BP-672116P od to � � Ile 4 `4 0 Z 4 "j 1,0-f 7 \�Jl 7-- V1% I LOT- c); %VTh110t4 rAa"te, L* 7 1., ``\` / ` i�t*, lf FA �t , WHr, ((60,00, ELEVATIONS MUST NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD 01- 111LEALIFF! APPROVAL ;'his S. y F, -1- P m IS No t P For Ga-rbaoe Grinder, V, Or Other Kigh Water US� r Ok— ll 177- 9 y fv N% 'Ali tizi re�r� NY ill-8*A 1000 AAi, eA-ffK, '11^0 _z A ff f ii TI---0 t­ K (0�3 r'-Z, __14, Wk 7' 21 t4"rT oia- ici•33 rw/ TYL-, TY __vF, Now-w- -fey CIF- lij WX — • 113i(, j \0e GFNFRAL N077S -------------------- A F0T47"W,1 #-OtI3 OfLF-CZ 1. All work shall be in ar.cordanrp with the requirements of \11P the. Par tmoull'.1-i Roard of Hpalt�j., the. Dartmouth Conservation Conser ation Com- rj,41, 40 m issi.nTl and flip. Massachusetts Department of Knvironmental Pro- FWE, (Vp�) terl'.-_-1,011 (DEP) regulations 310 CMP\ 10.00 & 1-5.()0. , jv- e U1101 n P, pe t on 5f, -)r- MDI for_ 2. Notify the D, it.h Roard of: Hea J�L I hV -MI- A W -t of sewage disposal system when leaching area is fully ex- M, / /�,�f2o +r1fj "Mia'e and w1iPn all r.nmponentr; are in place, prior to bmckf i I I ing. 3. No modifications -,hall be made to this system without it prior written approval I Board of Health. of MD1, the Dartmouth and t -he Darftnoul."h Conservation Commission 6Af tft4V5 4. Elevations shown on plans are based on approx. MSL datt 7 5. All unsuitable material is to be excavated frnm leaching; area and area bar-kfilled with clean gravel or coarse sand as specified in 310 (MR 15.02. Washed crushed stone shrill bp G] free of iron, fines and dust. * S-311"Fil' PLAN 6. Septic tank and diStribitiOn box shall be by Ro-Lot-Kio & Sons Inra or approved equal, installed on level stable base per (.11. �N,4 manufacturer's specifi(-ations. Grout shall be used to provide 0 a watertih t seal at all joints where- pipe enters or leaves a p g concrete structure. BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REQUIRED WHEN EXCAVATED 7. Contrac.'�or shall obtain a Roard of Health Certificate of Com- Yom- Doravving Must Be Kept rd )n(--*-- as required by -310 CMR 15.02. He -shall- also provide 11,e v I o�d "VATIONS lei PERC & WATER TABLE TES TS SYSTEM ELE as-btlil't" Ian of the system. At Thle Bdd`ng 'Du ----- ------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------- V The p % E- A PPROVED Aj 's k!!cnk- TEST HOLE * 8A (91) * 8B (347) *8C * 8D C1 LOCATION DESIGN AS-BUIT-T 13(�I: RD of HE 1 LIT 'DATE * April 1, 1986 * September 29, 1986 January 29, 1991 * January 29, 1991 8. This system is (jesigned for three bedrooms. T, is not designed -)age disposal. A'Ril iMl E N ENGINEER Michael Ziobro Michael Ziobro William H Lockwood William H. Lockwood for_ garl LD! N G D 35 Am 12A, o, oundation FIRM Site Work Assoc. Inc. * Site Work Assoc. Inc. * Modulation Designs Modulation Designs Inv @ Foundation jj'� -6:0- "1 idleys Conter.' T a Iq P1 Q Susan Griffin * Susan Griffin * Wendy Henderson Wendy Henderson C�l . I ;�i I - -1 J-111 Insure that siltation fen<-ing in arr�ordanre with Order of INSPECTOR V 4 �-j 9. Tns I- I Aons - -(-, rior to comm -n--i g work on the sile --------------------- Condit is pi c�ted p P ( " ----------- ---------------------- * ----------------------- * ----------- I ------------ L In @ Tank Inv out @ Tank J12, IL7 V i� o T'LVIOUT11 1, 76 SOIL LOG * 0-43 Humus & Subsoil * 0-24 Humus & Subsoil * 0-4 Leaves & Peat * 0-4 Leaves & Peat Inv in @ Dist Box 7, Z, 0111 10. rieAd -vn;rm loo, L.