BP-184JOHN & EMILY COSTA APPLICANTo SAME MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN OF LAND I N D A R T M 0 U T H SCALE: 1" = 40' 2� NOVEMBER 20, 1987 w' J F- A Z �z LOt a7 3 A 0 Q� YN as 2tot.97 as F-- a cn w cD U �w a cn (n�_ z Ww o� u_ w co za �—+ cn ZS. N Z O _ �N9 z w cn NIFSPl,�05tiM �W_Q W pucewz mWF- 3W¢ W J z co Cl -. W ` combo X_ vA N 6, Uzi w aA Sep shed a A ZYJZe M i - JWA CL QW ~11,—H a o-Gs3 c) cn fi O O J 1 j 1-Ud i t! LL V N �� •—+ Z 2 l-- Q f— oc + I 27 — U Cnn ¢ _. _.. . S jctje 5 (:!0rher Road THE LOCATION OF DWELLING AS 'SHOWN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOCAL ZONING BY LAWS �� w� Land Surveyors Civil Engineers WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. ,�,�, � � �, Abe ostnn Pna �urbrq (go.,�J nc. ���.�- _ ��'` Kt Nh,FTH 17Z Willirim jit. THE DWELLING SHOWN HERE DOES NOT FALL ;t ft. e(n rafora, � 02740 WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AS ?,17 , DELINEATED ON A MAP OF COMMUNITY #250005 DATED 7/3/85 BY THE F.I.A. GENERAL NOTES: (1) The declarations made above are on the basis of my knowledge, NOTE: LOT CONFIGURATION TAKEN FROM ASSESSOR'S MAPS OF RECORD AND IS NOT information, and belief as the result of a mortgage plot plan tape survey inspection NECESSARILY ACCURATE. made to the normal standard of care of registered land surveyors practicing in Mass - NOTE: DEED DESCRIPTION DOES NOT AGREE achusetts. (2) Declarations are made to the above named client only as of this date. WITH ASSESSORS OR SLADE'S FARM DEFINITIVE. (1) This plan was not made for recording purposes, for use in preparing deed des- criptions.(4)verifications of property line dimensions,building offsets,fences, or lot configuration way be accomnlished_only_b an accurate instrument survey.