BP-32677ADDITIONS AND A I.TPI? ATIpN,� FOR Y FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAI� SOUTH DARTM 111 BLADE'S CORNER ROAD,OUTH, MA DRAWINGS: A-00 SITE PLAN A-01 FOUNDATION & BASEMENT PLAN A-02 FIRST T FLOOR PLAN A-03 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A-04 ATTIC PLAN A `05 ROOF PLAN A-06 SOUTH a EAST ELEVATIONS At07 NORTH & WEST PARTIAL ELEVATION A-08 BUILDING SECTIONS S A-09 FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN A-10 SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN A-11 ATTIC FLOOR &ROOF . A-12 WALL.. SEC FRAMING PLANS SECTIONS _ 1 A-13 WALL SECTIONS - 2 A-14 WALL SECTIONS - 3 ■ A-15 DOORS, WINDOWS A-16 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS =1 A-17 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS - 2 A-18 Fr..TL,L SIZE DETAILS A-19 STAIR A-20 CHIMNEYS A-21 CABINS A-22 SPECIFICATIONS - 1 A-23 SPECIFICATIONS - 2 A-24 SPECIFICATIONS - 3 M-Ol BASEMENT" MECHANICAL & PLUMBING M-02 FIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL &PLUMBING M-03 SECOND FLOOR &ATTIC MECgArJICAI., &PLUMBING E-Ol BASEMENT ELECTRICAL E-02 FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL, E-03 SECOND FLOOR &ATTIC ELECTRICAL, 0 NE4 24 CEN'TRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TE"EPHpNE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 r ? H: 50 FILL TOWN OF DARTMOUTH -Coin PUN M py C Yr14 idcrzal Plan Must Be Kept an SUB. Dtsr� �;��� ��l'na. YOUR DRA\NING 111usT U rc AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. stra.DiNG Dvn1ApTr11vNT Town Of Dcr.mout' 0NO-TUSE SIZE AND DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE 111E CONCRETE IS POURED. DEPARTMENT FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations th►u sealed rated tivetls and floors shall be �tiith n + � ., �ryc r . tone! C,t.,�, �r bfe of f;re.venting tliv; to the ro c:�ire:'ard J,,ssOS when subjected R gents of the Test Standard #1� for Fire Stops AST&I-E-814. R.0 An As Built SxrveY rPR Ise �: w �-, submitted to tine Bvfl `Airy; 3 Dept prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. DAF-I'l-1,00UTH FIRt, T DECEMBER 1, 200-3 s,L?3ZI auy - sallof • tls•asm , . • , , �+�•'� A`-�� AA,A► �•�• 'ON 1o3road SAS a3naaddd OS00'L668QS 1731 �JNRl33NI�J 3 3W121d 7y1N3WNOd'1/1N3• 1 ` — SOIN 1AWWC1 M i1 £LZO W 377IA3,IH7 91VId3A6PS y �p L is Ocial3J os£ ON 133HS AH a3H33H0 880! XOS 0'd 9NIN33N19N3 71A13 • 1 ` VW 'adO JQdg /' 3N I Afi a3NDIS3a S1331IH3dV S3N0(' - b'W�lf1S - 3SIM 1N3n0 Sii3snH3VSSVW `Hir0W1Nb'Q (� Ag NMH?Ja QdON N3NNOS S,3Qd-lS III \ l ^ E0, '22 'd3S 'off `A3-f0J '3 QlN3H 6 NVWN3i13ni C[dV kdd 3Ndf 1�3ruad 31VJS NH-ld SNOUIQNOO DNIISIX3 31111 ONtMtlbd MQ'IOOI OL\1010sOL\Qb'Da 63NdD3 S3(Id-lS\HinowiJdQ\S1Z)3FD8d\A3AanS\lO 13\-IId 00 v ��nn�xa :07TZI N3 Old V WOM (1309Q £ooz `t xHuW909a :aLvQ �� � , J 1 / ,JVn(oWqEjrllp laNIS MOD 3 qlncoWrmOmoURailGoGo ToiDoI IOO IIln OI Fa j .81 = ,.T :9'IVOS \ I mZd CIS .w3Kavd3a o1►a;avna $'T.T.T,T, imnod si 313HONOO 3" U. ?4oaa amnmd si mmo3d^ '; g 1 \ 1 I Ol MaNg uG IXg lid >Z401�1 Fu63a ctrtd ors 3cni-oruos � � � 1 � � � i �. OS \ \ \ + 1 1 GVO'H xN0D SSUV IS I I t . _ . . s _ZMA N V Y1LQa o u xV 1 aff) O Am Hx OM SIH-L d0 S 3moomd ,1 JNwno .W(rina 3H1. 1d Id �q Lsnw JNIMdN4 23nOk \ \ \ \ sc acid •� 18-3- cdo eat- .w Td �S •. ,,� \ ! \ \ \ \ \\ \ 3 hs x>! �iI1Sd lS t€dtW i \ \ \� t , \ ^ y { 1 \ \ \ \ \ 9 p RMS l9al @�#1 do slualwaiii-ib � ate o 4.J paloaf ns ua h1 SiDSS- \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ Q � L� lazl pu� sa��ll �o a�i�sti� ���',� �� l �- \ l / � of I \ \ \ \ \ ayl 6ulluanejd jo algsdeo prjaleua c yjltA palsyS 30 aq it u5 saooll pug s; palsy njt.11 suollullaua I .f.Itt31UM038 JNMQLS 3HU i 1 0,Uoll:n k �' 1 1 1 1 oY Dad[sui uoTlupunol 1 1 \ I 1 { 1 1 I o 30 a ,� � 1 \ I 1 1 1 � � � � -IIIIII �II II \�,� ► \ \ \ \ 11 \ \ � \\ tlu ns \ 1 1 1 \ I \ 1 \ 1 \ \ \ \ q low jz)Ajns #ilns sv uV LA \ � � 1 ' � ! - / 1 l \ \ { 1 ! 1 11 ; o 1 \ \ / 1 ► \ \ 1 ! \ \ 1 VPV GN 1>I26,Vd ! I 1 I i CfJ I \ 0, SL 1 1 I I �I 1 � ,-W as of C•s s�usoc3 •. � �,/ { \ , \ \ \ A 9'9z — 1 ' _ 1 -"' £660-L66 (905) XVa > . LL69=L66 (805) 9NOHd3T3.L11 1 1 1 { \ — _ — i I l \ Ot7Lzo VW `(MO!Iaas flax 1 _ _ -- 1 { cams Hulmao vz 1 1 1 1 _ _ 1 \ \ 1 C'SJ 1 \ \ 1011 " 4 4 _ _ 6'v 4,J n -=1N " 4' BRICK GAP 2 rr ! 3 J" -� ALUM. GRATE ! � — N F.F. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 86.1 Q F.F. FIRST FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. 84.85 b• all 8ll 8„ #4 CONTINUOUS mto #4 REBAR a 12" O.G. tnk0 1 3'-O' : 6„ p TomdDertnouth N N #4 CONTINUOUS 11-011 1Uu 10" lo" 1'-4" 11.f" V-.4.v 1'-4" -T O p p : p o o o,: o 0 6" PVC DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT (3) # 5 REBAR CONTINUOUS - 1r_br� ('-6" TYPICAL FOR ALL A-8 15'-7"t VERIFY FOOTINGS FOUNDATION SECTIONS REMOVE ALL EXI5TIN6 HEATING dJ I I I I EGIUIPMENT 0 I IS,Ir ( I COVE EXI5TIN6 I I GUT DOORWAY • b — — I - I IN EXISTING FOUNDATION ILJI) I • (._— 0 REMOVI: EXISTING FILL — — — — — — I w F FOR NEW BASEMENT I I o CRAWLSPACE I -8 2" GONGRETE SLAB _ / ICI I I m / IL f I RI=MOVE EXI5TIN6 CHIMNEY JI GUT 24 WIDE ACCESS TO / A-8 I— —1 taEw GRAWL.3PAGE i I BASEMENT DEMOLITION PLAN 8r, " 8 - 8 I O AND STEEL P05FOOTIUNDER / " _ r- n I SCALE: 1/8 —1 0 I EXISTING 61RDER .EXISTING BASEMENT I NOTE= _ — DEMOLITION DRAWIN65 ARE FOR GENERAL SCOPE OF I FOU I -ION REMOVE EXISTING SLAB I I AND AAWA I ; ; I NEW 4' GONGRE-fE SLAB WORK ONLY. OTHER DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL WORK -4 8 -5 I/4 / 8'-s I;'2" 5 L .! OVER VAPOR BARRIER I 15 REQUIRED FOR THE GOMPLi=TION OF THE PRO.EGT r r� " 6' CONCRETE PAD AT GRADE SAVE 2 I I I REMOVE ALL EXISTING POSTS xb° OR LARGER STORE FOR THE O'•^�NER ANY ANTIG2UE BEAMS OR HEATING EQUIPMENT / -- � + — -- �...-----.-.. ....-.... ..— s. � — — I �'�" � / ( t e it ;r•a �,� �%' I IL It ---_ (IIIi t- CUT NEW OPENING IN � / / NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATI I EXISTING FouNDATION d GAP WITH I- ING 5T0 II I 4 ...... ...: 2 NO `IE 'Emmmmanw, IM.— HOT WATER HEATER 'd" — O (� - — An AS Bull` Survey must be HEATING BOILER =KV 3 I '4� ? 3/4" \ WOOD STAIRS 4 � DETAILS ( submitted to the Building cv I I:I Dept. prior to calling for I �, I a foundation inspection or J o .11 BASEMENT L anp ftu�ther construction. GONG ( TO SUPPORT FLOOR 5TAIR5 F.F. BASEMENT ADDITION ELEV. '16.85 BASEA2ENT a ABOVE I IF I — 2 EXdAVATE EXISTING GRPJ^U_5P —I- DOWN TO ELEVATION OF EXISTI B — (01TI OF U '-4" 5 4 1/2" 'l..t� 4" PERFORATED FOOTING DRAIN - _ A Copy C,•Thls Endm. d — - — - _ — —� A-9 L .� l L. �. �'1an rf1St Be, Ke t On NO ' I FILLED �a — —�— — — — WATERSTOP AT .111NGTION REMOVE OF NE34 AND EXI'ST1N6 EXI5TIN5 FOUNDATIONS GAP WITH 2" EXISTING6 CHIMNEY. I — FOUNDATIONS . FOUNDATION TO = 4" PVG DRAIN CONCRETE SJ d� FROM AREAS 8'-5 I/4" V-2 1/2" � `LAB REMAIN �j' E KEr . TRENCH DRAINS ,,/ yuUR DRAWING MUS-r a I: ---- - -- - /� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ' AT THE BUILDING DURING FINE OF THIS WORK. Z I TYPICAL NEW FOOTIN65: PROGRESS — • — 1 u ABTh'iBNT 3 /2 LALLY COLUMN DIPTG DE1 . 8" g GONGRzr T F-OOTIN6iI O� 5/` /� n ..,:. By u n Of Dnrimau b N ` • A-8 05 REAR ®I 6"WEA. WAY A-8 I I F.F. BASEMENT MAIN HOUSE ELEV. -14b I ' — . — . — . — . • — — ' 10'-o' EXISTING BASEMENT cnl�t S FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT 25'-1 ° m Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be NEW 4' GONGRETE SLAB `fl •f — _ — OVER VAPOR BARRIER — — seated, tivl,h a material capable of preventing the I / passage o#fumes and f of gasses when subjected C= PLAN KEY: to the requirements of the Test Standard epscific / for Fire Stags ASTM-E-II14. FOUNDATION/BASEMENT PLC ' NEWV COW -AM 5L OVER VAPOR BARRI �Q5TIN6 STONE FOUNDATION : �FENC •TUBE SIU AND DEPTH 2l ECTKk3 IS REQUIRED BEFOrM 4' PVC DRAIN THE COt+i rAETE 13 POUREG. FROM ROOF DOWNSPOUTS /�� NEW POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION z A-8 / • { >E'U'LDIMG DEPARTMENT A . . . . . . EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BE REMOVED A-8 it WOW .� VA WISE- SURMA•JONES - ARCHITECTS A CENTRE STREET TEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 RU PHONE (508) 997-5977 AX (508) 997-0993 'ONSULTANTS IOTEs DARTMOUTH FIR7 DISTRI U ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR ENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 11 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD OUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TILE FOUNDATION/ BASEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER i BID DRAWINGS 0 WISE- SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS FINISH SCHEDULE FIRST FLOOR A-s REMOVE CABINETS CHIMNEY, STAIR, AND 13A<5E Ac5'N FINISHES AT FLOOR ROOM NAME FLOOR NDWK. FIN 15H CORN I G WALLS GE It I NC REMARKS WALLS AND CEILING MILTON ROOM WOOD TYPE "A" A A A 6S-5.GP - PTD. 6.5._5.GP - PTD. BEAMS AT CEILING PAINT PASSAGE STONE TILE B A B 6.5- S.GP - PTD. EBB -5.G.P - PTD. PAINT B A SCREENED PORCH ENTRY STONE TILE B 6.B-5.0P - PTO. 6.B.-S.CP - PTD. w x PAINT B BRIGO B NGPARETE SLAB pC o KITCHEN WOOD TYPE "A" 6.B-S.GP - PTD. 68. S.GP - PTD. 0 PAINT PANTRY WOOD TYPE "A" A B 6.B.-S.C.P - PTD. 6.B-S.GP - PTD. PAINT II DINING ROOM WOOD TYPE "A" $ A PAINT 6.B-S.GP - PTD. 6B- S GP - PTD. BEAMS AT CEILING 6ALLEY/STAIR WOOD TYPE "A" A 6.B.-S.CP - PTD. 6B-S GP - PTD. BEAM' AT CEILING B PAINT B - II cE G =KV REMOVE REMAINING FLOOR STRUCTURE BATH #1 WOOD 'TYPE "A" 6.B-5.GP LS PTO. 6.8.-S.GP - PTD. �i �'S' DETAIINTERIOR WALL MNI5HE5 PAINT - 112 " WOOD TYPE "A" PAINT III STUDY B A 6.8.-5 GP - PTD. 6B.-S.GP - PTD. BEAMS AT CEILING O 0 A-8 T A-8 lt3 ..... ...........• ...... I10 FURR OUT ,ALL TO 5 1/2" FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" A-$ NOTE, DEMOLITION 2 I' :2" r WORK ONLY. OTHER I DEMOLITION AND REMOVALWORK a 15 REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PRO.EGT A-8 A-8 ' SAVE AND STORE FOR THE OWNER ANY ANTIQUE BEAMS OR P05TS 6 xb OR LARSER !Oq AREAWAY WITH METAL GRATE Irl UINRT!0- 115 IC.K PAYING 3 _ KITCHENS O� 41-4" 8'-2 I/2" 8' I/2" 4t4u ON 4' GONG. SLAB if I I LLLLLLLLLUa r 114 SEE CABINET DETAILS-011 i•.— __ — ::. �— — — — — 51-1" 0 0 A-$ •Id -1 o 19 O GOIJGRETE PAD ON GRADE m IIII II11 lo-r L rt IIII IF BY OTHERS IIII : ' _ .; ADSAC '` I� s�. Vs I111 IIII I !4 .� : .... ii i II ..... .HooK SHELVES i I I i I I Q i g PANTRY STRI I IIII I I ,� I '' SEE C A51 NET (kor4 I IIII j I I j I u. N DETAILS NOTICE ® Li D,ETAtLS IIII IIII I II ENTRY II,, �4 - III MILTON ROOM i 111 3_ t — _ OOM #1 An .As Built Survey must be BRICK PAVIN6ycy I I IIII I I I -- 106 submitted t0 the LailLclil ON 4 GONG. SLAB " IIII I SEE CABINET Dept. prior to calling for II IIII C4 G O DN SEE STAIR DETAIL a founC{<ltion inspection I II or j UP e i i I I V i DETAILS AIA la any further construction. I-E4 R III II , - 4 _ Q a. SHELF a POLE - Q `''r'/ I I ! I I--------GASEDPOST ---I _ _._-- ' ' /C� n /a F IIII IIII — N II -----�1IL_ J I11 I 3'-rJn '- "---------- — — — Per stral ---- �-- ---- —� A-9 18 I!6 ! xa7 g/0 sea ed _ 118 $'_5" 3 30 na //0qy pas gags " mod- 4'-4' H DRAIN $'-4" 120 _ ff cv GROOM GALLERY STUDY 3 /30 - - lo x -- __ - -- ,g A-8 a5 X H 104 „ Q DOOR 120 25 -i 101-0" If II S PLAN LEGEND I g Existing Wail, Counter, Fixture Appliance, etc., To BR e emoved — — — — — — — — — Existing Wall To Remain T ® --- FIRST FLOOR PLAN Ncw Partition-2"x4" a 16" O.G. W/ 1/2 6W5 4 Veneer Piaster IDI 102 103 System Unless Noted Otherwise 36 �awln A-8 A-5xr SI I Door Dest tfon D 101 — Door Number Door Width D. Window l2aggagtLQn R I13 Window Number M VA WISE•SURMA•JOKES ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS0 t ` Ff 9 NOTESt�s'T01ITH COM PLAU, A C'"PY C -Tiffs End=l Pisa Mast Be Kept Qn C6te P� IrI 'in / .ruct, I D C YOUR 'DRAWING MUST BE KEPI AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE. PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDI11C DEPARTMENT Town -of Dartmouth $ONO-TIJ3E SIM- AND oEPTH IPq_'%QECT1ON IS REQUIRED e--r-OfI THE CONCRETE IS POUFTI p, rUILD1140 DEPARTtL I'm SIRE STOPPING REQUIREKIENT :sorts thru rated 'Us and floors shalt be vith a material capable of preventing t hc- of fl,-Ames and loot gasses when sc:bjecterf gliirements of the Test Stgndrd :A ► OP8 ASTM}'-E-el 4. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR I ENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERW 11 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD OUTH DARTMOUTH, MA ITLE FIRST FLOOR PLAN ALE: 1/4" ATE: DECEM 3ER 1, 2003 PAWN: CTW EVISED: RAWING N[IMBER ID DRAWINGS FINISH SCHEDULE - SF ROOM NAME F OOR MASTER BEDROOM WOOD TYPI MASTER BATHROOM CERAM. TIL W.G. CERAM. TIL PASSAGE WOOD TYPE CLOSET I WOOD TYPE CLOSET2 WOOD TYPf BEDROOM #2 WOOD TYPE BATHROOM #2 CERAM. TIL HALL WOOD TYPI STAIR HALL WOOD TYPI BEDROOM #3 WOOD TYP! BATHROOM #3 CERAM. TIL BEDROOM #4 WOOD TYPI 4 Door Designation IOI - Door Number 3b —Door Width Window Desi!2na ton ll3 Window umber fth WISE. SURMA•JONES -ARCHITECTS 24 CENM STREET NEW IBMFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES DISTRICT 4 3 FIB. !° C E N 0"' An As Built Survey most: ' submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. F E 0� c 3, ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR BENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 03 3 WISE- SURMA• JOKES - ARCHITECTS Door Designation IOI - Door Number 3b —Door Width Window Desi!2na ton ll3 Window umber fth WISE. SURMA•JONES -ARCHITECTS 24 CENM STREET NEW IBMFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES DISTRICT 4 3 FIB. !° C E N 0"' An As Built Survey most: ' submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. F E 0� c 3, ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR BENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 03 3 WISE- SURMA• JOKES - ARCHITECTS IN TOV, OF PJAWNIO'UTH RECOM) Wit-1 A CepY C`'TNs Endja- -d Tian h1ust Ge Kept On S:av D�� G a Gf YOUR DRAWING MUST b . iv-, AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS 4F THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTWENT Town of Dartmouth YOUR DRAWING MUST SE XEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth �� /� = 360 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetration3 thru rated walls and floors shell be sealed with a material capable of preventing the Passac of flames and hot gassers when subje-'oted to the feVirements of the Test Standmrd >rpedslc for Fire Stop ASTM-E-814. PLAN LEGEND Existing Wall, Counter, Fixture Appliance, etc., To fie Removed Existing Wall To Remain New Partition-2"x4" ® f6" O.G. W/ 1/2" GWB 4 Veneer Plaster System Unless Noted Otherwise Detaif bof I -'—Petall Number �- Drawing Number Door Destgnal l Ioi-- Door Number -- Door Width Window Vesfanation I13 --- Window Number 5 Wk 1 „II WISE•SURRA•JONES - ARCffffECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES f)I � -O �� No CE An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any furthcr construction. F11 . d F '.04, Y ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE ATTIC PLAN SCALE: 1/411 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER A 0 4 BID DRA`V'VINGS D WISE- SURMA• JONES ARCHITECTS TOV, OF PJAWNIO'UTH RECOM) Wit-1 A CepY C`'TNs Endja- -d Tian h1ust Ge Kept On S:av D�� G a Gf YOUR DRAWING MUST b . iv-, AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS 4F THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTWENT Town of Dartmouth YOUR DRAWING MUST SE XEPT AT THE BUILDING DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth �� /� = 360 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetration3 thru rated walls and floors shell be sealed with a material capable of preventing the Passac of flames and hot gassers when subje-'oted to the feVirements of the Test Standmrd >rpedslc for Fire Stop ASTM-E-814. PLAN LEGEND Existing Wall, Counter, Fixture Appliance, etc., To fie Removed Existing Wall To Remain New Partition-2"x4" ® f6" O.G. W/ 1/2" GWB 4 Veneer Plaster System Unless Noted Otherwise Detaif bof I -'—Petall Number �- Drawing Number Door Destgnal l Ioi-- Door Number -- Door Width Window Vesfanation I13 --- Window Number 5 Wk 1 „II WISE•SURRA•JONES - ARCffffECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES f)I � -O �� No CE An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any furthcr construction. F11 . d F '.04, Y ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE ATTIC PLAN SCALE: 1/411 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER A 0 4 BID DRA`V'VINGS D WISE- SURMA• JONES ARCHITECTS i "MINIMUM L00 E LAP LCC VALLEY PLASHING r-CI"1Ab Gi IiL, r_ �-�ALLEY RAFTERS VALLEY cALE DETAIL �-s xoT To s I X CEDAR RIDGE BOARDS ROLL. VENT RED CEDAR SHIN6L..E ROOF CEDAR BREATHER 16 / 78" CDX PL.YHOOD ROOP 5HEATHIN6 2 RIDGE, VENT DETAIL, SCALE: 1" =: 1'-0" ROOFPLAN LEAD COATED GOppM VALLEY N OPEN AND TAPERED, piCAL III I I I I i I b WISE, sUM.JaNES U SiwmT ARCH 'ECTS BEDFORD, MA 02740 NL TELEPHONE 008) 997-5977 FAX (508) 9974993 CONSULTAWS NOTES PICOM PLAN A Ctpy C:•;t4J's Enft d [Ian Vof a Kept On Site ! ''r -'re ti TVlitt t1Rf�VVtl'iCi IviUJ'I u� ikii r di-kl I UTH FIR AT THE BUILDINGTHIS DURING TH D 6 �,,� _ �. } PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. %€ �) ] /®. BUILDING DEPART&iF:Ri3' tx CEDAR RIDGE 80ARV5 "r'v`;i, Town of DartmoutIa Jr1t�r%i� OVER RIDGE VENT (TYPICAL FOR ALL RIDGES) t FIRE S70PP!>, G REnUI�E -E iT Per trations thrU rated WaIls and floor 4ONO-TUBE SIM AND DEPTH _ � 1 306 I 'n*%!'ECTIO'N IS REQUIRED BEFORE sa2ti@d with a material capable Of prey ting THE CONCRETE IS POURED, � i • ,_, , ,, •; � +' 11.1 �� Passage of flames and hot gassQs when su�ject�� eU1c.o��a DEPAaTtJI>rNT to the regc,Irements of the Test Standard Ta►ba, at o rtrrtovtt, for Flee Stops ASTM-E-814. r RED CEDAR SHINGLE ROOF I i 1:A- � L l i tl 1 1llt 1 I I I ADDMONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR I I ' HENRY FOLEY AND J TUCKERMAN ANE ,'I I 11 SLADE`S CORNER ROB II I , I I•, ,, r I I ; ,I SOUTHDARTMOIJTH, - 'llliL;_1�1.111 ROOF PLAN A-8 SCALE: 1/4"=11_011 - - DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: C"IW INOTICE REVISED An As Built Survey must be DRAWNG NI V�ENRON submitted tO the Budding ER A-8 Dept' prior to calling for a fou_jdation inspection or any further construction. DID ���GS �■.■■ mass mass ■�■■' SIMULATED BRICK CHIMNEY SEE DETAILS Ix CEDAR RIDGE GAP OVER RIDGE VENT RED CEDAR SHINGLE OVER CEDAR BREATHER 4x5 FIR GUTTER MODIFY EXISTING EAVE DETAIL TO MATCH NEH WORK FF. SECOND FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. 611.07 FF. 50EOND FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. W4.2q F..XISITNG HOOD DOWNSPOUT TO REMAIN EXISTING WHITE CEDAR 5HINGLE SIDING TO REMAIN - PATCH IN AT NEW WINDOH5 F.F. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. &6.1 F.F. FIRST FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. &425 4" PVC, POWN5POU'T DRAIN - LEAD TO DAYLIGHT F.F. BASEMENT MAIN HOU15E ELEV. -i4.6* F.F. BASEMENT ADDITION IFLEV. '16.85 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be sealed with a material capab!0 of preventing the Passage of flames and hot gasses when suwed to the requirements of the Test Stgnderd cpV11 6r Fko Stope ASTM-E-814. o f!'`I15 REQUIRED E'er CONCRETE IS Pou' �-- Cu'.L 0.0 DEPART"-STT Cam'""► iuUf{ URAWNG I,AUSI 81 1`,► AT THE BUILDING' DURING THLE PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUrLDI11r, DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth FF. SECOND FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. cM.C`7 01,T1 OF M IV0 ECORD PUM A Gcpy V'This EnI err-d FF. SCE-00 FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 94.2�I Plan i'.il�Rt K pt On Site - Dur 1. c YOUR DFip+1R'ING MUST PE KpI'fi AT THE BUIING LE SCR EN5 P> oomsS of THIS jyppll{NO THE BUILDING DEPARTMeNT To-.m of Dartm FF. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 86.1 FF. FIRST FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. b4.&5 n FOUPUATI©!V i I ^ i NEkq CONCRETE FOUNDATION AT E: I � O a : EXISTING _ I F.F- BASEMENT MAIN HaLfiE M-EV. yct.6t EXI5TINO HOU5E ADDITION — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FF. BASEMENT ADDITION ELEV. -r&z5 EAST ELEVATION MA WISE•SURM•JONES - ARMUTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES --, T H FIRt,- DISTRICT 0� w_ ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR BENRY FOLEY MD JAM TUCKER 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE S & E ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN. CTW REVISED. DRAWING NUMBER A�06 C WISE- SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS ------i 04 in riiil-.-/—ii—ii■ ...��.—tea. --fir ���w—r■■i�r ■iiiii- ���''�i:iirtiifi. .! � •; ` +R . in i—iir—rr■i i—r�ii■..i -----r _�=i-NO l!�iiinrmnnrrn�lr =— =_ rrnnnnnntrilrli� Irmnrrmlrmtn� 117, lr�� =i=rI���Pwaa�1■■q_.■.-�_■G.rl_rri-i_.r■-i�■rv��■r.-1_■r.�rrrri�■-.r�■-.-1_■.iii�aiiii ■iiii-- __ r r r rry■��r r ! rn i ! r .'-,r.! it MIS lnr r ' ' r ; '1i{ �� ���I I��I �� .1-•/■ to I ■ i i n� i1 min �nm�r�tir�m�r�m�r�mrran�r�m�r�nnramrm��r�i��rr��n�rrn���r�!���r�nn�r�i����- iii�i�inimmnii!imi nrriii� n�rnmimn� ri�m�nminniir'rr' � =—=-mn i- -i—r ■--iiii i� _-...Town of Dcurt=01AN lei mnrmrmmmr1nnr��nr�irinr�n��rmnm�irrmn�rmt�rmnm�nnm�nmr�rr�!�irr�!n�------t nr •------ �I�Ir _i_.nrrmn�>t>tm�rlim�r�m�rrEl�li1rm11/Is„trmr,srmn�rmnmm�rimrrmn�r�i�nr�►�ntri��:�r�!.s� ===_—= I.�mnnriin :=_.mnrmnrn�irrn�nrmarmirrrn�rrn�n�mnrmnrnnn��nnr�nnr�i�nrri�nr�-=----! �=___..:. �----= �. i,m�rinnn�i�nrm��rrnn�rmn�r�m�r�mrrlrm��nntrmnn�n��rn��r�mrr�i��r.==__—=•• ►� ■ YOUR DRAWING Mill -__: rmnr�narmnrrnnrrnnrrnnrmnrrnnrmm�nmmnrmnr�nnr�nnr�nn -- - �-------.. r�--�- - ---- nlnmlr�I�llrrnrlr�mlrrn�Irrnlrr�nlrmllrn�ilrmllr�mlr�Itar�i��lr�!���r�in '� e ■ != __— e� �■PROGRESS° OF THIS WORK. �r:unm�nr■�m:�.mmmmmmrmmi��n.�f�simn�m:�m:�m:n�ma�l.nm � � .:--iiiiiii, ,; �� N�ET rw—ir_ _.. loll -- -- ------..._ - _..__.. _.-_--- ----- - - - - __ ... !i�---iii—�■i� iiii -. _ '�_ • r—iiii= i—■■ • ,. -.. . t . ��� iiiiirrr■!! ■ . . . r■rnEVEN rrrr -r �. .■■'. — ■rrrusr•irrr MEN .�.,. ! urrur rr-�r- loss '---' i � rrrrrrrrrrrw� - i PAN errrirr-.i-rrs�s + {}.11� �1,—, � � i .-■�-■■--■rN� loll. .ill @ENJOIN on ��► h.■...��.��■�n�����tr�����i��rm�.nnWN 11 fIll��nrin11111 mlrmnrmnm11mrnrmnF Wu D�l imill i ItIrII�11�11�Will nlrmin�It11r11�i1r11�I1r11��11>�Inl!■IIIII�AnI�IlMill l...r�.._ , .-----_—�•-i- 'I .... ==_' �1 ,40111 '! Mm��i�����■11 �� l t'�'�■ P.F. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 66.1 F.F. FIRST FLOOR ADDITION ELEV. 64.e 5 — — — — — —�=— — --- — — — — _ — F.F. BASEMENT MAIN HOUSE ELEV. Igbt FF. 5A5E]"IENT ADDITION ELEV. 16Z5 WEST ELEVATION f WISEsSURMA•JONES - ARCIMCTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW 13MFOM MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES V�J C E, An As Built Survey must N Z� submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundatiOn inspection or anp further construction. FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT anotrations thru rated wags and floors sha!! be Wed with a material capable of preventing the �ssnge of flam®s and i�ot gasses whQn sub2oct�d I tho requirements of the Test Standard epeelic K � 8#o�s A3TM-E-$14 1 ISTRICT NCB- �µ r ADDITIONS AND ALMAnONS FOR HENRY FOLE AND JAM TUCKERM 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE NORTH & WEST ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" =1'-011 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: in DRAWING NUMBER DID DRAWINGS 0 WISE- SURMA- JONES - ARCHITECTS S a�1.11V1V tl ECTION C 1 A- 1 F.F. SECOND FLOOR, I►ION it ". .01 .F. SECOND P1.00?F2 lit IN HOUSE ELEV. g4.24 _ S % 2 ORAFTERS WISEQ SURMA-TONES - ARCIMCTS ADD TO EXISTING i 24 CENTRE STREET R40F STRUCTURE / BEAM NEW BEDFORD, MA o2740 0) 1 5�/4wX 1! -1/6" LYL. TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 EXISTING RAFTERS _ _ RAFTERS - 2x1O ® 16" O.G. JOISTS - 2x8 ®I6" O.G. P057 - i3) 2x4 —. — — �. NEW GLcS J015T5 — — �x8; ® 16, or, . . : . . . . . ; BEAM t2) 1 3/4 x II FEARING WALL BEARING WALL CONSULTANTS —7� - x EXISTING JOI5T5 — — — STEEL R�lAM _ --- T SEE M-44IN6 PLAN SEE FRAMII� STEEL BEAM PLAN SEE FRAMING PLAN STEFJ. BEAM JOISTS - 2x8 ® 16" O.G. SEE FRAMING PLAN . BEARING WALL _ FURR UP FLOOR TO LEVEL WITM MAIN HOUR : I T " T I I G. EXISTlN6 J015T5 _ - — , EXISTING STONE FOUNDATIONS - NEW 4" GONG. - - SLAB - NEW 4' GONG. T ` SLAB - - SECTION B. - - - _ NOTES _ — — — — - t'vUft DRAWING Ntu�'r .1L ,fir; AT - THE BUILDING' DURING THc PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. pUTL �C DEPARTtIENT ToWA Do m ta NO- 2, IS REOUM BVFORE :�,., T11S CONCRETE IS POURE4, '!I'LAma D.P"rpff 'y.,r..E.1.,.(.:?l.Cn..ir::as.Sii.w.ii,e iJ r/'Iw:t,. i..a ...f.. .:iA,l•�A�J� � ; ".dar..— l�-..:c31�� FT A-12 12 RAFTERS - 2x1O ® 16" O.G. g TOVIl!d OF DARTMOUTH ECCD MAC CEILING ISTS A CCPY C'•T Js End cti 2x ® o.G. You1�anr ,Q MUST a Icl�rrl D �`'Iti t Oil3$sr TOP OF PLA AT THE 13UILDI IG DURING THE � �'; I" i ;tic, PROGRESS OF T 1!S WORK kN 4 EUILDWG 'EPARTMENT Q —Idl _ Tom of rtmou+ � `. FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Per, itrations thru rated wells and floors shall be, sea :i with a materiel capable of preventing thy. — pae :age of flames and hot gassos when subjected 12 — — —to tv requirements of the Test Standard > ",rc st— for Fka Stops ASTM-E-914. ADDITIONS AND ALMATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JAM TUCKER 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA SECTION F TITLE BUILDING SECTIONS SCALE: 1/4" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: - DRAWING NUMBER A �nx BID DRAWINGS 0 WISE• SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS SECTION G F.F. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOL)5E ELEV. 86.1 F.F. FIR5T FLOOR AMTION ELEV. a 4hS F.F. BASEMENT ADDITION ELI`V. -16.85 141, FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN WISE-SURNIA•JONES - ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-M3 CONSULTANTS L " F 0 D 01)", F. E NOTES SONO.TUgE SVS AND DEPTH .rscT1OI`I IS REQUIRED BEFOA9 'NHS cONCRETE IS POURED- YOUR ai1�1DINMUST BE K AT THE BUILDINGG auRlNa THE 'MjLD'.` G DEPARTMENT P OCRESS OF THIS WORK. • u LDlNO DEPARTMENT , - ART ii OUTH f""Pti DISTRICT OI- Q�G !C, vUf2 DRAWING MUST �L 3 -C9�r AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE PR GRESS 4F THIS WORK. BUILDISTG DEPARTII ENT Town of Dar#ma"sih TOWN 4F A COPY C.4,>Thls Ertl std rittta �'ttBe Ker t on site =tit• ."�. :t- FIRE STOPPING REQUIPEMENT P netrations thru rated waifs and floors shag be es+ ! S alcd with a material cape of preventing the ssags of flames and hot gassos when subjected iG TYPAL POST At BASEI-eNT t the. requirements of the Test Standard epedt'Ic 5 1/2 "LALLr cot-" ; F#m Stopc ASTM-E-814. PAINT ENTIRE COLUMN kaTH RUST INHIBITIN& PAINT M 11-i��" •, . ma ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONSFOR HENRY FOLEY MD JAM TUCKERM 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE SECTIONS G, H FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: _ DRAWING NUMBER A 09. BID DRAW NGS 0 WISE* SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS 0- y FILC 'youft DIVYANG JOUST r , , AT THE BUILDING DAtn URIKfl THE FIROORESS OF THIS WORK BUILDING DEPARTMENT Tam of Dartmaut YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KFPi AT THE BUILDING' DURING TH& PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. POST - �....�..- (3) 2x4 BUILDIMG DEPARTr4ENT Town of Dast�oti�h $ONO-TUEE SIZE AND DEPTH I..�" ECTION IS REQUIRED SEFOFE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. S t CUILDINNG DEPARTMENT T;m of Dartmouth T I � PLAI! A Cepy t 'TWS EnuerriA Finn Mist Cc Kept On Site S Q;art C� ct{-1 D D R FIRE STOP�NT m penetrations thru rated wars and floors shall D seal�sd with a material Capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subiedBd to the req rements of the Test Standr-rd for Rm Stops ASTM-E-814. 