Zoning ReviewFINISHED GARAGE FLOOR 77.5 FINISHED FIRST FLOOR 79.9 TOP OF FOUNDATION ' 78.8 FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR 70.3 INVERT AT FOUNDATION 75.81 INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 75.59 INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 75.34 INVERT INTO D-BOX 74.86 INVERT OUT OF D-BOX . 74.64 INVERT AT INLET OF FIELD 74.59 INVERT AT END OF FIELD 74.4 ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTE 73.9 ELEVATION OF G.W.T. .0 69.9 LOT 8-2 Test Pit #101 (perc depth 110" 16 min/inch) 0 - 13" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3 FRIABLE 13 - 38" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/6 FRIABLE 38 - 106" CI, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3, FINE, FIRM, COBBLES 106"- 154" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4. FIRM, COBBLES Test Pit #102 (perc depth 69" 7 min/inch) 0 -1 I" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3 FRIABLE I I" - 38" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/6 FRIABLE 38" - 71" Cl, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3 FINE, FIRM, COBBLES 71" - 130" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4, FIRM, COBBLES MOTTLING: TP 101 AT 47", TP 102 AT 48" 7.5Y 5/8 SEEPAGE: NONE PERFORMED BY: LEN POTTER R.S. ON 9-3-97 WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD -0- 29/63 �,. FINISHED GRADE 77.6 12"• 75.59 SEPTIC TANK 49' S= 0.01 D-BC 75.34 74.86 4,• SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE-� OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE LOT 8-1 Test Pit IOISE 0 - 10" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 3/4, FRIABLE 10" - 28" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 6/6. FRIABLE 28" - 56" B2, SILT LOAM, IOYR 7/6, FIRM 58" - 94" Cl. SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 6/4, FIRM W/COBBLES 94" - 140" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3. FIRM W/COBBLES Test Pit # 102 SE 0 - 10" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3, FRIABLE 10 - 30" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 6/6. FRIABLE 30 - 85" Cl. SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3, FIRM W/COBBLES 85 - 129" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4, FIRM W/COBBLES MOTTLING: TP IOISE AT 45", TP 102SE AT 50" 7.5YR 5/8 PERFORMED BY: LEN POTTER R.S. ON 9-3-97 WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD te�5.1lilt 74.4 4' r ALTERNATIVE POLYETHYLENE UNITS MAY BE USED. OVERALL FIELD SIZE RCMAINS THE SAME. LOT 8-1 Test Pit #101 (perc depth 96",7 min/inch) 0 - 10" LOAM 10" - 34" SUBSOIL 34" - 96" FINE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES 96" - 150" MED-COARSE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES WATER AT 144" Test Pit #102 (perc depth 102; 14 min/inch) 0 - 10" LOAM 10" - 24" SUBSOIL 24" - 62" FINE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES 62" - 154" MED-COARSE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES WATER AT 144" PERFORMED BY: R.S. FENNESSY ON 6-25-91 WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN 3 ro 6A 63_ 65 LOT 8-2 6�-- - - - - - - 43,5G0 s.f. 100' 66----- 7 100 BUFFER LINE SEE NOTE # 12 EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL WITHIN ?2--- 5' HORIZONTALLY OF THE LEACHING AREA io FROM THE PEA STONE COVER DOWN TO 0 EL. 65.0 (100"± BELOW EXIST. GRADE) 0 EXCAVATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EXTEND DEEPER IF UNIFORM SUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOT ENCOUNTERED AT EL. 65.0 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF -EXISTING S.A,S. TpLo1 TP 102 -N- BAKERVILLE W- WG-&I SUP 29/62 HYD? W SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30' W GENERAL NOTES: a.. 1- CLEAN "WASHE�STONE 'S 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN TONE !h✓ _ 3' r-O' +' ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CNIR 15 (TITLE V) of the State 12" M1N, g- DOUBLE Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. An1110DIFICATION j " • ' '�!