Form 9-10 04A.D. FORM 9 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS TO COLLECTOR From Whom Robert DeAngelis 2018-07 SP-2 West High St Ck # 4262 To the Departmental Officer making the Payment: Three Hundred Eighty 68/00 for the collections as per schedule of this date, filed in my office. A.D. FORM 10 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS TO COLLECTOR From Whom Robert DeAngelis 2018-07 SP-2 West High St Ck # 4262 To the Departmental Officer making the Payment: Three Hundred Eighty 68/00 for the I have paid to the Town Treasurer, whose receipt I hold therefore. Received of Period Received of Period to the Town Collector whose receipts I hold therefore. Source Petitions Postage Source Petitions Postage Town Collector whose receipts I hold therefore. TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Dept. Zoning Board of Appeals TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Dept. Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Board of Appeals ORG-OBJ # 01000-44122 01000-43716 ending Zoning Board of Appeals ORG-OBJ # 01000-44122 01000-43716 ending 2/17/2018 TOWN COLLECTOR 2/17/2018 CHARGE 44122 43716 CHARGE 44122 43716 Date Check 360 20.68 Total Checks Total Cash Total Date Date Check 360 20.68 Total Checks Total Cash Total Date Signature of Department Head Town Collector 2/17/2018 2/17/2018 the sum of Dollars for 2/17/2018 2/17/2018 the sum of Dollars for Cash Cash Total 360 20.68 380.68 380.68 Total 360 20.68 380.68 380.68