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RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE & NON -TRANSFERABLE 2002 1. Date plan reviewed: v 2. 30 days to review period expires: 3. OK to issue date: 4. OK to issue subject to requested submittals (see project review worksheet): Date: 5. DENIED (see project revi w wnrk�shheet): Date- 6. HOLD reason: V 'T y�' Date: 7. HOLD subject to Zoning Board of Appeals a ion: Date: 8. Comments: 9. Inspector's Signature: Date: J On S TIC?Na9 PP C T ibT IF ATION Applicant informed of above Date Ti NUClerk: Comment ' gv 1 ECTiON 10- OFF C-EVNSPECTOR'S KOTES, Total Permit Fee: $ Less Application Fee: $ 25.00 Remaining Balance: $ r� TOTAL FEE- JC 6F(D Gross Area - New Construction total sq. ft. ` Gross Area - Alteration total sq. ft. Permit Issued To L%2�E'✓.Lti �L^.��.�t� �'tQ-'ram--- � ��o �i.S �� �� �46 Cg C- 77 RESIDENTIAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY . $25.00 APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE ac NON-TRANSFERABLM: L( DARTMOUTH BUILDING DEPA TMENT DAT/(!jE RECEIVED �t 400 Slocum Road, P.O. Box 7 399 L'_ i f 3°.,66 SVY Dartmouth, MA 02747 —� 508-910-1820 FAX 508-910-1838 I APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR tEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBEER DATE SENT FOR REVIEW: — L DATE ISSUED:JI OK TO ISSUE - SIGNATURE: DATE Buildin Commissi nerQn� g pector Build' gs ��'�� 'Zoning District: � 6"Proposed Use: Zone: ❑ B ❑ A ❑ V ' A Outside Flood done © Aquifer Z e 3 THE FOLLO`IV'ING AGENC S SHOULD BE NOTIFIED Board of ❑Board of ❑Con. Com. ❑ Demo ❑ DPW t Elec. L7 Energy Report Appeals Health Affidavit Card Sent' . Cut Off Follow-ulx � r� ❑ Fire ❑ Gas ❑ Planning Board` ❑ Sewer and ❑ Water Card i7 Zoning. ' Other �y Chief Cut Off / Cut Off / Cut Off Rege► * REQUIRES INSPECTOR'S REVIEW BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMrr. DEPARTMEN�*)J PROVAL �n Zoning Review: 0 K Signature: Energy Report: C) /Z Signature: Fire Chief. Signature: Board of Health: Signature: or Conservation Commission: Signature: Other: Signature: Description of work being performed: NUMBER OF PLANS SUBMITTED: 3 1.1 Property Address: I -Or 2 2T6� I-Ane Av/�, 16 Nearest Cross Street: 4�)Alt-t- Oqe `7?U.✓ Subdivision Name: 11 Q 4Sey 1-g e e_ Total Land Area Sq. Ft.: 1.4 Water Supply (@1GL c 40 § 54): w�l� L ❑ Municipal RT Private Well 3�i5"=vim/ SITE PLAN SUBMITTED: ❑ yes X no %F 1.2 Assessors Plat & Lot Number: �» Plat Lot - i 1.3 Historical District ❑ yes Wno Has application been submitted to the Historic Comimission? ❑ yes la' no Date: 1.5 Sewage Disposal System: 5CP1-A_ ❑ Municipal it On Site Disposail System C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 4 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.fonns\Bldgapp.res.wpd 1 Rev. JJanuary 1, 2003 r�rr0T"1[7XTTT A T RESIDENTIAL 1\j,%�11/1J1 \ 1 lAL -CTIN 1r =I2CipERT 1' O�RSHIP. A1JTIl f1TtiZED AGENT NOTICE To LICENSED CONTRACTORS: The Building Code provides in the Ru es and Regulations section that any licensed Construction Supervisor, whether or not they have taken the permit are responsible for co compliance. (see Appendix of 780 CMR R5.2.15) 2.1 Owner of Record: 677 67YJ W l� ' 'S yy��� �eS 1 ���1 r� �nl '�%� �j� � e �e � J6W, ,-�z �r� 77 -9364 Name (print) Contact Address �� � Phone Number 2.2 Authorized Agent: Contact Address Phone Number Name (print) S ICON 3 XONS IRLIC I I©N SERVICES = a 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Licensed Construction Supervisor ��' V L License Number 8 Address N , �y sZ Expiration Date Signature r • �,h Telephone -p , - el -'� 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Are you a Horne Improvement Contractor subject to (780 CMR-6)? ❑ yes ❑ no If no, go to the next section! Are you claiming exemption from the requirement? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, submit the required affidavit! Company Name �r �\ Registration Number (if none, state ❑ none❑) Address J o fit+ S Signature Telephone Ql -4 Expiration Date j — 3.3 For Residential Remodel Work Only PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND: QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS call or write: Home Improvement Contractors Registration, One Ashburton Place - Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 727-8598 Owners Name (print) Signature by signing the above, the home owner acknowledges that there will be no eligibilty to the Guaranty Fund Date 3.4 Homeowner Exemption - One & Two Family Only FOR HOMEOWNERS WHO INTEND TO PERFORM AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PROJECT 109.1.1 Licensing of Construction Supervisors: Except for those structures governed by Construction Control in Section 116.0, effective July 1,1982, no individual shall be engaged in directly supervising persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition involving the structural elements of buildings or structures, unless he or she is licensed in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the BBRS entitled Rules and Regulations for Licensing Construction Supervisors. Exception: Any Homeowner performing work for which a Building Permit is required shall be exempt from the provisions of this section; provides that if a Homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, that such Homeowner shall act as supervisor. For the purposes of this section only, a "Homeowner" is defined as follows: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a Homeowner. If you are applymA under this section I n below: z Signature: i t - Your 41ignature carries certain re onsibiriif ties, mcfuding