BP-905514 l 1 1 4 t i I. i 8' I I I JOB NUMBER: UTILITY: RACKING: UTIUTYACCT#: MODULES: 40 SUNPOWER X20 327 SKYLINE SOLr INVERTER: AC MODULES �S`.'a+7 FL'�' FtiTteRF„ � }L'is YGL OWNER: FERNANDEZ, JOE 147 WHITE OAK RUN DARTMOUTH MA 02747 5082943002 DESCRIPTION: FERNANDEZ RESIDENCE PRODUCTION: DESIGNED BY: PAGE: PH Pvb REV: DATE: 11/8118 PAGE NAME: PROPERTY PLAN . -ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES 'A AMPERE 1. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE j f AC ALTERNATING CURRENT DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE BLDG BUILDING ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A CONC CONCRETE SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF C COMBINER Box THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. D DISTRIBUTION PANEL 2. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF DC DIRECT CURRENT THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM (E) EXISTING I EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING PER ART. 210.5. GAL1 GALVANIZED 3. A NATIONALLY -RECOGNIZED TESTING GEG GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL GND -GROUND EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 110.3. I CURRENT 4. 250V TO CIRCUITS OVER GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 25O.92(B) INVS INVERTERS 5. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC kvA KILOVOLT AMPERE RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MIN MINIMUM MEANS PER ART. 69O.31(E). (N) NEW 6. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO NIC NOT IN CONTRACT BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 7. _ MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED OC ON CENTER AT THE UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED P PANELBOARD BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL PL PROPERTY LINES LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC, 8• ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS (MODULE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE S SUBPANEL FRAMES, RAIL, BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE GROUNDED USING UL LISTED LAY -IN SS STAINLESS STEEL LUGS LISTED FOR THE PURPOSE. POSTS SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DIAGRAMS SHALL BE MADE ELECTRICALLY STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS CONTINUOUS WITH ATTACHED RAIL. SWH SOLAR WATER HEATER 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS TYP TYPICAL SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT LON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GROUND CONDUCTORS AND GROUNDED UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY AT THE MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL: v VOLT 10. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SHALL BE SIZED W WATT ACCORDING TO ART. 25O.166(B) & 690.47. 3R NEMA 3R, RAIN TIGHT GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A UL-LISTED POWER -CONDITIONING INVERTER. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. 3. ALL INVERTERS AND ARRAYS ARE NEGATIVELY GROUNDED, 4. SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMES ARE TO BE GROUNDED. JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE (MA) DWNEI FERNANDES RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILITYACCT# 147 WHITE OAK RUN MODULES:(40) SUN POWER SPR—E20-327—D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 INVERTER:(O1) SOLAREDGE SE10000H—US RGM VICINITY 10! DESCRIPTION: FERNANDES RESIDENCE 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM PRODUCTION: 22,733 kWH INDEX PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 SINGLE LINE PV5 LABEL SET APPLICABLE CODES 2015 INTERNATIONA! BUILDHNG CODE 2015 INTER ,ATIOa,IAL RESID_nNTIAL CODE t' 2015 INTERNIATIONAL FIRE CODE 2017 NA T IONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NE'�) 'a VITH EMP IA&S ON ARTICLE 000. ASCE 7-05. t r aAHJ: TOWN OF DARTIIODTI—i r y � 8 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE §: I SKYLINE SOLAR 4 CROSSROADS DR. SUITE 116 HAM I LTON, NJ 08691 LICENSES HIC: 172284 ELEC: 21667—A CSL: CS-027047 BY: PAGE. RG Pvl DATE: 10/09/2018 PAGE NAME: COVER SHEET l 1 4 8' 1 JOB NUMBER: UTILITY: OWNER: FERNANDEZ JOE RACKING: UTILITY 147 WHITE OAK RUN MODULES: 40 SUNPOWER X20 327 DARTMOUTH MA 02747 SKYLINE SC)LAR INVERTER: AC MODULES 5082943002 Gce�x��sre E�,*: E...,,G__��v,.r.You DESCRIPTION: FERNANDEZ RESIDENCE PRODUCTION: I I DESIGNED BY: PAGE: lk PH IL N REV: DATE: 11/8118 PAGE NAME: PROPERTY PLAN i Plan View NOT TO SCALE �Sheet 1 of 3 Date Revision Drawn By: Review By: 09/04/2018 Original ML JD Solar Five Project: Fernandes Residence 147 White Oak Run Dartmouth, MA 02747 Basic Wind Speed: 1 9 MPH Max. Leg Axial Bearing: 5,380 lbs. (Risk Category 1) Flat Roof Snow Load: 30 PSF Max. Leg Uplift: 2,970 lbs. Exposure Category: B Max. Lateral Resistance: 2,105 lbs. Site Contour. <5 Degree Slope Top Rail Max. Loading: 106.8 plf Helical Pile Depth: 6 " Min Lateral Resistance Plate Size: Not Req'd All design work has been performed in accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code, Ninth Edition, Base Volume (780 CMR) including but not limited to the 2015 International Building Code as amended by 780 CMR. Net design pressures were calculated in accordance with ASCE 7-10 section 27.4.3, "Open Buildings with Monoslope, Pitched, or Troughed Roofs". All load cases were evaluated in determining the limiting design conditions. The data table above provides the results for the limiting load case. Maximum leg reaction forces represent the highest load condition seen by any leg in the structure. All legs in the structure are designed to meet the maximum load conditions. 