Minutes -VARIANCE-Cont August 8
Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
(508) 910-1868
Board Members
Halim Choubah, P.E., Chairman
Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk
Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
HEARING DATE: August 8, 2017
(Continued from June 27, 2017)
CASE NO: 2017-11
SUBJECT PROPERTY: 57 Lakeside Avenue
DISTRICT: Single Residence B and Aquifer Zone III
Map: 186 Lot: 26
REGISTRY OF DEEDS: Book: 8585 Page: 238
PRESENT: The Board: Chairman Halim Choubah P.E., Michael Medeiros, Esq., Clerk and Robert Gardner, Jr., Member
ASSOCIATE BOARD MEMBERS: Dr. Rahim Aghai and Alvin Youman Esq.
Zoning Staff Assistant/Principal Clerk: Michelle Vieira
ALSO PRESENT: Ryan W. Bone, Property Owner
6:25 PM Chairman Choubah opened the hearing
LEGAL AD: Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 6:30 P.M. in Meeting Room 304, Town Hall, 400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA on the petition
of Joseph L. Michaud, who is seeking a Variance from the requirements of Section 4B.400 with regard to area, frontage and setback requirements. The Petitioner is requesting to subdivide
an existing lot into two separate lots. The proposed subdivision would result in lot areas of 1,589 sq. ft. and 3,411 sq. ft. and frontage of 28.52’ and 21.48’. The property is located
at 57 Lakeside Avenue in the Single Residence B District and identified on Assessor’s Map 186 as Lot 26. Information is on file in the office of the Board of Appeals and may be seen
upon request. (Section 4B.400 Development Standards)
ADVERTISED: The Notice for public hearing was published in The Dartmouth Chronicle on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, revised Wednesday, June 14, 2017 and Wednesday, June 21, 2017.
ABUTTER’S LIST: Robert Gardner, Jr. motioned to waive the reading of the abutter’s list into the record, Michael Medeiros seconded by. Motion passed unanimously. A certified abutter’s
list is available for review in the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Variance application time stamped with the Town Clerk on May 19, 2017
Schedule of Departmental Payment of Fees To Collector’s Office
Certified Abutter’s List
Vision Appraisal Card
Letter from Planning Director John P. Hansen, Jr. dated May 30, 2017
Tax Collectors form
Approved ANR (Approval Not Required) by Planning Board dated May 1, 2017
Site Plan prepared by Romanelli Associates, Inc. dated March 20, 2017
Chairman Choubah invited the Petitioner or Representative to present the case.
Ryan Bone, Property Owner stated that his Attorney, Joseph Michaud had a prior commitment and couldn’t attend tonight’s hearing and is requesting a continuance.
Robert Gardner, Jr. made a motion to accept the request to continue Variance Case # 2017-11 until September 5, 2017. The motion was seconded by Michael Medeiros. The motion passed unanimously.
6:30 P.M. Hearing adjourned
Michelle Vieira
Zoning Staff Assistant/Principal Clerk
Zoning Board of Appeals
Date of approval: ________________