but not necessarily limited to, general liability y R 2003 2!003 Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed ands mitted with this application. Failure to provide this affiddavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. I Signed Affidavit Attached: ❑ yes ❑ no * If new construction, please complete the following: Single Family: no. of bedrooms o2 no. of baths-92 Two Family: no. of bedrooms unit 1 no. of baths uni 1 no. of bedrooms unit 2 no. of baths un' 2 J2" Furnace (hot air) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel of , electricit r, other (specify): M Boiler (hating) - fuel gas (natural or propane), fuel oil, electricity,other (specify): .fir HVAC (combined unit) - primary fuel, natural gas, propane, elect 'city, other (specify): ❑ Air conditioning - (separate unit) ❑ None of the above to be provided X Hot Water: Gas Electric Fuel Oil Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: OS %- I S .a ry ( ors, Pu " o i — a-,0A) le- W i M - A Ca r, Item SECTION - 6 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS �e Cost ($) to be completed by permit applicant (please print) ry� Z //�� ,as Owner of the su ject property hereby authorize 0 �� •���� ' ac o Pb al Im ters ative to work authorized by this building permit application. � 6 M iF Sign ture w er Date SECTION 7B - O-vVNER/AUTHO IZED AGENT DECLARATION , r: m ct44� , as Owner/Authori Ked Agent hereby declare that the statements and informattion on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my owledge and belief Signed under 1 5pains and pen ties of perjury. j Signatpdof Ow / uthorized Agent Date C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page 2 Rev. January 1, 2003 C:\bldg.forms\Bldgapp.res.wpd Page Rev. January 1, 2003 A., ft kT X 0 THIS SYSTEM NOT DESIGNED FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL A D -6 2?, - LA) L L+ 14 D L Pi H i Y 6 C> G, f 1 L L I — L y � ; I C ! 1-4 � C 4 A LOT _ejopj P� LL y LA up-, o'l v I ror- u L oT z_ ID -2 8,5 3 0,Xe 0.) 03 'T 11T., c _2' 5 c- L C LZ7 �:�,►�i%"•. -,: /hJ4l t+C � .. � t '?���4', ,C.�.. .�j�i��J L,(..��V...,y1"t�' FOR R I? M I I Ri c) i Ni (i bE PA P- me wr STAMP t ODD HL E RMJ MAR 0 3 2004 JAA A%A OF 1.r4 L 1,1ARD F. OTTER NO. 1042 0 7 L5 4 FP 31'il)' c y LN v SCALE: APPROVED By DRAWN BY —A DATE. REVISED tl DRAWING NUMBER L TECHNICAL IMAGE PRODUCTS L=29.74' R=25.00' A=68'09'14" 40.00' Z S 60' 10'21 " E 20.79' a, 'cp S 29'49'39" W � O N co L= 60.14' c; R=160.00' �o H 0=21'32'07 cy ,\ C-) O R=25.00' 30.00' L-26*46'07" S 74'49'39" W L=37.87' R=25.00' r `1 L=86*47'45" MAP 31 LOT 18 N "17' 10902" E 798.99' 266.319 N 77'10'02 E LOT 1 80202t SQ. FT. 1.84 ACRES MAP 31 LOT 16-2 MAP 31 LOT 19 A -I CF{\r-D DEPT. 2fL4 JUN ,-4 AM It 22 LOT 2 84442t SQ. FT. 1.94 ACRES ti `5.9, 60 g 4' N D cr w c� c0 v \ EXISTING FOUNDATION T.O.F.=90.85 110.17' -- --- 76.629- - S 80' 16' 28" W S 86'00' 10" W SI New Bedford MA 02745 C 12 WRoad Bed owk, 1. W. aw (508) 998-2125 Gb'V11"11: FAX (508) 998-7554 6L°� CM and hand U99 PkMM ng 9oppv»Nrd SDC: LOT 2 ELSEY LANE D RTMOUTH, MA �_& OL CHAR ES MENDES III *VWhng b't& aeheef of FOUNDATION AS -BUILT 02-2648 y� c - JT t } ' ------ L ', , �'� i j , , � I A.t L� � i F' .� �'�,� �'�%' i t � �� �'1 • � i` t �. D � ��. ,^raCo.r. ,- E rt j_ 7_ �> f +• _ �EI~t,_ �y S - { 11+r �� u j . i� __^"-']'--,_^•_ .-[ear fi 1 ` _ - .., - .._ _ . �. ( _#? '� \ "�. }.�f�'..:� jai } _. (_ r ,. 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'Try '.�-r }-7 r a+M t' 'r REVISED r' .- g` THIS SYSTEM NOT z `� ' �i �� i � �'"' v�{• �O ���.• iii,-� s'.��', 1 ��� D OF H a v DESIGNED FOR 4 1' AR .2, I d ��� K- REQ E PEE , UIR WHEN i D �T� it,S Ti0 \ {fir [.'XC /{ E a .—_, .. 1___ _ _ l.ftiJi�jiPET p F_ T) A DRAWING NUMBER ° GARBAGE DISPOSAL LEA, r� ti 4, a n , T 2- TECHNICAL IMAGE PRODUCTS @ Olt Whip 1. _Z, 01 N top A: m wg-g, V i6i "i ZT! �,Mnm NO 3- N1 T9 sic 7 i;_J -S X N wl _W 1 A AQ W-11 rN Ek TAW U,1�1 Wl am E;j A. 1061:a _q eg'! -V.77-a % J-) IN Z_ "Son A E vow - - ----- A 12 0 j,"Wo its A W, _il._,�,��,�___ 40 S� ., %-. .:N. : --7!4 -, - _, V 201; jm� Rai.. FN yjw: ,a 7� 7,� A _ww A JL f wow: 77� INTAN 4 St 21 WE im ins NOW M JP Mill Ins, ME AMW A-1 -: I � I -A g_ 0- ,21. �.i q A p Pow tt z WIN NAME! niem AS., :i ;;;22 in `v: gjfm 5111 1 W" A �21, all dar :�1�2,NW14�, 'J" T, UP "NA z:-�ii!-RT Jw_. wi -A n W A !M44, MM AM�,!,AKOU W 7 _Mrg g1r A%, a4 Ww �imk *-gii, IN A Slum- . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ag - C�V- -A A A, b16*1R_JCdeftfbF M., e�, ipwtiio Tm; mar) r V . 1 - . , .1 '" " h�, W, 4., opgpe r ro g lay '27M _��? 1 1. . : - b J as "2 R;--,�R ERE.;. nd JA 22 NIH UNKWN-�a WWN' 'M val A M ZIMMER i-M ME Mina InQ? 11 S n_ m n NO ....... .... . -Y win Structural Building Panels Let Your Concepts Take Versatility Create Your Own Energy Policy Traditional or contemporary; whatever your R-Values are stable for the life of the struc- taste and design, you can build it exactly as ture. There is no thermal -drift, no decay or planned with energy -efficient R-Control degradation in insulating values over time. Panels,, available in various sizes and mate- There are no voids or gaps or cavities. With rials, in standard dimensions or custom cut R-Control panels, you get a monolithic insu- to your specifications. And do it all at an lating barrier with no thermal bridges, pro - attractive price. Save money on initial cost. viding you with continuous protection Save more money on utility expenses long against temperature differentials. Compared term. to old-fashioned stick frame and batt insu- Save Labor lation structures, energy expenses are sig- The