5Lx8C Sub—Arrav Design Conditions 1 Front Leg Height: 40)�* Array Tilt Angle: 25 Degrees Rear Leg Height: 88" Overall Array East-West Dim: 41'_0" North -South Leg Spacing: 102" Number of Modules/Sub-Array: 40 West Span Leg Spacing: 14'-g" Number of Sub -Arrays: 1 East Span Leg Spacing: 14'-g" Module Columns/Sub-Array: 8 Quantity Center Spans: 0 Number of Module Rows: 5 Center Span Leg Spacing: N/A Module Orientation: Landscape East do West Overhang: 5'-3" Module Column Spacing } Overall Beam Length: 40'-0" Module Row Spacing }" Front Edge Ground Clearance: 30" Module Model: SPR E20-32-77-D-AC Horizontal Rail Material: 5"x4"xj" I SS Module Size. 41.2' x 61.37 Top Rail Material: SF Rails Individual Module Rating: 327 watt Qty Rails per Panel: 2 Sub Array Power Rating: 13.08 kw Top Rail Length: 212" Total Power Rating: 13.08 kw Top Rail Center Span: 1121¢" Top Rail Overhangs: 4P4 (1) Additional North Column is to be nstalled per field direction. The Column is to support equipment mounting needs. It is not required for North beam support. Solar Foundations USA, 1142 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720 Ph: (855) 738-7200 Fax: (866) 644-5665 Front Edge SIDE ELEMICN DETAIL NOT To scATE Solar SF Rail fastened to Tube steel with Foundntlons� Galvanized U-bolt or (2) i1x20 Elco Drill Flex SF Rail Self Tapping Screws or equal. For SF Rail lengths In excess of 18'-01, use (2) U-bolts 5x4xk HSS Tube Steel, Galvanized HSS Fastened to Top Cap with W Galvanized U-Salt 0 e V Bolt, Typ, 5 p aces lyi Sch 40 Diagonal Brace, Galvanized 2k Sch 40 Helical Pile Extension, Galvanized �o LOWER CAP DETAIL NIX TO SCALE Sheet 2 of 3 Date Revision Drawn By: Review 09/04/2018 Original ML JD West Rear Le' Height Front Leg Height IY: Sch 41ff Diagonal Brace, --,❑veratl East—West Dim °' st ❑werhang POST SPACING F r E`VAmTCN DETAIL NOT TO SCAT F Solar SF Rail fastened to Tube steel with Foundations _ SF Rail Galvanized U-bolt or (2) j'x20 Elco Dr ,4l Flex Self Tapping Screws or equal. For SF:- Rail lengths In excess of 18'-0', use (2) W-bolts • Bolt, HSS Tube Steel, Galvanized Typ. 2 SS Fastened to Top Cup with Ye'places alvanized U-Bolt jr5x4xjV 0 Lateral Resistance Plate Located Below Grade, Rear Leg Locations only Sizing per Site Design Data Table 0 2j' Sch 40 Helical Pile, All Locations, Typ, Capaclities per Site Design Data Table Minimum 66' Depth or Until Load Bearing Strata Reached HELICAL PILE AMID LATERAL RESISTANCE PLATE DETAIL NoT To SCATF Solar Five By: Project: Fernandes Residence 147 White Oak Run Dartmouth, MA 02747 ' Bolt, Typ. 5 I aces 2P Sch 40 elical P"e Extension, alvanlzed �a UPPER CAP DETAIL NOT TO SC ALF Solar Foundations USAF 1142 River Road, qew Castle, DE 19720 Ph: (855) 738-7200 Fax: (866) 644-5665 1 orth Columns May Use Threaded oupling in Place 04� Weld, Coupling o be located Above the Wind Brace Lateral Resistance Plate, Top of Plate installed to just below grade As Required per Design Table 1/2' Sch 40 Lead Section Continuous Flight Helix J1x19' Heticoid Length Typical. When used in high density soils, rocky soils or bedrock, pre -drill the pile location with a 3-1/2' rock drill or rock auger as needed Helical Pile Detail NOT To sCAIZ Sheet 3 of 3 Date Revision Drawn By: Review By: 09/04/2018 Original ML JD 2-1/2' Above Grade Lead Extension Heights set per design table. -North Cotu-nns May Use Threaded Coupling in Place of Weld, Coupling to be located Above the Wind Brace —Lateral Resi>tance Plate, Top of Plate install>d to just below grade As Required per Design Table 2-1/2' Sch 40 lead Section Single Flight Helix, 8' Typical, Increase Size as needed to obtain Bearing Capacities Solar Five Pro-iect: Fernandes Residence 147 White Oak Run Dartmouth, MA 02747 Specification Requlreme4s, The following Material specification requirements pertain to the fabrication of the Solar Foundations USA ground mount solar support structure as ndlcated on these drawings, 1, Solar Foundation aluminum rails shall conform to ASTM B221. 2. Structural steel to ing shall be ASTM A500 Grade C, 3. Steel pipe for piles shall conform to ASTM A500 Grade C, 4. Steel pile extension > shalt be ASTM A53 Grade B. 5. Fabricated steel plate for column cap assemblies, bracing clamps, etc, shall be ASTM A36 or A1011, 6. Steel bolts for cap fasteners shall conform to SAE J429 Grade 5, All other bolts shall conform to SAE J429 Grade 2 or better. 7. Steel U-bolts shall conform to ASTM 1018. 