BP-309o►A) v � � J o -v tz 'ZI cm C)� � c co Oct /o ►k V,4 �►�Ztjco� �` r SYSTEM PROFILE (Not to Scale) Top of Foundation (117.03) (116.36) 114.23 (115.23) 91, min. I 11 4" SCH 40 PVC (115.61) 9" min., excluding topsoil Cap Ends 013.73) 4 SCH 40 PVC (114.23) 1% slope min. 1% slope min. 15, 10, 1Jdd gal. D. Box 4" perf. PVC (114.53) Se tIC Tank (114.08 .005 slope p (114.28) 45 PV(', Outlet (Level @ 113.83) (113.08) 24 x 24 Leaching Field (114.83) .--- (113.23) (109.95) (109.23 min.) 20 ---� �-` 4 min. ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE 34 CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD Foundation Wall 5 Foot Over ig ADJUSTED GA. _ 109.23 ti t i��0E C �r1AI_ a W��L / o �? C CtS �r V GENERAL NTES LOG OF DEEP OBSERVATION HOLES �= (NOT TO SCALE) .... .. / 1. The design of this system fully conforms to Title V (310 CMR 15.00) of the Massachusetts Environmental Code, - .3--- _-- - ----- - dated 23 September 1994, and local health rules, as amended. 2. Any modifications to this plan must be approved, in writing, by the engineer and BOH prior to construction. TIE 206) 1B ,ST PIT 3. The septic tank proposed is a M&S Cement Block Corp. design or equivalent precast concrete design complying with the specifications of 310 CMR 15.226 including the following: Top a--- Humus 0" (114.23') Top 6" (113.73') Humus 0" (113.86') 6" (113.36') e\. Liquid depth shall be a minimum of 4 feet. Inlet outlet tees shall be cast -in -place concrete or SCH 40 PVC, and shall extend a minimum of 6 Subsoil Subsoil b, and inches above the flow fine, be on the centerline of the tank, and located directly below cleanout manholes. between the top of the tees and the inside of the tank c. There shall be an air space of at least 3 inches 36" 111.23' { ) 36 (110.86) cover. The tops of the tees shall be left open to provide ventilation. a minimum of 10 inches below the flow line. The depth of the outlet tee shall e Grey, Bony, Grey, Bony, Med. Coarse Med. Coarse <l. The inlet tee shall extend of 14 inches below the flow line for a liquid depth of 4 feet. The depth shall increase by 5 inches for Sand & Gravel w!s Silt ,, ; Sand & Gravel w!s Silt minimum each additional foot of liquid depth in excess of 4 feet. Baffles are not acceptable. base that will not settle, having been mechanically compacted, ij ©, The septic tank shall be placed on a stable Adjusted �I (� Adjusted 60 {109.23) GWT 56" {109.19'} and onto which six inches of crushed stone has been placed. f. The tank shall have at least one 24 inch manhole with readily removable cover. Manholes over the tees GWT & Shelf shall be provided for inspection and cleaning. Manhole covers shall not be more than 12 inches below finish Observed Observed 72" (108.23') GWT 68" (108.19') grade. GWT g. The invert of the inlet shall be at least 2 inches above the invert of the tank outlet. 4. The distribution box shall be constructed of concrete, be watertight, and conform to the following specifications: Btm 90" (106.73) Btm 90" (106.36') A. The invert elevation of all the outlets shall be the same and at least 2 inches below the inlet. Outlet Pipes V Handicap in affect 1' Handicap in affect shall be level for at least 2 feet. b. The distribution box shall be provided with a sump extending 6 inches below the bottom of the outlet pipe. c. The distribution box shall be installed on a level stable base that will not settle. TEST PIT #3 (4101 d. The distribution box shall be provided with a readily removable cover and shall have at least one 4-inch nd one 6-inch outlet for every two pairs of 4-inch distribution outlet for every pair of 4-inch distribution laterals, a laterals. The outlets shall remain level. Top 0" (108.97') Humus 811 108.30' _ _ - --- ching area shall be double washed and free from iron, fines, and dust in place. Pan