installation of R-Control building panels nificantly reduced. Lower heating and air eliminates many labor-intensive steps in conditioning costs expenses mean long-term building exterior walls, ceilings/roofs, floors. savings. And you are more comfortable all You achieve superior construction faster and the time you are living in an R-Control with less effort. built structure. Y�O0'2ISAI2IH0 2Ig11c1�1c1A1 VYAV ul JauVed A`%'ilen?) b� XRARIHONY 9(P)O_4NI xu3 (Tot) OLZO-Z£Z (lot) L16ZO I2I `Pi .3u11wS 'PAig aagzn L Si •�uI `SOIISLId uzL10 IQAIuZ)uLzg Aq paantnelnueVy uoijewAolu aaow JaE sauoleaoge3 slaluMJapun Aq paJol cow weJ6oJd IOJluoa Al!I ,nb)(jpd pJtgl e Japun paJnpe}nuew aae slaued IOJWOD-8 spodaa ele eatu as P I 4 a eat dde pup Iq P 80 111 slJeya u6tsap peol s,JaJnlae}n w uo palels ' qs sa iac dl paquxap pue palsal aq peys sa!UadoJdr sailgwasse 6uil!aa/}oa an!ls!saa aA!} asoyl paaaxa io laaw lleys anlen palsal l L leas�(d wnw Uiw '6u!lej A4!l!gejnp L amsodx3j pue sailsuapeJega6utwngaaepns �n O Isala uels!iJDasul OL up' yl!m '�iJew butleJ aaueuJJo}Jad ydv/ Jol si!un 6wppnq pag!sspla In o3ji ss+`' �E81 L a Wl :POulIaW Tsai ue ql!m laued ayl uo pag!luap! aq pegs — 8so1 .Z Ja6euew uoipnJlsuoa aql Aq panowaJ aq Ilegs uopas but S69 3 Wl 5V paleJalaaav 6 :pogl@n Isal JaJnpe}nuew Sd3 Pall -!]Jaa Way up se bullsil pue uo!padsul AIJed PAN11 s!qI u! 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JO1 Palleo sleualew pue slaued Aiddns 01 panoadde sJaJnloelnuuVi .9 Ne4u61s8p . IeA-H Ii ulaoa Aldo d MOD pJegle 1 ddnsde OD ID Meq�ueea -l1J IDp p u it g p }}h W a -Ja!lddns panoJdde sl! Jo icunloelnuew paloalas sisal algeapdde Jaglo pure "b8 9g1 woJ1 pawelgo aq peys JaJnloelnuew laued eql Aq pa!lddns eq of uolloas s!ql u! 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INIV Pup (8So) pJeoq pupils paluauo paAcudde }cm sall Pup nnx8 suotpas in lua.una ui pals!l aq Tsnw laued 'uoillppe ul apoa lapow JaJnpe -dns aq peys slaued 6uiuiof w asn nuew laced Aq patld Jol sauilds — sauildS .8 -sodwoa paleutwel aJnssaJd aJe slaued IOJIUOD-b1L1Ndb' '8 aql Aq pals!1 pue panoJdde saouabe 6utlsal Aq papnp -uoa se sisal aJg bu!Mollol aql passed Alln}ssaaans aneq }o a6ueJ alnleJadwal asn ui up 6 .OSZ+01>Ob- tney an!saulpe s6utnneJp aql uo uMoys se slaued IOJIuOD-allWdv' aql Ilelsut of luawdinba pue 'Jogel 'sleualew pe @FDIAOJd v ilegs sagstutl paAcudde yl!M Iaued aql — bugsal aJij '3 buileuiwel panoJdde W3v up aq Ile IS—san!sagpy E laoM lO u01}d1175ad LO'L 1eJau8s,:) - L IJed suoi1e:)i1i:)adS slaued l�anl:mjIS loaluo:)-b Five insulating panel systems to choose from Save time and money, speed construction with the classic stress skin insulating panel Originally designed and developed to eliminate conventional stud wall fram- ing, it adds energy efficiency and inte- rior aesthetics to post and beam construction. Typically, var- ious thicknesses of UL-classified EPS ". foam are precut to fit standard lumber sizes, then pressure laminated with two surfaces: an exte- rior skin of oriented strand board (OSB) plus an interior skin of 1/2" gypsum board. Many surfaces are available exterior/interior. Fasten interior objects with the Plus 25 insulating panel Exceptionally strong, the Plus 25 lets you fasten objects to the interior side of stress skin panel. An interior backer board increases the panel's strength and a provides a nailable surface for pic- tures, cabinets, chair rails, wain- scoting, shelving and baseboards. And that's not all. Plus 25 permits you to install electrical boxes securely with screws instead of clips. What's more, if there are remodeling changes made in the future, Plus 25 panels let you attach what you want where you want with- out glues or adhesives. Of course, Plus 25 also means no more thermal bridges and significant savings in labor and material costs. Its insulating core of EPS can be manufac- tured in a variety of thicknesses from R-14 to R-45. Eliminate costly i sulating and ventilation h adaches with the Air Flo insulating panel Insulating and venting cathedral ceilings on exposed roof deck constructions have never been easie . The Air Flo ir sulating panel s stem was d signed to do jL st that. It assures you of a continu- - o sairflowover V tlie insulation and u n der the na i I a ble rocideck surface to help prevent condens tion of moisture on the undersurface o shingles, shakes and roof deck. Its com osite insulation consists of a top layerOf 7/16 "oriented strand board (OSB) pr ssure-laminated to a bottom layer of grooved UL-classi- fied EPS foam in any d nsity or configu- ration to meet your re juired insulation specifications. And, bE cause Air Flo insulating panels provide uniform roof temperature, they het to eliminate ice dams due to snow me ting and refreez- ing at eaves and guttei s. In summer months excessive heat build-up at the cathedral ceiling line is significantly reduced as a constant flow of air is moving between the insulation and roof surface. (Must IDE installed with soffit and ridge vents.) This air move- ment keeps the house cooler Equally importan , the Air Flo System is versatile. To s jit your particu- lar construction needs three types of panels are available in I ngths up to 16,' with insulation values r nging from R-14 to R-45: • The Air Flow pan I: Designed for installation over exp Dsed wood decking or equivale t; features a standard, reinforce aluminum foil vapor barrier; • The Air Flo stress kin panel: Designed for installation over struc- turally framed syste s with interior gypsum exposed. Maximum 4' O.C. spanability; and • The Air Flo struct ral stress skin panel: The framing aver. The R-25 