8. USS flat steel washers shall conform to ASTM F844 and nuts for steel connections shall conform to ASTM A563 Grade A. 9. All field welding sha t conform to AWS D1.1/D1.1M -Structural Welding Code requirements, 10. All steel shall be h t-dip galvanized per ASTM A123 or A153 after all fabrication has been completed, Installation Requirements, 1, The minimum average installation torque required to obtain the required Indicated capacities and the minimum Installation depth shown on the plans shall be satisfied prior to termination of the Installation. The installation torque shall be an average of the Installation torques Indicated during the last 1 foot of installation, 2. The torsional stre gth rating of the torque anchor shall not be exceeded during the installation, If the torsional strength limit of tie anchor has been reached, but the anchor has not reached the target depth, perform the following 2.1. If the torsiona strength limit is achieved prior to reaching the target depth, the installation may be acceptable If reviewed and approved by the engineer and/or owner. 2.2. The Installer may remove the torque anchor and Install a new one with smaller diameter helical plate. 2.3. If using a continuous flight pile, pre -drip the' pile location with a 3-1/2' r1ock auger or rock drill as needed. 3. If the target depth Is achieved, but the torsional requirement has not been met the installer may do one of the following 3.1. Install the torque anchor deeper to obtain the required capacity 3.2. Remove the torque anchor and Install a new one with a Larger diameter helical plate or one with multiple helical plates. 3.3. Reduce the load capacity on the Individual torque anchor by providing a ditional torque anchors at a reduced spacing. Solar Foundations USA, 1142 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720 Ph: (855) 738-7200 Fax: (866) 644-566 Fernandes Residence 41'/" 5'-9" 102" UJI A 483/,, V 5Lx8C'sub-array 41'-0%" South Edge Diagonal 44'-0%" ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES A AMPERE 1.; WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE AC ' ALTERNATING CURRENT DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE BLDG BUILDING ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A CONC CONCRETE SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF C COMBINER BOX THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. D DISTRIBUTION PANEL 2 EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF DC DIRECT CURRENT THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING PER ART. 210.5. GALV GALVANIZED 3. A NATIONALLY -RECOGNIZED TESTING GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL GND GROUND EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 110.3. 1 CURRENT 4. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B) INVS INVERTERS 5. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE kw KILOWATT FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). (N) NEW 6. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO NIC NOT IN CONTRACT BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 7, MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED OC ON CENTER AT THE UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED P PANEL BOARD BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL PL PROPERTY LINES LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE.. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC $• ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS (MODULE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE FRAMES, RAIL, BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE S SUBPANEL SCH SCHEDULE GROUNDED USING UL LISTED LAY -IN SS STAINLESS STEEL LUGS LISTED FOR THE PURPOSE. POSTS SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DIAGRAMS SHALL BE MADE ELECTRICALLY STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS CONTINUOUS WITH ATTACHED RAIL. SWH SOLAR WATER HEATER 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS TYP TYPICAL SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT LION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GROUND CONDUCTORS AND GROUNDED UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY AT THE MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL V VOLT 10. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SHALL BE SIZED W WATT ACCORDING TO ART. 250.166(B) & 690.47. 3R NEMA 3R, RAIN TIGHT GENERAL NOTES 1 2. 3. 4. ( ) DFERNANDES g K: JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE MA RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILITY 147 WHITE OAK RUN MODULES:(40) SUN POWER SPR-E20-327-D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 -SKYLINE SOIARINVERTER:(01) SOLAREDGE SE1000OH-US RGM THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A UL-LISTED POWER -CONDITIONING INVERTER. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. ALL INVERTERS AND ARRAYS ARE NEGATIVELY GROUNDED. SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMES ARE TO BE GROUNDED. PV1 COVER SHEET SITE PLAN PV2 PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 SINGLE LINE - PV5 LABEL SET APPLICABLE CODES 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) VNITH EMPHASIS ON ARTICLE 690. ASCE 7-05. �. YkJwil 'I AHJ: TOWN OF DARTMOUTH Nijw UTILITY:`EVERSOURCE (MA) SKYLINE SOLAR 4 CROSSROADS DR. SUITE 11E1 HAMILTON, NJ 08691 LICENSES HIC: 172284 ELEC: 21667-A CSL: CS-027047 DESCRIPTION: DESIGNED Y: FERNANDES RESIDENCE RG 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM PRODUCTION: REV: DATE: 22,733 kWH 10/09/2018 PAGE: p v i PAGE NAME: COVER SHEET ' POOL -200 TREK ® THROUGH DIRT FOH DRIVEWAY oy JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE (MA) OWNER FERNANDES RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILITY ACCT #: 147 WHITE OAK RUN MODULES:(40) SUN POWER SPR-E20-327-D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 INVERTER:(01) SOLAREDGE SE1000OH-US RGM 4ei1 r:.3z C#$F,?