�' ,J; L74.9 1 N �4 STAINLESS y I-TTO TI11S DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board hrlN I TEE ►� 5'-4"CLAMPS of Health prior to implementation. 1 EL. 74.4 4 _6.. +� 4'-3" STAINLESS ,a • 10'-0" GAS BAFFLE 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHNIARK as shown on this plan prior to END 1 Q I + • • ; OR EQUIVALENT construction of the proposed system. CAP 1 I EL73.9 EXIST. �,.�.,pp 4 T: GIRD. 73.0 6'a !:%:':: ,. )..r ..• �`: 7.�' a ►. ' ' ' t I 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to (SAND OV[RDIG •\ -� �- II = I (! _ (I I 10'-6' r , y • \ y any backfrlling. If CONFIRN[ATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required by an \ 4' I 8.3' V MAX. DWATER �ELS9.9 96" engineer, notify this office 3 days prior to any backfilling. PRECAST 1500 GAL, SEPTIC TANK 4• DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and ' water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDNVATER or PERCHED NVATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. EASIS OPLANITARY DES LOT 8-1 43,560 s.f._ 66 ?"t- - - - - -- 193' J 2' 40' 32' PROP. 3 BDRM. TP OtSE DWELLING TP101 4'40_ i g' T Ir O 72 PROP. 1500 GAL PTIC TANK - - 124.0' / 0 TP 2015E \ -- 73 40' RESERVE 167.13' _ 74 ROAD 29/61 UP 29/60 BENCHMARK: � NAIL SET IN 20" TREE ELEV = 76.53 N.G.V.D. 69 70 71 68 IGN 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEIIIENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised BUILDING USAGE: 3 BDRM. DWELLING but NOT LONVERED without the consent of the engineer. FROM SIZE OF TANK: 1500 GAL. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the SEPTIC GARBAGE GRINDER: NO use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. TANK CLOTHES WASHER: YES ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GAL/DAY 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an LOT 8-27P 10114 MIN/INCH, TP 102 7 MIN/INCH,TP201SEp=22 min/inch PERCOLATION RATE: effluent or grinder pump conforming to 310 CN[R 15.229 may be used to discharge A I LOT 8-1: TP 10116 MIN/INCH, TP 102 7 MIN/INCHTP202SEp=22 min/inch DESIGN PERC. RATE: VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLONN' from any basement I I 25 MIN/INCH, CLASS II facilities to the septic tank. I 3 SETS OF 6 CONTACTOR 75 I IUNITS W/4" PERF. PIPE I I aEND CAPS LEACHING AREA: 8. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those I 16.5' WIDTH X 52' LENGTH= 858 S.F. components shall conform to all state & local requirements for ASSHTO 11-20 loading. p q I 52' I I I 9. SYSTEM CAPACITY: The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this 50' I design plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH I _ I I ±" 2" CLEAN WASHED STONE 858 S.F. X 0.40 GAL/SF/DAY= 343 GAL/DAY GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 CAIR I W/PEA STONE COVER 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built u to within 6" of the p Ifinished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. I I I DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION 10. SEPTIC TANK and DISTRIBUTION BOX shall be placed on a 6" minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL JOINTS 1\1UST BE 1� LU PVC END CAP PERFORMED BY: KEVIN SILVA WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that specific WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN 8 CHRIS MICHAUD (TP IOISE 13 1025E1 component. 