BP-37299RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY etpa nn asavT_Tc-;t wniv r1RF Tc wnw_PrrinPjnASLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE 2004 T SECTION 8 —INS ECTOR'S REVIEW/COMMENTS 1. Date plan reviewed: 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DEN (seep 'ect iew vro:ksheetI: Date: reason:Date: C.HOLD LD subje o Zoning ar of Appeals action: _ Date: 8. Comments: _. 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: c� I SECTION 9 - APP C NT NOTIFICATION Applicant informed of above Date: Time: Clerk: Comments: SECTION 10- OFFICEVNSPECTOR'S NOTES _F Total Permit Fee: l/ /,30 , d0 Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 1 Remaining Balance: $ 00 TOTAL FEE: �� 30, JD Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. Gross rea - Alteration total sq. ft. 12 Permit coae-,,� 03 0 SEC ON 11 VADDITIONAL COMM NTS/SKETCHES / 3 C:\b1dg.forms\B1dgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 1, 2003 RESIDE I ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY 2004 $25.00 A PLICATION FEE IS NON-REFw'`1DABLE` & NON-TRANSFERABLE r` - TH`tys _ i AIPE Kt RTMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 �, 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 79399 .r . Dartmouth, MA 02747 1@1 NC 7 rn 11: 3 508,910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 rV — r , vuwiuc rJUUU uvaic taaiuuai �.,.,c T FOLLOWING AGENCIES SHOULD BE NOTIFIED ❑ Board of Board of Con. Com. ❑ Demo ❑ DPW ' ❑ Elee. - ❑ Energy�`Report appeals Health Affidavit Card Sent:.Cut Off �. Follow-dg . t x ❑ Fire ❑ Gas ❑ Planning Board* - D Sewer Card er d `n ❑ Zoning ❑ Other. Chief Cut Off ! Cut Off ( t Review* , * REQUIRES INSPECTORS REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT.- DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL 1,2 Zoning Review: Signature,<t�- i _ Energy Report: Signature: Date: Fire Chief: / Signature: Date:v 1 f �y Board of Health: Signature: l r 4 : �� Date: ? _ Conservation Commission: Signature: AJ Other: Signal e: Date: Description of work being perforrned. IV A57W Ak r" i E %b 41-50 I--Vr /;--o EX,ST/,�G l►�Lr SECTION 1 SITE INFORMATION NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes ❑ no 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: 1.1 Property Address. t b U A kG4N ll- o plat_ Lot SG % Nearest Cross Street: �o -4L O, C� u t J DE F_ Subdivision Name: 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes )no %d0 f Has application been submitted to the Historic.0 muWssion? Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: c� ❑ yes ❑ no Date: 1K'+,rw 1.4 Water Supply (MGL c 40 § 54): 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: _>Wunicipal ❑ Private Well r ❑ Municipal ><On Site Disposail System C:Abldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 1 Rev..JJanuary 1, 1.1I A 1EiL 2.1 Owner of Record: 77VOM46 ,E t JuLi F 1 20Scvure i-/ Name (print) W 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (print) Q SECTION 3 = G 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: {� Licensed Construction Supervisor Address Signature Telephone 1sl 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: 2004 RSHM / A.UTHORIZED AGENT q1? 7— Contact Address v Phone Number Contact Address Phone Number �o Are you a Home Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! c�Z Company Name V Address Signature 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only Telephone RESIDENTIAL 2004 NOTICE TO LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building code provides in the Rules and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for code compliance. (see Appendix of 7�O CA--tn R5.2.15) SECTION 4 — WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVTP (MILS Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑yes ❑ no SECTIONS - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable z�� R z, ❑ Yv new construction* ❑ addition ❑ alteration ❑ repairs ❑ chimney/ ❑ woodstovre (energy report required) (energy report required) fireplace S❑deck ❑pool ❑ accessory bldg. ❑ replacement window/door ❑ other ❑ demolitiom Not Applicable ❑ (shed/garage) no. of windows_ doors (specify below): (specify beloNw): License Number * I new construction, please complete the following: Expiration Date Single Family: no. of bedrooms / no. of baths 3 Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit I_______ no. of baths unit I Not Applicable ❑ no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths unit 2 Furnace (hot air) - fueI gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): O 0 Boiler (heating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity, other (specify): ❑ HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, electricity, other (specify): 4 Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil-n1�nL� Other Registration Number (if none, state ❑ none❑) Brief Description of Proposed Work: Expiration Date` SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 O rers Name (print) Sigm::ure y signing the abbppve, t e home owner ack es t at the a will be no eligibilty to t e Guaranty Fund Date I -1-3 e 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1, 1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on Zhich there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelline, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs nore than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applying under this section sign below: Your signature \bldg.forms\B ldgapp.res.wpd Item l 1 Rnildino 5. Total (I + 2 + 3 + 4) (please print) I I to act on my behalf, in all matters rel Signature of Owner Estimated Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant * Estimated Total $ ZJ So! OCro '4VNER AUTHORILATTi�N � ��"�� A ��" � vhen owner's ageitl or contractor applies �oP �indc� � ermi as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize v k authorized by this building permit application. Date ""FIT- `- ^ t ,Uc 3 r� , as Owner/A t hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of periury including but not necessa y limited to, general liability. Signature of Owner/Authorized Age Date Page 2 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 3 Rev. January 1, 20103 SITE LOCUS NOT TO SCALE ID N R E c e; Fn 1.6 A Co, py C 7 s E r L� plan Muyst D"- 7V'Lenll Ca. fw"ilio Dur c F 11. E C C) rl' ''[ AT 29;. LOTS 56 & 57 --RVILLEROAD, DARTMOUTH, MA PREPARED FOR E. & JULIE L. BOSWORTH =30' DATE: MARCH 31, 2005 .. . I . I : Cher & Heureux. Inc. ENGINEERS LAND LAND SURVEYORS AMERICAN LEGION HIGHWAY, SUITE ONE WESTPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 02790 ,1. (508) 636-5905 — fox. (508) 636-2477 COPYRIGHT(C) 2005 BOUCHER & HEUREUX, INC. FILE: 1535-FNDASBLT ,,; ,. • ,. � � d � '' r� ( 1 J .. 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Cn LD.-.fl DEF ERri t� 00 r2coll PT' YOUR D � T e rr r f lar Must Eon Kept V,l Site AT THE U'LDING DUI' WG THS �� _ p:�ca S of n-ls wax. p �, of oarrhnou�, Fi STOPPING RFC�1 P���. a s P€�r�^�ns thru rated Yb and floors Sal be t1 soaled wffli a material cap blrr of preventing tht am0s and hot gasses when subjecW passage of fl G_ _ r _ J_ _ - . _ to the requirements -- + ?Adnrd rpm =« . M. — ... N OT I CF o _ j , is r I , 1 , '>IICl9 An As Built �.�rvc: rit�st 3e a� : _�.�•, __,-�-------- a �;, 5 �•: c� sui_ .sited to the � - Dept. pri f j I _---___-__ _-__. ___. I , '' � + � -. - � (' - I _ � '� �� t'%`e' • ;� __'or to calling for ,� cw � � , ►. ,� �, I, u r � , ;r � � �' ( r �---- a fmundation inspection or O__ x , ^3 ----- any further construction. / 5 1�`'' �'� ! p1-t/'' X ✓ i (/ - -I u -{ F t 10 S _ �jj i ( Fes•. ' � ' %� I I \_] 1 i , }...----•....�-r. ,._.,.....__.� t i l � � ! Y^ 1\ � ! 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' to the B _ 0 �( 1 Lam. , ,�I - ll/�•_" 1 Y�'�-^��J G.. - :Y� %--_-.—__—. ..._-_.-. _ ___ 1 \� .._...- �31Y further inspection 113ii 6[\,u� olla ' 4 s- 1 ! r' — ' tad VNJ3 land Dora € ti ` Fib �TQ bc F st it tjons thru rs t �n EEC a1 Va*, p ,,t E of td hot gasses ' _ ~ _ '� i psi fumes T S �= i �� --_ __ _ _ - _ .-_ recfuirernonts �� f - r PIA, cot i i 2� — -- _ - ` a MW r , r t"^�.►..�-,yam { _.._)A. i 7 i L , C ig ' i CLASSIC,COLONI , OMES Box 3Wistoric Dee fie'j Ma 01342 t-jat�-�Z3 L � ' J DO NOT Cdf'Y ..