an occupied space, which includes j closets and occupied attics, an enclosure must be constructed around the chimney. The enclosure may be constructed with standard framing and sheeting materials such as sheet rock or plywood. Be sure to maintain 2-inches of air space between the chimney and combustibles. STEP 5 THE ROOF OPENING: Use a plumb bob to locate the center of the roof opening as it corresponds to the center of the opening below. Mark the location on the underside of the roof sheeting. Drill a hole using a 1/4" bit through the sheeting and shingles in order to have an exterior visible reference. A reciprocating saw is helpful in cutting the opening a minimum of 4-inches larger than the chimney's outside diameter. This maintains the required minimum of 2-inch air space clearance around the chimney. Note: The opening is round for flat roofs, but will be oval in shape for pitched roofs. STEP 6 ATTIC INSULATION SHIELDING: The purpose of Attic Insulation Shielding is to maintain the required 2-inch air space clearance from debris, electrical wiring and insulation when the chimney passes into an attic. This vital step can be accomplished with three different methods: OPTION 1- Usethis method when a standard round ceiling supportora Firestop has been installed in the ceiling belowthe atticfloor. This method requires an Attic Insulation Shield. In the attic, center the Attic Insulation Shield overthe round ceiling support rough framed opening. Secure the four corners of the Shield into the rough framed opening with four 8-penny nails or four #8 x 1 1/2" screws. Once the chimney sections are in place, a storm collar will be fitted around a chimney section. Slide the storm collar down to fit against the Attic Insulation Shield. This prevents debris from entering the cavity between the chimney and the Attic Insulation Shield. OPTION 2 - Use this method when a Square (See note below) or Round Cathedral Ceiling Support (Tall Style) has been installed in the ceiling below the attic floor. If the cathedral ceiling support extends 10 inches or more above the attic floor, this provides the necessary attic insulation shielding. Once the chimney sections are in place, a storm collar will be fitted around a chimney section. Slide the storm collar down to fit against the cathedral ceiling support. This prevents debris from entering the cavity between the chimney and the cathedral ceiling support. If the cathedral ceiling support does not extend 10 inches or more above the attic floor, trim the square ceiling support to be flush with the attic floor. Next, follow the instructions in Option 1 above. NOTE: When using a Square Ceiling Support that extends into an open attic space, it is necessary to install an Attic Insulation Shield directly on top of the Support Box, securing it with four #8 X 1/2" self - tapping screws. Then, slide the storm collar down to fit against the Attic Insulation Shield. This prevents debris from entering the cavity between the chimney and the Attic Insulation Shield and Square Ceiling Support Box. Attic shielding enclosures: In certain attic scenarios, typically low attic installations, where the Attic Insulation Shield will not fit, you must enclose the attic portion of the chimney in a framed enclosure. The chimney within the enclosure must maintain the required 2 inch air space to combustibles. `Universal Adapter Round or Square Gelling Support STEP 7 ASSEMBLE THE CHIMNEY: Secure a universal adapter to the first chimney section. Slide the first chimney section, female end down, into the ceiling support assembly being used. Continue installing the sections upwards using a minimum of three, #8 X 1/2" self drilling screws per joint. Never use over -length screws that could penetrate the inner lining of the chimney. The final chimney height should be determined using the specifications found on Page 2 under the heading "Termination Above Roof." STEP 8 COMPLETING THE TOP TERMINATION: Ensure that a 2-inch air space clearance to combustibles is maintained as the chimney passes through the roof opening. It is recommended on steep roof slopes or when the chimney height above the roof exceeds 5 feet, that a roof support bracket is used to assist in stabilizing and leveling the chimney. Using a level, make sure the chimney is vertically plumb. Slide the roof flashing over the chimney and place the flashing under the upper shingles and on top of the lower shingles. Nail the flashing to the roof along the upper edge and down each side with 1-inch roofing nails, but do not nail the lower edge. Seal the nail heads with a water- proof silicone sealant. Install a storm collar around the chimney and slide down to fit against the roof flashing. Caulk the joint between the chimney and the storm collar with a waterproof silicone sealant. NOTE: Do not caulk or seal the ventilating openings of a ventilated flashing. Fit the rain cap to the top of the chimney. Attach by tightening the clam bandPush Storm Collar p . Down to Flashing and Seal with Optional Extended Roof Brace Nog h Tam ening Installation: If the chimney height 5illcona Kalarlt extends more than 5 feet above the roof line an extended roof brace 4; - must be installed. The chimney may not extend " more than 5 feet above the extended roof brace. If this does occur, multiple extended roof braces will be needed. The extended roof brace consists of three parts. The chimney locking band, brace legs and roof brackets. 