13 't WSW N WISE•SUM-JONES ARCHITECT S 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 ' CONSULTANTS NOTES i ll H FlRb,- .iw 3ISTRICT { ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR ENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN 11 SLA.DE'S CORNER ROAD OUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TILE SECOND FLOOR FRAMINGPLAN SALE: 1/4" ATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 RAWN: C'TW MSED: RAWING NuM FR A� 10. M DRAWINGS WISE- SURMA- JONES - ARCIfff ECrS PORCH BEAM - SEE \NAIL FLOOR J015T5 TO NEW 2xIO RAFTEP5 WITH MIN. (8) 16d NAILS A-$ ROOF FRAMING PLAN ALL RAMRS 2xIO B 16" O.G. UNLE55 OTHERW15E NOTED A-8 HEADER a FIRE PLACE - 0) 1 5/4" X T 1/2" L\4_ POST - POST (2) 2xF (2) 2x6 P T- (13) 2X6 A-8 A-8 X t A-8 I A-8 A-8 POST - (2) 2x6 aRGH B - S P05T - 11 0ONf F OR iN6 POST - � i I 4" X 22 "1/a" L1/L (2) 2x6 2XO 0 If," O ___--- wry — 1' — — — 12`-4 OUT- -OUT nAMl1 i) T R RO 1 4" it " 1 � I f l f If I PN 9 YOUR�GMUST RjAT BUILDING NG THE FROOnICS3 of THIS WORK. O i BUILOWG DEPARTMENT m Tam of Dagmo^ YOUR DRAWING MUST UE AT THE BUILDING' DURING `(R U U IT PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. 2x DI X.1 " O. z BUMDIN-G DEPARTLIENT Town of Dartra01,01 A-8 C V11S RE0U;IM 1t THE CONCRETE IS POUPIL-0. rUiLO NG DEPARTMENT at DeftoLft I fill if if ntcam Trum A Ccpy C'.TWS Erdctr.d A-� fan rum Cc Kept On ente Daej � 4mGtic/�� FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT A-$ Penetrations thru rated wags and floors shalt b seated vrfth a material capaVe of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard spedf c for FL-e Stope ASTM-E-814. TF WISE- SURMA • TONES - ARCHITECTS 24,CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 . TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES DARTMOUT FIRL-i, D :�T O— � a FIDE P ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRYFOLEY MD 3An TUCKERMM 1 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD )UTH DARTMOUTH, MA ILE ATTIC FLOOR & ROOF FRAMING PLANS :ALE: 1/4"= 1'-011 kTE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 LAWN: CTW WISED: .AWING NUMBER BID DRAVVq'3GS �Z WISE- SURMA- IONBS - ARCTIi=S (.r T. C �g SURMA•JONES ARCHITECTS [RE STREET DFOM MA 02740 )NE (508) 997-5977 ) 997-0993 JLTANTS Rtt STRICT O P q Oil, YOUR DRAWING MUST LIE KEP AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE PROGRESS OF THIS. WORK. )PY EtT MITIC DEPARTiKEiT, Town of Dartmouth CONO-TUB SIZE A14D DEPTH )D 1:" '"- ECMN I$ MQUIRIED BEFORE THS CONCRETE IS POURI=II t rUILDI110 DEPARTMEM' ' Tymn of Dµthmulti yl.DII A..1ST BE K,F'T r`EfQ' furl URING THE +,� )AKr Y C434111S Entig=d Plan Vact 6o K Pt df site mMNT l ar tion i STOPPING, REQUIREMENT thru rated walls and floors shall be a material capable of preventing t1w - lamas and hot gasses when sub#ecteci ernents of the Test Standnrd rpecr.x n ASTM-E-814. MONS AD ALTERATIONS FOR Y FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN LADES CORNER ROAD H DARTMOUTH, MA WALL SECTIONS 1 E• V' = 1'-0" DECEMBER 1, 2003 VN: C W 3ED: WING NUMBER 2d DRAWINGS E-SURMA-JOKES - ARCBIMCrS •JONES - ARCHITECTS T 02740 7-5977 JT No- "I ,I A- AT THE i;R�u WNG 4 S,r + r , DURING THE PROGRESS OP Mg WORK, lbw of M RV NT rtmotM 80140-TUFF Sli& AND QEPTH IM'%EC'f ION IS REOU"PAED MFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED, 1EUIDING DEPARTMENT Tait ofDmr"Ot YOUR L)R,,1(vr1IVG MUST bzt- iL AT THE 13UILDING DURtNq THE PROGRESS OF TH15 Y;PT' frl�� P � reav .I } 11uiz� PA/ ' ri Town � Partaio Q LA A Cepy C-TILls Ene-e d No i.lw>t Cc Kept' On Site ` G* REQUIREMENT ainl's and floory stall be capeb!a of preventing the `got gasses when subjected the Test St*.ndnrd tic ALTERATIONS FOR AND JANE TUCKERMAN ANER ROAD [OUTH, MA 'ECTIONS - 2 ZESS PRINT DER 1, 2003 BER 13 ZNGS NES - ARCHr=S IN 'I U z 4 O W z o -4u S t MA o 8 „ Z O �- s ^^ N M � e a WISE* SURMA JONES ARCUTECTS QI 24 CENTRE STREET NEW SEDFORIX MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 Q V a FAX (508) 997-0993 v --------- ------ � v U II CONSULTANTS Q p T� U V1 � �r oo d C / D A"' .' � —C— NOTES 3 C a O <a �+ E >�4N0-�U@� SIZB R ; AND DEPTH t II In "'0."UIEA em, is REDRt3trf C - 7Kw CO"CRETE t8 POURER. ;r b LUILD"M DEPAMWENT 0 Oel yt)uR L)RX6'1NG fAiJS'T a o - �j AT THE BUILDMG r q a U PROCESS � -tW-S 1dE' '',. -BvLa�aa��c nE�r��ts�' Town of DQriniouth U 1'Q irA 3WING MUST E! KrRT DURING THE A CCP s Q — AT T F.]l1II,DING V C" � P=, . I OF THIS WORK. ' T'it t Q0 ye'pt On Site ! 31N4 DEP/ERTA�LNT 'fiRt d Ds�fh''!OLl�'1 Fly STGpPING REQUIREA NT gated wads and floors shad be a a#raWns thru reve;nting the e 'sd with a material capable of p pw sge of flames and hot gasses xvhen steed 4 he f10qU;-r0M0ntS Of the Test Standard rPscft StASTi'-E-d1. y —I I !=4 I �_► ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR �¢ d ICI— �� =l 11=1 11= I !El 11El I !=I i _ w BENRY FOLEY AND JAM TUCKERMAN Ell 1=11=1=1 11=1 I El I 1=1 I I=l 11=1 11=i U.3-id o l l-1 1 CI I l-1 I l=l I I-1 I I-1 11-11 l=l 1 r111=1 I C-1 I O 111 SLAD&S CORNER ROAD U.Q —! I I={ I I=i { I=1 I I=1 I C11M I M 11=l I M I 1=111=III— I t SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA i I-1 l I-1 l-1 l 1-11I M1 IIEd I 1=1 11=1 l R I I-1 11=I l 1=1 I I_l I I-1 - =1 11=111=! 11=1 I Ed 11=1 I I=1 I CI I I=1 11=1 11=1 I I=1 I I I CI 11=11, TrrLE I}-} I l=l ! 1=l { l--1 I l-1 11=l I CI } 1=-1 11=l I l=l l I=l 11=l 1}—1 { l=l l l=! ► CIl-1 I I_I 11CII_IIlElIl_l I M11_1 11 ICI 1 l_IIWALL SECTIONS ONS - 3 1 f=111=1 !(=II1=111=1 I Ed 11=1I1=1 11=l 11=1 i 1 =1 I I l i (1=1 I(=l = PROGRESS PRINT SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" l=l DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 lll_ 4 DRAWN: CTW I I=1 } C REVISED: o I I=1 I I DRAWING NUMBER zdFLI I Cf CkJ II-� & wm-suRmA-j5NFs. - ARcTnTEcTs DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE N ° FIN. I {$3 TYPE IVi ET HARDHARE FIt� I REMJ�RKS 1 T�I'�'E FIN. HD. HEAD JAMS SILL REMAR ° 2" , N y 101 B 32 qb I -1/& ENTRY/FRENCH PAINT LTS R -IN DOOR SCR101 A W-4 1/2" IA I 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #I � �+ 102 B 32 qb 17/8 ENTRY/FRENCH PAINT LTSC.5. R EENN DOOR 102 A b'-q I/2" IA 1 I DELETE UNDER ALT. #I 103 G (Zi 24 qb I '1/8 ENTRY/DBL. FRENCH PAINT LTS. 2W -1H 105 A 6'-q 1/2" IA 1 I DELETE UNDER ALT. #I SCREEN 000R5 104 G (23 24 9b 1 7!8 ENTRY/DBL. PAINT LT5. 2W 7H 104 A b'-4 1/211 IA I 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #i SCREEN DOORS 105 G (2) 24 qb 1 1/8 ENTRY/175L. FRENCH PAINT LT5. 2W 114 105 A b'-q 1/2" IA I I DELETE UNDER ALT. #I -N WISE SURMA 1ONES -ARCHITECTS SCREEN DOORS 1 24 CENTRE STREET 106 A (2) 34 80 I I/8 DBL. CLOSET PRINT 106 A b'-q I/2" IA 1 I DELETE UNDER NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 ALT. #I -lilt TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 2 HEAD - 2 I ELEVATION HEAD - f ELEVATION HEAD - I� 101 p 42 8O 2 1/4 ENTRY PAINT SCREEN DOOR 107 A W-q 1/2" IA I 1 HEAD - I " " l08 A (2)30 80 1 1/8 DBL. CLOSET PAINT 106 C, lO'-ll 1/2" IA l I HEAD - 2 SIMILAR HEAD - 2ASIMILAR IOq D 36 8C7 2 1/4 ENTRY PAINT 50N DOOR IOq (2)5 6'-8• 2A 2 2 2• STUD POCKET 110 B 32 80 11/6 ENTRY/FRENCH PAINT LTS. 3W 6H 110 A b'-8' 2A 2 2 v 1° 111 B 32 80 1 -1/& ENTRY/FRENCH PAINT LTS. 3W 6H III A 61-8' 2A 2 2 - 112 A 32 80 I1/8 PA55AGE PAINT IIZ A 6'-8' 2A 2 2 CONSULTANTS 113 A 30 80 11/& PA55AGE PAINT 113 A b'-8' 2A 2 2 U=5/ 114 A 30 80 11/6 PA55AGE PAINT 114 B 6'-8' 2A 2 2 ELEVATION SILL I15 A 32 eo 11/6 PRIVACY PAINT 115 D W-On 2A 2 2 SILL - 2 SIMILAR HEAD - IA HEAD 2A ' 115A A 24 80 1 I/8 PA55AGE PAINT 2 PANELS 116 D 811-0' 2A 2 2 Ilb A 32 $O 1118 PRIVACY PAINT 117 D 81-0" 2A 2 2 jM il? A 30 80 11/6 PA55AGE PAINT IM C b`-8; ZA 2 Z PAINT 114 G 6'-8" 2A 2 2 118 A 32 80 II/8 PASSAGE _ Ilq A 32 80 1 1/8 PRIVACY PAINT 120 A 6'-q 1/2" IA I I DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 Ari As Brit �t 'VEV Il'`-list be N IA I I DELETE UNDER ALT. #i - - submitted to the ijt.:lildinv... 120 EXIST'G. - - ENTRY PAINT REPAIR DOOR AND 51DELI6HT5 121 JA 6 -4 1/2 �- Dept. prior to calling for 121 P 36 80 1 1/2 SCREEN PAINT 201 B 5' i 1/21 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #I r a foundation inspection or any further construction- 122 F 36 80 I .I/2 50REEN PAINT 202 B 5'-7 1/2" 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #I LT5. 3w 6H JAMB - I JAMB - 25CR-EEN DOOR 1" NOTES 201 B 28 80 1 'i/8 ENTRY/FRENGH PAINT 205 B 5 -7 1/2" 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 LT5. 3W bH 202 B 28 80 17/8 ENTRY/PRENCH PAINT SCREEN DOOR 204 B 5 =7 I/2' I I 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #I -r, DA TRUTH FIRtr 203 A 32 80 11/6 PRIVACY PAINT 205 g 5`-7 1/2" 1 1 1 DELEM UNDER ALT. #IIL1Cnpy T �I O- ` 204 A 32 80 1 1!8 PRIVACY PAINT 2p6 B V- ( 1/2" 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 (S 205 A 28 SD 1 t/8 POCKET PAINT _{j _� 207 B 5'-�7 1/2" 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 SON,O-TUM SIZE AND DEPTH 80 I I/8 POCKET PAINT 1�:""CTi0t11513EOU113Efl BEFORE 206 A 32 206 B 5 =7 1/2• I I I N TN: COltuRlrTE IS ptWI�ED. +tMEW 207 A 32 80 I I/8 POCKET PAINT 20q B 5 =7 1/2" 2 2 2 �3 DgF:�1 k) e' '` LGG PAN FLASHING' . u 20D A 32 80 I I/8 PA55A6E PAINT 210 B 5'? 1/2° 2 2 2 LT5. 3W 6H 204 B 32 80 17/8 ENTRY/FRENCH I PAINT SCREEN DOOR 211 B 5 =7 1/2" 2 2 2 T5. 3W 6H PAINT. L SILL - { SILL - 2 �g 210 $ 32 80 17/8 ENTRY/FRENCH SCREEN DOOR 212 B 5 -1 I/2 2 2 2 _ i WINDOWS - � C' �'pis Endst�� Y 'ltlt UR�Ib'J11�iG MU51 U� i��t' � 211 A 32 80 1 1/& PRIVACY PAINT 213 B 5-'i I/2° 2 2 2 A-15 SCALE: 3"=1'-0" AT HE BUILDING DURING 7H€ "� ` # I�p! ®II Site PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. �." Ci!' 1= 212 A (2) 32 60 1 I/8 DBLE. GL05ET PAINT 214 B 5' 1 1/2" 2 2 2 1.. BtTti.Dltd� DEPAxTYJtENT ,:�,.., Town of Dartmouth 215 A 32 80 11/8 PRIVACY PAINT 215 B 5'-71/2" 2 2 Z FIRE STOPPIN RECC UIREI !E�iT Zt4 A 32 80 11/6 PASSAGE PAINT 216 B 5'-2I/2" 2 2 2 ! _ Pe: t Wns thru tatad w t3s and floor sh It.b:r se� ted with a material capabfe of prevanUng. thr 215 A 32 80 I1/& PASSAGE PAINT 217 B 5'-21/2" 2 2 2 I Fs sap, of flames and hot gasses when sub ed I6 A 32 80 1 I/8 PRIVACY PAINT 218 (2)B b'-2 I/2• 2 2 2 2" 5TUD POCKET — -40 to hs req Wr€ ments of the Test Standard r C I0 2 � SAFETY CA- 55 411 #sit =lee 5topv ASTM-E-1�314. 21? A 32 8o 11/6 PRIVACY PAINT 21q A 6'-$• 2A 2 2 JAMB OR HEAD D OR TYPE fit, E 411 y 218 A 32 80 11/6 PRIVACY PAINT 220 A 6'-8' 2A 2 2 �. s 21q A 30 80 1116 PASSAGE PAINT -- i ADDITIONS.AND ND ALT ERAMNS FOR _ --- - — 221 A 6'-8' 2A 2 2 i�NRY FOLEY AND JANE TUC - - _ THRESHOLD 220 A 30 _ 80 I I/8 PASSAGE PRINT 222 A b'-8' 2A 2 2 AD TO STOCK -f BRONZE Ti-�ZIESHOLf? ACCURATE #514, T5 KERM 221 A 24 80 1 1/& PASSAGE PAINT 2 PANELS 223 B 5-2 1l2" 2 2 2 SE ANT >=LASHIHs 111 SLADE`S CORNER ROAD 501 E 30 38 11/6 LOCKABLE CLOSET PAINT 224 B 5'-7 1/2" 1 1 1 DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA .._ - Adl 3OZ A 30 78 1 3/8 LOCKABLE CLOSET PAINT CLIPPED UPPER I I I DELETE UNDER ALT. #1 — -- L� I 411 a Y;, TTTLE 303 E 30 38 1 I/8 LOCKABLE CLOSET PAINT 501 E 5=7 1/2• IA I I 4 a `'"': �.,.. STONE PAGING DOORS, WINDOWS JAMB OR HEAD DOOR TYPE B, G C t � 504 E 30 38 1 I/8 LOCKABLE CL05ET PAINT 502 E 3'-10' IA i I 4== 305 30 38 I I/8 LOCKABLE CLOSET PAINT 505E In- IA 1 I SILL DOOR TYPE B� SILL DOOR TYPE D -- __. TYPE A TYPE B TYPE G TYPE D TYPE E TYPE F SEE FINISH 5C EDULE FOR INTERIOR TRIM DETAILS SCALE: AS SHOWN CUSTOM INTERIOR SINGLE FRENCH DOUBLE FRENCH CUSTOM EXTERIOR CUSTOM INTERIOR PORCH SCREEN DIMEN510N5 ARE FRAME gal __ DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 EXTERIOR E)CltR.IDR ,4 a i • INSULATED TYPE A TYPE 5 TYPE TYPED TYF'1� 21 4° 4" 5" DRAWN: CTW .y 1 REVISED: `� i i i ........ _ .............................. p ml� DRAWING NUMBER SCREEN PORCH '" JAMB OR HEAD DOOR TYPE D DOOR TYPE F i►€:MOIR�tiA131E SCREEN PANEL vv C as E, - 2 DOORS DOOR ' WINDOWS A-ls SCALE:3"_1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: l/4"=1'-0" BID DRAWINGS c WISE-SURMA-JONESS - ARCMEGTS A-18 A-18 .., Nth+# , 6Y�/SGP 2 � A-21 WOOD MANTEL. PROVIDED BY OWNER - - A $ WISE- SURMA• ZONES - ARCHEECTS- 24 CENTRE STREET FFE . M W BEDFORII, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 STONE U IL FAX (508) 997-0993 51,A�KDUtJD 4 HEARTH t+IDR EAST SOUTH WEST PASSAGE EAST NORTH MILTON ROOM CONSULTANTS SHELF d POLE 4 I EAST op NORTH . EAST CL05ET EAST 5O H y�ST DINNING ROOM � WE5 NORTH T Fit." 41 PASSAGE ENTRY FIRE STOPPING REQUIREPAENT enetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be Sated with a material capable of preventing thy. 3 assage of flames and hot gasses when subjected o the requirements of the Test Standerd tpWftc A-21 i or FL-9Stope ASTM-E-614. _ o P Dfl NOTES Im NORTH EAST WE5T SOUTH WEST STUDY An As Built Sluvey DINING ROOM 1 submitted to the B°1n - calling .or — — 'or to Dept �' ! a f ration insp+ectiOn Of ,✓. Ya W WOOD MANTEL PROVIDED anp further constructio BY 0;4eR 5/5 SPLASH ire TO 4 pTvTi -I* ° EGA' e e ee o� ...®a � USo -UIL J Pion g.1,�t 8>m Dept on Me _ 5TE11RROUND � � ���'"� —HIId HEARTH WET NORTH SEE CABINET DETAILS EAST EST SM CABINET SOUTH PANTRY DETAILS NORTH KITCHEN YOUR DRAVI'NG MUST ;t€r.� - BUl1.DING' DUELING THE e A THE THiS WORK. ESS OF IT NORTH Y�ST I f `8° EAST KITCHEN ISM fi e M'onSONo-TuRE Sal AND DEPTH a."ECTlOh1 is �4ou1r.SD V_FO •m� coracR7rE Is PouMD. WEST r!jiLD!%G DEPARTMENT SOUTH bL 01 Dew PANTRY FI ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR I1ENRY FOLEY AND ME TUCK 111 SLADES CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA o 5 rI LE f i INTERIOR ELEVATIONS — -1 o NORTH EAST BATHROOM #1 s CTILE SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" A-21 u� DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 .�JF _ i REVISED: ED . TIC DRAWING NUMBER 4 BACK SPLASH o � o LJ — . SOUTH CABINET DETAILS WEST SEE_ STAR I�EiAlLS EAST SOUTH 1 BATHROOM #1 s 9 NORTHNORTHsEDWG. A-tQ A 21 GALLERY BID DRAWINGS ci WISB•SURUWONES - ARCHITECTS . "Lo AI, MA PROVIDED WISE• S•JONES - ARCTS WOOD MANTEL N BY OWNER e e POLE ° e 24 CENTRE STREET POLE POLE NEW EIMPOM MA 02740 l TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 BOOK a FAX (508) 997-0993 RCU. • POLE s rONE SUFRR PUJ. I HEAR114 . EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH NORTH EAST SOUTH PMT MASTER BEDROOM CLOSET 1 OLA55 SHOWER DOOR NITH HOOP CONSULTANTS CA51NG vED. GAB . s RAMIG TI - ° M O O Mill EAST SEE CABINET DETAILS WEST -II{ SEE CABINET DETAILS NORTH NOR NORTH MASTER BEDROOM PASSAGE a FILE 1y,JOPFy NOTES WOOD MANTEL i PROVIDED I ! BY OWNER nTT • ° POLE POLE ° ° POLE RONO-TU^P? 312E MD DF,.AT1j E•_'FORE ME Is POURED. ° \ 00 • ° I POLE ° ° POLE L`MLIV2 DEPARTMENT of Dolma �J' ONE � TH `(UUK DRAWING MUST k; . of EAST SO T H WEST NORTH EAST H AT THE BUILDING' DURING THIS NORTH CLOSET Z WEST t 3 y PROGRESS OF THIS WORK, p@ BEDROOM #2 ti . IItTILDINn DRPAMMT TILE TO 6EILIN6 YOUR :'ING k"ill:T #GAT EV M LLei ,�# AT THE BUII SING DURING THE A Ce TWs EDd v w .�. C.PROGRESS O THIS WORK �� ,} TILEPlan BEAD BOARD BACK WLDIN , DEPARTMENT � WAIN .IT SPLASH m TO"D24rtmouttt D�'l Ili .iC j ° j-- o I ° - or—= 1111-1-1 — . ....... I i ++If o , o1 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penctrz inns thru rated walls and floors shall b NORTH EAT SOUTH SEE CABINET DETAILS VEST NORTH EAST SOUTH NE5T sealed with a material Capable Of preventing thi- BATHROOM #3 BEDROOM #4 pas of flames and hat gasses whdn subjected to the-quirements of the Tort Siandnrd , �c fbr R-0 ASTh+4-E-014. ADDITIONS - - - �„�, AND ALTERATIONS FOR LLLU AB rILE. BACK ` ` , �� �, z HENRY FOLEY JANE 1 U\.l>L;i�MA �A55 �! '"'r \ - i S�IOwaz � . s ° ; - ( d ° ° o 111 BLADE`S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA i NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH SEE CABINET DETAILS EAST BEAD A WEST TIME BEDROOM #3 BATHROOM #3 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER. 1, 2W3 DRAWN: CTW ° REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER NORTH EAST SOUTH WET NORTH (SOUTH SIMILAR) EAST W:ST LOFT STORAGE ROOM BID DRAWINGS C, WISE&SURMA-JONES - ARCHITECTS LZ5 I CASING TYPE A riCASING TYPE B riCASING TYPE C A-18 FULL SIZE A-18 FULL SIZE A-18 FULL SIZE 4 BASE TYPE A A-18 FULL SIZE BASE TYPE B WAINSCOT 7A BASE A-1$ F ,L SIZE A-18 FULL SIZE CORNICE TYPE A FULL SIZE s BEAM AT MELTON OONI A-18 FULL SIZE tri.r rriuiv� k:Qb) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 T WIN NOTES r � �ONO-TUB^ SIZE AVD OV"M 0 13 RtOUMIED E:FW THE CONCRETE IS POURM ` D! MM }DE NT 6 BEABEAM �, * A T Tyr YOUR DRAWING DUST BE K, M AT MAI `'� HOUSE AT THE SU1LD1NJ5' 'D'IjMr*430 T14 A-1 FULL SIZE GRESS CF 7"I's I. MDI11G DEP1i11tTMEM . B � MOUE` I _ . Totem Of�aacuihDIST R I T NO �� An � .11t Survey must be ��4 stbini d to the E�allclfng 3tD.�� 0�"T:'4T rod Dept. ..or to calling for ���� ��"t�+d a foun on inspection or A COPY � T s Eta . an fur ez Nan Met Bc K pt On Site Y construction. Dud j cti� FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Pe tratiorl-'s thru rated wags and floors shall b se ;d with a material capablo of preventing - the 13VII age of flames and hot gasses aftn zubected to tl s requirements of the Test Standerd rpoWlc for F ire Stops ASTM-E-814. E. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND IA.NE TUCKERMAN 5TRUGTURAL WOOD POST SEE MAM{N& PLANS 11 i SLADE`S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA FULL SIZE DETAILS INTERIOR STANDING TRIM SCALE: FULL SIZE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER g CASED POST AT MAIN MOUSE 18 A-18 FULL SIZE __, WISE-SL A -ZONES - ARC nFGTS 21-0 1/2 4'-10° ROUGH OPENING LEVEL RAIL AT ATTIC / 1 I/2 ELLIP5E MINOR AXIS REIURNS TO WALL / STAIR WIDTH \. \� p p STAIR WIDTH BELOW RAIL � p r r -@- 0--e --e 6•-0 -@ THIRD FLOOR ELEV. 102.44 SECOND FLOOR ELEV. c14-'M LEVEL RAII. AT ATTIC/ 13 RISERS ® -T.52" = 5 -1 514* - VERJFY NEWEL P05T RETURNS TO ENGAGED f 3"NEHELf 2 STAIR PLAN 2nd. FL. TO ATTIC A-19 SC.ALE:1"=1'-0" IV -I" ROLIeH OPENPNG ' MAJOR AXIS 10'-0" 1 6OVERN17 ELLIPSE AT FINISHED WALL SURFACE - OF7 ALL O'-iHER CURVES ` t ' EN&A67W NEWEL P05T ABOVE J LEVEL RAIL RETURNS// TO EN&A6>rD \ �Of ► %47 / / \ bpi \ o o o o — — — — — — �— -e— o--e -e— SECOND fi00R ELEV. �f42Q / F1R5T FLOOR ELEV. b6.t \T 1 13 RI5ER9 ® '156" a'-2 1/4' - VERIFY z NEWEL POST POST OST I 1 1 STAIR PLAN I St. FL. TO 2nd. FL. A-19 SCALE.1 =1-0 i } I 3 STAIR SECTION A-19 SCAM 1"=1'-0" BUTTON AT om V" WISE- SURMA.,JONES - ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-U993 CONSULTANT'S I F L NOTICE An As Built Survey rdust be submitted to the Bt ilding Dept. prior to callil; for a foundation inspection or aY der construction: ...NOTES - '`` '1 TOWN OF pl��T MOUTH 'nECCIM PLAN �- A Ceps V,-Tbis Endem.d. - Pien Marl Be Kept On Sit. t TUUR DRAV'ONG MUS4 ut. rkt "Waft AT THE SUILOING• DURING TH 1--Z Cc PROGRESS OF TH1S WORK, �ybtl = - lMi/Nl.II.M�.�dl.HIMA BUILDIItiT.G DEPAETr4EXT . Town of Dartmouth A SONO-TUM SIN AND DEPTH YC'JF DAMk'a MUST BE KEi'T Ii " ECTX).4 IS RIrOLtIF":"U r-tFor4v THE 13UILDING DURING THE THE CONCnSTE IS POURED, IS OF THIS WORK. MILD= DErARTMENT U .DING DEPRRTM2W Tom of Dsr"outh Ibm d mr"Ot FIRE STOPPING REQUIREA'.ENT n , V011S thru steel WCE3 and fiooM shall be at with a material capable of preventing tbz Of flames and hot gasses when subjectea fte requirements of the Test Standard tpCGq","Ic Sim ASTM-E-814. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERMAN I 1 i SLADE'S CORNER ROB SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE STAIR SCALE: 1 =1'-0 EXCPT. AS NOTED DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING N TmzEIt 4 RAIL BALUSTER NEWEL A-19 SCALE: FULL SIZE BID DRAVaNGS 0 WISE-SURMA-JONES - ARCHRECrS AT 6AME KALL I5 SECOND FLOOR 5'-6" IN- gg 51-02 FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR WEST CHIMNEY - SECTION 2 WEST CHIMNEY - ELEVATION 3 WEST CHIMNEY - PLANS 4 NORTH CHB4NEY - PLANS SCALE 1/2" = P-0" A-20 SCALE: 1/2" =1'4' A-20 SCALE: 1/2" =1'4' A-2' SCALE:1/2 =1-0 NORTH CHIMNEY - SECTION SCALE: 1/2" —1-0 r� , M-nlml�+ WISE-SURMA•JONES ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BMFORr? MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 #I 1 I { 1 I I 1 1I � I 1 I CONSULTANTS I Il 1 I I II 1 1 DARTIV10UTH I 11 I y �� DISTRICT,,' Nn ich I 1I 1 I I I .An As Built Survey must bv, / submitted to the Building prior . tto f De � � calling for flr a foundation inspection or MY further c mtructkn. r l NOTES F 7. !" .. ?f I I �yoUrti DRAWING MUST N AT THE BUILDING DURING TH I PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. F.F. SCEPND FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 44.24 glBiiqG vE��TNtEAJ� �. T• Town of Dnzb va 5'-0" POD D FLA MONO -Tub S!M "D OEM A Cl py -This Ent r -d I' 2�v is RZOL"11M 8CF0. Plan MLTM iBe Kept On Etta TH OONCR-TE is POUFt-A- Drr w t'i1 &M ail:'' IDU1DlMO D►EPAA'1`MENr Tim Of tMft Routh =IRE STOPPING REQUiREMEIIT Pere `:bons thru rated waft and floors shall be seaW with a materfal capable of preventing the . passa, a of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the .,equirements of the Test Standard r CClc for Ffo.t Stops ASTM-E-814 F. FIRST FLOOR MAIN HOUSE ELEV. 86.1 31-O' ADDITIONS AND ALTUATIONS FOR HENRY FOLFY AND JAM TUCKFRMAN 6•-&" 111 SLADE`S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TfI'LE CED41NEYS SCALE: 1/2" 1'-0„ DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 6 NORTH CHIMNEY - ELEVATION -2 -20 SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" BID DRAVvgNGS 0 WISE•SURMA-JOKES - ARCHITECTS ° ° DOOR ITH t=LA A0JU5TA5LE ° a ° SHELF ° Q i ° LL - m ° ° \ o ° • o ° LAUNDRY GA51NET5 A SECOND FLOOR PA55A&E 51MILAR 1 TYPICAL KITCHEN/PANTRY CABINET A-21 SCALE: 1 1/2' =11-0" 11_011 CHROME V STEEL _ CLOSET ROD 12 SHELF & POLE A-21 SCALE:1 1/2" =1'-0" 21_011 .� ,TILE BAGK5PLA5H BOOKSHELVES AT MAST$2 E EDROOM StH LAR 2 BOOKSHEI A-2 SCALE: 1 1/2' _1r-0" ® MASTER 5ATH - 5TOCOUNTERTOP BY OTHERS 0 5ATH #2 - GORIAN TOP i i (N MILTON RM. CLOSET ENT' 'Y A-21 SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" 2" RI&ID INSULATION MIRROR f^IOOD GA &LASS SHELVES SHOkER D MAR5LE THRE ,TILE 5A,GKS1LA5H s CLOSET - HANGING \t2lj SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" 8 A-21 TYPICAL VANITY SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" rq A-2I MEDICINE CABINET SCALE:1 V2" =1'-0" 10 A-21 SHOWER DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-O" 41 WISE SURMA, • JONES = ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BMFOM MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-U993 5/44 SHELVES NIT 4 I" ADJWTABLE SHELVES NOSIN& AND G hkl� N051N6 a ° ° g o , ° ° CONSULTANTS - ° p ° p 0 O ° a p ° p I ICE o An As Built SurVeY M".St 1!e SU�mitted to th-1 Buixding KITH FLAT FI;ZOWS DRAPLE� p ° Dept. prior to calling for ° a foundation inspection or ° °zny further construction ° NOTES 1 ° D H FIRS d N L UISTRIC; -SONO-TUSE SI7k AND DEPTH 3 r THE CONCRETE IS POURED. 'O bEPARTNIENT of DdrbMUth CLOSET DRESSER 7 CLOSET - SHOES; ""'chit r ,a youl'i L)RA`v4ING 140ST 21 SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" A-21 SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" 6 LAV -. AT THE BUILDING DURi1vG TI CCIPY ClAbiS Eridat dPROGRI~SS OF THIS WORK. 40 Pi •n ee Kept on site,. SUILD11Tjo ��Tr DEPLS1.1 . Qiw�l •t 38 Ction Town of Dmouth ENT \\\#RE STOPPHG FGU1Ft po t ations thru ratO rr:wus and floors 'shadi be se $ with a materiel C>~�ab!q of preventing the pa of fiarn:3s and hot gasses when sub!^ad, to requirements of the Test Sianderd 1f,- for R, 3 Stops AST(+E-814. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY EOLEY AND SANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADEIS CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE SCALE: 1 1/2" =1'-0" EXCPT. AS NOTED DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 11 TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION A�2 I A-ZI SCALE: FULL. SIZE Bile DRA'W"iNGS 0 WISE* SURIuIA* JONES - ARC11 ffECTS I _A% -, u PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS �. . MR - D. Install project identification and other signs in locations approved by Owner to Inform the public and per- 4. Maintenance manuals. G. Trench Drains: AGO Raindraln, with required accessories a i� SECTION 01100 - SUMMARY sons seeking entrance to Project. 5. Spare parts, tools, and materials= 2.2 ACCESSORIES I 'L %V4 PART I - GENERAL E. Collect waste dolly and, when containers are full, legally dispose of waste off -site. b= Lubricants and fuels. A. Filter Fabric: Nonwoven geotextlle fabric of polypropylene or polyester fibers, or combination of both. ` 1.1 SUMMARY OF WORK I. Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials in separate closed waste containers. -1. Identification systems. B. Soil Materials: As follows: > A. Pro ect Identification: As follows: A Dispose of material according to a livable laws and regulations. 8. Control sequences. 1. Impervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to dense state. 2. Filtering Material: Evenly graded mixture of uncru5hed or crushed gravel or crushed stone and � A I. Project: Additions and Alterations to the house at III 51ade's Corner Road, 5. Dartmouth, M 3.3 TEMPORARY CONTROLS g pp 9. Hazards. - 02"148 A. Provide tom orar fire rotection until permanent systems supply fire -protection needs. 10. Warront►es and bonds. natural sand, with 100 percent passing 1-1/2-inch (3�.5 mm) sieve and not more than 5 percent 2. owners Henryole and Jane Tuckerman, III 5lades Corner Road, S. Dartmouth, MA 02"i48 I. Provide adequate, numbers and type s of fire extinguishers. D. Request inspection for certification of final acceptance, once the following are complete: passing No. 50 (0.3-mm) sieve. 3. Contract Documents, dated December I, 2003 were prepared by Wise Surma Jones -Architects, 2• Store rombu tlble materials In fl-safe containers In fire -safe locations. I. Submit a co of the Substantial Completion inspection list stating that each item has been com- copy p p g 3. Drainage Fill: Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, 24 Centre Street, New Bedford, MA 02*740 in the 3. Prohibit smoking In hazardous fire -exposure areas. pleted or otherwise resolved for acceptance. ASTM D 448, coarse aggregate, Size No. 57, with IDD percent passing 1-1/2-inch (375-mm) B. The Work consists of additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling, a5 described4. Supervise weldingo operations, combustion -type temporary heating units, and similar sources of 2. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the date of g sieve and not more than 5 percent passing No. 8 (2.36-mrr) sieve. Contract Documents. fire Ignition. P Substantial Completion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1.2 WORK RE5TRIGTION5 Indicated. B. Provide temporary barricades, warning signs, and lights to protect the public and construction personnel E. Architect will reinspect the Work on receipt of notice that the Work has been completed. 3.1 INSTALLATION WISE* SUl�l1 A-JONES ARCHITECTS - A. Contractor's Use of Premises: During construction, Contractor shall have full use of area P i hazards. 