2021- Application 506 State Road- 08052021AMENDED SITE PLAN
400 Slocum Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
(508) 910-1816
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(Please Print or Type)
Date: 07/16/2021
Walmart Stores East, LP #2157
Applicant’s Name: c/o Barry Young_______________ Phone No.: ^4791 204'3407
Applicant’s Address: 2001 SE 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72716
Property Owner
(if different than applicant)
Name:Walmart Real Estate Business Trust
Address: 2001 SE 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72716
Contact Person : Jim Cranston (Bohler Engineering) phone no.: 508-480-9900
(if questions regarding plan)
Email: jcranston@bohlereng.com
Title of Approved Site Plan:
Site Plan
Approved Site Plan Dated: 3/1/11 (Certificate of Action - Off-Street Parking Plan approved 4/26/11)
Subject Property Address: 506 State Road North Dartmouth, MA 02747_____________
Assessor’s Map/Lot(s): Map #174, Lot #34____________________________________
All Applicable Zoning Districts: General Business (GB)
Title of Amended Site Plan:
Site Layout Plan
Amended Site Plan Dated: 06/24/2021
Amended Site Plan
lof 3
Reason for Amendment; Removal of existing Online Grocery Pickup parking canopy to
support a proposed 4,960 +/- sq. ft. building expansion with associated parking
modifications for additional Pickup parking spaces and signage.
Proposed Uses; The proposed uses are consistent with the current uses, including
but not limited to retail store, outdoor garden center and an expanded area of
dedicated pickup parking location for customer convenience.
Total Frontage; 641.7 ft
Total Lot Area; 997,735 S.f.
Existing Structure (s) 141,359
Proposed Structures (s) 4,960_____s.f. (resulting in a total GFA = 146,319 SF)
Total # of Parking Spaces Required; Min: 312; Max. 604
Total # of Parking Spaces Proposed; 620______
Attach a list of variances requested, if any, from Section 16 - Site Pian Review
(Variances will require relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals)
Speciai Permit Appiication/Fees pursuant to Section 16, if appiicabie, shaii be submitted
in conjunction with this Site Plan Review application
Application Form (2x) - Please note both copies must be originals, 1 copy for
Planning and 1 copy for Town Clerk
^[^Application Fee is $450 + $5.00 per parking and ioading space. Check made out
to the Town of Dartmouth. The cost for an outside consultant review shall be
borne by the Applicant
Receipt from Town Collector that there are no tax issues with the subject
|S;^Two (2) fuil-sized sets of plans and Seven (7) 11” x 17” copies conforming to
the applicable contents of Section 16. (2) full-sized sets after approval
Electronic set of plans forwarded to Planning Director
Amended Site Plan
2 of 3
□ Drainage Plan/Calculations, if applicable (sj/A r
/ I ^
^ Landscaping Plan ( i iTt i«vj-
Lighting Plan
□ TrafTic study, if applicable
Architectural Plan
M I J\ _ /V# L (4A/VUI? I ^
I have read Section 16, the Site Plan Review Regulations of the Dartmouth Zoning bylaws, and I
am submitting this application with accompanying plans as required. Except for the attached list
of variances (if any), it is my belief that the plans comply with Section 16. I have notified tenants
and parties (if any) who have an interest in or are affected by the proposed plan.
I have also diligently researched the property, including walking the property, to determine
whether any burial grounds or human skeletal remains are located on or near the proposed lot.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, no burial grounds or human remains, except those
shown on the plan, lie on the proposed lot or would be affected by the proposed plan. The
Town will rely upon this statement in determining whether to issue permits. A false or mistaken
statement will be grounds for denying permits and, if issued, for revoking it.
Applicant’s Signature:Print Name: E fiObji A/ Vo
Owner’s Signature: As
(if other than applicant)
Print Name:
Amended Site Plan
3 of 3
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BOHLER//352 Turnpike Road
Southborough, MA 01772
July 30, 2021
Dartmouth Planning Board
400 Slocum Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Attn: Christine O’Grady, AlCP - Planning Director
Re: Amendment to Approved Site Plan Application
506 State Road
Dartmouth, MA
Dear Ms. O’Grady and Members of the Board:
On behalf of the Applicant, Walmart Stores East, LP, we are pleased to submit the attached Site
Development Plans for an Amendment to Approved Site Plan Application relative to the proposed building
expansion and parking lot improvements at the existing Walmart site.
