BP-68294-12NOTE: Verify All Existing Conditions & Measurements Prior To Ordertng Of Materials & Construction b 4`C;' ¢c4: =W14) 4 FF4-r I3-ta w I I IR£n, av E I 4 < 1 tbui rHEns� PbUNp, rpPa ( I 3 W Dia. Concrete Filled Laity Column On 2'-6" x 2'-6' x 12' Deep Pad f 7To--r-L-NaT FoUWOAM.t J / Exis'T1rs�c Bvuq+r�.fl , !d.}'&'d Fv(Z 44•" W x 4'2. N Is 4ts9_'R� f4lIST. .�\� M " �6QLlnAT[P.u1 %.LCT.K_TP of HnN4Ei2 'M 2xroPT !!fl FOUNOneTfonl { 1C • Dia Sono -Tube r \ w/ Big Foot Footing System 4'-0" min. Below Grade 2.-6' �-I-BOTIp4 coo - � I 'TRANSOM Er ;, ice, Re'rrlwt9' � I 1a,rsr. W4L1. J� fT. I � 1/G'W ADOt ,oe (2i Zx no ,_1-4 eepM 2'4 Ea R, tt. - LHIMNoy A.%e-G me%-x,A li 3T. S N z Tb d] I -A 6 �j 30 yr. Asphalt Shingles 7� #151b Felt Paper S 22 2 5l8' CDX Plywood Sheathing Common Trusses a 16"o.c. *' �40_'Fiberglass Insulation ' elueboard w/skim coat H2.5A CBp From / Truss- P I twaF-F-FT { FT wc.seq - x ,r1 AUSN- --TP IO �c10 cDLU M,i cx,sT. r-F,a1sH an ¢ To -TLgNw/c�,tT. 3/4Ti4 P>.Tweeo r .! o late- I \ 12 White Cedar Shingles 'M Tyvek Housewrap X" CDX Plywood Sheathing v 2 x 8 Studs in 16" o.a R-19 Fiberglass Insulation Y.' Blueboerd w/ skim cost of plaster I 0 0 tn qN N i" a h { z 1 Ix T� 353 EN ST. 14—IG N 1Z'49' 41",r .. a 30 yr. Asphalt Shingles $151b Felt Paper N � ' n�- 5/8' CDX Plywood Sheathing 1 ^ x _ 1, re Sit -�4 Half Trusses® 16"o.c. i icl� t„i.. , lyc : it H2.5A Up From P ! r n 3S_ts„L= Truss To Plate . .'{ _YOU262012 Zx4 cmmw v Ice &Water Shield `IZ,. Alum Drip Edge - 1x8 Fascia v Y m 1 x12 Soffit w/vents C General Notes: ' 1.These plena are intended to provide the base construction Y,ftute Cedar Shingles Information. This means these plans must be verified and �,- Tyvek Housawrap checked completely by the contractor. AN dimensions are �'W CDX Plywood Sheathing to be field verified and any adjustments made accordingly. 2 x 6 Studs 0 16" o.c. 2. All work shall be completed in compliance with all -r&- ,, H-K• R-19 Fiberglass Insulation applicable Building, Plumbing, Electrical codes. Any other 'qe saaq N 1/4 Ts4 deafer r+/ a x\sT. Biuelxtard W/ skin GOat Of p local, state and/or federal codes that may apply to this f>urW^"o 'h" project shall be considered as part of the construction \tXia Jo,sr i - _ -ZrUo J-Sr aIL. "o. c. vk documents. R�3ou` 3. All waste material and debris shall be removed and disposed 1 of property. 4. Numbers set within [ ] reference that section of the Massachusetts Rom. o�rF.1 t State Building Code Section [53 edt 8] for 1 & 2 family dwellings. n n = 1- 2 x 6 PT Sill w/Siff Seater 5. These drawing were prepared per guidelines sat forth in the 1- 2 x 6 Top Sill Mass. State Building Code Section [53] for 1 & 2 family dwellings. 