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RESIDENTIAL 2003 SECTION - INSPECTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: S. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: AAA Date: 3 SECTION 9 A P ICANTa�'OTIFICATI N Applicant it ed o anbov�e Da Time: Cle -- Comments: SECTION 10- OFFICEVNSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: S oo Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Balance: $ /iRemmaining TOTAL FEE: 0 Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. 10 C�0 Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To- 1�d /,� 3 / „ SECTION H - ADDII(fONAL COMMENTS/SKETCtIES o a - AUG 0 8 2003 7,Z �,'""� Y21 RESIDENTIAL 2003 ❑ FOUNDATION OiNILY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON -REF UNDAWJE & NON -TRANSFERABLE r•: �r J DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT- 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 Dartmouth, MA 02747 D;TT 27 , Ir 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: DATE SENT FOR REVIEW: 1 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER:- LY -::>� 14 DATE ISSUED' OK TO ISSUE - SIGNATURE:46�DATE wilding . `mmissioner`/Inspecto of Puildings Zottitig District: Jroposed Use:72yi Zone: ❑73 ❑ A ❑ V Outs00 one ❑ Aquifer Zone"" THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOUL BE NOTIFIED: Flee ❑Energy Report ❑ Board of ❑Board of o Com. ❑Demo ❑LSent: n Appeals Health (J' ' Affidavit C1 GT f&tf Follow-up* ❑ Fire ❑ Gas ❑ Planning Board* ❑ Sewer Card ❑Water Card keZoning ❑ Other Chief Cut Off /Cut Off /Cut Off Review* * REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. DEPARTAI TA APPROVAL Zoning Review: Signature: Date: 0 Energy Report: �� Signature: Date: �3 Fire Chief. / �i / Date: d3 %��� Board of Healtli: Signature: r Date: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: .2—��'�� ` Other: Signature: Date: Description of work being perfornied: SECTION 1- SITE INFORMATION NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes ❑ no e 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address: 7 L (L(,L�%'1 Nearest Cross Street: Aci4 Ut)NG��2 Plat Lot -� Subdivision Name: I 1, I 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes €HT6— Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ yes ❑ no Date: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 5Y10unicipall]Private Well 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: [;Municipal f ,On Site Disposal System no 43 C:`bldc.I'ornis\Bldeapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 19. 2001 i1�L> l r v r C:`.Lld_.Ibrms,.l31d app.res.wnd Pa_e I f"'r rf� CA(" M7Unr'!!�l iRev.January 19,2001 RESIDENTIAL 2003 RESIDENTIAL 2003 SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHiP / AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: n* W103 0 Name (print) Contact Address Q Photo: Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) - Contact Address ,` Phone Number SECTION 3 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address ;7il/ation Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvemei t-Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor su jeet to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ s Elno If no, go to the net section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? �'Q yes ❑ no/ If yes,, submit the requir�Kffidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state "none") Address Signature Tel phone iration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGIST&ED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write:: Home Improvement Contractgis Registration, One Ashburton Place- Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 F Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July i, 1982. no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section: provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: P (s) who owns a arcel of land on wh' e/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two faruilvI55e15ing. attached ied structures ry to such use r farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shetl not be co red o caner. If you are applying under this tion ow: Si_nature: ' our signature carries certain responsibilities, inclu ' g but not necessarily limited to, general liability Y NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL C 152 § 25) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: es ❑ no SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) yew construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energ), report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: 2 i Single Family: of bedrooms no. of baths J no. Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural as, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: Z4 1 k f f Q� ]� i ; I--, 1� SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Bu11dIn T T 15,, C G ✓- i t f L�e 4 At �. Electrical M. 00 3. Plumbiiw* d� 4. Mechanical HVAC 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) * Estimated Total $ SECTION 7A - OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (pl e print) 1, (7� as Owner of tyh hereby authorizeto act on m alf, in all matters relativ ork authorized bmit application.. v Signatu of Owne Date SECTION 7B - OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION I, t as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing appiic n a> rue accurate, to. he best of my knowledge and belief. Signed and ie is a e ties of Y. ignature of Owner/Authorized Agent Date l'onns-,Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 19. 2001 C:`bldg.forms Bldgapp.res.«pd Pale 3 Rev, January 19, 2001 ' -r Vr + *F8 it), + — _ PFA F \` + \ + + g 0 4'� + + + + ',� � ,� P F A18 ftTA �``�� ESTA 1 _ + + + L y -1- + + pfA33 \ Lor �? `� \ ; tpT 1? -}- K 1 �-- + + + -}- + + \ �,9 EXI S'tt G T PATH AR + + + fib\ 4 1 P + + •�- + + -}- g69 PFA3 „20 S5513'19"E + + + + + �- + + 8• F �PFA35 , PF�+ `MOM EMMMOM a 322.77' + + + + +-�- �" + A36` 64'43 49~E I w -7754-29 + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + P F A E Win°+ -}- + + + + + + + ESTATE � MAP 24 LOT 59-1 , ++ + + + + + + + + AREA - 10.13 ACRES I ++ + + + + + + ti +PFA3S _ / �A2• + + + �pf " + + PFAA+g —' -� M Ni 3 L + + + + + + ++ + +A4 +' J `n 12 + + -E- + + + + + T N • 6.-p ` r + + + + + + + + -OfA43 + +- Of A43 + + + + + + + + + - ��� + + + + + + + + + + + P cn 39 �44; pmo A TP 0,6W4 + + -}- + + + + +IIIIIIIIIIII -{- +PF A45'-i�- + + + + + + + + + + + �FA4s, LOT PLAN + + + + + + + + + + + + Graphic Scale — _ + + -4- '�" 4- �- 1 inch = 80 feet - 0 80 160 240 UILDING PLAN •Graphic Scale 1 inch = 20 feet 0 20 40 .0 N OTES 1) ATTENTION: THE WORK PROPOSED ON THIS PLAN IS ALLOWED BY AN ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND WETLAND PERMIT ISSUED BY THE DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION WHICH INCLUDES STRICT CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. NO WORK IS TO PROCEED UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS REVIEWED THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND AGREED TO ABIDE BY ALL CONDITIONS THEREIN, AND VERIFIED THAT THE PLAN REVISION DATES SPECIFIED ON THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS MATCH THE DRAWINGS SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION 2) WETLAND LINE SHOWN HEREON WAS DELINEATED BY EPSILON ASSOCIATES, AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 11/98. 3) LOT 59-13 IS NOT LOCATED IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. 4) LOT 59-13 IS SHOWN AS LOT 13 ON A PLAN ENTITLED: "APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN" DATED MARCH 3, 1999 REVISED JANUARY 4, 2001 PREPARED BY TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. 