-)Vvpv, * 43--76 Fine/Med Sand * 24-30 Clayey Sand * 4-36 Coarse Sand w/ * 4-12 Subsoil Inv out � Dist Box t�tt T * 30-78 Fine/Med Sand & * Fines & Stones * 12-44 Coarse Sand w/ rA 'QC_ *I') C -A P r I V&C End of Pipes N oh An As lSuut r.:.us, subrnim3L, Building Dept - prior to ceiling for a foundation inGpection or any further construction - 4 Buildi g 9 6 pj m I s s i a n e & P1 4 C H U Gravel w/ 3 1 L, a rave Ines tones . 1 1. Bottom of ��L­mtA Q �D Many Rocks Some Silt, 44-% Sand & Gravel, AS -BUILT SUBSURFACE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL ENGINEERS A L Some Silt, Fractured Stone * ION MA 0 PLAN & CERTIFICATION <ej J-,L iWl 72-120 Sand & Gravel, * Fractured Stone 0 , , U, "Orprp I - I " 11 :, J STRU URAL Fractured Stone * Cn I STATEMENT REQUIRE® "�jl - 4�1 ?.*4 110 6% F P Mark & Terry Pereira -----------------­------ --------- 0 4 v ep e 161!; 1- - -3 3 o r- 4 &cc 5 P t.� i r4 :,OT -15 G`tOU, IDWA17ER None found to 76 in * 63 in * 77 in * 80 in FACTOR * 24 * 36 * 36Ah- S1 LDT S Is Mill 17. ADJUSTED HT 39 in 41 in 44 in M0 ti Ti F APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE -------------------- --------------- New I esign Modulation D•s Inc. -0 ad DOES NOT GUARANTEE: THE PERC RATE * 6 min/in * Less than 2 min/in, EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY TEST HT * 52-70 in * 50 in ---I--.-,---- * ------------ * ------------------------- * __ _----------------- INSTALLATION yy fi L- Architects & Engineers TEST ELEV * 111.5 ft 111.0 ft * 110. 5 c t * 111.0 ft DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH Date: 145 Arnold St., New Bedford, Uk 02740 Contact: William H. Lockwood TeL (508)997-5689 Ao" 41 o.5550 0 I Dartmouth, 0 U EA I 20 NIP IT - Ile 3A 10 4N OL 0 17) zS fxfloo ffwr" wrAlr- _T� 01 -__ _ -- V�l�t•A ri 11y U N ice- \� ,a 1-100, < 0 0, VA f W P14- tQ fie 1000 `4N, 4Pff'T?(, C04 Ex, A0 if` M I f q IrO' W f LA- t�0 F I t ,u 4S rL4�, W'5 _rA Ole;' XAf "LOr, OtAT.) X, ELEVATIONS MUST NOT OBIL- BOARD CI-IANG[D vvITHOUT OF HEAL1H APPROVAL ftx)Hv A Ik'_. __ —_ __-, !ht)t-r_, pA i ti 113,33 77=7 Y 1r INy 01 �� p(�-c�--(�lam. ➢$y ' - --___. _ _ _•— �`�b r��v�..i k C a r- 13/4'- 1 !z w WIA) 4" 5fort E, 'Z L*JW W. PIN*- IDS - C71?_ �-- �-�N rye>� �ANt�--------- � '4' N'v tYrAcrr-,� GFNFFRAL NOTF-S A r-0TV"P0 #-Vt;03 1 All work shall he -in accordanc.e with the requiranents of the Dartmouth Board of Health. the. Dartmouth Conservation Con,- dott 40 mission and the Massarhusetts'Department of Environment,]). Pro - flee, /1-yp) ter-I.A011 (DFP) re-gidat.tons 310 C C"5 r, MR 10-00 & 15.00. 