1. On completion of relnspectlon, Architect will prepare a certificate of final acceptance. If the A. Install piping beginning at low points of system at a minimum 510 a of I percent (1:100). Bed piping contractor's use of remises 15 limited only by Owner's right to perform work or employ other contractors from construction h P P 9 g In P y P P P P 9 24 CENTRE STREET p I. Enclose construction areas with fences with lockable entrance gates, to prevent unauthorized ac- Work Is incomplete, Architect will advise Contractor of the Work that is incomplete or obligations with full bearing, solidly in filtering material= on portions of .Project and as follows: that have et been fulfilled. B, Maintain swab or drag In piping with tight joints and pull past dch joint as it is completed. NEW BEDFORD MA 02740 B. Observe requirement of the Order of Conditions of the Dartmouth Conservation Commission. cess. ave noy e G. Provide temporary environmental controls as reqq��wired by authorities having jurisdiction Including, but not G, Soi! Material Installation: As follows: .TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 limited to, erosion and sediment control, dust contror, noise control, and pollution control 1. Impervious Fil I at Footings: Place and compact impervious fill at least 6 inches (150 mm) deep FAX (508) 997-0993 SECTION 01200 - PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 01732 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION and 12 inches (500 mm) wide on subgrade adjacent to bottom of footing. SECTION 01600 -PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 2. Filtering Material: Place compacted layer of filtering material at least 4 inches (100 mm) deep PART I - GENERAL PART I - GENERAL PART I - 6ENERAL 2. compacted subgrade where drainage pipe is to be laid. Cover drainage piping with 4 Inches LI ALLOWANCES I.I SECTION R1=aUIRi°MENT5 I.I SECTION REQUIREMENTS allowances In Contract Sum: a sin 1e source. The term "roduct" includes the terms "material," A. Include the following p A. Unless otherwise Indicated, demolished materials become Contractor's property. Remove from Project 3. D aim of filtering material after testing Is complete. i. Stone Veneer Allowance, Allow the sum. of twenty flue dollars ($25.00) per square foot for the A. Provide products of same kind from g 3. Drainage Fill: Place and compact drainage fill over filtering material. Surround piping at least b qq "equipment," "system," and similar terms. site. inches (150 mm) on each side and above pipe to within 12 inches (300 mm) of finish grade. Place purchase and deliver of stone foundation veneer, as specified in Division 4 Section Stone Ve- p y B. Deliver, store, and handle products according to manufacturer's written instructions, using means and B. Items indicated to be removed and salvaged remain Owner's property. Remove, clean, and deliver to g Owner's designated storage, area. I layer of filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 4 inches (100 mm), over drainage fill material. Weer Assemblies." methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. Hardware Allowance Doors .T' Type A and E: Allow the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) P 9 g g 2• y din keying,ass specified in 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage and to prevent overcrowding construction G. Comply with EPA regulations and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Fill to Grade: Piave and compact Impervious fill material over compacted drainage fill. for the purchase and delivery of each Interior door hardware set, Including P 5pace5. Division 8 Section "Door Hardware. 2. Deliver in manufacturer's original sealed packaging with labels and written instructions for han- D. Conduct demolition without disrupting Owner's use of the building. B. Obtain two proposals for each allowance and submit to Architect with recommendations. Purchase prod-P 9 g PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) SECTION 03300 - CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE s selected Architect. dl(ng, storing, protecting, and installing. PART 3 -EXECUTION uct by each product or stem described b an al- 3. inspect products at time of delivery for compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure 5.1 DEMOLITION PART I - GENERAL G. Advise Architect of the date when selection and purchase of ea p y y Items are undamaged and properly protected. 1.1 SECTION REG2UIREMENTS Work. g P P y P A. Maintain and protect existing utilities to remain In service before proceeding with demolition, providing A. Comply with ASTM G Q4; AGI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete"; AGI 117, "Specifications lowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Allow amounts 4. Store heavy items In a manner that will not endanger su orting construction. Submit Invoices to show cost of products furnished under each allowance. Reconcillotion of A 9 PP d bypass connections ,shut other parts of the building. for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials"; and GR51's "Manual of Standard Practice." CONSULTANTS Change, Order. 5. Store products subject to damage on platforms or pallets, un er cover ►n a weathertight enclosure, B. Locate, identtf ,shut off, disconnect, and cap off utility services to be demolished. with actual costs willbe by g with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain temperature and humidity within G. Employ a certAed, licensed exterminator to treat building and to control rodents and vermin. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 1.2 ALTERNATES P y g 2.1 MATERIALS bidder for certain work that may be added to or deducted from the range required. D. Conduct demolition operations and remove debris to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent A. Deformed Reinforctn Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 (Grade 420). A. An alternate Is an amount proposed by y 0. Product Substitutions: Reasonable and timely requests for substitutions will be considered. Substitutions buildings and site improvements. Base Bid amount if Owner accepts the Alternate. The cost or credit for each alternate is the net addition include products and methods of construction differing from that required by the Contract Documents and B. Plain Steel Wire: A5TM A 82, as drawn. to or deduction from Contract Sum to Incorporate the Alternate Into the Work. No other adjustments are ro osed Contractor after award of Contract. p P by E. Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, or structural support to preserve building stability and prevent G. Steel Welded -Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, flat sheets not rolls. [o made to Contract Sum. I. Submit four copies of each request for product substitution. Identify product to be replaced and movement, settlement, or collapse. E. Portland Cement: 5,TM G 150, Type I or IL from or added to Contract Sum For the following alter- P o be deducteds d substitution with a livable re - id Form amounts t documentation showing compliance of proposed e F. Protect building structure or Interior from weather and water leaks a and damage. E. Fly Ash: ASTM G b18, Type G or F. B. Indicate on the B provide complete, doe ng p p p PP P P g g g F. Aggregates- ASTM G 33, uniform) coded. I 1\1 TICE.. ''I notes: led on qulrement5. Include a full comparison with the specified product, a list of changes to other Work 6. Protect remaining walls, ceilings, floors, and exposed finishes. Erect and maintain dustproof partitions. A r t y 9 I. Alternate Number is Delete provision and Installation of certain new windows, as Indicated qu wired to accommodate the substitution, and an proposed changes In Contract Sum or Contract G. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM G 260. y p Cover and protect remaining furniture, furnishing5, and equipment, g must be the Window Schedule in the Drawings. Substitute repair of existing windows In place. Time should the substitution be accepted. H. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least 2 Water Stops: Self -expanding, hydrophylic, rectangular or trapezoidal strips. An AS BU�1t SUrVey . Alternate Number 2: Delete provision and Installation of red cedar shingle roofing. Substitute 2• Submit requests for roduct substitution In time to permit processing of request and subsequent likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. 2 2 MIXES 2 cL P A. Proportion normal -weight concrete mixes to providethe following properties: �tted to the E3,t�ldirig provision and Installation of asphalt shingle, roof. 5ubmlttals, if any, sufficiently In advance of when materials are required in the Work. Do not 1. Promptly patch and repair holes and damaged surfaces of building caused by demolition. Restore ex- P g P 9 P P SUiJ1TLt f 13 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES submit unapproved roved substitutions on Shop Drawln 5 or other submittals. posed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration Into remaining adjoining construction. I. Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. t. rivr to calling =Or ' approval' of a ro o5a1 from Contractor, Architect will issue a Change Order on ct will view the proposed substitution and notify Contractor of Its acceptance or rejec- J. Promptly remove demolished materials from Owner's property and legally dispose of them. Do not burn 2• Slump Limit: 4 Inches at point of placement. Dep Or A. On Owners appro p p 3. Architect wi re 3. Air Content, 5.5 to -1.0 percent for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing, 2 to 4 percent else- daLiU21 1ri51i�Chari AIA Document G701, for all Changes to Contract Sum or Contract Time. tion. P P y demolished materials. � y g y B. When Owner and Contractor disagree on the terms of a proposal, Architect may issue a Construction PART 2 - PRODUCTS where. a f013i1 Change Directive on AIA Document 6"i14, instructing Contractor to proceed with the change. Construe- 2.1 PRODUCT OPTIONS PART 3 - EXECUTION any ftirther COttY Ctlt7il� tion Ghan e Directive w�tl I contain a description of the change and designate the method to be followed to A. Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged, rand ora new at the time of SECTION 02230 -SITE CLEARING 3.1 CONCRETING PART 1 - GENERAL A. Construct formwork and maintain tolerances and surface irregularities within AGI 11-7 limits of Glass A determine changes to Contract Sum or Contract Time. installation. P for concrete exposed to view and Gia55 C for other concrete surfaces.F . 1.4 PAYMENT PROCEDUMS 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, and other devices and components 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS least 10 days before the first lication for Payment. In Schedule of P P B. Set water stops where Indicated to ensure joint watertightness. + A. Submit a Schedule of Values at y APP needed for a complete installation and the Intended use and effect. A. Traffic: Minimize Interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used p j g ; Into at least one line item for each Specification Section. Correlate the P I or ra smacks exce t far re wired name later, on surfaces ex osed facflttle5 Burin site-clearin o erations. C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement. � `;° Values break down contract Sum B. Do not attach manufacturers labs s t d p q p p g g p fl. . Schedule of Values with Contractors Construction Schedule. to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior. B. Salvable Improvements: Carefully remove Items indicated to be salvaged and store on Owner's premises D. Install construction, isolation, and contraction joints where indicated. install full -depth joint -filler strips Submit 3 copies of each application for payment on AIA Document G"102/103, according to the schedule G. Select products a5follows: where indicated. at isolation joints. B P P P �-�, , or regiment. manufacturer is named provide the (tern indicated. No substitu- G. Notif utilit locator service for area where Pro ect is located before site clearing. E. Place concrete in a continuous operation and consolidate using mechanical vibrating equipment. �t t r ° HIS established in Owner/Contract Agreement. I. Where only a single product or ma . p y y j g F. Protect concrete from physical damage, remature dr In ,and reduced siren th due to hot or cold : DARTMOUTH , t L I. Submit final Application for Payment after completion of Project closeout procedures with release tions will be permitted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) of liens and porting documAotlon. 2. Where two or more products or manufacturers are named, provide one of the Items indicated. No PART 3 -EXECUTION weather during mixing, placing, and curing P y g g F1 6. Formed Surface Finish: Smooth -formed finish for concrete exposed to view, coated, or covered wa- substitutions will be permitted. 3.1 PREPARATION P by a 3. Where products or manufacturers are specifled by name, accompanied the term "or equal," A. Protect and maintain benchmarks and survey control points from disturbance. terproofing or other direct -applied material; rough -formed finish elsewhere. !� �y H. Slab Finishes: Scratch finish for surfaces to receive mortar setting beds. Troweled finish for interior floor NOTES SECTION 01300 - ADMINISIZtATIVE REQUIREMENTS. provide the named Item or comply with provisions concerning 'product substitutions" to obtain B. Install erosion and sedimentation control measures before site clearing. PART I 6ENERAL approval for use of an unnamed product or manufacturer. G. Protect site Improvements to remain from damage. Restore damaged improvements to condition existing slabs. NA MENT AND COORDINATION 4. Where a product is described with re vired characteristics, with or without naming a brand or before start of site cienring. I. Protect concrete from damage. Repair surface defects In form ;d concrete and slabs. 3 / LI PROJECT MA GE n Drawings, in relation to property survey and existing benchmarks, J. Re air slabs not meeting surface tolerances rindin high areas and b applying a re air underla ment P a A. Verify layout information shown o g , P P � trademark, provide a product that compiles with those characteristics and other Contract require- D. Locate and clearly flag trees and vegetation to remain or to be relocated. I I P 9 � 9 g y P y l' re laying out the Work. ments. E. Protect remaining trees and shrubs from damage and maintain vegetation. Employ a (tensed arborl5t to to low areas receiving floor coverings and a repair topping to low areas to remain exposed. '' ' be o y gF.Coordinate construction to ensure efficient and orderly execution of each part of the Work. 5• Where compliance with performance requirements is specifled, provide products that comply and repair tree and shrub damage. Restore damaged vegetation. Replace damaged trees that cannot be re- I YOUR DRAWING 149US B.. Si= 1Cti- 1.2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE for each activity and a are recommended In writing by the manufacturer for the application. stored to full growth, r,s determined by arborist. a horizontal bar -chart construction schedule. Provide a separate time bar o y 6, Where compliance with codes, regulations, or standards, Is specified, select a product that com- F. Do not store materials orequipment or ermit excavation within drip line of remaining trees. SECTION 04810 - UNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PR THE gUit.OINC' DURING THE A. Prepare, p 9 P P g PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. vertical line to identify the first workday of each week. Use same breakdown of Work Indicated In the plies with the codes, regulations, or standards referenced. 6. Locate, Identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off utilities indicated to be removed. PART I -GENERAL Schedule of Values. A5 Work progresses, mark each bar to indicate actual completion. D. Unless otherwise indicated, Architect will select color, pattern, and texture of each product from manu- 3.2 SITE GLEARIN6 LI SECTION REQUIR)=MENTS **.q's"aa.Q*y+o."+r A. Strip topso►I. Stockpile topsoil that will be reused In the Work. A. Submittals• Samples for face brick, paving brick, fire brick and veneer brick BUtLDIivG DEF1iRT,.��'i I. Submit within 14 days after date established for Commencement of the Work. facturer's full range of options. B. Comply with AGI 530.1/A5GE &M-15 602. 2. Coordinate each element with other activities. Show each activity in proper sequence. indicate 2.2 OWNER -FURNISHED PRODUGTS B. Remove obstructions, trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation to permit installation of new construction. P y Town of Dartmouth sequences nece55ar for completion of related Work. A. The followin products will be furnished by Owner and shall be installed by Contractor as part of the Removal includes diggglno out stumps and obstructions and grubbing roots. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 3. ndicate, Substantial Completion and allow time for Architects procedures necessary for certifying Work. g G. Remove existing above- and below -grade improvements as Indicated and as necessary to facilitate new 2.1 MASONRY UNITS Substantial Completion. 1. Ceramic tile. construction. I I A. Concrete Masonry Units: A5TM G 40; Weight Classification, Normal Weight; Type 11, nonmolsture- SONO-TUDF »IZE AND DEPTH 4. Schedule Distribution: Distribute copies to Owner, Architect, subcontractors, and parties required 2• Certain lighting fixtures. D. Remove slabs, paving, curbs, gutters, and aggregate base as indicated. controlled units. B. Face Brick and Paver Brick: ASTM G 216. I'."'w°ECT'!ON ><� R>:OUtFiLD BEFORE to comply with dates. been made. 5. Kitchen and laundry appliances. E. In areas not to be further excavated, fill depressions resulting from site clearing. Place and compact sotis- THECONCfiETE IS POURED. 5 U datin : Revise the schedule after each meeting or activity where revisions have be ,4. Bathroom occe5sorles. factory soil materials In 6-Inch thick layers to density of surrounding original ground. 1. Stiles and Hart Boston City Hall Pavers Distribute grevised copies to Owner, Architect, subcontractors, and parties required to comply with F. D15po5e of waste materials, including trash, debris, and excess topsoil, off Owner's property= Burning 2. Size: Standard. dUILDtNG DEPARTMENT P G. Firebox Brick: ASTM G 1261 size required to produce 4n;n thickness Indicated. dates. SECTION 01700 - EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS waste materials on -site is not permitted. q P 9 . Tsw^t at Uc3t touttt 1.5 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART I - 6ENERAL D. Clay Flue Lining Units: ASTM G 315. A. Coordinate submittal preparation with construction schedule, fabrication lead-times, other submittals, and 1.1 CL05EOUT SUBMITTALS E. Thin brick for simulated chimney shall be by Endicottt TfIP, Brlckettes, or approved equal activities that require se uentlal operations. A. Record Drawinggs: Maintain a set of Contract Drawings as Record Drawings. Mark to show installation SECTION 02300 - EAR 17JWORK 2.2 MORTAR AND GROUT extension ofContrat Time will be authorized due to failure to transmit submittals In time to that varies from the Work originally shown. PART I - GENERAL A. Mortar: ASTM C 210, proportion specification. Ready -mixed mortar, ASTM G I142, may be used at A ,T t+� , I. No ext.� �iil�.�t-� st i�...� processing sufficient) in advance of when materials are required in the Work. B. Record Specifications: Mintain one copy of the Project Manual, including addenda, as Record Specifi- 1.1 SECTION REOL)IREMENT5 Contractors option. permit p 9 y sources other than Contractor. with he text of the Specifications A. Unauthorized excavation consists of removin materials be and Indicated sub rode elevations or dtmen- B. Grout: ASTM G 4?b with a slump of 8 to :II inches (200 to 280 min). - � � � FI 2. Architect will not accept submittals from at►on. Provide a 4- 5-Inch space cations. Mark to _how variations in Work performed in comparison wt t 5p 9 y 9 '�i P soon without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation and remedial work shall be at Contractor's G. Refractory Mortar: Ground fireclay mortar or other refractory mortar acceptable to authorities having j B. Prepare Submittals by placing a permanent label on each for Identific and modifications. beside title block to record review and approval markings and action taken. Include the G• Operation and Maintenance Data: Organize, data Into three-ring binders, with pocket folders for folded expense. risdiction. A c1 i mu Er'dermd on the g information or bes g B. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied Owner. Provide tom orar utility sere- 2.3 REINFORCEMENT, TIES, AND ANGHOR5 Ptah 14"za',3t Q�' Kept off Site following information on the label: sheet information. Mark identification on front and spine of each binder. Include the following: p g g p by p y y A. Steen Reinforcing Bars; ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 (Grade 400). 1. Project name. !. Emergency Instructions. Ices. g Qc!�t1 ;51C';rtlCt oar 2. Spare parts list. PART 2 -PRODUCTS B. Rigid Anchors, Fabricate from steel bars I-i/2 Inches (38 mm) wide by I/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick by 24 2. Date. 3. Copies of warranties. 2.1 MATERIALS Inches (600 mm) long, with ends turned up 2 inches (50 min) or with cross pins. ,,, ( 3. Name and address of Contractor. P A. Satisfactory Stoll: ASTM D 2487 Soil Classification 6roups 6W, 6P, 6M, SW, 5P, and 5M; free of rock G. Veneer Anchors: Two-piece adjustable masonry veneer anchors that allow vertical or horizontal adjust- 4. Name and address of subcontractor or supplier. 4. Wiring diagrams. j r and title of appropriate, Specification Section. 5. Shop Drawings and Product Data. or gravel larger then 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, or other dele- meet but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to plane of wall, for attachment over .. P g terlovs matter. sheathin to studs, and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 5. Numbsn C, Contractor's certification that materials comply with specified requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) B. UnsatisfactorySoil: A5TM D 248T Soil Classification brows 6G, 5G, ML, MH, GL, CH, OL, OH, and 2.4 EMBEDDED] FLASHING MATERIALS �iRE STOPPING RE t P Ql� REQUIREMENT ' •„ G. Coordinate each submittal with other submittals and with work that does not require submittals. PART 3 -EXECUTION Fr. A• Sheet Metal Flashing: lead CoatedGopper, IO-oz./s . ft. weight or 0.0155 Inch thick for full concealed P D. Product Data: Mark each copy to show appl►cable choices and options. Include the following: 5.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION q e with specified standards and requirements. A Examine substrates and conditions for com llance with manufacturer's written requirements including, G. Backftll and Fill: Satisfactory soil materials, flashin , ib-oz,/sq. ft weight or 0.0216 inch thick elsewhere.. y �18 t� ttiru t� Walls En*,..1' .f��*m t� t'^ I. Data indicating compliant p P Notation of coordination requirements. but not limited to, surfaces that are sound, level, and plumb; substrates within installation tolerances; sur- D. Subbase: Naturally or artif(claily graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural PART - EXIGUTION S 28C>� With 8 r1'18Ef�iiEl' Cc�j]O ,of rEY2i"ti�i _ 2• include rated ca aclttes, dimensions, weights, required clearances, and fur- faces that are smooth, clean, and free of deleterious substances; and appltcatton conditions within env)- or crushed sand, ASTM D 2a40, with at least q5 percent passing a 1-1/2-Inch sieve and not more than 8 5.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL p Of fete lh 3. For equipment data, P i limits. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. percent passing a No. 200 sieve. A. Cut masonry vntts with saw. Install with cvt surfaces and, where possible, out edges concealed. S �11d hot gS3Sf�S When subjected Wished specialties and accessories. to scale. Do not reproduce Contract Docu- comments Its. y y to Fite re u Submit newt prepared Information drawn P B. Prepare substrates and adjoining surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions, including, but E. Bedding: Subbase materials with 100 percent passing a I -inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing B. Mix units for exposed unit masonry from several pallets or cubes as they are placed to produce uniform rementS Of the Test & ITr'd ' ;•f E. Shop Drawings y p P menns or co standard information. Submit I reproducible print and iblue- or black -line print on sheets not limited to, filler and primer application. a No. 200 sieve. blend of colors and textures. copy o larger than 2e 36 Inches . Architect will return the reproducible � StW ASTM-E-sl4, ' at least 8-1/2 If Inches but n g by G. Where Drawings indicate dimensions of existing construction verify by field measurement. Where fabrl F. Drainage Fill. Hushed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, G Stopping and Resuming Work: Rack back units; do not tooth. print. Include to following! rated products are to be fitted to other construction verify dimensions by field measurement before fobri- A5TM D 448, 51ze 5'1, with 100 percent passing a I-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 5 percent passing D. Set firebox brick In full bed of refractory mortar with full head joints. Make joints approximately 115 1.. Dimensions, prof►les, methods of attachment, coordination with adjoining work, large a No. 8 sieve. scale de - eating and, when possible, allow for fitting and trimming during Installation. inch wide and tool smooth. . ,,...,.-. .,-, ." � tolls, and other information, as appropriate for the Work. 3.2 GUTTING AND PATCHING PART 3 - EXECUTION E. Set clay flue liners in full beds of refractory mortar to comply with A5TM c 1283. 2. Identification of products and materials. A. Do not cut structural members without prior written approval of Architect. 3.1 EARTHWORK 3.2 FLASHING ANDWEEP HOLES 3. Notation of coordination requirements. I B. For patching, provide materials whose installed performance will equal or surpass that of existing materl- A. Protect svbgrades and foundation solls from softening and damage by water, freezing temperatures, or A. Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other obstructions to A*m 4. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. als. For exposed surfaces, provide or finish materials to vt5uolly match existing adjacent surfaces to the frost. the downward flow of water in the wall, and where indicated. ADDITIONS t�1�L ALTMTIONS FOR 5: Identification of deviations from Contract Documents. fullest extent ossible. B. Explosives: Do not use explosives. B. Place through -wall flashing on sloping bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Seal penetrations In flashing F. Samples. Submit Samples finished as specified and identical with the material proposed. Where varta- 33 INSTALLATION TON G. Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of character of materials and obstructions encountered. before covering with mortar. D. Excavate for structures, building slabs, pavements, and walkways. Trim svbgrades to required lines and I. Extend flash►ng 4 inches into mason at each end and turn up 2 Inches to form a pan. HENRY FOLEY AND JANE 1 UL � tion5 are inherent in the material, submit sufficient units to show limits of the variations. Include product A Comp) with manufacturer's written instructions for Installation. Anchor each product securely in place, y name or name of the manufacturer. grades. G. Trim wlckln material used in wee holes flush with outside face of wall after mortar has seta submittal, mark as appropriate to indicate action taken, and return copies less surfaces located and aligned. Glean exposed surfaces and protect from damage. if applicable, prepare 9 g P G. Architect will review each subsurfaces for field finishing. E. 11t111ty Trenches: Excavate trenches to indicated slopes, Tines, depths, and Invert elevations. Maintain 12 3.3 GLEANING Compliance with specified requirements remains Contractor's responsibility. i with NFPA -i0 for installation of electrical) operated equipment and electrical components and inches (300 mm) of working clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. A. Glean masonry as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. those retained. p p q B Comply y materials. I. Place, compact, and shape bedding course to provide continuous support for pipes and conduits B. Final Gleaning: After. mortar 15 thoroughly. cured, remove large mortar particles, scrub, and r(n5e unit 111 SLADE S CORNER ROAD 5.4 FINAL GLEANING over rock and other unyielding bearing surfaces and to fill unauthorized excavations. masonry. