BP-332A 2 I7-5-A tl%rt�4�-c. &�uKc/" o� g TOP of FOvPtpAT I O N A.S- BvILT= l O Go. 5'1 t l_oT Q> 1 S LOCATED Ot11 A PLA1.1 O� LAND POiZ AA4-T1.10XA'lt M. t-lAWr1k1 DA+TE.D 9/24IS5 3, 004 p.c.- 'L 3�' �• �' CU2RGt1T OWN.�R; A►�ITHONy M. MARTIN. 54' ± ss' 60 t of w 46 w Q As, DRAWN Fok . R086k CR 3-Z3- 67 TV6AtAS tcltd'. Go NOTE: THE BUILDING SHOWN HEREON IS THE +� RESULT OF AN AS -BUILT FIELD LOCATION. - AND IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOCAL 7S, APPLICABLE ZONING LAWS WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. REV. 3-16• S7 !kMN, GA4A4e A006.0 PO N!J r�1JIOf �� or JOH s6t�w _�-�� F�Dl l ON PLAN`,6 af I.ENARD ul� X XENNETm s ��t � • ,9 No 26645 �. // s FERREIRA �;, NO. SCALE: .30 APPROVED BY DRAWN BY ISTO'41 28716 04 DATE: F �LUl DRN. FOR: MICHAEL PHILLIPS OLDE BOSTON ENGINEERING CO., INC. DRAWING NUMBER 172 WILLIAM STREET NEWBEDFORD, MA 1 2 5- A ;EN MASTER FORM 198MF ,1r„-,: .�-._.,..x.:.:,.>*nv.r,rmeea,.F..e.*.,...,v+..n.w+..r.n+s,.:. .. _ vcc�e�.ra+x, ...., .>ti.• :,,..c:m.:. ? lot EXCAVATE ALL IMPERVIOUS "-- Ev�E aF '^•'�;~� q+`�t'S ts� �n� �o� ,>r GRADE_ )73,Z Ma-T6R/AL WIT"/AI 10' OF T•REAICH AND DOWN To A ft'�Z.:T_ - Io►.A pEP7H OF- 9(p' AND EpGE of woaas --, 1'1 �0 I� 0 fRE✓PL_ACEj WITH Cl.6AN( t)� a"' OAkSE SAND AND - > i GQAve� . L �01 10t•5o /OL10 4„SCHEIXILE 40 PVC - PIT; (SOLID) ITV ALL s FUND T-1 ' a -:_ s r_ ., to uffE?_ zZ>N MUST BL: N A, V11 Y S T E " P R O Al 77_"• 1 Flo fRs•NS��� y ti 1 • 4!'t.-- 4 8L'N4fHMAfZK: NAIL //V 'T.CE& c=L . /0000 PO/V Q 1 i EDT 6 /5 LOCAT61> ON A I°'LAA1 / Or LAND FOR ANTHONY M • ! MART/AI PATEp 9IZ4/8s TOTAL A IEA • 3.004 Ac.t CURr_E1V r OWNE.R : ANTHONV M. MARTIN A . • v. 1� TO r s"OU'Lo l3$ Pr_RroAMEt> W/rH/N THC L/M/T Or, NO UA I_ C OA/.S r'R 0C T/oM PRIOR TO aXc Av^-r10/V . I - 7 :AI& WATE /Z fJ\f t_ F1_6VAT"/0A1 /a H/4NER Tf-!AN /AJPICATEP OA/ TNIS �"'t_ n. "J 7"N � HIJUSE ANI� SLPT/G SySTT•M ELIE VAT/DNS WIt_t.. --.,0 t1_ )=_ KA I.S F P, Ile ae b ,!`r OaDVplD6cor ICD, O r, �ocut� Y 2 NstCy .,tt.tt = A FILE wAy 4 B1�T A l,' ASS. R .3. i:_\TGl�,:TAT 1: t /i4 NOT TO SCALE hoard of h4 Ar�T� co��r s��TT TO .fired �'henhE nspcctioo o T OF H 4LTx . xcavated LOCATION MiAP �.xts-r• MIN. PROPOSED GRADE , 4RA°E �` 1o3•I OFFS NOT TO SCALE ! / Z e MIN. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be constructed in COVERV E R MATERIAL R 1 A L accordance with the requirements of Title V of the state envirpnmentpl code and local Board of Health regulations. Foil logs indicate soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation 2 ' 1/8 — 1/2 ' W A S H E D STONE. found at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the -EL. Iol.r 4")TPER•FORATED PIPE time of construction. Excavate all unsuitable soil in the area of the leaching system to the limits p " 3/4•." specified in Reg. 2.17 of Title V and replace with clean, coarse•sand and 1 1/2 - gravel. WASHED. STONE Contractor shall verify and check bench mark as shown on this plan prior to E L • /G ' =MAX. ^` '�+construction of the proposed system. ��lY TE vI �[� (����p4��lr�Ahe verification or modifications to thisdtoimpleme be approved in writing by Qw V1'O3E ''i�i.