5 f 5f Pr I C- P 1 4W 12.. Notify the nartuouth Board o5 Health and MD1 for lnsper_tLion -3F -)sal ss-Lem when leaching area is fully ex- FV SO L 1� LO of sew, P. disIx y -avatted and when all'r.nmponents are in place, prior. to 3. No modifications shall lx� made to this system without Board -1 prior written approval of MDI, the Dartmoul,h Bo,_d of Health, and the Dartmouth Conservation Commission 4. Elevations shown on plans are based on approx. MSL dattiri. 5. All unsui'ablp material is to be excavated from lea(-�hinq_ 4� area and area bar-kfilled with clean gravel or coarse sand as specified in 310 CMR 15.02.-Vashed r.nished stone- shall be free. of iron, fines and dust. 6- CPT)li(-- tank and di.-t-rihition hnx shall ht, by Rnfnnrin k Snns 711 rNLAN Inc. or approved equal. installed on level stable- base- per SITE manufacturer's specifir-ations. Grout shall b�, used to provide. Q, watertight ,.;P,31 at. all joints where pipe enters, or leaves a T.Lj If L a w, Tr V. �7 T- /7 -kI concrete sLructure. t A, nte of Com- pa J G Cem 7. Contractor shall obtain a Board of Health Cc- C '1 also tj o pli, -e- as i. -quired by 310 CMR 15.02. He shell 1. o provide y J - t' -in plan of the syqtem. SYSTEM ELEVATIONS - PERC & WATER TABLE TESTS ---------------------- ------------------ --------------- pJ * 8D LOCATION DESIGN AS-BUITT q 8. This system is (jesigned for three bedrooms. It' is not designed TEST HOLE * 8A (91) * 8B (347) *8C _��5 -- - * January 29, 1991 em for a garhage disposal. DATE * April 1, 1986 * September 29, 1986 January 29, 1991 \�_ William H. Lockwood 7'op o�: Foundation I I( .. 0�;) ENGINEER * Michael Ziobro * Michael Ziobro William H Lockwood 127"n-' Adleys Cor&ir'O' Modulation Designs Inv @ Foundation 1� 9. Insure that si-Itntion fencing in accordance with Order of * Site Work Assoc. Inc. Site Work Assoc. Inc. -',Modulation Designs 0 FIRM Cond It - -(-,Kte.d prior to commencing work On the site. * Wendy Henderson Wendy Henderson In @ Tank tons is Pi V 4 r, Susan Griffin -9 INSPECTOR * Susan Griffin ------------------------ * --------- I ------------- * ------------- ---------- --------------------- Inv out @ Tank i12-V ----------- 10, ri eA 6 ��VrIACK 10D, t;�exat)or, +0 C�xmtlr, I i Y, SOIL LOG 0-43 Humus & Subsoil * -24 Humus & Subsoil * 0-4 Leaves & Peat 0-4 Leaves & Peat 0 Inv in @ Dist Box * 4-36 Coarse Sand w/ 4-12 Subsoil 43-76 Fine/Med Sand * 24-30 Clayey Sand Inv out � Dist Box liz-o3 Fines & Stones 12-44 Coarse Sand w/ 0 30-78 Fine/Med Sand & * End of Pipes 111-ell!� -BUILT 4� ENGINEERS AS Fines & Stones ilt, * 36-*/2 Sand & Gravel, f A�f 6-rvA Ili -e�, Gravel w/ S.* Bottom o Many Rocks Some Silt, A4..% Sand & Gravel, PLAN & CERTIFICATION P-ATntA Y- r Fractured Stone * Some Silt, STATEMENT REQUIRED Fractured Stone BM 72-120 Sand & Gravel, * W140H - 12 F;124 <F1 110 64 F V "0 *ry 43 Fractured Stone * 3 -a, 0 * F e- &0,0 ev F- tA 1 r4 '7v__0 ------------------------- 0 1OUj.1DWATER None found to 76 in 63 in * 77 in * 80 in 4e_-*P, alp C 15 X. 11�5, 3-3) 0 * 36 S * 36 FACTOR 24 L7, �1 M0 * 44 in ADJUSTED HT 39 in * 41 in 0 - �ad pmwr THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE -------------------- _\,o § DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE PERC RATE 6 min/in 0 —1 7 * Less than 2 min/in TEST HT 5 2 -.7 0 in * 50 in EFFECTIVENESS Of ANY ------_------------------ I--,.