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RESIDENTIAL 2000 1. Date plan reviewed: S j 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals(see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project review worksheet): Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: 8. Comments: Total Permit Fee: $11 �' c�C7 Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: TOTAL FEE: C'�C. Gross Area'- New. Construction total sq. -ft.9 Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Isslted T;q ,<-�-r �� ..�",q?1'i�? ���i /bX RESIDENTIAL 2000 $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE C:`•.blda.forms"Bldeapp.res.wpd Pane 4 Rev. January 13, 2000 C:\blde.forms\Bldaapp.res.wpd Paae 1 Rev. January 13. 2000 RESIDENTIAL 2000 RESIDENTIAL 2000 .... :r . 2.1 Owner of Record: Ott LA Mph, -ram 1�l l r�Fo t ,4 OercLv Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: VIOUat Name (print)— Contact Address Phone Number ,. . .. r ,... ........:::::::: , ..:.: SECT7Q\ �.» CQiS'�TRl.CTiON SERi If;ES ..:; .. :... ;:;...<... ::: :;;;:: 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor — %,-)Zu License Numbers pSL\ka 2 Address IqG Expiration Date Signature Telepho �JS cf)&E2�0 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Con ctor: Not Applicable Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state "none") Address Signature Telephone Expiration Date 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, AM 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 199.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July I, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures. unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors, Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section-, provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities. including but not necessarily limited to, general liability NOTICE To LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ayes ❑ no new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck " ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms ?j no. of baths ►- `y�� {.-. Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), el of , lectricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify):_ ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided KHot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil �S Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: 5 1 lam r / h Item I Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 60 a-M - - - (1O 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) * Estimated Total $ (please print) I,Z 00t, SNm' Qo , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorized L,ntsQ, to act on my beh ei1JymUtt:sx ative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of O r Date 1,�d li- , as Owne uthorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are tr e and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. the pains and penaltiespf perjury. /A Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 13. 