BP-623FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR 17.50 FINISHED FIRST FLOOR 20.0 TOP OF FOUNDATION 19.00 FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR 11,25 INVERT AT FOUNDATION 14.75 114.25 INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 14.00 INVERT INTO D-BOX 13.80 INVERT OUT OF D-BOX 13,63 INVERT AT INLET OF FIELD 13.63 INVERT AT END OF FIELD 13,50 ELEVATION OF BOT, OF SYSTE 13,00 ELEVATION OF G.W.T. 9.00 1. The sanitarysewage disposal system shown hereon shall be constructed in "accordance with the MIN �� FINISHED GRADE I5.30 AVE FINISH GRADE15.35 14.6 EXISTING 15.35 '.'!N. PROPOSED GRADE g 1 y p - ' requirements of Title V of the state environmental MIN �" ' 16" MIN, COVER MATERIAL code and local Board of llealth regulations. t � g d - ..... , . .... .. .. ;13.8 13.63 ,,. J' r` 1 6 6 � _ MIN 6 6 3 � _ Jor•-2 MIN.. 2" 1" WASHED STONE - --- _-- - - t_—___ - Any verification or modificatins to this design v' 'P„ �,o a c1 CONCRETE, EL. /3,50 2 1 13.L - -- _--- ,` _ l must be approved in writing by the engineer and T— �.. END CAP l0" �, I 2• ,: �° ' 6" 4% IZ" WASHED STONE _l lr the Board of Eiealth prior to implementation. 14.25 _ -- - 1 +ioUio VVEL Mw 3.. Notify the local Board of Health when the system Uv �: :—,.. .; vENT TEE •6 I:'1_, 13.00 � � OR E 67" 5 ' ,rrr � -_ 11.25 .� _ 13.50 /8' F� -= o - -- ----- - - -- - /4.75 13.63 i a,'� •�. 14.0 .¢It PERFORATED PIPE \\� Iu l "'" f is ready for inspection, -prior to backfilling. ;p o '.. • .. 4' \\ \ 5 —8 r, 4 . ma construction d 0,005 SLOPE MIN. _ '� • •. \ �j � � confirmation of co struct'on is require b an If cUn y \ ,o engineer, notify this office prior to backfill of w,E a. -TEE the system. _ 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC SOLID 4� MIN. TO WATER TABLE -' EL. 9,00 MAX, t=.V`J.T. o �,�„ board of Health Ins + ctl is _ -- g.0 _ �I PIPE -OR APPROVED EQUAL - = p' �� -� Required when Excwvatue 5• Contractor shall verify and check bench mark as ectlol 8 / I shown on this lap Board of Health lnsp ems. �� proposed y tem. prior to construction of the p r required when Excavated \ L -- -- -----1 _ system. / Soil logs indicate soil condition, percolation SYSTE PROFILE LEftC � FIELD SECT1 ' O � \� ��/ A rate, and water table elevation found at the time NOT_ and location of actual testing and should be TO SCALE S C A L E verified at the time of construction. y�� 7, The septic tank shall be a 1000 gallon Linhares Clevations Must not be PRF-CAS 1 1000 f-kUU0t 1 SEI 1 lC T ,61 Precast, Rotondo, or equivalent unless ChanEd without BOA �.� _ of HEALTH Aprova► 1 otherwise specified. The inlet arrd.outlet pipes are to be NOT TO SCALE fitted with tees of proper length. Concrete strength is to be 4000 psi, 28 days, and reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh and conform to all ASS1IT0 11-10 loading requirements S 76o unless otherwise specified. O9'48" E *41S OF S�� ' IA � � f�� DESK 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as heavy duty, those components shall conform to all State and Local requirements for € ASS}{TO 11-20 loading. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 GARBAGE GRINDER NONE 9, Septic tank, distribution box, and leaching pit • OWNER: SHARON L. DOYON •ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOC!/ 330 gal/da cif any) access manhole covers are to be built u y to within 12" of finished grade unless otherwise PARCEL "C" OF A PLAN PAGE RECORDED IN BOOK 10 SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK 1000 gal specified. DATED 5124184 PERCOLATION RATE 2 min /in ASSESSORS MAP 25 LOT 6 . DESIGN RATE 2 min /in 10, The distribution box and septic tank shall be placed on a minimum 6" compacted gravel base to A AREA: 1.12 ACRES + . LEACHING AREA PROVIDED prevent heaving or settling. IMPERVIOUS COVER: 10% OF LOT 25' Length X 24' Width = 600 S.F. 11. The pipe between the house and the septic tank shall be 4" extra heavy cast iron, Schedule 40 TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY PVC, asbestos cement or other material acceptable ' to the approving authority. The slopr, of this 600 S.F. X 1.0 gal /S,F, /cay = 600 gal /day foot) must be a minimum of 0.01 (0. 12' riches per 7110f) lU. 12The distribution pipe shall have a slope of 0.005 1EDGE OF WETLANDS 16 151� 13� 0O .� �,. (6" per 100 ft. length). D[..ER ES H, E 1NEOR rAT101 17 , , � \ W CD r �: , � ( 1 \ 1 1 \ \ � \ \ - � r6 �, 13. All joints must be watertight, sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent. \ \ \ \ \ \ O 305'+ l d- . PERFORMED BY : \ \ \ \ O MANUAL GARCIA 14. If leachingfacilityand septic tank are located Z WITNESSED BY : ANTHONY BARBOZA JR, at least 25' frm the house foundation, a DATE : MAY 4, 1983 foundation drain may be installed at the owner's \ \ \ discretion. 17i \\�\ O 14 \\\\\\'\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ , z LOT N 15. Excavate all unsuitable soil in the area of the r \\\ \\ \ \\\ \\ \\\ .j, leaching system to the limits specified in Reg. /� 8 \\\\ \\\ \ \\ \\\ \\\\ I•'2 ACR T.P. #I T.P. #2 2.17 of Title V and replace with clean, coarse \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \ N SOIL STRATA: sand and gravel. g 0"-20-' LOAM 8 SUBSOIL 0"-18" LOAM 8 SUBSOIL 16, An ill material \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O� 20"-120" COARSE CLEAN 16"-120" COARSE CLEAN y frequired around the sy'..em, SAND SAND W/GRAVEL. beyond the washed stone steal] be clean Cva CAE] Q� washed sand, with a race \ \ pe or ]es t \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ VA \VAA \ minutes, nee from fire, clay, = or1.a 'cs, :mr;s DEPTH OF HOLE: 120" 120" ------DEPTH O, FEr�C: R�.:�: , \ \ \� EDGE OF WETLANDS v -- n 68" 73��n�rr '- ' . Gr 3 t DEPTH TO G,W,T,: 68" wi L�Olit t, E \ \ V A \ V� � _ 18. Unless specified ir. the t'.csicn analysis this system is not designed fe: e Y a prrbate �` ► LOT C \` ; N, , 8 9 100' BUFFER ZONE / / / / / f' \ \ \\ \ \� I 1 O v 19 . I f an 1 each i > ''2 RES grinder. \ \\ \ 12 d, I y n1, area concrete ret:aining sa: is are shown on this plan., they shall be 4constructed watertight, without weepholes or -13 �. other pervious construction, in accordance with all local building departrer.t_ regulations.Future a 2o- _ extensionofretaining may walls 17 refit"ire the / 7 / I8 SEE NOTES #15 a #16 ` g ea / 70• Top 8" of fill to be topsoil. 'FROM / FILL TO EXTEND 10' IN ALL HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONS � �.. - T6' / EL, 14,00 DOWN TO ?. 21. No heavy equipment shall be run over the disposal. I` i THE NATURALLY OCCURING j6 - ,.,•\ _ =-,c �_- .,� e '\ system. 