BP-23787RESIDENTIAL 2001 SECTION 8 INSP CTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 42 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): 6. HOLD reason: Date: Date: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: S. Comments: Date: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: d� SECT 9 - PLI A NOTIFICATION Applicant infbi7dja e Ti /e-Clerk: Comments: SECTION 10- OFFICEVNSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: $/C9D• Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: $ Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. TOTAL FEE: /00- Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To• pa& - SECTION 11- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES RESIDENTIAL 2001 ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE DATE RECEIVED DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 m Dartmouth, MA 02747h, 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 ' APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -• RECEIVED BY: DATE SENT FOR REVIEW: BUILDING PERMI NUMBER DATE ISSUED:. OK TO ISSUE - SIGNATURE: BuildlnomnuNsfonerflnspector of w dings Zoning District: Use: Zone: Zone roposed ❑ B ❑ A ❑ V Outside Flood Zone❑-Aqu><fer THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: } k❑Energy ❑ Board of ❑ Board of ❑Con. Com. ❑Demo ❑DPW ` ❑ Elec Report Appeals Health Affidavit Card Sent: Cut Off Follow`np* _ t ❑ Fire ❑ Gas _ ❑ Planning Board* ❑ Sewer Card ❑ Water Card ;, :❑'Zoning, - ❑ Other _ Chief Cut Off /Cut Off /Cut Off Review* - * REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT: DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL Zoning Review: Signature: &L Date: Energy Report: Signature: Date: ' Fire Chief Signature: Date: Board of Health: Signature: Conservation Commission: Signature: Date: Other: Signature: Date: Description: of work being performed: SECTION 1- SITE INFORMATION _ NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes ❑ no 1.1 Property Address: /OS` ��� 0 1�1n �� 1.2 Assessors Plat Lot Number: 04P Nearest Cross Street: lif% s'C-,Od�7� A/ Plat Lo Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes ❑ no i f, 7-3 Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: ❑ yes ❑ no Date: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: ❑ ❑ Municipal On Site Disposal System Municipal❑ Private Well C:Wdg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 19, 2001 C:\b1dg.forrns\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page I Rev. January 19, 2001 RESIDENTIAL 2001 r E TI N 2- PR PER'► Y. R HIP AT JTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record:k O ?j u�Wet /, Se. >/fA 1 d b 6-;�_-7W Name rint) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 A tho zed Agent:/ x �Ci�''�.:f�1^�•f � �%%�. �O U {i (/vy� �E' C.