1.5' 6' 6' 1.5' DATE: 4-7-981 -9-3-98 8 9-4-98 IL SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FORTHE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall conform to 310 C1INIR 15.246 & 15.247. 6.5' Test Pit #2005E (EL. 73.0) 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2, FRIABLE 12. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE IN1ATERIAL designated on the plan shall 12" - 31" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8, FRIABLE conform to Construction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CntR 15.255 (1-6). LEACHING AREA DETAIL 31' - 75" Cl. SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/3, FIRM, STONES, COBBLES, BOULDERS, 13. No HEAVY EQUIPNIENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOTTLING area during installation. RUBBER TIRE IN1ACHINERY arc not to be driven over the NOT "0 SCALE 75" - 132" C2, SANDY LOAM/LOAMY SAND STRATIFIED prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. STONES a COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND I 14. For proper performance, the septic tank should be INSPECTED annually and when SEEPAGE AT 48"(EL. 69.0) PERC DEPTH AT 96" (EL. 65.0) the solids and scum depth exceeds 1\3 of the liquid depth, or three years !:: s elapsed MOTTLES AT 46" (EL. 69.17) STANDING WATER AT 103" since the last pumping, the tank and the leaching pit (if any) should be pumped. Test Pit # 201 (EL. 73.4) 15. No wells were found to be within 200' of the proposed leaching area. 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2. FRIABLE 12" - 40" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8. FRIABLE 40" - 100" Cl. SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/3, FIRM, STONES, COBBLES, BOULDERS, POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOTTLING 100" - 150" C2, SANDY LOAM/LOAMY SAND STRATIFIED STONES 8 COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND SEEPAGE AT 42" (EL. 69.9) PERC DEPTH AT 94" (EL. 65.57) MOTTLES AT 42" (EL. 69.9) STANDING WATER AT 103" REVISED ON 6-22-98 ADJUSTED FIELD LOCATION. ADDED TP RESULTS BY K.J.S. LEGENP EXISTING PROPOSED Ip0 -- - - CONTOURS loo SIX 9 SPOT ELEVATION ,,V91.1 PROPERTY LINE - EP• EDGE OF PAVEMENT-E.P. STONE WALL WELL 0 ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH-� PLUMBING PIPE f BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS TOWN OF DARTM N ZONING V D f N - A Qy .ham :s Must SMisubmitted SEE REPORT f Reviely 5 � v P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM_ OWNER: CHRISTOPHER O'NEIL OF y KENN ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 29, LOT 8-1 �' YL STREET LOCATION: BAKERVILLE ROAD F� ENGINEERING FIRM: K E NNETH R. FERREIRA P.L.S. STAMP ENGINEERING, INC. OF Mgss9� KENNETyGu, DATE: 4-21-98 SE 9162 m� o R. v FERREIRA - No.28716 CONTACT PERSON: KEVIN SILVA 9FISTER tt O s%NA��a ADDRESS: 46 FOSTER ST., NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02741 TEL: 508 992-0020 FAX: 992-3374 SE 9162 �� FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR 75.9- FINISHED FIRST FLOOR 79.0± TOP OF FOUNDATION ' FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR 78.0± 70,0± INVERT AT FOUNDATION 75.81 INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 75.56 INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 75.34 INVERT INTO D-BOX 74.66 INVERT OUT, OF D-BOX INVERT AT INLET OF FIELD 74.59 INVERT AT END OF FIELD 74.4 ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTE 73.9 ELEVATION OF G.W.T. 69.9 -0 29/63 -•- FINISHED GRADE 77.6 74.64 SEPTIC TANK 49' S= 0.01 u-rjt 75.34 74.66 4" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE-' OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE C" PERF. PVC 74.59 4' I ALTERNATIVE POLYETHYLENE UNITS MAY BE USED. OVERALL FIELD SIZE RCMAINS THE SAME. 74.4 CLEM • ---WASHEn STONE PEAS -TONE 4.9 •• • 'tip:• ��! j�!1,• �. END CAP r. •�..;�.J� EL.73.9 SAND ., • MAX. GROUNDWATER 63 • . �� j�.�--- 64 63_ � 65 4-_- LOT B-2 - - LOT 8-1 - - - - _ - 43,56) S.f. 43,5`60 s 100' I 66-- - - ----- - - - - - J LINE 1 �' 7 100' BUFFR j 68 69 SEE NOTE * 12 EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL WITHIN 7?� 5' HORIZONTALLY OF THE LEACHING AREA FROM THE PEA STONE COVER DOWN TO h EL. 65.0 (100"± BELOW EXIST. GRADE) EXCAVATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EXTEND DEEPER IF UNIFORM SUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOT ENCOUNTERED AT EL. 65.0 I T�01 •1? 102 BAKERVILLE W- WG SUP 29/62 HYDP" PROP. 3 BDRM. TP OISE DWELLINGTP101 02 PROP. -t7,6 1500 GAL - SEPTIC if TANK 77 6 i 2SE iO c� N 124.0' v POSE �P 77.1 _ FSTPols - 73 0 0 2' 167.13' _ 74 ROAD 29/61 LT BENCHMARK: •_0 29/60 NAIL SET IN 20" TREE ELEV.= 76.53 N.G.V.D. SITE PI'AN. SCALE: I" = 30'j 70 Note: FROM SEPTIC TANK � II II I f I I 39.5' i I 37.5' I I I I I I I I I � 1.5' 1 G' 6' 1.5' -16.5' 4'-6.. - •' �• 4'-3" STAINLESS 10'-0" GAS BAFFLE -OR EQUIVALENT 101-61 PRECAST 1500 GAL, SEPTIC TANK 6r%%J OF SANITARY DESIGN BUILDING USAGE 3 BDRM. DWELLING SIZE OF TANK: .1500 GAL. GARBAGE GRINDER: NO CLOTHES WASHER: YES ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GAL/DAY PERCOLATION RATE: LOT 8-2:TP 10114 MIN/INCH, TP 102 7 MiN/INCH, LOT 8-1: TP 10116 MIN/INCH, TP 102 7 MIN/INCH DESIGN PERC. RATE: 20 MIN/INCH 3 SETS OF 6 CONTACTOR 75 LEACHING AREA: UNITS W/4" PERF. PIPE 6 END CAPS 16.5' WIDTH X 39.5' LENGTH= 652 S.F. SYSTEM CAPACITY: 4 - 2 - CLEAN WASHED STONE 652 S.F. X 0.53 GAL/SF/DAY= 345 GAL/DAY W/PEA STONE COVER DEEP TEST PIT INFORMATION LEACHING AREA DETAIL NOT 10 SCALE END CAP In as much as the SAS is being set over the Soil Evaluation Holes and not thl Test Holes where the Percolation rate was established, the design rate wa raised to 20min/inch. The Soil Evaluations Performed in the SAS locatiol confirms the Soil Conditioes which meet or exceed those found in th Percolation Test Holes in bothl parcels 8-1 and 8-2 (on file at the BOH). Thi determination is subject to Bard of Health Inspection Approval. i i - PERFORMED BY: KEVIN SILVA WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN 8 CHRIS MICHAUD DATE: 4-7-98 Test Pit #200SE (EL. 73.0) 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2, FRIABLE 12" - 31" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8, FRIABLE 31" - 75" CI, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/3, FIRM, STONES, COBBLES, BOULDERS, POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOT7lING 75" - 132" C2, LOAMY SAND, IOYR 6/3. FIRM, COARSE, GRAVELLY, STONES 8 COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND SEEPAGE AT 4&'(EL. 69.0) MOTTLES AT 46" (EL. 69.17) Test Pit # 201 (EL. 73.4) 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2. FRIABLE 12" - 40" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8, FRIABLE 