in structural stress s in affords 6' O.C. spanability and a gy sum interior. Eliminate costly separate-layrhr applications with Insul-Base panels Now with the Insul-Base panel syster-n, you can eliminate the costly separate, layer application of rigid insulation arKd plywood sheath- ing. The Insul-Balse panel system consists of a top) layer of 7/16" > oriented strand' ` board (OSB) pres- sure -laminated to various core thick— nesses of one -pound, UL-classified EPS foam to meet various insulating demands. The bottom layer or skin features a reinforced -aluminum foil; vapor barrier as standard. R-Control Panels Save Time and Money A strong one-piece structural systerrrl, the R-Control Panel provides superior, insulation in exterior walls, roofs/ceill- ings and floors. �t Pre-engineered] lumber facingsaxnd solid EPS insulati(on create a mono - create r ,Y, with the strengtih of a beam. No matter what your project, residential, commercial, new/ construction, retrofit or remodeling, there are many opportunities to takes advantage of the savings offered by R-Control Panels. Take a fresh look at your next project. Chances are, you could save time and money and energy with R-Control insulating panels. #� � - � � c r .. � ; sOr Niel• } � _`..'F.... �i Industry Affiliations: SIPA, NAHB, AIA, EPSMA, NRCA, EIMA, ICFA Ask About ENERGY STAR R-Control Building Systems 24000 W Highway 7 Suite 201 Excelsior, MN 5533I Fax: 952/474-2074 TOLL FREE: 800/255-0I76 www.r-control.com Copyright©XFMCorporation 2002.All rights reserved. 08/02 Printed in USA.R-Control is a registered trademark of AFM Corporation, Excelsior, MN. The ENERGYSTAR logo recognizes irsulation as a product that saves energy, money and helps the environment. To learn more, ask a salesperson for the ENERGY STAR Insulation guide, or call 1-888-STAR-YES. The ENERGY STAR logo does not imply EPA or DOE endorsement of any product or service. 12 RCO2 (goo- C-Fou o www.r-coiitrol.com Load Desi n Charts III SIPS (Structural In ulated Panels Note: Information deemed reliabl D at time of printing. Please visit www.r-control.com for latest information. August 2002 Architect/Engineering Review The Load] Design Charts for R-Control SIPS have been developed from national testing standards, testing at inde- pendent Laboratories, and qualified structural engineers. Th y have been determined to be consistent with sound building practice. These charts cover most common constru tion requirements. Each building project should be reviewed, by an architect/engineer to determine the suitabili of R-Control SIPS. Evaluatipn Reports available from: NIES HUD I(CBO ES MOC - Japan Construction Details and Video Available R-Controll SIPS are structural components for use in load bekring wall, roof, ceiling, or floor assemblies. Contact u:s for complete detail drawings, technical specii downloads many of these documents from our website at Example: 2 ns and a building techniques video. You can also r-control.com A Roof/Floor - Diaphragm Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #7 (SEE CONNECTION DETAILS SIP-139a, SIP440 and SIP-141) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS Spacing of R-Control Screw Fasteners at supported edges (minimum 1 5/8" penetration) 3" 4" 6" 7/16" Spacing of spline fasteners (8d box or 6d common) OSB THICKNESS at unsupported edges - top side of panel only - Two staggered rows of fasteners on each side of joint 3" 3" 3" 850 PLF1 750 PLF1 500 PLF1 [1] SPLINE IS 7/16" OSB x 4" [2] PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. Note: Detail SIP-139 is not illustrated here. Refer to R-Control SIP Detail Book. Top Spline: Fasten with 8d box or 6d common nails in two rows 3" o.c. both sides of joint. PLAN Scale: NTS ��— R-Control SIP. Bottom Spline: Fasten with 8d box or 6d common nails 6" o.c. in single Note: Spline to be of row both sides of joint material conforming to DOC PS 2-92 SECTION Scale: NTS updted 7-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Diaphragm Connection INO. - Splines SIP-139a Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness equal to the panel skins. t--y Screw Fastener Fasten with 8d nails or t i 1 3tl o.cm both mon tsideswo oof ws ® - panel joint or equivalent. (See SIP-139) R Control '- - Do-AII-Ply, J R-Control -—^- each side. Do-AIt- PIY - - - R-Control J --:—}- continuous. , {�� SIP. Surface spline Member i� + a (see SIP-102) designed by others. i min 1 5/8" - -- - _ penetration y R-Control screw, l i -�' R Control see load design / Do AII-Ply chart #7 for spacing %continuous. requirements. min 1 5/8" penetration.. ! / R-Control ,K Structural support Do -A" -Ply member. Minimum eachide, both R-Control / \, i 3" wide. splines.Do-All-Ply I SECTION SECTION S-1c: NTS updated 6-1-02 Scale: NTS updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP R—Control® SIP TITLE:Diaphrogm Connection NO. TITLE: Dioph ragm Connection NO. - Support Member SIP-140 - Intermediate support SIP-141 11. Roof/Floor - Transverse Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #313 (SEE INSULATED I -BEAM SPLINE DETAIL SIP-1(17r_1 R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS PANEL SPAN EPS CORE THICKNESS 5 1/2" CORE 7 1/4" CORE 9 1/4" CORE 11 1/4" CORE DEFLECTION L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 10'-0" 76 114 1321 101 151 1581 117 1381 1381 1491 1491 1491 T 12'-0" 53 79 961 72 109 1321 88 1151 1151 1241 1241 1241 R A N S v 14'- 0" 38 57 701 54 80 1071 68 981 981 1061 1061 1061 E R S E 16'- 0" 28 42 541 40 61 81 53 80 861 76 931 931 18'- 0" 21 32 42 31 47 62 42 64 641 64 83 83 L 0 A 20'- 0" 16 24 32 24 36 49 34 51 521 50 741 741 D P S F 202 - 0 28 42 431 40 60 62 24'- 0" 23 34 361 33 49 521 LiJ �I U11-1IIVIHI F_ rAILUITC LUAU UiVIULU by A FAGIOR OF SAFETY OF THREE (3). [21 INSULATED I -BEAM SPLINE MUST BE CONTINUOUS. [31 PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. i y I R-Control - -' Do -All -Ply continuous. Factory R Control electrical chase. R-Control Do-AII-Ply SIp both flanges, each side. Continuous R-Control Insulated I -Beam Spline. 