2' RAT 1 u 518" Dia. x 12' Ig. Anchor bolts 6. Window glazing shall be considered hazardous when used in w/3' x 3" x Y." Plate Washers doors, within 5V of a doorway or closer than I r to the floor. V Poured Concrete Wall ., Windows used for emergency egress shall have a minimum opening j ale Tar Coated Typ. size of 20" x 24" in either direction and shall not be more than 44" eAsem rr I above the finished floor. [5308 & 53101. 1 G" 7. All walls next to stairways shall have fire stopping installed — -- — --t-' NOTES: adjacent to and parallel with the stringers. - Alt Construction to follow 8. Masonry chimneys constructed to section [5606] of L WFCM Construction Guide the Massachusetts State Building Code. 90- W4n 1 _ "f file" Dia. Anchor Bolts . _ _. _...--_--- -_---------_-_.---- - _ w/ 3' x 3' x Y. Plate Washers As per WFCM Const. Guide Simpson Hurricane Clips At All Rafter & Pate Connections Foundation Design Criteria: Rafter to Stud H-2 or H2 5A Footing to be 3,000 PSI concrete w/ reinforcing Rafter to Header H-8 Foundation Walls to be 3,000 PSI concrete Exterior Plywood Applied Floors & Slabs to be 2,5W PSI concrete Vertical for Wind Sheer I (,1,4,�,a a B i - vrarRr �A W rtrT• 11++21432-2 FvJGr.o+aBL yo.,T�33S -d M N x — - � ' f Trlm. t5 ra rn rs� z+ _L--'_ r+ W 2 m A44TVASN m cr a A i BY tT. Z41 ' ep _s41 zT n ( rh 4ti wALL RFM vvE To 2X / E1r K[_30 LVLRop (3tTM I "CoXG POST" T�IT�`t'�oM {. � -C'tNE Tolt>XIO oo r � n rt ,-ter ' s•3�/a e%rs�r�r yvrst. � v�v.taa - Cz ll/.y iiQ I 2r 2� fiENcV4 79 ftv k zi rhw 2 LVL CRep-, N FuTu % -g w/-SauNc C>EN.�EN�NCi j `.�-.�_• MU'D N RoWA r - l 3' b$nou i _r ir) NSW. r �2� 1314%9YL 5�.�,LhR. 3e "•6� cr .. - ' L E"Aw. �At vgot 4. �" .0 lo'-0 litj'y AW25� . ' NEW EW6PjtgEp arNt; A-tm var-yi -, V1 9 1 A21 Awwq wIN Cowl '" VP � � .„ Z•zs R"T -FAT-St ._�i oa2 rr'11�•r1 lVp Q.�ti,v�1 f /tJ U (j-�} _ Twz42ro LO CGS �g K•1tN DOW Q Piloc.K-+N v d'S P ma 15'- 3/" NEW r\� EXtSe. - R,vrs � --NEW P Elwsl� N 9• 3 XF*eave °' Ey,,,ovC I 'Z� 0Z � zr Y�SG I rryl�- �tS yx 8 a 2Q i - cRtcKET �- r1eTL- wtTrk; - 'SFFAp6U wrr+'enw �+rnat�5--- RE_1.bJ✓ -INDrc A�'E--riEY4 EXIST,=-_P(1fkSTE'1Z - 3C-'ORcoP�t -O iO'-p e :(ZE'.Movg t� 4Lcc.K-1 N apa`s : }` X/S7• WlN DeW _ (SLoeK•�i3"-am"i � wf3aL-14 r N+ZroAiw w�i,r�jNoowt � gg�oW i3k�I1A1r _SEGoN �Loo}2 4L�cr1 TLbTE .i .- `G1�oFt? Tier�.s$ IaRBLE WAIL Ta-Su�p�RT-- �uTu 'i"j2.V 55-ES 7- �o. a,,. w I o,v. Exl_ ST, L tJEvJ � I wiNnow . I I �E 1:.,- R�DyE vENT � Rlo 4F JEdT--6�GKatJ 1kATcµ _ .. hlfW C. e.... ._ _ - _ _ _S�ll� �itL.s� __..- � A✓ Gl-\-ice T _ -- _-.. .. _ .-_ 1 �Ell I i I idNjT• eBidtK�.j@' SCALE:t_�„`_., �,i• APPROVED BY: _ DRAWN ar -. REVISED t`'I71 t2. I— — .',4bPc+sk'"47 P�17D!"[loN'To: Mb.ffi,G.L�O (ti'SIDs.r�c✓= tea--_