Sandy SECTION VIEW OF LEACHING FIELD Subsoil 6. All naturally occurring top/subsoil shall be excavated_and removed below the leaching area and for a distance of 36" {105.97'} five feet in all directions to a depth of at least 109.231(i.e., overdig). The fill material shall be select on -site or (NOT TO SCALE) Grey, Fine Sand imported soil material, consisting of clean granular sand free from organic matter and other deleterious substances. Mixtures and layers of different classes of soils shall not be used. 52" (104.64') 24A _ i i 7. All pipes between the dwelling and leaching area are to have watertight joints, sealed with asphalt cement or -- J1 __� a.o s o Shelf 70" (103.14') equivalent TYP TYP. SITE -PLAN (114za) _ 8. No heavy equipment shall be run over the leaching field. 1/E 1/2" washed stone � ��,- , r 2" Fine p 1 ♦ = 30 ,��;,.�f�� .tom Mom: � ��#-s �, � tw x k.�,,_ , Medium 9. This system is not designed to accommodate a garbage grinder. Discharge of household waste, garbage, a c. (SCALE: 1 ) 12.0• w{Svx v� a r war 4w 4' $ s n zwi "��, ter" ,, Sand, some into the septic stem are prohibited. p Y 6 Gravel &Silt, -- Btm many Rocks 108" (99.97') 10. The installer shall verify benchmarks as shown on this plan prior to and during installation of the proposed 4• PeltoratedPVc disposal system. All elevations shown are based on an assumed 112.80' benchmark datum. The benchmark -�, s' overafg, an aramd (4 pho") (BM) is a concrete boundary marker located along the property line at Slades Farm Lane, 139.61' north of J"ettl ly�tsa�_ - =southerly property line. --- I Slades Farm Lane - ' d ' ct h It t um ins ect the s stem after excavation'of the leaching �- Dartmouth, MA - _ __._ 11. ; he Board of Health authorize inspe or sminim p Lot 21-45 (FotrneNy Lot 14),1.86 Ac. _ __ - _-----'`- �� area is complete and again when the leaching pipes are in place, not yet covered with stone. The installer is to --�- notify the Board of Health not less than 24 hours prior to this time. 1 { \ 12. No wells, existing or proposed, lie within 100 feet of the proposed leaching facility. No streams, or known . wetlands exist within 150 feet of the proposed leaching area. No known source of water supply exists within 200 feet of the sewage disposal system. A drainage ditch lies approximately 75 feet south of the proposed leaching �- GENERAL NOTES (Cont.� , facility. 13. The leaching area is to be a minimum of 10' from property lines and garage foundation, and 20' from the cellar walls. The septic tank is to be a minimum of 1 O' from property lines and cellar walls, 25 feat from the garage \ 20. Offsets from Open, Surface, or Subsurface Drains of both the primary and reserve SASS proposed comply with foundation and 50' from all wells. the requirements of 310 CMR 15.211, and maintain at least 50 feet. This was concurred with by W. Henderson, Dartmouth BOH, following site inspection and subsequent discussion with the design engineer on 28 August 95. 14. At the time of ground water table determination a one foot handicap was in affect. The elevation of the leaching facility has been adjusted accordingly. 15. The site plan is based on a plot plan information provided by the prospective owner. A pre-existing boundary marker was used for reference in the development of this plan. The exact location of the facilities and structures shown herein relative to property lines cannot be determined without an accurate instrument survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The need for a professional land surveyor shall be up to the discretion of the property - - _ owner and/or an authorized BOH agent. oc� RESULTS OF PERCOLATION TESTS 17. The proposed well location has been certified by the engineer. BOARD E HEALTH REQUIRED Q-. r~ � M I tp� -V, V-. N3 (Tests Performed by: Mike