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA A. Glean each surFace or Item as follows before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Gom- 2. Place and compact initial backfill of 5otl5factory soil material or subbase material, free of particles I. Net wall surfaces with water before applying acidic cleaner, then remove cleaner promptly by SECTION 01500 - TENIPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLSI pletion: larger than I Inch (25 mm), to a height of 12 inches (300 mm) over the utility pipe or conduit. rinsing thoroughly with clear water. PART I - 6ENERAL 1. Remove labels that are not permanent. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil material to final subgrade. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS n Ai Iterations, and Demoll- 2. Glean transparent materials, including mirrors. Remove excess glazing compounds. Replace F. Plow strip or break up sloped surfaces steeper than I vertical to 4 horizontal to receive fill TITLE 6. When subgrade or existing ground surface to receive fill has a density less than that required for fill, SECTION 7ENE - STONE VENEER ASSEMBLIES A. Standards: Comply with NFPA 241, "standard for Safeguarding Construction, t � chipped or broken glass. g tion Operatlon5"; AN5I AIO Stories 5tandard5 for "Safety Requirements for Gon5tructlon and Demoll- 3• Glean exposed finishes to a dust -free condition, free of stains, films, and foreign substances. break up ground surface, pulverize, moisture -condition or aerate soil, and recompact. PART I -GENERAL H. Place backfill and fill in layers not more than 8 inches (200 min) In loose depth at optimum moisture 1.1 SECTION REOUIREMENT5 SPECIFICATIONS " .l tion"; and NEGA Electrical Design Library's "Temporary Electrical Facilities." Leave concrete floors broom clean. A. Submittals: Samples for stone and colored ointin mortar. . 1. Electrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NEGA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary 4• Vacuum carpeted surfaces and wax resilient flooring. content. Gompact each layer under structures, building slabs, pavements, and walkways to a5 percent of B. Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed orcoatedwith ice or frost. Do not build on frozen sub - electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA '10. _ 5. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication. Glean maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D ba8; elsewhere to GO percent. . i3. At the earliest possible time, when acceptable to Owner, change over from use of temporary utility sere plumbing fixtures. Glean light fixtures and lamps. 1. Grade areas to a smooth 5vrfoce to cross sections, lines, and elevations Indicated. Grade lawns, walk- grade or setting beds. Do not lay Stone masonry veneer when temperature Is below freezing. ices to use of permanent utilities. P g PART 2 - PRODUCTS 6. Glean the site. Sweep paved areas; remove stains, spills, and foreign deposits. Rake grounds to a ways, and unpaved svbgrades to tolerances of plus or minus 1-I/4 inch (32 mrr� and pavements and areas G. Remove temporary facilities and controls before 5ub5tantlal Completion. Personnel remaining after Sub- smooth, even -textured surface. within building lines to plus or minus 1/2 inch (13 mm). 2.1 STONE 5tantlal Completion will be permitted to use permanent fac1litle5, under conditions acceptable to Owner. 35 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES J. Under pavements and walkways, place subbase course material on prepared svbgrades and compact at A. Granite: See Allowances 2.2 MORTAR SCALE: PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) A. Request Substantial Completion inspection once the following are complete: optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections, and thicknesses. A. Mortar for Stone Masonry Veneer: A5TM C 2-70, Proportion Specification, Type 5 for setting stone, PART 3 - EXECUTION I. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. K. Under slabs -on -grade, place drainage fill on prepared subgrade and compact to required cross section and Type Nfor pointin 3.1 TEMPORARY UTILITIES _ 2. Submit Record Drawings, maintenance manuals, warranties, and similar record information. thickness. DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2043 1. Masonry Gemen .- Do not use masonry cement. A. Provide temporary utility services to existing factiitles during Interruptions of permanent utilities. Ar 3. Deliver spare parts, extra materials, and similar Items. L. Allow tests agency to inspect and test each subgrade and each fill or backfill layer and verify com Ii- ran e for and coordinate utilit services with local utility companies. 4. Changeover locks and transmit keys to Owner. gv�irements P y y P 2. Colored Pointing Mortar: DRAWN' ' g ante with re 2.3 EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS REVISED' 1. Owner will pay use charges for temporary utilities. 5. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of operation and maintenance personnel. M. Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soli, trash, and debris, and A. Sheet Metal Flashing: Lead Coated Copper, 10-ozJsq. ft. weight or 0.0135 Inch thick for full concealed B. Provide temporary heat for curing or drying of work, and for protection of existing and new construction b Remove temporary faciflties and controls. legally dispose of It off Owners property. flashing, Ib-ozJsq. ft. weight or 0.0216 inch thick elsewhere. from Pp adverse effects of low temperatures. Use of gasoline -burning heaters and open -flame heaters is not -1 Complete final cleanup. y 2,4 M15GELLANEOUS MATERIALa DRAWING NUMBER permitted. D. Touch up, repair, sand restore marred, exposed finishes. A. Job -Mixed Masonry Gleaner: 1/2-cup (0.14-L.) tetrasodium polyphosphate and 1/2-cup (0.I4-L) laundry 5.2 GON5TRUCTION FACILITIES cl. Obtain final Inspections from authorities having Jurisdiction. SECTION 02621- FOUNDATION DRAINAGE PIPING A. Provide field offices, storage trollers, and other support facilities as necessary for efficient prosecution of t0 Obtain certificate of occupancy. PART i - 5ZRAL detergent dissolved in i gal. (4 U of water. the Work. B. On receipt of a request for inspection, Architect will proceed with inspection or advise Contractor of un- 1.1 SECTION REOJIREMENTS PART 3 -EXECUTION . 1. Temporary facilities ,located within the construction area or within 30 feet of building Tines shall filled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after Inspection or A. 5ubmitta!s: Product Data. 3.1 SETTING STONE MASONRY VENEER, GENERAL be of noncombustible construction. advise Contractor of items that must be completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. PART 2 - PRODUCTS to Execute stone masonry veneer t skilled masons experienced with the kind and form of stone and instal- • B. Provide temporary 6anitary facilities. Comply with regulations and health codes for type, number, loca- G Arrange for etch installer of equipment that requires operation and maintenance to provide Instruction to 2=1 PIPES AND FITTINGS 3.lotion method indicated. Arrange atones far good fit, In pattern indicated. tion, and maintenance of facilities. Owner's personnel. Include a detailed review of the Following: A. Polyethylene pralnage Tubing and Fittings: AA5HT0 M 252, interim, Type 5, corrugated, with smooth A. POINTING A� 22 G. Provide temporary :enclosures for protection of con5tructlon and workers from exposure and inclement 1. Startup and shutdown. waterwai, and AA5HTO M 252 corrugated, yp g A. Point 5tonc� Joints lain and compacting mortar in layers not neater than 3/b inch (10 min). Gom- 1 txand-t e fittings, NP5 4 and NP5 6 j � placing P g � g weather and for containment of heat. 2. Emergency operations and safety procedures. B, Perforot,ed, Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings: A5TM F 405, corrugated, with band -type couplings, NP5 4, pact each layer thoroughly and allow to become thumbprint and before jointing tool next layer. B. Tool joints, when pointing mortar 15 thumbprint hard, with a smooth jointing tool to produce joint profile 5. Noise and vibration adjustments. CONTINUED ON DRAWIN6 A-23 BID DRAWINGS © WISE- SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS 5rrt TI 5 CONTINUED FROM DARAWING A-22 Vo),.1 . Indicated. -t.A 5.3 eL EANING performance requirements of ANSI Z124.3, Type 5 or Type 6, without a precoated finish. D. Install metal flashing and trim according to details and instructions of NRGA's "The NRGA Steep Roof- G. Deliver ke s to Owner.' 1.�_. A. Glean masonry as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and smears before tooling Joints. I. Dupont Corian or approved equal. In g Manual": PART 2 - PRODUCTS,' B. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly cured, remove large mortar particles, scrub, and rinse stone 2.2 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY MATERIALS E. install air space underlayment following manufacturer?s written Instructions. 2J HARDWAiE 9 masonry veneer. A. Hardware Standard: Comply with BHMA AI56.9 for items indicated by reference to BHMA numbers or F. Install ridge vents according to manufacturer's written instructions. A. Hinges: Provide the following.. �,. promptly by referenced to this standard. G. Comply with G55Bs "Design Application Manual for Exterior and Interior Walls for wall installs- I. Stainless -steel or for ass bronze hinges with s � " I. Net wall surfaces with water before applying acidic cleaner, then remove cleanerp y 9 App �= 9 rinsing thoroughly with clear water. B. Exposed Hardware Finishes: For exposed hardware, provide finish that com Iles with BHMA A156.15 tions. g tainless-steel pins for exterior. 2. Nonremovable hinge pins for exterior and public Interior exposure. for BHMA code number indicated. P p P 3. Two hinges for 1-3/8-Inch- (35-mm-) thick wood doors. I. Finish: Dark Satin Bronze: BHMA 613 4. Three hinges for 1-3/4-inch- (45-mm-) thick doors aO inches (2500 mm) or less In height; four SECTION 05120 - STRUCTURAL STEEL G. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln dried to 15 percent SECTION 07531- EPDM ELASTOMERIC MEMBRANE ROOFING 9 hinges for Boars more than 90 Inches (2300 mm) in height. PART I - GENERAL moisture content. I PART I - GENERAL I B. Lock -sets and latchsets as follows: 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 2.3 INTERIOR WOODWORK 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 1. 13HMA A156.2, Series 4000 Grade for b T dyed locks and latches. WISE-SURMA° A. Complete fabrication before shipping to Protect site to maximum extent .possible. Disassemble only as A. Warrantees: Provide standard manufacturers written warranty, monetary limitation, signed 2. BHMA AI56S Grade for au II JO�S A. Comply with AISG's "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings --Allowable Stress Design and Plastic t y SP __ y y 9 r xl iory locks. C�V 1 S Design,' RG5G's "Specification for Structural Joints Using A5TM A 325 or A 4410 Bolts, and needed for shipping and Installing. Where necessary for fitting at Protect site, provide for scribing and roofing system manufacturer agreeing to promptly repair leaks resulting from defects to materials or 3. BHMA AI56.13, Series 1000, Gradefor mortise locks and latches. AH5 DI.1, "Structural Welding Code--5teel." trimming. - workmanship for the period of IDyears. G. Key locks to Owner's new master -key system. 24 CENTRE STREET PART 2 PRODUCTS B. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for mem PART 2 - PRODUCTS y y NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 P STRUCTURAL STEEL AND AGCES50RIE5 1. Cylinders with six-ppin tumblers and removable cores. bers with ends exposed In finished Work. 2.i ROOFING MATERIALS 2. Provide construction ke in TET-EPHONE (50$),997-5977 G. Install glass to comply with FGMAs Glazing Manual. For glass in wood frames, secure glass with re- A. EPDM Sheet: ASTM D 4637, Type 1, Grade I and Glass U, unrelnforced 60 mils (1.5 mm) thick; black. D. Provide 9 FAX(508)997-0993 - A. Structural -Steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M, carbon steel y e wall stops or floor stops for doors without closers. B. Gold -Formed Structural -steel Tubing: ASTM A 500, Grade B. movable stops. B. Auxiliary Materials: Recommended N roofing system manufacturer for intended use and as follows: E. Provide hardware finishes as follows: G. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A 30?, Or A; nonhigh-strength carbon -steel, hex -head bolts; car- D. Wood Cabinets (Casework) for Opaque Finish: Premium grade. bon -steel nuts; and flat, unhardened steel washers, uncoated I. AWI T pe of Cabinet Construction, Flush Inset with face frame. I. Sheet Flashing, 60-m►I- (1.5-mm-) thick EPDM. I. Hinges: Matching finish of lockset/latchset. y 2. Splice Materials: Single -component, butyl splicing adhesive and solvent -based splice cleaner 2. Locksets, Lotchsets, and Exit Devices: Bright brass, clear coated] [Satin brass, clear coated] D. Primer, Lead- and chromate -free, nonasphaitic, rust -Inhibiting primer. 2. Wood Species for Exposed Surfaces: Clear pine or poplar. PART 3 - EXECUTION 011-rubbedoxidized bronze5atin chrome plated at toilet rooms s E. Grout: ASTM G I10'1, nonmeta►Tic, shrinkage resistant, premixed. 3. 5emiexposed Surfaces Other Than Drawer Bodies: Same species and cut as exposed surfaces. 3.1 INSTALLATION , P : provide plit finish with bright chrome -plated finish on ins►de. 2.2 FABRICATION 4. Drawer Sides and Backng finish of lockset/latctiset. s: Solid hardwood A. Install EPDM sheet according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions and as follows: 3. Other Hardware: Match) ' A. Fabricate structural steel ac��cording to A15G specifications and tolerance limits of A15G 5 code of Stan- 5. Drawer Bottoms: Thermoset decorative overlay. I. Adhered Sheet Installation: Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet and allow PART 3 - EXECUTION Bard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" for structural steel. E. Solid Surfacing Material Countertops: Premium grade. to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive. to splice area of sheet. 3.1 INSTALLATION P P I. Fabricate tops in one piece with shop -applied backsplashes and edges. B. Seams: Gleans (ices, apply .splicing cement,and firm) roll side and end lops of overlapping sheets 8. Shop Priming: Prepare surfaces according to 55PG-5P 2 or SSPG-5P 3. Shop rime steel to film P PP y y p pp g Seal A. Mount hardware in locations recommended by the Door and Hardware Institute, unless otherwise indi thickness of at least IS mils (0.038 ram). Do not prime surfaces to be embedded in concrete or mortar or 2. Solid 5urfacin Material Thickness: 3/4 inch (IQ ram). g exposed edges of sheet terminations. sated. . to be field welded. F. 5ta(rwork and Rolls: Premium grade. G. Install sheet fleshings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates. Protect roofin from 3.2 HARDWARE SCHEDULE . PART 3 - EXECUTION I. Wood Species for Transparent Finish: Rails, newels, balusters ? Honduras Mahogany. Treads ? damage and wear during remainder of construction period. 9 A. Hardware Set No."Ent ": 3.1 ERECTION salvaged heart pine, Rift (all clear, vertical gratn)grade. D. Gorrect deficiencies in or remove and reinstall roofing and sheet flashing that does not comp) with re- 1. Hinges.. Baldwin B-1035 A. Erect structural steel according to AISG specifications and within erection tolerances of A150s "Code of 2 Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed -grain hardwood listed in referenced woodworking quirements. . y 2. Mortise. Lockset: I complete, handle set, Baldwin 8-6564; I knobs, Baldwin B-5015; I rose, CONSULTANTS Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, standard, except that eastern white pine, sugar pine, or Idaho white pine may be used for risers, B. Set base and bearing plates on wedges, shims, or setting nuts. Tighten anchor bolts, cut off wedges or stringers, and moldings. 5.Baldwin hold a/; I weal ere Baldwin 8-6751 shims flush with edge of plate, and pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and plates. 3. Finishes for Stair Parts: Treads, transparent; risers, opaque; stringers, opaque; balustersand new- SECTION 08212 - STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS B. Threshold and weatherstripping (see drawings). G. Bolted Connections- Install and tighten nonhigh-strength bolts, unless high -strength bolts are Indicated. els, transparent; handrails, transparent; sccotia, cove, and other moldings, opaque. PART I - GENERAL B. Hardware Set No. Screen Snug tighten high -strength bolts according to R05G's "Specification for Structural Joints Using 2.4 SHOP FINISHING OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL. WOODWORK 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS I. Hinges. two 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" solid bronze butts; ASTM A 325 or A 4G0 Bolts." 2. von Morris QOOI cast brass screen door latch body with &010 "5warthmore" square bevel trim A. Finishes: Same grades as Items to be finished. A. Submittals: Product Data for doors, including details of construction. 3. Closer: Ives Q25 pneumatic door closer q D. Weld Gonnections: Comply with AW5 DLI. B. Finish architectural woodwork at the fabrication shop; defer only final touch up until after installation. 1. 5ubmlt finish samples for factory -finished doors. - 4. At fixed leaf of double, __ „ �� ub e doors provide two baidwin 0310 surface bolts 6 IonI I - ICE I f al r r primer to concealed surfaces of woodwork. B. Quali Standard: NWWDA LS.b In _� NO I, one coat o se e o dwo dusty Standard for Wood Stile and I =_ � 9• Apply pr ty y a Rai Doors. G. Hardware Set No. "Entry French and 'Entry Double French": PART 3 - EXECUTION G. Safety Glass: Comply with Ib GFR 1201. (. Hinges.. Manufacturer's standard 2. Lockset: Manufacturer's standard with LI23/E336 trim silicon An AS Built Survey 1t,st be SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY 5.1 INSTALLATION PART 2 - PRODUCTS 9 PART I -PRODUCTS A. Condition woodwork to prevailing conditions before Installing. 2.1 STILE AND RAIL DOORS n dark bronze finish. 1.1 LUMBER, GENERAL B. Install woodwork to complym with AWI Section 1-700for grade, specified. A. Exterior Doors Type, D and F (on the Door Schedule NWWDA Pr 3. Threshold and weatherstripping: Manufacturer's standard. Mittect to the B1,11�.t, ing A. Dressed lumber, 545, 15 percent maximum moisture content for 2-inch thickness or less, marked with g p yP ) Premium or Select grade assembled D. Hardware Set No. All others: Sub rode stomp of ins action a envy. G. Install woodwork level, plumb, true, and straight. Shim as required with concealed shims. Install to a with wet -use adhesives and made from Douglas fir or western hemlock with flat panels. I. Provide under Allowance t� prior t4 caning for TREATED stomp Mf le)spectl g tolerance of 1/& Inch In Gb inches for level and plumb. I. Entrance Moors: See details on Drawings - Materials: AWPA C2 lumber and AWPA Cc[ plywood, labeled b an inspection D. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, seal cut surfaces, and repair damaged finish at cuts. B. Exterior Doors Type B and G (on the Door Schedule): NWWDA Select grade assembled with wet -use a fawdati0n inspection or A. Preservative Treated P y y E. Install trim with minimum number of Joints possible, using full-length feces to the greatest extent oss►- adhesives and made from select softwood. SECTIOI\� 09215 -GYPSUM VENEER PLASTER agency approved by ALSG's Board of Review. After treatment, kiln -dry lumber and plywood to IQ and j P 9 9 P 9 p ble, 5ta er oints in adjacent and related members. 1. French Doors: Pella Architect Series series wood In -swing French doors with custom muntln PART I - GENERAL 15 percent moisture content, respectively. Treat indicated items and the following: 99 J J F. Anchor countertops securely to base units. Seal space between backspiash and wall, patters as shown in the door schedule. Provide 5/So insulshield glazing, argon filled, low-E I.I SECTION REQUIREMENTS eiili ructiO;ne I. Wood members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. 2. Concea led mernbers in contact with masonryor concrete. e. Anchor paneling to supports with concealed panel -hanger clips and by blind nailing on back-up strips, coating. A. Submittals: Product Data. - s fined -connection strips, and similar associated trim and framing- C. Interior Doors: NWWDA Select grade made from manufacturer's standard softwood species with PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3. Wood floor plates Installed over concrete slabs directly in contact with earth. P P 9• �� H. 5tairwork and Racist Gut carriages to accurately fit treads and risers and securely anchor to supporting panels of same •species or a wood -based panel product with flat panels. 2.1 PANEL PRODUCTS 1.3 LUMBER substrates. Glue treads to risers, and glue and Hall treads and risers to carriages. Glue and wedge treads I. Room Doors: See details on Drawings. A. sum Base f A. Dimension Lumber: The following grades per inspection agency Indicated. and risers to housed stringers. Glue and dowel or in balusters to treads and railings, and railings to 2 2 FA RI ATI N FIN 9 e or Veneer Plaster: Complying with ASTM G 588, in thicknesses indicated. Regular type �' l Non-Load-Bearin Interior Partitions, Construction, Stud, or No. 3: Eastern softwoods: NELPIA; 9 P 9 n9 B G O AND 15HING where Indicated. 9 yP , newel posts. A. Factory fit doors to suit frame -opening sizes and to comply with referenced quality standard. 2.2 ACCESSORIES �m () 0 E_, orWestern woodss gHOLIS or WWPA. 52 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY SCHEDULE I. Provide I/8-inch (32-mm) clearance at Jambs, heads, and meeting stiles and 1/2 inch (12.? mm) at A. Trim Accessories: Cornerbead, edge trim, and control Joints complyingwith A5TM 1 r-- z 2. Framing Other than Non -Load -Bearing Partitions: No. 2: Spruce Pine Fir NLCA, WGLIB. - A. Concealed (European -Type) Hin es, 501602. J G 04-f, formed B. Miscellaneous Lumber, No, 3 or Standard grade of any species for Hailers, blocking, and similar mem-9 bottom. At thresholds, provide 3/8 Inch (G.5-ram) clearance. from steel sheet zinc coated by the hot -dip process or rolled zinc or plastic.LB. Pulls. provided by owner 2. Comply with NFPA 60 for fire -resistance -rated doors. B. sum Base Joint-Reinfor I v p y Gyp c ng Materials: Comply with ASTM G 587. Open -weave fiberglass fabric MOUTH ��"" bars. G. Catches: Friction catches, 803433. B. Factor machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. joint toe and embedding material recommended by veneer plaster manufacturer., �: 1.4 ENGINEERED FOOD PRODUCTS D. Ad ustable Shelf Standards: 604071; with shelf rests, 504051, y PP J P 9 A. Engineered wood products acceptable to authorities having Jurlsdictlon and with allowable design J G. Glaze doors at factory. G. Sound -Attenuation Blankets: Unfaced, mineral -fiber -blanket Insulation complyingw►th A5TM G Y0- *1 9 5 ubll heb manufacturer, that meet or exceed those Indicated. Manufacturer's published E. Drawer Slides: 51de-mounted, zinc -plated steel drawer slides with steel ball bearings, complying with D. Factory treat exterior doors after fabrication with water repellent to comply with NWWDA I.5.4. Type 1. 665 for stresses, a y BHMA AI56.G, P y - �, ri values shall be demonstrated b com rehensfve testing. Grade l and rated for the following loads: PART 3 - EXECUTION 2.5 VENEER PLASTER NOT S 1ST` 1 � r Y -t y P 9 B. Laminated -Veneer Lumber, Laminated with an exterior -type adhesive complying with ASTM D 25511, I. Box Drawer Slides: 100 IV (440 N). 3.1 INSTALLATION A. U5 Gypsum Imperial Veneer Plaster with grain of veneers parallel to their lengths. 2. File Drawer 511des, 200 IV 68q0 NFU. A. Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels indicated below. Machine doors for B. For onecomponent veneer plaster finish system, comply with ASTM G 55-1. �i1 rJ 1. Extreme Fiber ✓tress in Bending: 2500 psi (17 MPa) for 12-Inch nominal- (2.D6-mm actual-) 3. Pencil Drawer 5lidest 45 Ibf (200 N). hardware. deal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. PART 5 - EXECUTION F. Door Locks, EO"I121. I. Provide Il�-inch (3,2-mm) clearance at ombs heads and meeting stiles and 1/& Inch (3.2 mm) at 3.1 INSTALLATION r- S� AWo DEPTH .._`'� - � - - •'- j 9 A. Install ,ONO-TtfB depth members. 6. Drawer Locks, EO'TO4l sum panel roducts to comply with A5TM G &44 and as follows: •, REOUIPED &EFORE bottom. At threshof:J provide 1/4-Inch (b.4-ram) clearance from bottom of door. gyp p p p y I� E0 I, 2. Modulus of Elasticity: 2olstst 00 psi (13 stress -graded MPa). I. 15biate veneer plaster assemblies from abutting structural and mason work. P IS POURED. : G. Prefabricated Woad I -Joists, Made from stress- raded lumber flanges and wood -based structural -use H. Grommets for cable passage through countertops: I -Inch (25-ram) OD brown, molded -plastic grommets B. Align factory -fitted odors In frames for uniform clearances. P g masonry Provide, edge, trim �Op{ICf�'i'E yP P y g gg with brown plastic. cap. G. Repair, refin►sh, or replace factory -finished doors damaged during Installation as directed by Architect. and acoustical sealant, 9 �` panel webs with exterior -type adhesive com I in with ASTM D 255a. P p i. Structural capacities, Establish and monitor structural capacities according to ASTM D 5055. 2. Single -Layer Fastening Methods, Fasten gypsum panels to supports with screW ,. N +. %t3 QEf' FtTME B. Install veneer plaster to comply with ASTM C &43 for smooth -troweled finish, unless otherwise Inds- T of Ekif"Outh 2. See drawings for Joist types. SECTION 07115 - BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING SECTION 08550 - WOOD WINDOWS sated. P P y 1.5 PANEL PRODUCTS A. Wood -Based Structural -Use Panels: DOG P5 2. Provide plywood complying with DOG P5 I, where PART I - GENERAL PART I - GENERAL wood Is indicated. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS I 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 1.. Factory mark panels evidencing compliance with grade requirements. A. Submittals: Product Data. A. Submittals. Produc, t'Pato t Shop Drawings. 2. Provide panels with s on ratings required by support PART 2 - PRODlYTS PART I -GENERRspacing Indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCT SECTION 0931- CERAMIC TILE AL YOUR DRAWING MUST BE Kf-H' � 3. Combinatin 5ubfy y plywood I wood G-D EXTDFPA. 2.1 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFIN6 2.1 WOOD WINDOWS 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT5 AT THE .BUILDING' DURING TI•lli A. Cold -Applied, Gut -Back Asphalt Dampproofing. Asphalt and solvent compound, trowel grade, A. Pella Architect Series wood double hungwindows. A. 5ubmittals: Product Data and Samples, p 3GRESS OF THIS WORK. 4. Hall Sheathing: plywood G-D EXT XTDF ASTM D 458b, Type I PART 2 - PRODUCTS P 5. Wall 5heathin plywood G-D EXTDFPA . yP B. Provide prime -painted wood windows that comply with AAMA/NWWDA 101/1.52. 2.1 CERAMIC TILE "'""""`� 9' P y B. Glass Fabric: Woven lass fabric, treated with asphalt, complyingwith ASTM D 166&, Type I, I, Provide units labeled and certified according to NFRG's Product Certification Program, with U- D.,00*INO DLPIS.RTL�.BP�T' 6. Roof Sheathing: plywood G-D EXTDFPA. g P yP B. Air -infiltration Barrier: Polyolefln material complying with ASTM E 16717, Type I, with minimum water- PART 3 - EXECUTION value of [O3B Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F as determined according to NFRG 100. A. Germlc the will be provided by the Owner. Bi17L 3.1 PREPARATION 2. Equip units with charcoal gray coated aluminum mesh Insect screens on operable sashes. 