'COARSE CLEAN SAND ( STRATA (APPROXIMATELY EL,=!26012 \\ 22. For proper performan ce, septic tank should be inspected annually and when the total depth of P Z� ' scum and solids exceeds 1/3, the i l \ \ \ j0 NOTE: NOT TO BE LESS ; •'• \ ` - liquid depth of II 1 - I \ hoard of Health lnspectiol �. THAN 10' REQUIRED SIDE= \L �' - `� �' '`/_ t \ Required when Excavated o`' . 1 the tank should be pumped, w \ 1 YARD SETBACK, •1 , I- _ 1 i�• :^� `i 23. Plumbing in the basement shall be limited to a OWN IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT - ' washing machine if the invert of the outgoing pipe `.�., �_I e =d,.''•� J is higher than the finished basement floor, unless a\ _ _ - - 25• F 0• RAD• THE FOUNDATION E - - } g nn n , / � , WE �O ION B �', �� I/�` "` I �� noRrN ` v '\�9 otherwise indicated. 25' 25/ THIN STAKED PRIOR TO _ \ \ \ - IS ► 4 CONSTRUCTION. • -'�. r - - �: - Z• . , I ;�f 24. If any haybale checkdams or silt fences are shown \ \ 17 100' BUFFER ZONE / \ \ \h 5/ 2 �. �h,' \_' `oNonwitt� on plan, they are to be staked in place prior to \R—Gt B -�/ dolt any construction or excavation and shall remain in \ O r RESE 1 \ \ 24 r, C ROA - s1 I place until all construction, regrading, I r' `; replanting, and inspections are completed. SVG1 Y ` ' \ p, f j /�� 11` , <, ! \ _ Shore 25. The excavator shall notify the local Board of fPM ,NG _ e groundwater or perched water is I Health if I� No ��,\ encountered at a higher elevation than I TWO CPA D�"� - _ -16 92''��-�-- - w I ` ' _ �'� ti' indicated on plan. 15 LEGEND t TWO CAR PARKING / E.P. ROCK , / ! W 12 13 RF_NrHML RK• ('HI-SFl qn► ►A RF Board of Health lnspectiol Required when ExcavaxRw' _ —16 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 8" WATER MAIN — 15 E. THIS SYSTEM IS NOT DESI NED IV i uii t . DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALT14 34,,305' W ER. U UEE R - , oa ( �... - - 2 R0 �'� �— — , $ \\ GREEN /---- W ALL FOUNDATION ELEVATIONS _ �_ --_ , -�— - 8" MUST BE TA KEN A'Vn Zr4,I-1TI IEI) I BY A MASS RE . ENGINEERL0 ILO MT I k) I i 61 A AND COPY SENT TO NOT 7 1 _ALE � F NFAT.TN. �. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 8" WATER MAIN °cA R r �, _ '_�' a Pp p c d fo o k M OF APPROVED G TT�t ' �, �' m��sp!� MIILLIAM F. .r.L�i. cf s� � �T i H ; ,� A p SMITH � D-, N � Buildin ommissioner t'�T; EIS �jj„lilF Survey rl o gVIL '` 4' rj j Y ust be 15 � and :itt0d to t 13 Bui!ding u �1-•- L "Y� ?, & P 1 ace d` Do rt • prior to calm- for Tu"WE ol< ART10tiUT _H I 4S t� q�C N US foundation inspa Hon or t r-5- 151 any fort_ ear construction. Your Draw��g r�t►��siv�% OF P.f I t]v Building During T e� l� ,. � 1 y ��� KENNETH �s i7Y approval bV, L] 1;, ofnr. .rP 'g-resS Of q s FERREIRA H 1 4 Ico, t lE �, 10 No. 28716 Q c LL'C fe " of 3n� ,r_�CIly �.y' rJ C tERE r �O "'2 of t LAIM S Dartmoutb Board of 1Toqi}, L cLti.� EXISTING PROPOSED loo---- CONTOURS 100 SPOT ELEVATIONS .91, PROPERTY LINE E.P EDGE OF PAVEMENT STONE WALL WELL DEEP TEST HOLE O LEACHING TRENCH SOLID PIPE SUBSURFACE SEtvIACE D1SP S ,w•1, SHARON- L. DOYON LOT C HOLLY MEADOWS S. DARTMOUTH, MASS, k0i�lc Pmatian n�en�ezixt flu_, rtr_ 172 piflittm 5f_ �Vcfu ri , i u274t7 JOB NUMBER: OBE:762 DRAWN BY:��%12 SCALE: I" = 30' DESIGNED BY:9'e 97,_ DATE: 1 /14 /89 CHECKED BY: CONTACT PERSON: THOMAS E. MARNIK N r v1 DR/,WiRav ADDRESS: 172 WILL'A SiRLE TELEPHONE N!