+ ftFxcd 's 0t. ' ' a/� �,�• '� G— '. ;"� iG`\ �r r ."r^, $ ! _ (arm co(mirstu in f —�...J � L.- � �\ i - 1. .. _ �h'' .. �� ✓'''"'r `' I r "' k3 G '"� _`..-.. ,�, �' Ftderit'Ce�^t+�M 'y �� � . _ _ a.,. ,..,,_-,- ..--.,_..,._..._... .�.�.-"'-.,�---ram.-.�.,.,,.- -,-_•.-...-,-_,.-.m--•--,-- \I /Jj It dimVJ w � ♦ � � i ' V ✓ I. f jj V I t 4 � f - f l , ' � Z F11 COPY e-YT Its - \ ti J /� � --,� l ✓ ` &d -TU SITS AND DEPTH � �4 DUR THE ECT*" I- l�4dWi ^O M..FORRE TS{ 3 " s OF TM' - TIJE 00NC€ 7TE IS POUPM ; i ! MrA.R . I'l C { E 1 MD FLU An3uiIt purvey must 4 Cps C3'ti?ls �.: Bur. = led to the wilding f iaMust C !kept W its Dept. prior to calling for Dt'a foundation inspection or c my further construction. Pos�,mans thru rated w:.Is and filo= \` + f I ` ,.� I ✓��v'`�-__ �' j sected with a material capabis of preventing the : passeg® of flames and hot classes vftn Qt.bcd \ , q Test S�` >nd trd €�- = � �._ f � P,: ----,- ---t' — to thl9 ra U"r�titR?tlt� 4f t�1�s �� � b.�c for Stogy MTFA-!_-814, y - -- 1 ' I � :..,���i.....,t � E t�' F"^ i {� j /� �'^ �.•��1� I/', r ,` rL+ Yid ✓ I v, ,mot..-✓ � � ,�� �T.-_ � ` -J � ,'f�.�'r"""'.'t' y �+' p ��...L� ; v_«a,Wa M I✓, _ L..,w.r.,...w�,. I � � , CLASSIC,CaLONIAL HOM �. Box 31,Historic Deerfrtd Ma.O1342'!-aao- 13-9121 i I� ;� �„� vim^ � f ♦ r a �1C / ! ��^� ,�^"� d DO NOT COPYThe ,++ tmn cnnstit� in mtnn¢-'rat o-f ©! 3 Fe,SrralCutidn of d,ir Fla irs tnp t y oryf i ` t ,y F $ONO-TWE SV_�k A14 DZpr.4 "CTIOM M- r,!:OLRM liz THE CMi­ 10RETE IS POURED, x F1 STOPPING D::RT&4EN-r UREME PenotmtIons ftu retled'vmNT ft and floors V.)VIN bc Od Viftrn.+ Ca h P pme of Provemng tht Pas -'WA Of flzmCs and hot gasses 11�!k when subjecW YOM Dn& ,A Mr- T P_ 4 � IT to tho r8quirments of tZ Tic: rulf-Do.m DMING THE r."'"M OF THIS WORK. %\ M r_PLD'M13 DE Ml=ff t 11�1 nr-, n.6-P. IMOUDI - - - ------ r, Thle reem, 14 LK-P I rt Be apt 0-1 s1tE man Cir mcticl 14) —fVrVD 605 ..... . ..... > ---------- ------ — ------ I C An As Built Survey mwst L)C '�!Vted to thBui e ldinc, P41._ Dept. prior to calling for ;L foundation inspection or -vlj� rther come-truction.is i 41 en 0 til-n �J 4, Z ,7 r S % rp �owN t X L �µI (' P G4.Ca, n t, i' fa,C. 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F"C�U � Ii.., ;#'T ' Pt. ns t"uu r�t+�d da I / (,12Y rL-Yv%/i2- soccled .�.,+t, �. �3 and tioo:Mba with a tnat'�ria1 c3p!3 of pr�#ing th�Y b , pawago of flames and o gasses when sub;Se `! r F t the , requtr nto. of its Test u I �11 Y ! ,I T t 72x�Z v fq 6 r VV o. oVE `� '' W. l I � • P 1 N !a • � P a��- '�tz � • -- . i �'>, b • '1< X 4 .� � � • , � �� a • L . . _ � '�, w 1. �c, Z j\a A � ) ! ' .. pry lt+wrs+wG. +xttiM� e.il..�`• r {wva'r.' £ �� ' r� , . 1 • - .3 ""a.' 'b+,i +'.• w,rw..w.rw I'.;Ay!( *i �' i:. j 2- _ �- {/��/ (. u p d , �- x u j C� O . C. •-S1 , 7 i• 4 g r rrY v ."r q; it bo �I r _- 2 X (f L! �/I/ o >< � � O 1 -� I rl /^ /� CYc � I.- W. F-..-•,-+;4 Ji, ry�•.\�.,!',� x.y. " . w,e snow. K�,...a .r.,ia �r 4pr.:+r�. � �, �. ('-� ( i' (� 4, • O U IJ �'vP (/ {/ L f, L I.A i1)i Y WW �— - ' �lti/P Fi t` O o I IJ • r 4 ' ` P , c- i�i• ! a fi ,`At � t F,f "_ f s } 'j'. 0� �O i5 ;•` ':15•: .t 1S6. 7J }..jF fr. .i '5 ¢¢ 1 3. �� . — ... I, �� I- pN� ��'' + �'a .. , w `fib„,•, i'', ,.'. W. W �'� � I, a ca aL � �n o -- ,�---.,-...*- �Ulo G,'- a 4. L p I ,� C.� � -i-I r� o j �' CLAS I LC L FIAT TOW- -TT Box 31.His!ric Dcr;firid Ma032 -spoq:4lat ,,, it DO NOT COPY c.r • � i s miau ` k. n,� , PF r fi 11Kx�� Y z ov. r A • FILE COPY �Wn AT TH1 WILDINIG Mi Pma l-M of nos 4rlwlllt rMwkm c e SCWC,�'TLZE SVE Ate DEPTH VMEC' ` Ip REQUIRED BEF0RE T ,-W!GRETE IS POURED. ir itlY 0 DEF.*,MWENT d DM" n*1 0.1 site FEB 0 J 2005 (), *0 rf I C E",-4i An As Fuilt P Survey must be D3cpt. r.dor to calling for a foundation inspection or my fwh'r conrtruction. FIRE TPihtG E�'".!T PenctmWns thru rated w-JA s end fi00m sh-?Ji b D sccled with a material capmblo of PrOvOntina thy- page of firmes and hot gavvvs Wien sublcc : to th-t requir rants of the Tbs� StnM! , y fw Ffm ft-E-014. fi r!': � :moo �1��' � j,� � ��GT� � ��-��✓ G�'j t Jam° �`� u�� �,..� �; � ► �:,�' �}�` �.�.s�/