2000 C:\bldg. forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. January 13, 2000 01L. V0 ■ -Ml EEE ILJI Ll�� Li LHL nil minim is FFRONT --ELEVATION Lt!OT TO SCALE # 7 SLADES FARM LANE ASSESSORS LOT 21-7 PLAT 27 OWNER = ISAC DOS SANTOS BUILDER = LONG BUILT HOMES FL n (3 LJ L L 3- FIRE STOPPING R"QUIREIIIENI- PenatratlonSs tt-.ru rated walls and fiboI-S Shall b-0 9.-Apt-ole cf preventing the tanal c ;c, A v4.h bj e c t ed, oi lian--s and hot qnse es when su --A L v-j,!, -res, Sta-rdard sr,�"' J ja-.Afic for Fi,e ASTM-Ec-;Bj A r. "ONO -TUFiE SIZE AND VEPTH INSPECTION 13 REQUIRED 62FORI-7 THE CONCRETE IS POURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth YOUIR DRAVANG MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING YHE PPOGFtE,QS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DeRAFMISNT Tor' n cl, O-artmol,"'n. T 0 W IV, OF D AIR rt1l 0 1 J'Yl* H HORD PLA A C o 011 T 1. 11 s Eric -1n, f P I a ri I R c V c Pit 01� in S 111. a T ,CIE An Ais, B--1 Fj,;, L jr- ,rey is c ss- ab.-ilitted to the BuH Dept. prioLo calling' r *-Wing or a foundation inspection or any fuirtheir construct-lon. ci 4 C%l(f) (1) w '-- I rl- N T C 02- N I< 0- W 0- z An As Built Su-r-,,ev Must z 1--j- 'L �,-ub-mittcd to the 0 m T1 F- DeT)t. prior to calillingryfor r 0 0 z 00 < 0 -1 foundation insp-otion or cn U) -J Ll Ll U) 0� if -uly ful-ther construction. 0 w fn�ZJ w M < 0 m SONO-TUM SIZE ANC, IFSpECTHE CONCTION IS RETREQIRED BLf E iUs POURED. 34, pUI1,DING DEPART1411ENT fog. n of Dartmouth z YOUFI DRWING MUST I ST BE KEPT LD uj THE AT THE BUILDING DURING C) P t RESS Ov. THIS WORK. Cl? 0 G E)EpAnTMENT -uj F- 13ul IN Town of Dartmouth U5 0 u -j z It D, AM fil lkm; 0 U R0 FIRE STOPPING REOVIREMENT tic-ors shall bc A C IJ,; i, s e a 1 cl v;; - %J i� n ple"'i C"*1 of preventi 9 the Dtlrjr, in �,ttji�/tii at pas'-&*.3—z*s of, liarnes and hot gasses when subjecled to the requirements of the Test Standard specific A for Fire Stops AST!-E-814. RIGHT ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE �h� - # 7 SLADES FARM LANE ASSESSORS LOT 21-7 `PLAT 27 OWNER = ISAC DOS SANTOS BUILDER = LONG BUILT HOMES FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated Fulls and floors shall be sealed with a material capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific for Fire Stops ASTIR-E-814. 