_1M9ER: 997-GeLiC` 7(; N/F JOAO 8 MARIA L. AMERAL 'CEL " B" (PUBLIC-50' W/DE) ROAD LOCUS MAP )RS MAP 6 LOT # MAP 25 LOT 6 TAGS OF LOT COVERAGE 3.6 % 1ION PARCEL C "HOLLY MEADOWS''PLAN BK 106 PG 7 AS -BUILT FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1"=50' APPROVED BY DRAWN BY S.M.P DATE: 4-13-89 PREPARED FOR SHARON L. Y OLDE BOSTON LAND SURVEYCO.,INC. DRAWING NUMBER 172 WILLIAM ST., NEW BEDFORD, MA. 762 i . I 0 AZP14AIZ S It4LES-� RI': lls 1I:::I1 Mill 1l=1111MII:::II� Z IN IN Now —.�„ GVEI�NAtdC 7a PITCH os LEFT EL.E VAT ION SCALE = 8 = 1 1/6 x Z/d lOUV6.R M\'* * PITCH Lf5 18" SECOND• Fldap� pVEI;,}VWG AT. 2EAF— OF HOUSE KICI-1T ELEVP.TION SALE gM= 1� �{tSPHpa't;' SIitNGlf 5 now Hon 1■■■■■ ■■■ �■■ ■■■ ■■�' liii n ill 1 F.116,211WO, .,=m — a c `'+ = ran rn . ►Y. f. Tt ;tort py� � f^!' �� 4: y._. lam++ L+ � ,.•., Q z w U� ---- Ge Z • a D" m 0 41X a A 4 yJ A A 00.. 0 awrzy• 0, A,O SOW + . . s El 0 V .01 , ••+�. - �(y) 401)VAV . jV J, Y % zwo vweme�Kr V4 7A el Ar C...9 x'bC0K%; 9.10 OF -t•Vin ;Y % en .......... JUM Oct CE Dr- eta A VII ED 0 N k le YOUR DRAWING MUD -- BE TH� BUILDING DUING OGRqSS OF THIS WQi B G DEP ILDIr Town of Dai An A 3 B 'A IT t S'cj n s t be Pulbmni'�Ua to th2, 0:ildPqff Dept. r to c_-&-ing for a found tion impection- or any fuit er constr-ac'_ion - rr - , -tip ..� •. .... '.. ,. :.' ,. .. ,,- ,. -: '., t•'^i 1d A� $ i.'�`'.'C 'F 11 •S. • e . s Apr 1 r i , .r• , t r aq r�fi - • •. _, ., - � , ; - r •;rig •F ��� �• _ ^cat}i�: ti' ar r `� `l 44 �♦ "s r fi e� f.-i. r t S . 7eeell -l-, - x ` � � i1 OAK �� �r�. � �`�/� •t ♦ $: r A•- " YAU �JRAWT'G U E: ki , ,BEDk'oU�LI AY `.:. N )3UIL4"tNG DU.IRtG :I RCSGR OF THIS ORK 7,%a-4 ,B .®...tom.« �.�,. DffG .D 'P r.a..... ; ` ) n of -Da mo uth ' 3oX.30x'7" s7� . �a e•„i i .7' IN t TM r ai e L�� 5�v i'Adbid ii cy iyt LJ� airor fv 3KIIG�$1L21�1. - , - v 3,1 15 { ,- 7. 10 - . ., .. ..} t~a , ate... / r + • - + ' 7\, • � - : ... - .. .. • ' . .. �-r..;.:" '; : ;,• - .. � . �,�,� a �' a j ' r s- _; � f x : . • - �_, . - .. ,� ",EX r P.Y. - '. i. `.-. i •' ^ l+-'•.ra>♦� y � .. ,�•. -GEDAQ • .2xlD -'/G "O• C. a 9'.' TD WtATf1 ' .. �1 i ._, . .' r.i: : _ • - •• t � , . o • '�'--fit � �~ YOUR DRAININ •• . J. 322 ,t xiG..ANCN.(>�2•BOL?-. I =��ll` AT THE MUST. Bc" KEPI. BUILDING DURING TH� a-. ... - .. A,•�'ti �"i1 t srs+a•.. L:raa�:rf%n.aq�®rre�► MT .,3~.-4" • �., plow Town of Dar��a0 At h ' • ' '. •-0 Wit:. '+ .� ,, •� •. eft �y; r'.C' vi`1 a' � .;Noll -aj + ., t ♦ - .. ..- .. ' ..', ♦ •at���illYl�� '.f� ,*rw' `�•`..,L,n, - ass. �=•-•—L---- An A - ... � . y �L - o � . •-.. y ? j - : ... yyay ,,,, • *� .- .� �^^.. [fit', �;gg LE-pp••��. • • _ }r a �a'`• J su dJ...i.,� _.... 1. k.v 3 w L:::A'.iaG•itl. '��.�.ati= in , CHOP a� I __ s: jL ' --' �_— -- _1--f� _ �'— _.;ter � ,_",► .` - I•r•� y r�.:, , � _ - � - '; 1 ..� ,' a .t _ ., ' '' ` f"XlrY i > '' r a" �- - -•-I �; _ i / / ►T10.V' W,144 j DATA/L A ' -. i ' . r •t. �' t '���::�a.�.•+ jKrj .'fir: .. • � �. ' - *,.7 a J. a "' —Y.a ll��• -r }. t �`, �'�---�.� �.ri: . DETR. ORS . CEMING tuaTE , ?I - YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. P,Lirm-,: sG D PARTMEXT Twin; of D=tn2ovj!j Tort An � r•� 1 rst ho L L3, 2t� � fo g}3 E r inzpsc' ioa or cc` st-r action;