5) LOT 59-13 IS NOT LOCATED IN A AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT. 1 O` BOLT ON HY[ \ 1 \ AnoN S55013'19"E 322.770 tibbEttS EnginEEPing Corp J 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA 02780 tel. (508) 822-6934 - fax (508) 880-7811 O' DUNDF w o EMAIL: tectaunton@aol.com Y � m civil engineering ROga land surveying transportation LOCUS environmental permitting testing & construction services �o 90 LOCUS MAP SCALE 1 " = 2000' LEGEND 99 EXISTING CONTOURS 00- --- PROPOSED CONTOURS 25.11 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE PERC TEST LOCATION 4" PVC SOLID PIPE 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE —w WATER LINE —G GAS LINE E ELECTRIC LINE T TELEPHONE LINE `al UTILITY POLE EDGE OF WETLANDS � SILTATION BARRIER (HAY BALES & SILT FENCE) # LIGHT POLE GROUND CLEANOUT OO SEWER ACCESS COVER I S64•43 49~E BUILDING ENVELOPE LINE to o \ �. 1 \ \ 754.29 WR COVENANT) � C4 \ RESERV€ AREA N. ,` TP#100 • 20 , �. r'Z i z zo ESTATE ,\ # , PFA23 � MAP 24 LOT — pR� �o• R► - - \ 59 13�Ava. o _ � � \ � AREA = 10.13_ ACRES / •' PFB4 PFA24 • \ \ ` 1 W •• -"� FB J BA1 'B' NAIL 0 1V_ F0 qC .�-- P � s>rr IN �s• oAK - 71V111 ,Z E'' ZF133 `, , �rAnoN 7282 N6YD29 f PA25 PFB6 CD 6 P2�FA °° 1n PtPFB2 `�,, ` `` , �� Cn PFB8 N. FLT � Mtijov C1111813 E� w It 0 I CERTIFY THAT THE LOCATION OF THE FOUNDATION SHOWN J°' LO\ 5 HEREON IS BASED UPON ACTUAL FIELD LOCATIONS PERFORMED 00 r- ON OCTOBER 16, 1999. uNi REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE 11,161'40� 20 W N339.34 W ' . 56 4g' �L PFB10 Dy 0 m a a 3 a I > a A I l 03 FILE COPY TOWN OF DARTMOUTH KO D PLAT1 A Copy Of Thils � r Plan 6 1~RI Co, Rut Cr, QtlriaZ, a h ion 1 ZONING TABLE ZONING DISTRICT.- SINGLE RESIDENCE B MIN. ESTATE LOT SIZE: 240,000 S.F. MIN. LOT FRONTAGE: 50 FEET SETBACKS: STREET. 200 FEET SIDE 20 FEET REAR 20 FEET MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 FEET PROVIDED: 30f FEET PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE: 50% MAX. REQUIRED PROVIDED: 2% Rev. Date Description By Project Location Pardon Hill Dartmouth, MA. (Bristol County) Prepared For Jennifer Good Drawing Title AS BUILT FOUNDATION PLAN Map 24 Lot 59-13 COPYRIGHT © 2003 TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, OR STORED BY ANY MEANS, WHAT- SOEVER, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANY REGULATORY AUTHORITY WHICH MAY REPRODUCE IT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNDER ITS JURISDICTION. Drown by.- JD Design by: RJR Drawing Number Reviewed by: GEB �—W �by- GEB Project No: 11047.030 Of Dote` 10-21-2003 J 7 d2rz'a"et" 6/ /, t c)-q /,,,0 - 1 17 •I V 'I ` + + -8 + + -4- PF \+PFA17 ' + + +PFA GW8+ - + -�- rA + 0 A �� • -}- �- -1� '� -PF A18 �7q � LoT -i' T \ + L L ++�•. +EXI SI'1• GDT PATH � +% ¢s9 �+ 0 N + -+ \A34 '-PFS55't 3'19"E ',�»_ o i 113 22.77'+ 1+ + + + + N-PFA,35 TIVIO I \\*T Imam eft am ILb - •� +�.. -�- r Kv m .�,. -�' + -'I- - ESTATE +PF \ - + :.}- _ �- •. � MAP 24 LOT 5�9-13 + + + + AREA = 10.13 ACRES CHAMOM + +-1- -- -� .�-, .�, pFA38 - T -3-- o\00> -�- --}- -4- J �-- + + �- F A40 a + + P � I v -�- .}- + �- FA41 - r9g ..fir \ �- �- -4- .2.T -�- + -•- + + .}- 2t `23 w °pear J + .41 -�- �" + + + fAf A43c , ++-}- 56. - + �- -{- - N 44 -i- -�- + -}- 359.66 " W + -}- +1 N61 +- 5- 1J�- "4 ® + _+ .{ �- �- FA �- LOT PLAN -4" ++ i' Graphic Scale + +.i -}' 1 inch - 80 feet + % +�- I_ - 0 80 160 240 + -� n tibbEtts Enginc-Ering corp w 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA 02780 J J tel. 822-6934 -fax 50 8 880-7811 + 5 a o 0 DUND EMAIL• MWu"ton�aol t"11 civil engineering land surveying transportation o� o Locus environmental permitting testing & construction services LOCUS MAP SCALE 1 " = 2000' LEGEND 99 EXISTING CONTOURS 0`100- PROPOSED CONTOURS 25.11 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE PERC TEST LOCATION 4" PVC SOLID PIPE 4" PVC PERFORATED PIPE WATER LINE RICHARD A MUNROE No. 30754 9�oFff��FGISTER!Cj QO s c-- GAS LINE ,ZONING TABLE ZONING DISTRICT. SINGLE RESIDENCE B E ELECTRIC LINE S.F. MIN. ESTATE LOT SIZE: 240,000 S T TELEPHONE LINE MIN. LOT FRONTAGE: 50 FEET SETBACKS: STREET. 