�'�^--a„' J �1 /J ![r 2 ? Name (print) Contact Address Cl �Phone Number - SECTION = C N TR TI NSERVICES ��' 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor--: (1ti. /f( c�„r,,, �� G; Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number 07e.2,9/ / AddressSraz, s�i /��1'� a `' ""� �`` Expiration Date p Signature c !L Telephone V.,p,_ jiyZ &g 3.2 Regisfg ed Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name, Registration Number (if none, state "none") f/ -7 S S1 Address ` " / / Signature Telephone Expiration DateOe�-- 3 3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature:- Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability RESIDENTIAL 2001 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4 _- WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL C 152 § 25) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) ❑ new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door other ❑ demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows_ doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: cSUy c,-c) Y7-i Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: X SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Buildin %v 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical HVAC 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) /7 * Estimated Total $ SECTION 7A - OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit) (please print) he eby authorize as Owner the sub%bi to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authoriz is It application. Signature of Owner Date SECTION B- OWNERAUTHORTZED AGE DE LARATI N h-✓��+-`� .�e �rv/rJ, as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing applica (on are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under t e pains and penalties of -perjury. Signa of O ner/Authorized Agent Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 19, 2001 C:\bldg.fonns\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev Inn-— 10 ')nnl ti 20' A -WALL ELEVAf 10M `~ uOlT6: GO!AFOCf- 15W (GAS) COON; aM IQ GOLO[. 0 2. GOu4fCIJGT tiuGLO';U4B Du W FLOM ABOV& EXI9fZ MUM, 3. 00 RgAf O>t FLUM81051 BY P.B.I. 4. 0.6. TO WOO; LOGO IN TO BB 09THMIQ50- 4, x v f&MP. DOUSI0s PAIL 10ULAW 6LA65 QOOF P, V ALUM. UAO FOAM COO, B.C. P05f; v?. TEI K59 MUM UW Uulfh w/w550 f5MP52;0 IOULAW MA66 N55WALL (hilt o• �;� ,,0 THE P ,CG,PZ7 '--, OF T, Ij10, V;G R le. 1w•Ef;i DN',' G D-!n7,,ilTI!2NT 6LA66 WI0 LIIM TIMPBM WtUAM 6LA66 Uu IT4 W/aLt' 50 E.C. PO4f; fyP. f9M EW 10ULATE0 WA66 10JUIJALL QUIT 7(14f1uG COUr. t uBW FL00C ABOVE 2O' C-WALL EL WIOU DRAWN THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF PAT10 1.2. M. 05OW009 nENCLOSURE105 e0640DUQ5155 90. ENGLO$URES, LNG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DATE NC. ,� 5, DAQ1MOUfN, MA. OZ14� DUPLICATION OF THIS DRAWING IN ANY FORM IS 04/05/02 NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED SCALE 500 KYLES STANDISH BLVD. (508) �q�-IZ60 WRITTEN CONSENT OF PATIO ENCLOSURES, INC. TAUNTON, WA 027BO 1/411-0H 505/622-1966 JOB NO, 1057q Note: Where 2 shown, 10 Note: Where shown, 10 OPP t *7 OPP. OFF. Single Slope Roof Enclosure Plan View Gable Roof'. Enclosure Plan View Note- Where @ shown, Note: Where shown, Note: Where shown. Note: Where shown, Required w/ Transom T9 Required w/ Transom 1 E C �u Required w/ Transom VU Required w/ Transom 10 [r2 r4-'N F ri",\ L OPP B" Wall Elevation (7'*� "A" & "C" Wall Elevaflon@ "B" Wall Elevaflon "A" & "C" Wall Elevationr4`\ @ lzz:y GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL —VIEW" THREE SEASON ROCMS * Details an this sheet erg also In section 500 of the "All—VIew Rooms Engineering Manual" EENCLOSURE!81�HCJ, P.O. BOX 186 a MACEDONIA. OHIO 44056 — 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD SCALE: _F DRAWN: RWK NONE FTA7M. 04/30/99 OF REVISIONS EVISIONS KAMA. rAPPROVED BY: Concrete or Wood Floor RINAS 'Q E Z SIGNATURE P.E. REG. NO. DATE Fooling Per Local Code Fooflng Per Local Code­w-tl rPEl ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 SHEET: 1 Y'5.1 C)I, en,t t ►rtt,�T rr- FS7PII 0 i IF Concrete or Wood Floor Footing Per Loccl Cade Section c Section 0 Expander O Floor ,hors O InteI lee(tate F Mln stagged 18 O.c. J8 x 1/2' TEK Screws T&B Bath Sides t1i� Expander O Floor 18 x 1/2" TEK Screws O Hot. 1 I Min. 1 1/ 1' Min. d la x 1/2" M Same O T&El Comer P 1/3 Up a 1/3 Down Bottom:Both Sides (2) Anchors (lypkai) Detail 1 Anchors O Corner Post: Use 1/4" 0 x 3' Lo. Lag Screws w/ Washers Irdn Wood � 1/4concre�x 1 1/4" Lg. DrNe—Pin Anchors Use flo x 3 4 Hex •Head into Wood Use t/4" Q x 1 1/4" Lg. Mtn —pin Anchors Into nernte JC:Eu OF TH;S 1fiiO!X ,": I(equlrad Q Non-8aarinQ W U On — 4 Required ng well 1'fn T of rf Y# a r;. y 18 x 1/2' TEK screwe O Top and Bad = Each Side Expander O Floor A 1 1 2�Min. t�z• Mtn. l ginq Hatween�(lrilts;�'a � ��� d� l ginq Hatween�(lrilts;�'a � ��� d� 18 x 1' TM Screws O Top, 1/3 Up dt 1/3 Dorm, and Bottom � Detail 2 > ° � 3' ' MIS Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4- 0 x 3' Lag Screws Into Wood / Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1%4' Lg. DrW—Pin Anchors hits Concrete 2 Required O Well Poet — 4x4. 4x8, 8x8, or (2) 2x4's (4) #8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, Anchor, — 4 RequlroUd oaaring Wall Notched As Required To Fit to Expander 3x3 Extruded Aluminum Poet (4) #�� 1 Serewe. 1x3 Tube (2) Each Side I" TEX g Expander O Floor 2) 08 x 1' Ta Screw,. Each Side [;T TubeExpander O Floor 4 2xEaeh 51dee� ) / x 1" TEK Screws, T MdtH Each s..ide () Expander O Floor T.k8 H Each Side (2)— 1' X 4" x 1/8' x 1 3/4'' /2' TEK Screws O �)— 1x 4' x t/8' x 1 3/4' LgAnchors, 4 Requred Total, (2)— 1' x 4' x 1/8' x 1 3/4' Lq. 1 Anchors, 4 Rsqulred Total, Expander O Floor op de Bottom Each Side (1) Each Side (2) Each, Side (1) Each Side % `Anchors, 4 Required Total. ()Each Side / \ (Z) Each Side ` (2) Each Side 1 1 12'_1Qn. 1�' Min. (2)— #8 x 1 /2' TEK Serewsl t Ganging Between ' Units O Top, MIMa. & Bottom Each Side Detail Anchors At Gcna_ing Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lag Screws into Wood Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' Lg. Drive —Pin Anchors Into Concrete n__ — strt Mat Tab/H i8 x 1/2' (2) into 1—Beam Con Both sides Structural rg ry Anchors: Use 1/4' Qf x 3" Lg. Log Screws Into Studs Una 1/4' 11 x 1 1/2' Lg. Loge w/ Lag Shields Into COncrcta Block or Briefs (2) T. M.xI" TEK Screws & ° H Each Side (4)— 18 x 1' TEK