704 ROCK O DUNDEE- SALTWIND ACRES APPLC?fVF FORME DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 (508)910-1816 TIME STAMP HERE APPLICATION TO AMEND AN APPROVED DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN (Please Print or Type) Date: August 15, 2021 Applicant's Name: Jane Rose Realty Trust Phone No.: 508-667-3941 Applicant's Address: 704 Rock O'Dundee Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Name: Jane Rose Realty TrustProperty Owner (ff differsnt than applicant) Contact Person : Steven D. Gioiosa, P.E. (if questions regarding pian) Address: 704 Rock O'Dundee Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 __________ Phone No.: 508-998-2125 Email: sgioiosa@cecinc.com Approved Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled: Saltwind Acres Plan Dated: April 23, 1983 Amended Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled; Saltwind Acres for Property Located at 704 Rock O'Dundee Road Assessor's Map/Lot(s) Map 23 - Lot 31__________ Plan Dated: August 15,2021 9/25/2017 Form E 1 of 2 -'laer Amended plan shows the following modifications to the previously approved Definitive Plan: Amend Plan to create Lots 1 and 2 as shown with no change to the subdivision road, Marsh Island Road, layout. The owner/applicant is requesting construction waivers to maintain the existing road construction in order to eliminate aesthetic and environmental impacts. The undersigned being the applicant as defined by MGL c.41, § 61L, hereby submits an amended Definitive Subdivision Plan in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the Dartmouth Planning Board. Applicant's Signature: Owner's Signature: (if other than applicant) Print Name: Peter Spindler Print Name: Peter Spindler SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST H Application Form (2x) - Please note both copies must be originals, 1 copy for Planning and 1 copy for Town Clerk IS Application Fee Is $200.00 plus $10.00 for each affected lot payable to Town of Dartmouth. The cost for an outside consultant review shall be borne by the Applicant IS A separate check for legal advertising. Amount to be determined prior to publication IS Receipt from Town Collector that there are no tax Issues with the subject parcels) [S Two (2) full-sized sets of plans and Seven (7) 11n x 17” copies. IS Electronic set of plans forwarded to Planning Director (CAD & PDF) □ Drainage Plan/Calculatlons (if applicable) El Certified abutters list and pre-addressed, self-sticking labels 9/25/2017 Form E 2 of 2 SITECPtt yCx> 4 fit ■w—tar LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 31 Bellows Road Raynham, MA 02767 Phone: (774) 501-2176 Fax: (774) 501-2669 DATE: September 08, 2021 JOB NO.: 306-495 ATTENTION: TO: Dartmouth Planning Board 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 RE: 704 Rock O'Dundee Road Map 23-Lot 31 Subdivision Amendment WE ARE SENDING YOU I [shop Drawings I [copy of Letter y ] Attached | | Under separate cover via delivery the following items: I [prints I y I Plans | |Samples ^^Specifications I [change Order [ >/ | Application COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 8/15/2021 Application to Amend an Approved Definitive Subdivision (2 originals) 8/15/2021 Amended Definitive Subdivision Plan (full-sized) 8/15/2021 11" X 17" Reduced-Size Amended Subdivision Plan 9/2/2021 5540 $220.00 Application Fee Check THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ y I For approval I >/ [Foryour use I I As requested I I For review and comment I I FOR BIDS DUE I [Approved as submitted | [Resubmit____copies for approval I [Approved as noted | [submit_____copies for distribution I I Returned for corrections { | Return_____corrected prints □ ______________□PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. DARTMOUTH Planning Board Town of Dartmouth 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 MASSACHUSETTS Christine A- O’Grady, AICP Planning Director Email: cogrady@town.dartmouth.ma.us Phone: (508) 910-1816 Date; Town Collector Town of Dartmouth Dartmouth, MA 02747 Name/Property Owner J^ ^ C-____sS € 0 CK. I l^y I C S' ( Subject Project Address_ ~U>L-i RoclC o' n cfe c. Rd Map;. 2.3 Lot:31 The above referenced individual(s) is applying for a permit with the Planning Board Pleas^ertify that the above referenced individuals(s): is not delinquent on any tax, levy or fee owed to the Town of Dartmouth, is delinquent on tax, levy or fee owed to the Town of Dartmouth and has made arrangements fo» pa went. n Collector Kevin Melo Margaret Sweet Stephen Teller Christopher O TNeii Kevin Ssfes