BP-79265ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL—LISTED POWER —CONDITIONING INVERTER. _ BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS.' CONC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY —RECOGNIZED TESTING DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET —BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTIORE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY ,, ,—, HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. CURRENT 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E).. MIN MINIMUM 8. - ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL LISTING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT PV1 COVER SHEET 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT d PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS �PV4 THREE LINE DIAGRAM �v LICENSE GENERAL NOTES ®Cutsheets Attached r� u �� ,�, GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION r < ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH- q THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING hrv- MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. -#. 3e`04 MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR y.74 �� AHJ: Dartmouth F� - s . gz,.. REV BY DATE COMMENTS "-a�- are„ s"* s, r V a _ ` REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS UTILITY: NSTAR Electric (Boston Edison) A„ CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER: J B-0273015 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C MODULES: (25) Hanwha Q—Cells # Q.PRO G4/SC 260 INVERTER: SOLAREDGE #SE6000A—USOOOSNR2 SUAREZ, AMIR 244 ROCK-ODUNDEE RD S D7A�RTMOUTH, MA 02748 . /IiIAI N: * 7746441279 SUAREZ RESIDENCE 6.5 KW PV ARRAY. TMK OWNER:* PAGE NAME: - COVER SHEET Rachel Berkow SHEET: REV: DATE- PV 1 10/20/2015 = ;;SolarCit . 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 01752 T: (650) 638-1028 R (650) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.sdarcitycom PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 MPi AZIMUTH:72 ARRAY AZIMUTH:72 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY. 2 Stories PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 MP2 AZIMUTH:252 ARRAY AZIMUTH:252 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories i FrFnin (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL Inv INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS DC DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS Plt n . I Front Of House O DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS s/ 3 0- 2: Digitally signed by Kyle Jackson LC LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS 1is Date: 2015.10.21 09:01:45-06'00' N ® lid O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER - of 1i O STANDOFF LOCATIONS B CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR J — — — — CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE ® di CKSON CIVIL 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED 0 No. 5187$ r — I%`� %I _ INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED SITE PLAN N \/ Sj AC o�a��' ITV © O Scale: 1/8" = 1' W—( STAMPED $c�� 0 1' 8' 16' f FOR STRUCTURAL ONLY s CONFlDENTIAL —THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER J B— 0 2 7 3 015 O O PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: ` DESIM �\`! • CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE SUAREZ, AMIR SUAREZ RESIDENCE Rachel Berkow MOUNTING SYSTEM Comp Mount Type C _ NOR BENSHALL IT OF TYONE EXCEPT BEDISCLOSED N WHOLE OR IN CITY INC., /��/ 244 ROCK—ODUNDEE RD 6.5 KW PV ARRAY 4 SolarCit '��� Y PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH S DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 MODULES 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 01752 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (25) Hanwho Q—Cells # Q.PRO G4/SC 260 SHEEP REV DATE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC 7746441279 PAGE NAME SITE PLAN PV 2 10/20/2015 T. (650) 638-1028 F: (650) 638-1029 1 (888)_SOL-CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com INVERTER: SOLAREDGE SE600OA—USOOOSNR2 S I '-4" 4'-101f (E) LBW SIDE VIEW OF MP1 NTS MP1 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 7211 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 4811 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 72 PITCH 20 ARRAY AZI 72 PITCH 20 STORIES: 2 Comp Shingle PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK & FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT ZEP ARRAY SKIRT ZEP COMP MOUNT C - ZEP FLASHING C - (E) COMP. SHINGLE - (E) ROOF DECKING - 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT _ WITH SEALING WASHER (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER — ovuJL'(-- .--- S 1 STANDOFF INSTALLATION ORDER (1) LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT HOLE. GSEAL PILOT HOLE WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. (3) INSERT FLASHING. (4) PLACE MOUNT. (5) INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER. G(6) INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH BOLT & WASHERS. 