Screws, (2) Each Side Detail 4 Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lag Scram into Wood Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1 4" I-g. Drive —Pin Anchors Into Cancrete Notch Ganging An Required J To I,natoil J8 TEK Screws And Clip (4)— J8 x 1/2' TLX Screws, (2) Each Side Detail 4 Anchors At Ganging Use 1/4- 0 x 3' Lag Screws Into Wood Use 1/4" 0 x 1 1�' 4 Drive—Pln Anchors Into Concrete NOTE: The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accordance with information contained in "Product Engineering Manual an 'All —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage are contained in said "Product Engineering Manual". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. Notch Ganging As Required J To Install #8 TEK Screws And Clip (4)-8 x 1/2' •TElt Screws. Comer Pont. Notched To Fit Expander (2) Each Side Detail 4 Archon At Gang229 Use 1/4' 0 x 3' Lag Screws Into Wood Use 1/4. 0 x 1 1//4' Lg. Drve—Pin Anchors Into Concrete GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL -VIEW" THREE SEASON ROOMS NOTE: Detalis on this sheet are also in section 500 of the 'All —View Rooms Engineering Manual" L^ �t i� 720 EAST HIGHND ROAD EXCLA LLr�t�l�ESACi. P.O. BOX 186 • MACEDONIA. OHIO 44058 ® (21 s)488-0700 rAX (21 e) 457-4297 SCALE: NONE CF�,� REVISIONS KARLA. APPROVED By. RINNAAs t° %PJc78 SIGNATURE DRAWN: RWK / I PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 DATE: 5/3/99 P.E. REG. NO. DATE ALL -VIEW ROOMS SHEET: 2 18 x 1/2' TEK Screws (2 Into i—Bsam Connecting Panel. T&B) ctural S111tane Sealant Roof Panel a. #8 x 1/2' M Screws Thru One Side Of Each I —Beam Into Header IS x 1/2' TEK Screws, (2) O Each I —Beam, (1) O Each End Of Header structural Sllleone Sealant V / %IS x 1/Y TEK Strewn, (2) Structural Silicone Sealant•/ O Each I —Beam. And (1) O Each End of Header Rolling Door Unit Framing Header Assembly IS x 1/2' TV Screw In And Out At Unit Ganging And At Each End. 8 x 1' IV Screws 0 1B' O.0 Detail e #8 x 1 and U Kit Gang Po C—/ n --- I Detail 7 Reaf Silicane Sealant IDS x 1/2' M Sam O Ganging And Each End; Both Sid 8 x 1/2' TEK Screws 0 le O.C. 1' x 1/1 d' Cartinuou Aluminum Angle 1/8' D.S. Glass, or 3' Nominal Thickness Wng pane);Ralllng 1/2' x 1' x 1/18' continuous as Code Requires Aluminum Angle Glazing Tape i8 x 1/2' TEC Sanwa O 18' O.C. Glazing Cap 1/2' TEX Screws 0 J8 x 1/2' TEX Screws O Ganging And Each End: is x 1' TE< Screws O 12" O.C.Ganging And Each End: Both Sides Both Sides 18 x 1' TEt Serexs Door Unit Framing O 12' O.C. Rolling Door Unit Framing Tab h Hanger Assembly Typ. Both Sides Structural Silicone Sealant Roof Panel Detail s 7—= Ridge Beam and Members as Required Aluminum Flashing An Required Structural MIcone Sealant 1/4' x 3' Leg Screws O 1S' O.C. Staggered O Opposite Sides is x 1/2' TM Screws. 2) Inta I —Beam Connectin Panels: T&A Typ. Detail 11 7— um Flashing Required Detail @ 0 x 1/2' TEK Sere" o Top. Midd!a. and Bottom. Both Sides Side Rail Of Rolling Dear Unit nal /#8 x 1/Y TM( Screws staggered 0 16' O.C. .