'Note: See Load '.Design Chart #38 .for capacities. Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 9a. 1 112" staples 6' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. _SECTION PLAN Scale: NTS 10 Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. Updated 6-1-02 R—Control ®SIP SpCne Connection NC. Insulated -Beam Spline SIP-102c Continous R-Control Insulated I -Beam. See SIP-102c for spline connection & fastening information. R-Control SIP, see Load Design Chart #38 for panel load capacity. Edge plating material, Note: 2x lumber or Vapor retarder recommended engineered equivalent. on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. ISOMETRIC PLAN Scale: NTS Undated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP I Floor/Roof Panel Connection) SIP-108bl �J Table ofContents: Pages 4-5 Wall Design 6 Header Design 7-10 Roof/Floor/Ceiling Design 11 Diaphragm Design Notes: R-Control SIPs for Walls • 2X Top Plate joints must be staggered a minimum of 1'froin panel joints. • For non-loadbearing walls, refer to Transverse Load Design Charts #4, #3, #3a, and #3b for transverse capacity. • Double vertical boundary dimensional lumber of #2 Dougl ss Fir or better is required to achieve shear capacity. R-Control SIPs for Roofs, Floors, or Ceilings • Load Design Chart #1 provides transverse capacity using a surface or block spline detail for spans from 4' to 12'. • Refer to Load Design Charts #3, #3a, and #3b for higher loads and/or longer spans than provided for in Load Design Chart #1. • Minimum edge bearing for roof, floor, or ceiling pane s is 1 • For application of R-Control panels as flooring, a minimu 7/16" OSB or equivalent overlay is recommended to provide additional impact and point loading resistance. • For sloped panels, the loading conditions and panel capaci ies should be reviewed based upon the inclined panel length. Refer to R-Control Technical Bulletin sip no. 2042. • Load Design Chart #3, for spans greater than 22' and for al 111/," core panels, the dimensional lumber is required Ito be #2 Douglas Fir or better. R-Control SIPs used as Headers • The R-Control Load Design Chart #5 provides header ca framing is recommended. R-Control SIPs used as a Diaphragm • Diaphragms can be design with R-Control panels with caps( R-Control SIP Deflections • R-Control SIPS should be designed to comply with R-Control load design charts are for total load (dead to load (creep), additional deflection must be evaluated. PANEL for R-Control panels. For higher capacties, code acCOpted up to 850 plf. Refer to R-Control Load Design Chart_#7. e deflection limits of the applicable building ceide. + live load). For long term deflection under sustaiined HT R-CONTROL" PANEL WEIGHT (p.s.f.) EPS CORE THICKNESS 31/2" 51/ 7114" 9114" 111/4" 7/16" OSB THICKNESS 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 51 Wall - Unity Equation This equation is used to determine design suitablilty. The equation takes into account the ultimate load for a panel subjected to both axial and transverse (bending) conditions: design axial load + design transverse load < 1 allowable axial load allowable transverse load (SEE LOAD DESIGN CHART 213) (SEE LOAD DESIGN CHART 4) Wall -Axial Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #213 (SEE DETAIL SIP-101) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS PANEL HEIGHT 7/16" OSB THICKNESS EPS CORE THICKNESS 3 1/2" CORE 5 1/2" CORE ANAL [1] LOAD [PLF] 8' - 0" 2750 4000 10' - 0° 2500 3500 12' - 0" 2000 3000 14'- 0" 2750 16' - 0" 2500 [1] LIMITED TO ULTIMATE FAILURE LOAD DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF THREE(3). (2] PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. Optional blocking to increase point load capacity. Design as �1 1/2' req'd for specific case. Spacer board (optional) I, where required for I; standard 8' drywall li application. 11 u I; 8d Nails or 14 ga. U li 1 1/2" staples ® 6" II l o.c. each side, or U equivalent. Typical �top & bottom. Varies �� Factory electrical chase. I' I' I I , Slide ;I panel it �l Rdown. ,I Do -All -Ply I' � 1 1/2" continuous I l�'sealant. I R-Control NOTE: OSB skins must be Do-Al I-Ply typical fully supported by each side. foundation system. NOTE: Use minimum grade SPF #2 or SECTION engineered equivalent for 2x plating Scale: NTS updated 12-1-99 R-Control® SIP TITLE: Plate Connections SIP-101 Wall - Shear Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #6 (SEE DETAIL SIP-101) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS PANEL EPS CORE THICKNESS HEIGHT 3 1/2" CORE 5 1/2" CORE RACKING SHEAR I N/A 335 PLF 335 PLF [1] PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. U Roof/Floor - Transverse Loading LOAD D SIGN CHART #3A (SEE I -BEAM S LINE DETAIL SIP-102b) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS PANEL SPAN I EPS CORE THICKNESS 7 1/4" CORE 9 1/4" CORE 11 1/4" CORE DEFLECTION L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 10'- 0" 811 811 E 11 1181 1181 1181 1311 1311 1311 T R A N 12'-0" 63 681 81 981 981 981 109 1091 1091 S V E 14'- 0" 49 581 81 73 841 841 87 931 931 R S E 16'- 0" 38 511 E 11 55 741 741 69 821 821 L 0 18'- 0" 30 451 51 42 63 651 55 72 72 A D P 20'- 0" 24 37 01 33 49 591 45 65 65 S F 22'- 0" 26 39 491 37 55 571 24'- 0" 21 31 41 30 46 481 [1] LIMITED TO ULTIMATE FAILURE LO D DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF THREE (3). [2] I -BEAM SPLINE MUST BE CONTINUOUS. [3] PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. 