The property is located within the General Business (GB) District and is approximately 22.5 acres
in area. The site contains a Walmart Supercenter store with associated parking lot inclusive of a
dedicated Online Grocery Pickup parking area with overhead canopy and ten (10) dedicated “Pickup”
parking spaces located on the north side of the building. The proposed site improvements will consist of
the demolition of the existing overhead canopy and existing “Pickup” parking spaces as needed to
construct an approximate 4,960 sq. ft. building addition on the north side of the building. The
improvements also include the reconfiguration of a portion of the existing parking lot as needed to provide
additional dedicated pickup parking spaces (net increase of 27 additional Pickup spaces providing 37
Pickup spaces in total). The overall store currently contains 645 existing parking spaces and based on
the proposed improvements, a total of 25 spaces will be eliminated with 620 spaces provided in total.
It’s notable that the existing site contains in excess of the maximum number of parking spaces
allowed by zoning (604 max. spaces allowed); however, based on the net reduction in parking spaces
provided as noted above, we assume that this site is grandfathered and no relief would be required. The
improvements will result in a net decrease in impervious surfaces (512 sq. ft. reduction) due to the
introduction of new landscaped islands with associated plantings and as a result, the project will result in
a net decrease in stormwater runoff when compared to existing conditions. As such, a drainage report
has not been prepared and is not provided. The improvements are located within the existing limits of
pavement and the net impervious area will be reduced as a result of the proposed work.
The proposed building expansion will support the storage and organization of the additional
Pickup parking program and the associated store purchases. The Pickup program is an added
convenience to existing Walmart shoppers and the use is consistent with the existing use today. This
program is essential to Walmart’s business due to the competitive environment of today’s numerous
ecommerce retail competitors and is geared towards maintaining its existing clientele.
In support of this Application, please find enclosed the following documents:
• Two (2) original Applications for Amendment to Approved Site Plan;
• Two (2) copies (full size) of the Proposed Site Plan Documents, dated 7/30/21;
• Seven (7) copies of 1 T’x17” Proposed Site Plan Documents, dated 7/30/21;
• Application fee check in the amount of $635.00 made payable to “Town of Dartmouth”.
We respectfully request that the Planning Board review the attached submission and schedule
the Applicant to be heard at the next available Planning Board meeting. Should you have any questions
or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at (508) 480-9900 or
via email at JCranston@bohlereng.com.
James Cranston
BOHLER//352 Turnpike Road
Southborough, MA 01772
DATE: July 30, 2021
To: Christine O’Grady
Dartmouth Planning Board
SENDING VIA: Federal Express/Next Day
RE: Amendment to Approved Site Plan
400 Slocum Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
JOB#: W211109
These are transmitted: CH For approval CH For your use D As requested FI For review and comment
Item ## of Copies Date Description
1 1 07/30/2021 Cover Letter
2 1 07/29/2021 Site Application Fee (Bohler Ck #1206, $635.00)
3 2 07/16/2021 Amendment to Approved Site Plan Application
4 4 07/30/2021 Proposed Site Plans (2 Full size, 2 Reduced size)
Enclosed please find the above-referenced items.
Should you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-480-9900.
COPY TO:FROM: Tina Castelli (tcastelli@bohlereng.com)
If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.
Planning Board
Town of Dartmouth
400 Slocum Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Date:8/s / z. I
Town Collector
Town of Dartmouth
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Christine A. O’Grady, AICP
Planning Director
Email: cogrady@town.dartmouth.ma.us
Phone: (508) 910-1816
Name/Property Owner__ \A1 CLi YYXCL ri~
Subject Project Address_So U /-c R. d
Map; Lot:_ 3 ¥
The above referenced individual(s) is applying for a permit with the Planning Board
Please certify that the above referenced individuals(s):
is not delinquent on any tax, levy or fee owed to the Town of Dartmouth,
is delinquent on tax, levy or fee owed to the Town of Dartmouth and has made
arrangements for payment.
Town Collector
Date 24-
Kevin Melo Margaret Sweet Stephen Taylor Christopher 0 TJeil Kevin Estes