}� Structural Means Sealant — ei cap 14--azing cap GlezIng TOM 1/ass Code Class Raquir a AT THE: DUILDI'"G 4. ;1:E £. t bai?OG;REtiS (31" TN' a It.: 4RK, I� DUILDIN D_=p,�; Tay+rri o` Der+r, 5 x 1/2' TEK Screws, 2 0 Hanger, Structural Silicone sealant 2 O Fascia Lacation, and 2 O 1/3 Pt& Between Hanger & Each Side of I —Beam Header location (lr M 4' O.C.) O Top (Typkxl) .024' 3105—H174 Alum.. TdeB 7/18' O.S.B.. TOB (Optianal) 1.5 PCF EPS Aluminum I —Beam T yz s 3' Nominal Thickness 1 s Roof Pend (Typical) "=,fir %. R; .! R-n uxl Detail _ . ca7 � .� , wood Ridge Beam Size and I Members as Required Aluminum Fleshing An Required Remove Siding An Necessary Structural SHIcona Sealant Ex1at1rl 5truucctuurre Shtm An Required 1/4• x 3' leg Semen O t e' O.C. as der O Fk=Mn Stagger O apposite Sides ng Structure Tab & Hanger Assembly Typ. Both Sides 8 x 1/2' TEK Sarewe, chars O 18' O.C. nn e}� 2) Into I —Beam Coeetlr Sfiu>Sne S��tant Paneir, 7hEl. Typ. Detail 10 Anchom. Use f8 x 1' M Strewn Into sheathing Use 1/4' 0 x 1 1/2' Lg. Nylon Anchors. 'Tap—R', or Equivalent Into Concrete Block or Brick. NOTE: The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accardance with information contained in "Product Engineering Manual on 'All —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage are contained in said "Product Engineering Manual". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. . Pod Panel Aluminum Fk As Requir Detail 11 GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEi "ALL -VIEW" THREE SEASON ROOMS NOTE: Details on this sheet are also In section 500 of the 'All—Ytew Rooms Engineering Manual" 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD ::!�P.O. BOX 186 • MACEDONIA, OHIO 44056 (21 e)488-0700 FAX (21 e) 467-4297 // G _t 41(_1 SCALE: NONE ( DRAWN: RWK ! DATE: 5/1/99 REVISIONS APPROVED BY; //Zoe d o NATURE P.E. REG. NO. DATE ALL —VIEW ROOMS PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 1 SHEET: 3 KEPT 10 THE INT Extruded Ridge Beam Assembly Aldge Beam Location. Wood,(Not Shown) Rfdg• Seem Loin, Extrudpd Aluminum (Not Shown) Hanger Assembly CW. Both Sid") Structural Silicone Sealant k r k , '; I�'�'Rr *rr+ . Y,1t.? (; !- Extnvded Aluminum Ridge Beam Structural i' � f �.,_ t Ai TH r 3T P._ KkTP; aUI PQCI3L. L�If1� 'Sl`;a Ti-i Han Assem Silicone Seale '3S OF THIS (Typ. Both Side Structural SGicane Sealant • :: ti' ¢ L3E,a Mang Structwalant ��.5 +' 'r �•'�; •r• ;,ti :: • • a ;i«. • �. Portion4temove lot Ridge Beam PorHatt lo! Ridge Beam ��+ei'dtz 0( (�18l � • ; if Naeesaosiy ® i N Neeessaryr ;i • : • : • • • Panel O ''•: ::: I I i I #8 x 1/2' TEK Screws, (4) — #a x 1' TEK Screws, O EY Straws, ((2) Irb i—Seam (2) Each STda '' ry Each aide V-e J.1I Connectlnq Panels). Tdc3, 7YP Comer Post ( Expmtder, or Cotner Col#s FRoe! f k. P x 1/2 7W Sgnws. 1 1 a t/2' Lg• , E ILL-2 g.. lower tags R kuslne Room ((2) htto I —Bear Connecting Panels). TSB, L------�� (4) — #10 x 2' Waod Sctvrae �. 