01"""ICI� An As B'.,;.it Si! --Vey mmas'.'t be saibmitted to tic Bcfilcling Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any h rther construcrio-ii. � ..4fi or. RECORD P"i-ftN Plan# - II pi � Site �I rg ConstrurAlOIL Date S,O !O-TUB SIZE AND DEPTH IS REQUIRED BEFOnV E CONCRETE IS POUT 17 t Ui1..D.NG E _ D_ PAP. f�'f`-l"T Tayn of Dart,Wuth YOUR DRAWING MtJST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town o, Dartn'louth FFH Mimi M _ _ N] •• TO SCALE - F 11-A -I # 7 SLADES FARM LANE ASSESSORS LOT 21-7 PLAT 27 OWNER = ISAC DOS SANTOS BUILDER = LONG BUILT HOMES 34' N co b co co N m 6'6 '- 1'-' 12'X10' DECK J L 6068 L/H SLIDER W/GRILLES A A A (0 IBREAKFASTI 0 (LINO) z J 1i! U X N V V M13/4X9 25'1 12'1 36"X36" GARDEN WINDOW 53 38 6'6 2' 10 —"-I�, 2'5 2432 RNG0t5E VENT W1530 W15301 r W3030 CW2430 W3J — — — O SB?n L l/ 1� 815 CNGE 30 8B21 DW 24" LS36\ DISH%NASHER BY CUSTOMER KITCHEN I o 0 � I'0 � cv a (LINO) ( w m I IB30 IB30 9,1 (LINO) 2X6 WALL 12068 C.O. — 3' 1 12' F1BIM S T0,PP1 186 QU11 NAE;NT Penetrations *a5q 6 A L� 11 E n. RS1GCS S1Iraii be W vnaled with. R Maled- ERNZ: %.- ;,eventing the passage Of flames and hot gasses whan suC;eeted A to the requirements Of the Test Standard specific _ o for Fire Stops ASPA-E-814. 0 Lu 0 w LIVING w CO z (CPT) o U N m v V SHUTTERS ON FRONT WINDOWS FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE TRIM 3'1 FN/S1L 2 LITE 3068 Lh 2446 2446 P.T. PORCH 36 �-I 6' T6 24 --1 34' NOT TO SCALE 364 (3) 2X10 HEADER & RIP TO 7 3/4" - 3'6 O 2X6 WALL 2668 0 xNAusT O FAN CJ 00 Co BATH (LINO) VENT ❑i 1�1 00 Z ® ® °r° Z J 2668 (LINO) 4068 C.O. — 12' — ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS = (2) 2X10'S EXCEPT AS NOTED, ALL INTERIOR HEADERS = (2) 2X8'S EXCEPT AS NOTED w 2 CO N DINING (MANNINGTON - HARDWOOD) 2'8 A A C CV) Zo O Z O o w z to 0 X r <o V m V ►0 V (CPT) DOS SANTOS P.E. ABNER POTTER WAY s.D. 1ST FLOOR FN/S/L 2446 2446 T6 �I,-, — 6' OCTOBER 18, 2001 20 SONO-TUBE S,Zr- ArID �:.--rTH I^'';',AECTION IS REQUIRED 130'011E THE CON ;BETE IS PCURED. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth . YQU93 DnAWING MUST BE KEPT AT TTH!! ElUILDIf:G DURING THE PC DO $a OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPAMR ENT Torn Df Dartmouth 4 $ 1 R r �4 Cl This Er-dt- 1~ 'ln Must Cc V.0% 8 SIte CI dzi Co :istruct ion J I C E A�As Built Survey must be suumitted to the h' Idin- Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. 12' 5' 10 54 — 4' I 6'2 5'10 2442-2 3'2 —'-1,- 2'8 2432 r 2'2 1'10 2442 6' 10 U0 d � It F T BATH Co 00 n n CO (LINO) 12 13CD N N BEDROOM 2 0 m 11 SCUTTLE L (CPT) 2668 10 5'4 ' 0 OO LINEN W 2668 v , P.E. o00 co 14 ; 0 N N , ' � 5068 P.E. s.D. ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS = (2) 1 6' 10 616 2X12'S S ALL INTERIOR HEADER ARE NON-STRUCTURAL , 5068 ' (CPT) D N P.E. 00 MASTER BEDROOM , .. co � LL! c n z (CPT) 0 � _ w (CPT) ,� v 00 .' co BEDROOM 3 1 t M v 0 (CPT) 0 Ir v I v v 1 1 5'2 3'6 DOSSANTOS 1 ARNER POTTER WAY �1 2ND FLOOR , 4 \41 ' 2442 ' ' 2442 , ' 2442 ' penE2aa2ons thru 3'6 --ice— 6 ��— 3'6 4 �� 4 8 210— 6_ 13' �� 818 �1 12'4 passe of flames NOT TO SCALE 34' �.,ER�8�00� N bo ui N CE4 An As Built Survey rn-ust be sifomitted to the Building, Dept. prior