1- Position the chimney locking band approximately 2/3 of the way up the chimney. Secure the band by tightening the nut and bolt supplied. 2 - Fasten one end of the brace legs to the chimney locking band. Adjust the length of the telescoping legs so that they form approximately a 45 degree angle with the chimney and the two braces should be approximately 90 degrees apart. Mark these two locations on the roof. 3 - Mount the two roof brackets at the two locations marked above. Use six 1-inch roofing nails per bracket and seal the nail heads with a water proof silicone sealant. 4 - Secure the brace legs to the roof brackets using the nuts and bolts provided. 5 - Ensure that there is at least 3-inches of overlap between the two sections of each brace leg. There is a hole provided in the outer half of the brace leg. Using the hole provided, drill a 1/4" hole completely through the inner and outer sections. Use the nut and bolt supplied to pin both sections of the adjustable brace legs. 6 - With final adjustments and tightening of all hardware, use three self drilling screws to further secure the chimney locking band to the chimney section. Optional Offset/Elbow Installation: Since a completely vertical chimney provides optimal draft it is best to avoid elbows if at all possible. However, when elbows are necessary to avoid obstructions such as joists, rafters, etc. use no more than two pairs of elbows (total of four elbows) and do not exceed a maximum angle of 30 degrees. Refer to Table 2 to determine what elbows and chimney sections will be needed for the Example of required offset. Extended Telescoping Roof Brace 1- Install the first elbow Chimney Cap onto the chimney. Turn the elbow to the Extended Telescoping required direction and Telesscst ose opin Roof Brace secure it to the chimney Telescoping Adjustable Legs Roof Brace � with a minimum of If over 5 Ft. three self drilling screws. 2 - Place the required length of chimney section to the elbow. A telescoping chimney section is useful to obtain exact length desired. Secure the section to the elbow with a minimum of three self drilling screws. 3 - Install the second elbow to return the chimney to vertical. Secure the elbow to the chimney section with a minimum of three self drilling screws 4 - An offset support bracket or a roof support bracket must be installed above each offset to support the chimney weight above the offset. NOTE: After the offset, use a level to ensure that the chimney returns to vertical. (offset) (offset) Elbow Elbow 5tra llbow Elbow 5trap . P 2nd Elbow Strap 1 Required When Two Chimnny Not More than sections Rise 72 Inches are Used (Inches) (2 5ectiolne Max) in offset i Chimney Two Chimney (inches) section sections ,. TABLE-2 ELBOW OFFSET Length Between f4lhows 0" '15 D Rise 91/2" egree Offset 1 Ya" 30 Degree fuse 11 1/4" Offset_; 3" 12" 191/2" 4" 20" 8" 18" 251/4" 51/2 251/4" 11" 24" 31" 7" 301/2" 14" 36" 421/2" 10" 40 3/4" 1 20" 48" 541/4" 131/4" 511/4" 26" 48 +12" 641/4" 16" 60" 31 1/4" 48"+18" 70" 171/2" 651/4" 341/4" 48"+24" 75 3/4" 19" 701/2" 371/4" VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 6 VENTIS CLASS -A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7 LiMITEoFOREVER WARRANTYT"' Ventis® Double Wall Black Stove Pipe 430 Alloy Stainless Steel Inner, Black Satin Coat Steel Outer Ventis® Double Wall Black stove pipe is designed to vent residential heating oil, untreated wood, coal and natural or LP gas. Limited Warranty Coverage Olympia Chimney Supply, Inc. (Olympia) warrants to you (the "purchaser") that for the period set forth below, the VENTIS® Double Wall Black stove pipe and components when used as a close clearance connector pipe, exclusively for residential appliances, shall be free from defects in material or manufacturer's workmanship. This warranty provides for the replacement of any system components which fail as a result of normal use on a residential freestanding fireplace, wood burning stove, furnace or boiler. This warranty does not cover damage caused to the structure by chimney fires or misuse of the chimney system. Warranty Period The benefits of this warranty shall apply to you (the "purchaser") FOREVER with no time limit, provided that you continue to own the home where the VENTIS® Double Wall Black stove pipe is installed. In all events, Olympia will honor the warranty FOREVER with no time limit. Warranty Conditions and Limitations The VENTIS® warranty is subject to the following conditions: 1) installation of the pipe and components must be in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions; 2) the pipe is designed to operate at a continuous temperature of 650 degree Celsius (1,200 degree farenheit) or less; 3) this warranty does not cover the use of fuel sources, such as coal or corn; (4) driftwood, wood or wood pellets containing salt, preservative treated lumber, plastic, experimental fuels and household trash must not be burned in the appliance; (5) the VENTIS® chimney system must be cleaned and inspected on an annual basis by an experienced chimney professional at intervals of no more than 18 months each, commencing from the date