200 FEET ro, UTILITY POLE SIDE 20 FEET REAR 20 FEET EDGE OF WETLANDS SILTATION BARRIER MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT. 35 FEET (HAY BALES & SILT FENCE) PROVIDED: 30t FEET # LIGHT POLE PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE: 50% MAX. REQUIRED ® GROUND CLEANOUT PROVIDED: 2% Os SEWER ACCESS COVER S55 19"E / T.B M. MARK ON HEAD 7 2 p� BOLT ON NYD.74 N � I 322.7T EXCA �TION AND REPLACEMENT / , ♦ 1 c 9 � 1, . I (\ LIMITS. (SEE NOTE #5) - `� WIN4. 3'49� E BUILDING ENVELOPE LINE 11.� �\ `\ 4 PERF. _SUVD IN I N V- 6 6. 0 I ,29 1 (P COVENANT) Z z ,! - - - - - - -- - - 7 --- o RESERVE AREA -ow S= 0. 56 74 -\ 150 � ___ ,- _\� I \ QD 0 ` 1 .- ..; s``` (0 \ TP#100 VENT 10.0• N t 24.0' s ',9.r �i // �.1 .�� '. 100. �� `�. ? \ r i ,_ ..._. _ �� _ 2 76 C / % PORCH / 1s.r o10.01 uo• � 1 � E � r _ o � 9x18 ,/ 0 4 \ \ PROP. " W ..--� zl 3 \ _ _ 11 / PARKING ` PROP. DWELLING _... BEDROOM 13r 1� qg' NICE. o 0 2" PV 5 8E ,9.r TOP OF FOUNDATION=75.0 I N V. = 6 7. 2 0 \ • W ? ------ ) N BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV.-67.83 ESTATE ^ ) °- °D ---_ - v FIRST FLOOR ELEV.=76.06 PFA23 - SECOND FLOOR ELEV. =84.98 AROP 1 IVE a �� o I MAP 24 LOT 59--130 WID GRAVEL DR W� \ P OP.1000 GAL e1.4 1 .i i a� MP CHAMBER 78 37.4• ¢ , -,, AREA = 10.13.E ACRES �� •\� �I� e 76 , N 7.ff 7.0' I N V. = 6 7. 40 \ \ r PROP. LEACHING FIELD/ w &0' iw � � ✓ �� , I a P/ Fg4 • 72 P P.1500 GALS / 1es' SEP C TA K \ DIS48UTION BOX / c pFA24 \/ �WW �` / / / 68 i \ \ BM 'B' NAIL SET IN 15' OAK J 7 4 • , F85 \ , , ELEVATION - TL92 NGVD29 . o o � wo Ate-- - - �,-- -� p PFA25 E �! . . f �-^-^ DCF ` � 3 1CL DS @(1NV.=67.901_*1 (n BUILDING PLAN -` P PFB2 N Graphic Scale �� �s�` - �� \ ,� i N 1 inch = 20 feet ` VMS '�0 20 40 60011 \ \ s GREENS \ / 4 NOTESEar ` \ ` `. 1) ATTENTION: THE WORK PROPOSED ON THIS PLAN IS ALLOWED BY 42'?3. �s2` _-` " \ � \ AN ORDER :OF CONDITIONS AND WETLAND PERMIT ISSUED BY THE17 ti DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION WHICH INCLUDES STRICT 23 ��- ONS AND REQUIREMENTS. NO WORK IS TO PROCEED UNTIL CONDITI (T " THE CONTRACTOR HAS REVIEWED THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND AGREED TO ABIDE BY ALL CONDITIONS THEREIN, AND VERIFIED 3 E THAT THE PLAN REVISION DATES SPECIFIED ON THE ORDER OF $ CONDITIONS MATCH THE DRAWINGS SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR _ ' FOR CONSTRUCTION '�- r , N 2) WETLAND LINE SHOWN HEREON WAS DELINEATED BY EPSILON ASSOCIATES, - _ AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 11 /98. SI TE PLAN 3ss.49 w PF610 3) LOT 59-13 IS NOT LOCATED IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. Graphic Scale 1 inch = 40 feet 4) LOT 59-13 IS SHOWN AS LOT 13 ON A PLAN ENTITLED: 0 40 80 120 "APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN" DATED MARCH 3, 1999 , REVISED JANUARY 4, 2001 PREPARED BY TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. DH 41 ° 5) LOT 59-13 IS NOT LOCATED IN A AQUIFER R PROTECTION DISTRICT. N61•40'20W FILE C -N a a Rev. Date Description BY Project Locdon Pardon Hill Dartmouth, NIA. (Bristol County) Prepared For Jennifer Good Drawing Title Site Plan Map 24 Lot 59-13 "For Permit" COPYRIGHT ® 2003 TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, OR STORED BY ANY MEANS, WHAT- SOEVER, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANY REGULATORY AUTHORITY WHICH MAY REPRODUCE IT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNDER ITS JURISDICTION. Dm"ey JD _Design by- RJR Drawing Number Reviewed by: GEB Approved b' GEB P'°jeo NO: 11047.011 of Date: 07-28-2003 . I tibbEttS EnginEEring corp 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA 02780 tel. (508) 822-6934 - fax (508) 880-7811 V DUNDF o EMAIL WmurdonUqao1.c= aC civil engineering M land surveying �0 transportation LOCUS environmental permitting testing & construction services DISPOSAL, SYSTEM NOTES 0 1. Al elevations are referenced to the bench marks & datum noted an this plan. LOCUS MAP 2. A] construction methods, materials and disposal system SCALE 1" = 2000' components must be In conformance with Title V of the Mom State Sanitary Code and all regulations established by the local Board of Health. 