to ca-ItAling ffor a foundation inspection or any further constrict on. Ul A Co,!;y Of This Eneiersrj4 Plzn Must Be KIPPi Cr,Site Q!P [ r Cr i #IwC ron SONO-TUB SIZE ANU DEP 4-1 IM- PECTION IS REQUIRED E4F-OFIQ w THE CONCRETE IS POURED. EUP`DING DEPARTMENT Town. o+ Dartmouth <6yoUFI DpAWNO kfiUST BE KEPT AT THE tWII_DING DURING iN PI"•;0ar,S65 OF THIS WORK_ 13UILDING DEPART+' ENT t�t Town of Virtrr"ovth 1, EMIENT walls and floors Shall bee ! Capable of prevent;ng the hot gasses when sub,Qcted the Test Standard specific -814. N M T 4' 66 18'2 15,10 11'8 3' 610 24210 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — T-T — — 71 — — — - - - ---------------- 2X6 KNEEL WALL FOUN-\ DATION WALLS 3000 PC FOOTINGS 16"X10" (3) ZX6 HEADER I (2)2X12 HEADER& STOPPING '=I�;.-F s PAD DOWN 1 1/2" I FIFE F'dYletrat�o;�s thru rated ;"�ai!s '�`of #iotors �r�Venti gl the S�36i1?d Wail a Cili~�.Brir.l capable^ F,4,� sa��,jeeted 1 psraL°e of #;ams a;ad hotases �: ,gib specific (2) 1 3/4bX 9� - 5}• 'mentS O# the T$St tla i # r Ire ►�= o ASTWE-814. GARAGE I —4'---`++--- 01 i_ DROP3'-10"__------ 1 1 I t I — 1 1 1 1 I11 IX 11 J 2X6 KNEEL WALL I I — — — +-+ — I " 2 I I 11 )P 4'-2 36"X36"X12" DEEP COLUMN PADS I--1 31/2" LOLLY COLUMNS COVER WALLS & CEILING IN GARAGE WITH 5/8" TYPE X FIRECODE SHEETROCK DBL 2X6 (1) P.T. ----------------v A A U) 0 11 Of O O LL 0 A J 0 Zco 00 u: a N co 1.1 -24210------- ICL; As B ilLMitt�'� �'e►r 1s"2� �s �i� ... ill 1.h- Lt�': �t. pri r t 6 calling Poor ,M(l3 iol, 'nspect�Q1 OT rth r c :1S'tructao.I� I I CIq t,.;ut r%-=i DO 0.1 site BOILERXN I � W10X19 BEAM 37'-7" DROP 4'-2 c Rrl BEAM -----------I , -i POCKET I I o 6" WIDE I N 9" HIGH 5" DEEP I N I I , Q I I to DOS SANTOS ABNER POTTER WAY ADDRESS: #7 SLADES FARMLANE FOUNDATION I I 6" FORM T-2" BELOW T.O.F. TO INVERT v: .v -------------—� I 9110 '�Ii 6' 1-1 (3) 2X6 HEADER (3) 2X4 HEADER & DBL BOX ABOVE & HANG FLOOR JOISTS ELL SUMP PlT I T.O.F. 100 4" PERIMETER DRAIN GRADE 98 10" - 3/4" STONE 4" CONCRETE SLAB BASEMENT 13' ID -TUB SIZE AND, DEPTH ;TK)E6-S REQUIRED BEFORE -CCMRETE IS POURED. ;II.DI -IG DEPtARTIAENT Tov.� of Dart-nout%l a CV s— !►MIN(A MUST BE KEPT ILDING DURING T OF TN;S V:'ORK. a 4FP,�RT':�E"JT q1 18'2 I �) NOT TO SCALE � 15'10 38 OCTOBER 18, 2001 \� 4' 2'2 9' (2) 2X12 P.T. GIRDER I o 0 12'X1a DECK a X r DN 22' 10 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CUT 2X8 P.T. LEDGER 1 i'-5" & — — — INSTALL CENTER LINE OF DOOR II II I II II II II � II II II ( II I II I II I it II � II I II II II I II II I II II I II II I II II II i I II II II I II I II II II I I. II II II II CUT 2X8 P.T. LEDGER 8'-11" & INSTALL CENTER LINE OF DOOR II a. ---------------—i�------ s0 I P.T. PORCH MI 1r1 s�sZ 4' ) SCALE 11410 a-& III DOS sANTOS I I ABATER POTTER WAY ,SONG TUBE LAYOUT I I I —------------- b {------------- I OCTOBER 18, 2001 i YOUR