�,r q :nav E?k2c' SBS IN INVERTER A AC DISCONNECT p DC DISCONNECT Aslj MAIN SERVICE PANEL B DC JUNCTION BOX N MONITORING UNIT D DISTRIBUTION PANEL L LOAD CENTER STANDOFF LOCATIONS, CONDUIT FENCE GATE DESCRIPTION: DESIGNED BY: PAGE: FERNANDES RESIDENCE RG 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM PRODUCTION: F-`v2 REV: DATE: 22,733 kWH 10/09/2018-.PAGENAME: SITEPLAN 4 1 LEGEND ROOF --- RAFTERS RAIL O MOUNT OBSTRUCTION N W E S 7 SUB -ARRAY DESIGN FRONT LEG HEIGHT 40 1/2" REAR LEG HEIGHT gg" NORTH -SOUTH LEG SPACING 102" WEST SPAN LEG SPACING 14'-9" EAST SPAN LEG SPACING 14'-9" EAST & WEST OVERHANG 5'-9" OVERALL BEAM LENGTH 40' FRONT EDGE GROUND CLEARANCE 30" HORIZONTAL RAIL MATERIAL 5"x4"x$" HSS ARRAY TILT ANGLE 250 TOP RAIL MATERIAL SF RAILS QTY. RAILS PER PANEL 2 TOP RAIL LENGTH 212" TOP RAIL CENTER SPAN 1121.... TOP RAIL OVERHANG 49 4'"i OVERALL ARRAY EAST -WEST DIM 41' 2' 16„ I 1 r '_6^ FRONT VIES REAR VIEW ., SCAL :.ITS SCALE: NITS i E VIEW cc)-§jp SCALE: T V JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE (MA) OWNER: DESCRIPTION: DESIGNED BY: PAGE: FERNANDES FERNANDES RESIDENCE RG RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILITY ACCT #: 147 WHITE OAK RUN 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM MODULES:(40) SUN POWER SPR-E20-327-D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 PRODUCTION:v 3 SKYLINE i? REV: DATE: �r INVERTER:(01) SOLAREDGE SE1000OH-US RGM 22 733 kWH �oiosizois PAGENAME: STRUCTURAL VIEWS PANEL BRAND: SQUARED METER NUMBER: 37 111 519 SERVICE ENTRANCE: UNDERGROUND GROUNDING METHOD: UNDERGROUND STRAP Largest String: 1-4p SP Rating (A): 2oc, r0odule SEC Pacing (4 ): 3.27 FA-ain Bre2kerRatin (A): 200' Inverter Nor . DC In p ut 24OV (V): 24O Inverter Max. Out p ut (A): 42.0 Inom (A)= 19.iD8 M21xAlliowabfe Backfeed (A)= 40 Operating Voltage (Vdc)= 24G Min Breaker Rating (A)= �O 120/240V SINGLE PHASE Max Power Point Current (A) 32.70 Max -Systern Voltage (Vdc)= 4�0 UTILITY SERVICE Max S ste m Cu iTe n t (A) = 45 TIE IN: CINESIQETAP METER 37 111 519 AWG#6, THWN-2 AWG#6, THWN-2 AWG#10, THWN-2 AWG#6, THWN-2, EGC/GEC AWG#6, THWN-2, EGC/GEC AWG#10, THWN-2, EGC/G CONDUIT, 1" EMT CONDUIT, 1" EMT CONDUIT, 3/4" EMT 200A SQUARE D MSP (01) SOLAREDGE SE10000H-US RGPA -INVERTER WITH- - INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECTS - REVENUE GRADE DATA, ANSI C12.1 60A --------------------- --------------------- ----------- 200A LINE LOAD LINE LOAD t AC DC (� OUTPUT I� tI I I� t� _I (E) 'LOADS QTY 1 BRAND ILSCO PART# Z O INSULATION a PIERCING CONNECTOR U U w ❑ QTY 1 BRAND PART # Z O GROUND ROD F a U U W QTY 1 BRAND SQUARE D PART# D222NRB Z O FUSIBLEAC DISCO-60A a~ U w QTY 2 BRAND PART# Z O FUSES-60A a U U W ❑ QTY 1 BRAND SQUARE D PART# DU222RB Z O AC DISCO NON -FUSIBLE IL LOCKABLE 60A w ❑ JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE MA OWNER ( ) FERNANDES RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILIWACCT#: 147 WHITE OAK RUN SKYLINE SUN POWER SPR-E20-327-D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 S INE SOLAR Clm) r � INVERTER:(01) SOLAREDGE SE1000OH-US RGM QTY 1 BRAND SOLAREDGE PART# SE10000H-US RGM Z O INVERTER a U U W BREA*ER -EZB- FUSE SWITCH a EARTIjH GROUND " --- GEC ------ EGC AWG#10, PV WIRE AWG#10, EGC CONDUIT, 3/4" EMT --.-�..�_---� / / 1STRINGOF14ONARRAY1 I / / 1 STRING OF 13 ON ARRAYI t-- -----.-_-..� / / 1 STRING OF 13 ON ARRAYI QTY 1 BRAND SOLADECK PART # Z O JUNCTION OX a U U w 0 QTY 40 BRAND SUN POWER PART# SPR-E20-327-D-AC Z O PV MODULE - 327W n~. 30MM U W DESCRIPTION: DESIGNED Y: PAGE: FERNANDES RESIDENCE RG It 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM PRODUCTION: - v 4 REV: DATE: 22,733 kWH 10/09/2018 PAGE NAME: SINGLE LINE NEC 690.5(c) NEC 690.31 (E) 3 & 4; 2012 IFC 605.11 PLACE THIS LABEL ON INVERTER(S) OR NEAR PLACE ON ALL JUNCTION BOXES, EXPOSED GROUND -FAULT INDICATOR (ON INVERTER(S) U.O.N.) RACEWAYS EVERY 10' AND 1' FROM BENDS ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED NOTE: BACKGROUND AND ETTERING COLORS FOR SIGNAGE/LAE3ELS SHALL COMPLY WIT (IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) AHJ & FIRE DEPARTMENT AMENDMENTS, STATE CODE, AND ANSI GUIDELINES. THIS PAGE IS INTENDED OR SIGNAGE/LABEL VERBIAGE ONLY. OUTSIDE LABELING OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND METERS IS TO BE DONE IN A WAY SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Mi WHICH THE EQUIPM =NT IS INSTALLED. NO STICKERS ARE PERMITTED. NEC 690.17(E) NEC 690.35 (F) PLACE THIS LABEL ON ALL DISCONNECTING PLACE THIS LABEL AT EACH JUNCTION BOX, COMBINER BOX, MEANS WHERE ENERGIZED IN AN OPEN POSITION DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED, UNGROUNDED AND PENETRATIONS, ADJACENT TO THE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE: WA Ali OIL ARNINu'o NEC 690.56(c) N I N PLACE ON RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT WHEN RAPID ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD SHUTDOWN IS INSTALLED DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM E SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED QUIPPED POSITION AND MAY BE ENERGIZED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN NEC 705.12(D)(2)(b) NEC 705.12(D)(3) PLACE THIS LABEL AT P.O.C. TO SERVICE PLACE LABEL ON ALL EQUIPMENT CONTAINING DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT (I.E. MAIN PANEL (AND OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE)) TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTORS SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES JOB NUMBER: 02747 UTILITY: EVERSOURCE (MA) OWNER: DESCRIPTION: DESIGN DBY: PAGE: EVERSOURCE FERNANDES RACKING: GROUND MOUNT UTILITYACCT#: FERNANDES RESIDENCE R(; 147 WHITE OAK RUN 13.08 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM Y PRODUCTION: _MODULES:(40) SUN POWER SPR-E20-327-D-AC DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 Fj S V5 INVERTER:(01) SOLAREDGE SE1000OH-US RGM REV: DATE. 22,733 kWH 10/09/2018 PAGE NAME: LABEL SETS rq� R,12'117M=��M� CA P�A�c, V'r IN for oot nttt .",!r�n- irlver,�ci� Size OPL�n-dlze pa tfwrri,.,rnce of ca(h 'A — - — - - - ----- ­-­­ - ------------ Expand Deeployrnent Options Optimize System and Ins, i�'Ia.ion Efficiency Lf: 174" SA J,_ fa�--[ UV J - - . .............. . . 54 2�� -A -Y SIMPPI S, Speed 1wallabn, a e'Wo", ---------- ----- V w"w'! SP�tj�, n,nt u L2 Roblust, double locking At' ccinnec' c, lJi 9 al_.Sun, A* L, li62nl_,. P" n it 1 t� S,,It�L:,n. 17- AC "I n U-1, i D i, Ip -_--------- lot, s,eps thar� . ........ best wi P n j Ail 'tos P", if !!j ty 33,,A) Cibrhr�,,_)nent o" Corn G s G Bulft vlfl (UL 27( 3) z _4 0 G r',rd 0-�e StjnPcw,,�� 'Acinitci�lng S,.,,sten (11,65x) rid Suppor-L Utility-Interadive Smart Inverter A ",--t­1 rld cer-, ificcl -o 11, . ...... . .......... . .. S� lN Ty,.,�e D AC modulte, "U'L �C_ a A�JJJIA ----------- -- --- - - 4 _�,s &J, E, ii 1741 SA 7ind prc,,,idcs at! nCcdi st r;m, nvc�, A 31 3 rr VLLL P u r 01— 'Why c0tr",.1'riiSsic)r0n,, vq1 h ciu, PV1__1!_,,,x M101-75 frllrj�-"7 t, A(f" N1 lt sunpower.com ............ D"M Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave Technologyfor North America SE300OH-US/ SE33O DH-US / SE500OH-US/ SE600OH-USf SE760 H-US / SE]OOOOH-US/ SE11 0 -US (� -- _ SE300CH US ': SE380OH-US S€500OH-US SE600OH-US 5€SO 11 1 North — o orth America��' � •"°'�� � OJTPL'T _._._ - -- -- _. i7S SEY1dO0fi US p Pat <�<C Power Jutou, ,,,-00 � uC L^ 240V SOW � 240', v _... r �yy �}} + 5)( 76LID jonep 1140 3Lt t" ? ��i.Otr'20$.`,__._ 00(a20HV 1 -„ H US - 1 „ .......... A f '.:a; a'; \c :c: ;�„a�=` a:, t.'ax. AC E'4�'.✓a=r utetau£ - 3f�!t (_-'2RJV;i24t3k' < ,, i. .,..,.«. , ,r�:r 33^r, . 2,38V. 5000 75f10 i 114p�- /t�} (�L�000"203V C:t3ff'M VA C I �i UUtia? a C rut �tC F9r!a i .t ^t:'rn.=is';ai�„ amyc'.t`S,a\,r .,.:s„w• '2CR Va a C Output vSds£,,,.1 .... 1. - ... -. ..... _ ..... . -s t . ,. 2402E ✓ ✓ r _ r-a. , es1Cf 3?a;3n•: .a;` :.'� F 53 - 6v. 6C ., a�-iunCcrnbnuc,,c Cutput Current,. ..-.. , a. 24 y,+ t. , ° \ n :, .,„ .,< ,2,„„ ,„,. �i*, s�,. :.Nr .ar:aGC Ci'u�t. C:,.,�ECt,trEsti I 12.E 42 21 is P. c ec one, S41at3� ',.^;"'' C i surac'.? T`i e<hc!ds Yes .. INPUT d £IA .., C0 118 sfi t;1Y „ , \ „a nt E7C Pc„ .,: :,,J 0 y 46511 15500 17650 W �yarsa u € �r 3 ' 7750 q 3 or ret teas Un. ded ,, , \ Yes „ r`. �,:rn t h utn lniit vo:-aau n,i v i%Lt icVdc ri e 1 l...z:nturni nputCJr rn, �,,o',,; } ,. ... ._, .. - ai , ,,, .,:' _ '� a.. , ! -, "?U31t 3n sat W'£� :-2•.u'ti' ;.: � � _ - _13.5 - - - . Input Short C:rc_'.C::rrenr - .....,,t �*�`� ^Add.. , 15.5 27 ., \c se:PclazstyProt _ .....,.,..<, , i6 ID \c L,Gi _ y t a.c D_.tc. ,. DI ,.. :r nnurn!nrt,r,e,. Eh =nr: d�wC'!\,: >ul XN.X... - . <, :.� . - .. ..... - .. .... �a , _ . _ I,hted Efficiency «_. . f .... .. < - .... D . , ,. ;,,,; :., r .r� ! ,,, • , , '.., ,,, , MN "Ir ADDITIeO.-i.N.C.«Ao..m,.,Fm..oA.n,T,=.cU-Rr. .S: E a .__,.._,.,...._,,,__ .......... .. .....\ . P-,­.cnue Grade EatC,Z.20 INte t : i7 -__ At oT Rao;d Sh tdeetn u on AC Grid Discot.,,'sr ._t :.: r: 3 _ STANDARD COMPLIANCE 3 _.-. -- _ �- -- — --- --- — - - _- UL1741.UL1741S a r . --- -- 1a=+ UL35_4�, CSs C22Z Canadian AFCtaccordiri ta;a,L. Pv!-O7 d Cc�nrr c7p S ar�cfards G £ Ei d x _,.. .. IEc 5 7 P.ulc• u:_ 14 t{! � v « —. _. ,.-_w ___ Part 5 t lass a w aw INSTALCATiON ECIFtCATtO. -- _ _ a . _ coilduit - -- A%VG _ %.. 31d in,m:;r, 1•, ` r'tb (' .r .. ,. JtC d Csmgs . ....., pTE4fi"` j 4x p h'G Ran e 3;` n .n.,r•u ^ j i-2 t., . ,s 1 `SAvVG 3r' ' 3n¢;nurr,str1ntts3! t i � l o- MVO _ '.. t. 1�i-6 AWG u en5=cnc i 5fntySv;rcrtF;b'v"zD 177 4 3xi4.5�7.3.;,..� ecl all d s ed to o, with rer tiinr'zta� " x i 5x6Ri»Sr,x3r,x17a wthSa? z SVttk,Ct.... Y 2_ t... i in/ MrYl x.� , 1 ,record-ttrealtin effat t FSC " ,1-._. 25.1, 11.7 6,2 ,j.... *a >e 3e S j 17.6 1b f kg a25 ` fixed vol f veFt r fair i"cats er'; i„ sx tF� R ,f cc, vF^ Cn 6.2 j 3.9 " : L.._ .:t,. gT ..,,., f ,^,- h a ., .- Cb tllaF CC't nVl Cti,Cs <, ' art e srapid _ �.-esmpt.r<.,.aat .,a,. EsA t ted, rc aU1i Oiotection and ra id AotdoWn f r N d 4 r€ �' .... _....... ..... 33 1"-'. r �5 tc =5O ,-ao F j e C c � c,., c 2i� 7„per article and 1.12 P TcrC11 P <tn f.' . ` .