40" - 100" Cl, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/3, FIRM, STONES, COBBLES, BOLLDERS, POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOTTLING 100" - 150" C2, LOAMY SAND, IOYR 6/3. FIRM. COARSE, GRAVELLY, STONES 8 COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND SEEPAGE AT 42" (EL. 69.9) MOTTLES AT 42" (EL. 69.9) I --�� /�/iw ••jjCC U �_-� ,c'-� � = 75 i• • E r $ � I as � - :. M\ U - X Gravel A O r \ w 11 1 ' a I � � asp '� M .,, rr �i � • -"' �'•� 7 - ♦ , OI • 1/j LOCUS MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGENp EXISTING PROPOSED Ioo - - - - CONTOURS loo 91 X 9 SPOT ELEVATION N9u -'-"- PROPERTY LINE Ep• EDGE OF PAVEMENT-E.P. STONE WALL _ WELL O O DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE V G 1\ li 1\t1 L/ 1\ V 1 1a�7 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE V) of the State Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any NIODiFICATION TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board of Health prior to implementation. 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK as shown on this plan prior to construction of the proposed system. 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to any backfiliing. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required by an engineer, notify this office 3 days prior to any backfilling. 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified at the time of construction. The contractor shall notify the local Board of Health if GROUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an effluent or grinder pump conforming to 310 CMR 15.229 may be used to discharge A VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any basement facilities to the septic tank. S. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY. DUTY, those components shall conform to all state & local requirements for ASSHTO H-20 loading. 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this design plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tankconstruction shall conform to 310 CNIR 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. 10. SEPTIC TANK and DISTRIBUTION BOX shall be placed on a 6"- minimum compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL -JOINTS MUST BE WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that specific component. 11. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall conform to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. 12. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERiAL.designated on the plan shall conform to Construction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CNIR 15.255 (1-6). 13. No HEAVY EQUIPMENT shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. 14.' For proper performance, the septic tank should be INSPECTED annually and when the solids and scum depth exceeds 113 of the 'liquid depth, or three years has elapsed since the last pumping, the tank and the leaching pit (if any) should be pumped. BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS TOWN OF DARTMOUTH O II IEVIEWED Any. Chngps Must Be F� SEE IIEPORT Woof R0Vs %,J MAY 1.91998 , By � P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I"OFMgS �._ -OWNER: CHRISTOPHER O'NEIL KENNETH R. FERREASSESSORS MAP & LOT: M AP 29, LOT 8-1 • IRA 9�CIf 5835 STREET LOCATION: BAKERVILLE ROAD GISTEQ -ENGINEERING FiRM: KENNETH R. FERREIRA P.L.S. STAMP ENGINEERING, INC. `J"OF A SE 9162 DATE:4-21-98 >QP gssq� �� 1ZE'NNEi1{ tiN bRaCn CONTACT PERSON: KEVIN .SILVA ADDRESS:46 FOSTER ST.. NEW BEDFORD. MA. 0274 a TEL: 508 992-0020. FAX: 9.92-3374 SE 9i62 ' rr*Tr. it ♦ i 1►T/\T1r0 FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR 70,8 FINISHED FIRST FLOOR 79.9 TOP OF FOUNDATION ' 78.8 FINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR 70.8 INVERT AT FOUNDATION 75.81 INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 75.59 INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 75.34 INVERT INTO D-BOX 74.86 INVERT OUT OF D-BOX . 