DAAWING !MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PPOG SSS OF THIS WORK. 13L4LDING DEPART':`ENT Tour? of Dartrr^,ulh SC) IO-TUB StZl' ANP ,,pECTI()N 1S REQU 11FI;� gf_f-;RE THE CONCRETE IS BUILDING DEPART PtrHt Town of Dartmouth r N A Cary Ot T h I s ErdCtrs Plan Must Cc K,%,pt On Site Durlri COdf sretction 3 J An As Built Surx ey rust f;c submitted to the Bui l u r Dept. prior to calling fir a foundation inspection or any further construction. FIRE Si-�PFImrz ":;`Ql.Lll Fl•,, ` .T Penetrations thru rated 'walls and floors shall be sealed With l a material capable of preventing the passage 01 fames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard specific for Fire Stops AS T f, E-814. 19 ri 41 Q 1 1 a NZ _ i E el h ` 1 !'A } i Z oPCs ''41 qz - ----- U�o •I CJto I , _... C (-n u� a CR LL LL z 0 • Q 0 z C� a, p- uLi c7' x 7 zc11- L1 p v 7 a � u�1 f• 8 H t-- J lei � CO z H N:w W i✓ w z d x 0 a H �Cs--,5 S4i01.S 1188_--- - ---_ ---- _ _ - ---- ---- -- r �•: 1 E-- am �'j 0" QT Z a s C'r uJj, Z I .fin A s BuiltcP 1-4 of � ev subtuitted to the �Ias.af is a Ise A o ►� �-+ 4 p Dept-. prier ? o ca eiin�, for . Q fOt iYC atit?Il ijr t)ec iCPe or' m a Z o i any further -construct on. '` o 11) M td, a Z a � z ! 'n o N �- c.?- �- a ��� 3 0- la a CO J ¢ v CT O i u I Q v -0 {- = 1 uj L11 W X p. 3 Cj ° in �-H Ir- d v I o xxv I X 0 �I - SONO-TUB Si ANO :t tH l �� M v t�rPEMON I5 R QUIRtr) S:-.. 6kirl ' YE CO*'CRETE IS CDUeLO. `. `iaivn of Dartmouth � W1HG DEPARTMENT YOURDd's�'�'�iNG AiUST BE p TOI rM OF U10, OUTI RECORD Pay 11. Cep"; Of This Enr�p;,.' Pt :,. Most Ps Kept On Clra Qurgrn Constr vdion ate,► # iL.;.t WtLUltefj DURING . . ' c4- $ OF TH!S WORK, e-WILDING DEPARTMErJTi Tevm of Dartrinuth a1 Q 7 FIRE STOPPING REQUIRENI r,]T_ Mnetrations thru rated walls and floor,,, s aled with a"ha be material capable of prey. •� � `ing the p ssac-e of Ramos and hot ga to the requirements of the Test 5tandar ' �je if ro Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. p Ic o° 1— a- C 3 w Ca 0 O J'. `7 z d a •� z H d Nip S � < VC1, ■ ■ - - -!- I/ /. WA 2 1SOd I 11 r-R-5110 p Cory Of This Ev�DMMU R i"Pint C^ Kepten Site ;SIRE STOPRING I �EQ'. IRE—f�'ENT Ponatrations thru. rated walls ar J floors shall be scaled �R�E�h a r�'-ta jal Gapah;a of preventing;the. passage cE Barnes and riot gasses when sub eater' to t"o re= uirenn-Y^ts of the Test Standard specific for fire 'Stops A'STN,-E-814. b4 All ABuilt SUc-112it6k tQ tbIz�; i'` d r ?t.. prior 0o�1ling—"L . 'a I�O tm(ation inspcct or fiirther ;0i t tL. a o ice UJ }= LL; Ir z �co iI V Q, { SONO-TUK SIZE Ai sD tr-,i= '1_ - - = - WIPPE�CTIION IS REQUIRED g of AN?I[,Q u/ ��►i �±;�.I H I � � fly ► , , _ CO3� • I, I I, 00.0 i'���!00 00 .mil (N O0 CO CO;6i00 30 i s Xi x1xi,<l x x x 7<. oj _ _— � � l CJ i I r i�1 c� tl'i'I' (\j � i `�= N;11� �� �1c,S 1 11J i ' ' C:) I { of ioio!co I,0 �I 01CO0 I N�_9�NLL 5 ID ►� iO I ©Q >X O —0 4 � � �C (J CJ ` � \ O1-CH= I E 1S vour%,ED. YOUn DRAW 1G MUST P. t. , 1 WI -DING DEPARTMENT 'AT TV!! $UIL�DMI z DURING -TH �• O THIS WORK. ' iev✓n of Darttno;.