6 SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS MP2 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 19" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 252 PITCH 20 STORIES: 2 ARRAY AZI 252 PITCH 20 Comp Shingle OF CIVIL No.51873 CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE ROB NUMBER: JB-0273015 00 PREMISE OMMER: DESCRIPTION: SUAREZ, AMIR SUAREZ RESIDENCE Rachel Berkow ft%E SolarCity CONTAINED BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., 244 ROCK—ODUNDEE RD 6.5 KW PV ARRAY %W�� I�\ MOUNTING SYSTEM: NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S Comp Mount Type C Q S DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 MODULES 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2 Unit 11 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (25) Hanwho Q—Cells # Q•PRO G4/SC 260 PAGE NAME Marlborough, MA 01752 T; (650) 638-1028 F: (650) 638-1029 SHEET: REV DATE: NVERTER: ISOLAREDGESE6000A-USOOOSNR2 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. 7746441279 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 3 10 20 2015 / / (BBB)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com BOND (N) #8 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Panel Number: NoLabel Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 - ( 1 ) SOLAREDGE #S�SE6000A-USOOOSNR2 LABEL: A - (25) Hanwha Q-Cells f Q.PRO G4 /SC 260 GEN #168572 RODS AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number:16207624 Tie -In: Supply Side Connection Inverter; 6000W, 240V/208V, 97.57./97%; w/Unifed Disco and ZB,RGM,AFCI PV Module; 26OW, 236.7W PTC, 40mm, Blk Frame, H4, ZEP, 1000V ELEC 1136 MR Overhead Service Entrance INV 2 Voc: 37.77 Vpmax: 30.46 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER E 125A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E; 100A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER (E) WIRING BRYANT nrnro-ueur,Ara 1 Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP POI (2)Gro qd RoQ 5%8 x 8 , per - (2) ILSCO IPC Z0-/6 Insula ion Piercing Connector; Main 4/0-4, Tap 6-14 S SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION. DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE SUITABLE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND SHALL BE RATED PER NEC. A j- (1)BRYANT / BR24L70RP J Load Center, 70A, 120/240V, NEMA 311 - (1)CUTLER-HAMMM # BR235 Breaker, 35A/2P, 2 Spaces 4:]- (1)CUTLER-HAMMER # DG222URB Disconnect; 60A, 240Vac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R -(1)CUTLER ,AeuMal KitD60-100A, General Duty (DG) Inverter 1 SOLAREDGE SE6000A-USOOOSNR2 240V ---lN :GC- _ - PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN AC (1) AWG /6, THWN-2, Black (1) AWG /8, THWN-2, Black ® (1) AWG6, THWN-2, Red O (1) AWG f'8, THWN-2, Red (1)AWG /6, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=25 AAC (1)AWG #10. THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=25 AAC {G,. Solid Bare, Copper, GEC . , : - 0 )Conduit. Kit;. 3/4' ,EMT, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,- (1) AN /8,, TFIWN-2,, Green ..EGC/GEC , ; (1) Conduit, Kit;, 3/47 .EMT. cMPI:1x13 ---------------M, I MPi/2:1x12 4 L(1)Conduit Kit; 3/4' PVC, Sch. 40 PV (25)SOLAREDGE 1P300-2NA4AZS D� PowerBox Optimizer, 300W, H4, DC to DC, ZEP Ind ( 1) AWG 16, Solid Bare Copper - ( 1) Ground Rod; 5/8' x 8', Copper V) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 2, ADDITIONAL LECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E) ELECTRODE O o iz)Arrb #iu, ry wire, ouuv, uiom (1)AWG /6, Solid Bare Copper EGC 1 Conduit Kit: 3/4', PVC, Sch..40 voc- = Wu Vmp = 350 vui, VDC Isc = 13 Imp= 9.53 HuU ADC O T . ............................... (2JAWG /10, PV Wire, 600V, Black (1)AWG /6, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 500 Vmp = 350 VDC VDC Isc =15 Imp= 8.8 . ADC ADC (1) Conduit Kit;. 3/4'. PVC, Sch..40................................. CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER: J B-0273015 00 PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: SUAREZ, AMIR SUAREZ RESIDENCE 244 ROCK-ODUNDEE RD 6.5 KW PV ARRAY S DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 C PAGE NAME 7746441 279 THREE LINE DIAGRAM DESIGN: Rachel Berkow \\` IlSolarCit a �,1\ MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C MODULES (25) HanWha Q-Cells # Q.PRO G4/SC 260 24 St. Martin Drive, Building 2, Unit 11 1752 Marlborough, MA 50) 8BB (650) 636-105- F: (65 w 636-1029 ( )-sa-CITY(765-2aas) wwwsalarait.a_ SHEET: REV DATE PV 4 10 20 2015 / / INVERTER SOLAREDGE SE6000A-USOOOSNR2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.5(C) Label Location: (DC) (CB) Per Code: NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.14.C.2 _771 Label Location: • w (AC) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC)(POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.E Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (D) (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: NEC 690.64.6.7 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: NEC 690.35(F) TO BE USED WHEN INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR `*If, 4 3055 Clearview Way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED San Mateo, CA 94402 IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, Label Set T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (888)-SOL-C11Y(765-2489)www.solarcity.com SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. SolarCityl "SOIarCity ZepSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology ` i'SOlarCity I ZepSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology Zep System for composition shingle roofs Q�eMP4T�b ti .