2.2 INSTALLATION MATERIALS Town of Dazt:noufh vapor transmission of 10 perms . contact or A. Prepare substrate by cleaning, removingprojections, fillip voids, sealln oats, and as otherwise rec- Screens shall cover ;ry,_.�} A• 5ettin and Groutin Materials: Gom I with materla:l st G. Fasteners: Size and type indicated. Where rough carpentry Is exposed to weather, In ground orrrnended n P J 9 9 J n .om sash only (half screens). 9 9 ,= Comply andards in ANSI s Specifications for the In- idi provide fasteners with shot-d► zinc coating per ASTM A 153 or of I dampproofing manufacturers written instructions. G. Glaze units wish clear, low-e coated, ar on -filled, sealed (nsulattn lass. stallation of Ceramic Tile that apply to materials and methods indicated. T area 4 high relative humidity, p p 9 P B. Install cant strips, separate flashin s, and corner protection stripping, and prime substrate as recom- PART 3 - EXECUTION 9 9 9 B. Setting -Bed Accessories: Comply with ANSI A105.IA. T1� Type er- stainless steer mended In dampproofing manufacturers written Instructions. 5.1 INSTALLATION C. Cementitious Backer Units: Complyingwith ANSI Allb.a of thickness Indicated. 01#1 3 Of DMIT 00-TH 32 INSTALLATION PART 3 - EXECUTION }► [ I. Power -Driven Fasteners: GABO NER-2"i2. A. Set units level, plumb, and true to line, without warp or rack of frames and panels and anchor securely In 3•I INSTALLATION �. i�� w Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A ;with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for methods and rates of dampproofing application, place. LLATION where indicated, flat washers. cleaning, and installation of protection course. B. Set sill members In bed of I A. Comply with the installation standards A I' �. D. Metal Framing Anchors: Hot -dip galvanized steel of structural capacity, type, and size indicated. Pr sealant or with gaskets, as indicated, to provide weathertight construction. SP , y P y d ds in NS s ecificatlons for the installation of Ceramic Tile" that A ��� � �S eI`��� Rx" F°1 9 B. Apply dampproofing to exterior face of concrete and masonry below -grade walls and where indicated on G. Adjust o operating anels, screens and hardware for smooth operation and weathert► ht closure. Lubricate apply to materials and methods indicated. Be Ite i On Site E, 5111-Sealer Class -fiber insulation, 1-inch (25-mm) thick, compressible to 1/32 Inch (08 ram). P Drawings, hardware and moviin P arts. 9 B. Comply with TGAs Handbook for Geramic Tile Installation." �11 °` ' , "` ��` Ipy , F. Adhesives for Field Gluing Panels to Framing: APA AF6-01. C. I 2 coats to produce a dry film thickness of at least 30 mils, average. g p I. Floor Tile Installation Method[s]: TGA FI44 (thin -set mortar bonded to cementitlous PART 2 -EXECUTION Apply P y 9 backer �°��� '`'���'�� �/� D. Install glass fabric reinforcement, embedded In dampproofing, at corners and changes in plane. units over wood subf(oor). � ,l 2.1 INSTALLATION SECTION 08610 - ROOF WINDOWS 2. Wall Tile Installation Method[51 TGA [B415 and TGA W244 (shower receptor with thin -set - A. Fit rough carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, blocking, and similar supports to allow ottadvnent of other construction. SECTION 07210 -BUILDING INSULATION PART I - 6EN_FRAL h carpentry work to substrate b anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT5 mortar bonded to cementitlous backer units). G. At showers, tubs, and where Indicated, provide cementitlous backer units and treat Joints to comply with FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT B. Securely attach rough c p ry y g 9 y PART I - GENERAL A. Air Infiltration: OA70 cfm/sq. ft. maximum per ASTM E 283 at uniform static -air -pressure difference of ANSI A108.11. with the following: 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 156psf. D. Lay tile In grid pattern, unless otherwise indicated. Align Joints where adjoining tiles 1. CABO NER-2-72 for power -driven staples, P-nails, and allied fasteners. A. Submittals: Product Data for each a of insulation roducts specified. 9 j j g es on floor, base, type p p B. Water Penetration: No leakage at 2.86psf minimum test pressure when tested per ASTM E 54T. walls, and trim are the same size. thiu rated Wt':i�;g 81'If� 1 00f i S 1 be 2. Published requirements of metal framing anchor manufacturer. - B. 5ur•face-Burning Characteristics: ASTM E i54, florae -spread ratings of -75 or less and smoke -developed G. Thermal Conductance: NFRG lo0 maximum - U Value, 0.41 Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F. E. Perform cutting and drilling of ilia without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edger, of Ile S ai@d with 8 material C�'r^.�Ji9 0f preventing fit': 3.Table 3606.2.3a Fastener Schedule for 5tructurai Members of the Massachusetts State Build ratings of 450 or less. D. Provide roof windows capable of withstanding live loads and snow loads Indicated without failure of abutting trim, finish, or built-in Items for straight aligned Joints. Fit the close) to electrical 9 p g ing Code -T80 GMR PART 2 - PRODUCTS e. Installation of Structural -Use Ponelst Comply with applicable recommendations contained In APA Form 2 I INSULATION PRODUCTS materials or permanent deformation. 9 j y outlets, pip- ~ O>[ flB11195 and hot gBSS�u Wiens f e{1' Ing, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. No. E30 and as follows: E. 5ubmlt Product Data. A. Spray Foam Polyicynene Insulation: Icynene Brand ASTM C518. PART 2 - PRODUCT5 t0 FI requirements Q t1 T8$ >.' O l Combination 5ubfloor►ng-Underlayment: Glue and screw to framing. B. 61055-Fiber-Batt Insulation: A5TM C 612, Type IA or Type IA and IB; unfaced . 2.1 ROOF HIN:DOi�s SECTION 09640 - WOOD FLOORING " AcuTM- -a14. 2.5ubflooring: Glue and scres to framing. 22 ACCESSORIES A. Velux, type VS PART I -GENERAL 3- 51eathing: Nail to framing. A. Vapor Retarder: Polyethylene, 6 mil, thick. 22 COMPONENTS 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 4. Underlayment: Nail or staple to subflooring. B. Eave Ventilation Troughs: Preformed, rlgid fiberboard or plastic sheets designed to fit between roof A. Roof Widow Frame: Aluminum -clad wood. A• Submittals: Product Data and material Samples. framing members and to provide cross -ventilation between attic spaces and vented eaves. I. Color or Finish: Manufacturer's standard B. Southern Pine Flooring: Comply with 5PI5 grading rules for species, grade, and cut. A ?1j�TTTO1�Tr A 1►TT1 ,► T r1,1-±n A r�O*Tr �j�D SECTION 06200 - FINISH CARPENTRY PART 3 - EXECUTION B. Roof Window Sash: Aluminum and wood PART 2 - PRODUCTS tiV M NS AND 'ALjl'ij(� TI NS OR PART I - GENERAL (Not Applicable) 3.1 INSTALLATION 1. Color: Manufacturer's standard. 2.1 WOOD FLOORING PART 2 -PRODUCTS A. Install insulation in areas and in thicknesses indicated or required to produce R-values indicated. Gut and C. Flashing: Aluminum A. Flooring Type A. Kiln dried and as follows: V �+ A �m T GENERAL fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with Insulation. I. Provide auxiliary rain diverter at roof window head. I. Species and Grade: Antique salvaged heart pine i POLEY t11�1U JCll�l1Ci 1 UC�E�1Yltll�1 2.1 MATERIALS, grading p 9 by B. Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in lace D. Insulati 6iass: Clear, sealed, insulating -glass units complying with Division & Section "Glazing," in 2• Gut: Mountain Lumber Select Prime Grade. A. Lumber Standards: DOG Pf 20 and radin rules of ins action a encles certified American Lumber with adhesives or other anchorage.P P p manufacturer's standard thickness and as follows: 3. Thickness: 3/4 Inch . v-I. Type- Low-e, argon filled, with Inboard and outboard liter of fully tempered glass. 4. Face Width: random 6 to 10 inches. t Standards Committee Board of Review. B. Softwood Plywood: DOC P5 I. E. yGllazing Seal: Extruded -vinyl or -butyl glazing gasket, or butyl or neutral -cure silicone sealant. 5. Matching: Tongue and groove, and end matched. 111 SLADE S CORNER ROAD 2.G. Hardwood Plywood: R: ING HP-1. SECTION 07317 -WOOD SHINGLES AND SHAKES F. Weather 5tripping: Compression -type weather striI ; molded vinyl, A5TM D 228'7; molded ex- 6. Backs: Channeled (kerfed) for stress relief, A. STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM panded EPDM or neoprene, A5TM G 504; or other sutable material. y -1. Lengths: 1.5 to 12 feet. SOUTH DARTMOM, MA Grade A PART I - GENERAL A. Exterior Lumber Trim: Smooth -textured, ,western red cedar 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 6. Hardware: Gorroston-resistant operating hardware. b. Finish: Unfinished B. Exterior decking: Ironwood, er or white Lope A. Comply with wood shingle grading standard G55B's "Grading Rules for Certf rode Red Cedar Shin- I. Operators G. Interior Trim: G Select, eastern white pine; 8 � Btr. Select or Supreme, Idaho white, lodgepole, ponder- mP y 9 9 9 9 9 Op Rotary operator complying with AAMA g01.1 with manual crank handle B. Flooring Type B: Kiln dried and as follows: osa, sugar pine, or poplar. glen' 2. Control Apparatus: Plastic or metal cable that uncoils and stiffens to open sash, or metal arms) 1• Species and Grade Eastern White Pine, NELMA Premium nTLE PART 2 - PRODUCTS G. Wood Molding Patterns: Stock moldings made to patterns in WMMPA WM ?and graded under �, that scissors or swings to open sash. 2. Gut: Plain sawn �^► WMMPA WM 4, P-Grade for painted finish. 2.1 SHINGLES 3. Hinges: Continuous or minimum two per unit. 3. Thickness: 5/4 inch SPECIFICATIONS " G 2.3 MI5GEH ANEOU5 MATERIALS A. Cedar Shingles -Roof: No. igrade, smooth -sawn western red cedar, [Ib Inches (405 ram) long; H. Anchors, Giips, and Fasteners: Noncorrosive anchors, clips, and fasteners of sufficient strength to with- 4. Face Width: random 6 to 12 inches. A. Fasteners for Exterior Finish Carpentry: Stainless -steel nails. B. Cedar Shingles - Wails: Eastern White Cedar, grade Extra, Maibec PV2, stand physical -load -test pressure Indicated. 5. Matching: Tongue and groove, and end matched. PART 3 - EXECUTION 2.2 ACCESSORIES 2.5 A6C,E55ORIE5 6. Backs: Channeled (kerfed) for stress relief. 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. Felt Underlayment: ASTM D 226, [Type 11, No. 501 [Type I, No. 151. A. Insect Screens- Removable screen with aluminum or vinyl frame with mitered or coped Joints in manu- 1. Lengths: 1.5 to 12 feet. A. Gonditlon finish ,carpentry to Installation areas for 24 hours before Installing. B. Perimeter Underlayment: ASTM D MO; polyethylene -sheet -backed, self -adhering, polymer-modifled, facturer's standard finish, and with IB I4 (12 l b-m n) or 18 16 (1.4-b Ib-mm) mesh of B. Prime and backprime lumber for painted finish exposed on the exterior, bituminous sheet; minimum 40 mils (I mm) thick. coated-alvmi^ . 2. Finish. Unfinished. Install finish carpentry level plumb, true and aligned with adjacent materials. Scribe and cut to fit ad- G. Air ace underla ment: Cedar Breather Benjamin Olxl ke v^.�+-wire fabric, FS RR-1 �5, Type YII. � y 2.2 FINISHING MATERIALS - space y by j y B. Motor rotor: Electronic control for operating venting units that are more than -12 Inches (000 mm) A. Urethane Finish System: Gompletesoivent based, oil -modified system of compatible components that 15 SCALE: j psis . rp y , p 9 J P. Nails: Hot -di galvanized nails or Type 504 or 516 stainless -steel nails of sufficient length to penetrate P 9 9 Joining work. Refinish and seal cuts. P 9 yP n9 P above floor with rain sensor. recommended by finish manufacturer for application Indicated. D. Install standing and running trim with minimum number of Joints practical, using full-length pieces from through or at least 3/4 Inch (IG mm) Into sheathing. 2.4 FABRICATION (. Stain: Penetrating and nonfading type. DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 maximum lengths of lumber ovallable. Stagger Joints in adjacent and related trim. Cope at returns and I. Use shingle -type nails to attach wood shingles. A. Fabricate weathertight units complete with flashing, anchoring devices, and operating hardware for vent- a• color: As selected. E. Fabricate sheet metal flashing from lead coated copperra sheet, I6 ozJsq.ft. Ing units, wea`.her stripping at perimeter of operating sash, and condensation gutter or other means to hold 2• Floor Sealer: Enable, penetrating type. DRAWN: CTW miter at corners. 9q I. Fabricate sheet metal flashing to comply with recommendations of S AG 's 'Architectural condensate (moisture) or drain it to exterior. 3. Finish Goats: Formulated for multtcoat application on wood flooring. REVISED' SECTION 06402 -INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK Sheet Metal Manual PART 3 - EXECUTION B. Wood Filler: Formulated to fill and repair seams, defects, and open -grain hardwood floors; compatible ' PART I - GENERAL I 2. Metal Drip Edge: Brake -formed sheet metal with at least a 2-inch (50-rr.-d roof deck flange and a 5.1 INSTALLATION with finish system components and recommended by filler and finish manufacturers for use indicated. If 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENT5 I-I/2-Inch (5b-ram) fascia flange with a 5lb-Inch (01.6-mm) drip at lower edge. Furnish in lengths A. Set un=.s true In line, without warp or rack In frame or sash, and anchored securely In place. Install required to match approved samples, provide pigmented filler. DRAWING NUMBER A. Submittals. Shop Drawings. of 5 or 10 feet (25 or 3 m). flashing to provide a weathertight seal. 2.3 ACCESSORY MATERIALS . B. Quality Standard: Architectural Woodwork Institute's "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards." 3• Metal Flashing: Job -cut to sizes and configurations required. B. Adjust operating sash and hardware for tight fit at contact points and weather stripping. Provide unen- n A. Fasteners: As recommended by manufacturer, but not less than that recommended in NOFMA's "I - G. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or Install woodwork until building is enclosed, wet -work is 4. Open -Valley Metal Flashing: Preformed, inverted-V profile at center of valley and extending at cumbered operation and weather•tight closure. 5tailing Hardwood Flooring." . completed, and HVAG system is operating. (east cl Inches (230 mm) in each direction from centerline of valley. G. Adjtxt shades to hang true In line without rack. Provide unencumbered operation. B. Wood Trim: In same species and grade as wood flooring, unless otherwise indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS PART 3 - EXECUTION I. Threshold: Tapered on each side and routed at bottom of one side to accommodate wood flooring. 2.1 MATERIALS 3.1 INSTALLATION 2. Reducer Strip: 2 Inches (51 mm) wide, tapered on one side, and in thickness matching flooring. A. Hardboard: AHA A135.4. A. Comply with CS55's "Design and Application Manual for New Roof Constriction'; and MRCA's "The SECTION 08710 - DOOR HARDWARE C. Wood air vents and grilles of some species and grade as wood flooring. B. Medium-Den51t ;Fiberboard: AN51 A208.2. y NRGA Roofing arld Waterproofing Manual": Section 'The NRGA Steep Roofing Manual' Ghopter PART I - GENERAL A 23 G. Particleboard: ANSI A20.5.1, Grade M-2. "Wood Shingle and Wood Shake Roofing" for roofing Installations. 1.1 5EGTi0Y FF•.EQUIREMENTS CONTINUED ON DRAWING A-24 D. Softwood Plywood: PS I. B. Apply waterproof underloyment at eaves and 1n place of felt underlarment at valleys. Cover deck from A. Ailo, ,-nce-5: Provide certain hardware under Hardware Allowance In Division I Section "Price and E. Hardwood Plywood and Face Veneers: f IPVA HP-L eaves to at leapt 24 inches (600 mm) Inside exterior wall line. I Pa:^^ert Prccedures." F. Solid Surfacing Material: Homogeneous solid sheets of filled plastic resin complying with material and C. Install vailey5 complying with ARMA and NRGA Instructions. Construct sheet metal open valleys. B. � Itta'e; Hardware Schedule. BID DRAWINGS © WISE- SURMA-JONES - ARCHITECTS PART 3 - EXEGUTION CONTIUED FROM DRAWING A-23 3.1 PIPE APPLICATIONS D. Decorative surface nails= Tremont Nall Decorative Wrought Head cut nails. Block oxide finish. A. For above -around applications where sound isolation is called for on the drawings use hubless, cast-iron 2.5 EQUIPMENT GOMPONENTS SECTION 16442 - PANELBOARDS soil pipe and fittings. Otherwise use PVG plastic DWV pipe and fittings with solvent -cemented A. Air Handling Unit: Fan, motor, heat exchangers and controls, mounted In 22 gage (0.15 PART I - GENERAL PART 3 - EXECUTION Joints. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 3.1 INSTALLATION mm) thick galvanized steel cabinet, designed for easy Installation and maintenance. A Gom i with flooring manufacturers written lnstruction5, but not less than recommendations in B. For below -ground applications use PVC, plastic DWV pipe and fittings with solvent -cemented Joints. 1. Fan: Direct driven centrifugal type designed for high pressure applications. A. Submittals: Product Data. 32 PIPING INSTALLATION 2. Fan Motor: Permanent split capacitor type with Glass B insulation, permanently B. Comply with NFPA P5 10. NOFMAs y'installing Hardwood Flooring. G. Comply with NEMA PB L B. Provide expansion space at walls and other obstructions and terminations of flooring of not less than 1/2 A. Install cleanout and extension to grade at connection of building sanitary drain and building sanitary lubricated ball bearings, resilient rubber mounts, and automatic reset thermal PART 2 y PRODUCTS Inch sewer. overload protection; 208-230 V, I phase, 60 hz. G. Felt Underla ment: Where strip or plank flooring is nailed to solid -wood subfloor, install flooring over a B. Locate drainage piping runout5 as close as possible to bottom of floor slab supporting fixtures or drains. 3, Units Over 100 lb (45 kg) in Weight (Mass): Modular sections of less than 100 lb (45 2.1 Surface OARDS AND LOAD CENTERS y 3.3 INSPECTION k) In weight (mass) that are easily joined without special tools. A. Surface mounted, NEMA PB I, Type I. layer of craft paper. 9 g y J P 1. Load Center Capacity:. As needed. D. 5olid-Wood Strip and Plank Flooring: Blind nail or staple flooring to substrate according to NOFMA's A. Inspect and test piping systems following procedures of authorities having Jurisdiction. 4. Tested and listed for electrical safetyb IT5/ETL (in accordance with UL IQCi5 and y 2. Front: Hinged to box with standard door within hinged cover. written recommendations. 05A 22.2 No. 256). 3. Doors: With concealed hinges. 1, Plank Flooring: For flooring of face width more than 3 inches (15 not Install not less than 2 0 - PLUMBING FDCrURES B. Refrigerant Coils: R22 or R410A refrigerant; 3/b inch (G.5 mm) minimum diameter copper 4. Bus Hard drawn copper of q8 percent conductivity. countersunk rose -head out nails at each end of each piece, spaced not more than I6 Inches SECTION GENERAL tubes with mechanically bonded or soldered fins; dehydrated and sealed after testing and 5. Feed -through Lugs: Sized to accommodate feeders Indicated. (406 mm) along length of each piece, In addition to blind nailing. Counter -sink nails to be PART SECTION REQUIREMENTS prior to evacuation and charging; charged with nitrogen holding charge of less than 10 psig B. Molded -Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA AB I, plug-in type. Single handle for muitipoie circuit breakers. low finished surface. Do not fill nail hole. A. Submittals: Product Data for each type of plumbing fixture. (ba kPo). Appropriate for application, including Type 5WD for repetitive switching lighting loads and Type HAGR 3.2 SANDING AND FINISHING _ h e uirements of Public Law 102-48b, "Ener Policy Act," regarding water flow rate and I. Refrigerant Metering: By means of externally equalized TX valve; expansion valve for heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating eqq�uipment. A. Machine -sand flooring to remove offsets, ridges, cups, and sanding -machine marks that would be notice B. Comply with requirements gy y g either factory soldered or of flare connected type with factory -flared copper pipe G. Fusible Switches: NEMA KS I, Type HD, with clips to accommodate Indicated fuses, handle lockable. able after finishing. Vacuum and tack with a clean cloth immediately before applying finish. water consumption of plumbing fixtures. fitting eliminating need to field flare tubing. yp I floor finish components in number of coats recommended by finish manufacturer for application PART 2 -PRODUCTS D. Motor Gontrollerss NEMA IGS 2, Class A combination controllers. 5. 2.1 WATER CLOSET: W.G. #I, 2, 3, 4 2. Heat Pump Coils. Include internal or external bypass check valve. E. Gontactors: NEMA I05 2, Glass A combination contactors. indicated, but not less than three finish coats. A. Vitreous -China Water Closet: Kohler Wellworth K-3422, polished nickel handle, K-3402 seat 3. Liquid Line Connection: 3/8 inch NS mm) OD. PART 3 - EXECUTION 2.2 LAVATORY: LAV #1,2,3,4,5 4, Suction Line Connection (2 to 5 Ton Systems): 15.1 INSTALLATION/8 Inch (22.2 mm) OD. A. Vitreous -China Lavatory: Kohler Caxton K-2211: Kohler K-108-3 , polished nickel 5. Suction Line Connection (I to 1A. install anelboards and accessoryItems accordin to NEMA PB I.I. indicate installed circuit loads on a SECTION 09910 -PAINTING S Ton Systems): 5/S inch (15A mm) OD. 2.5 SHOWER= 5H #1,2,3 c. Hydrontc Coils: 150 prig (1034 kPa) design pressure at 200 degrees F (93 degrees C); typed circuit a pdirectory after balancing ponelboard loads. PART I - GENERAL B. Mounting Heights: Top of trim '14 inches (1880 mm) above finished floor, unless otherwise indicated. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS A. Tile Shower: Kohler. K-TI32-4D/K-146/K-304-K, polished nickel designed to slide In and out of cabinet for easy maintenance. 1. Vent plug at highest practical point of the coil. G. Wiring in Ponelboard butters: Arrange conductors Into groups. 2.4 BATHTUB: TUB #I g D. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals, including grounding connections, according to manufac- A. Summary: Paint all exposed surfaces, new and existing, unless otherwise Indicated. A. Acryylic tub: Kohler K-1418-M/K-abQB, white; 2. Drain plug at the lowest practical point of the coil. I. Paint the back side of access panels. K-TI35-3D/K-301-K/K-8502/K-8548/K-Tcl540 7/K-40a-K, polished nickel turer's published torque -tightening values. Where manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use 2. Color code mechanical piping In accessible ceiling spaces. - 2,5 BATHTUB: TUB #2 3. Water GonHater C: it C inch lions mm) inc4abA 3. Do not point refinished Items, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, labels, and materials obvt A Enameled cast Iron bathtub; Kohler K-516, white; K-TI30-3D/K-146/K-304-K, polished nickel 4. Mi218 Hot Water Coil Connections.. 5/8 inch (Is.q mm) OD. those specified inn meth and UL 486B. � p E. Perform visual and mechanical .inspections and electrical tests stated in META ATS. ou5i9 intened to be left exposed such as brick and tile. D. Drain Pans: Stainless steel; provide for each cooling coil A.2.EnaINKmeled #I I. Connection to Drain (Less Than 2 ton Capacity). 1/2 inch (12.1 mm). 4. Unless otherwise indicated do not paint concealed surfaces. A. Enameled cast iron sink; Kohler K-6546-4U, white; K-158-3, polished nickel P �_ B. Submittals: Product Data and color Samples. 2. Connection to Drain (2 Ton Capacity and Larger). 3/4 inch (11.1 mm). SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING 2.1 SINK #2 G. Mockups: Full -coat finish sample (benchmark sample) of each type of coating, substrate, color, and fin- A. Stainless steel sink; Kohler K-3332; K-158-3, pilshed brass 3. Provide secondary drain pan under entire unit wherever overflow of condensate could PART I - GENERAL 15h required in area of not less than 10 sq. ft . 2.8 UTILITY SINK cause damage; provide separate connection to drain. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS D. Obtain block fillers, primers, and undercoat materials for each coating system from the same manufac- A. Vitreous china service sink; Kohler 6650, white; K-8g05/k-bb13 E. Controls: 24 volt. - A. Submittals: Product Data for each fixture, including lamps. I. Fan: Provide Inherent time dela on -break or I -minute delay -on -brook rely. B. Fixtures, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 10, Article 100, by a testing agency tuner as the finish coats. PART 3 -EXECUTION y y y� acre table to authorities having jurisdiction. E. Extra Materials: Deliver to Owner a 1-gal. (3.8-L) container, properly labeled and sealed, of each color 3,1 INSTALLATIONS 2. Transformer: 48VA class 2 24V/208-230V transformer, inherently or internally fused. P g J and type of finish Coat paint used on Project. A. Install fttttng insulation kits on fixtures for the disabled. 3. Refrigerant Indoor Coils: Protect from freeze up by providing temperature llmit PART 2 -PRODUCTS PART 2 - PRODUCTS B. Install fixtures with flanges and gasket seals, control. 2.1Fixtures FIXTURES 1• Fixxtures 2.1 PAINT G. Install flushometer valves for accessible water closets and urinals with handle mounted on wide side of 4. Outdoor Unit Low Ambient Head Pressure Controls Provide control to maxim►ze are Scheduled In the Drawings. A. Benjamin Moore, Pittsburgh, or approved equal compartment. Install other actuators In locations that are easy for the disabled to reach. system capacity as outdoor temperature drops by maintaining head pressure by PART 3 EXECUTION I. Colors: As selected. D. Install tanks for accessible, tank -type water closets with lever handle mounted on wide side of comport- controlling the condenser fan; provide components compatible with condenser fan 5.1 INSTALLATION a. Owner shall have unlimited choice of colors. E. Fasten wall -hanging plumbing fixtures securely to supports attached to building substrate when supports motor. A. Set units level, plumb, and square with telling and walls, and secure. Qualit : Manufacturer's best -quality of coating types specified. are specified, and to building wall construction where no support Is indicated. 2.4 DUCT COMPONENTS B. Lamping: Where specific lamp designations are not indicated, lamp units according to manufacturer's B. Materialwritten instructions. G. Material Compatibility: Complete system of compatible components that 15 recommended by manufac- F. Fasten floor --mounted fixtures to substrate. Fasten fixtures having holes for securing fixture to wall con- A. Supply Plenum: Provide pressurized manifold between air handling unhand supply tubing, turer for application indicated. 5truction, to reinforcement built into walls. with as few elbows and tees as possible. PART 3 EXECUTION 6. Fasten wall -mounted fittings to reinforcement built into walls. I. Construction: One of the following: SECTION 16715 - TELEPHONE AND CATV SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 5.1 APPLICATION H. Fasten counter -mounting plumbing fixtures to casework. a. Insulated and sealed metal duct, round or rectangular. PART I GENERAL A. Gom ly with paint manufacturers written instructions for surface preparation; environmental and sub- I. Secure supplies to supports or substrate within pipe space behind fixture. 2. Size for Airflow Less Than 100 cfm (1115 cu m/hr)= 1 inches (1180 mm) inside 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS 5trate conditions, product mixing, and application. J. Set shower receptors and mop basins In levelln bed of cement rout. diameter, or equivalent, minimum. A. Summary: Includes premises wiring for telephone, computer and cable TV distribution, Including instal- P gg g 5.2 EXTERIOR PAINT APPLICATION SCHEDULE K. Install Individual supply Inlets, supply stops, 5upp�y risers, and tubular brass traps with cleanouts at fix- 3. Size for Airflow Over 100 cfm (ills Cu m/hr)s a inches (22a0 mm) Inside diameter, lotions for Service by local telephone exchange carrier. A. Wood Trim: As follows: ture. or equivalent, minimum. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1. Medium -Shade, Semigloss , Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. L. Install water -supply stop valves In accessible locations. B. Supply Tubing: Flexible, two-ply corrugated aluminum duct, 2 inches (50b mm) inside 2.1 GABLE AND WIRING COMPONENTS 3.3 INTERIOR PAINT APPLICATION SCHEDULE M. Install traps on fixture outlets. Omit traps on fixtures having integral traps. Omit traps on Indirect diameter, maximum; wrapped with glass fiber insulation with outer reinforced aluminized. A. Jack Assemblies: Four -position modular RJI4 Jacks In flush -mounting wall plate, unless otherwise Indl- A. Plaster: As follows: wastes, unless otherwise indicated. mylar vapor retarder Jacket; UL-labeled as air duct in accordance with UL 151. Gated. I. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over primer. N. Install disposers to sink outlets. Install switch where indicated, or in wall adjacent to sink If location is G. Sound Attenuator Duct: Helical wire and spun -banded nylon or polyester, wrapped with B. Jack Assemblies: Dual, Category 5, six -position modular RJ45 Jacks in flush -mounting wall plate, unless B. Woodwork and Hardboard: As follows: not Indicated. glass fiber insulation with outer reinforced aluminized mylar vapor retarder Jacket; UL- otherwise indicated. I. Semi loss, Alkyd Enamel. Two coats over primer. O. Install hot-water dispensers in back top surface of sink or in counter with spout over sink. labeled as air connector In accordance with UL I81. C. Wall Plates Designed for telephone service. Match those Indicated for power receptacle outlets In same G. Stained Woodwork, As follows: P. Install escutcheons at wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations in exposed, finished locations and within cabs- 1. Provide minimum of 3 feet (QOO mm) attenuator duct at outlet end of each supply run, AI d-Based Satin Varnish: Two coats clear -satin varnish over sealer and wood stain. nets and millwork. Use dee attern escutcheons where required to conceal protruding pipe fittings. spaces for materials and finish. For wall telephone units, Include provision for support of unit. i. by p-P q. P g P P g P. maximum of f4 feet (4.3 m) of continuous attenuator duct In each run. D. Gable: Four -parr, No. 24 AWG, solid -copper, unshielded, twisted -pair construction in PYG sheath. Q. Seal joints between fixtures and walls, floors, and counters using sanitary -type, one -part, mildew- D. Duct Connectors: Metal, with tape ring or other means of sealing the outer jacket of duct Comply with ILEA 5-80-5-76. resistant, silicone sealant. Match sealant color to fixture color. without compressing the insulation. E. Cable, Unshielded multi -twisted pair, No. 24 AW6 listed for compliance with category 5 of EIA/TIA SECTION 10801 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES R. Install piping connections between plumbing fixtures and piping systems and plumbing equipment. In- I. Supply Tubing to Plenum Connectors: Sealed with gaskets; flanged stub with sheet 568. PVC, sheath. PART I - PRODUCTS staff insulation on supplies and drains of fixtures for the disabled. metal screws for metal plenum; spin -In connection for glass fiber plenum. F. Backboard, 3/4-inch (IQ-mm) Interior -grade plywood. , 1,1 MATERIALS S. &round equipment, Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to UL 486A and UL 4865. 2. Tubing -to -Tubing Gouplingst Secure Inner core to connector by means of hose 6. Terminal Strips 25-pair industry standard 'rob connecting block with pinchdown terminals. A. Bathroom accessories will be provided by the Owner, to be installed under this Section. y clamp or sheet metal screw; secure and seal outer jacket to coupling tape ring with H. Terminal Unit; Category 5 patch block assembly with 12 category 5 RJ45 tope jack ports and industry PART 2 -EXECUTION UL-listed aluminum tape or UL-115ted duct tape. standard 110 connecting block" with pinchdown terminals. 2.1 INSTALLATION A. Install accessories using fasteners appropriate to substrate Indicated and recommended by unit manufac- E. Air Outlets (5upoly Tubing Terminators): PART 3 -EXECUTION I. Plastic: UL a4��� fire -rated plastic. 3,1 INSTALLATION 2. Gelling Outlets: 2 inches (50 mm) diameter, with 5 inches (125 mm) diameter flange; A. Telephone Service: Comply with telephone exchange carrier's requirements. tuner. Install units level, plumb, and firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. one piece plastic, no mile. B. Existing Telephone Outlets and Wiring: Maintain fully operational until new system has been tested and 1. install grab bars to withstand a downward load of at least 250 Ibf (1112 W, when tested according to method in A5TM F 446. P P g B. Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation and verify that mechanisms function properly. 3. Wall Outlets: I/2 Inch by 8 inches (12 by 200 mm) rectangular metal slots with is operational. flanged trim. G. Install wiring to compliance with EIA/TIA 568 Category 5 requirements. D. Wiring Method: Conceal wiring unless otherwise indir..ated. Install flush outlet boxes with jack a55em- R.eplace damaged or defective items.. Remove temporary labels and protective coatings. SECTION 15705 MINI -DUCT HVAC SYSTEM 4. Floor Outlets: 2 inches (SO mm) diameter, with 5 Inches (125 mm) diameter flange; blles at outlets.. Connect to cable fished in walls and ceilings, unless wails are solid or fined with insula- PART i GENERAL Provide taps F�aR r pplactic with hard nr r flange and screen,ound outlets to prevent grille.nt moisture migration during extended period tion or ceilings are not accessible for wiring. Prewire during construction where fished wiring paths are .5. SECTION 11451 - RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES 1.1 SUMMARY not available. Terminate raceway with a bushing In Gelling space above outlet, unless otherwise indi- PART I PRODUCTShigh-velocity y of non-use In col,;. weather. A. Provide an Indoor mint -duct HVAG system to heat and cool the entire enclosed F. Return Air Duct: One or more return ducts with filter and Intake grille, including at least one � � Exposed Gable: install parallel or perpendicular to surfaces or exposed Structural members and follow 1.1" RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES area In the following confi uratlon: A. Appliances will be provided by the Owner, to be installed under this Section. I. Air handling unit with he"? exchanger tolls. a0 degree bend; constructed of one of the following: P 1. Acoustical dampening flexible duct. surface contours where possible. P PART 2 - EXECUTION 2. Cooling by new DX spilt system refrigeration. F. Gable Support: Secure cable to independent supports at intervals as required to prevent sagging between 2. Glass fiber duct board. 2.1 INSTALLATION 3. Heating by hot water from boiler. supports. Use metallic supports designed for this puspose with corrosion -resistant finish. A. Built-in A liances: Securely anchor to supporting Cabinetry es Countertops with concealed fasteners. 4. Divide the conditioned area Into '7 zones, each controlled by a separate thermostat, 3. Metal duct lined with acoustical insulation or duct liner. pp PART 3 EXECUTION 6. Splices: Do not splice cable between the normal terminations of runs. B. Freestanding Appliances: Place in final locations after finishes have been completed in each area. Verify as indicated on the drawings 3.1 EXAMINATION H. Ground equipment. Install ground terminal at local exchange carrier service location. that clearances are adequate to properly operate equipment. B. Locate air handling unit as indicated in the drawings. A. Before beatnn':n Installation verify that equipment Installed under other sections are I. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufr tuners published torque- 9 ytightening values. If manufacturers torque values are not Indicated, use those specified in G. Locate thermostats as Indicated on the drawings. acceptable for in=.ss.1`tion of mint -duct system in accordance with manufacturer's installation UL 486A and UL 486B. SECTION 15140 - DOMESTIC WATER PIPING D. Conceal all ducts In existing construction; do not add chases, soffits, or bulkheads to instructions and technical bulletins. PART I -GENERAL Conceal ducts. 3-2 INSTALLATION I. Identify telephone system backboards and cabinets with the legend "Telephone." Identify terminals of terminal sill and Jack outlets and pull and unction boxes with approved designations. I.l SECTION REQUIREMENTS 12 RELATED SECTIONS A. Install in accordance with applicable local codes and manufacturer's instructions. 32 TESTING J P J pp g A. Performance Requlrements: Unless otherwise Indicated minimum pressure requirements for water piping A. SEE SPECIAL MECHANICAL NOTES, DRAWIN6 M-01, M-02 B. in gypsum board assemblies, provide plaster frame -in an to locate outlet holes. A. Test each air or conductor of each cable run for continuity of air too are as follows: 13 R`ERENCES G. Commissioning: Verify correct airflow and balance before ducts are concealed, usingP y P p' 1. Service Entrance Piping: Service entrance piping is In place. A. ARI 210/240 - Standard for Unitary Air -Conditioning and Air-5ource Heat Pump Equipment; manufacturer's recommended procedures; rovide written report of test. B. Test each Complete Installed Category 5 wiring connection, Including Cable, connections, Jacks, and ter- 2. Domestic Water Piping= 125 p519. Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration institute. p p mina) blocks, for compliance with Category 5 signal transmission criteria. B. Comply with NSF 61 "Drinking Water System Components -- Health Effects." B. 65A 22.2 No. 256 - Heating and Goofing Equipment; GSA International. (same as UL IGa5) SECTION 16140 - WIRING DEVICES PART 2 - PRODUCTS G. UL 44 - Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances; E 2.1 PIPE5 AND TL0155 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. PART 1 - GENERAL, 1 !t,• A. Hard Copper Tuber ASTM B 88, Types L and M , water tube, drawn temper. D. UL 181 Standard for Factory -Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors; Underwriters 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS��T pp Product Data. B. Soft Copper Tube: A5TM B 88, Type, L, water tube, annealed temper. Laboratories Inc. A. Submittals= t i yP B. Comply with NEMA WD I, f Gi'��t�3 tilrlt r�tC'i� Ws,,.�S >� f'i0oi'S 5�...� be 2.2 FITTING E. UL 1495 - Heating and Cooling Equipment; Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (same as 05A P y sea Ntlth a matsr1al Cap�aUe of preventing ft A. Wrought-Gopper, Solder -Joint Pressure Fittings: A5ME B 1622. 22.2 No. 236) G. Comply with PROFPADUCTS 'f0. B. Gast -Go er-Atlo 5older-Joint Pressure Fittings: A5ME B Ib.0. 1.4 SUBMITTALS PART 2- PRODUCTS pas ge Of fi3fi0S and hot gasses Wt1@fl SU i @Ct@� G. Bronze Flanges: A5ME B 1624, Glasses 150 and 300. A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. 2.1 DEVICES D. Copper Unions: ASME B 16.18, cast -copper -alloy body, hexagonal stock, with ball-and-socket joint, B, Load Analysts. A. General: Listed and labeled 05 defined In NFPA 10, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to t0 t% r>3gtllrerafiefitS Of file Test `it'_"rd tC metal -to -metal seating surfaces, and 5o►der joint, threaded, or solder joint and threaded ends. Threads C. Product Data: Manufacturer's published literature on the actual components to be installed. authorities having Jurisdiction. for F`0 S: ASTM--1�r. complying with ASME B 120.1. D. Shop Drawings: Show duct layouts and location of air outlets and return Inlets, details of B. Color: Yhtte. G. Rece tocle5: General -Put grade, NEMA WD6, Configuration. 2.3 JOINING MATERIALS installation of air handling unit, locations of drain lines and electrical panels. P y g A. Solder Filler Metal: ASTM B 32, lead free. D. Ground -Fault Circuit lnterrup r Receptacles: Feed -through type, with integral duplex receptacle; for in- n h= E. Operating and Maintenance Data. P apii.� trF PT'J-TH B. Brazing Filler Metals: AW5 A5.8, alloys to suit system requirements. F. Commissioning Report. stallat(on in a 2-3/4-inch- (10�nm-) deep outlet box without an adapter. ii 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE E. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor Receptacles: Duplex type, with Integral TV55 In line to ground, line PART 3 - EXECUTION to neutral, and neutral to round; meets IEEE C62.41 Category B test with nominal transient -suppress resston tdon.jo T,1-A- U 5.1 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Regularly engaged in the manufacture of products that are P g g p g gy p PP "' � s �� � A. Install listed pipe materials and Joining methods below In the following applications: similar in material and design to those specified. Clam level of 500 V and minimum single transient pulse energy dissipation of 140 J line to neutral and r •� I. Aboveground; Hard copper tube, [Type L] [T pe M]; wrou ht-copper or cast -copper -alloy Ares- Ib WARRANTY -10 J line to ground and neutral to ground.���' g PP y g F. Snap Switches: General-d quiet type. [,-_ flees UlSt Ce KePt Oil Site sure fittings; copper unions; bronze flanges; and solder joints. A. Provide manufacturers warranty on ail parts covering defects in materials and workmanship P a yP s r g 6. Incandescent Lamp Dimmers Modular, 120 V, 60 Hz with audible and electromagnetic noise filters and 52 VALVE APPLICATIONS for one year after completion. continuously adjustable slide, single -pole with soft tap or other quiet switch. A. Install gate valves close to main on each branch and riser serving two or more plumbing fixtures or PART 2 PRODUCTS H. Fluorescent Lamp Dimmers: Modular, compatible with dimmer ballasts, with audible and electromag- �' [' equipment connections and where indicated. 2.1 MANUFACTURERS netic noise filters and capable of consistent dimming to a maximum of 10 percent of full brightness. In- 4. B. In gate or ball valves on inlet to each plumbing equipment item, on each supply to each plumbing A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Unico, Inc., 1401 Alabama Ave, 5t. Louis, MO 63111. ASP. dude trim potentiometer. fixture not having stops on supplies, and elsewhere as indicated. Tel: (&00) 577-08G6 or (314) 481-4000. Fax: (314) 451-G000. www.unlco5ystem com; G. Install drain valve at base of each riser, at low points of horizontal runs, and where required to drain Hater sales®unlco5y5tem.com I. Wall Plates, Finished Areas: Smooth plastic, fastened with metal screws having heads matching plate Color. lic.i-' distribution piping system. B. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of section Yp DRAWING fJIUST N D. Install swing check valve on discharge side of each pump and elsewhere a5 indicated. J. Wall Plates, Unfinished Areas: Galvanized steel with metal screws. THE gUtGd1NQ' DURING TH h um 01600. K. Floor service Fittings: Modular, recessed, dual -service units suitable for wiring method used. AT THIS WORK. _ loop and discharge side of eat 9 9 r circulating o p NOTICE S 4� E. Install ball valves In each hot-water g p g P 22 HVAC SYSTEM 3.3 PIPING INSTALLATIONS A. HVAG stem: PART 3 - EXECUTION PROGRESS A. Install hangers and supports at intervals Indicated in the applicable plumbing code and as recommended i provide groom- -room load analysis based on Unlco Bulletins 40-10, 40-30, and 3.1 INSTALLATION w i e manufacturer. by A. Install devices and assemblies plumb and secure. An AS Built SUrVey Mus L+`.' $UiI.DI2`f.1 DEPARTMENT by PP Floor. 40-40, using ASHRAE climate tables. B. Mount devices flush with Ion dimension vertical and grounding terminal of receptacles on to unless Town of Dartmo1�th B. Support vertical piping at each oo 2. Design to deliver at least the minimum airflow required to produce the required g g g P P Submitted to the BUil �ing 5.4 INSPECTING AND GLEANING capacity for heating or cooling, whichever is greater. otherwise indicated. Group adjacent devices under single, mvltigang wail plates. A. inspect and test piping systems following procedures of authorities having Jurisdiction. C. Protect devices and assemblies during painting. Dept. prior t0 calling For 3, Provide balanced airflow by matching the number of outlets In each room to the B. Glean and disinfect water distribution piping following procedures of authorities having jurisdiction. required load. SInstall wail plates when painting Is complete 4. Provide further means of adjusting airflow by either changing fan speed, restricting I �pNo-:u� siZli AND DEPTH sink #I 2 foundation inspection Or SECTION 15150 - SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PIPING flow using a restricter plate, or by u5ing balancing orifices. = fttrtller CX3n3tTUCt2On. lY' 'HE C N is ETE IS O RM PART I - GENERAL. B. Total Cooling Capacity: _based on entering air temperature of &0 degrees F (26.7 degrees SECTION 16410 - ENCLOSED SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS THECONCREtE IS pOURrtD. 1.1 SECTION REQUIREMENTS C) dry bulb and 61 degrees F (14.4 degrees G) wet bulb, based on rating tested as specified PART I - GENERAL (Not Applicable) +G'I1.D'3of Dtft"Wh DEPARTMENTA. Minimum Pressure Requirement for Soil, Waste and Vent: 10 feet head . In ARI 210/240. PART 2 - PRODUCTS B. Comply with N5F 14 "Plastic Piping Components and Related Materials." G. Total Heating capacity:, based on entering air temperature of 10 degrees F (21.1 degrees 2.1 5WITGH=S C""""l PART 2 - PRODUCTS G) dry bulb. A. Enclosed, Nonfuslble Switch: NEMA KS I, Type HD, with lockable handle. W 2.1 PIPES AND TUBES D. Refrigerant Systems: Comply with ARI 210/240. B. Enclosed, Fusible Switch, 800 A and Smaller: NEMA K5 I, Type HD, clips to accommodate specified A. Hubless, Gast -Iron Soil Pipe: C15P1 501. I. Capable of delivering minimum of 200 cfm per nominal ton (145 cu m/hr per nominal fuses, enclosure consistent with environment where located, handle lockable with 2 padlocks, and inter- B. PVG Plastic, 12WV Pipe: A5TM D 2665, Schedule 40, plain ends. kj.) of capacity. locked with cover in closed position. 2.2 FITTINGS 2. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEEf�: 10.0, minimum. 22 CIRCUIT BREAKERS . A. Hubless Gast -iron Soil Pipe Fittings: 015PI 301. terns: Include tern erature rise across fan and motor in calculation oft acit A. Enclosed, Molded -Case Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB I, with lockable haindle, ? ' B. PVG Plastic, DWV Pipe Fittings: ASTM D 2665, made to ASTM D 3311; socket -type; drain, waste, and E. HydroniG Sys p aP y of c©ilt, I. Frame Slze, trip rating, number of pole, and auxiliary devices as needed. vent pipe patterns. F. Supply Duct stem: Constructed of sealed components capable of maintaining 2 Inches 2. Interrupting Rating: According to UL-recognized serle5-connected Glrcuit breaker combing-". s - G. G15PI Couplings for Hubless, Gast -Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings: G15PI 510, having ASTM G 564 neo- PP y I corrugated shield -and -clam assembl . TH wg (500 Pa) static pressure. tiors. N_ rene scaling Sleeve, with 300 series stainless--stee , corrug P y I 31 P static ensure at 3. Thermal -Magnetic, Gircult Breakers, 225 A and Larger: Trip units Interchangeable within frame P g pr g D. Gast -Iron -Pipe Sleeve -Type Goupling5 for Plain -End, Nonpressure System Pipe: Rubber or elastomeric 6. Return Duct system: Designed for maximum 0.5 inches ( a) stainless -steel band assembly,fabricated to match OD of pipes to be joined. DIST required air flow, with allowance for proper functioning of filters. size. g 0 � !i Sleeve and E. Plastic .Pipe 51'eeves: ASTM G 564 rubber for cast-iron soil pipe and ASTM F 4T7 elastomeric seal. A. Electronic Trip Unit Circuit Breakers, 400 A and Larger: Field -adjustable, short -time and con - for waste pipes Shall be sound Seal -Iron LAl pipe n tinuous-current and ground -fault trip settings. F. Pipe insulation : P P 5. Current-I-Imiting Trips: Let -through ratings less than NEMA FU 1, Glass RK-5. pG United Process, ir1c., Agawam, MA www.soundseal.com 6. Enclosure: NEMA AB 1, Type I, unless otherwise specified or required to meet environmental 3� conditions of installed location. PART 3 - E-XEGUTION 3.1 TESTING A. Perform visual and mechanical inspections and electrical tests stated in NETA AT5. TITLE SPECIFICATIONS -3 SCALE: DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER A 214 BID DRAWINGS © WISE- SURMA-, JONES - ARCHITECTS SPECIAL N CHANICAL NOTES I. THE WORK DE50RIBED IN THESE NOTES, I5 ONE PART OF A TOTAL PROJECT, INVOLVING THE J. DUCTWORK, AND ALL CONNECTIONS FOR BATHROOM EXHAUST FANS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 8. BOILER SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A POURED CONCRETE MOU N NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. MECHANICAL 5Y5TEM5 TO BE PROVIDED MINIMUM HEIGHT. TING PAD, THREE INCHES A. `M" COPPER TUBING. INCLUDE A SEVEN ZONE, HYDRONIC HIGH VELOCITY AIR SPACE HEATING AND COOLING K. WALL OR OTHER TYPES OF TERMINATION FOR EXHAUSTS. B. WROUGHT COPPER SOLDER JOINT TYPE. SYSTEM, INCLUDING OIL FIRED BOILER, AND ADDITIONAL SYSTEMS AS SPECIFIED. q. ZONE DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND PUMP SIZES SHALL C- SOLDER 50-50 GRADE.. L. COMBUSTION AIR INLET TO BOILER ROOM. D. VENT AT ALL HIGH POINTS. DRAIN ALL LOW POINTS WITH 3/4" H05E BIBE SIZED BY THIS CONTRACTOR. 2. M.G. SHALL PROVIDE, ON A DESIGN/BUILD BASIS, THE SYSTEMS DESCRIBED IN THESE NOTES. 10. INCLUDE AIR BLEED AT HIGH POINTS OF ALL PIPING LOOPS AND DRAINS AT ALL LOW "i. GRADE ALL PIPING PROPERLY AND INSTALL VALVES AT ALL LOW POINTS 50 THAT THE PROVIDE SUBMITTALS PRIOR TO PURCHASING EQUIPMENT FOR THE PROJECT AND DISCUSS M. CONTROLS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING SEVEN DAY PROGRAMMABLE, HEATING POINTS. DUCT ROUTING AND GRILLE LOCATIONS WITH THE ARCHITECT. COOLING THERMOSTATS FOR ALL THREE ZONES. PIPING CAN BE PROPERLY DRAINED. MINIMUM PITCH i INCH IN 20 FEET. 3. THE HEATING 5Y5TEM MUST PROVIDE SUFFICIENT HEATING SUCH THAT THE RESIDENCE N. PREPARE SUBMITTALS AND UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, TWO SETS OF THREE RING 11. INSTALL A COMBUSTION AIR INLET OPENING. IF THE BURNER TYPE PERMITS, DIRECT DUCT 8. CHANGES IN 51ZE5 TO BE MA COMBUSTION AIR INLET TO THE BURNER; THIS METHOD 15 PREFERRED. DE WITH REDUCING FITTINGS. CAN BE MAINTAINED AT 15 DEGREES F, WHEN IT 15 O DEGREES F OUTDOOR WITH A 25 MILE PER BOUND MANUALS CONTAINING APPROVED SUBMITTALS, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION HOUR WIND. A COMPLETE SET OF SPACE BY SPACE HEAT L055 CALCULATIONS MUST BE MANUALS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT. 12. COORDINATE WITH THE MASON, THE CODE AND THE BOILER MANUFACTURER q• PROVIDE FOR EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION IN ALL PORTIONS OF PIPE WORK TO PREVENT TO PROPERLY 51ZE THE MA50NRY FLUE. UNDUE STRAINS ON PIPING OR APPARATUS CONNECTED THEREWITH AND TO REDUCE INCLUDED A5 A SUBMITTAL DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK. 0. INSTRUCT OWNER AND ARCHITECT IN OPERATION OF ALL SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS AT THE UNWANTED N015E. USE NYLON SUPPORTS IN CONVECTORS. 4. COOLING SYSTEMS MUST PROVIDE SUFFICIENT COOLING SUCH THAT THE RESIDENCE CAN TIME OF FINAL COMPLETION INSPECTION. DOMESTIC, HOT WATER TANK BE MAINTAINED AT "74 DEGREES F, WHEN IT 15 48 DEGREES F, RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF q0 10. INSTALL PIPING STRAIGHT, PLUMB, AND AS DIRECTLY A5 POSSIBLE; FORM RIGHT ANGLES PERCENT OUTDOORS WITH A 15 MILE PER HOUR WIND. A COMPLETE SET OF SPACE BY SPACE P. ONE YEAR, MAINTENANCE CONTRACT PROVIDED A5 A PART OF THIS BASE BID AN I. PROVIDE AN INDIRECT FIRED DHW TANK HEATER WITH MINIM ON PARALLEL LINES WITH BUILDING WALI5. KEEP PIPES CLOSE TO HALLS, UM STORAGE CAPACITY OF 60 CEILINGS, OFFSET ONLY WHERE NECESSARY TO FOLLOW WALLS A5 INDICATED, LOGAT� HEAT GAIN CALCULATIONS MUST BE INCLUDED A5 A SUBMITTAL DURING THE COURSE OF THE FOLLOWING AT A MINIMUM THE REQUIRED ELEMENTS DEFINED IN THESE SPEGIFIGATIONS. GALLONS A5 MANUFACTURED BY SUPERSTOR, MODEL 55-60 COMPLETE WITH CONTROLS. GROUPS OF PIPES PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER; SPACE THEM AT D157AN FULL INSULATION AND TO PERMIT AGGE55 FOR SERVICING VALVES. GE TO PERMIT APPLYING ��� SUBMITTALS 2. UNIT SHALL INCLUDE STAINLESS STEEL TANK, INTERNAL GUPRONIGKEL HEAT EXCHANGER 5. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT A5 A WHOLE IN ORDER TO PROPERLY LOCATE ALL ELEMENTS. COORDINATE WITH ALL SUBCONTRACTORS AND ESPECIALLY THE I. SUBMIT TO THE ARCHITECT, FOUR COPIES OF MANUFACTURFRSDE5CRIPTIVE LITERATURE COIL, MINIMUM TWO INCH THICK FOAM INSULATION CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS. 11. COORDINATE PIPE INSTALLATION WITHIN CHASES AND SOFFITS WITH CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AN INTEGRATED AND FINISHED OR SHOP DRAWIN(95 AS REQUESTED, FOR THE FOLLOWING: VALVES AND PIPING CONTRACTOR AND ARCHITECT. MEGHANIGAL SYSTEM. A. HEAT L055/GAIN CALCULATIONS 1. BALL VALVES: ALL VALVE5 FOR HEATINe SYSTEM TO BE 12. PIPING SHALL BE ACCURATELY GUT TO MEASUREMENTS ESTABLISHED IN THE FIELD Co. ANY CONFLICTS WITH LOCATIONS, OR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED WITH ROUTING, SHALL BE BALL VALVE5, 125 LB. WSP, ALL WORKED INTO PLACE WITHOUT SPRINGING OR FORGING. AND PROMPTLY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION. B. A MARK UP OF THE FLOOR PLAN INDIGATIN6 THE BASIC ARRANGEMENT OF THE SYSTEMS BRONZE. SOLDER OR THREADED ENDS AS APPLICABLE, YOU PLAN TO INSTALL. SHOW: 2. BALL VALVE5 SHALL BE USED FOR ALL 150LATION VALVES. 13. ALL PIPING SHALL BE REAMED FREE OF BURRS. 3. FLO-GHEGK VALVES; 125 WSP, ALL BRONZE BY TACO SERIES 200 OR EQUIVALENT 14, KEEP PIPING FREE OF FROM SCALE AND DIRT; PROTECT OPEN ENDS MECHANICAL NOTES I. DUCT ROUTING AND SIZES . SOLDER WHENEVER WORK IS SUSPENDED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT F 2. DIFFUSER AND GRILLE LOCATIONS AND SIZES. OR THREADED ENDS, AS APPLICABLE, ONE PER PUMPEDLOOP. OREIGN BODIES GENERAL 3. BOILER AND DHW TANK LOCATIONS. ENTERING AND LODGING THERE; USE TEMPORARY PLUG, BURLAP OR OTHER APPROVED 4. 5HOW HEAT L055 CALCULATIONS. 4. ALL VALVES SHALL BE OF ONE MANUFACTURER THROUGHOUT. MATERIAL FOR PROTECTION. 1. ARCHITECT'S GENERAL CONDITIONS: THE ARCHITECT'S GENERAL CONDITIONS, SPECIAL CONDITIONS, AND SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS OR REQUIREMENTS ARE PART OF THIS WORK. G. BOILER CONTINUED ON DRAWING M-02 5. ALL VALVES SHALL BE AGGE551BLE. D. DHW TANK 2. CODES AND ORDINANCES: INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE E. AIR HANDLING UNITS WITH COILS 6. SPACE HEATING 5Y5TEM PIPE: _SPECIAL NOTE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, NATIONAL MECHANICAL F. 6RILLE5 8 DIFFUSERS CODE, AND ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAW5 AND ORDINANGE5. G. WALL TERMINATIONS H. THERMOSTATS $ CONTROLS THE MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 3. REQUIREMENTS: OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, LICENSES AND ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND SHOW NEITHER EACH TTEMOF GERTIFIGAiES. 2. THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN GUARANTEE, WHERE SUCH GUARANTEE EXTENDS BEYOND WORD NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACTPHYSICAL LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE WORK, THE ONE YEAR LIMIT STATED HEREIN, SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE ARCHITECT, TWO COPIES, ALL WORK SHALT. BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS 4. DESIGN: EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED OR IDENTIFIED BY FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE OWNER. MANUFAGTURER'5 CATALOG NUMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN CONFORMITY 141TH ASME, IEEE, FILLED NECESSARY FOR ACOMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. 