=th �'� Town of Dartmouth (TYPICAL )OFT. X 1?-FT P.T. DECK) NO I " Q\j 7- P, " Aw q I FV4 -001. OF DAT, FIAT RECORD p, C c py 01 T t I s Et C,"i 8 "13 w - CID ,Ian Must sc Kc-p"', '"'p, 0 Doti rti UCIME C 4ruct-ap 2"X,q` Top 4 SOT -TOM �A►.LS ,KN[LS Sr--Tbpr-K IYP-" FRO M POST x ST M F Zc� C4 CAWS A -A) SONO-TULW- SIZE AND DIEFI1"� it"r:CTION is REQUIRED EEFORiE .INSTALL FLAS41NG Tpc ICRIETE IS POUREV. CON SUILDING DEPART�,AEN Town of Dm-Mnoukh- :118"X 5" LAr, SOLT S IG" C.C. 7 ',QG'= NOUR DIVWNG V!jST BE KEPT A-f TKr- CUILDING DURING THE pd�-Sss OF THIS WORK WJILDWG DEPARTMENT An As Built Snrv,��T, S-V! Dept. priol- to a foundation inspection or any further construction. WALL. P L1 - FIRE STOPPINIG REQUIHL:NX-V� tM14-1--reted walls and floors shall be at Jal caalpable of preven't-ing �t� 7- o.. se.s when subjected e 0 I': e. r�_: n t I st Standard specif: FRaRT t 51 D F -PORCH-- _CTION! PL�N N-Y--OUT �SE 4 T_n FOOT -1-N-CH- a��WN__ 'FOR LONG SUIU, HOME& 'EACK OF PLAN -4 M ATL R I A LIST ON -1dinInSPECTION ;3 RIEQUIRED BEXORE svl- �nnftl to tnic Bul c, t7 - Dept. prior t-0 calling -1,Lb. r THE CO',,CRETE IS POURED. fourn-dation inspection or BUILDING DEPARTMENTany,famrither co-ristruction. TbAM of Dartmouth BUT FRONT APPRQP,C,"- Ncl�_ Lo I Foc),T FOR FRORT KTR� �-: WzTH n,1, I YOUR DFLAWYING VUST SEKEEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE ni- c Ent"ci PPOGRESS OF THM) WORK. A C'M r pl�nn 71 [�,evpf, On zata BUILDING DERAM,"ENT LJ Dvnr-a cQ*,,F1€1Ac,50r? Town of Darlwnoulh Alo ON Tills ErIft-r-sn', Ba Vep! On Site ' . , : . .. ..... � '?'.'*'"„^'W`y.R^r"r. :.. .. .- ,..z. .. , . ;.. f -:. ..• ... �T: %'» „S T, x'+:xY*'m'¢''K' 4+c'�.-,v :.. rw•i.. y :.mv +v i*ri 4 N^-v ",'+ -^TR'x 9ro ...,.ry• na:'.^'m ,. <s , -.gr w 3.. .. v .. .. f of yrt:,.e. � e , : ..-.. .: '. , ,_. ... -::. �. .:: -.. ,. n .. - n... .,' , ^F .wi.�,1•, vG. xh yr-.nr .. ..• ., w•:yx:.F rN:•„,!%af.W"m+r.. -..;.. ....�.:: ..,,-..+.. , ... e s' , , .. .. r: .. :-, -:. , '>, .-.' '.-. �,.., ;, .._.. , •.,. "+' , aH'. .h s'-^�+r!s,,.�, w,• ...:; .,. ,..a.. ,.�-r�'�•�re's.-,-,....�.-n�s<-..�.,-�.:: -: ,. ,.«a r". s,.::,, .,-: ' .. F� rl► r r ,7)" ii �/• .. , , ,� a .. '- .. :,, .:. _ n. _ F N SN GRADE OVE7R «. ,. 98.7 t . . ,. THR EE N 3 , . , , ., � , < � �, ; K EE 20 INCH MANN � .. _ , _ .. , . ,�: ;. - LOG OLES WITH REMOVABLE" TEST :PIT , ., :.. T IR CAS ON R N ' O C CR VERS F , O DUR4 7UA7 BCE ER/A _ D L IN � -ATE �' A 0. TEST / 3 4 97 DATE OF 'BUILT. P .. t f Sb C EYALUAtION. BU C _ U . WITH -CONCRETE RISERS NI _ GRADE ELEVArtO , _, _ , ... y_ ,�. FINISH.GRAnF• AT m-fuiTurkr a nr na�nc . cn�,n'u..., _ _ N7 ,: .. �.ernr'�nrnn ,.. .."