BP-31861RESIDENTIAL 2002 SECTION 8 - I1N;$PEC7OR'S REVIEW/COIIINIENTS I Date Plan reviewed: Ues: 2, 30 d"Ws 'o review period expi 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested subrnittals(see project review worksheet): K k Date: 5. DENIED (see project review Nvorksheet): -Date: 6. HOLD reason: Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning, Board of Appeals action: Date: S. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: SE ION 9 /#PLICANT NOTIFICATION y 1 9 Applicant informed of above ate: Vie Clerk: Comments: 'OW SECTION 10- OFFICEVNSPECTOR'S NOTES Total Permit Fee. S Less Application Fee: S 25.00 Remaining Balance: S �Z TOTAL FEE: Gross Area - N,-w Construction total sq. ft. (7 Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued SECTION 11 -ADDITIONAL dOMMENTS/SKETCHES c2M3 V 00 al 0 0 C) d� 3 3 Z X 10 4-- 3 o o //7� 00 RESIDENTIAL 0 FOUNDATIONDNLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE is NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERABLE&403 IJAK1 Alk)Ulli -'!U'1_"JJLN(T JULFARTAIi-ENT Q5 4UO Slocum t(oaa, P.O. Box'%9399 pintbJ �I Dartmouth, MA 02747 508 -910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT DATE SENT FOR REVIEW o NUMBER W, y- DATE ISSlLJED'.,-�'Z-��,'-F OK TO ISSUE - SIGNATURE: -,-DATE-, Buil6ing 77_5�-- 77777a:77777­ 77 _06rmnissioner'/Inspec taXE�uildings _ bnin District: Use:_ Zone: [3Kr1k/r1A Zone,.- roposed 0 V Outside Flood qui er Zone JT1 E FOLLOWING L L 0 NVI N:G IES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED: C' .ti "A �AG B( 0 Board of ad of OCon. Com. 0 Demo 0 DPW _V IlEfifty ,ort Appeals Health Affidavit Card Sent: --iM0Cut "Off ;WW 0 Fire 11 Gas 0 Planning Board* 13 Sewer Card 0 Water Card Other ­ Chief Cut Off Cut Off Cut Off ,Review* *REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFOf;E THE ISSUANCE OFA:PERMFL,4_��-,Z,.T� DEPARTD� AI&ROVAL L Si -nature: Date: Zoning Review: d14 XWN(23 Energy Report: �0Signature: Date: / If e Chief: Si -nature: Date: 0 ard of Health: Signature: xiZ40k6k_ a Conservation Commission: Si -nature: T-7e Other: Signature: Date: Description of work being peiformed: 1'4LL4()r k;> X10 o-) 11 Yf— SECTION 1 SITE INFORMATION NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: 0 yes 0 no 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address: (:n5(0 Plat jQ9 Lot 8 - Nearest Cross Street:. I LU5 Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District Dyes lyno Has application been submitted to the Historic Commiission? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: Date: 0 yes no 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: Well 0 Municipal /On Site Disposal System 0 MunicipalvKri'v'ate C:\bldg.Pornis\BI d,_,app,..Tes.%k pd P au e 4 7tC\. JMILMr% 11). 'fl­ bi.! 1, ma, 3 id gap p. res. \� pd Page I Rev. Janualry 19, 2001 2002 RESIDENTIAL 2002 RESIDENTIAL 2.1 Owner of Rer , Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Contact Address Phone Number q CTrnN I - CONSTRITCTiON SERVICES 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Licensed Construction Supervisor Address 0 Signature 1 Telep 3 2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ License Number a p Expiration Date off. 6�5� d(�- Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? Ves ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes GIRd' If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Address ` (, L-1 i� c Signature Telephone cay" (c;3(-,,- 1}S( 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only M 13]c�bo5 Registration Number (if none, state "none") Expiration Date ®'7/d(. PERSONS`CONrrRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: ,Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, d14 02108, (617) 7?7-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.14 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the toles and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and'or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. if you are appying under carries me limited to, general liability NOTICE TO LICENSED COTR.4CTORS: The Building Code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, ,vhether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) SECTION 4 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT. (MGL C 152 § 25) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Fartlu,3� to provide this affidavit ❑ will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: Cl�'yes no SECTION 5 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) Y ❑ nesv construction* ❑ addition alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstove (ever( by report reglired) (energy report required) fireplace ❑ deck ❑ pool ❑ accessory bldg. W replacement window/door ❑ other /w demollition (shed,1garage) no. of windows doorsd (specify below): (specify bbelow): If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms no. of baths Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I no. of baths unit I no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 hot air - fuel as natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): Furnace ( ) g ( p P Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): Air conditioning - (separate unit) None of the above to be provided Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: �--f 1TG a� Go>.f3 ok> r 113 t 67� C_ it.� :51 `P -F_- yv iTH P\ N (,r C3 V�f�l FO-A - VVI N 00Q./5 i SClX"C.3_'>SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant 1. Building 2. Electrical 5, cc� Plumbing =. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) *Estimated Total $ o d Qd ,coo SECTION 7A - OWNER AUTHORIZATION (to be completed when owner's agent or contractor applies for building permit} - (please print) �0L� _M11S�%L— Owner of the subject hereby authorize I as property t act on n? half, n al atters relative to work auth ri b this building permit applicati n. /�� �� I_nature of Own Date SECTION 713 - OWNER/AUTHORiZED AGENT DE LARATION = I. C4 1 `'=Y, �/ , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and infibrinatton on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed unde the pains and penalties of perjury. wnature of Owner/ r7l a) Ju RCV. Januarc 19, 20()1 l': L�'�.i_.t:�rms t31S�:�hp.res.wlid Page 3 Rev. Jatnuary 19, 2001 101.5 101.25 NE 0 101.00 = 100.9 10' MIN. 1,500 GALLON — _ ' CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 48 :--.OR EQUIVALENT (TANK TO MEET SPECI— GAS - FICATIONS OF 310 CMR 15.226) BAFFLE — TO BE MADE WATER TIGHT BY - MANUFACTURER TO BE SET ON 6" OF CRUSHED STONE PLACED ON A COMPACTED LEVEL BASE LEACH FIELD 20'x42' LIMITS OF EXCAVATION (SEE NOTE 5 & TP DATA) 1 Epp T � i I � SITE BENCH MARK: - NAIL IN TREE EL.