>..,.<;":A3Pti'ty_"iE hahS-a,o } Stiuirch} $ ' L1'�dcefc�,for C:tu9CRole rfc3cc�frsh`=once „ _ - _ „ ...... ........• ...::....,.,, ,,1..,..- ,<. Extremely StYill � , ' c • ,�,, req-�r:?ls:SE:�x R �ea_r.., � N° *%5t ... f f t fU kf-C! C. Nt 1', t;taG ., 'P,°Yt+fd..::✓I ..g'.,..:3"iie: [ , _ �'i; :' ., -C. ..1. High reliability l�ra Itut fey electrblytis: c�aco *° guilt -try module -level monitoring ; .� Outdoor and indoor Installation Optional. tie rt C: itoveFluwave e grade data l C 2.20 Class C» (o s% accuracyg _tta \ sola 4h v sC SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add For Forth America .F -On P3001P320 P370 P400% P O x ,ir k a; 7 z yti cx� wR (^k kr \\ P"` ,�, `. ! h� C . � � H �' i �k' C3 �'V U.>,ai,ws[7 .(tsht3t.wY it�,,f c33d11ct;-�tnPEt`n'-C},(,�� AttSTRtai1C-1f�i"�hE IrRtA'd'tS t,.. 3,R�! TllRKc, S{YtfiitRFfttr,;-^vULL.Yi;6a 1ti:;3fi t^Jbt',C�.SfllaP2dget,i5 s® SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On for North America P300 / P320 / P3701 P400 / P405 P300 P320N f PGCIO ( P�€05___ {fo (far 60-cell mod- ( (for high -power f higher -power (for 72 & 96-cell (for thin film _ ules) a 60-cell modules) i 0 and tell modules} modules) modules) le INPUT — Rated Input DC Power'' 300 320 ......................................... 370 400 405 W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage AB. � (c at lowest temperature) ............................................. i...........,....... 60 � 80 12S Vdc .............. f rT Operat ng Range 8 - 48 . .. .., ...., ... .�. ...... ...... .................. .I. ... ..I.. .... ,,.., 8 - 60 8 80 s e 12.5 1054 Vdc ...,.....,.. r. 6`;x mum Short 9rcuit Current (€sc) 10.......... (.....................1?..... .I ..................... ..,. ,,,,.. .,. ,............ ,, 1,0:?..,...,...,.,,.,, Adc N xim tm DC input Current12.5 1 13.75 <... ,. ..... Nfi aximum Efficiency ....................... I.................................................., .... ...., 'Ef 99 5 q6 ... ... ienc 4",'='�hted Ef`IciencY l .. .......ateg.....ory ........*........,, • --.� ...................... 98.5 9/ f ery_ O�.veryoltage C p "� �' OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SO _AREDGE INVERTER) x ^gum Output Curre^t 10 Adc Maximum Output Voltage 60 -------.._ 85......:... .... Vdc ..... OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDG INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power Cc^:miter 1 Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE E C FCC Pe t15 Cass ... ...... ..., [ . ............................. . IEC61C00 6-2 IEC61000-6-3 1 ............. SZet Y.. ...._............. IEC62109 1 ,. . . (class II safety) UL1741 F2HS e.......,,., v INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System Voltage ......., _...............................:..................................................c` ... . lOGQ Vdr .............................. Compatible inverters ; All SclarEdge Singie Phase and Three Phase inverters Dirensions(WxLxH) �,,....,.,, 128x152x27.5/5x5.97x1.0, 128x152x35/ ' 128xl52x50J i i mm f in i.<.................... 5 x 5.97 x 1.37 5 x 5,97 x 1:96 Weia^t (including cables) 630 / 1.4 .....,...................... 750 / 1.7 845 / 1.9 gr f !b In^J- u.t Connector MC4 Compatible j Al, MC4 f MC4 Compatible f henol AH4 Doable Insulated; i C ^c.rt Wire Type / Connector ; Double Insulated; MC4 Compatible MC4 / Double Insulated; MC4 Compatible .......................A phenol AH4 i Ca:put Wire Length � 0.9S / 3.0 ......_...................................... . .................:.,...,.,,.,,,.,,,,,.,..,. 1.2 J 3.9 m / ft Opera..ng Temperature Ran e 40 - g......,.,. <,,.......................................................... 85 / 4Q +185 C ng Pr te: lion Rating I IF ........................ 38 J NEMA6P R.....;e Humidity la .............................. ......... , 100 0 ...................................,,.,:...,.,.,,.,:,I,,....�0 PB,ed 5 7c cower of the module. Module of up to +5% power tolerance allowed. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING w SINGLE PHASE A SOLAREDGE INVERTER;zlf31 HD -WAVE SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE 20$V THREE PHASE 4$0V Minimum String Length (Power Optimizer s} 8 1 10 � 18 _. ,:,um String Length 25 I 25 50 (Power Optimizers) ........ ............................................i...................,....,....,....,....,......:...,,, 5700 6t700 with %Iix mum Power per 5 rfr, 5250 .:.-.,.,,.,.... ` i 6000 12750 I W SE7600H-US) .........,, i ., �„ Parallel Strings of Different Lengths s . or Oren, ations.................................................................. Yes ........ ,..,,.,. Poi d tailed string .sizing information re �; to: hGp:J%wbvtvsolaredg^.:am/sites/denuli);iies,'stnn�s,nrg ra.pdf. _ - ,, is not a9owed to mix P405 with P-WjP370/P4C0/P^,0alP7W, hr one string. t �R : r \ i `r� "� '�,.� f,. �i\f.Y�c \ �'..t 3e�. .