of purchase. Receipts verifying that the annual maintenance was performed must be retained. Claim Process and Limitations of Liability You may make a claim under this warranty by giving notice to your chimney professional and having your chimney professional provide information about the claim to Olympia. Upon approval of your claim, Olympia shall provide new VENTIS® pipe and components to you as your exclusive remedy. Olympia does not assume any liability or responsibility for faulty installation of the pipe or components, or for defective materials not supplied as part of the VENTIS® chimney system. Neither Olympia nor the installer of the VENTIS® chimney system shall be liable for any removal or installation charges or for any special, incidental, or consequential damages in any way related to, the VENTIS® pipe. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Close Clearance Connector Pipe All -Fuel Installation Instructions A MAJOR CAUSE OF CHIMNEY RELATED FIRES IS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES (AIR SPACES) TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT THIS DOUBLE WALL CONNECTOR BE INSTALLED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Read through these instructions before beginning your installation. Failure to install according to these instructions will void the manufacturer's warranty and may have an effect on your homeowner's insurance and UL Listing status. Keep these instructions for future reference. INTENDED USE OF PRODUCT This close clearance connector is intended for use with solid, liquid and gas fired appliances, including wood and coal burning stoves, freestanding fireplaces and furnaces. It may be used in any instance where single wall stovepipe is called for. LISTED CLEARANCE Ventis Black Double Wall was tested by and is Listed with Underwriter's Laboratories as a close clearance connector pipe between (listed) appliance and chimney. The minimum clearance from pipe to combustible surfaces is 6 inches to combustible side walls and 8 inches to combustible ceilings. CLEARANCE COMPATABILITY Solid fuel appliances have a minimum clearance to combustible construction. The minimum clearance on the appliance must be adhered to. If two clearances are in conflict, always use the larger clearance distance. Certain applications, such as mobile homes, sometimes require clearances greater than 6 inches. PERMITS Contact local Building and Fire Officials about permits, restrictions and installation inspection in your area. RECOMMENDATIONS & LIMITATIONS • Every wood burning stove requires its own separate connector. Connect only one solid fuel burning appliance to a chimney. Do not connect an oil or gas burning appliance to a chimney venting a solid fuel burning appliance. • Choose a stove that is listed by a recognized testing agency. • For installation and operation, follow the stove manufacturer's instructions and safety manual for maximum efficiency and safety. Over firing can damage both stove and double wall connector pipe. Be certain to maintain required clearances to combustible materials. • Burn only the fuels your stove is designed to burn according to the manufacturer's instructions and safety manual. • Do not burn sea driftwood, treated lumber, or plastic. • Not all stoves can be used in Mobile Homes. See manufacturer's instructions. • Do not enclose Ventis Black Double Wall connector pipe. • This connector is not a chimney. It must NOT pass through floors, attics, closets, walls, or ceilings. VENTIS BLACK MAINTENANCE Warning for Solid Fuel Applications Creosote and Soot -Formation and Need for Removal: When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney flue of a slow -burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire. VENTIS BLACK CLEANING • Access — Double wall connector pipe must be installed so that access is provided for inspection and cleaning. • Schedule — The connector and chimney should be inspected at least once every month during the heating season to determine if a creosote or soot buildup has occurred. If creosote or soot has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire. • Cleaning — Have your connector and chimney cleaned by a professional chimney sweep. Use a plastic, wood, or steel brush. • Coal — To reduce corrosion in connectors and chimneys where coal is burned, clean the chimney thoroughly within 48 hours of shutting down the stove for the season. Check the chimney lining for sulfuric acid corrosion regularly. • Chemicals — Do not use chemical cleaners. Their use does not eliminate the need for mechanical cleaning and they may be highly corrosive. • In Case of Fire — If a flue fire occurs, close all appliance draft openings and call your Fire Department. Do not use the appliance again until the chimney, connector and stove have been inspected by a qualified chimney sweep and/or Fire Department Inspector. MASONRY CHIMNEY Have your chimney inspected by a qualified chimney sweep or Fire Department Inspector before connecting to it for use. Masonry chimneys should only be used if they are in good condition and have been built according to NFPA 211 (Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel -Burning Appliances). 