�R4�� ■il1i•ijljthe engineer and the Board of Health prior [o im lamentation. EL. /°A _ G•W•T t /�a ` �r *! r °` A '-t �� The septic tank shall be a 1000 gallon Linhares Precast, Rotondo, or equivalent r• ._. T f 1 1s,tit:i`�i,,,jtj y) � e unless otherwise specified. The inlet and outlet pipes are to be fitted with �I "'/ tees of proper length. Concrete strength in to be 4000 psi, 28 days, and • ) reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh. LAAll joints must be watertight, sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent. C6 DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH The pipe between the house and the septic tank shall he 4" extra heavy cast ( I•• E A C H I N G TRENCH SECTION iron, Schedule 40 PVC, asbestos cement or other material acceptable to the '-' approving authority. The slope of this pipe moat be a minimum of 0.01 (0.12 NOT TO SCALE inches per foot)' '°•� -_I The distribution pipe shall have a slope of 0.005 (6" per 100 ft. length). =- The approval by tUs officeII (- � If cover material over trench or field is greater than 24", a vent Shall he a rantee the irlh� �. r. f —----T-_} in tolled at thee of perforated distribut ion pipe before any overflow D-box. doe not gu�lty -- r L_ - . , q� y1 !t y1 , i - __ _t �-•__ of f ectiv mess of anV , -- -"-�'. - ' r r' r any) access manhole covers V _ •� `•`"" Septic tank, disc ib tion box, and leaching pi[ ('f n ) _ '-� are to be built a to within 12" of finished grade. r� �-3'MIN. 1'-0" -11� P ta atl I -'--. _ - If leaching facility and septic tank' are Ioc nted at least 25" from the house ll Board of He,j Lb I I foundation, a foundation drain may be installed at the owner'a discretion. I - - �. The distributior b.•. and septic tank shall be placed on a minimum 6" compacted gravel base to prevent heaving or settling. . 5_ 5., If confirmation of c onstn,c 4.ann ir.--required by nn enpjn'er, 'not iC}•,[his eCf ice '•I prior to bnckfill of the system. �f �.• Notify the local Board of Health when the system. is ready for inspection, prior LIQUID 3" LEVEL to backfilling. �� All topsoil in the vicinity of the proposed leaching system shall be removed �. I' before filling in the area. Fill material for the leaching system 1s to be bank -run gravelly sand and to be compacted in 6" layers. Top 8" of fill to be topsoil. PRECAST100 O „`(/� A L L O_ NSEPTIC TANK Unless specified in the design analysis, this system is not designed for use of ---_— a garbage grinder. N 0 T TO SCALE Grade of the first floor of the house is approximate; it may be raised but not ro 4 lowered without the consent of the engineer. I APPROVED Plumbing in the basement shall be limited to a washing machine if the invert of - I3 A S I S - O F SANITARY D E S I G BOARD of HEALTH the outgoing Oipe is (higher than the finished basement floor, unless otherwise T---' indicated. NUNBU OF *CDROUMS: ` f3.