------------ - l INSTALLATION TEST ELEV 111.5 ft +/ 111.0 f t 110.5 ft +/- 111.0 ft DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVED I RD of HE kLT11 i of A�. &A —h;— ,..,A RTNIOUTA z 7 Is Not Lr7-­,-1ned F ge Grinderf opool L.L�h Water L"'.'a vices. yomu, L'Yalving PAjsgt 0?� K'qpt The Buy id!mrl Di:-Uirrj The P !"jork. HiLD'91IG ME' P A R 70 M E N T Town of Dartmouth C E An As Bulit Survey must be, _e, �- o Im-nitt ', til-12 Building Dept. p�_ior to calling for a foundation inspection or - any further construction. D 4 V e d 41 Qe�o Build j,,sl issionr 41 4 A C H 0 S. SUBSURFACE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL Mark & Terry Pereira I PM*t ft­"_ gip Modulation Designs, ' Inc. Architects & Engineers + j Data: 145 Arnold St. Now Bedford. MA. 02740 I Contact William IL Lockwood Tel: (508)997--5689 DARTMOUTH raving C rr 2, 20 6 NIP IP Ile 15A x p / zl�q itt,1A1"ic>r! F£`ma'• uH r.-- t - 5/ t t 7 ... EX, A01108 a t " sk i lcano tit. �F�'Tlc, "p",�.rJf!-- /� •'t �� 11 j 5 Y 1t _._ _ _n ---".,"_"`�aVji! '°�fI'Ti� I~tft.�C� l��t�'�•'4�<` =� l �� I>f TAI }. -ry w�,l°a, r41� •-. j ��, - TAP - F- 11V4 e -- v hV J P*. � ,•�� 1 t �„ i ( 1, f..•y "' � 1 \\ t7 / f i r• , No All #4011.•r1e4Io.J d-T--- hp( ph -Cc, oNT) I For C-F0-e Grinder, Whir Or Other Jji , Water Use Lu- b ELEVATIONS ANIU T NOT RE . � a � IT BOARD JHA GEE : r � 4gat 1 t°� e�L k»NG Q1 o,OC' G " loll t'l '�XOK_rA04 . - K, 10, d_ ►NY (IZ•Z1 pN�lIp2,2o o .11!"t 112�3111.53 � - IO" ot✓ 3/4 ' I %2" t At,t{f-p 5fOH 6 z ...... • ___. _4 �..o_ . (Gt2..= l�A tom• �F {'`p` i r.., T p•� �. 1NRTiFt T/'I Fftt t-t MArT Of �i(C.A.t/A�{iUi 10�•33 it4,0 5 '1 6,4 1'�a74��t�o t✓3 a�E��.. ,/P 40 P YC, P"-p tier-, (i iP ) sz _114P GAf t(tdV5 An As Bu °lkt ul wey must be S-ubmittcdl to t'h:2- Building Dept - prior to calling for a foundation inspection or, any furt'!�er construction . g Q F 4RF _ ,rVP�t _ i r i'tew s Ord c. - st` a r4•, e+3 Be.$• 1 Q, tl f �p pliance as required by 31.0 CMR 15.02. He shall also provide V HS � � �p p t o �' ave ERC & WATER TABLE TESTS SYSTEMELOE ATIONS _ _, _ y „ I.- ✓ j `• 'y �o an as -built" plan of the_system. ti t _, -- __ ___- -- - ----- - ----- -- ------------------...------------------------------------------. - .-----------.._.. --- -+�---.._..------ - c� yy pp$$ g 5®* {9 —� _.. `. 1`r�s; � p 1 —.►� \� i4�'b +�( Il it ��• fA �h [.3 k3'�7/ J k3'wH@ The M_ * �: * LOC�;T ION _'= DESIGN AS -BUILT - - _. - - � � APPROVED -- V TEST HOLE 8A (91) $B (347) 8C 8D t-'` �~. 11 -.. .. �.- 8. This s st.em i.s desi" ned for. three bedrooms � 's o e i €�a,,I" � F M F' � �� Building G ;n ., i DATE Aril 1 1986 •• September 29, 1986 'January 29, 1991 * January 29, 1991 ____. _ _____.._ •.......__.._....__________ - - - - Y �' . I i not d -signed , rsstone p .ems t 4 - - - : _ for a garbage disposal. T r $q m h —r- � ►.