3. Percolation Tests and Test Pit Logs are only indicative of the conditions observed at VI location. Should sod conditions be found different at other locations within the leaching area, the Engineer and the local Board of Health must be consulted 4. Prior to placement of any fill and/or leodiing orea components, the base of the excavation must be inspected and approved by the local Board of Health and/or the Engineer. 5. AN unsuitable material found below the base of the leaching area must be removed down to a 4 (min.) thickness layer of naturally ocm*g sod which Is representative of the sod type where the perWation test(s) were taken. 6. Excavate all unsuitable material below the base and S' W around the leaching area to depth of 101' inches or as directed by the local Board of Health and/or the Engineer. 7. All M material shall be dean granular material free from hm day and fine and must comply with the requirements of Title V 15.255 and approved by the local Board of Health. 8. AD washed stone shall be of the grodation specified he* free of hens, day and fines and must comply with the requirements of Title V and approved by the Local Board of Health Kff to placement. 9. The finish grade over the disposal system must conform to the grades specified and in no case be lea than 12* above the top of the leaching area pea stone loyer. 10. The Installed facilities must be left exposed until inspected by a representative of the local Board of Health and the Design Engineer. 11. A piping outside of the del am shall be water tight 12.Unless otherwise specified herein, no garbage grinders shall be allowed with this system. 13. TEC assumes no liability fbr damages as a result of faulty construction or any deviation or alignment aid grade spedfled herein without prior notification and qWvd of the Design Engineer. 14. THERE ARE NO "KING WATER WELLS WITHIN 200 FEET T THE SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION. VE ArPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE VOES NOT GUARANTEE THE OF BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION IEFFECTIVENESS INSTALLATION ANY REQUIRED tII EXCAVATED VARIIIII BOARD OF HEALTH Q MIO-03 Ham Location JD_ Q05-22-03 per B.O.H. Comments JD Rev. Date Description BY r.4 > Project Location Irv, Pardon Hill Dartmouth, MA. BY. L-11" vl=s• (Bristol County) TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH THIS SYSTCIII, IS VIEW DESIGNED BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS Prepared For f!LAblVIEWDESIGNED FOR GARBAGEEL E V1 Tjo;�,S GRINDER .P Jennifer Good WHIRLPOOL clim q Graphic Scale n ?,% �5 ENGINEERS AS -BUILT I inch = 30 feet OR OTHER HIGH WATER GED N// T/10,J U T BE 0 30 60 90 USE DEVICES. 01C hEALTij T BOA I?L) ?LAN & CERTIFICATION 1 U=3 STATEMENT REQUIRED PP• ROVAL Drawing rite 6 Sewage Disposal 4ZIC System Plan LEGEND STAMP I Qyp P.Eu SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Map 24 P ;I A '70B� /OjVo T!OiVO �A OF 99- EXISTING CONTOURS —E— ELECTRIC LINE 7& q 1.N671 0, GEORGE OWNER: DAN & JENNIFER GOOD Lot 59-13 ---"DO- PROPOSED CONTOURS -T- TELEPHONE LINE 0 E. 18 BUCK KNOLL ROAD, RAYNHAM, MA. 02767 BLOCK, JR ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 24 LOT 59-13 COPYRIGHT@ 2003 TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP 25.11 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE UTILITY POLE NOTES 07, NO. 33493- 1) ATTENTION: THE WORK PROPOSED ON THIS PLAN IS ALLOWED BY Hama; FtiJ4'1,NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED, 0 121'sSTREET LOCATION: PARDON HILL ROAD 0 004 AN ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND WETLAND PERMIT ISSUED 13Y THE OKI, PERC TEST LOCATION EDGE OF WETLANDS 0 TRANSMITTED, OR STORED 13Y ANY MEANS, WHAT- DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION WHICH INCLUDES STRICT ENGINEERING FIRM: SOEVER, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN SILTATION BARRIER CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. NO WORK IS TO PROCEED UNTIL CONSENT OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. WITH /0 (9) 4" PVC SOLID PIPE x/x twetts com (HAY BALES & SILT FENCE) THE CONTRACTOR HAS REVIEWED THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND C1 Ivi b RVJ THE EXCEPTION OF ANY REGULATORY AUTHORITY AGREED TO ABIDE BY ALL CONDITIONS THEREIN. AND VERIFIED �5,, ,, �p P.L.S. STAMP' 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA W80 WHICH MAY REPRODUCE IT IN CONJUNCTION WITH 4" PVC PERFORATED LIGHT POLE THAT THE PLAN REVISION DATES SPECIFIED ON THE ORDER OF tel. (508) 822-6934 - fax (508) 807811 THE PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNDER PIPE CONDITIONS MATCH THE DRAWINGS SUPPUM TO THE CONTRACTOR Alt% OFgss EMAIL: civil @ ftettseVneeft.com ITS JURISDICTION. w WATER LINE G.C.O. GROUND CLEANOUT FOR CONSTRUCTION RICHAI DATE: REVISED MAY 22,2003 Drawn trr. JD SEWER ACCESS COVER 2) WETLAND LINE SHOWN HEREON WAS DEUNEATED BY EPSILON ASSOCIATES, A. Design br- RJR Drawing Number CD G GAS LINE AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH 11/98. 0 MUNROE CONTACT PERSON: ROBERT J. ROGERS (MC) Reviewed by. (;EB No. 30754 S -- ADDRESS: 716 COUNTY STREET Approved br- GEB Olt% TAUNTON, MA. 02780 Project No: of 11047.010 TEL: (508) 8224MM Date: 04-08-2003 S551 3'1 9"E T.B.M. X" MARK ON HEAD BOLT ON HYD. 0 0 ELEVATION - 74.07 NG\A)29 04 322.77 EXCAVI%TION AND REPLACEMENT (0 11:0I LIMITS. (SEE NOTE #5) S64III*49:L!IIII"BUILDING ENVELOPE LINE 11 11 - I \ I I zZc4 '(PLR-,CoVENANT) U-) 5I 0\ 75 . RESERVE AREA 50 z 50 TP#100 VENT to Z 76 10 0# 201' 75 L z z PROP.fz 320 'w LIVA TER - SEVICT wor= C) 0 < W C3 2" P ---Tp#l-o M 0 C4 arc < W o I V FA,2_3 ESTATE W (� M -4 U) < 0 to L11- ry MAP 24 LOT 59—610i 13 � _ P OP. 1000 G A \L > AREA — 10.13_.�...ACRES O_Wit MP CHAMBER 78 I 76 PROP. LEACHING FIELD pFB4 7 P P.1 500 GA '30' x 35' P FA,24 Z, SEP C TA K DISTRIBUTION BOX Ld / _ BM "B" NAIL SET IN 15" OAK 50 PF[35 ELEVATION 72.82 NGVD29 No Cn\47 < Y NE P17133 PFJ36 /> P ry Gyp00 to n 0 PF87 co V b6 C:5 PFA,26 z PF92 P tF1 >: IN, PF13B > ,�I I, D18y 1 6. PFP9 0 0. 44ftw 6.419V PF131 0 Dly N61 40 BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS D 2e I.D. H2O MANHOLE 24w I.D. H2O MANHOLE FRAME + COVER SET 4" PVC VENT WITH BIRD SCREEN FRAME +COVER SET IN FULL BED OF MORTAR WIRING TO CONTROL PANEL LOCATED INSIDE BUILDING CONTROL PANEL TO HAVE BOTH VISUAL do AUDIBLE HIGH Z IN FULL BED OF MORTAR USE BRICKS FOR GRADE ADUSTMENTS z USE BRICKS FOR GRADE ADUSTMENTS RING RISERS TO GRAD WATER ALARM. PROVIDE SEPARATE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FOR ALARM. BRING RISERS TO GRADE F.G. EL-73.0t usntu 0 10' LIFTING PIPE OR 1" GALV. PIPE - LENGTH = 35' FT. SLIDE RAIL do LIFT PIPE m \F1 [ELEV`• J4.0 / /F PRECAST MANHOLE F.G. EL.- 99.75f 2• RISER SECTION CONC. RISER AS NECESSARY LEVE1Q,= 78.8 EL.18.8N SEAL ALL JOINTS WATERTIGHT T.O.F.=75.0 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE ( 2% MIN. SLOPE ) ♦ ♦ ♦ \ r\ r r / ♦ ♦ ,- � \ r\ r r. i ♦ / / / .COMMON T � 2 / Z_ INSTALL TEE EARTH BACKFILL (12" MIN.) TRENCH ENDS LIQUID LEVEL 4" SCH40 PVC 1/8" 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE EL 77.8 LIQUID LEVEL 2" PVC SDR21 - 4" PVC, SCH40 PITCH BACK TO P.C. 4" SC PVC o S = 0.010 FT/FT (MIN.) r UNION v 4 PERF. PVC PIPE4 PERF.