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Notice of Intent
SOIL LOG TP #1 g ELEV,- ,n1n -7 r V (A )FINE �. ,� ��.� ,�' '' �.a � � r" 13" LOAMY SAND {r< (B FINE. ._ F r E w LOAMY SAND 32 (Cl) 50"- - - - - -- MEDIUM SAND a ;' 2 c e �;-` •'. " MEDIUM SAND 98 o F r FINE SAND 112 (C ) FINE SAND PERCOLATION RATESi Qmin,/In; LOCUS MAP SCALE. N.T.S. GROUND WATER DEPTHi 156'(NONE OBSERVED) ELL= 89,7 ila VTAPERCOLATION TEST TAKEN, 9/12/96 CORREIA'S ENGINEERING INC, �r F SOIL EVALUATOR; JIM WALSH - 'ta' INS PECTORi CHRIS MICHAUD 104 !i 03 1 {� 1 I f 102 <�` .� i+ f X DESIGNDATA + may: f - GENERAL NOTES. ! 0 _ _- .._ - I. All work must be in accordance with th �� �� �t ,.� Syr DESIGN PERCH 2t�tin,/in, Class 1 SOILS h e Massachusetts Department o n { Environmental Protection Re ulations 3?0 CMR > 1.00 & ?S.00? Title V 9 ( _ o cr DESIGN FLOW 4BR, x 110 GPD/BR - 440GP'D and an local Board o Health Modifications. - a .f ,f� 2. No modifications shall be made LEACH AREA, 26 X29 X1 .� to this system without prior written. approval by the engineer and the local :Board of �Iealth. �LA 28 ' f 3. Engineer and the Board o Health must inspect the completed steam -�2 �,. � i. ��._-_ � ._. CALCULATIONS, 26 X29 X0,74gpols,f. 558gpd � "�' �' � LpT ;a _,� :. —, prior to ba ckfilling. ,Lf. _ -"" 4. Elevati shplan are bused on an assunwd datum oum on . J 5. Heavy equipment shall not be run over the disposal stem. } 6. All unsuitable soil is to be excavated from the Leaching Area 10 104 y as shown on plan, and backfilled with clean gravel or coarse sand f 1 1 as specified in 310 CMR 15.255(2). ) _ t 7. Washed crushed stone shall be free of iron, fines and dust, 8. Septic tank, distribution box, etc. shall be manufactured by Rotondo & Sons Inc. or approved equal; and installed per manufacturer's specifications., ° .. r t 1 Grout shall be used , to provide a water tight seal at all Dints where e 01 enters or leaves a concrete structure. 9 3p 0. Outlet distribution lines shall be level .for a minixrrurra, of the ,first two feet r r �U • / ` CIF of their length as specified in 310 CMR 15.232(3). ` 10; A Board of Health certificate of Compliance as required by 310 CMR 15.021 ' must be obtained by contractor upon completion of work. 11. Distribution lines to be capped at outlets. 12This system, is not designed for a Barba �� r LEGEND r 4 P,VZ, WIPE SCHL., 40 (TIGHT JOINTS) L) �SEPTIC FANK �5 - '56 EXISTING CONTOURS t J • `� PROPOSED CONTOURS DISTRIBUTION BOXQ _ ! RESERVE LEACH AREA �..�. TEST PIT \n/ - WATER LINE WATER TABLE TEST WELL B.M. BENCH MARK �- t L 18" MIN; ' I o00000000 2'- WASHED CRU�HED STONE 1/$'-1/2 ooa®000a i f I r _ „ lc ` BOARD OFHEALTH STAMPS O O O„AvHED D Si�tO ,u.20 OUCSM3t4 -1 /oa o a.�L aO�OOO 6r=.S " 'r Oft OF DARTMOUTH 2( EVE:.: -S ate TYPICAL LEACHING FIELD X--SECTION F -• -101 T 6,0 20 Not To Scale T TOP of FOUNDATION -- -- - �0.RRFIA'S ; EArC t F FRINC I 'f.'. i - W9 0 INT FEET LEV.= 104.37 1 inch 30 ft. i BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS ' 103,5 103,5 102.5 PROPOSED A. 102.0 VENT. 1 . _X Y- ;. ti. 92 @1,7/. 10 @2.0% ,. ... :... y,,. - r f4- z' WASHED STON ---.. - ' REPAIR -� - 7 ,. STAMP 82 4 SCHL 4ii VC o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _� .yes, o a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 LI UID LBVBL 4 O SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ;. 99.32 A 41 r i „ ➢� 101 0 0p 6" ,. 4 1 11,2' WASHED STl1N J o c > e .. -.. a•. ..,.._ 4 V �J v ".✓ ,.,,.1 ... 1..! V w v �. .J i../ 0 1./ _,_.,� F EXISTING . P.v.c. SANITARY TE'�S— II i t o a o o v o o 0 a o o c� v o o t,,{.. � OWNER, EVELYN COMANDURAS 99.55 0 o 0 0 o o o 0 a o o C, o 0 0© o _ r � F 'vim 101.50 4� min o Q o 0 o a o o o s_ _ o u 0 0 o Q v o 0 o O o . UDI 0 a 4W - 9 S00 GA DN 99,72 s2 , _ o o o o �, c: o 0 0 a �, c o Q o 0 0 98,82 � aI-MEIRa ... .. LL 99.46 .__ _ �� n �� 4 ASSESSORS MAP#28 LOT#72 a PRECAST CONCRETECIVIL zgj�- SEPTIC TANK 101,25No. a762-3 STREET LOCATIONS 842 ROCK O DlJNDEE ROAM ..:. , DISTRIBUTION -BOX !—! ! 1— i I l I I i-11 i 11 I I Il 1 1 I; I I'=�111 LEVEL STABLE .BASS _ IrTr_. Cc�rre�,a s EZn,e, 6" CRUSHED STONE ON MECHANIC_AG 89.7 LAND SUlti ING COMPACTED LEVEL STABLE BASF' P.L ,. , STAMP 8 Grinnell Stree South Dartmouthq MA. CIVIC B'NCII'V2'NRIxG 02748-23t 4' SUBDII?SiONS Tstep►em�e (508) 9g8-U62 5IT2 ,PLANS Fax (508) 998-805.2 AS --BUILT PUNS � TYPICAL PROFILE F A S E L SYSTEM Joseph B. Correla III Pres. & .lasepfa E. Correia IV SIB. _ _ - _ _ _. __ - A 10/10/9 NOT E not to scale CONTACT PERSON! JOSEPH E. CORREIA , t void mistakes the raker canna guarantee agar st human error, the contractor rust ver,-Py all. dernens;ons and details prior to any construction, �Jh,te every attempt has been rode o a F Any conf l,cts shalt be brought to the attention of CORREIA'S ENGINEERING INC, prior tc: construction or excavation.