2 S/8" 1 1/4'—i -{ - 1 1/4' r - R-Control — Do -All -Ply continuous. Factory ' R-Control electrical R-Control Do-AII-ply chase. SIP. both flonges, each side. Continuous R-Control 1-Beam Spline. I �- �_,,Note: See Lood (Design Chart }j 3A ,- ----}--h--ly v, --- -;-{for capacities. Fasten with Bid nails or —� 14 Qa. 1 1/2" staples (5)6' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of ponel. SECTIOVPLAN Scale: NTS Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. Updated 6-1-02 R-Control® SIP _E: Spline Connection N0. I-Beom Spline Connection SIP-102b Continuous R-Control 1-8eom1 Spline. See SIP-102b for spline connection & fastening information. R-Control SIP, see Load Design Chart N3A for panel load capacity. Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. ISOMETRIC PLAN Scale: NTS Upd[ed 6-1-02, R-Control® SIP ITLE: N0. Floor/Roof Panel Connection SIP-108" Edge plating material, 2x lumber or engineered equivalent. 4 1 9 Roof/Floor - Transverse Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #3 (SEE DOUBLE 2X SPLINE DETAIL SIP-102d) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS PANEL SPAN EPS CORE THICKNESS 5 1/2" CORE 7 1/4" CORE 9 1/4" CORE 11 1/4" CORE DEFLECTION L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 101- 0" 53 79 1051 89 1091 1091 150 1741 1741 1771 1771 1771 T R A 12'- 0" 40 59 79 65 911 911 111 1451 1451 1481 1481 1481 N S V 14'-0" 30 45 60 48 72 781 84 1241 1241 115 1271 1271 E R S E 16'- 0" 24 35 47 37 55 681 65 98 1091 89 1111 1111 L 0 18'- 0" 19 28 37 28 42 57 51 77 971 70 991 991 A D 20'- 0" 15 22 30 22 33 44 41 61 82 56 84 891 P S F 22'- 0" 33 49 66 45 68 811 24'- 0" FF 1 27 40 54 37 55 74 111 ulvfi I to I U UL1 IIVIAI L I-AILUHL LUAU UIVIULD BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF THREE (3). [21 DOUBLE 2X MUST BE CONTINUOUS. [31 PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. 31 Continuous Double 2x spline i 7/16" 1 7/16„—'j or engineered equivalent. �see lfood ear SIP-loza) for spine ne connection & fastening 'nformaton. s_ R Control SIP, see R Co t of h� I'` - Load Design Chart #3 'Do All Ply (1-- i u for panel load capacity. Continuous --l/ Double 2X spline. L 1Del Nails 0 12" ox two rows, staggered. R-Control SIP. R-Control R-Control D.-All-Ply. Do-AII-Ply each side, top & bottom. Factory electrical chase. Fasten with 8d nails orb 14 cjo. 1 1/2" staples 0 69.. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder required on interior of panel. SECTION/PLAN Scule: NTS upd-d 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Spii.^e Connea on�0. Double 2x I „iP-102d e Qat. Note: Edge plating material, Vapor retarder required on 2x lumber or interior of panel. engineered equivalent. ISOMETRIC PLAN Scale: NTS Updates 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP ILL NO. Foor/Roof Panel Connection) SIP-108 Wall - Transverse Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #4 (SEE SPLINE DETAILS SIP-102, SIP-10291 R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS EPS CORE THICKNESS PANEL HEIGHT 3 1/ " CORE 5 1/2" CORE DEFLECTION L/360 /240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 T R A 8' - 0" 28 01 401 42 611 611 N 10' - 0" 20 30 321 32 48 491 S V E R S E 12'- 0" 15 22 271 26 38 411 L 0 A 14' - 0" 21 31 351 D 16'-0" 17 26 311 P S )_ F [11 LIMITED TO ULTIMATE FAIN LURE LOAD DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF THREE (3 [21 PLEASE REVIEW NOTES PAGE 3. Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness equal to the panel skins. 2" _----'-' I(�- -- I •� 4�, - J __ �_-__ �-2" -----_- ML— ■ K1 I■■■ �' ■■�■A� INo� ■■ngoll loom ME■EM■i Fasten with 8d nails or� 14 cja. 1 1/2" staples ® 6' a . both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTION/PLAN mandated by code or climatic Scale: NTS conditions. updated 5-1-e9 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Spline Connection ND. Surface Spline SIP-102 1 7/16" j i �1 7/16" ___ _____--_ R Control Do-AII-Ply continuous. Spline Beam. R-Control SIP. Factory electrical chase. R-Control Do -All -Ply each side, top & bottom. Fasten with 8d nails or 14. 1 1/2" staples ® 6' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTION/PLAN mandated by code or climatic conditions. Scale: NTS updated 5-1-99 R—Control® Panel TITLE: Block Spline N0. Connection SIP-102g 5 Wall - Header Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #5 (SEE DETAILS SIP-112 through SIP-114) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS HEADER HEADER DEPTH SPAN 12" 18" 24" DEFLECTION L,/480 L/360 L/240 L/480 L/360 L/240 L/48 L/360 L/24 L 0 4'-0" 524 703 7081 762 7731 7731 8371 8371 8371 A D 6'-0" 319 3741 3741 4661 4661 4661 5571 5571 5571 F/ 8' - 0" 218 2481 2481 3511 3511 3511 4551 4551 4551 [11 LIMITED TO ULTIMATE FAILURE LOAD DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF THREE (3). [21 PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. Note: Details SIP-112a and SIP-112b are not illustrated here. Refer to R-Control SIP detail book. Headers R-Control SIP -V NOTE: Diagramr presents headers in i,,,ill below a wall assembly. Headers may be any wiindow openings. type, refer to detail SIP -113. Minimum dimensions are not required between openings, but the posts supporting the header must extend to the floor. Also, the bottom plate of the header must ISOMETRIC extend to the outside of the post. Scrrle: NTS - Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: N0. Headers SI1-112 R-Control — Do-AII-Ply, each side. R-Control SIP used as header. 