1. There should be a horizontal opening into the chimney through a non-combustible wall. Fit the Masonry Adapter (VDB-MA) into this hole. Attach the adapter collar to the masonry wall using screws and masonry anchors (not supplied). Seal the joint between the collar and the masonry wall with a high temperature silicone caulking. 2. When installing Ventis Black Double Wall into a re -lined masonry chimney, follow the procedure as above, making sure the masonry adapter slides onto the tee take -off by at least 2 inches. Firmly attach using 3 self -tapping screws. 3. Attach connector pipe to appliance using instructions above. Silic Adap Masoni (VDB-Iv (4) Mas 8 inch minimum clearance Masonry to combustible ceiling Adapter Pipe Hanger (see pg. 4, item F) (VDB-MA) (VDB-H)------_ Elbow (VDB-90F) Telescopiionng Sects (3) #8 X 1/2" (VDB-ST,MT,LT) Screws in revery pipe joint VENTIS BLACK DOUBLE WALL Close Clearance Connector Pipe PARTS LIST INSTALLATION NOTES A. Use only Ventis Black Double Wall connector pipe and Listed components. Do not mix with other manufacturer 's products. Do not install damaged connector pipe or components. B. While there is no limitation to the total length of Ventis Black Double Wall connector pipe that may be used for a single installation, except as stipulated in NFPA 211, we recommend a maximum of 15', not to exceed 20'. It is important to insure that all sections are solidly fastened together and supported as required. C. Ventis Black Double Wall is used to connect a solid, liquid or gas fuel fired appliance to a factory built or masonry chimney. D. The chimney must be installed and connected according to the applicable Ventis Class A All Fuel Chimney System, Forever Flex, Armor Flex, or Rhino Rigid Installation Instructions. E. In all cases, when pipe is correctly placed and aligned, be sure to securely attach all pipe sections to each other, to the Stove Adaptor, the Tee, Elbow, Wall Thimble, and Ceiling Support connector by drilling at least (3) 1/8" holes and fastening with (3) #8 X /2" self -drilling screws in every joint. F. A Pipe Hanger (VDB06H) must be used for any horizontal run over 4 feet long. Use an additional hanger for every 4 foot section thereafter; i.e. 2 per 8ft., 3 per 12ft., etc. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE THROUGH WALL INSTALLATION 1. Position stove and floor shield to conform to the stove manufacturer's clearance specifications. Position appliance and chimney so as to avoid cutting any ceiling joists, roof rafters, or wall studs. 2. Install Wall Thimble according to the installation instructions in your Ventis Class A Chimney kit. 3. Install the Ventis Black Double Wall Chimney Adapter (VDB-CA) onto the installed Universal Adapter of Ventis Class A Chimney Pipe that has been securely installed through the Wall Thimble. Attach using supplied (3) #8 X 3/a" self -tapping screws. 4. Slide Finishing Band (VDB-FB) over Chimney / Universal Adapter up to end of Class A Chimney Pipe 5. Attach Stove Adapter (VDB-SA) to stove. If needed attach Tee (VDB-T) to Stove Adapter using at least (3) #8 X %2" self - drilling screws. 6. Make sure Stove Adapter and/or Tee align vertically and horizontally with chimney adapter. CEILING INSTALLATION 7. Install adjustable Telescoping Section (VDB-MT) to Tee or Stove Adapter using 1. Position stove and floor shield to conform to the stove manufacturer's clearance specifications. (3) #8 X %2" selfdrilling screws. Position appliance and chimney so as to avoid cutting any ceiling joists, roof rafters, or wall studs. 8. Install 90' Elbow (VDB-90F) to top of 2. Install ceiling support box according to the Telescoping section using (3) #8 X V2" self - installation instructions in your Ventis Class drilling screws. A Chimney kit. 3. Install the Ventis Black Double Wall 9. Install a Telescoping Section or a fixed Chimney Adapter (VDB-CA) onto the length Connector Pipe and Slip Section installed Universal Adapter of Ventis Class horizontally between Elbow and Chimney A Chimney Pipe that has been securely Ventis Class A Chimney Adapter using at least (3) #8 X %2" self - installed in the ceiling support box. Attach L drilling screws at each pipe joint. using supplied (3) #8 X 3/a" self -tapping (3) #8 X 3/4 Class A Ceiling Support screws. self -tapping screws with trim ring at ceiling 10. Fasten all pipe sections together, including 4. Attach Stove Adapter (VDB-SA) to stove. Chimney Adapter (VDB-CA) Telescoping Sections and Slip Sections with If needed attach Tee (VDB-T) to Stove at least (3) #8 X 1/2" self -drilling screws. 1 Adapter using at least (3) #8 X /z self- (3)#8X1/2'self_ tapping screws Telescoping Section (VDB-ST, MT, LT) drilling screws. at every joint 5. Make sure Stove Adapter and/or Tee align vertically with chimney adapter. 6. Install adjustable Telescoping Section Stove Adapter (VDB-SA) (VDBMT); or Connector Pipe (VDB) and Tee (VDB-T) Slip Section (VDB-SL); between the Tee/ Stove Adapter and Chimney Adapter. 6 inch Min. 7. Fasten all pipe sections together, including Clearance to Combustibles Telescoping Sections and Slip Sections with at least (3) #8 X 1/2" self -drilling screws. Ventis Class A C Finishing Band (VDB-FB) ---- .......................................... Chimney Adapter (VDB-CA) Elbow (VDB-90F) Slip Section (VDB-SL) — 6 inch Min. Clearance to Combustible Wall Stove Adapter (VDB-SA)