5.M.ArC.N.A. DESIGN MANUAL OR OTHER APPLICABLE TECHNICAL STANDARDS, SUITABLE FOR 3. PREPARE AND DELIVER TO THE ARCHITECT, ONE BOUND MANUAL CONTAINING APPROVED ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR MAXIMUM REQUIRED WORKING PRE55URE AND SHALL HAVE NEAT AND FINISHED APPEARANCE. SUBMITTALS, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION MANUALS, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, AI.LOBSTRUCTIONSANDTOCOORDINATEWTTHADJACENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR DATA, AND PARTS LISTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING WORK, ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND . 5. I INSTALLATION: ERECT EQUIPMENT IN NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER; INSTALL 50 CONTROLS. ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER THAT CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTING OF PIPES, EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES CAN BE BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MADE READILY AND 50 THAT ALL PARTS ARE EASILY ACCESSIBLE FOR INSPECTION, ZONING OBTAIN THE OWNERS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BE EXPOSED TO VIEW IN THE AGC,ORDANGE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER AND THE BEST 1. THE SEVEN ZONES ARE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. COMPLETED PROJECT, 5TANDARD PRACTICE FOR THIS TYPE OF WORK. 11mr-ok or: HOT WATER BOILER BURNER UNITS FIRE b Iul-rli11u �,.aa.r...,...,..... . 6. VATERIALS: ALL MATERIALS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NEW WITHOUT IMPERFECTIONS AND 5HALL BE DELIVERED, ERECTED, CONNECTED AND FINISHED IN EVERY I. BOILER BURNER UNIT SHALL BE OIL -FIRED, CAST IRON AS MANUFACTURED BY BURNHAM. pCnCtr.tJJom thm T tDd rUs and fors slWl be DETAIL. WHEREVER P0551BLE, ALL TRIM, ACCESSORIES AND PARTS 5HALL BE OF THE SAME se 4od w th 8 material capaN9 Of preventing ft. MANUFACTURE A5 THE RELATED EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES. 2. BOILER CONTROLS SHALL MAINTAIN 180 DEGREES TO THE AHU COILS WHENEVER A GALL Of flames and hot gasses when 3llt7j$C'teCi FOR HEAT 15 RECEIVED FROM THE THERMOSTAT, IF THERE 15 NO GALL FOR HEAT, THE BOILER jam "I. D"JGTWORK.- ALL DUCTWORK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 5.M.A.G.N.A. SHALL NOT OPERATE AND THE RESPECTIVE PUMP 5HALL NOT CIRCULATE, t0 til8 r QL' TAT ntS (}f t t6 TBSt Standard T "O STANDARDS. for Flre $tons ASTM-E-814. 3. CONTROLS SHALL PROVIDE SEPARATE CONTROL OF THE DHW ZONE ESTABLI5HING PRIORITY CRAWLSPACE 8. PLUMBING: ALL PLUMBING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOMMONWEALTH UPON GALL FROM THE DHW TANK AQUA5TAT AND A MINIMUM 180 DEGREE WATER OF MASSACHUSETTS FUEL GAS AND PLUMBING CODE. TEMPERATURE. q. 05JECTIONABLE N015E AND VIBRATIONS: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 4. 51ZE CIRCULATION PUMPS TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM FLOW THROUGH BOILERS • PIPE BOILER Tor111 Of W''#OUIZ 0UTH DfR` NO MUST BE KEFI SHALL OPERATE WITHOUT OBJECTIONABLE N015E AND VIBRATION, A5 DETERMINED BY THE WITH REQUIRED DRAINS, SHUT-0FF5, PRESSURE RELIEF AND VACUUM BREAKERS, PIPE RELIEF CMECMAD p i AT THE BUILDING' DURING TAL OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE FOR NOISE AND VIBRATION PER CODE. A +��.py '�!,'��$rPROGRESS 4F THIS WORK; ISOLATION. 5. PIPE MAKE-UP WATER TO BOILER WITH BAGKFLOW PREVENTER, PRESSURE REGULATOR, Flan tlmt Be Kept On Sits Irro DEPARTMENT10. GENERAL COORDINATION: EXAMINE ALL DRAWINGS AND OTHER 5ECTION5 OF THE AUTOMATIC WATER FEED VALVE, AND MANUAL SHUT-OFF PER CODE. CONNECTION TO D SPECIFICATIONS FOR REQUIREMENTS WHICH AFFECT THE WORK OF THIS SECTION. POTABLE SYSTEM BY PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Qj!('�Cii'�i ,�tICfI:^d Town of Dartmouth COORDINATE WORK WITH THAT OF OTHER TRADE-5 AFFEGTING, OR AFFECTED BY, WORK OF THIS SECTION., COOPERATE WITH OTHER TRADES TO ENSURE THE STEADY PROGRESS OF THE 6. PROVIDE AIR SEPARATOR (5PIROVENT) AND EXPANSION TANK(5). SIZE AND NUMBER OF WORK. EXPAN51ON TANKS TO BE CALCULATED BY TH15 CONTRACTOR WITH KNOWLEDGE OF 11. TIMPORARY OPENIN&5: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASCERTAIN FROM HIS EXAMINATION OF COMPLETE AND FINAL PIPING SYSTEM VOLUME. THE DRAWINGS AND THE SITE, WHETHER ANY SPECIAL TEMPORARY OPENING5 IN THE '7. PROVIDE A SEPARATE PUMP FOR SERVICE TO EACH AHU COIL AND TO THE DHW TANK. gQtip-;tom SIZE AFqs? 01:i'iK BUILOIN6 FOR THE ADMISSION OF APPARATUS FURNISHED UNDER TH15 CONTRACT WILL BE PROVIDE BALL VALVES FOR ISOLATION AT EACH PUMP FLANGE. PROVIDE PURGE STATION f -.- ECTl 4Is, REQUIr ti NECESSARY. HE SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AGGORDINGLY. HE SHALL PAY ALL COSTS OF USING SEPARATE "T" FITTING AND BOILER DRAIN WITH BRASS GAP AND GASKET RING. PROM 0 71iECOh�RETI81B. MAKING SUCH OPENIN65 IN CASE OF FAILURE TO GIVE THIS NOTIFICATION IN TIME FOR FLO-CHECK AT EACH ZONE. DE ARCHITECT TO ARRANGE FOR SAME DURING CONSTRUCTION. i'J�DI`Q D�f�AI�i�1,( 12. AGGE55 TO EQUIPMENT:. WHEN INSTALLING EQUIPMENT, ENSURE THAT L E NOUGH ,, T""' of D�UA CLEARANCE 15 PROVIDED IN ORDER THAT PROPER MAINTENANCE AGGE55 15 AVAILABLE. - EXISTING BASEMENT - 15. PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: RE5PON515ILITY FOR CARE AND - PROTECTION OF ALL MATERIALS AND MECHANICAL WORK RE5T5 WITH TH15 CONTRACTOR AT aPf T ALL TIMES UNTIL IT HAS BEEN APPROVED. VENT AND FILLER 14. GUARANTEE: ALL NEW COMPONENTS OF THE INSTALLATION SHALL BE GUARANTEED IN, WRITIh1G BY TH15 CONTRACTOR TO BE FREE FROM DEFEGT5 OF MANUFACTURE AND t INSTALLATION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE ENTIRE BUILDING BY THE ARCHITECT. ANY DEFECTS FOUND SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE " ZN• MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE. (2) 350 5 ALLON otL 15. NOTIFICATION: THE M.G. SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT UPON: (1) COMPLETION OF ALL 5TOR TANKS ROUGH PIPING AND DUCT WORK, BEFORE CLOSURE OF ANY OPEN WALL CAVITIES OR CHASES. (2) UPON "SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION" OF ALL SYSTEMS INCLUDING OPERATIONAL SPACE CONDITIONING. AFTER "SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION", THE ENGINEER WILL PREPARE A PUNCH OIL LINE AND RESERVE U ILI�JINK L15T OF ITEMS TO BE CORRECTED. THE M.G. SHALL CORRECT ANY DEFICIENCIES FOUND I OIL LINE UNDER SLAB PROMPTLY, AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE. ' 16. FINAL COMPLETION: THE WORK SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL THE PUNCH L15T 15 COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER AND ALL FINAL INSPECTIONS J HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. TIN& MOILER I-T. AT PROJECT COMPLETION, FURNI5H THE ARCHITECT WITH A "CERTIFICATE OF FINAL HOT WATER HEATER INSPECTION" FROM THE LOCAL INSPECTION AUTHORITY, AS BUILT DRAWiN55, AND EQUIPMENT O MANUALS AND ON-51TE SYSTEM OPERATIONS IN5TRUGTION TO THE OWNER. THE WORK SHALL PROVIDE CIRCULATING HOT NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL NOTICE OF "FINAL ACCEPTANCE' 15 RECEIVED, IN 4 U.P WRITING, FROM THE ARCHITECT. O WATER TO ALL FIXTURES BASEMENT C O p BASEMENT MECHANICAL 50OPE UP 1. DRAWIN65: THE MECHANICAL DRAWIN55 ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. TH15 CONTRACTOR 15 EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A MARK UP OF THE FLOOR PLANS TO INDICATE LOCATION OF BASIC AHU - 2N. 1 EQUIPMENT, DUCT WORK AND THE DIFFU5ER5 AND GRILLES AS PART OF THE 5UBMITTAL PHASE. 0 0 0 0 2. STANDARD PRACTICE: TH15 CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIAL AND LABOR NECESSARY TO PROVIDE COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL 5Y5TEM5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BEST STANDARD PRACTICE OF THE TRADE. 3. DELIVER AND INSTALL NEW: PROVIDE ALL MATERIAL, LABOR, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING:`AHU - ZN. 3 A. HEAT LO55/0AIN CALCULATIONS BY THE A5HRAE METHOD FOR EACH OF THE ROOMS IN THE HOUSE INGLUDIN6 BASEMENT. PROVIDE CLEAR TYPEWRITTEN CALCULATIONS 5HOWIN6 ALL ASSUMPTIONS. B. OIL FIRED BOILER TO SERVE AIR HANDLERS, FAN COIL UNIT, BASEBOARD AND DHW. G. INDIRECT FIRED DOMESTIC HOT WATER (DH\N) TANK HEATER. D. BOILER VENTING AND COMBUSTION AIR INLET. O O E. SEVEN AIR HANDLING UNITS TO PROVIDE SPACE CONDITIONING INCLUDING HEATING AND OX CODLING COILS. F. REFRIGERANT PIPING AND AGGE55ORIF_5, EXISTING BASEMENT 6. COOLING INGLUDE5 SEVEN GONDEN51N6 UNITS, CONNECTIONS TO THE REFRIGERANT LINES AND CONTROLS. H. DUCT WORK 8 TERMINATION5 FOR AIR HANDLING 5Y5TEM5. I. DUCTWORK, AND ALL CONNECTIONS FOR KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN PROVIDED BY OTHERS. BASEMENT PLAN vi WISE- SURMA•JONES • ARcHI as 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997 5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS NOTES 0 1 N An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dt"pt. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. vie 1 T T YOUR DURING THE rVjF BUILDING DGMSS !BUILDING DEF'14RT wry I` UTH FIRS RICT {O 1 i 1j4s" -W4 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCK MIAN I I I SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE HVAC, PLUMBING - BASEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER M 01 BID DRAWINGS © WISE- SURMA• JONES - ARCHITECTS CONTINUED FROM DRAWING M-01 15. INSTALL ALL PIPE ON THE HARM 51DE OF BUILDING INSULATION. PROVIDE SHUT-OFf VALVES HHERE INDICATED AND SPECIFIED, AND FOR RISERS AND MAIN BRANCHES AT POINTS OF TAKE -OFF FROM THEIR SUPPLY OR RETURN AND INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES AT INLET AND OUTLETS, TO PERMIT UNIT REMOVAL FOR REPAIRS WITHOUT INTERFERENCE HITH REMAINDER OF SYSTEM. 17. LOCATE VALVES FOR EASY ACCESS AND OPERATION DO NOT LOCATE VALVES WITH 5TEM5 BELOW HORIZONTAL. 0. PROVIDE DIELECTRIC UNIONS AT ALL GHANGE5 IN PIPING MATERIAL. lei. EACH ZONE IS SERVED BY A SEPARATE PIPED LOOP. PENETRATIONS, HAN6ER5 AND SUPPORTS I. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH THE HALLS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT DAMAGING REINFORCING BAR5 OR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS 2. HHERE REQUIRED, PROVIDE FIRE -STOPPING MATERIALS THAT ARE CURRENTLY CLA551FIED HITH UL A5 "FILL VOID, OR CAVITY MATERIAL5", AND "THROUGH PENETRATION FIRE -STOPPING SYSTEMS". 3. ALL PIPES AND DUCTWORK SHALL BE SUPPORTEDSO THAT THERE HILL BE NO UNDUE STRAIN OR 5A65ING. HAN6ER5 SHALL 13E'SECURELY ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BY APPROVED CLIPS, ANOLE5, 5TUD5, OR TOGGLE BOLTS. 4. MAXIMUM PIPE HANGER 5PAGING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER AND THE FOLLOWING: A. 5 FT. O.G. FOR 1/2 IN. PIPE, B. DFT.O.C,.FORPIPF-3/41N.TOI$1/21N. G. IN ADDITION, HAN6ER5 SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 2 FT. OF EACH GHANGE IN DIRECTION. 5. SIZE HANGERS FOR EXTERIOR OF PIPE INSULATION HHERE APPROPRIATE. PIPE INSULATION I. SPACE HEATING SYSTEM PIPING SHALL BE INSULATED WITH P THICK, PREMOLDED FIBERGLASS WITH FACTORY APPLIED VAPOR BARRIER JAGKET; K' VALUE OF 0.2& AT 75 F. FITTIN65 SHALL BE INSULATED HITH PREMOLDED 5E6MENT5 OF INSULATION. SEAL VAPOR BARRIER JACKET WITH 51MILAR MATERIAL. 2. INSULATE ALL EXPOSED SPACE HEATING SYSTEM PIPING AND ALL PIPE HITH ONE INCH OR GREATER IN SIZE. 3. PIPES CONGEALED IN OUTSIDE HALLS MAY BE INSULATED U51NG ARMAFLEX INSULATION, 4. ALL SURFACES SHALL BE GLEAN AND DRY WHEN INSULATING COVERING 15 INSTALLED. 5. INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY AFTER THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN TESTED AND APPROVED. AIR HANDLERS B AIR FILTERS 1. SEE SECTION 15075, PART 2. 2. EACH UNIT SHALL INCLUDE FAN HHEEL, FAN MOTOR, REFRIGERANT COIL, SHEET METAL ENGL05URE, PACKAGED CONTROLS, AND BUILT-IN CONDENSATE DRAIN PAN. 3. ALL UNITS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH HEATING 60I1-5. 4. INSTALL UNITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS AND A5 SHOHN ON THE DRAWINGS. 5. PIPE CONDENSATE TO DRAIN WITH AIR GAP AND TRAPS USING PVC OR COPPER. 6. AIR HANDLERS IN ATTIC OR BASEMENT 5PACE5 SHALL BE HORIZONTAL FLOH AND HUNG FROM THE STRUCTURES ABOVE WITH READY ROD. USE NEOPRENE BUSHING AND SPRING TYPE ISOLATORS AT FOUR SUPPORT POINTS. INSTALL SECONDARY CONDENSATE DRAIN PAN. THIS PAN SHALL AL50 BE PIPED TO THE CONDENSATE DRAIN SYSTEM. PROVIDE FLOAT SWITCH AT SEGONDARY CONDENSATE DRAIN PAN. THI5 UNIT SHALL SHUT DOHN POWER TO THE AIR HANDLING UNIT IN THE EVENT OF WATER FILLING THE DRAIN PAN. 7. ATTACH AIR HANDLING UNITS TO SUPPLY AND RETURN DUGTIN6 WITH NEOPRENE DUCT CONNECTOR TO ELIMINATE TRANSM155ION OF VIBRATION TO DUCT 5Y5TEM. &. PROVIDE REFRIGERANT LINES PIPED TO FUTURE CONDENSING UNIT LOCATIONS HITH CONNECTIONS TO P•.HU DX 00I1-5. G. PROVIDE H16H EFFICIENCY AIR FILTER FOR EACH AIR HANDLING UNIT. USE 5PACE-61JARD DEEP PAPER MEDIA OR ELECTROSTATIC FILTER. AIR COOLED GOND'EN51N6 UNITS I.• PROVIDE NEH CONDENSING UNITS TO SERVE THE NEH AIR HANDLING UNITS. SEE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE. 2. PROVIDE SELF-CONTAINED, PACKAGED, FACTORY ASSEMBLED AND PRE -HIRED UNITS SUITABLE FOR OUTDOOR USE. THE UNIT SHALL CONSIST OF CABINET, COMPRESSORS, GONDENSIN6 COILS, AND FANS, CONTROLS, LIQUID RECEIVER, AND SCREENS. THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATING SHALL BE NOT I F55 THAN THAT PRESCRIBED BY AN51/ASHRAE. 3. HITHOUT LIMITING THE 6ENERALITY THEREOF, THE HORK SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A. PACKAGED GONDEN5ING UNIT B. CHAR6E0FREFRI(5ERANTANDOIL G. CONTROLS AND CONTROL WIRING CONNECTIONS. D. REFRIOERANT PIPING AND CONNECTIONS. 4. STARTERS AND DISCONNECTS SHALL BE INCLUDED AND PROVIDED HITH HEATHER PROOF ENCLOSURES. 5. COMPRESSOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE OF THE SEMI -HERMETIC REGIPROCATIN6 TYPE WITH HEAT TREATED FORGED STEEL OR CAST IRON SHAFT, STATICALLY AND UYNAMIGALLY BALANCED ROTATING PARTS, AND BE MOUNTED ON VIBRATION 15OLATOR5. INTERNALLY ISOLATE HERMETIC UNITS ON SPRINGS. PROVIDE THO STAGE COMPRESSORS HHERE INDICATED. 6. PROVIDE REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT FACTORY SUPPLIED AND PIPED AND IN ADDITION PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING FOR EACH REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT: A. FILTER DRYER B. LIQUID LINE SIGHT GLA55.AND MOISTURE INDICATOR. C. THERMAL EXPANSION VALVE FOR MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE. D. INSULATED SUCTION LINE. E. SUCTION AND LIQUID LINE SERVICE VALVES, AND GAUGE PORT5. F. GHARGIN6 VALVE. 6. COMPRESSOR D15GHAROE SERVICE VALVE. H. CONDEN5I1NI6 UNIT PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. 6OOLIN6 SYSTEM DUCTWORK I. 5EE 5EGTION 15705, 2.4 SPECIAL NOTE THE MECHANICAL, PLUMING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND SHOW NEITHER EACH ITEM OF WORK NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACT PHYSICAL LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE WORY, ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND TO COORDINATE WITH ADJACENT WORK, ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER. BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE OWNERS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BB EXPOSED TO VIEW IN THE COMPLETED PROJECT. wax r WISE • SURMA JONES - ARCHITECTS 24 CENTRE S TREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS L Ou, NOTES ikI �i MO - DISTRICT .. ; OMO-TU.E SU AND DEPTH , ••,••:,•' II`=BCTION IS nEGUIRED BEFORE TtiS CONCRETE IS POURED. CUUM!.M© DEPARTMENT Ty ".'► of DOT"outh YOUR DRAWING MUST 8'-: 0�f AT THE BUILDING' DURING THI PRQGRESS OF THIS WORK. BTiILDIITC DEPARTMENT Town of Dartmouth IRE S T ppmu, Dr:QUi9Efv1ENT P ,netrations thru rated wp,Us and fimors shaft be sfted with a material Viable of Preventing thc P sage Of flarnos and hot gasses when sub;^mod tO ths rOQuirewents of the Test St dwrd ;r�-jc F#t Sty ASTM-E-814. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND JAM TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE HVAC, PLUMBING FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/411 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER. © WISE- SURMA• JONES ARCS HTEM \ ATTIC _F7i STORAGE ROOM 1 SOUND ISOLATION DETAILS M- SCAU:3"=1'-0" SPECIAL NOTE THE MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND SHOW NEITHER EACHTTEM OF WORK NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACT PHYSICAL LOCATION AN#?CONFIGURATION OFTHE WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND TO COORDINATE WITH ADJACENT WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE OWNEROS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BE EXPOSED TO VIEW IN THE COMPLETED PROJECT. viv 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740 TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 FAX (508) 997-0993 CONSULTANTS DARTMOUTH FIR17'.. DISTRICT i v � 2 NOTES . 3 / 7 0l1IN O ECPtA an .1vt Ctv Ke Pt on tt YL LIR DRAVd11'46 'V"U61 AT i HE SUII.C)I S WORK. G ►NE PRO RESS .b ...0111C., DEpARTF.JENT Town of T1a::mout3� poNomim sari ANO DEPTH GT10 tS ASQUI9RED BEFORE THE COt4Cnt-TE IS POURED, DErMTMENr FIRE STOPPING RE4UIFIwEENT F'metratbm thru ratod wars and floors shall be s .2101d with a mate�risl capable of preventing F age Of flames and hot gasses when subjected tc the requixerrients of the' Test Stan rd � `:c Stops ASTIR-E-01 4. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY Au \.. JANEE TUVKERM I I I SLADES 'CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA PLUMBING, HVAC SECOND FLOOR, ATTIC PLANS SCALE: 1/4 =1'-0" DATE: DECE MER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 03 BID DRAWINGS 0 WM•.SURMA-MMS - ARCH=S KEY TO ELECTRIC SYMBOLS FIXTURE SCHEDULE 0= OWLEX OUTLET A Li6HTOLIER 2000AIC SERIES HOU5IN& WITH 2O05M TRIM - PAR 16 55H 0-- DUPLEX OUTLET, SPLIT WIRED B Ll GA-ITOLER. 200OAlOV12006 MR 16 55A 6FI DUPLEX OUTLET, 6ROUND FAULT PROTECTED fie= DUPLEX OUTLET, WAIF C LI644TOLIER IIOOIGF/II-MSH 13W QUAD DOUBLE WIPLEX OUTLET D LI6HTOLIER 1102PIA126 AI4 IOOW p-- APPLIANCE OUTLET E LI64TOLIER 2000AI0V/2OO4Rr4H MR 16 35 S SWITCH F NATIONAL LIGHTING DL202 MR16 50W 53 THREE WAY 5WITG4 54 FOUR WAY SWITCH G JUNO TRAG-12 5Y5TEM WITH HAL:06EN LAMM AT 64 D.G. 50 DIMMER SWITCH K FANTEGH - RE6 i00L - 4" BATH KIT WITH FR 100 FAN AND VLG 64 VENT Lf644T. 5T TIMER SWITCH L 4' TWO-TUEE UTILITY FLUORE5GENT STRIP 5N LOW VOLTAGE BUTTON SWITCH '( GEILIN6 MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE kaTH LETTER GODS M SEA6ULL 1-164TIN6 SWIVEL. FLOOD L16HT# 8607 - WHITE pB DOOR BELL 0 FIXTURE PROVIDED BY OWNER, INSTALLED UNDERT1415 CONTRACT OSM SMOKE DETECTOR P FANMC44 5HL45 RANGE HOOD LINER WITH FK012 FAN AND LD 51LENGE.R OT THERMOSTAT U UTILITY PORCELAIN LAMP HOLDER Ala IOOW OTEL TELEPHONE JACK ❑ TV TELEV151ON ANTENNA .TACK ❑ GP C.ONIPUTI=R NETWORK JACK RI X EXTERIOR TWO HEAD FLOOD LIGHT WITH LETTER CODE FO X WALL MOUNTED L16HT FIXTURE WITH LETTER CODE is X FAWA NIT UNIT KT14 LETTER CODE X - FLUORESCENT STRIP L16 4T WITH LETTER GODS GSL SKYL16HT MOTOR HO 14A.TER (f^Ii *R -^-` L L L O HEJ TIN& 80 R QHEAT DETEG R BASEMENT L L L-- BASEMENT PLAN Jo CRAWISPACB L �\ I L 0 O 0 L BASEMENT p5M L�— 0 0 L =====J EXISTING BASE 4ENT A TEL - HUB Ll GP - HUB 5OX �€P O TV - HUB EXI5TIN6 UNDER &ROUND 5ERVIGE LINE5 TO REMOTE METER AND TRANSFORMER ALL TO REMAIN FL-- L U SPECIAL NOTE THE MECHANICAL,, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND SAOWNEI TIM EACH IT04 OF WORK NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACT PHYSICAL LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND TO COORDINATE WITH ADJACENT WORK. ALL WORK SHALL, BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE OWNERGS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BE EXPOSED TO VIEW INTHB COMPLETED PROJECT. P y GONO-TUS>E SIZE AND DEP'TIJ in_,' cnoN Is F"rDU1T m B tufts THE CONCRETE IS POUR£1'I. r,U1L01 %Q DEPARTMENT of Dff YOUR DRAWING MUST BE KEE+ AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE PROGRESS GF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPARTP?.ENT Town ad Dartrsoutb Toril ! Of T" ' 3 t SECO-irto MAC A Crpy CITW3 ERdgtL'd Plan VLTt Be +apt Of, tt� FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Pon-Qtratlons thru ratod wags and floors shall be, seated with a material capable of 'preventing the 'passage of flames and hot gasses when sub}octed o the reWrewnt5 of the Test Stz%ndcrd €per,C for Fim St pe AST&4-E-8144. DARTIVIOUTH FIRtt US 1CTN0_?_3 3 E g T : Ji NOTICE, An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND SANE TUCKERMAN 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA TITLE ELECTRICAL BASEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER E�01 BID DRAWINGS 0 VSE• SUR A—JONM - ARCIETECrS KEY TO ELECTRIC SYMBOLS FIXTURE SCHEDULE DUPLEX OUTLET A L16HTOLIER 2000AIG SERIES HOU51N6 WITH 2O05WH TRIM - PAR 16 55W DUPLEX OUTLET, SPLIT WIRES B LIGHTOLIER 2000AIGV/2006 MR 16 35W 6FI o-- DUPLEX OUTLET, 6ROUNO FAULT PROTECTED C LI6HTOLIER IIOOIGF/Ir765W 13W QUAD w@-- DUPLEX OUTLET, WATERPROOF 0-- DOUBLE DUPPLEX OUTLET D LIOWTOLIER 1102PIA126 Alai IOOW @- APPLIANCE OUTLET E LICGHTOLIER 2000AICV/2025R1-H MR 16 35 5 SWITCH 53 THREE WAY SWITCH F NATIONAL. LI6HTIN6 PL202 MR16 50W 54 FOUR WAY SWITCH G JUNO TRAG-12 SYSTEM WITH HALO6EN LAMPS AT 6" O.C. 50 DIMMER SWITCH K FANTEGH - RE6 IOOL - 4" BATH KIT WITH FIR 100 FAN AND VLG 64 VENT LIGHT. 5T TIMER SWITCH 51v LOW VOLTAGE BUTTON SWITCH L 4' TWO -TUBE UTILITY FLUORE�SGENT STRIP -X CEILINC3 MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE WITH LETTER GORE M 5EAFULL LI&HTINC6 SWIVEL FLOOD LIGHT# 660"1 -WHITE DB DOOR BELL O FIXTURE PROVIDED BY OWNER, INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT o5M SMOKE DETECTOR P FANTECH 5HL46 RANGE HOOD LINER WITH FKD12 FAN AND LD SILENCER 4T TH1=RM05TAT ATEL TELEPHONE JACK U UTILITY PORCELAIN LAMP BOLDER Alq IOOW ❑ TV TELEV15ION ANTENNA JACK ❑ GP COMPUTER NETWORK JACK 24 X EXTERIOR TWO HEAD FLOOD 1-164T WITH LETTER GODS FO X WALL WW41 D LIGHT FIXTURE WITH LETTER CODE 0 X FAN/VENT UNIT WITH LETTER CODE X === FLUORESCENT STRIP LIGHT WITH LETTER GODS 05L SKYLIGHT MOTOR D D I o i PORCH P- I IIII NaTON ROOM I I I I L I Et IIII IIII o5M IIII IIII PAS IIIIFLOOR { A A A FIRST FLOOR PLAN FD PORCH \ I YVP D KITCHEN A G ^T , /7 G PANTRY 100 \ � WP Y 5 I REF — c ® d BATHROOM #1 3 TO 54 IE CHIME DN 00 0 SM A�O TO SK i DINING ROOM 3d TO LIGHTS a 2nd F/=@ . GALLERY TUD ❑ TV TELA o CPO �I SPECIAL NOTE THE MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND SHOW NEITHER EACH ITEM OF WORK NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACT PHYSICAL LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND TO COORDINATE WITH AWACENT WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE OWNERDS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BE EXPOSED TO VIEW IN THE COMPLETED PROJECT. r'+ NOTES Fit, , t Py Y©UJ2 DRAWING MUST b:. il,t AT THE BUILDING' DURING T {€ PR(?C,f2ESS OF THIS WORK. BUILDING DEPAR 14ENT Town of Daztmoutii TIDT I��++ofpL, fR '{OUYN A MY C-:-iTtls Endicrrd Dien i,1w..t Oe Kept On NO af� tDARTMOUTH FIN7. DIS I 'I T $ONO -TUBE S A pTH 3 t,a ORE TFIs CUILD'► IO DEp,%FTPAENi Of ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR NOTICT'-' HENRY FOLEY AND JANE TUCKERIViAN An As Built Survey must be submitted to the Building 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD Dept. prior to calling for SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA a foundation inspection or any further construction. TTTLE FIRE STOPPING REQgiREMENT Penetrations thru rand walls and floors shalt be seated with a material capable of preventing the passags of flames and hot gasses when sLWcted to tho requirements of the Te$t Standcrd e.: = for F� Stop ASTM-E-814. ELECTRICAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER E-2 BID DRAWINGS ' © WISE- SURMA• JOKES - ARCHITECTS CO ELECTRIC SYMBOLS FIXTURE SCHEDULE = DUPLEX OUTLET A LI644TOLIER 2000AIC S>tRIES HOU51N6 WITH 2OO5WH TRIM - PAR 16 55W = DUPLEX OUTLET, SPLIT WIRED B L16HTOLIER 2000AIGV/2006 MR 16 35W = DUPLEX OUTLET, GROUND FAULT PROTECTED = DUPLEX OUTLET, WATERPROOF C 1-I614TOLIER IIOOIGF/II765H 13W GUAR DOUBLE DUIPLEX OUTLET D L16HTOUEB2 1102PIA126 AIG IOOW - APPLIANCE OUTLET E LI6HTOLIE R 2000AI0V/2OO4RHH MR 16 35 5WITGH s TWEE WAY SWITCH F NATIONAL LIGHTING DL202 MRI6 50W P FOUR WAY 5HTGH G JUNO TRAG42 SYSTEM HITH HALOGEN LAMPS AT 64 O.C. DIMMER SWITCH K, FA TECH - REG 1OOL - 4° BATH KIT WITH FR 100 FAN AND VLG 64 VENT' LIGHT. ' TIME=R SWITC.f-! Y LOI^! VOLTAGE BUi'TOA1 SWITCH L W THO-TUBE: UTILITY FLUORE50EW STRIP CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE WITH LETTER GONE M 5EA6ULL LI6HTIN6 5WIVEL FLOOD LIGHT# 66M - WHITE DOOR BELL O FIXTURE PROVIDED BY OWNER, INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT FM SMOKE DETECTOR P FANTFGH SHL46 RANGE HOOD LINER WITH FKD12 FAN AND LD SILENCER HERM05TAT I L TELEPHONE JACK U UTILITY PORCELAIN LAMP HOLDER AN IOOW V TELEVISION ANTENNA JACK ;P COMPUTER NETWORK JACK X EXTERIOR TWO HEAD FLOOD L16HT WITH LETTER GODS X WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE WITH LETTER GOD)= FAN/VENT UNIT WITH LETTER GODS FLUORE50EW 5TREP LIGHT WITH LETTER CODE L SKYLIGHT MOTOR SECOND FLOOR PLAN SPECIAL NOTE THE MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMAnC AND SHOW N MUM EACH ITEM OF WORK NOR EACH COMPONENT REQUIRED, NOR THE EXACT PHYSICAL LOCATION AND COIRMr R e nON OF THE WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ALL COMPONENTS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL ASSEMBLY. ALL WORK SHALL BE LOCATED AND CONFIGURED TO CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AP,1D TO COORDINATE WITH ADJACENT WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER. BEFORE ROUGH -IN OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE OWNF.RGS APPROVAL OF THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL WORK THAT IS TO BE EXPOSED TO VIEW IN THE COMPLETED PROJECT, 24 CENTRE STREET NEW BE roR0 MA mum TELEPHONE (508) 997-5977 . FAX (508) 997-0993 . CONSULTANTS E NO.Tum S= Atm IDPW t " ' CTIr3, IS REQUIr eD tr!` f fWE CoNcsETE I8 POUF11 p r'J'LD1t4G DEPARTM t� � C'" �'.SfL"�4i►"'1 ,�ttr.o P,1US r BE Kos' - .BUILDING' DURING THfi NOTES A) � " OF THIS WORK. $Li1L1?II�G DEPA2-T D.. • :Y+ou i�t TANi O,r_ W; ITIMUTH RECOM PLAN A CePY, C1t:s Enderr i ristt r:nst Ge Kept On Site Vi tttvctPIV:n I C E An As Built Survey must heUARTMOUTH FIR(Trz submitted to the Building Dept. prior to calling For � s�� - �,,� D � � i f �T O _ a foundation inspection orany further construction. C113C STn00tKtG Ft;:0111RE 1�...._., Pe; trions thru rated w�qs and fkmm shall be ss kd wttli a material capable of prGvwting the p age of flames and hat gasses when"su*cted to t 3 requirements of the Test Standard pedfic` re Stope ASTM.&81 4. A s s ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS FOR HENRY FOLEY AND SANE TUCKERMAN 1 I 1 SLADE`S CORNER ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 1'TI'LE TEL ELECTRICAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2003 DRAWN: CTW REVISED: DRAWING NUMBER 0 3 $UD DRAVVWGS u�SE-SURMA*JONES - ARCIE=S 70� � i8211... / 855. �`206.8 5l N83•04010W IN S98.53',0,+1� o S�6•�� ��,�� G�' �.� N82 58'3 , a� >' S10'38'56"E 1p72. .. W �` S82.5$'30»E ��� \��. 156.05 GOki N/F 660.60' �� LONG REALTY, INC. - N to ' ''� S12'35'55"E iROBERT W. & AUDREY L. H DEED 3965/303 EBERT / cp 122.24 �"�►. DEED 3530/158 N F PLAN 138/16 & 140/69 BEATRICE DANIELS S12'45'48"W""`•-*-Z DEED 3781 /6 87.08' I :.•/ S87'26 39"E 1233.p7+ - -------- TCH LINE -- 5HEET f A _ Q AIL N/F 10A TCH LINE `"'"' �^'�/ �'"" ,, ! 