- ` ' `. - INV.77.55 ° SLOPE = 0.50% INV.=77.3 , v INV. v ° f v'V PVC PIPE INV.=69.45 7 72 000 00., 00- vv " o HIGH WATER ALARM ON vvv 3/4 - 1-1/2 DOUBLE WASHED STONE vvvv : SCH40 6 CRUSHED STONE Z z v v v vvvv m 0 INV.= 69.70 ;d P.V.C. SANITARY TEESON COMPACTED BASE INV.=77.47 vvvvvvvv/70. 69.35 PUMP ON 3„ OUTLET TEE SHALL HAVE INV.= =O N vv v v v v . BASE OF FIELD ELEV_ 76.8 vvvv v P.V.C. SANITARY TEES GAS BAFFLE �vvvvvv w . i PUMP OFF r OUTLET 3 6. N le WEEP HOLE PRECAST CONCRETE FIELD CRUSHED O O 0 O O O"O"0"0"0"0"0"O�� CHECK VALVE DISTRIBUTION BoX DESIGN WATER TABLE ELEV. 72.8 0 TP-100 �o,�0„0„0„0„0,�0„0�0„0�0„0�0L STONE ON COMPACTED BASE 1,500 GAL PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP OR ARS AP PROVEDD EQUAL 5 0. . OR AP tr er e► a = - ::.. ..: ::: ..• ° 6"CRUSHED STONE PUMP SPECS: 1�._r LENGTH ,5,_%MDTH , *-r DEPTH 00000000000 00000000000000000 00� ON COMPACTED BASE O,%O,�o„o„o„o,�o„o„o"0„0,�o„o„o�o„o� OPERATE ® 45 GPM, 18 FT. OF TDH 2" DISCHARGE, NON -CLOG IMPELLARS 30 FIN. GRADE 4111 EARTH BACKFILL V V V r v V V V V V V V V V 19 ��VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV`vvvgaw vvvv vvvv vov•,ovo vvv 3,r,� TO -1/2" - #LE WASHED STONE v v v 19 rVVVIrvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVI vvvvvvvv vvvv vvvv vvv• vvv 3.0' 6' 6' 6' 6' 3.0' I T%110 TW T%*D ! TVD PROP. LOW GAL. PUMP CHAMBER 1.25" SOUDS HANDLING( MIN.) e- LENGTH s4=14-VADTHr DEPTH 1,000 GALLON WATERTIGHT PRECAST CONC. PUMP CHAMBER TO BE INSTALLED ON A LEVEL STABLE BASE. DOSE 4 TIMES PER DAY 550 GALS. / 4 = 137.5 GALS. + 17.2 GALS.(FOR 2" MAIN)=154.7 GALS. PUMPS & PUMP CHAMBER TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED 154.7 / 7.48 / 8' / 4.33 = 0.60 = 7.3" (CALL 8") IN ACCORDANCE W/310 CMR 15.221, 15.231 & 15.254 SECTION THRU SYSTE 4" LOAM & SEED DESIGN QATA NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 DESIGN FLOW/BEDROOM: 116 GALS BDM TOTAL DESIGN FLOW: 550 GALS/DAY - j o,o cep, oo OVERLAP FILTER FABRIC 12" MIN. SE"C T PACITY CA to ° o° e0°0°°C 12 COMMON FILL 550 GALS. x 2.0% = 1100 GALS. 35' LENGTH x 30' WIDTH = 1050 S.F. °o ° ° °°o °O 2" WASHED STONE USE 1500 GAL. TANK (MIN. PER TITLE V) 1050 S.F. x 0.53 GALS./S.F. = 556.5 GALS. a°0 ° ° > ° 00 o oo �° 4- PERFORATED PVC (HOLES FACE DOWN) DESIGN PERC RATE = 20 MIN./INCH (CLASS II) TOTAL LEACHING AREA = 1050 s.F. Doo°o o oo FILTER FABRIC to ° ° 550 GALS/DAY / 0.53 = 1038 S.F. TOTAL'EFFECTIVE LEACHING = 556.5 GALS. 24" P.V.C. TRENCH DRAIN CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS DATE: JAN. 29, 2002_ PERCOLATION DATE: TEST RESULTS JAN. 30, 2002 INSPECTOR: CHRIS MICHAUD INSPECTOR: CHRIS MICHAUD SEE SOILS EVALUATION REPORT BY MIKE RUSSELL OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. DATED JAN. 30, 2002 SEE SOILS EVALUATION REPORT BY MIKE RUSSELL OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. DATED JAN. 30, 2002 ON FILE WITH THE DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH. ON FILE WITH THE DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH. TEST HOLE # 100 TEST HOLE # 101 TOP ELEVATION 75.3 TOP ELEVATION 75.3 WATER ELEVATION 72.8 MOTTLES WATER ELEVATION 72.6 PERC RATE 18/IN PERC RATE 8/IN PERC DEPTM 102 INCHES PERC DEPn-I 119 INCHES " SANDY LOAM 10YR 3/2 A 0"-12" A 0"-12" " SANDY LOAM 10YR 3/2 B 12"-32" " SANDY LOAM 10YR 5/6 B 12"-30" " SANDY LOAM 10YR 5/6 MOTTLING ® 32" 2.5YR 5/6 MOTTLING ® 30- 2.5YR 5/6 " C132"-60" SILT LOAM 10YR 3/4 C130--65- " SILT LOAM 10YR 3/4 C260--101" " SANDY LOAM 10YR 5/2 C-3 60"-15O"bjrjdLOAMY SAND 10YR 7/2 C265"-144" LAAJ LOAMY SAND 10YR 7/2 • 3 1 _Z N N T to tibbEtts Engine -Fling corp 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA 02780 tel. (508) 822-6934 - fax (508) 880-7811 EMAIL: tectaunton@aol.corn civil engineering land surveying transportation environmental permitting testing & construction services DISPOSAL SYSTEM NOTES 1. AN devotions are referenced to the bench marks do datum noted on this plan. 2. All construction methods, materials and drspasal system components must be in conformance with Title V of the Mass State Sanitary Code and all regulations established by the local Board of Health. 