Ziobro) This System Is Not Designed-- 18. Typically, the septic tank shall be necessary at least once every three years. For Garbage Grinder, Whirlpool 19. All dimensions shown are in feet unless otherwise noted. LOCATION DEPTH HATE DATE BOH WITNESS TEST PIT #1 14A, 205 600 1" in 10 min. 2/27/86 A. C. Barboza Jr. TEST PIT #2 14B, 206 No erc. test 2/27/86 A. C. Barboza Jr. TEST PIT #3 410 70" 1 m in 6 min. 9/22/86 Susan Griffin ENGINEERS AS -BUILT PLAN & CERTIFICATION STATEMENT REQUIRED LEGEND - - PROPERTY LINES - CONTOUR LINES O 100,00 ��° ACTUAL SPOT ELEVATION (100.00) -�/° PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TEST PIT LOCATION ® EXTGJPROP. WELL Or Other N n water Use Dev ces. DESIGN CRITERIA -�� THE APPROVAL BY MIS OFFICE TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 3 Bedroom Dwelling -�� S NOT GUARANTEE THE REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK• 1500 Gal 7 EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY G �� I'JifALLATION DESIGN FLOW: 110 x 3 = 330 GPD \ .. pARTr�eouTH B0AR0 oFIiEA�nr DESIGN PERCOLATION RATE: 1 Inch in 10 Minutes �., . SEP - 6 I99� ; s 87•_ 58'- 44 E ` ` 5'200q se: F9 LEACHING CAPACITY REQUIRED: 330 GPD / 0.60 GPD/ft2 = 550 ft2 €__ 400. 00, 120-0o' ,+-- - - -- J -- LEACHING CAPACITY PROVIDED: Leaching Field: 24 x 24 = 576 ft2 B�Q,.�r; OUTH ar�n e I�r�LTk ' (43 UBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM M ~ N, r _ \\ SEP 121995 i J. Benettl 1- > `_0, ° of ,��r �� _ 19 i Slades Fans Lane 2/� o a� N ,Z Dartmouth, MA 3 / 00; N �aa o Y. _ 4. 8 . �_ - W TOWN OF DAR �100 Lot 21-45 (FormerlyLot 14 ,1.136 Ac. Ap- �\-� S 8¢ °' 21'-p3 M' �W 92.38' r 9L 'F6 '- r' ED ARD QF_j4FAiJL! r -- \` 2B3.33' } \ o `gam N S 87°- 58' 94 336:13 ' \ O\ ; * nts,` {, o� �,� _ � "; ' o � � � 'a�� Q ANALYSIS and DESIGN ENGINEERING •. O MARK A. G AD \o ROOM �^ 767 Meridian St., Fall River, MA 02720 C)(508) 679-8508 4 � ..a La MECHAPIIC N ti a I ° �7 - 4 6 y _ `4�0� '�Eet$iERE° �`� Scale: As noted ---- -- ' 2g7 84 To S�aae,�y Cp,. v\1,,r R-a, fsSIONAL E� Date: Revised 5 September 95 DWG No. 950613A Sheet 1 of 1 P00: Mark A. Rodrigues, P.E. , CA 0 0 N r L-- ---- t I 1 -i I \ I I I y � I �„ � 2 CO"C°. t Q0 r-/NG C0N7-1,,VU0a,5 ( _ _ _ I v "" p TE�L I- _o I ALL A T- I I L I v I ( C0Z1�iyl/y1s I I UAl EX0,4 YA %E,17 ,d,� �� I I ti t 1 1 1 1 1 I \o jI I I i I_LL I I I I I I I I I I I I U)V r1 N/S fr'A't� ASSAof T I I I I 8 .E/� I I I I j o l I (7,116 t I I I I t 8"C,0i'JC, 7/ o ,1'J W/ 4— L I I I I I I I I I I 0 pNN - - i-- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - -� I I _ — _i � " /z'' �ot� Ica o 7 / �✓ 7 c�� ri ' 0 f I I --- ------ -- ---- ---- -- -- ------------- — — -- — --- ----------- I A - FOUNDATION AND BASEMENT PLAN SCALE 1/4" = I' - 0" n FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/4' = I - O - -. _ S SEL v SE,�1 LAN — =7 f _ _ _ --- --LH __ _ Ere T t ri __ ------ -- - - — -- —_ _— _- 1N� �G i— I B<sB/►7E.�TSu� � I I I Ti REAR ELEVATION SCALE 1 /4" = I' - 0" N 0 TE • " 4 L D/HENS'/5 ruun urzAv-1 rr,VII , -, I; -6� 14 E AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. PUILDITIG DEPARTMEN-r FIRS STOPPING RE0UIREr,,!e.�E NT Penetrations thru rated v,!alls An As Built vurvey must be sealed with a rn^r ia! submitted to ta3 P-ildia passage of flames and hod �ssss 1 �n su�- T= A. Dept prior to cal"'iag for to the requirements of the Test Standard spos;i:v®nd�tid>r� in�p��ti®n or - for Fire Stops ASiTM-E-81 4. anv f'Trth. e cn"' lt',-IICaflnn DARiMOUTH FIRE DISTRICT INIO.2 APPROVED �2L� 6CF-636— Ti171! OF DARi};UM dateSEP-22—TEL SUtt,DItu DEPIRSE£is1 This plan, has been reviewed and accepted as a record copy of wort proposed to be performed in compliance with 788 M 5th Edition. The over, applicant/agent and/or architect/engiew is responsible for insuring final compliance with the above -mentioned code notwithstanding any errors or omissions in the record plan. Any change in owner, license contractor or engineer must be reported to this office immediately. Any change in plan mud be witted to this office in a ti . y manner Signature bAl _o o—S fN 1N L E 5 SEL SE,d L /� �`— .... 