= 100.32 13" 3„ 14 SEPTIC TANK PROFILE STONE BOUND n OR EQUIVALENT (TANK TO-MEE I FICATIONS OF 310 CMR 15.226), TO BE MADE WATER TIGHT BY MANUFACTURER ALARM Ot PUMP ON = PUMP OFF T 12" TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED C THAT HAS BEEN MECHANICAL WHICH 6" OF CRUSHED ST01` PUMP C N. DOSING CALCULATIONS: LOAMY SANDS = 1 DOSES/DAY = 110 GAL/DOSE 1,000 GALLON PUMP STATION 8.0' x 4.25' = 34 CF 7.48 GAL/CF x 34 CF = 254 GAL PER FOOT OF DEPTH 110 GAL/DOSE /(254 GAL PER FOOT OF DEPTH) = 43' DEF .43' x 12" /FT = 5.2" OR 6" OF DEPTH/DOSE FiLE COPY BUILDING EXISTS AS GARAGE/SHOP 1- BORDERING \ �\ VEGETATED WETLANDS ' \\ FLAGGED BY DARTMOUTH CONSERVATION AGENT \ -- �p� \ Allb `9CP 3 Ern„ NG Nln \A/F- I I � \nIiTWiNi r)nn' RELOCATE EXIST. PROPANE TANK & DEMO CONC. SLAB co 10 810'-0" SO. FT. EQUALS AREA OF EXISTING STRUCTURE FIRST FLOOR UP. 1_I_I_I I I I I F I I I 1111 J II T DEMO EXIST. WALL DEMO EXIST. WALL Ir t -1i FOR NEW OPENING If- 11 j I L= 0" 0' ELEV. +-� II 1 IM I III iI III DEMO EXIST. WALL FOR NEW OPENING II DEMO EXIST. WALL I I L - - - - - J II I w - I ► - �'r� I I I DEMO EXIST. WALL II I DEMO EXIST. WALL i DEMO EXIST. WALL i l i II II II I. 11 II II I I I I I I I I y � 30'-5" 250'-0" SO. FT. EQUALS DEMO EXIST. ROOF DEMO EXIST. ROOF — — — � AREA OF EXISTING ATTIC FLOOR -- -- —r---------- 0 Ex!ST. STA4 FILE Copy,I III I I _ DEMO EXIST. STAIR - -1 Ir T - I T01"IIOFL : f= I ; III-t-� I I R ELEV. +8'-1 t� III- + �I I ®n s€# Pi -en r"Itt rip-,Kcp on DEMO EXIST. ATTIC FLOOR I I I I YOUR Dn,*rs,4G WST z I I AT THS PLALD!NG DURING T� PROD E:ssbFTH!SINORK• I /J----------------------------J l� J -0" so!!o-z aSs AND ,'' FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT ECTTO!! IS REQUIRED gfFOGtE Penetrations thru rated wails and floors .shall be 11 zHE c6140A1=rE IS Poured Sealed with a material capable of preventing the 4 BUJL�t�G DEp,����EKr passage o; flames and hot gasses when subjected TC4,.1 Dartmouth to the requirements of the Test Standard epscifsc for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. ' I I�------------------------------- .I EXIST. 1st FLOOR EXIST. 2nd FLOOR &ROOF &DEMO 2 PLAN &DEMO -0' ,256 BAK ERVI LLE R D. DATE: _OUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 SCALE: F--------------------------- EXIST. WEST - DEMO E)M. LOW BURDW ,� ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8• _ ,'-0° -P -„- Exm. aT�c FLOOR EXIST. NORTH Z TTN ok- 256 BAKERVILLE RD. 'OUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 v F.ONO-TUBE SITS AM D CEf `i N INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFO RC RILE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. COPY USIJILDING DEPARTMENT T" of Dartmouth VDUR 0FMWWG AT THE BUILDING DURII�} i'F0ro THE A Copy OfT I� �d:Id ()RESS OR 71-I?S WORK., Plan Pi6ast Be Kept On Situ BUILDING DEPARTMrZNT DInT,of Dartm EXIST. EAST 3 LEVATI: 1'-0" DEMO DOST. ROOF f I L.. - J - ----- --- -- EXIST. SOUTH ELEVATION � ` '' SCALE: 1/8• _ ,-0• DATE: SCALE: FIFE STOPPING -f-EQUiliENT Penetrations thru rated and floors shall be wale sealed With a material cap4ble of preventing thQ DEMO EXIST. ROOF DEMO EXIST. ROOF passage of flames and hot 9 sses when subjected — of the Yost Star €�ific to the requirementsg , _D• ��. for Fke S4,ope ASTIR-E-814: Vn vCp EXIST. TO REMAIN YOUR I%iQ MUST E� FWD - r ------_- a; THE BUILDING DURING THE 1'-0• __-_ cXm. ncQ PfrJCSOFTHISWQRK �fi �����' FLOOR- _ _Tom of Dartrmft _ CUILD{NG DEPART?J!EM --- ---- ----- rr TOWN OF D IMIGUT:i jl LL =JJ LL =JJ I I _ ELEV. o-off REMO P1..