BP-46771kjtgr an;fir The combustion system for the P61/P6IA pellet stoves consists of the Pellet Pro Feeder and Burn Pot. Each is covered by a U.S. Patent making them exclusive to Harman. The P61/P61A can burn any brand of wood pellet regardless of the ash content. This allows you to buy lower cost pellets and achieve the same results for less. Our exclu- sive accordion heat exchanger and air-cooled blower housing make it possible for the P61/P61A to produce maximum heat with- out excessive exhaust temperatures. Efficiency can be further enhanced by using 100% outside air for combustion. q®kV_9n#e ;_e Ash removal is quick, easy, and can be done while the stove is in operation. Normally ashes only need to be removed every one to two months. To perform annual cleaning, simply unlatch and remove the blower cover located behind the ash pan. Now the venting system can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and brush. No pellet stove is easier to operate, clean, or maintain than the P61/P61A. Simply set the dial on the ESP Control and the stove will do the rest. Va0W The P61/P61A's high efficiency allows you to burn less fuel to heat the same area as the competitor's stoves. Since the stove adjusts automatically to produce the correct amount of heat, it is the best choice even if you never need 61,000 BTUs. In addition, we use lasers to cut only the finest American -made steel. Then form it with the most accurate forming equipment available. The complete stove is then weld- ed by the most advanced robots currently produced. More compact in size, wider heating range, and easier to use and maintain. That's Real Value. That's the Harman Diffmcnce! i Features • P61A Automatic Ignition • ESP Control • Room Sensor • Patented Feeder • Patented Burn Pot • Large Ash Pan • Swing Open Ash Door Accordion Heat Exchanger • Air -Cooled Combustion Blower • Super Easy Cleaning • Over 100 Square Inches of Glass IQ�t, • Trim Kit - Includes Ash Lip, Door Trim, and Slate/Tile Frame - Choice of Bright Nickel, Gold, or Brushed Stainless • Decorative Slate/Tile - Slate/Tile Frame must be used with Decorative Slate/Tile • Ceramic Logs • Side Heat Shields • Hopper Extension 352 Mountain House Road Halifax, PA 17032 www.harmanstoves.com FILE CON x , BU�ange"`to1,fl00(P61A) Heating Capacity 2,000+ sq. ft..... Hopper Capacity 721b - s with Optional Hopper Extension 1321bs Fuel' B77 ids Mays Pellets Blower Size 135 CFM Weight 249 lbs. >)epth 24 1j2�rn`u safety Testing tensions: Ylby Warnock :'Hersey): 23'rz^E1509 wlVlobife Home- ♦ . BPProved 32-- .. 34— Front View I :ren""e Ay U M Jn Harman's P61/1`61A pellet stoves rely on state-of-the-art technology to automatically adjust themselves to your desired room temperature. Simply pour your pellets into the convenient top -loading hopper and set the temperature dial on your P61/1`61A. If the room is much cooler than the set temperature, the P61/P61A will produce a large fire in order to quickly reach the desired temperature. If only a slight increase is needed, the P61/P61A will burn a small fire. This way, no energy is wasted by overshooting your prede- termined temperature level. On P61A models only, if the room temperature is exceeded by 3 degrees above the set temperature, the P61A will automatically turn off and re- light when the temperature drops below the set temperature. ...,,.. ,goo, ............... , 70°.. 600 ....................... 500 ......... n61 /P61Ar Other r t t After your set temperature is achieved, it is constantly monitored by a sensing probe. If the tempera- ture in the room drops even slightly, the P61/P61A will automatically increase its fire in proportion to the temperature drop. In addition to adjusting tempera- ture levels, the P61/P61A will auto- matically adjust themselves for fuel quality. An ESP (Exhaust Sensing Probe) analyzes the output of the fuel being burned and adjusts the feed rate accordingly to increase fuel quality. SECTION 8 - INSPECTOR'S' REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 1 2. DENIED (see project revie i worksheet): Date: 3. HOLD Reason: Date: 4. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals action: Date: Comments: Inspector's Signature: '/ Date: ECTI N 9'- ` PPLICANT NOTIFICATION //�/Z�6 Applicant informed of ab e: Date: Time: C rk. '�:V,-- Comments: ---,& SECTI N .10 = OFFICE/INSPECTOR'S NOTES Less Application Fee: $25.00 Remaining Balance: $ Total Permit Fee: $ Other $ Amount $ TOTAL FEE: 3D Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. J _ Permit Issued to: /4�e, e SECTION ,11 - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SKETCHES f �U 1.1 Property Address: Nearest Cross Street: Subdivision Name: Total Land Area Sq. Feet: 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c40 4): ❑ Municipal nvate Well SECTIO X-SITE INFORMATION 1.2 Assessors Map &Lot Number: I,// Map Z�0 Lot 1.3 Historical District ❑ Yes ❑ No Has application been submitted to the Historic Commission? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date: 1.5 Sewage Disposal Sy ❑ Municipal On Site Disposal System ❑ CONSTRUCTION PLANS 0YSITE PLAN El ENERGY REPORT RESIDENTIAL SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 er ec rd: n� &SIW v�( d /,:31— Contact Add Phone Number Name (print) 2.2 thor' e g t: Os Contact Address Phone Number Name (print) 3 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 3.1 Licensed Construction supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supe isor: {� License Number: Address: ;v expiration Date: / Telephone P hone 7 3.2 Registered Home Impro I ement Contractor: ` �� / Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ Yes a4011 If No, go to the next section! Are you claming exemption f�om the requirements? ❑ Yes M411 If Yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name: �- �9 egistration Number (if none, state "none"): Address: Signature: ..�.-�- Telephone: 1 Expiration Date: 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only 7 7 I PERSONS CONTRACTING ITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, 617-727-8598 ❑ 1 am a Homeowner performing all the work myself. Owners Name (print): Signature: By signing the above, the homeowner acknowledges that there will be no eligibility to the Guaranty Fund Date: 3.4 Homeowner Exemption -One & Two Family Only FOR HOM OWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervisingllpersons or structures, unless he or she is licensW engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performi g work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such, work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, Homeowner' is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or ty one home in a two-year period shall notl fo family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this ection sign below: Signature: Your signature carries certain responsibilities, including but not necessarily limited to, general liability NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Constructioi aupervlsor, wnetner or not tney nave taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4 -`WORKER'SCOMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (MGL c 152 §'25) Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Check all applicable) ❑ Deck ❑ Pool ❑ Repairs ❑ Alteration ❑ Chimney/Fireplace dstove/Pellet Sto ❑ New Construction" ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Roofing/Siding ❑ Other (Energy report required) (Shed/Garage) (Specify below) ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement window/door ❑ Demolition (Energy report required) No. of windows _ Doors _ (Specify below) "If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: No. of Bedrooms No. of Baths Two Family: No of Bedrooms Unit 1 No. of Baths Unit 1 No of Bedrooms Unit 2 No. of Baths Unit 2 ❑ Furnace (hot air) fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): _ ❑ Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided ❑ Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Description of proposed work: Other Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Total = 0 + 2 + 3 + 4) (Please nt -y- 1,� I�� U, as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize�(% to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Al nature of Owner Date I.� , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foreg ing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sficinature of O er/Authorized Anent n ,