BP-538-- co eU-A r py OfThis End. - d ,lAi Pau Kept ,,1Site n '1'1 nStructon- tOEp OF DUMM BUIIDIN DEp1R1W this plea, has bees rev sod ecoepted ash record copy of work proposed to be perfmww is co*ince with 781 M 5th Edition. the owner, applicntlagest miller architedJesgiseer is responsible for jaw* final cosplimsce with the above-MUmed code sotwithstasdisg my erraaB or missiass is the record plmw Iny chaage in ewer, lieesse cantrectaa' or engimer ssst be reported to this office i t ele is Pa mt be witted to this office is t n !O 3 1c��c , 2�. G ti un rn�r7 � CCZ7 JOHN & EMILY COSTA APPLICANT4 SAME MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN OF LAND 1 N DARTMOUTH SCALE: 1" = 40' 2� NOVEMBER 20, 1987 1_6 `1q _ z co Q .NMI, � this EndocsQ d r-,,� PO O to Q cn se Cn t10C1 ZQ4�51a Z611.9 COW El c / ��-Q� H W > r -• •IaI �10 v Q Cn Cn ccW O .E LL. w z a ETSh��) ow o �-1O+ c�`Q / Qte H h- t-- cz� cn z P" ;zw 0 N `F- 5P.%05l.} IM s> < W a:: :. a a. =----- LL. aC =) "' w z as W W 3 w ! � .140\ C 11ZA wPos0-4 Z GU a LAt1 O > -+ ,�� n�0 14-_ oa Q A �'I ��j� Sl�� $ e►�I .1 � shed CC c _ V'a c5b—`� ,:i1;* % �� Cyr as Q > >%' % h_ a _'' 17R1�P 1= _ 35 ---� jam. _7p \ iz.'_tO�. I cUn >- Cn ¢ W Qz 3 aa v O o J F—Ua >- w cn 4 Z LL. U ►-+ . z r J 1 f �z� �5�cre S �,or�er oa�i THE LOCATION OF DWELLING AS SHOWN IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOCAL ZONING BY LAWS , _. Land Surveyors Civil Engineers WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONAL REAU I REMENTS 1 ; '�'` `:� � { •`, Abe �oston �ittnD �urUeg (go. �nc. �:'�'' � _ ��• `��.� .� . �KU4111falli � - �i 172 Pi(liam �t.4, THE DWELLING SHOWN HERE DOES NOT FALL ,� Ntfu J16fora, X 02740 WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AS DELINEATED ON A MAP OF COMMUNITY #250005 .: ; ,;, % �3 � DATED 7/3/85 BY THE F.I.A.r`T�: i �.»c tr.��� *;1 {i. GENERAL NOTES: (1) The declarations made above are on the basis of my knowledge, NOTE: LOT CONFIGURATION TAKEN FROM ASSESSOR'S MAPS OF RECORD AND IS NOT information, and belief as the result of a mortgage plot plan tape survey inspection NECESSARILY ACCURATE. made to the normal standard of care of registered land surveyors practicing in Mass - NOTE: DEED DESCRIPTION DOES NOT AGREE achusetts. (2) Declarations are made to the above named client only as of this date. WITH ASSESSORS OR SLADE'S FARM DEFINITIVE. (3) ihis plan was not made for recording purposes, for use in preparing deed des- criptions.(4)Verifications of property line dimensions,building offsets,fences, or lot confi uration maybe accomplished only b�� an accurate instrument survey.