74.64 INVERT AT INLET OF FIELD 74.59 INVERT AT END OF FIELD 74.4 ELEVATION OF BOT. OF SYSTEN 73.9 ELEVATION OF G.W.T. .0 69.9 LOT 8-2 Test Pit #101 (perc depth 110" 16 min/inch) 0 - 13" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3 FRIABLE 13 -38" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/6 FRIABLE 38 - 106" Cl. SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3, FINE, FIRM, COBBLES 106"- 154" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4. FIRM, COBBLES Test Pit #102 (perc depth 89" 7 min/inch) -I I" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3 FRIABLE II" - 38" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/6 FRIABLE 38" - 71" Cl. SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3 FINE, FIRM, COBBLES 71" - 130" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4, FIRM, COBBLES MOTTLING: TP 101 AT 47 TP 102 AT 48" 7.5Y 5/8 SEEPAGE: NONE PERFORMED BY: LEN POTTER R.S. ON 9-3-97 WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE = 11.6% �;. FINISHED GRADE 5.61 ,,. t S= 0.02 . 75.59 SEPTIC '.. TANK 77.6 C- PERF. PVC 12"± / 74.64 74.59 Lis 49' S= 0.01 D-BO = 8'0 0°0 0 0 a 0° ' 'q 75.34 =OD5 m ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 74.66 '•� s `rI 4' .i ALTERNATIVE POLYETHYLENE UNITS MAY BE USED. OVERALL FIELD SIZE RCMAINS THE SAME. 4•' SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE-' OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE LOT 8-1 Test Pit IOISE 0 - 10" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 3/4. FRIABLE 10" - 28" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 6/8, FRIABLE 28" - 58" 82, SILT LOAM, IOYR 7/8, FIRM 58" - 94" Cl, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 6/4, FIRM W/COBBLES 94" - 140" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3, FIRM W/COBBLES Test Pit # 102 SE 0 - 10" Ap, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 4/3, FRIABLE 10 - 30" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 6/8, FRIABLE 30 - 85" Cl. SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/3, FIRM W/COBBLES 85 - 129" C2, SANDY LOAM, 2.5Y 7/4, FIRM W/COBBLES MOTTLING: TP IOISE AT 45", TP 102SE AT 50" 7.5YR 5/8 PERFORMED BY: LEN POTTER R.S. ON 9-3-97 WITNESSED BY: CHRIS MICHAUD LOT 6-1 Test Pit #101 (pert depth 96",7 min/inch) 0 - 10" LOAM 10" - 34" SUBSOIL 34" - 96" FINE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES 96" - 150" MED-COARSE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES WATER AT 144" Test Pit #102 (perc depth 104 14 min/inch) 0-10"LOAM 10" - 24" SUBSOIL 24" - 62" FINE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES 62" -154" MED-COARSE SAND, SOME SILT, STONES WATER AT 144" PERFORMED BY: R.S. FENNESSY ON 6-25-91 WITNESSED BY: SUSAN GRIFFIN 3 63 •-.�_ • ........ / 64 LOT 8-2 �-- - - - - - - 43 560 s.f. 100, LOT 8-1 43,560 s f. 74.4 V lil \ ♦i 1\!'11J 1\ V 1 LiU a. !.. CLEAN 4'-12 1. 1. 8'-2' �'� .„ ,I.1 ..