..'!'1,1AlC..A/1/`EJAIIl1 ,.. _ 2•5,Y 2. Y r N CAL KW MOD.FIRM� 0 . M A - S H:. OFWATER , W ' SITE AT., E -LOCUS �. P CA _ >Q NOR , scACF. T 2,00o f _ , LENSES, ` F' E 0 VERY � , ,. °W .:� .,. , FII TRAT((1Ai �lC�nr'+co a w., _ STONES , 130 Wly FINE: SAND BOULDERS 164 96.3 , WATER SABLE S5 S4" , JUN rER T,aec � 2p t WA r E: V BOTTOM , OF; PERG NOLf... 74 OM OF PERC HOLE p ERC. T ? aitl . E N 1N ' � : :�� PERC. T � �N fi r # -� CAST IRON OR ,CONCRETE TI�.f . O 'RA E. `5 /1N CO R VE BUILT TO WITHIN ,< 6 OF GRADE, WITN CONCRETE . >. , .• a ,: .,. AST IRON bR CONCRETE' GENERAL NOTES: , is Id Sl ICJ C::S I_ hi rIST 01'� i RIGHT SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW r,'I %Prj '0-TU8E SIZE AND DEPTH S'�CT'O-%? 3^ 14 CUII QED EEe<OP::, A Copy Q 1 his Endorsed Plan Must Ce Dept on site Date purin B Construction YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEET I AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK, 13L'i;vl)ENG DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth CONTRACTOR TO k(ERi ALL DIMENSION'S TOWN OFDARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT SFORE CONSTRUCTION RUCTIO This plan has been reviewed and accepted as a record copy of work proposed to be performed in compliance with 710 CMR 6TH Edition . The owner, applicant/agent and/or arehitect/engineer is responsible for insuring final r compliance with the above -mentioned code notwithstanding any errors or omissions in the record plan. Any change in owner, license contractor or engineer must be reported t this office immediate . Any change in plan must be submitted to this ice in a im ma r. Signature 1 Date FEB 18 1� U/_'," CT Q/S/ 1 632 Division Rd. So. Dartmouth SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' JOB NUMBER oRAwN BY. B.S. DATE: SEPT. 1998 JOB # 9810 CHK'D. BY: CLIENT: JOSEPH CABRAL i DRAWING NUMBER 1 of 9 V 6" I .o M 4x4 BRACES (3-REO-D.) REAR VIEW 12 5 1/2 LEFT SIDE ELEVATIONS C AffRACTOR TC ti j,:r ALL DIMErg ous BEFORE CONSTRUCTBC F 0 I W I FIRST LEVEL SECOND LEVEL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS 0RE W.WC" 6 udcym 'T et,�� 632 Division Rd. So. Dartmouth SCALE: 1/4'=1'-O' JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY: B.S. DATE: SEPT. 1998 K-D. BY: CLIENT: .. _. JOSEPH CABRAL DRAWING NUMBER 3 OF 9 46'-0' -------------------------------------- FOUNDATION PLAN 'BILCO -C' DROP SHADED AREA I TOP OF FND. 1/2'x12' LG. ANCHOR BOLTS 3" PR❑J. / 8'-0' o/c MAX. n 20" SECTION A —A N.T.S. NOTE! CONCRETE TO BE 30004 MIX CO dACTOR TO VERIFY ALL MANION BEFORE CO STRUMO O I �O N 46'-0' 20'-6 1/2' 11-10 1/2' 13'-7' 16' 16' o/c 11 —.) I 22'-4 1/2' 10'-3 1/2' IT-4' I i ! i ! i I i I i I i I GARAGE AREA i I i I i I i I I ._._.------ ------ _._._._._._._.— _._.— — —•— — FIRST LEVEL FLOOR JOIST LAYOUT 2x10 @16' o/c NOTES 1. ALL JOIST TO BE HEM -FIR 1200 psi OR BETTER. 