8d Nails or 14 1 1/2" staples 0 6" I I r 0-each side, top & I bottom or equivalent II R-Control Do-AII-Ply ;I continuous. .I I� N� R-Control 'I I� �o o� Do-AII-Ply c� typical each side, o top & bottom. �- Panel Width SECTION Scale: NITS Updates 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Header sections NO. (R-control pnnel) SIP-113 R-Control SIP. Continuous top plate. ASurface spline. U Continuous bottom plate. 2x framing around window and door openings. Numbers indicate sequencing for nstallSIP-1on. NOTE: Diagram represents field sho / p Refer SIP-115 cut openings in a monolithic nn for connection of 2x's wall assembly. Splines may occur to OSB panel faces. above & below openings. Minimum panel dimension of 12 must be maintained over openings. See ISOMETRIC Header Load Design Chart for allowable loads. Scale: NTS updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: sp used as Header 110. (curt"�s sp"ne <onal5oo) SIP-1 14 Roof/Floor - Tran verse Loading LOAD DESIGN CHART #1 (SEE SPLINE DETAILS S P-102, SIP-1029) R-CONTROL® STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS 7/16" OSB THICKNESS PANEL SPAN EPS CORE THICKNESS 3 1/2" CORE 5 1/2" CORE 7 1/4" CORE 9 1/4" CORE 11 1/4" CORE DEFLECTION L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 L/360 L/240 L/180 T R A 4'-0" 65 801 801 89 1221 1221 92 1361 1361 107 1361 1361 104 1361 1361 N S V 6'- 0" 40 531 531 58 811 811 62 961 961 75 961 961 73 961 961 E R S E 8'- 0" 28 401 401 42 611 611 5 761 761 61 761 761 60 761 761 L 0 A 10'- 0" 20 30 321 32 48 491 42 641 641 54 641 641 55 641 641 D P S 12'- 0" 4 561 561 51 561 561 55 561 561 F [11 LIMITED TO ULTIMATE FAILURE LOAD DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF S [21 PLEASE REVIEW NOTES ON PAGE 3. Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness equal to the panel skins. 2" __„ yj 2' ■■■�■■L_ ■ MMOMM ■■■■At ■■■ • MEN ■EEM= Fasten with Ed nails or� 14 ga. 1 1/2" staples ® 6 o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTION/PLAN mandated by code or climatic Scale: NTS conditions. upaatea 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Spline Connection N0. Surface Spline SIP-102 OF THREE (3). i 3" i �1 7/16" ■■\ ": ■■■ IENt�i ■■■AN ■■ `� MEN �������■■�1� ■o Fasten with 8d nails ors 14 g_a. 1 112" staples ® 6 o.c. both sides of Note: panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTION/PLAN mandated by code or climatic conditions. Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® Panel 6 1 7 c) F ' � No,,ri�c L.-il An As Buii,,- Sul- ,e su mi-ned to the Dept. prior to cal a foundation insp any further con.st: FiRE STOPPING Ftt-- j=u4y Penetrations thru rated Walls and floors sl^ sealed with a material eapalr!e of Prever;tir Passage of flames and hot gasses when sub to the requirements o; the Test Standard pi for Fire Stops ASTM,-F_514. 3v ,.or .tion or YOUR DRAWIN MUST Ut ter AT THE BUICDI G' DURING THE PROGRESS OF TH S WORK. vM OF ECOR A-Capy UT] Plan fi lint Be �Q�ri�a Cr &ONO-TUCE MpEcnoNls THE Cor.,cR WILDING Th-,1 of DARSMourM �� oisrRicr��o. \Rbt c� oY 1TENU ph ' Ens V 0i n AND DEPTH UIRED BEFORE IS POURED. M O ^O N M 0 N 0 LM LM CD 0 1 110 0 Ln F TOPPING REG NT Ua 8" DIAM. CONC W SPREAD FOOTING ,- TYP�- I I I o I I I b T I I I I _ i I I OVERHANG DECK ABOVE Penetrations thru rated wars and seated with a material catpablo of passage of fiamos and hot gasses to the requirements of the Test Si for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. N An As Dept. i O 'I- -O' ur a fo any h I � m V-FNT — — — — — — I I OUr�o I II o II Im v t\ I ( I I o L J M J I r i i COMPACTED FILL 4" MIN 5.0.0 CONC p it I WLx1.x3110WLUM 1* MIN CRUSHED STONE BASE/ ro COMPACTED LL --► I I O YO sh iIf bc: ;rating tip--: subjected d specifiic °TILE i* SLirvey must be , to tic En ldingg )r to calling For on inspection or :r construction. S 'O-TUBEE SVS AND DEPTH WS,QE TION IS REQUIRED BEFORE TH. CONCRETE IS POURED. ri, ILDING DEPARTMENT h . of Dlartrrtouth YOUR DRAVONG MUST DURING THE: qY THE BUILDING PROGIRES3 OF THIS WORK. BUI ING OEpARTME1J't own of Dartnout� Y, = J flb o ii � IP�ya N P4 � A I A cn A T � 'U CUM PLAN Ln RE A Ceepy 1.ti i his En i sma d n n 1 Pi&;,t E lest Be Kept On Site 0 . o L #cticn BASEMENT PLAN � z a SCALE 1/8"=Y-0" w 2 ¢ ! FILE COPY LM ° O W DA RT ViO TH FIR QISTRIC I 0. F3 0 0 P Y U W Oaf OW OZ 00 �O am YouR DRAWING MUST KEPI 14TO 11 Of QART CINH AT THE BUIL:DLN9 DURING TH't s : RECORD PLAII, PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. A Cepy WhIs E1 �'d d EUILDIX.(3 DEPARTi:'iyP7T Plan �e . a Mown of DortMO L ';� a n Ce�ttr ctioA •r 10'-0" 1 _ 10'-0' 1 10'-0" 4 0 I JIj I 1 UU I � If --' ""ENJI If r AL M.BATH o 9 uApe- ri 1 I FIELD R.O br 3: x 40 r } SHOWER MASTER BED RM. O IIO _. / - T IFL. ? Qi COL , C.L. { a e o — — —iR7 I CLO D \ S i - -- ---- of CLOSET CLOSET - y w 'I 0 V I 210a 5 • �/1 COL " C,L.RAISE ETH I I� 11 L-- - - - - - F----------11 II LLy-- I I �• I I I I ��/ I o n LIVING ROOM i ~ I DINING ROOM I i II 11 I O ° ° J U U fi-O' S'-O' Ulu 30'-O" } Q 3 W N w W of m PORCH UP 4- Penetrations thru rated WE seated with a material caf passage of flames and hot to the requirements of the for Fire Stops ASTM-E-814. -$ONO-TUPk SIZE AND DEPTH N I ECTION IS REQUIRED BEFOFfE V12 CONCRETE IS POURED, An CUILDING DEPARTMENT Sul L, TOM of Derhouth WK BENCH WITH SHELF AND PEGBOARD AT WALL �j 2 CAR GARAGE 8'FL LIGHT 8'FL LIGHT l ��_ BEAM tt 3 t_ ! STD au 12 x ZL ( 12 IM"D by L I/2" m) I • 4 x 4 x-IM" STEEL COL 1 3/4' BASE PL: "d_1/2" CAP OH 8090 I I OH 90 --� I 4" S.O.G. CON �I acx4 xNIO w�uM I� I _l I V 4' STONE BASS I I HDR 2- 9 1/2" LVL IEA DOOR 1 2L'-0' FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" DARTMO DISTRICT' � and floors sh It b:; e of preventing th; ses when subjected It Standard epscific Built Survey n ust 1)0 tied to Unke EII( dirge Prior to calling for dation inspection or er construction. f` F1t IFt�t� TEi M o 4J C _ �• Q A A ..a oMo O W op //0 QO Ci) Q�fE"�i SL O�wCQ D= rn U O W.z z U ----I - -- in o _n T COL N C.L. n o � ry r '^ COL C.L. O O i O NUTICE An As Built vojrvey rnust be submitted to the Busldird9 Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. 