�.1� � ; ,1'i'•'i lsri� aq' ' "� '"' " " ` ''" " "' ;�' 1. The sanitary sewage disposal system shown hereon shall be CONSTRUCTED IN ----'•WASHES STONE-- -' PEASTONE Ili' - 76 a- r-o" ACCORDANCE with the requirements of 1995 310 CMR 15 (TITLE NJ of the State 12' MIN. 6-ME) rwlN 7,- DOUBLE Environmental Code and local Board of Health regulations. Any MODIFICATION ,z. L749 10" ��� -C�NLESS TO THIS DESIGN must be approved in writing by the engineer and the local Board ,y�, !. I-T� PS 5'-4" of Health prior to implementation. 4'-6" EL. 74.4 ; : '_: TEE `� 1.14 4'-3" STAINLESS GAS BAFFLE 2. Contractor shall verify and check the BENCHMARK as shown on this plan prior to END + '; -OR EQUIVALENT construction of the proposed system. CAP Q 1 EL 73.9W. EXIST. GIRD. 73.0 ' a: SAND OVCRDIG �\ II = (I=11 it • :- 1 `' •: -' I = ''' - ~` '' I _ 10'-6' 3. Notify the local Board of Health when the system is ready for INSPECTION, prior to an backfillina. If CONFIRMATION OF CONSTRUCTION is required by an W i ' ' ,_ i r y r engineer, notify this office 3 days to any backfilling. 4' prior 8.3' MAX. GROUNDWATER �EL69.9 961, G 1 PRECAST 1500 GAL. SEPTIC 4. DEEP TEST HOLE INFORMATION indicates soil condition, percolation rate, and ' .TANK water table elevation at the time and location of actual testing and should be verified iEL g5.0 t th t' f t t' Th t t h 11 +N' the local Board of Health if _---_ �'- _--- '- _�67 100 BUFFER LINE 130' SEE NOTE # 12 EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL WITHIN 5' HORIZONTALLY OF THE LEACHING AREA (a °) _ FROM THE PEA STONE COVER DOWN TO h EL. 65.0 (100"t BELOW EXIST. GRADE) N EXCAVATION MAY BE REOUIRED TO EXTEND DEEPER IF UNIFORM SUITABLE MATERIAL IS NOT ENCOUNTERED AT EL. 65.0 APPROXIMATE LOCATION - - - - - --- OF -EXISTING S.A.S. W 16' DECK - �; 40' 69 16. PROPOSED IISE 3 BDRM. �101 DWELLING - - 4' »� ■ Ir TP* 2 4s' PROP. - / 1500 GALMC � TAI�IC 72 TP 1102 / All N165 TP OISE - 73 \ ` W 40' RESERVE 167.13' _ 74 BAKERVILLE W ROAD W UP 29/60 wG UP 29/62P 29/61 BENCHMARK: -0- LIP 29/63-0- NAIL SET IN 20" TREE HYD ELEV.= 76.53 N.G.V.D. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30' 69 70 71 FROM SEPTIC TANK I 52' I I 50' I 1.5' G' 16,5' a e Ime o cons rut Ion. a con rat or s a no y GROUNDWATER or PERCHED WATER is encountered at a higher elevation than indicated on this design plan. BASIS OF SANITARY DESIGN 5. TOP OF FOUNDATION, BASEMENT and FIRST FLOOR elevations may be raised but NOT LOWERED without the consent of the engineer. BUILDING USAGE: 3 BDRM. DWELLING SIZE OF TANK: 1500 GAL. 6. Unless specified in the Basis of Sanitary Design, this system is NOT designed for the GARBAGE GRINDER: NO use of a garbage grinder or other high water usage devices. CLOTHES WASHER: YES 7. Where the building sewer pipe exits the foundation ABOVE the basement floor, an ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 330 GAL/DAY LOT 8: 3 10114 MIN/INCH TP 102 7 MIN/INCH TP201SEp=22 min/inch effluent or grinder pump conforming to 310 CAIR 15.229 may be used to discharge A PERCOLATION RATE: LOT 8-1: TP 10116 MIN/INCH, TP 102 7 MIN/INCH TP 2025Ep=22 min/'inch VOLUME OF LESS THAN 25% OF THE DESIGN FLOW from any basement DESIGN PERC. RATE: 25 MIN/INCH, CLASS II facilities to the septic tank. _3 SETS OF 6 CONTACTOR 75 UNITS W/4" PERF. PIPE LEACHING AREA: S. If any components of the proposed system are specified as HEAVY DUTY, those 8 END CAPS - 16.5' WIDTH X 52' 'LENGTH= 858 S.F. components shall conform to all state & local requirements for ASSHTO H-20 loading. 