Denial LetterQ r Town of Dartmouth
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z = C Massachusetts
Joseph E. Braga Jr.
Director of Inspectional Services
September 2,2021
Geoffrey B. Dimauro
3836 lverness Rd.
Fairvax,VA 22033
RE: 12 Bayview Ave.
Map#105, Lot 52
I have reviewed your application and at this time,your proposal cannot be approved due to non-compliance with
current zoning regulations.
You are proposing an accessory apartment of 410 Sq. Ft.with one bedroom in a detached accessory structure
garage) in a Single Residence B District which does not comply with the Towns Zoning By-Laws.A Variance must
be applied for and secured from the Zoning Board of Appeals in order to proceed with your request.Setbacks
required are 20',your existing setbacks for the accessory apartment are Side 18.7' and Rear 4.3'.Minimum Lot
size must be 12,000 Square feet,this lot is 6,753 Square feet.
Your application is being denied under the following sections of the Dartmouth Zoning By-Law:
Article 8,Section 375-8.2 D.Accessory apartments
3)(D)An accessory apartment can also be located in a detached accessory structure if the detached
accessory structure was in existence prior to June 6, 2006,and the first floor footprint was a minimum of
400 square feet in area.The detached accessory structure must comply with current setback, height and
lot coverage requirements.An accessory apartment located in an existing,detached accessory structure
shall be located within the footprint of the detached accessory structure.
3) (L)The single-family residence/accessory apartment is located on a lot of at least 12,000 square feet.
The subject property is located in the Single Residence B District.
Any other relief the Board may find necessary.
E.,.,..r yyt, .
Joseph E. Braga Jr.
Building Commissioner
Zoning Enforcement Officer
In accordance with the provisions of MGL Chapter 40A section 15,you may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals
for the above noted relief within (30)days of receipt of this letter.
400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747
Phone: (508) 910-1820 Fax: (508) 910-1838