• , ' (fie � � � � 3� � � Ham" i� Fir iY � � � 91 � � J � � d � 4 d� � f ENGINEER * Michael Ziobro * Michael Ziobro s,William H Lockwood * William H. Lockwood - - � � � � � �- _ � � 1 1 � iT � Foundation ►1G,{ , z�•_. {;f �,�.1L`t , e FIRM -', Site Mork Assoc. Inc. *Site Work Assoc. Inc. ' Modulation Designs *Modulation Designs Inv @Foundation 1G.2 6M121k' cidteyta 'r`-- ` "'� -•- I Da. e----;rZ_� ^_---- f BUILDINGi � '', Leo .. + 0 9. Tnsure- that siltation fenrin in ar-cordance_ with Order of � '� � � 93 9q$Plact `y t INSPECTOR * Susan Griffin *Susan Griffin Wend Henderson W Henderson Y o -- �Y Inv in @ Tank 2 Z - _ , - !�CEi ®e. Cat 4 -_---- ti -- --- ::- _ _ _-' _ �_ Conditions_t.er.tPd tor. to rortmPTaring work on t le .,li_e_.m E� ---- ----------------... ------------- ------ -----------..__.. _ _-------- - ------ r I @ Tank ., il2.27 �' '' �+$" ,r _ ,. 1 0( \ l�`1� ' n ;r;, ., � r � c s Inv out �� �� �, a.�. is P prior -/V q H � - * -24 Humus &Subsoil * 0-4 Leaves Peat * 0-4 Leaves & Peat i - SOIL LOG 0 43 Humus & Subsoil 0 umu 8 - f6 to • d t , 1 L t v �i i_ p - e 4-36 Coarse Sand w/ 4-12 Subsoil Inv in @Dist Box C1Z .2© _ c J� o �,',- �tel �onr►+ lam ) ' i�1 h l IiiOU �� ' 43••76 Fine/Med Sand 24 30 Clayey Sand `� it2•t�3 '_► .. \ �_ - `' p I��ah� av►t' ��pfitu ��� i -` 30 78 Fine/Med Sand & Fines & Stones * 12-44 Coarse Sand w/ Inv out Dist Box a End of Pipes _4 Gravel w/ Silt, * 36=72 Sand & Gravel: * �� Fines &Stones Bottom of `?f; r-mm h e _ '- �' C o o" �' ��` SUBSURFACE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL Man Rocks Some Silt, % Sand & Gravel - w. -- o ' AS -BUILT l ti Y J �j"I'r�, :?t" t "�- � IO%>33 .. _ � � 1� ) _ �\"1�� I���I�i� Fractured Stone * Some Silt, ' * 72-120 Sand & Gravel, * Fractured Stone A .. � PLA!'� � CERTIFICATION T Fractured Stone *aN - ii I t� Get P vQ - • �� _ o a STATEMENT Mark .'err Pereira -------....___----.._...---- ---- --- , _'� �` Via;; ,, I EI�IE REQUIRED' --- - ---- - ._.._..----.._..---- _ --- - ------__.. _....- --- •-------- - * - �3tv y.. 3 t= 3' �F M N or 1 % \ . „ .. O �� �`, �� O � � ,t ^� ,� - �� ���6j ��'•••t� � �17, t�A��•'�-Mop°"j• P+i G`3OUt. aDWATER * None found to 76 in * 63 in ', 77 i n ` 80 in ( � ' u I ' FACTOR * 24 * 36 •• 36 >.a� ADJUSTED HT •• 39 in * 41 in ,. 44 in,� ;i a. t?Q Y THIS OFFICE o-- ,. Bi is�ytall I - - -- -- - - --- -',------------ ------ ., - __ _-- ------ -- ---- „ _ �r ng PERC RATE ,. 6 min/in ,. Less than 2 min/in_ Z ` DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE 1„ o �g o :, -dModulationDram. TEST HT 52-•70 in `• 50 in •• > \ \�� _ _ ,� - EFFECTIVENESS PJESS OF ANY -- - ---- ----- - __.._.. -- --` -- ----- -'--- .....___ _--------------------- .. _... - _- •------------ :%- - �11'�s INSTALLATION v✓IiL E Architects & Engineers �.... BOG �' TEST ELEV ;` 111.5�f t +/ 111.0 f t +/- ;'= 110.5 f t +/- * 111.0 £ t +/- JART1a40UTN i30AR�J OF HEALTH 1 nape: --�.'--� 145 Arnold St., New Bedford, MA 02740 ' 3 IZ q l 1 Contact.: Willi = IL Lockwood TeL- (508)997--5 389 IX" ITE P T AN -E. J GFNFP,AL NOTES ----------------- i_. All work shall be in accordanrP with the requirements of the Dart_mouth Roard of Health, the. Dartmouth Conservation Com- mi-ss-i-on and the Massachusetts Department of FnvironmPntal Pro- tec r:i_on (CET) regulations 310 CMR 1.0.00 & 15.00. 