�` ll r--------- \-----71 — -�� y ,. A Cc bI C-1i t , t lLll ivtL,' i L6' 1*U1;1 UiE %;i EXIST. WEST DEMO EXIST. LOW FAIRDRC - D L'.3 1i � � i n E�EVA�TON r -- � DEMO EX15T-ROOF { DEMO EXIST. LOW BUILDING EXIST. NORTH 2 DEMO ELEVATION 256 BAKERVILLE RD. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 SONO-TUSE SIZE AND DEPTH JNrl ECTION IS REQUIRED 6EFCgt! THE CONCRETE IS POURED. . CUILDING DEPARTMENT Tmm of Dartmouth ELE .. 15::2�0 . 8'-11• EXIST. ATTIC FLOOR ELEV. O'-0• s ELL1=,_r$ 0 II II I II _ II II I II - II II I II - Ii 13'-0• 13'-11- DEMO EXIST. LOW R&DINC EXIST. TO REMAIN EXIST. EAST 3 DEMO ELEVATION FILE COPY ELEV. 15'-9' _EXIST 8_ EXIST. ATTITI t" C FLOOR —ELEV. OEE -0• s DEMO EXIST. ROOF I I EXIST. TOREMMN EST. ATTIC ' I FLOOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I r F-f — �r I I I II I II I I I I II II I II II II II II it II II I II II II II it II I I I I I I I LL =JJ L.L — JJ I I ELEv. D-o II JI I IL --------- ----- EXIST. SOUTH DEMO ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /S' = 1'-0' DATE: SCALE: DEMO EXIST. LOW TAXLDINO i q FILE COPY I I 12'- 5" SONG-TUP-E SIZE AND DEPTH -='13 HtUUIKF=D EI M CONCRETE IS POURED. WILONG DEPARTIVt-W TMM Of Nrt"Irlouth T011�1,1 OF FI V! rol n n RE STOPPING REQUIREMENT 6",--4,KW y= wu vum a k, a--T PenStratlons thru rated Walls and floors shall bz w E A CCPY Of Th Is End AT THE BUILVING IYJRI%."G THE sealed with a material capable of Preventing thc pik"In tlzlv,�l rurss� MOREW OF TWIS WORK !q , a I Oil 801h Passagel, of flaurnes and hot gasses when subjecte,,� BUILDING DEPART11=NT T" of N1tTC4^ to the requirements of the Test Standcrd twific for Fire Stopc-ASTM-E-814. 18'-0" 3'-4' 6'-3" 6'-2- ON 2'-0'X2'-0° CONC. FOOTING (TYP.) NEW WALL EXIST. WALL FOUNDATION � . (: 1,-0 256 BAKERVILLE RD. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 NEW WALL :3 EXIST. WALL FLOOR ��X��� g(�d 2 PLAN DATE: SCALE: NOTE: TOTAL AREA OF BUILDING IS 810 S.F. EXIST. STRUCTURE TO REMAIN 13'-4" I N - - - - - - - � EXIST. STRUCTURE TO REMAIN 35'-2" LOWER ROOF ,� PLAN SCALE: 3/16�__i ° 256 BAKERVILLE RD, SOUTH DARTMOUTHI MA 02748 CONO-TUBE S1Zi AND DEPTH IRTECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. 110VILDING DEPARTMENT Tovm & N t°nouth YOUR VWx4a kk= f'- JCS" " T AT THL BUILDING DURMG THE "OGRESS OF THIS WORK. BULL M,,G DEPARTNE'W To,," of D?rtj�sj TVIN OF WiFU.:IOUTH RECORD PLE"' Of Tr.� E;1�' mud y INy;,l i 19'-0" FIRE STOPPING REMUIREMENT Penetrations thru .rated wt~�s and floors _shall be FILE COPY, sea!ed with a mats, ial capable of preventing thr� passage Of flames.andhot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard tpscific for Fire Stops ASTIR-E-814. UPPER ROOF 2 PLAN DATE: SCALE: NEW STANDING SEAM METfAL ROOF TO REPLACE EXISTING ROOF ROOF BELOW RETANINO WALL FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated waNs and floors shall be PROPSED SOUTH sealed with a material capable of preventing the ,� ELEVATION passage of arffes and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard rWific for Fire Stogy ASTM-E-814. AS NEC. FINISH TO MATCH PROPOSED EAST . � ELEVATION b PROPOSED NORTH 4 ELEVATION 256 BAKERVILLE RD. DATE: SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 SCALE: COPY sONO-TUEE SIZE M110 DEPTH INSPECTION IS REQUIR�,ZD BEFORE $ THE CONCRETE IS t'YDURED. 