2. X=SGL. METAL J❑IST HANGER. 3. ® =DBL. METAL JOIST HANGER. 4. USE Ix3 WOOD OR METAL BRIDGING AT L❑CATIONS SHOWN. 5. ALL SILLS TO BE PRESSURE TREATED / AND SILL SEAL APPLIED. 6. BUTT AND SCAB JOIST WITH 9'wd.x18' 1g.- 1/2' plys. SCABS. LD N 1'-9 1/ 2' 13'-2' 4REA ]OR I1'-5' 8'-0' x6 @ 16' o/c BALCONY JST DBL. RAISED FLOOR JOIST RAISED FLOOR SECTION 22'-8' 6'-0' , 2'-8' 22'-8' :nl SECOND LEVEL FLOOR JOIST LAYOUT 2x10 @16' o/c MTL. JOIST HGR. -� 2x10 LEDGER DBL. WITH 1/2' FILLER .a; e MRACTORTO k Ate. Q! 41 E [I'S 10 ` 7rg CONSTRUCTMri 3 I i V f i i t t �t 1 I 9 O i (V 2x4 PART, CHIMNEY CHAS • to rr 15'-0' 46'-0' 11'-8' 12'-0' ERECTION PLAN 7' - 4' t 2'-0' O 1 cu O I O cu I t • I O I zD H f N U U"1 LO x 't W O O SECOND LEVEL (760 S.F.) NOTES! 1. EXT. PART. HT, 8'-8 7/8' (FIRST LEVEL) - 8'-1 1/2' (SECOND LEVEL) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE: BR=INT. BEARING PART. 2. ALL PART. TO BE 2x4@16' o/c - HEM -FIR CONSTRUCTION GRADE STUD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. BR=INT. BEARING PART, 3. USE DBL. 2x6 WINDOW AND DOOR HEADERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. WINDOWS - ANDERSEN NARROWLINE UNITS WITH INSULATED GLASS. 5. EXT. DOORS - ANDERSEN GLASS DOOR UNITS. 6. INSULATION - 3 1/2' WALLS / 10' CEILINGS / 6' FLOORS FIBERGLAS BATT 7. SIDING MAT'L. - IX6 r.c. DROP VERT. SIDING OR SIMILAR. 8. � = SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS (MAY VARY PER FIRE DEPT.) cu le U/5," X 632 Division Rd. So. Dartmouth SCALE: 1/4'=I'-0' JOB NUMBER DRAWN BY: B.S. DATE: SEPT. 1998 9810 CW10. BY. CLIENT: MR. & MRS. JOSEPH CABRAL DRAWING NUMBER 6OF9 16' 16' O/C o I = 0 1 c�► rn W F W Q A Z Q F-- N ❑ r J Z a ZQ o W ICJ I � O Q' Q (u Q J W f l7 e—i Q t/1 Q Q LD ❑ Q J L7 Z Q 0 W N o I = Q 22'-8' 46'-0' o= I rj ROOF TRUSSES THIS AREA 24" o/c/ o = I j S O NOTES! 1. VENT ALL SOFFITS AND RIDGES. 2. STRAP ALL CEILING JOISTS WITH 1X3 FURRING @16' ❑/C. 3. ALL RAFTERS AND JOIST TO BE HEM —FIR OR BETTER. ROOF DESIGN LOADS; LIVE LOAD = 20 P.S.F. DEAD LOAD = 10 P.S.F. CEILING DESIGN LOAD; DEAD = 10 P.S.F. LIVE = 0 4. TRUSSES TO BE 'GANG NAIL' OR SIMILAR PRE-ENGINEERED, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPEC'S. PER MFG. 5. 'GANG LAM' ENGINEERED ROOF RAFTERS TO BE USED w AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN. (INSTALLATION AND c� DESIGN SPECS. TO BE SUPPLIED BY MFG.) 0-1 ROOF RAFTER / TRUSS LAYOUT CON, T R" TO MUFT ALL MORE. CONST 110E 26'-5' 12 5-1/2 TYP. SECTION X—X 12 5-1/2 TYP. 10, TYP. TYP. ALL O.H. -3-4x4 BRACES x6 CONT. LEDGER TO YM'a'l`7 P1 CollmsTRUCTICK, NOTE 1. SCISSOR TRUSSES TO PRE-ENGINEERED 'GANG NAIL' OR SIMILAR SPEC'S. TO BE SUPPLIED BY MFG. 2. VENT SOFFITS AND RIDGE. LALLY FTG. (TYP.) SECTION Y-Y CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY P,LL O4 cNSEO1''s 4� SUCTION � �