�. � s, :h�', v. # a •::9 \"^ �`�\ .;;a. a Y .a. `2 S� •• ( I I ' Top Rail Overhang Overall East-West Di II I West Overhang- W@st Spa enter Spa ast Spn--East Overhang - Top Raft Cen er Span Top Rail overhang Array t Angie Rear Le Hei ht g e Front Edge Ground Clearance Front Leg height _ orth-South Leg Spacing POST SPACING ELEVATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SIDE ELEMION DETAIL Wr TO SCALE Sotar Foundations SF Rai SF Rail fastened to Tube steel with Galvanized U-bolt or (2) kx20 Etco Drill Flex Sotnr Foundations SF Rail fastened to Tube steel with Galvanized U-bott or (2) }'x20 Elco Drill Flex _ Self Tapping Screws or equal. For Rail lengths In excess of 18'-0', use c2) U-bolts SF Raft� Self Tapping Screws or equal. For SF Rail' Iengths In excess of 18'-0', use (2) U-bolts il/4 Sch ''� BOIL, 5x4x&' HSS Tube Steel, Galvanized 5x4xk HSS Tube Steel, Galvanized T Diagonal Brace, Typ. 2 Galvanized places HSS Fastened to Top Cap with Y' Galvanized U-Bolt e HSS Fastened to Top Cap with Y2' o Galvanized U-Bolt e Lateral Resistance Bolt, s e Plate Located Below aces 1<6• Bolt, Typ. 5 Grade, Rear Leg places Locations only iY4' Sch 40 Diagonal Brace, -/� Sizing per Site Design Galvanized Data Table a 2k Sch 40 Helical Extension, Galvartzed Plle 1v 2k Sch 40 Helical Pile Extension, Galvanized -moo - Ii 'i 2j' Sch 40 Helical Pile, All UPPER CAP DETAIL NOT To SCALE locations, Typ. Capaciities per Site Design Data Table Minimum 66' Depth or Until Load Bearing Strata Reached HELICAL PILE AND LATERAL IJOHM CAP DETAIL NOr To SCALE RESISTANCE PLATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Sheet 2 of 3 Skyline Solar Solar Foundations USA By: Review By: Date Revision Drawn Protect: 05111/2018 Original ML JD stle, DE 19720 Pi,: (355) 738-7200 Fax: (866) 644-5665 Gregoire Residence 1142 Fiver Foad. Ne v C 459 Michael Sears Road Belchertown, MA 01007 Specification Requirements: The following material specification requirements pertain to the fabrication of the Solar Foundations USA ground mount solar support structure as indicated on these drawings. North Columns May Use Threaded 2-1/2' Above Urade Lead Extension 1. Solar Foundation aluminum ralls shalt conform to ASTM E221. Coupling, in Place of 'Weld, Coupling set per design table. 2, Structural steel tubing shalt be ASTM A500 Grade C. 60 to be located Above the Wind Brace �/—Heights 3. Steel pipe for piles shall onform to ASTM A500 Grade C. 4, Steel pile extensions shall be ASTM A53 Grade B. 5. Fabricated steel plate for column cap assemblies, bracing clamps, etc. shall be ASTM A36 or A1011. 6. Steel bolts for cap faste ers shalt conform to SAE J429 Lateral Resistance Plate, Top of " Grade 5. Alt other bolts shall conform to SAE J429 Grade 2 Plate installed to Just below grade or better. As Required per Design Table North Columns May Use Threaded 7. Steel U-bolts shall conform to ASTM 1018, Coupling in Place of Weld, Coupling 8, USS flat steel washers shalt conform to ASTM F844 and nuts 60 to be located Above the Wind Brace for steel connections shalt conform to ASTM A563 Grade A. .._ 9. All field welding shall conform to AWS Dla/DlAM -Structural Welding Code requirements. q• 10. All steel shall be hot -dip galvanized per ASTM A123 or A153 after at[ fabrication has een completed. Lateral Resistance Plate, Top of Installation Requirements Plate installed to just below grade As Required per Design Table 3 1. The minimum average installation torque required to obtain the required indicated capaciti_s and the minimum Installation depth v shown on the plans shall e satisf led prior to termination of the installation. The installation torque shall be an average of the Installation torques Indicated during the last 1 foot of installation, 2. The torsional strength rating of the torque anchor shalt not be exceeded during the installation. If the torsional —2-1/2' Sch 40 Lead Section �2-1/2' strength limit of the anchor has been reached, but the Sch 40 Lead Section anchor has not reached the target depth, perform the following ` 2.1. If the torsional strength limit is achieved prior to reaching the target depth, the installation may be Continuous Flight Helix _ acceptable If reviewed and approved by the engineer �'x19' Helicoid Length Typical. Single Flight Helix, 8' Typical. and/or owner. 2.2. The installer may remove the torque anchor and install a Increase Size as needed to obtain new one with smaller diameter helical plate. When used in high density soils, Bearing Capacities 2.3. If using a continuous flight pile, pre -drill the pile location rocky soils or bedrock, pre -drill with a 3-1/2' rock auger or rock drill as needed, y thepile location. with n 3-1/2' ���"y ��° ,' rock drill or rock auger as needed 3. If the target depth is achieved, but the torsional ti requirement has not been met the installer may do one of the following. 