3. Percolation Tests and Teat Pit togs are only indicative of the conditions observed at their location. Should sod conditions be found different at other locations within the leaching am the Engineer and the local Board of Health must be consulted 4. Prior to placement of any fill aid/or leaching area components, the base of the excavation must be Inspected and approved by the local Board of Health and/or the Engineer. 5. AM unsuitable material found below the bole of the leaching area must be removed down to a 4 (min.) thickness layer of naturally occurring sod which Is repres* tati a of the sod type where the percolation test(s) were token. 6. Excavate all unsuitable material below the base and _�_ feet around the leaching area to depth of 10r inches or as directed by the local Board of Health and/or the Engineer. 7. Ad fall material shall be dean granular material free from irons, day and fine and must comply with the requirements of Title V 15.255 and approved by the local Board of Health. 8. All washed stone shall be of the gradation specified herein free of trans, day and fines and must comply with the requirements of Title V and approved by the Local Board of Health prior to placement 9. The finish grode over the disposal system must conform to the grades specified and in no case be less than If above the top of the leaching area pea stone layer. 10.11e tnstolled fad'rties must be left exposed until inspected by a representative of the local Board of Health and the Dodgrl Engineer. 11. Al piping outside of the disposal area shill be water tkyht• 12. Urde ss otherwise specified herein, no garbage grinders shall be allowed with this system. 13. TEC assumes no lability far damages as a result of faulty construction or any deviation or alignment and grade specified herein without prior notification and approval of the Design Engineer 14. THERE ARE NO DR "G WATER WELLS WIITHM 200 FEET of THE SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION. A06-10-03 House Locdon JD A05-22-03 per B.O.H. Commers JD Rev. Date Description By BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS Project Location Pardon Hill Dartmouth, MA. (Bristol County) B OAR D OF HEALTH STAMPS Prepared For Jennifer Good urawing I me Sewage Disposal System Details P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Map 24 Lot 59-1 3 OWNER: DAN & JENNIFER GOOD GEORGE qry 18 BUCK KNOLL ROAD, RAYNHAM, MA. 02767 i E. BLOCK, JR. ASSESSORS MAP &LOT: MAP 24 LOT 59-13 COPYRIGHT© 2003 TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP NO.33493-C o� 9Fc�s STREET LOCATION: PARDON HILL ROAD NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, OR STORED BY ANY MEANS, WHAT- Fsso a� ENGINEERING FIRM: SOEVER, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN ' tbbEttS CAP CONSENT OF TIBBETTS ENGINEERING CORP. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANY REGULATORY AUTHORITY P.L.S. STAMP 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA 02780 WHICH MAY REPRODUCE IT IN CONJUNCTION WITH tel. (508) 82 a34 - fax (508) 880-7811 THE PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNDER �ZNOFMgs EMAIL: civil @ b'bbettserginee hVtom ITS JURISDICTION. o� RICHARD yc Drawn by: JD A. DATE: REVISED MAY 22, 2003 " �" RJR Drawing Number N o3075 �, CONTACT PERSON: ROBERT J. ROGERS (TEC) Reviewed b y: GEB .30754 9 . ADDRESS: 716 COUNTY STREET TAUNTON, MA. 02780 Approved by: GEB of 22 Project No: 11047.010 TEL: (508) 822-M Date: 04-08-2003 TECHNICAL IMAGE PROOUCTS y ' f� t � f t yro t r F 1( . 2 I _ W