Site Inspectionl ./ 83 1 d� L +� / •- I :nf BjV'(A-F CY0 1'Ae*� t, , rp 0�� ,41%l No lit tt�e,.er�l4tlr� s •s--�— SAY � {�N i:, IJ V" IS 1 ��', ►3 s __ ._ , W- of .cx INv 11 4' a 2 � � tv INV (12.21 INd2,zo '�.11}v 112.c3 q pl y+ P667 Imo' Ci141. :% C i I' 4 P il'h GF.NFRAL N(YTFS ---------------- a�., I. All work shall be in accor_dan:e with the re uireme_n,.s of ' � i '' •,, ,� R� '` ` � - -- . _ --,_."` - .. I; ', . � , f'�-''(JN VGA #•t7� 3 • Oft- E� q e Dar i_< +h Dartmouth `h Board of Health. the Dart --mouth Conservation Com- \°� 40 mission and the Massachusetts Department of Fnv2ronment.al Pro- Y 1 , pYt!i ptf fli'Y• i1YPl r tec_',::ion (DFP) regttlati,ons 310 CMR 1.0.00 &1.5.00. r ( " I • R L. Notify r_hP Dar, Louth Board of Health and MDI for Ins[- q- Ao --- - Gl, 5¢ f'II�I✓ifit.� system when l.eachin area i.s ful_1_ ex - vet trig N W/�j, oy & Atl, of sPwa ,e d sliosal_ - n Y :avat and when all components are in places, prior t.o I ; hackf i.l_J. ink;. t • 3. No modifications shall. be made t_o th_s system wit-hoitt _ prior written approval_ of MDI, the Dar.tt�touth Board of Health. and the Dartmouth Conservation Commission p G 'tft�v5 4. Elevations shown on .plans are based on approx. MSL datum. 5. All unsuitable material is to be excavated from learJiing area and area backfill.ed with clean gravel or coarse_ sand as specified in 310 CMR 15.02.. V,Ashed crushed stone shall be_ free of iron, fines and dust. t.f,, 1"'10' 6. Septic tank and distribution box shall_ be by Rotondo & Sons Inc, or approvPd equal_, installed on level stable base per I T E PLAN manufac.turer's speci.fi _ ions. Grout. shall be used to provide Q I1)� \ bi l I !-� 1_'t� i r,,K b L a waterti. ht Pal at all joints where i enters or leaves i ERC & WATER TABLE TESTS ---------- - _--------- ------------------- -- --- ,TEST HOLE DATE -8A * (92 )-- - ---- _ _ __ April 1, 1986 -_ ` -------------, ..------ 8B (347) September 29, 1986 * 8C *January 29, 1991 '^ '" 8D January 29, 1991 ENGINEER * Michael Ziobro * Michael Ziobro ',William H Lockwood * William H. Lockwood FIRM * Site Work Assoc. Inc. * Site Work Assoc. Inc. - Modulation Designs * Modulation Designs INSPECTOR * Susan Griffin ` Susan Griffin -, Wendy Henderson ---- ---•--------------- * '_` Wendy Henderson ------- - -•- SOIL LOG * - ----------------_----- 0-43 Humus & Subsoil * s; --------- •------------- 0-24 Humus & Subsoil 0-4 Leaves & Peat Sand -' 0--- Leaves &-Peat-- 4-12 Subsoil -' 43--76 Fine/Med Sand * ,•: 24-30 Clayey Sand 30-•78 Fine/Med Sand & -,- 4-36 Coarse w/ ,; Fines & Stones * 12-44 Coarse Sand w/ ; Gravel w/ Silt, 36=72 Sand & Gravel, -' Fines & Stones Many Rocks Some Silt, 1,4••96 Sarni & Gravel, Fractured Stone * Some Silt, 72-120 Sand & Gravel, -•' Fractured Stone Fractured Stone * ---- - -- - ---- - ---- - --- ------ _....-- --- ------------------------- 4 .. ,--------- - •--- --- G`2(XR DWATER None found to 76 in 63 in 77 in * 80 in 36 FACTOR ADJUSTED HT ;" * %'< 24 39 in 36 41 in __-_-- --- 44sin--- -_-- -- -- _--- i PLRC RATE ----+--------- 6�min/in ---- ---___ ---------- „Less than 2 min/in t TEST HT .. 52-70 in :: -------- " 50 in -_-- -- --•- ---- TEST ELEV 4 ---- -_-_ ---- 111.5 f t +/ � --••-- -�-+• -----... ---- 111.0 f / �; 110.5 i t +/_--• lli .0 f t +/_----•- ' ;U concrete structure. d ) Cem 1 7. Contractor shall obtain a Board of Health Certificate of Com -� ;` ",• - ¢ er �; c / New fo__rd pli.ance_. as required by 310 CMR 15.02. He shall also provide Pit 11 \ 'City �itte Rp s o ° tt tt SYSTEM ELEVATIONS' - „ _ �- ��• 6 an �s�-built. plan of the system. __--__-.._.._..---...�. - ------ \_i�_ 4a a �► -__-......._-_ T 1 �� p� H+�'8. 'I`his s st:em Is (Jes fined for three. bedrnC)[Ts, I is not de_signed LOC ATICA * DESIGN AS-BUIT_ _ _ - _ Y-------_-_tgt0 �' ��.� \ C I, J� � •. � � for a g,arhk9gE? disposal. ' olF Foundation I {G,ap` �' �`, _ t - r -� �,� r• o - Inv @Foundation jiZ•��- cidteysCorfit�- — oc o 9. Insure that si.J_,_a1on fPncinp in accordance with Order of / 1 (, Condit,1ons 1s e_T-ectE?d rlo]- to commencing work on the site. O'er '�. + `� Cr (1(, Q \J\ In ;,ri @Tank (12.52 � .. R. „��_ -••\t � �.; _••-~ � - - �. � v� 605 p Inv Out @ Tank l2.27 - �- j ' 1 "� ;' o•� `off s6 o s Inv in @Dist Box ffY•?.o - _ (� f0• �yP,ld �on�rr+ loot �e�t•atfio�> -{� .xtfiiY�� La**1ts �tner g d 1,3. o Inv out a Dist Box •• 1t2.Ca3 �- �", - �' �� 1��>'n�e�ut` `-%�'pt't� '���t� End of Pipes Bo t tom of f 6 , >rM -`w~ 131 "oM tICPYA l . j0�•�j3 ,. (/ b " tom' •¢y 11 o F p ' 1t`?t ("t7 _ - i _ _ o !a ► '�3HPV/S� a33QF �oCX��t' MtN o -+.-� i ��'� .A ' ;;�•+. ".t31 5 - �i tt3lIPS - UM1'i �� �X�F /A'TiUi { 10-1.33 c x� \� t e t r saes PQ + project 9ad • +fir , ;�. 00 Vn VY t-A Ante; 31 SUBSURFACE SEWERAGE DISPOSAL Mark & Terr Pereira =�to to 5o. VA91�-M►o4 YTt I totN- fto-r 27 a:rf qt, to i+ear' Modulation. Desi ns, Inc. Architects En eers +� g 145 Arnold Si., New Bedford. MA. 02740 Contact; William R Lockwood Tel: (508)997--5889 raving