Notice of Decision to Abutters & Town Offices-REVISED TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals 400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 Board Members Michael Medeiros, Esq., Chairman Halim Choubah, P.E., Clerk Robert Gardner, Jr., Member NOTICE OF DECISION TO ABUTTERS AND TOWN OFFICES REVISED HEARING DATE: November 3, 2021 CASE: VARIANCE CASE NO: 2021-19 PETITIONER/APPLICANT: Geoffrey B. diMauro, Trustee PROPERTY OWNER: Geoffrey B. diMauro, Trustee SUBJECT PROPERTY: 12 Bayview Avenue DISTRICT: Single Residence B Map: 105 Lot: 52 BRISTOL COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS: Book: 13315 Page: 61 THE ZONING BOARD VOTED: It was the unanimous decision of the Board of Appeals to GRANT the requested Variance for relief of 18.7’ side setback and 4.3’ rear setback where 20 square feet is required and relief from the 12,000 square feet minimum lot size requirement in order to use the existing 410 sq. ft. one bedroom detached accessory structure (barn) as an accessory apartment. RELIEF GRANTED: The proposed project received the following VARIANCE: (Article 8, Section 375-8.2 D. (3) (D) (3) (L) Accessory Apartments) An appeal from the Decision of the permit granting authority may be made by any aggrieved person pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 17, as amended, and shall be filed within twenty (20) days after the date the Decision was filed in the office of the Town Clerk. A copy of the Board’s Decision can be obtained in the office of the Town Clerk with an applicable fee for the same. Should you wish to view a copy of the Board’s Decision, you may do so in the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. DECISION RECEIVED FOR FILING BY TOWN CLERK: November 16, 2021 TWENTY DAY APPEAL PERIOD ENDS: December 6, 2021 Decision available for recording at the Registry of Deeds starting on: December 7, 2021 DECISION EXPIRATION DATE: (1 year from filing date of decision) November 16, 2022 Michelle Vieira Zoning Staff Assistant/Principal Clerk Zoning Board of Appeals