1" `N ra �; .......� .... _ ...... ,1......»..1.. "m -m Now " am* *A". ,.......». Now ,1.. ftm mm • ._ ....... "ON "m ........1........... , . w _........ � .......... _ ,..» ... ,..w MARIEFFREY M. & +..�I / GI. E T 2 S6�'22 �, �, SHA E. WILDRICK ��� •'s' `r�r' �' �. Os `'`S ,41) 0, DEED 4160/343 e� 0,�• s�. POND 0�9 00 0 ,�, 00 !/ PLAN 13$/16 L� , 2a w \ S64'16'46"W •� co 32.60' ►� N "0. 'p`� N12'08'44"W 35.05' N � � ` i o �'• a� ` ss . DETA DETAILp e eel ,� �r ,, Via, NOT TO SCALE) SCALE " = N12"08'44"W)) �' c^ c9 G� LO ( C LE) ( i20) 3 0 � 4 111.94' f Nam,\ 04, r1 • F 4 # JAY J. & MARYANN NUNES 864.67 �LB !-S F ��r S48"12 29 E 87.$0EXISTING i OwDEED 4230/101 30' ,EING 121.49'I(I- PLAN 138/16 3'S_4-o3»W 25.2' VE' r�fiED �Z S8 i W LANDS N 935.85 "'I lei 200.00' t- g64.67' G� Q� L0� 2�10 o ,r!`` S 37754y06»E .60 287.80 `�_ , ai u' o AREA c� / lF� N/F 0 0 12.40± ACRES Q, JOHN R. & MARLENE T. HOLOHAN � \y A X o T. DEED 2913/278 '� N/F 4 PLAN 112/163 & 120/47 ,�' �, STELLA M. & �`�' ^"� �'' \ l 41 1 l e\ MONICA M. SAINT `` •`v� li o ��ti jGO DEED 3507/63 I w (REMAINING LAND) j N11192p5?" W �. s• AREA == 278.19+ ACRES VA N70'21'38"E 10.26' POND 27.52' �` LOT-1 16•-b° N64*1646"E �, r 'I'Chi go ROA, 32.60' F11(; „ 0 t ,1 {r• BUILDING ENVELOPE\ Q;�i�l 35.05'( r (`1.02± ACRES) t,� '�� ` I �"..'..- (NOT T. .SCALE) % F- 0 .s J r� d 0 ry fy- u- _rn w u- 0 z d 0 w 1' 6TIValtiow LEGEND CB CONCRETE BOUND DRILL HOLE P IRON PIPE (= LEDGE OUTCROP S B STONE BOUND cx�a STONE WALL WETLAND AREA x-X x WIRE FENCE EXISTING BUILDING AREAS BUILDING #1 AREA (SQ. FT.+) 1241 DESCRIPTION MAIN HOUSE #2 1043 GARAGE/BARN #3 75 SHED #4 178 SHED #5 413 OLD FOUNDATION -'7 a S8, x) 5(2 W iTgL 0 g1'29'3.+7' E., ," (NOT TO Sl.ALE) 4. ''1.49 N `f\ S12'08 44 E) w / .r AND DRIVEWAY �. .j� ® 111.94' »E O "� 0� N50.26'47"W cz S FOR L0T-1 ,, N469.47'S 0 e�� ('\ �� yeti 100.00 �. ., _K 4 ? • » c ,, N56 2354W S02'S5 27 W -� �y QEf�.L9N0„_APPLICANT il5 t,,\ I tv N LOT-1 19 C1 E 36.20' 165.98'_ �s 0 ��� M S05'01'15"W 2t^ cp0i► 0 27.53 2>� + N48'11'46"W MASSACHUSETTS l5 46.89' J\ cn o nj�' h� 651.94 ,�•+ N83.5403 E p p{�"; ?:. W N56'31'02"E •�°c 1 S85'56'3eW CHUSETTS LAND CONSERVATION TRUST, INC. � ,°• �/� ---• � 572 ESSEX STREET, BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS 01915 9*29 0327.53 ,,.� N a'• N26'23'48"W s71'53'35"W Fla' �'�,, AND SQ;r N82'S7'27'°E �+9 N'?`:1 152.12' 125.00 �,��� �� DARTMOUTH NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST, INC. zw2' ' ' » " 0 j 404 ELM STREET DARTMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02748 S07 35 31 E N85'58 48 W 34,8p •44� ,�'�fOt%LLI'A ! 88.82' 80.38' ,. �+ 538 48 51 E S77 52 57 W '' El c / O�e� '" 212.01' N07'S8'49"W 55.78' '`r• �F _ 30.57 � �q�F� 69.96' (L7-.�.4 tARS) 1 N83'26'S5"w ' ,0�y. �' l5 +� S06'43'3 " I 2� 57.25 �. .® •01 - N11'23'10"W NO 1 -' 81.41'0 E �a t•��. , 30.00' l� 0 73�11'S W I . A� N69 03 29 W �'' �'' �". ' 1 \ '` t 21 t a 0, C7 20 WIDE \ 40.55' °� � `�, S2o 52 24 W . , » '', 1 ��' + � �� N7 N1T48 55 W 0.� ,.....1. \ DRIVEWAY ,,ice L� POND (20.32' TO TIE LINE) 73927"ry 90.36' �' Q y S85'16'1 W i ENVELOPE �� 00 �cj� 1 20g, 6g � � rns p , / a e\1 z o (0.47f ACRES) � �. N54'57'19"W / `�` (DETAIL) �`•�34'43'54" \ � a� N11'S410 W � �„� " (NOT TO SCALE) 0 co 76.04' / 0 x\ �� 96.84' Ts � (�� 68.62'co ° , EXISTING Se\ i o.•\ N/F � 0 �F�a lF�a' ,F v N10 0210» w / � BUILDINGS �a Ocn ` GEORGE LEONTIRE & MARK G. SHUB \� , o 3: 141.33 / �\ e� `� `� '� , PLAN 142/77 &PLAN No. 66046 OF THE "THOMAS CARD" FILES » 0-)-�` �• (NOT TO SCALE) . _ • �' ,•,fir � f , ( • ' ; 1 • a •r+ � � � � ., ; I , ,- N82 N23'40'13"'�V�2F 229.03 N �a. 0 u, «, ACRES .,„„ 29 40"yv ` c� 0� 164.46 J- g. '�'; w lF ,+ 0 Fed ,:: -r- c� a .6:..72. ' :.<; . o a,, 1 » ¢+• C� ay N16'p3'S6"Nd _? 0 ,+a� +Gt� ,, co _,.S70`21 38 W •,a a �+..,_., N68 48 35 E- » _ x • ti e +�' \� S48 0810E l 0 n 20.36 r tri=•,:..; . g P 132.90' , z r ' 148.00' `` rrn O 65.Cj 67 Q r� (�� 'i.. is '".^'Y'Lwd+•��4�•'y'4 ;- +` y GY N/F �J� •� N,4°a y " \• W� � t j',R; ': { �j•. ro q'\ STELLA M. & » �` �a� 9 32 W • 1 /1 . , . _. , •�. �, N13 42 52 ay / 79.83*.. N44 540 W �. N01'50'49"W i ";:" ``'`.:.^ , r: t,>. ;`^, 0�'��'tigd \ MONICA M. SAINT 119.05' Q� ��,0 t 1.01 154.24 1i1 .. 't� 10 DEED 3507/63 •� ' -` `�r :9 3" ;''.:� e��1 l5e �y ✓' ®0. -.• 00 1 N 15'37'48"w-- -.,.�. , 6) DARTMOUTH PLANNING BOARD 188 7�, l - N70.21 E 123.17' 582.0 M : �0��� Z 27.52' " ,11�'� OH (Se ( APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION .747E a y :;: ;I�� . ,� SOT--1 .d1 �-� . 1 r, o" N8•2s '�'' AREA �..`F� ,��,1' .� VA.�tIL�IDT K w l���i�� \ ��/ S39 2614 w 5 N/F CONTROL LAW NOT REQUIRED p yy i E LO �, 217.60 DARTMOUTH 12.40± ACRES ''�` �� N 0�'�,0�� 1 » o / ` ''' » w 1 » GRANGENO. 162 # 3 63A N/F �® r1v S86°00'53"E iM S87 44 55 E N ;�� a� NOT TO Ll/% 1 N0154,43 W S08'25 44 W 5� JAMES C. & cn 5.971,1 N 86.31' '''�-.�- `'",, ,y + N/F �cr 159.11 005 ` r` I �a. JOSEPH R. & BEVERLY M. GLENNON �Y CYNTHIA W. BEAN ,�. , I� ®e� '� ��� \� `F , DEED 3383/90 314•.03 �� 5 , ( 1 DEED 1726/834 52.30 a) S11 46 19 w F� ,, N/F �15� SOUTH DARTMOUTH Sr36 07 581 .. �. 155.89_ \ `.. `G N17*27'13"W �F �� 98.50' �Q --.... S82°g 29 E OLD MILL 2 �, 0 �� CEMETERIES S41'12'42"W �" 44.40 \Q,+ ,, ,LADE„ N85 p5 37 E ,� 4p.33: °/ O 7.6� ��...� \ N F 7g•49 »L-144� Co Rr t. S62 21 2p W o tea' ��` JOHN M. & MARY CAROL PATE 1 3z2 A''`'~=-... I DATE: _ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Y PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE DEED 1936/796 CLIF N/F .� (NOT TO SCALD) (TRUSTEES ALE EEpTA O $. �. �� w I EAMILL OF' THE LEN �' -a I c,� r7E NOMINEE TRULLEN zr- � �N �+ ED 4027/11 ST) �aaTMou-rH D10TRUCT NO�� GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN >9,m ) 1 inch = 2200 ft. 9 ,, cv U 0 N J w 0 cn 0 z 0 - V) r � o 0 N z 0 Ld m Fn � D w z � �-- U w 0 ry Q 0 0 N 0 r7 a � � N d II w D 0 0 LLJ F-- d H w Q a n 0 U � z p � FM W 04 w V �•--t z _ U Q o V) � C ( , W WQ �Q' Q W J �ry� Q � �� Q z < z ce Q �' r o ry LZ <C L7 ...a., ......,.,.� .. ,n h ar1 00 W W M Obi 02RX�L,L co o Op . wX .- ai �Va)ul d z F^lz A 0-lz • > W _ NU2 00 IN, N Y O <> W LO o o m o .s scw `Z Q 0 = C+mm J w m •c '- o go # 2003033ANR3.dwg NOY.- ,te �,3=i� M ,vu� � r�♦\F ° .e,w,5• ! "\ "..r 4 � 11 � (,, o r� Ac G. I (31 66 -------------- .\.,.,:;<....,,,.,.u...' Ewa ,...a:<:5&^�;w;.. vl\ \ �� -- �— no — c„ 96 ---- \ �. \ --------------- - "___---------------- to \\\ \\\ - - --------------------- U) r 9� ` ----- t� tv m 90 97 �' - t,6----------- o------------------------- ------------- O< =----------------------------- c. I - ------------------------- f 6 ZII \'�\\.------------------------------------------- _ v 4...'_� , Z6 ` ----_ ---------------------------------------- ------ TI-------------- j N "' o Co\\ \ --- - ------------- CO Xo to 03 Dc0 D-------------- _ __ - - ____------ ----------------- M o o Cr)\� v------------ ______------------- 06 - r,-r z------------- 69 M x 0 rD S. Z En Z z z `, p 0 /�------------------ 88--------- to Ca D \ v ---- -- L8--------Z v o ' rn `\\ < �P x 8j It t (V \\ �° O 00 r m o (v v 0 D cC V RUO / o � m LAI z rn v 0 Ln 0 0 cn c cu D �q r 0 - 0 m 0 0 (04 0 J �tp 00 -0-4 r/yn'11r1-10) 00(n°(71 00 Au -a�jC-)G. -m NJ yam. 2 O Z"� OOrrr*'*��q ����' 0r (3 ]air' O' O �? rrn �rh� ���ORt r'1�rj,pn O-6�Z� ?= Z= 71 ° Oq RIZ�C 4 n� (,jn- riaC C ������ermb~VG) -C-te0O ��O n �C O�r- O�ZI. OO°-4 � Fo cn CErl Fj4Z n njq Z-rri OZo — n1 Z `q rpao�>��� OO�rI �-O �_� � �� ° IN C nt nt _Co pp 2i O to lsncZi)Q�OOD Z�rn� �� ��m � �� �Q)rrI =�j�k� � ��N r7iQ 'p ?<ti njn i A�o� �2i On c�Oq �Z �Z tr'�6�Z'� ~�02 Np a�Z �� Z� rla�p�o�N � 2 Orr'1 oO ��rZ yNQ 2Z ��� ° �o 0nn�����0� ���- W� ORtO 1�• Z SOS°n ZOn� On Zm]a O�q o^'o� �� tneZ-� O(i�� �O �r�y �Z Q) �'C 010 rrI Za n rp O Lj� NC `oNi� CaW �� to r�����0 yr0� ti �Z� ZZ O C' O 0o(n�0� C(/5rz:)nj O� y�jp OZ N ~ =r Z 1� r*1 Or' O�rri _ ,CCj » -ta0 rrI VO I x 86.1 8s 6 \\ i�6 \LIMITS OF BORDERINGTL VEGETATED WEANDS 87.5 / /1-1 x\ �'\yam / / 85.8 \e 85.4 i x f 14" TREE \ 87.1 i \ \°0 EXISTING 1,200 GAL\ SEPTICTANK 10" 85.2 BELLOW GRADE TO / TP-lA ®_, / p\� BE REMOVED OR 86.9 ® TP-2A \� ABANDONED x PER TITLE 5.� �LOP� H MABK p BUILD►NG EN ' SpIKE SET IN �MAP� x 84 4 Z RES ENTIAL ' ea.as ( 84.7 OF m m l POND x { TF�3A qL g AL 86.7 yF \ coo 85. A n� .5 \ 84.4 P� J \ 84 84.5 \ AL 84. x �' \ \ �c. RESIDENTIAL OFOo x NpS 86.4 GRA�� -�/ \ 84.7 / \ BUILDING ENVELOPE ` 85.7 84.6 x 83. l PROPOSED 1,500 13• EXI TING f { GAL. SEPTIC TANK DWELLING { 84.8x T.O.. 85.38' A11c PROPOSED i,000 GAL. IIPUMP CHAMBER \ AL AL l t8 l \ 48" MAPLE / 84.g 2x 83.7� s� 16" PROPOSED 2" 1 - 1 PREP \PRESUURE MAIN/ ONE O x 85. 7 ' %� \ 10� \ ��G . A L \ .0, GARAGE BARN ' I v� � " MAPLE g '�` � 48O® \ 5.2 \ '� UILDN �G E VELOP 48,4' L EN AL is.� LIMIT )R �w y Et�VELO�'E ' \ 7e.9\ 00 YEAR FLOOD OMIT 0\ \ \ ZONE A PR�POED D-�BOX� \ { I I I I i t ICo ITI III II II 'I O / \ 9 \ \\ \ `\\ TP\-3\\\ \\ \ I I I I I \ 5' OVERDIG, SEE DETAIL \ � 50' LONG TRENCH \ (TYP. OF 3). SEE DETAIL FRO EOP D REISERVE (AREA I \\ \ LIMIT OF 200' \ \ \ RIVERFRBNT AREA \ 6 ' { VENT ASkEMBLY / / I 20' WIDE DRIVEWAY ENVELOPE N /F STELLA M. & MONICA M. SAINT GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. 160 N /F MASSACHUSETTS LAND CONSERVATION TRUST, INC. & DARTMOUTH NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST, INC. DEEP OI3SERVATION HOLE DATA DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE: TP-2 DATE: 7125101 DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) ELEVATION SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER (STRUCTURE, STONES, BOULDERS, CONSISTENCY, 99 GRAVEL) 0-12 83.08 A SANDY LOAM 10 Yr 312 NONE 12-30 81.58 B LOAMY SAND 7.5 Yr 518 NONE LOOSE, POCKETS OF MEDIUM SAND, POCKETS OF SILT WITH VARIEG.TED COLORS, COBBLES 30-102 75.58 C SAND 2.5 Y 614 NONE LOOSE, COARSE SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBBLES EXISTING GRADE: EL. 84.08 DEP-- TO BEDROCK: N/E STANDING WATER IN THE HOLE: N/E WEEc fNG = ROM PIT FACE. N/E ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER: 100" EL EVA TION: 75. 75 DEPTH OF PERC: 38" PERC RATE: 2 MIN/INCH BOARD OF HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE: SUE GRIFFIN - DARTMOUTH B.O.H. CERTIFIED SOIL EVALUATOR: ANDRE PIMENTEL - CULLINAN ENG. CO., INC. FILENAME: 2003033-11 SEP EXISTING OLD FOUNDATION EXISTING BARN EXISTING STONE WALLS EXISTING SHEDS EXISTING GARAGE EXISTING 4 BEDROOM DWELLING EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE 0 v o EXISTING WATER SERVICE PROPOSED SOIL �I ABSORPTION SYSTEM o 0 O0 \0 O `L 0Ila 0 0 N /F STELLA M. & MONICA M. SAINT 0 00 0 LOT-1 ROAD AREA SLADES CORNER 12.40f ACRES - ROAD SLADES CORNER DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE: TP- 3 DA TE: 7125101 DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) ELEVATION SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER (STRUCTURE, STONES, BOULDERS, CONSISTENCY, 0-12 86.22 A SANDY LOAM 10 Yr 312 NONE 12-30 84.72 B LOAMY SAND 7.5 Yr 518 NONE LOOSE, COBBLES 30-112 77.89 C SAND 2.5 Y 614 NONE LOOSE, COARSE SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBBLES f,ND BOULDERS EXISTING GRADE: EL. 87.22 DEPTH TO BEDROCK: N/E STANDING WATER IN THE HOLE.-: N/E WEEPING FROM PIT FACE: N/E ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER: 100" ELEVATION:78.89 DEPTH OF PERC: 34" PERC RATE: 2 MIN/INCH BOARD OF HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE. SUE GRIFFIN - DARTMOUTH B.O.H. CERTIFIED SOIL EVALUATOR: ANDRE PIMENTEL - CULLINAN ENG. CO., INC. GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 400 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. DESIGN CALCULATIONS REGULATIONS USED STATE: 310 CMR 15.00 - TITLE 5 (1995) LOCAL: TOWN OF DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE DESIGN FLOW # OF BEDROOMS = 4 4 BE-DROOMS x 110 GPD/BDRM = 440 GPD SEPTIC TANK* 200% x DESIGN FLOW = 880 GPD SEPTIC TANK TO BE 1,500 GALLON LIQUID CAPACITY SIZE OF LEACHING FACILITY PERCOLATION RATE = 2 M.P.I. FROM TP-2 MATERIAL DESIGN CLASS = 1 LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE (LTAR) = 0.74 GPD/S.F. REQUIRED LEACHING AREA = 440 GPD/0.74GPD/S.F. = 595 S.F.* LEACHING FIELD DESIGN (SEE DETAILS) # TRENCHES = 3 EFFECTIVE LENGTH = 50 FEET EFFECTIVE WIDTH = 2 FEET EFFECTIVE DEPTH = 1 FOOT TOTAL AREA PROVIDED = 3x50'x(l'+2'+l') = 600 S.F. TOTAL AREA REQUIRED = 595 S.F. DOSING SOIL TYPE = 1 (BASED ON SOIL CLASSIFICATION) DOSING FREQ.= 4 DOSES PER DAY 2" PIPE VOL. = 16 GAL. DOSE VOLUME = 110+16= 126 GAL. * SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN DESIGNED FOR USE W/ A GARBAGE GRINDER 0 a J a Q 0 o- w U_ rn (n w F_ 0 z a 0 w m DARTMOUTH T a SITE AREA N �z O� O rn -n �� -A �Q SIP WESTPORT SLADES CORNER ROAD I SITE LOCUS NOT TO SCALE I GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. LEGEND CB CONCRETE BOUND DH DRILL HOLE 85.2 SPOT ELEVATION 00o STONE WALL ® TEST PIT IL WETLANDS 120 NO TS.- 1. THE LOCUS AREA IS A PORTION OF LOT-1 AS SHOWN ON AN APPROVED PLAN ENTITLED "APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLAN, FISHER AND SLADES CORNER ROADS, DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS PREPARED FOR DARTMOUTH NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST, INC.", BY CULLINAN ENGINEERING CO., INC., DATED APRIL 30, 2001 AND RECORDED AT THE BRISTOL COUNTY REGISTERS OF DEEDS (S.D.). AREA SHOWN IS ALSO A PORTION OF LOT 5 ON THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ASSESSORS MAP 28 (REVISED 2/19/99). 2. THE SITE IS PARTIALLY LOCATED WITHIN 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE A AS INDICATED ON FIRM MAP COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 250051 0020C, DATED JULY 3, 1985. 3. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM AN ACTUAL ON THE GROUND SURVEY BY CULLINAN ENGINEERING CO., INC. ON JUNI 21, 2001 AND ON AUGUST 03, 2001. 4. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO AN ASSUMED DATUM. REVISED 10/15/01 PER BOH COMMENTS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS THIS SYSTEM IS NOTE BACKWASH OF WATER CONSMUC"O DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE PURFICATION OR SEPTICYSTE WnH GRINDER, WHIRLPOOL RFILTRATION DEVICES MA a? OR TF911 HIGH WA NOT BE DISCHARGE Y YEARSTW LUSE DEVICES. THIS SEPTIC SYSTEM 10 OF APPWVA _._ CMR 15.004 BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS op 1 er z 0 THE APPROVAL BY THIS OFFICE 2 �s DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ELEVATIONS ►'Ul ► CA RT ®� EEFEINSTANLLAT OOF N ANY CHANGED WITHOUT BOARD DARTMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH 0 HEALTH APPROVAL P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM tNOFMq 'c DANIEL . OWNER: DARTMOUTH NATURAL RESOURCES Cti MuL" TRUST, INC. cVIL 41 No. 41757 ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 28, LOT 5 9F SITE LOCATION: 111 SLADES CORNER ROAD 'S AL DARTMOUTH, MA o/ CULUNAN DES. BY: AP SCALE: NTS P.L.S. STAMP ENGINEERING DWN. BY: AP AUBURN - BOSTON - LAKEVILLE.MA anilL CHK. BY: KWH SHEET 1 OF 2 400 MOURN ST., AVEt , ST 01501 50 617-5 - FAX X 617/ a-BO 400 Cww�wn+ ��, eoslorr, uti ozz�5 en/sae-eam rae en/s�e-eoxs ro DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 FILENAME: 2003033-11 SEPTIC. DWG CONTACT PERSON: DAN MULLOY/ANDRE PIMENTEL ADDRESS: 10 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MA. TEL: (508) 946-9911 Q (fl C)0 �I C)� (37 P (,J N N O D(nD w�7� rnm w D A-Ti 0> ar-i wC �rnL7-1D� wD SC7 C7 G7 0(7)r- mmm XA � r- mA-i m= CR2 Oz 2ZC2Z_ r-r-rn0 0 M omm v z0n DA iD i DKMz ry _Zm(? A� w2�*-am cZn� �� X X oDm �� N Imo D-1 KZ z a�i� G ap acn Am�OAz 0 ?=r D D D_+c) Sm rn �r m o�-zi =io wm Z mmNC C;-i� �U) C_ O�nZ �� Z -i r z5-1 mM D Om mmA 0 2 to mK O ooA -v mN Dm r 0 z mAD m-r _rn D N�� wC z0 Z oODo m mr-i DTI >Z0 c�cDn O Dr D rn m r 0 mD D m rnto-t-� O r-- r C(n >0 D 2 m Szk cm = o00 z D OrtN �m F0 D OZA� D ��� O ���Zi m� a r DON zA m z Z rm2 t-z _� mG)� < n pmS a r r-. 0X O D 00 (n p D mrn = z(nD C= aA D �ma rn < mD< r� D m� 0 U)Dr mrn ZC U) ZOO= Dr mm m<a: M 0g X 70 a z O2 mm Dm OLQ 0 Oi� x m,, > m _<M >Ln 0 G) :* z� 7 Omo �r� m zmi mm (n= zZ fan n =� Zam C�LnOD m= Dw-o-iczi) �0 m N m� DO cnv r �Drn �� fir= Dp(nT�p arm m rA Oz r A M� r Dm w ZD -< mA 0cSD D� = X rn- m rD �A m m A z0 gym n�Dw z m �r-K OS O S D G)D mZt D� D mz n Z ww DZ 'la_7rD� C� m Z M rnz -� z z O grn w c D D-1LZ O S a (nD C�1 nD m m(nm O Am �Cn M0m�O �x z O m29D 2: m p Dm o(n OZ AD= r nrn Z� mAKZm wD c� D Z rn Z m m r- z -I 0 D 0 o ZOO Z m A z r� AC) r-\0 = zar- O Z; � wOaD> mm = Z a z >m D m m -40 ;<A m r D -<zmz D D rZa -i-i m m� ;K U) D �mw m Z� c) iCZaN mrn O Oa� zD O �Z Z7 n m Dmm a ar Z m__4D=2 OD Co � r-MF I Z m z z0 *C') � m L/)� D �� z�z U-0 mm m v r m - � _ n<� =.Y O S (n �Z 20 � a Dz� S zm C -Z(nma a� A zJb 03> -I m cn-4 zZ O wmD z C) z w�D CD En- m 0 rnrrrx z-i z om �' -( O<N z =m O rmrlO� <� a (nrm U)--i = D co cn =m m _ rn(nm o 0-0 z A �0z n� y -� mS (nr �m m� O S �Da 0 m� (n w2m 0 CD m O �p -i v Dr rn �D 2 mrn02: �r r n cnz -V) 0Hr- � _0 D� 0 A mr m � mp > Mrn:m= D� Z Drn �C 0 m-r O_ Z C Amm O ZZ r OQm�K z-1 w (n 70 u) �� rm m zZ pm m n zDr<rt m 0C O mm�m� zm OC C �O -Di zZ DO Z 0 �M Ln Z m0F r-�M=r _ 021 M O z rmTrnZ mD 0 � DCD � �� � Dm(n nD Z mm O AD DO m z Zr-=( Z =n mZ�mD 0r O -cD 0 m D0 wZ = --i r-<D O m0 0 0-< ZZ < Oa ter- r0rl < OZ 00 > D rzT1Z_ z zz =i m=>ZK nm rn mz a r- (tea Am r- )0w m �cm7 r o>Mm>zxmz Dm D O D D = Z -i z Dm x D=i m rn c ZA --( wA w z r-n om o m =mm (n r-0 ArOr>w-n am --i a r-m -+ rn MOM =j DZ csr Ocn�2D 0 z D� ITI K wi o0 K m -� C) =i(n 0 �(nmr -i 2K -( �O = D m- mF 'ry a =zA zD rn SOOrC ma Z Z Z w2 nD O Z -I �Dm �_ NZ Cn D m0 C� D rr-Z (n D _n m ® �(An Z O a: 'I X ,-- 09 OA 0 D OM- rm co rD D x�ODw 0 2 O w C r--i r =_uM Om m m0 -i oQ 00 D m_9 O c0 m �==A'� ao z -� D Da mz Z ( O* a K rn �O<n MD G) Ul;u zT. _ -Ti� �� m Z a _uO < Owrn> n rrn oC m� m0 --I r DD A oZ 0 XOA�Z 0m m m0 r m DOC �� D m mpz � �z K MU) 2 D r r -i to to D _i Dn rn zmzzrn S z W Z r S (n (n - p-4 z O �w �D = zK a oCa D m-i�_n w0= \ rz o rwT100 r m o00 L zz r O0Dm> Dm O mm w O c�A w m z� _� 00 n -i<ar oD � 0o m Oa m �-(m Z �w a =_mnm 0-0 m A w zp D mmD_ G7 -per m mmw='p mA D� z D 0Z: D m rn^z � Zz Z OmmZ mm p Zm ornD m p Z cn m -Z a mO Mm r-a � z> o Dw Z=oz "Tl 0 M-q Z� O co O m a D O = 0 zD ml r O nD r- o _u r<Trn O z CA N CLOD zDD -4mr Z WAD rmrr- D NCA yAn Kn� M _(mz Z. r- = S ZM aC paM Zw0 mmM z DWD C) Z _ --1 -0 c I A �2 mr? m0 = D D co zr �l Z Nm r m -0 N I m Dw n Zc m -D wr1 rD w 0 C m Am z <o Z500 w C 1-0 pD DEC m 0z �Z zz �0 Uzoo ) = m -i O 0 m -� K _m (n v =co __ z o= p mN D Z mm zN 0 D 0r mK Z� D ar z -i 0M ow m w 0 rA Z A _ O 0 C)) 4h. 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A N M cn 7� D zp M ar- D w 0 . zA v0 am 0D CDm O Lo 0 m X AZ D C-) r- A m m A (n m _41 rAr1 c7 (n C) z m 2 z� / I 1 i i I i I 'i 1 � ~�""""�• t I I I I I I I I 00 �6 I 1 � I �88.0 I I ' I t+ 1 I 1 / / I t85.1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 , r It / ,!9# 3 A87.7 EXIST. I i' , '�•J SHED /�85.0 SHED � INN, � BENCHMARK IN SPIKE IN TREE ELEV. 86.33 REMAINS A.911.4 p OF l= OUNDA TION !' �' A85. 3 I r , I + 1 /FIN. GR. @ PATIO, CELLAR SLAB ( EDGE ELEV,84.68 "84 9 IN ADDITION - K ELEV.=76.85 4,4,11'..e; I I 1 � po �� 84 � APPROX. LOCATION OF SUMP PUMP ` 1 ; I ELEV.=75.00 r' i 48�. W1 2"-PVC PIPEh8 .3 �"1 p xrS'st �' I op CONNECTED TO 4" loq Q /OS�-o FOUNDATION DRAIN \1Cp y "4"-PVC / aE 7 z 1 ��1� /�-INV,=79.10 - R� - 1 r / p�T/ �Nc r h8 .7 ,87.6 ` 4"-PVC FOUNDATION DRAIN ELEV.=75.85 AROUND DWELLING (SEE FOUNDATION/BASEMENT PLAN A-01) 20 0 20 SCALE: 1 " 40 60 20' A84, 5 :i i PROP. 4" PVC` "�" `I S `` ' A3, r r I I r r r r , r r t83.2 Cb 1 r A84.5 XIS �' r r / � HED I ; ,' ,' ' , 84 II , ,t83.6 ;I I 'r ; l' 6 It r' pC7� F.F. Ff'ST FLR ADQITIO1 , �g I ; I , ELEV. 4.85 / r , ' f r r CELLAR SLAB r7'I pf ti fN IVAIN HOU51- W. No It Nz 1 I ' it I , , `(tL✓ ii r r r r r P fi / I / ,k8Z. 8 1 , / I 1 IV If > ! V 1 I I i I ct� S."do I \ I I +' PROP, 4" PVC i FOUNDATION DRAIN AND PROP, 6" PVC ROOF DRAIN ,82.6 l ! INV.=78.00 11 (SEE DETAIL i O THIS SHEET) i 1 LEND --- --69- - EXISTING CONTOURS 69 PROPOSED CONTOURS x 69.7 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION {y �lrJ. EXISTING TREE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY M1. I r, , MARSH -HAYBALES SHALL BE ACROSS GAPS IN STOP TO EFFECT A SILT BAR _----'--APPROXIMATE 3C NO DISTURB ZON STONE WALL AND 6"-PVC ROOF DRAIN - INV. = 78.64 EXISTING BRIDGE L 0 'l NOTES: 1, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT 1, BLOCK 5 ON THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ASSESSORS' MAP NUMBER 28. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT I ON A PLAN ON RECORD AT THE BRISTOL COUNTY (50.) REGISTRY OF DEEDS IN PLAN BOOK 147, PAGE 74, J. REFER TO BOOK 5426, PAGE 232 ON RECORD AT THE BRISTOL COUNTY (S.D.) REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR TITLE REFERENCE AND FOR REFERENCE TO EASEMENTS BENEFITT/NG AND UPON THE SUBJECT PREMISES. 4. REFER TO A CONSERVATION RESTRICTION ON RECORD AT THE BRISTOL COUNTY (S. D.) REGISTRY OF DEEDS IN BOOK 5426, PAGE 235. 5. LOCATIONS OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND OF THE EXISTING SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ARE TAKEN FROM A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PLAN DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 ON FILE AT THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. 6. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONES C, AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING, AND ZONE A, AREA OF 100-YEAR FLOOD (BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AND FLOOD HAZARD FACTOR NOT DETERMINED), AS SCALED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP OF DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS, COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBERS 250051-0020-C, REVISED JULY 3, 1985, THE AFOREMENTIONED FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP IS PLOTTED AT A SCALE OF 1 '=500' AND, AS SUCH, THE LOCATIONS OF THE FLOOD ZONE LINES ARE TO BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY, 7. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY PRIME ENGINEERING, INC. IN SEPTEMBER OF 2003, 8. VERTICAL DATUM SHOWN IS ASSUMED. 9. THE ADDRESS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY lS 111 SLADE'S CORNER ROAD. P LAN VI EW .E, FLAT STONES 'ED LEVEL WITH AT ELEV. 78.00 ISPERSE FLOW GROUND ELEV. = 78.00 AT PIPE INVERT FILE: 0:\PROJECTS\DARTMOUTH\SLADES CORNER ROAD\7050101 -SUBMITTAL-R14MODIFIED031 107.DWG WHARDA J. WHEAUMN f -aft NO, 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO. 7050' 155'+ TO PROPERTY LINE NOTES: m n PORCH RZHa' \ v N PROPOSED EXIST , JG DWELLINGmo - ADDITION _ _ TO REBUILT PATIO \ \ a }4 c I 27' \. \ G EX1NG \ \ • 300'+ \ \ TO PROPERTY \ \ LINE .\ \ \ • SCALE: 1 "=40' 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT 1 BLOCK 5 ON THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH ASSESSORS' MAP NO. 28. 2. REFER TO BOOK 5426, PAGE 232 ON RECORD AT THE BRISTOL COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS (S.D.) FOR TITLE REFERENCE AND FOR REFERENCE TO EASEMENTS BENEFITTING AND UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. J. THE SUBJECT DWELLING IS LOCATED IN BOTH ZONE C, AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING, AND ZONE A, AREAS OF 100—YEAR FLOOD, AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP OF THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH COMMUNITY —PANEL NUMBER 250051-0020—C MAP REVISED JULY 3, 1985. 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF DARTMOUTH SINGLE RESIDENCE B ZONING DISTRICT. SITE SUMMARY ASSESSORS MAP 28 LOT 1 BLOCK 5 AREA: 540,144 S.F. (APPROX. 12.40 ACRES) I I 9,I�cu 05. xe56 tell,/ NO• Z o I \ \ 9ENGH���E3 \ \ \ \ \ \ I L 0 s?l IN, 86 3 I \ �` \ \ \ \ post• _ \ 3 / 3 II II I \ p(N I i5. >(34 4 REOF nDN i I �ke49 \ \ \\ I m F°UNDA re 0.2 IXNG II\ I \ I � �\ I , l a'b SCALE: 1 "=40' \\� \ n y 8.2 Z 0 I \III •\. ��� I LI3. 1 1' III II ' 76.6\t, H I \ 6 � �• \ 11\I II II \• \� I I l m I I •. \\ E � � � I I � I I Ilm \•• � \ III III I �6. DWELLING �y2 • I I II I I v. \ ® } REBUILT I• � I I III \\ 1 II 3`\ I t iR FLOOR \}� .�79.60 6.5 \ N�\ 3 N, �\ \\ \ B IOG •,\ jol 0: \ PROJECTS \ DARTMOUTH \ SLADES CORNER ROAD \ 7050101—SUBMIT7-AL—R 14MODIFIED03110Z DWG (PLOT PLAN) SCALE: DRAWING TITLE 1 " = 40' PLOT PLAN DATE: 26 FEB 04 PROJECT 111 SLADES CORNER ROAD DRAWN BY: DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS CEE CLIENT DESIGNED BY: JANE TUCKERMAN & HENRY E. FOLEY, JR,' - RJR DARTMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 64x r CHECKED BY: CIVIL ENGINEERING JR *LAND SURVEnNG APPROVRED BY: ' ENVIRONMENTAL RJR ASSESSMENT PRIME ENGINEERING wr P.O. BOX 7088--" SHEEP NO./ 350 BEDFORD ST. ,1 OF 1 LAKEVILLE, MA 01347 TEL: 508.947.0050 PROJECT NO. FAX 508.94Z2004 7050101 RESIDENTIAL 2003 - 2.1 Owner of Record: 5OC 616-'7309 (L- fZY Fa�Y s �vE TJu<E2 MA�U t 0 5c AWS G&�v�v_ L 0Azr#f Name (print) Contact Address yH A p 2 %fig Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number RM M.IsfROORM, 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name Registration Number (if none, state ❑ none❑) Address Si ature Telephone Expiration Date \, 3.3ltr Residential Remodel Work Only ARSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Persons) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered -a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign bel Signature: �—� Your sig ature arries cer n responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability RESIDENTIAL 2003 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Constructio_tt Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) 7-7 f �f c 4 NP ssG=,M Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no ❑ new construction* addition ❑ alteration Prepairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolition (shed/garage) no. of windows doors (specify below): (specify below): x If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms —no. of baths 4 Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 _ no. of baths unit 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 _ no. of baths unit 2 ❑ mace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): R' Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), ]Fuel oil, electricity, other (specify):_ 11?14Tt%7.Af_ 6 AS ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): R-'Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided W-ffot Water: Gas ✓ Electric — Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: ADD L 1 f �/�G Q@t,)M -9 M A-4j rE2 Item 5.Total =(1+2+3+4) (please print) ru 1 S'fi Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant x Estimated Total 1, , as Owner of the to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by erty hereby authorize permit application. Signature of Owner Date `"�- as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing applicati n are truerid'accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed`under the pains a 'j; alties of perjury. Signature of Ov er/4thorized/gent Date `1dg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev_ Tnni—, i lnna 2002 RESIDENTIAL � ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE NON -TRANSFERABLE N 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet): 5. DENS _ ect review worksheet): 6. HOLD reason: y 9. Inspector's Signature: 55 E �" " ME -� ai ��. Applicant informed of abovq Date: Comments:77 r a ;] . UNSPEUTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee: $ ' Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: $l,3 ` 0 TOTAL FEE: 00 Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To:. ' '!D Al . Z/ all " f! �,f C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.re� wpd" P 4 616 L 9 1 Ja� Rev. �l '�.. 7 e C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page j Rev. January 1, 200