1 : t i ` Poet; 4x4, 4xG. ax6 or (2) 2x4's , a a ' ` Posy 3x3 x 1/8• Extruded Al mriuum, or Caner Post w/ 1 x3 Tube Detail 11 7— Detail rilN �a r Detail 12 5 r. AZ Detail 12 � • — — View A D�"� � Yl ew A — Ridge Beam, Extruded Auum%um or t3sortn LocatioN Extruded Alominum Wdge Beans Locatlon. Wood (Not Shown) or Wood (Not Extruded Aluminum or Wood (Not Shown) Joist Hong Wood Screws. llotK Am � � � q � Bearn Aluminum or Wood n. Extruded avm) (s}-- 1/4' x 1 1/Y Lg. Lags Completlan Of cors"dlon O 2x3 Expander, cr (4)— #e x 1• TEK Sere Cornet Cohurat 3 1/2' Lg. (2) Each Side 2x3 ands , or Under*ide of Roof (s)— #3 x 1/2. (Height Varies) W— s x t' TEK Screws 4x4 Wood Post, Connect 2) Each Side Securely To Bandboard (4) — #1a x 2' Wood Comer Column, S' Lg. 2)— 2x4's. Length as Required TEK Screws Panel (4) Each Side O O nneet Securely To Collar To (4}— #lax 2' Wood Screws 1/4' B x 5' Lg. Lag 3 St O Each Stud, uSn. 3 Studs Coltare f2) 2xs Wood, Post: onatr. Grad• (1) Wood 4x4, 4x6, M, or (2) -2x4 (For Woad Ridge Beam) 4}—is x 1' Tt"iC Screws, 2x4. Between ExtsL (Typ.) 1{ UzL Wood 2x Bandbaatd Stud to Post t e i 1 e 1 1 e l I.1 I •1 x 1• 2) 3x3 i5e4tuded Aluminum O O (2) Each Side O Exist. Structure i e 1 .1 i e 1 TEK Screws (for Extruded Ahum. Ridge Beam) O kxisting Hours T. M. de B Each Side 3) Comer Post w 110 Tube r (for Extruded Alum Ridge Beam) 4Exbting Wood 2x Bandboard O Existing Structure Attach_ (1) 2xe To House w/ Lags As Shown Md Nall 2nd 2xd To 1st Detail t2 Detail is Detail 13 Detail 13 View B - - GENERAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL —VIEW" THREE SEASON ROOMS Ridge Seem Location. Extruded Aluminum or wood OW Shown) NOTE: Details on this sheet are also in section 500 of the "Ali—VIeW Rooms Engineering Manual" 2x3 Expander, or Comer Column. 3 1/2' Lg. (4)— #s.x t' TEK screws, x4 Wood Poet PEX-CLLORRESINC. 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD (2) Each Side Connect to Exlstln� Structure P.O. BOX 186 • 1,IACEDONIA, OH10 44056 w/ Amhara O is O.C.® (210463-0700 rAX (2u)467-4297 (4}- 110 x 2' Wood Sanwa i/4' x 3' Lg. Log Screws Into Wood i/4' x 3 Lq. Log Serewa w/ Lag Shisids Ito Concrete Black or Brick NOTE• SCALE: NONE DRAWN: RWK DATE: 5/3/99 Notch Post To Fit inside Expander The plans, elevations, sections and details contained "Product herein are SµOFI REVISIONS (4}— #8 x 1• TEx Screws, 2x3 Exp ear, a �J in accordance with information contained in Manual 'All Engineering g• 9 `YG, (2) Each Side Corner caiumn. 1/Y La. on —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio APPROVED BY* Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage or RlNA3KARLA are contained in said "Product Engineering Manual". See individual rVIL (4) 1/4' 0 x 1 1/4' 4 Drtva—Pln Anchom Into concrete job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. 