2. Notify the Dar. trtiouth Board of Health and MDI for inspection of sewnpe disposal system when leaching area is fully ex- I,XJDted and When -III components are in place, prior to barkf i-1_ I ing . 3. No modifications shall be made to this system, without prior wa-itten approval of MDI, the Dartmouth Board of HPaI_th. and the. Dartmouth Conservation Comm, iss-i-on 4. Elevations shown on plans are based on approx. MSL datum. 5. All unsuitable material is to be - excavated from lear.hinp area and area backfi.l.l.ed with clean gravel o►- coarse sand as specified in 310 CMR 15.02. Washed crushed stone shall_ be. free of iron. fines and deist. 6. Septir tank and distribution box shall be by Rotondo & Sons Inc, or approved equal:, installed on level stable base per �A'�,,:� t �, s 1 manufacturer's speci.fic�ations. Grout: shall be used to provide a watertight seal at all joints where pipe enters or leaves a concrete striaetiare. mp cent - 7. Contractor shall obtain a Board of Health Certificate of Com- I JP Ile 5A I 10" oyivnao me?A� J-hw;, Nip Iff #4tJ1twA(,r0, PH-9k;, OM T-'i 7, 77 _577 1\7" tx*f 4" of FAPW., lire 41 t J yfa T L,0-f 7 L \01 41 L) 4- WOW. r 1. V,_r­5FK4E AWA Lik 0 C1 to A 4- L) --,r- -,vt, wx 4 S TTE 'r A X T4/1 q 0, 4 V 0 c4 em 'F I!ev 0 SYSTEM ELEVATIONS PERC & WATER TABLE TE-FTS t------------------ ------ 1. ------- ------- TEST HOLE * 8A (91) * 8B (347) * 8C * 8D LOCAXION = DESIGN AS-BUITUT 'DATE * April 1, 1986 'em * September 29, 1986 * January 29, 1991 * January 29, 1991 ---------- .:%,; �: ENGINEER * Michael Ziobro * Michael Ziobro * William H Lockwood * William H. Lockwood -,of of Foundation 6M 121 FIRM *Modulation Designs * Site Work Assoc. Inc. * Site Work Assoc. Inc. * Modul�tion Designs Inv @ Foundation Gidleys Corirtr No SPECTOR Susan Griffin Susan Griffin * Wendy Henderson Wendy Henderson Inv in @ Tank ---------------- ----------------------- ----------- I ----------- --------------------- W 7 11 Inv out @ Tank SOIL LOG 0-43 Humus & Subsoil * 0-24 Hums & Subsoil * 0-4 Leaves & Peat 0-4 Leaves & Peat Inv in @ Dist Box 114. Zo -36 Coarse 43--76 Fine/Med Sand * 24-30 Clayey Sand * 4 Sand w/ 4-12 Subsoil Ind out @ Dist Box '117-03 30­78 Fine/Med Sand & * Fines & Stones 12-44 Coarse Sand w/ End of Pipes 1&�53 f �\J) Gravel w/ Silt, * 36='/2 Sand & Gravel, Fines & Stones Bottom of i iij 71 — - Many Rocks Some Silt, A& -% Sand & Gravel, Fractured Stone Some Silt, 72-120 Sand & Gravel, Fractured Stone /� 1� �a. 3 � 9� 3 11 o 64 F P 0 r9 z - Fractured Stone ----------------_--- ------------------------- -------------- 0 r, ELEVATIONS MUST NOT Bk1i U, THOUT BOAR-iD CHANGED Vv'I 01` 'HEALI",H APPROVAL YK - ye -,qrc, 14 e, tw.., rA,rvi I I 3 33 U W; 0L__ 14 ffQ -Oor> 4 %4 10 IrAq (17.7 1 INVIIS'Zo 11.87X 7i 0 GFNFRAL N(TFF-(; Z t, 1r11P0_11-APe,, #-Vt3 OILFA. 1. All work shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Dartmouth Board of Health, the Dartmouth Conservation Com- *6fWV 40 mission and the. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Pro - eye.., ?lee, teri,--ion (DEP) regulattous 310 CMR 10.00 & 15.00. 