-� L Tfl2 E� =�� fG If any leaching area concrete retaining walla are shown on this plan, they GARBAGE Ge INDER: yV0/VLS shall be constructed watertight, without weepholes or other pervious ESTIMATED 51WAGE FLOW: aid G.AciL By construction. Should the reserve area be built in the future, it may require SIZE OF SP,?; IC TANG' /pp f TOWN Of tJAR U D p 7� the extension of these retaining walls. PF.RCOLATTO,4 RATE: G•4L Z /'7/�a/��H No heavy equipment shall be run over the disposal system. DP -SIGN RA": 2 � vdof For proper performance, septic tank should be inspected annually and when the total depth of scum and solids exceeds 1/7, the liquid depth of the tank should LP�ICHINC AHCA PROVIDED: 6/O�,T': Z(S/O(a5 be pumped. !o4'�GE�14T'�I� K.(oCoi'(NC14k%� � Ss,38 a=rt BOTrdM. (o4'(C AJ&7-) X 3'�tN�oB) /9Z fr-z - FINISH GRADE tom, .)�x•rr^�• X ,rr 10/•7Zf a_IN. RETEr AP, ,NT TEE '74„PERFOPIPE 0,006 SLOPE MIN. 4f MIN. TO WATER TABLE TOTAL SYSTfN CAPACITY: Slpg : 95, 38 F7-Z X Z.S *441-ro- -Z/3.� /gorroM : /9Z .Oo..; L x O �'�,�I 7-07',4L = 40.S -5 44Vc f D(,-EFL TEST HOLE INFORMATIO1 rk'0,V05 E© WA7 k_R �. 'rr�sr pr �/ TEST Pl r ib"L Ll i 0 �1 -.! I_ILR. 1��Ut.lRs L4'� 4" LAjC&e F3ouLta€!IC; 7t," j K�►� Gogh lundatlon �'.le�T�.ti�� � ?�" � t0 be s �e1 i r' by ��d ftr rr en l fee or to ATnh 00 r er construction 4� ;,,, r , ,.�,;;. ,, ,.,��, �„ • �,wr,lrl:sr rAh�� g�- . ,,,`.�„,,, �, /'' J�,rr ! t'. + ��sat f'I.YAnI�I� te/Pl C•'�i"I�7�`f2 t■,, lU1710 1 rAJt..S_,G() Coy w 17'!Y FSSt O 9y I Ii.�» non L TRIPP ' 1A t N Of k� t A` J<lNN V, it h, ry`Et, LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED Contours /Op Spot Elevations \mod WR DRAWING MUST BE KEPI -- — Property Line AT THE BUILDING DUR 'NG THE -- Edge of Rood PROGRESS OF THIS WORK.{� Stone Wall �.®.a"..c.acs.cs.o.. R: NK.PT7I�DEPAr•Twen O BUIiG -Q} Deep Test Hain, Town of Dartmou $ �2 Footing Drain - — - - - ✓) Leaching Trench solid Pipe SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL. MICHAEL PHILLIPS LOT 8 ROCK O'DUNDEE ROAD SOUTH DARTM„OUTH, MASS. padan t!^ .... . .._ 'TNs ,!(?B NO: 06E Izs ^iZ�l.:r.; tap s. M• H. DRAt>'Ih'G 1YQ :S41I . 125 FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR fyksTnNcr FINISHED FIRST FLOOR CK%S-CIN TOP OF FOUNDATION 106s7 FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR EX�sn►+G INVERT AT FOUNDATION 1 fl4.3L INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 103.9!; INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 103.70 INVERT INTO D-BOX 103,57 INVERT OUT OF D-BOX to3. INVERT AT INLET OF -tRF-0CN 103.40 INVERT AT END OF TRT-N4{ 103.1 ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTEN 10Z,5 ELEVATION OF G.W.T. 1 98.5 -V I _ v MIN. PROPOSED GRADE Io4.7 -T, E:Ylsmr1G 104.0 FINISH GRADE 1047 12" MIN. COVER MATERIAL T/1" 2" MIN2" 1 " WASHEDSTONE Io3,40I t( I�" Z 8 2 13 EL. 103, 2.` . S.5 CONCRETE, ' END CAP, OR VENT TEE 8 a �z WASHED STONE .r ay a 103.40 �103.2 EL.