9. The SEPTIC TANK shall be 1500 gallons minimum, unless otherwise specified on this SYSTEM CAPACITY: design plan, and fitted with PVC schedule 40 INLET TEE and OUTLET TEE WITH GAS BAFFLE of proper length. Septic tank construction shall conform to 310 Ck7R CLEAN WASHED STONE 858 S.F. X 0.40 GAL/SF/DAY= 343 GAL/DAY 15.226. The SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER is to built up to within 6" of the W/PEA STONE COVER finished grade unless otherwise specified on this design plan. TEST PIT INFORMATION 10. SEPTIC TANK and DISTRIBUTION BOX shall be placed on a 6" minimum DEEP compacted GRAVEL BASE to prevent heaving or settling. ALL JOINTS MUST BE •PVC END CAP PERFORMED BY: KEVIN SILVA WATERTIGHT, sealed with asphalt cement or other cement suitable for that specific component. WITNESSED BY: SUE GRIFFIN 8 CHRIS MICHAUD (TP IOISE 8 102SE) DATE: 4-7-98 ,-9-3-98 8 9-4-98 11. SOIL PREPARATION PROCEDURE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY AREA shall conform to 310 CMR 15.246 & 15.247. Test Pit #20OSE (EL. 73.0) 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2, FRIABLE 12. Any EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL designated on the plan shall 12" - 31" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8, FRIABLE conform to Construction in Fill requirements as outlined in 310 CMR 15.255 (1-6). 31" - 75" Cl SANDY LOAM IOYR 5/3 FIRM STONES COBBLES BOULDERS . T LEACHING AREA DETAIL POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOTTLING 13. )\o HEAVY EQUIPi\IEI\T shall be run over the components or the prepared leaching area during installation. RUBBER TIRE MACHINERY are not to be driven over the NOT TO SCALE 75" - 132" C2, SANDY LOAM/LOAMY SAND STRATIFIED prepared natural soil base or sand/stone bed during system installation. REVISED ON 2-19-99 CHANGED HOUSE FOOTPRINT BY K.J.S. REVISED ON 6-22-98 ADJUSTED FIELD LOCATION, ADDED TP RESULTS BY K.J.S. STONES 8 COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND 14. For proper performance, the septic tank should be INSPECTED annually and when SEEPAGE AT 48"(EL. 69.0) PERC DEPTH AT 96" (EL. 65.0) the solids and scum depth exceeds 1\3 of the liquid depth, or three years has elapsed MOTTLES AT 46" (EL. 69.17) STANDING WATER AT 103" since the last pumping, the tank and the leaching pit (if any) should be pumped. Test Pit # 201 (EL. 73.4) 15. No wells were found to be within 200' of the proposed leaching area. 0 - 12" Ap, SANDY LOAM, 5YR 3/2, FRIABLE 12" - 40" Bw, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/8, FRIABLE 40" - 100" Cl, SANDY LOAM, IOYR 5/3, FIRM, STONES, COBBLES, BOULDERS, POCKETS OF SILT LOAM (IOYR 6/2) W/VARIEGATED MOTTLING 100" - 150" C2, SANDY LOAM/LOAMY SAND STRATIFIED STONES 8 COBBLES W/POCKETS OF SAND SEEPAGE AT 42" (EL. 69.9) PERC DEPTH AT 94" (EL. 65.57) MOTTLES AT 42" (EL. 69.9) STANDING WATER AT 103" LEGEN[) - EXISTING PROPOSED IDO---- CONTOURS loo 91 X 9 SPOT ELEVATION 91.1 ---'- PROPERTY LINE E.P.--EDGE OF PAVEMENT-E.P. STONE WALL WELL Q ❑ DEEP TEST HOLE LEACHING TRENCH PLUMBING PIPE BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS -71 -.T. c , CD BOARD OF HEALTH STAMPS TOWN OF DAPITIMC01,. - fin' t } Et r j'40 ci Kell W R 0 3199 \ Ey P.E. STAMP SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM zi ?A Of `�; OWNER: CHRISTOPHER O'NEIL KENN$TH R. F CIVIL ASSESSORS MAP & LOT: MAP 29, LOT 8-1 3s O/STEIQ, j . STREET LOCATION: BAKERVILLE ROAD ` G ENGINEERING FIRM: KENNETH R. FERREIRA P.L.S. STAMP ENGINEERING, INC. '1H OF MgS`S9 KENNETH G� DATE: 4-21-98 SCALE: I" = 3-0' R. FE.28716 N CONTACT PERSON: KEV.IN SILVA No8716 • .GISTSV' ADDRESS:46 FOSTER ST., NEW BEDFORD. MA. 0274 AL l Ate TEL 508 992-0020 FAX: 9.92-3374 SE 9162