Foundation Planf-i:..:.� ;ter[:[ 119200�j ` . r 1 2 1110 � 1 6 gg0 �Z1.3g 7Z"{J1 2'� 91 214. 70 63' 237.80 330.84 $ PLAT 24 EXISTING LOT 49 FOUNDATION s 9 �� 68 98 81.02 65.00' i r^ 1 .38' �• .19' n t` m 19216' 46.89' ROCK O'DUNDEE ROAD OVERALL LOT VIEW 1"=400' ' v Q� d, q 315' STK. BM/TOP OF ELEV. 92.97 EXISTING 209' TOF=101.97 Cx I PLAT 24 LOT 49 261' 4$ F? t� UT! A Copy Of I His Endorsed Plan Must e 'Kept On Site ' 7 rs tJA A9 S Sew I certify that the foundation shown on this plan is in compliances with the applicable Zoning By —Laws in the Town of DARTMOUTH. Correia's Engineering Inc. LAND SURVEYING 8 Grinnell Street CIVIL ENGINEERING South Dartmouth, MA. 02748-2314 SUBDIVISIONS Telephone (508) 996-6052 SITE PLANS Fax (508) 979-5949 AS —BUILT PLANS Joseph E. Correia III Pres. & Joseph E. Correia IV VP. r AS -BUILT FO UNDA TION PLAN in DAR TMO UTH, MA. prepared for BARBARA P URD Y Scale > " = > 00' April 7, 1999 FILE# 98-0070 PJD