2. Notify the Darl-rhouth Board of Health and MDI for inspection of sewage disposal system when leaching area is fully ex- cavated and when all components are in place, prior to hwckf i I I ing. 3, No modifications shall be made to this system without prior written approval of MDI, the Dartmouth Board of Health. and the Dartmouth Conservation Commission 4. Elevations shown on plans are based on approx. MSL datin. 5. All unsuitable material is to be- excavated from leno-hin'p, area and area bar.kfil-led with (Jean gravel or coarse sa6d as specified in 310 CMR 1.5.02.-Vashed crushed stone shall be free of iron, fines and dust. 6. Septic tank and distribution box shall be by Rotondo & Sons Inc. or approved equal., installed on level. stable base per manufacturer's specifications. Grout shall be, used to provide a watertight seal at all joints where pipe enters, or leaves a com,rete strty,_'Lure. 7. Contractor shall obtain a Board of Health Certificate of Com- pliance as required by 310 CMR 1.5.02. He shall also provide an as.-Ixiilt" plan of the system. 8. This system -is designed for three bedrooms. It is not designed 35' for a garbage disposal. 9. Insure that siltation fencing in accordance with Order of Conditions is er(-y'-ted prior to commencing work on the site. 10, Meld 40nArm 1001 -tafe5rAl)or, +D vXkbtlrl We1k5 o�tv\ ENGINEE-RS AS -BUILT !10N & CERTIFICATION STATEMENT REQUIRED * 77 in RD G'WODWAM None found to 76 in * 63 in 'A o * 80 in Sr V3, S3) 0 i- �, * 36 * 36 FACTOR * 24 ADJUSTED HT * 39 in * 41 in * 44 in 141 ---- -- ----------- 4r -------------------- 0 �ad PERC RATE 00 L * 6 •min/in * C) Less than 2 min/in- CI 4.� 0 Z_ TEST HT * 52­70 in * 50 in ---------------------- ------------- TEST-*ELEV- 111.5 ft, +/ 111.0 ft 110. 5 f t 111.0 ft -APPROVED ECIARD of 11EXLTE D a c, TO VV LN or_)ARTfV10'9T11 I THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE I Projmt DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE EFFEECTiVELINESS OF ANY INSTALLATION umvn DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH Date.. 3.1z This System Is Not Designed For Garbage Grinder, WhirIpc,,.,-_-J1 Or Other High Water Use Devices, A,a 1,�z Built must b6 subn,%H1z,'1 to tile Building Dlzp-t- prior to calling for a foundation inspection of any further construction�.' Your Drawing hlvjs�t Be Kept At The Bu.*51,Nnlqqq [)jring The Progre"SC-1, V7.3rk. BUILDIING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth SUBSURFACE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL Mark & Terry Pereira L,OT 15 5l-AiV4, 50.VACekMOJT41, Ko-r 27 WT 1 Modulation Designs, nc. Drawing Architects & Engineers 145 Arnold St., New Bedford, MA. 02740 Contact: William LL Lockwood Tot (508)997-5689 DARTMOUTH 1 01 74' X I A A� 0 ±LL— A r05 FT- -Tx,4."x O'D 3 A f W-T of 0 ' 0 w O'v L 7 77 I i f x 0 2.)o 0 C it, "o 14 F 3Vz"+ *W1 (ryp -j -ro vooxlo ff& t--01 IrS�' �/ � � , (— �) � I — M Tic.