� (02 5 103.7 4, PERFORATED PIPE 3` • 0.005 SLOPE MIN. 4 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC SOLID 4r MIN- TO WATER TABLE PIPE -OR APPROVED EQUAL EL. 58.5 MAX, G.W.T. - LEACH['tG TRENCH 10 H E RROE�LE NOT TO SCALE L/ , 0 F s2 + STR FqM NOT TO SCALE LOT 8 ON A PLAN OF LAND DRAWN FOR ANTHONY M. MARTIN DATED: 9-24-85 AREA: 3.004 ACRES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS COVER: 3.32±% PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS COVER: NONE OW"'ER: ROBERT WROBLE 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be constructed in accordance with the i requirements of Title V of the state environmental code and local Board of Health regulations. / 2. Any verification or modificatins to this design must be approved in writing by the engineer and •3• `6 . the Board of Health prior to implementation. 4" S« - t.wUI� ►=VLL G- "V4 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system Y Y io' I is ready for inspection, prior to backfilling. A. If c5nfirmation of construction is required by an 5 -Z AL • engineer, notify this office prior to backfill of ( TT-E TEE the system. in 5. Contractor shall verify and check bench mark as shown on this plan prior to construction of the . proposed system. 6. Soil logs indicate soil condition, percolation - rate, and water table elevation found at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. FftT 1 2 5 O "' LLO � SE IC T ' e 7. The septic tank shall be a 1000 gallon Linhares [�•� s[°��t Precast, Rotondo, or equivalent unless otherwise s ecified The inlet and outlet i es a e t b [HIS SYSTEM,IS NOT DE TO SI��E,��� D 11`410DATE A r`A $ >�-�11� 0 AGE DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTM t• �S �1-�tSu 114� b8 6levauiri._ It, Changed Aitho�t Bv� of aALT� Appro ALL FOUNDATTf?NT rT Ut 7 ,. -.-Tr...., i MUST BE TAKEN AND VERIFIED A` 105 \`to BY A MASS. REG. I_NT �F, O' ` O \ AND Cap x' SENT TO Gib, C� R O A`G BENCHMARK: NAIL IN TREE 42 •• 17/'* J I` ASSUMED o t 'I Lt CV` O x oz �$. EXISTING HAYBALE C , CHECKDAM Co Co V ,NG x I N f �\NG " tti� � 1 ' / CD to 98 EDGE OF POND 5� RNG ��` EDGE OF WETLANDS • GPR �P�)(01 5- EXISTING WELL TO / 3� 2 ° BE FILLED IN AND ��/ ' • SEALED 105-� 99 EXISTING WELL 104 M �� z v/ ^� 0100 88.28' 140'± TO TRENCH \ CONC. PAD 102 172'± TO TANK + �,� AIR CONDITI RS 103 • 4'xl2' ,1 4 512.60' 104.7 3 10 lo' 105 105 - 106 106 100' BUFFER ZONE SEE NOTES 15 8 16. 100' BUFFER ZONE FROM POND EXCAVATE ALL MATERIAL FROM WETLANDS WITHIN 10' OF SEPTIC SYSTEM DOWN TO A DEPTH OF 8.5' BELOW ORIGINAL GRADE. -"', w-_.._-'.Wi°,..ea: ...�. !•.rvr, v-+v..-'�.+b`.">-,- Y-'-''":.,'_�.3 _': '..""'iTY.. .,.r.,G4:'.-:A ,L•'... ... _'.}ta•I.:."`•.:. .. .. ,..... . �8`i .. F.".'n".1..: s.-�M'.. :s'.'ts^.E'»�a..•"':'Y.'•;.^.i"J^'•'."n.:t'k-,.-.- {'.:: 4..::_^^r _•--.YF'.- _. '.3.,.. .$; . ui.