0676 (4) — 1 f 4' 0 x 3' 4 Log Screws S1GNA RE _ P.E. REG. N0. DATE Into Wood e F Detail 1 3 Z- ALL —VIEW ROOMS / _� —lJl% PEl ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 SHEET: 4 1/4' x V Lag Screws Thru Roof Anchors: "W—Channel Panel Into Panel Cap (3) — �8 x 1' TEK Screws 0 'H' Halght , Flashing As Needed (2)— 1/4" 0 x 1 1/2' Lg. Nylon Anchors Into C.B. or Sr. Roof Panel y r' 17 , ,E Ride Beam .goat ,Structural 511laane Seaton (3)— �H x 1" TEK Screws Into Wood Panel Ca g i t * a�I 8 x 1 2' TEK Screws�� rT �18' O.C. Anchors At "H" Height �-.. #B x 1/2 TEK Screws, Each Side 7 k Y Structural Silicone Seale \ ��Thnr Wail Expander Into OW—Chanrtal n� 1 q` Roof Panel ° sr Hatch to Flt �` M/F Side Ran � •• Staggered Anchors O 19" O.C. Walt Expander Inside Corner Post �tiiui � l f12 'H'—Channel �3 x 1/2' TEK Screws, Thru Comer Post Into Pane] Cap Flange, ;� iyp. Each Sid �.� •� $B x 1/2' TEK Serest, Each Side Expander(Madifted) Ing Structure Thru Corner Post Into 'H"—Chanel JUAT Fl pr;;A,3• ING V', `T Remove Siding if Necessary \ etch Cut Comer Poet At Roof Pitch Angle aElUILDING D'ESS OF THIS ��` 'I use 1 e d x 3• 4 Lag Screws into Studs. A�xhors At 16' 0.C.Use 1/4 x 1 1/2 Lg. Lag a: Lag Shields ]rtto. jn{�� x 1 1 Lg. on Mchare Info C.H. Br. Comer Poet r i' € e +� YConcrete Block or Brick �/ N ' IF T?'."'R of Dar`•. � t #S x 1 TEK Screws Into Wood Detail 14 Detail 15 Detail 6s Detail 17 7— EXTERIOR Glass Width Member, Transom Unit #8 x 1/2" TEK Screws Tara Each Side moo G'aes Width Member, Transom Unit (2) Expander Structural Silicone Sealan 10 x 2' TEK Screws O 18" O.C. Floor Expender Structural Silicone Seal 6 x 1' T17C Screws O 18' C.C. Sealant Between Memb tx3 Tuba IS x 1/2' TEK Scants O Top Bottom (2) Each Side Semen Width Member, Taapp Mosier Frame Member, Screen Width Member, Too Master Frame Member, Berson Unit SI[ding Door Unit Frame Sareen Unit 511ding Door Unit Frame lazing Tape (Not Shown) Cuss Top Rap Member, (Not Shown) leas Top Raii Member, Railing Door Unit Rolling Door Unit 1/2' x 1" x 1/16" 1/W.DS. Glass, or As Code Requires Glass Width Member, Chas Width Member. Continuous Aluminum Angie, (2� #8 x 1" TEK Scram T r Silo Rails Far stow Kneewa.i Fond Glans Unit Fixed Giaas Unit Each Side fe x 1/2' TEK Screws Ta:H, Each Side ®Each Side 1Mndow Betow (Nat Shown) (Not Shown) Structural Silicone Sealant Glazing Cap INTERIOR Transom Without 1 x3 Tube Transom With 1 x3 Tube Glass Kneewall Ganging, G—Caps Glass Kneewall Ganging, Expanders GENERAL*STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR PEI "ALL —VIEW"• THREE* SEASON ROOMS Seai Between Membf NOTE: Details an this sheaf are also in seaflon 500 of the "All —View Rooms Engineering Manual' r Ralling Door Unit Above 8 x"t[2. 7t3( $er�vs Expander 720 EAST HIGHLAND ROAD 51de #B x 1/2" TEK Screws �!tr� /�� p;:c 'f P.O. BOX 186 • MACEDONIA. OHIO 44056 Ponal Cataggered O ie O.C. GIi1�LVa��i1`aZ'lli tg (216)468-0700 FAX (21tt)467-4297 (2)— %8 x 1' TEK Screwsructural S]fieane Sealant O12'D.C,tx3 Tuba NOTE' SCALE: NONE DRAWN: MAD DATE: 11/12/93 Seal Between MembersTop Master FrameTempered doss The plans, elevations, Sections and details contained herein are-MOFlKq f.. REVISIONS in accordance with information contained in Product Engineering Raring Door Unit Framing Manual on 'Ali —View' Three Season Rooms" as published by Patio KARLA. APPROVED Y: Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Limitations for product usage 8' RINAS co are contained in said Product Engineering Manual . See individual CIwL Glass Kneewall (or Sliding Unit) job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. 