-+--- ='�" / / -dl Fjff#-Mf��4 Tod i°�`$" I 4"�°"� ` i / l ` r rr--- L row L L Li L Tow : COT -I - - -- 4- — 'V -To N fo -DATION PLAN ��� FOUN Al mmftf �'Alrwjft Nil x)?, (,.)T ro t' e' ELI SOUTH ELEVATION Sc ER U U L -it 1,-/ 4 JIVIVIVL DETECTORS - CEILING MOUNTED_ 01ILL "c lor'l-r 0 co Go 0 0 ticQ 77 4) z 43 0 k -,7 -17 SEC .' O N A---. N NORTH ELEVATION' SCAM it-020 MkTFnK,,;, AA To &'T tp fA�Jfy A H(19:0 Qi rz S E C T 10 N' C---C tw cry 46 OLT L L Q) tX+ WAMN& 0 II Rj= 6*0u-4 •r--4 E A U 1, 1- • -X '4 0 I. JU Drawing YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE An As Built Survey must 6. PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. submitted to the Building IR TSVP Dept. prior to calling for A I a foundation inGpection or -rurtner-con-st iron -7 xall'za Azc 6--'7 -9 / 5� M tJ e s ; G _W 13 A 5/4 iI - . 13' x �� ��4- � ✓ i<l•,v� . tv � �_� �; � 312x ttr� ?,y,c+� k��_ j�11- t t W' 11 �J --- �- ,- - mow. 'V60 K- e " ++ I I LU ' 0 U W -ta l AY I �MD FtA v NL—CIZ--l� A� 6A'�,F- oK x a 1 Alf Avr"-)d+rb�V; rf# "NET MAt'00- *'` f `Yw9 W/,%4 P,� IX3 r-uR,tz.6:2!z"oe- }�2• �1'(P iiCi vpiy FfAK YfN-11- Cc M TLYZlo►f l ' - " I r)- ---- 7_ i l+ la 3iz s —�`_ -� i �--• � � �� � SQL {��x� `� ,�,y r� I t 3' Fes` ?5:-&. i ICo 4 Vp : . I !3" a'/`Q3'�i 2' %i j1•.4•" M f 3 3'�z u� r fN ; r '1G 4` 113 � _A -7. FRS 1 LQU-M I LjAiN - i15 - 1 — — io! II4" '6-01411 i t0;23�� �{'-3 it T� WEST EI,EVATIONSC�-. T72rL_ wv -0 i_'N' _ B ---B _0 U uy =? SMOKE DETECTORS - CEJUNG AMOUNTED ONLY, � I r1F, Fxi-r 15 *w f r--t- Mprm, w� IFI&411�1 ;,, I 00 2-x&I tb"vo y2,lGYr' ran W tLy*1G 0/*j i • 2x1� � Ib"oG E Ix¢o F0l, 2 12°. I i X, &Tr O o } o _ r r • .e' 6+ 9 t f j QQ � fjr.^ YYtNI� 7��' it{t•} TR k 1� Y .Q C + { 0I e i v � v Ic! E 01 08 ' YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEPT ram•-r'1 AT THE BUILDING DURING THE g PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. �e�w+ate�ew,e�ew.e+� IUILDING DEPARTMENT (Z 0 �. Town of DartmouilR. .tE - NOTI An As Built Surveys must be Drawmi g # submitted to th Building Dept . prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction • A2rF\ 1 1� t I i� 1 ECOTiNil PLOOR PLAN Atp4N T 51tiNF�i.�`� r f tT PA ii- IO�'3/q Al cn a� A ON r 00 V ��' l�t� �L��t • O fvA 1!Y+ft 1r1 �c�tr 1 T- "Fog 0 { cn .0 O E-- E EC T1 0. N VJ v SCALE: i _ E 7 } r�4 a li--7w z e� U IF r 'e � h i Mi x _u�Ys I 7 X I F-4 a -T-T, co 0 ,� � KEPI r3�+�lli ._.... -a SMOKE YOUR DRAWING MUST BE _. THE ru BUILDING DURING DETECTORS -CEILING �T E , ; n-Lis woRK. An As Built Survey mush e ED �N�% „•.�., ILDINfir` E�rt.. ¢.ubnBstted t® t11 ink A Q EAST ELEVATION,►�.j .L' � C T 1 V ' N.' D--D Au a max} eve kept . prior to calk for , . %_�:_ a foundati®n in any further con-struction k } LOT 7 N/F WAITE RECEIVED '91 JUN 12 PM 2 41 DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPT. v V. _ - _.... _"" - " 0 II -AIN 0 12 dleys orj er- 1 - w 00 O o0O o 0 o BM o O u� o O gym_ n Z � D Vf I MN BEING SHOWN AS LOT 8 ON A PLAN OF "SLADES FARM DATED 7-10-85 BEING SHOWN AS PART OF LOT 21 ON ASSESSORS MAP 27. PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE = 3% AS -BUILT FOUN TION PLAN SCALE: /=30. APPROVED BY DRAWN BY DATE: 6111I91 S.M.P. MARK PEREIRIA OLDE BOSTON LAND SURVEY CO., INC. DRAWING NUMB 172 W!, LLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MA. 1319 n, nIFT7nFnl nln 1QR_MF ArFPRnnF MASTER FORM