`^ Board of Health Inspection Required when Excava•tee P P r o e NOT TO SCALE fitted with tees of proper length. Concrete strength is to be 4000 psi, 28 days, and reinforced with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh and conform to all ASSHTO 11-10 loading requirements unless otherwise specified. I a. If any components of the proposed system are 13ASIS OF ITARY DIESDI specified as heavy duty, those components shall conform to all State and Local requirements for ASS-RTO H-20 loading. -NUMBER OF BEDROOMS • GARBAGE GRINDER N(:Nr 9. Septic tank, distribution box,, and leaching pit (if any) access manhole covers are to be built up • ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLCA? 440 GAL /DAY to within 12" of finished grade unless otherwise • SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK 1'.'S0 GAL specified. • PERCOLATION RATE 2 MIN/INCH 10. The distribution box and septic tank shall be • DESIGN RATE 2 MIN /INCH placed on a minimum 6" compacted gravel base to .LEACHING AREA PROVID D SIDES: 40' LENGTH x 2 SIDESx 0.67 DEPTH=53.6 prevent heaving or settling. 30' LENGTH x 2 SIDESx 0.67 DEPTH=40.2 11. The pipe between the house and the septic tank BOT: 40' LENGTH x T WIDTH= 120.00 shall be 4" extra heavy cast iron, Schedule 40 30' LENGTH x 3' WIDTH= 90.00 PVC, asbestos cement or other material acceptable . TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY to the approving authority. The slope of this pipe must be a minimum of 0.01 (0.12 riches per �5? 6 + 40.2) x 2.5 GAL/S.F./DAY= 234.5 foot). I�_'1.0 + 90.0) x 1.0 GAL/S.F./DAY= 210.0 T+:TAL= 444.50 GAL/Df�Y 12• The distribution pipe shall have a slope of 0.005 (6" per 100 ft. length). DEEP TE�T ! gQ L.E sk to. E R AT10 13. All joints must be watertight, sealed with asphalt cement or equivalent. -PERFORMED BY: WILLIAM CLYMER TEST PIT #1 14, If leaching facility and septic tank are located WITNESSED BY : LEE TRIi'P 0"-96" 2' FILL 2' ROCK at least 25' -from the house foundation, a . DATE : 4-24-84 2' FILL, 2' LOAM foundation drain may be installed at the owner's discretion. 96"-144" COARSE, CLEAN 15. Excavate all unsuitable soil in the area of the SAND leaching system to the limits specified in Reg. 2.17 of Title V and replace with clean, coarse WATER FOUND AT 96" sand and gravel. 16. Any fill material required around the system, beyond the washed stone. shall be clean coarse washed sand, with a perc rate of less than 2 PERFORMED BY: WILLIAM CLYMER TEST PIT #2 minutes. free from fines, clay, organics, stumps WITNESSED BY: A. BARBG'ZA and stones. DATE: 9-17-84 0"-24" FILL 17. Crade of the first floor of the house is 24 -48 LARGE BOULDERS approximate; it may be raised but not lowered _-- t -I' 48"- i 2' FILL 72"-96" LOAM IS. Unless specified in the design analysis. this 96"-168" CLEAN, COARSE SAND system is not designed for use of a garbage TEST TAKEN AT 114" grinder. Py WATER FOUND AT 66" 19.' If any leaching area concrete retaining walls are shown on this plan, they shall be constructed watertight, without weepholes or other pervious construction, in accordance with all local building department regulations. W.,- Future system enlargement may. require the a e extension -of these retaining walls. 