40676 SIGNATURE P.E. REG. NO. DATE Below Sliding Unit S;o ' ALL —VIEW ROOMS em PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 SHEET: 5 CEzT THF, 4A_ #8 x 1/2' M Scree �'; r' �•• r 0 1T O.C. Each Side •.••, , Expander 0 Structural Silicon Sealant For Roiling Door Unit Above "N. Strucbuni silicone Sealant B x 1/2" M Screws ea 1 R' O.C. Each Side StagBred Anchors 0 18" O.C. Llee 10 x 3/4' Wood Screws Use . Ar 0 x 1 1g L0. Drive—f'tn Anchors Concre e • • MAM "•a E IM =25 Existing Roof Gap Flashing' Aluminum Fleshing Under Shingles, As Necessary Structural Sifcone Sealant Tab/Hanger Assembly ! Into Each I—beam IN I Panel '1 4' Lag Screws, Through ascia Into E,#" Joints `Existlnq Rafter (Elie & Spacings Ybriee) I Wall 11 2 x Fascia Board, Depth Varies Eave Fascia Mount Existing Roof Aluminum Flashing Under Shingles 1/4' Lag Screws Into Existing Joists Structural slllcone Sealant Tab/Flanger Aeeernbly, i8 x 1/1' TEK Screws, 2 Into Each 1—Beam Conneettng Panels Structural Silicone Sea Ar_� Roof Panel ow Size do Spccing�Yadee ho t .� So 1 \I ti1x3 TLbe (t,ised As Neeeeaary) � ral S1Bcone Sealant ,'•,t' i/2' x 1' x 1/g' Continuous Angb• Eave Reverse Mount (4)— CC frAh CCommeer AAttrTo P t/x' ar }-B•om t:lypiaa (4 }B_x 1/2' TEK Screws Eaah Cam+r M Tap 2 Rea'd. Per lod OW 7t1a — Blook () Slrap e x 1 /2' T1C1C Screw. etHng Btaek J Die. Banker Rod /18' Die. No Sealant 725 • . <' Die. Backer Rod , ••• , SrtHng Block ,''� 'YDlIi3 DRAb��ilVCz iaL' . ;T EE KEPT r • '%Fogim,Panei• ealant AT THE Bl1li. D' ;;halo THE I' • ING PZOGRESS OF THIS �'�, V4. 1 � i1rA"'A` `,�j�'•: T �84. FdF.1 s� -*: ,:s" `� 6� x .$ 3C 's low der Assembly.` d �wu :■ I4 �`ryi �d �`fft C,� F��f.L• 38' (2)— Sfeel gyp+ x 1 1/f x it Long.. Req'd. Per Skylight Each O Farth #8 x 1/2' Sam" At Eaah Corn (lyploal Header Assembly Sarni Pattern) Edgeest From 9Suupport T38 er Side Ot I —Beam Acceptable) Glass Roof Panel Cross —Section Glass Roof Panel Cross -Section ® I —Beam ® Header Assembly #3 x 1/'1' TEK Sinews Each Comer At Top Dow 793 rr M xWou 3/g' DIa. Booker Red Sitting Moak 3eciont 0 roam -Panel x 1/2' TEK Glass Roof Panel Cross —Section @ Hanger NOTE: The plans, elevations, sections and details contained herein are in accordance with information contained In "Product Engineering Manual on 'All —View' Three Season Rooms as published by Patio Enclosures, Inc., Macedonia, Ohio. Umitations for product usage are contained in said "Product Engineering Manua{". See individual job submittal for specific projections, unit widths and wall heights. GENERAL STRUCTURAL DEMILS FOR PEI"ALL—YtEW THREE SEASON ROOMS NOTE: Detalis on this sheet are also in aectlon 500 of the 'All—Y w Rooms Engineering Manual 720 FAST HIGHLAND ROAD I� LYV. ® P.O. Box 188e MACEDONIA, OHO 44058 (218) 488-0700 FAX (216) 487-4297 �t11 OF R�2' KARLA. RINAS -,z DD SCALE: NONE IAY!i &`A DRAWN: JAR. i DATE: Cs/18/9e P.E. REG. NO. DATE ALL —VIEW ROOMS PEI ENGINEERING — SECTION 17 SHEET: 6