3.1. Install the torque anchor deeper to obtain the required capacity 3.2. Remove the torque anchor and install a new one with a Helical Pile Detail ' NOr TO SCME larger diameter helical plate or one with multiple helical plates, 3.3. Reduce the toad capacity on the individual torque anchor by providing additional torque anchors at a reduced spacing. Sheet 3 of 3 Skyline Solar SO1a1y11 s 111datiOnUSA, By: Review By: Date RevisionDrawn Protect• 05(11(2018 Original ML 7D Greg0ire Residence 1142 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720 Ph: (855) 738-7200 Pax: (866) 644 5665 459 Michael Seams Road Belchertown MA 01007 i AUTHORIZATION TO MARKte ftek ntertek Total Quality. Assured. Total Qu lity. Assured. AUTH( TION TO MARK - ._- This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the mode s described in the Product(s) €Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Gov red section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certi ication Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing =' rt- This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing If Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification`mark(s) may be This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. Th- certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: SolarEdge Technologies Ltd Manufacturer. Jabil Circuit (Guangzhou) LTD Apple ant: • SolarEdge Technologies Ltd Manufacturer: Celestica Romania Address: 1 HaMada Street Address: DEV EAST DISTRICT, 128 JUN Address: 1 HaMada Street Address: 88 Sosea ja Borsului, Bors, Bihor county, Herzeliya 4673335 CHENG RD, GUANGZHOU, Herzeliya 4673335 417075 GUANGDONG 510530 Country: Israel Country: China Coun�ry: is Country: Romania Contact: Mr. Oren Bachar or Contact: Elaine Ouyang Contact: Mr. Oren Bachar or Contact: Renata Bodan Mr. Meir Adest Mr. Meir Adest Phone: +972 9 957 6620 #293 or Phone: 020-2805-40251 Phon�: +972 9 957 6620 #293 or Phone: +40-359 03-661 +972 9 957 6620 #131 135-7023-5852 +972 9 957 6620 #131 FAX: 972 9 957 6591 FAX: NIA FAX: 972 9 957 6591 FAX: NIA Email: oren.b@solaredge.com Email: Elaine.ouyang@jabil.com Email: oren.b@solaredge.com Email: rbodan@(:elesfica.com meir.a@solaredge.com meir.a@solaredge.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer w Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Cortland NY 13045 Repo Issuing Office: Cortland NY 13045 i Control Number: 4004590 Authorized by: �� N, # Control Number: 4004590 Authorized by: UIIa-Pia Johansson=Nilsson Ulla-Pia Jo anssomNi sson for Dean Davidson, Certification Manager for Dean Davidson Certification Manager C US C US Intertek _:Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. P p p This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of intertek's Client and Is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its CliertL intertek's responsibility and 5ab3ty are 7lo , 1p ltxk s far the exclusive use of IntarfekY Client and ided Nnuted to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client In accordance with the agreement for any loss, expense ordamage occasioned prov" pursuant to the Can to then agreement accordance between Intertek and i CSent any loss, expense od andge coc are by the use of this Authorization to Made. Only the CHentis authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then onty 3n its entirety. the of lntertek's Certification n+artc6 5m t eg:-S ard ccfddorts cPiheagmament. I". assumes hst' Tty to anyparty, other than to the COenlm accordance with the agre tint for any loss, expense or damage occasioned rest~cted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the bltertek namefor the sale or advertisement of the tested materal, product or service mtV byte orezof 'vis nd esa'm to Mark agreenly s ntant in thiaulths¢edtri permitocopying nyfurther use of the Antertok nacreator for and ;or adveen yvnl entirety. Use of lntedak's product or service is ras.'CaC b Le �5ms !a of out in the agreement and in this Auttmr¢ation to Mark. Any Iunher use of the Intertek name for the sa _ or advertise lent of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certifcation mark of accordance with the Irsx ac 7mec mrrbV!yf Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the.eniicatcri mark in aceordancewith the agreement they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations -n this respect - - _ fey errs not for tine purposes of production quality control and der not re!'eve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 545 Fast Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Standard(s): Inverters, Converters, Controllers And Interconnection System Equipment For Use With Distributed Energy Resources [UL`1741:2010 Ed.2(Supplement SA)+R:07Sep2016] General Use Power Supplies (R2011) [CSA C22.2#107.1:2001 Ed.3]. UL SUBJECT`1699B Issued: 2013/01/14 Ed: 2 Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) DC ARC - Fault Circuit Protection Product: Grid support Utility Interactive Inverter - Non Isolated Photovoltaic Inverter with MPPT function and Rapid shut down Function. Brand Name: SolarEdge Models: SE3400H-US, SE3800N-US, SE5000H US, SE6000H-US and SE7600H-US. ATM for Report 102144760CRT-001e Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 26-Jun-2017 ED 16.3.15 (20-Apr-17) Mandatory Standard(s): Inverters, Converters, Controllers And Interconnection System Equipmen For Use With Distributed Energy Resources [UL 1741:2010 Ed.2(Supplement SA)+R;07Sep2016] General Use Power Supplies (R2011) [CSA C22.2#107.1:2001 Ed.3]. UL SUBJECT 1699B Issued: 2013/01/14 Ed: 2 Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) DC ARC - Fault Circuit Protection Product: Grid support Utility Interactive Inverter - Non Isolated Photovoltaic Inverter with MPPT function and Rapid shut down Function. Brand Name: SolarEdge Models: SE3000H-US, SE3800H-US, SE5000H-US, SE6000H-US and SE7600H- S. ATM fo Report 102144760CRT-001 e ( Page 2 of 2 1 j ATM Issued`. ED 16.3.15 (20-Apr-17) Mandatary