20• Top g" of fill to be topsoil. 0 �. +�• _ + 21. No heavy equipment shall be run over the disposal system. 22. For proper performance, septic tank should be inspected annually and when the total depth of scum and solids exceeds 1/3, the liquid depth of the tank should be pumped. • '" "`!� Y 23. Plumbing in the basement shall be limited to a • \ "_'� ":� _' washing machine if the invert of the outgoing pipe is higher than the finished basement floor, unless v •� " - otherwise indicated. 24. If any haybale checkdatns or silt fences are shown .��•�• �``p�; 's .a o� q� •• on plan, they ,are to be staked in place prior to any construction or excavation and shall remain in Mil ' Lp o Q •; 0° place until all construction, regrading, 3 replanting, and inspections are completed. r } _ U 25. The excavator shall notify the local Board of v •( , - ----- �.__. Health if. groundwater or perched water is a/.M encount&red at a higher elevation than e� p _+ /u• indicated on plan. LEGEND Y _ EXISTING PROPOSED • : .:`. ��`„ �.'n too---- CONTOURS 100 o ,,�_ SPOT ELEVATIONS •-5�.► PROPERTY LINE ._� O `� •• .A° �� I i. \ E.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT STONE WALL WELL p LOC T101- k A ! DEEP TEST HOLE E LEACHING TRENCH NOT 7'0 SCALE SOLID PIPE 2 l\YOWJN bS dN, y '� � ' SURFACE EViACE DI R L The approval by this off` ee An As Built Survey must b- JOE N � R O B E R T W R O B L E does not guarantee the ` `` .yl, -- submittcci t© t1h:! Building effectiveness of anV � c.:0. 261"05 L O T S HOLLY HILLS Dept. prior to adling for t l;ati n DARTMOUTH MA. in ti f r I a oundwan s-pection or •j.r i;i(tllrh Ea:l_rd Of Hea. t� any further construction. �• C�I.�E �IIS�IIYT �YI�TYtPQZTYT� �LLT�� �M..C.. o F - o A R T 17Z puinin gL gefa pbfurb, c-ni(!� CZ740 APPROVED j.cQ,oved � �� FOARD of HE OF OF A LT L1 G ts'/4*\ jOF p r JOB NUMBER: O.B.E. #1258 DRAWN BY: TMK SCALE: I"=30' DESIGNED BY: KEF Date. DATE �R; . 11 /3 /87 CHECKED BY Building Cam = i 'vione► EL ;:_i A Eu �No. 287:u ��� -sue . � a..- '* �r . m x _ . �. , �.vasr � ss �c �• , �2- CONTACT P"t=RSON: WILLIAM F. SMITH �� i T 1 of DAR ::OUrH ; � � ��s ADDRESS: 172 WILLIAM STI,EET DRY„�(!NG PLO. ? a_t TELEPHONE NUM3ER: c"7-6410 �, :�•�._� ate-.. ,. � :.:-� --�. �x-•�...�� <_ ti, .. C,�H ail. . �.. � .. �... � . , _ .. �- ,.. �,._ , � ,_. .> , 0 A U Iz Q. O U v ri C 7 _ d♦ �•o •6•n9 Ate{ �.. 4vv Rle'o' s•, ;q'e <' 4 •:.f.T D y° P •, G'f.. }. •, Y•, J73s. i a i I I q .4 I /2"FLAGSTONE O✓-A ¢ C'O/t/c'fZETE I I 7777 a, .. - - � I a .�.=i4.� ��/''Vi-i.���►G'a !✓/%%/ Co xio /' ��;� : dP a r ., • o •'.'e :.' ••aJ r.. '6 PQ'n a .� ••d• n.' ''a, �nr' • 7r a y . '' .rI ; 4! �; tton c I • I I 4-3 7 ,�,,, 2 = 3 7 ' r, _8 /i n 7 = D �/ -- - 413 // 3 , /� 7-0 � I d — — ` o➢ p. o• °b • v.' - - ST=_L. c� 4 4TE J1/�R - - ."'. v o.. a I .. _ S . 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