+FACOMPpS��v UL LISTED ON zepsolar.com Description • PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs • Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Auto bonding UL-listed hardware creates structual and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fire Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturer certified as "Type 1" or "Type 2" Specifications • Designed for pitched roofs • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 02 27 15 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 04.pdf Page: 1 of 2 Components Comp Mount Part No. 850-1382 Listed to UL 2582 & Mounting Block to UL 2703 Ground Zep Part No. 850-1172 Listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 zepsolar.com s Interlock Part No. 850-1388 Listed to UL 2703 Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps Part Nos. 500-0113, 850-1421, 850-1460, 850-1467 Listed to UL 2703 DC Wire Clip Part No. 850-1448 Listed UL 1565 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end -user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zap Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 02 27 15 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 04.pdf Page: 2 of 2 solar - It SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On For North America P300 / P350 / P400 USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE - JAPAN - CHINA - ISRAEL - AUSTRALIA www.solaredge.us solar=M.L.,. SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On for North America P300 / P350 / P400 P300 P350 I (for 96-ccell PV ( _ (for 60-cel1 PV- (far72-cell PV .INPUT Rated Input DC Power' ..................... ......... ..300 350 400 W Jemperature 48...nge -8-60.................................................. _........._. 8-80 Vd......................................................... Maximum Short Circuit Current (Isc) ................................................................................................................................................................ ... . 10 Ad. Maximum DC Input Current ....xm.. ............................. ................. .............................................:.............12:5....................................... c Maximum Efficiency ........................................ . WeightedI....n .. . ...... -I..... .................................................................: 9...................................................... 98.8 ............................................................................ % OvervoltageCategory II .:OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER) Maximum Output Current ..................... ....................... ...........I..................... TT 15. Adc Maximum Output Vokage ................... ......... ......... _ 60 c1c: .. Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power Optimizer 1 Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC ...................................... ......... ..................... FCC Part15 Class B, IEC61000-6-2, IEC63000-6-3 Safety ............................................................................................)...............Y)•.......................... ......................................................................... IEC62109-1 class ll safet UL1741 ............. RoHS ...:............ Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System Voltage ... ..D...im....e.n...s..i.o....n.......s...(..W.......x...L...x...H....)........................................ .1......................8....................... 41 x 212 x 40.5/5.. ......... ....C..4..../..A.9..m.1..p...0.h0..e.0.n mm/..in .............................................................. .... .Weigt.(includingcables) ..................... ........x........................... .............:..........0- .... gr/Ib Input Connect ......................................................................................M ......................... Output Wire Type/Connector .................................................:..............._............................................................................ ..o....l../....T....y..c..o.... ................. .................. -Double Insulated; Amphenol .Vd.c........ .. .............. Output Wire Length..........................................................0.95 / 3:U................::............. 1.2 /.3;9 m ft OperaOng Temperature Range �0-+85/-40-+185 Protection Ratin .......... ... Relative Humidity �'IPa[edSR power ofthe module. Matlule olup to K%power tolerance allowed. 0 -100 % PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE 'THREE PHASE THREE PHASE :INVERTER SINGLE PHASE 208V 480V Minimum String Length (Power Le......(Pow . g Optimizers) ............................................................................................................ g 10 18 Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) ................................................................................................ 25 25 .......................... 50 Maximum Power per String ...................................................................................................... 5250 ...............................................:..................... 6000 12750 W Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations ............................................................................. ..................................................................... Yez Q ERE 11 The new Q.PRC-G4/SC is the reliable evergreen for all applications, with a black Zep Compatible TM frame design for improved aesthetics, opti- mized material usage and increased safety. The 411 solar module genera- tion from Q CELLS has been optimised across the board: improved output yield, higher operating reliability and durability, quicker installation and more intelligent design. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY • Maximum yields with excellent low -light and temperature behaviour. • Certified fully resistant to level 5 salt fog ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE • Long-term Yield Security due to Anti PID Technology', Hot -Spot Protect, and Traceable Quality Tra.QTM • Long-term stability due to VDE Quality Tested - the strictest test program. SAFE ELECTRONICS • Protection against short circuits and thermally induced power losses due to breathable junction box and welded cables. THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rooftop arrays on residential buildings PROFIT -INCREASING GLASS TECHNOLOGY • Reduction of light reflection by 50%, plus long-term corrosion resistance due to high -quality • Sol -Gel roller coating processing. EXTENDED WARRANTIES • Investment security due to 12-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance warranty2. ' APT test conditions: Cells at -1000V against grounded, with conductive metal foil covered module surface, 25°C, 168h 2 See data sheet on rear for further information. Engineered in Germany QCELLS wsuumn I TOP BRAND PV 2015 � Phntnn Quality Tested CACELLS �ny„�+vu>•v Beal polyoryahlline solar module 2013 am�..w,w,�. •raaca ns ID. 40032587 � CELLS Format 65.7 in x 39.4 in x 1.57in (including frame) (1670 mm x 1000 mm x 40 mm) - Weight 44.09 lb (20.0 kg) From Cover 0.13 in (3.2 mm) thermally pre -stressed glass with anti -reflection technology •� Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodized ZEP compatible frame Cell 6 x 10 polycrystalline solar cells Junction box Protection class IP67, with bypass diodes Cable 4 mma Solar cable; (+) a47.24in (1200 mm), (-) a47.24in (1200 mm) Connector Amphenol, Helios H4 (IP68) PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS (STC. 1000 W/m', 25 C, AM 1.5G SPECTRUM)' ,. POWER CLASS(+5W/-OW) IW] - 255 260 265 Nominal Power Pa„ [Wl 255 260 265 Short Circuit Current Iu [A] 9.07 9.15 9.23 Open Circuit Voltage V. R9 37.54 - 37.77 38.01 Current at Pion, lap, [A] 8.45 8.53 8.62 Voltage at P., Va„ IV] 30.18 30.46 30.75 Efficiency (Nominal Power) r) 1%1 a 15.3 a 15.6 a 15.9 PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CELL TEMPERATURE (NOCT: 800 W/m', 45 s3'C. AM 1.5G SPECTRUM)' POWER CLASS (+5W/-O W) IW] 255 260 265 Nominal Power Pa„ [Wl 188.3 192.0 195.7 Short Circuit Current lu [A] 7.31 7.38 7.44 Open Circuit Voltage V. IV] 34.95 35.16 35.38 Current at Fi :la„ [A] 6.61 6.68 6.75 Voltage at Pa„ Vie" IV] 28.48 28.75 29.01 ' Measurement tolerances STC:.3% (P_); t 10% 0, V I_, ' Measurement tolerances NOCT: x5% (P-w); :10% 0I , Vq, I_, Vmw) O CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE At least97% of nominal power during ji me--r'T--r--r--r--------r first year. Thereafter a --------------------- At max..0.6%degra- -_-_-- dation per year. su_rs ' i least 92%of nominal power after • r- _� r._______s__a__�__ 10 years. W ' ; --------------- w m ? At least 83% of nominal power after- 25 years. : r All data within measurement tolerances s w soo me tw me ew w aw aw aw _ w may„ :. .. - Full warranties in accordance with the `) ` warranty terms of the Q CELLS sales IRSADIANCE [wmrl „ =LLL:Ipi 2ZEL..- 2 organisation of your respective country. - The typical change in module efficiency at an irradiance of 200 W/m' in relation w.=m. wu�s,��. s,n.... xo�n '•°°°"'°" rues to 1000 W/m' (both at 25'C and AM 1.5G spectrum) is -2%(relative) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS (AT 1000W/M', 25°C, AM 1.5G SPECTRUM) Temperature Coefficient of ISL a [%/K) +0.04 Temperature Coefficient of V. P [%/Kl -0.30 Temperature Coefficient of Pa„ Y [%/K1 -0.41 NOCT [°F] 113 t 5.4 (45 3 3 °C) 'Mau aw . Maximum System Voltage Van IV] 1000 (IEC) / 1000 (UL) Safety Class II Maximum Series Fuse Rating [A DC) 20 Fire Rating C / TYPE 1 Max Load (UL)2 . [Ibs1f?I 50 (2400 Pa) Permitted module temperature -40eF up to+185eF on continuous duty (-40 *C up to+85°C) Load Rating (UL)2 [Ibs/fPl 50 (2400 Pa) : see installation manual UL 1703; VDE Quality Tested; CE-compliant Number of Modules per Pallet 26 IEC 61215 (Ed.2); IEC 61730 (Ed.0 application class A Number of Pallets per 53' Container 32 pOMoq ip ® � _ aa, Number of Pallets per 40' Container 26 (]VE C E R."S % w Pallet Dimensions (L x W x H) 68.7 in x 45.0 in x 46.0 in AepO • (1745 x 1145 x 1170 mm) Pallet Weight 1254 Ito (569 kg) NOTE: Installation instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual or contact out technical service department for further information on approved installation and use of this product. Warranty void if non-ZEP-certified hardware is attached to groove in module frame. Hanwha G CELLS USA Corp. 300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1250, Irvine, CA 92618, USA I TEL+1 949 748 59 96 1 EMAIL gtells-usa@gtells.com I WEB www.q-cells.us CELLSEngineered in Germany a Integrated arc fault protection (Type 1) for NEC 2011690.11 compliance Superior efficiency (98%) Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket Built-in module -level monitoring Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless Outdoor and indoor installation Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only Pre -assembled Safety Switch for faster installation Optional — revenue grade data, ANSI C12.1 USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE -JAPAN - CHINA-AUSTRALIA - THE NETHERLANDS - ISRAEL www.solaredge.us solar =aaSingle Phase Inverters for North America SE3000A-US / SE3800A-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE760OA-US / SE10000A-US / SE11400A-US SE3000A-US SE380OA-US I SE5000A-US SE6000A-US 5E7600A-US SE10000A- US SE1140OA-US OUTPUT - NominalACPowerOutput 3000 3800 5000 6000 7600 9980@208V 11400 VA ........................................... ................................................................ .................10000.� ......240V .......................... .... Max. AC Power Output 3300 4150 5400 @ 208V 6000 8350 10800 @ 208V 12000 VA ............................................................ 5450 @240y.................. AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max,hl ✓ 183 - 208 - 229 Vac AC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max.l'I 211 - 240 - 264 Vac ........................................................................................................... AC Frequency Min..Nom: Max.t'I ............................................................... 59.3 - 60 - 60.5 (with HI country setting 57- 60 ; 60.5) Hz Max. Continuous Output Current ij.. 32 48 @ 208V I 47.5 12 5 16 �.. ........... A ........ ......... ......... ......... 21 �°. 240V„.I...._..25. ... 1. . : 42 @. 240V........ ................... GFDI Threshold 1 A , Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes Yes INPUT Maximum DC Power(STC) .................................................... 4050 5100 ' 6750 8100 10250 13500 15350, W Transformer -less, Ungrounded ..........P.........g........................................................................................................................................................... ........................ . Yes Max. In ut Volta a 500 Vdc Nom. DC Input Voltage ........................................................... 325 @ 208V / 350 @ 240V Vdc Max. Input Current(2) .. ....... ................ 16.5 @ 208V 33 @ 208V 18 23 34.5.. ................ .....9.5. .....13 ...... 15:5.�.240V.................. ..................30,5 (d. 240V J .. .Adc... Max. Input Short Circuit Current ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Adc .......... Reverse. Polarity Protection .... ..Ground ............................. ........................ Yes .................... *.......................... ........... .. ......... -Fault Isolation Detection ..........................................................................1.................................. 600kn Sensitivity ............................................................ ... Maximum InverterEfficiency CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97.5 97.5 97.5 98.3...... % ..............97.7......�.....98.2.....,.97. 240y..'..... ......98.......�..975 @ 24 V..L......95............� ..... Nighttime Power Consumption <2.5 <4 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES SupportCommunication Interfaces ............ed.................................................................................................................................................................... RS485, RS232, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional) . - Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................ Optional' Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014 690.12 Functionality enabled when SolarEdge rapid shutdown kit is installedial STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety ................................................................................................................................................................................ UL1741, UL16998, UL1998, CSA 22.2 Grid Connection Standards .................................................................:........................................... IEEE1547 ........................................................ ........... _Emissions FCC part15 class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC output conduit size / AWG range 3/4" minimum / 16-6 AWG 3/4" minimum / 8-3 AWG ............................................................................................................................................................................... DC input conduit size / N of strings / 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 16-6 AWG AWGranMAWG........................ ......................................................................14-6 Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.2 / 775 x 315 x 184 30.5 x 12.5 x 10.5 / in / JlHp).............................................................................................................................775 315 x x 260.......... ... !OR, Weight with Safety Switch ....................... 51.2 / 23.2..........I................... 54.7 / 24.7..............................88.4 40.1 ............. lb /. kg... Natural convection Cooling Natural Convection and internal Fans (user replaceable) fan (user '........................................... ...................... :............................................ .replaceable)............................. .......... ........... Noise <25 <50 d B A ........................................................................................................................................................................... Min. Max. Operating Temperature -13 to +140 / 25 to +60 (-40 to +60 version ava lla ble s) `F / "C Rang? ................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Protection Rating NEMA 3R el For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support. 12l A higher current source maybe used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated. 131 Revenue grade inverter P/N: SEzraxA-USOOO1,114R2 (for 760OW Inverter:SE7600A-U5002NNR2). in Rapid shutdown kit P/N: SE1000-11SO-51. 1sl -00 version P/N: SE—A-USOOONNU4 (for 7600W inverter:SE7600A-US002NNU4). — t-�,--r—