13UILDING DEPAF -MENT Tom of D&rt-nm11th NEW STONE RETAINING WALL - To rill ff. � �jy T UTH r-U&I DECK FRAM 2'X8' ® 11 O.C. (TYP.) 2 X8' ® 1 O.C. (TYP.) 2'X10' O.C. (".) DECK FRAMIN( 2'X8" ® 16' O.C. (TYP.) FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 3/16' = --0' 9 W I UUM, LW uAH 1O W 111 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMIENT EC6 1A Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be: i CoOf Thl I~ti sealed with a material capable of preventing thc- Plrt t' ��t �.� [ >se � w passage Of flames and hot gasses when subjectec ptt3 i� v - to the requirements of the Test Standzrd 8pscific; V-- for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. r--------- — ------------------- I I I 2'x8' DOU0.E HEADER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D DEPTH ED BEFORE OURED. MENT a� I I I I I I I I--------------- - - - - - - -----. - --� 2'x8' FRAMING 2'x8' FRAMING ® 2'x8' FRAMINw 16' O.C. (M.) YOUR DRAWING WRJST SE Kr -PT SONO-TUBES AT THE BUILDING DURING THE S ECTION IS R PROGRESS OF TFPS WORK. ` THE CONCR� CUILDWG DEPARTMENT BUILDING .. Toof Nrtmouttl TO:� of 2'x8' NAILER AN UIR IS p PART rtm I I I I (� �) (I II 256 BAKERVILLE RD. DATE: SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 SCALE. LOWER ROOF 2 FRAMING PLAN SCALE: UPPER ROOF ,� FRAMING PLAN 256 BAKERVILLE RD. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 File COPY-' AT T t CLUDING DURING 7,,H .. �- --... "'�jwtkf-V� OF THIS WORK, r'"1 ef' Mwtm �QtlK f 2'x6' FRAMING 16- O.C. sONO•TU2E SIZE AND DEPTH 2'x10' RIDGE FRAMING It3^PECT}ON IS REQUIRED 8EFOpIZ THE CONCRETE IS POURED OUILDING DEPARTMEra Tar.�t of �rhauth 2'x6' FRAMING 16' O.C. (iYP.) NEW ROOF BELOW"�''� m„ f � tLIft 'i PY Of Th plan g t', $ Ep'n KEPI of sitc 1t!on FIRE STOPPING REQUMEMAE, Penetrations thru rated :'bpt`ils and floors shall be, sealed with a materlal capable Passage of flarr and hoiP h1e of Preventing the to the ro Ali, g,,sses when subjecte g' 'tents of .the Test Star�d�rd sPscific for RM StOP3 ASTM.E-814. DATE: SCALE: 1'-0" \ 64n _v ,i GRADE EXIST. FOUNDATION —y EXIST. FOUNDATION & SLAB ON GRADE TO REMAIN SECTION )_LOOKING WEST SCALE: 1/4� = 1'-0' 256 BAK ERVI LLE R D. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors shall be sealed with a matoriai capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gassers when subjecter_, to the requirements of the Test Standard epacific for Fire Stope ASTM-E-81 4. ELEV_ 15'_9,. TOM OF DARITIGNPH PlEcorlolA;t" A Cepy Of ThIs m ar 9d Fla r $ 8 - fa t He _ ELEV_ 11' SOP, O"TUaE SIZE AND DEPTH ECTION IS REQUIRED bEF- RE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. W11"ING D,EP1,A ".rM NOTE: SEE FRAMING YOUR DPAWWG MUST BE KWT PLANS FOR SIZE AT THE BUILDING DURM* THE OF MEMBERS PROGRESS OF THS WORK. MILDWO DEPARTMENT 1"� ef Dn". m tfi ELEV. 0'-0" " EXIST. FOUNDATION FILE Y EXIST. CRAWL SPACE