77?,P ---- - �..........,.._� _.._....._...:..`.�...��r�.�.-r . _.r.�c:�-ems» .........a...--..-._:-_.,..... _�................4..... _ . -.... .. 1313 FILE COP { FI _1 M pV 1NG TNT y-�b�B,jlLplt ' WD _j - F DAT o T I I P�--,RE90PkD PLAN GRES-�._.; . ` A Copy Of This Endorsed 11011 r't�. ` REAR ELEVATION Plan rest Be Kept On Site 71 IT — — — — rL 7 SCALE 1/4" It - O" During Construction —I- — -�- — — — — L --a Date OIETZGEN NO 198MF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM A SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/4 = I — O 11 N MIms Sim I���I Iw�i�MlIBM lam im me 1 Elio" I I I'm, III I III fill 1 1 ills 01001000m 1i m 11, will, !"F1' m 0 0 It m _- 17 s_ —�_j T{ i 1 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE 1/4 = i —O FIRE STOPPIN r,7-Capp --.- Penetrations thru- -- Sep -led with -- passage of ianmv_ t vle-n subj UU,, ----.._:_ __ to the req�lirenie�`�S d� tlr�: T eSt Stal�dard �W�e�i�io for Fire Stops �STCVI-E_ �14. f w - yljitR _----.:t be aL�� p to for ' to FILE UP'T ---------------____. DRAWING--MU-SL.BE. =- - - - - -- - --- _ ---PROGRESS--OFLTHIS--WORK.--------- �-- BUII DING--DEP_ARTMENZT ` TOWN OF DATODT ' RECORD N -�-�-4- A Copy Of This Endorsed - __---- Pieu ��lust Be Kept on Site _— Durin --- a 1995 ion -�--------- --- - Ii B,<SEti1E�}S�B T� 7— PROPOSED 3 BEDROOM .DWELLING ON LEFT SI DE ELEVATION LOT 21-45 SLADES FARM LANE, DARTMOUTH, MA S. 11 SCALE 1/4 = 11- O' SCALE:AS NOTED APPROVEDBV - DRAWN BV DATE- B- 2 9 -19 9 5- FOR MR. AND IRS. JOSEPH B ENETTI COASTAL CONCEPTS, INC. DRAWING NUMBER 70 LAMBETH STREET NEW BEDFORD M 0 DIETZGEN NO iGSMF AGEPROOF MASTER FORM SSILL . ... .......... &(-u M, *-r 4 6EI L) Plj! 10 ----------- 3 WIJ r_ 51- 4F, Ve! (_0 & I L I Q C-1 S, W L L C> E-2-XIO" i-1 (5.A P E, (_ 0 W V__ R zoyl 0 )lip x 0 1 Lj c 4:rl 0 1,j -F< - I I 3 C SILL _4 IV Ile- :Fr.P ecoc. -roa"o. WA 1) L- 9-1 s1LL Q J P-P oV -0 0 C - 4 0710 5 b�; 2�t ��II KC-: y 01FTZGEN NO 190MF AGEPROOF WASTER FORM (DC, e V C-'N T 0D -MAVU1FACTV?,_EC> C,54-'G, 0 I I I a 03-4 C, If P_ 4,9 0 -6. 11 S CA L 1 67 0 �J Zt- 1 1,7 F6 L7-- A L (i tj t Ij U J,Aj Vf.-Q1 I P ED61G7 4 L U M I ULI M UM_-,,�k j =2' x_ Tr P A T6:-- M>e -P I tj G -b e. Z H E 0" on9 !S C) I-- F- It h 14, 5 s�vC—: 13—r 2 11 W I 1`J D 0 tl) SILL >I i VI II I IlllnJ,�l 30 (? o" c_V T::bD7-/ Al 6.5 r,,,e ,of, &D- /6" D. C. rl OOR J0j5T5' c-,, P 7- A4 A i �_ 6R 3WIC STEEL (57ble-D6R 3Y2'0J_A1_L Y CoLUM1,J5 C�_21 11:1 C-1 C- 1 6 tj �j W R 41 0 r- T1 Tf E C) f )< O z"X-110 f-, 0)4 4 F_1A DE4 0 11Z S Ott r 2-11 f_-�7 TZI UD,-- c� )`J`-: 'j ti1r, SILL, / a`a. tt co tj(,� j CIj t), u1i A LL `Z- 4 \1 ePr=F_1 YOUR DRAWING BUILDING G TtiPROGRESS 4T THE WORK.. OF THIS IN, j An As Built Survey must submitted to tho 3-:Pding Dept. prior to caE-.:,4 for a foundation iwpectic-n or MEE STOPPINQ any fiTrth-er cr,77, --rii Penetrations thru rated 1.,%,Fpa s, sealed with a material cca-pt,:JF `s 0, passage of flames and hot g_--ss6s vxien su?., io the requirements of the Test Standard sp"-�-1,1.1,' ,or Fire stops ASTM-E-814. FILE YOUR DRAWING MUST BE Kr- AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth S TOET 0F,DARTt10UTH RECORD PLAN A COPY Of This Endorsed Plan Must Be Kept On Site During Construction Date 2 8 1 95-----, PROPOSED 3 BEDROOM -DWELLING ON LOT 21-45 SLADES FARM LANE, DARTMOUTH,,MA. SCALE:AS NOTED APPROVED By ORA "Ne OATI:8-29-1995 FOR MR. AND MRS.. JOSEPH BENETTI _F COASTAL CONCEPTS, INC. DRAWING NUMBER W �V,70 LAMBETH STREET, NEW BEDFORD, jyi of 3