5'-0" 5-0" U U 10'-0' UO J J j U O O � E=1f1E STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetrations thru rated walls and floors sh^Il b� sealed with a material capable of preventing th; passage of flamss and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard f-pscific for Fn Stops ASTWE-814. Ytx' Dif?,% dlNG � iv_ .iU . W- . AT THE BUILDING, DURING l � ,. � 7 PROGRESS OE THIS WORK. BUILD?2ar' D£PAPITI' ENT W�� <>, Town of Dartmouth 9x/ aL y SECCND F-LCCR FLAN SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" RECORD PLAN Cepy Cl This Edrudd'c `- �n Vint Dla Ker�f Qn sIfa Durle C 3 .ticlieh J-TUC-Ir 8IM AND DEPTH rol IS REQUIRED BEFORE eo%?CRETE IS POURED, JILVINO DEPAnTteFIVT Tom of Nrrbrooth F. m,Ir 1:1R.-I. hr uT D DISTp IGT NO- 20 o I� tw A A v1 A A 'z Ci Q M g z O z W o Q� f— p w 0 wQp� 0 0 �. �Q;o z U f"` V! U V1 'N O CN � ob r O rJ; O Ln W z X W Q `n .4 Q H � Ln °5 :o aa�� EF I --------------- I I I I I IVY I I W I u I I A I o° or r o q a I I F o rc W t I m Q b j lS I � o of i } w OW I m O a= I LU I W � I LI ' LI i I H711d I i I I _ I I I I FiR STOPPING REQUIREMENT Penetration thru rated waits and floors sip^li b seated with a material capable of preventing the passage of flames and hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of the Test Standard epscific far Fh-o Stope ASTM-E-814. — — — — — q lu J a I � I h d a � W w I ZE zv W / I u / I / of / >u °uC) ROOF FLAN SCALE D hIM1 RK TOVIN OF DURTIMMUTH RECORD PU A Cepy CUtds Map Vast Go Kept On 8,110 , A mctian 'FoNarU' SIZE AMD DEPTH MWZ*:CTXYjIS REoUIRED BEFORE TIC CONCRETE IS POURED, irVJLDl'NQ DEPARTMENT t of DRrlrr;otml YOUR DR�'vvING rvius. cL THE BUILDING" DURING THE: OGRESS OF THIS WORK. BUr-DiNn DEPARTMEfdT Town of Da rhnouth rOTIC] M �1 C) o N 0 o a z hh I� f M 0 N Q � Q W OawE.Aw C U> Q Z �1 per. d ,n As Built Survey rrs-Let b ubmitted t6 the Building Q 'ept. prior to calling for foundation inspection or IF further construction, )UTH-T-IR7. T IN&O 2. , N 4 9" CRUSHED' 2•_p• STONE OVER y_�. COMPACTED SUBBASE PER, DRAIN WITH SUMP PIT LOCATED IN FIELD/ FLUE GUARDS SO YR. 'ARCHITECTURAL' ROOF SHINGLE • IS ROOF FELT STRESSED SKIN INSULATED PANEL PRENGINEER£D BY BRANCH RIVER FOAM PLASTICSJNC. REFER TO MFG TECH DRAWINGS FOR DATA TIMBER BRAME BY NA, TIMBERFRAME . ROOF JOISTS 1'-0' O.C. CI-IIMINEY FLUES SHALL BE COORDINATED BY CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING AND FIRECODES AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH SELECTED MECHANICAL ANF FIRE BURNING SYSTEMS FIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT Panetrations thru rateIng d wafts and floors sh�.il h" sealed with a material, capable ofpreventl ntl 6 ea Passage of flames and hot gasseswhen to the r0qu,,ements of the Test St2M—rd rpe'�"ic for Fk,3 S4,ope ASTWE-014. SILL ASSEMBLY AS FOLLOWS SILL SEALER 2. 12 PT SUB —SILL 2. G PT DECK SILL OFFSET 4' FROM FACE OF WALL ANCHORED AS PER LOCAL CODE FLASHING UNDER INSUL PANEL NOTICE An As Built Survey must- be Submitted to the Luilding Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or any further construction. RIDGE VENT P CRCSS SECTICN SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" FILE CMPYn SONG-TUUZ— SIZE AND DEPTH SECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE CONCRETE IS POURED. EUILVNG DEPARTMENT Tatar of Derhouth T TH Of UJITITEDUTH PIECORDF A Cape C---Thls End pl- it V.ot 01a Keel On Site letion Y UR DRAWING rAusl HE BUILDING" DURING THE. T THIS WORK. RO RESS OF ..® $�,DII%Q DAP TETI='iE:N7 Towns of Dartmouth DART OUTE-� Fly DISTRICT'NO- R 1-k '.1 G N 0 O w w z O H V)i a 0 U ai ft tJ In 7-1 C A FIRE SMPPING REQUIF -- - 'N - I - L 0""ICEJ An As Built Survey mniltst be submitted to the B)Z:din j Dept. prior to calling for rt foundation inspection or 41W further construction. 42813 02813 SWJO-TUCE S!79 AND DEPTH Ir.-70 )ON fS REOUIRED BEFORE �TrfiE CONCRETF IS POURED. ru:LDING DEPARTMENT TIM CA Darhra,th FILE COP}, Penetrations thru rated walls and sealed with a material capable of Passage of flames and hot gasses to the requirements of the Test St for Fwe S" ASTM-E-e 4. AT PR STEP AND COUNTER FLASHING AS REq'D AT CHIMNEY A RIDGE ADDITION VENT OVER GARAGE Plan ARCHITECTURAL STYLE 30 YEAR "ARCHITECTURAL' STYLE ROOF EN POZRCH/ ALUM, DRIP EDGE CONC. STOOP AND TRIM PACKAGE FRONT ELEVATION (N) DISTRICT ors stn ll b M eventing tlx: � N n sub;edea lead tpwlfic t UR DRAWING MUST 13 t4_z •• HE BUILDING' DURING THEE � � � 3 RESS OF THIS WORK. p A A A 3UILDIN.G DEPARTMENT 13 Town of Dtattmcuth M Of WATMOUTH y VvThJs Eri:3 cd apt Be Kept 0"I Site 0 g il "M C fis Ctia za"z z Q, ¢ H F �C�Z, � � U t1 0 Q 0 Ogo Cn o W ^' `n k z x w VQ R U I z w �" .. W 00 p 0 AO� �, a�gO H F11� ^ovr VINYL ~ ALUM FLASH CAP 7 VINYL PT WOOD RAIL;.' AND DECK Andrsen # TW 214310 >< TW 18310 u TW 18310 ono ova ------- EEN o a a a ORCH ® OLO \ O'0 TW 624 tt 7W V31G13 H JIM 1son ■■■ ■■■ `• Andersen EGRESS •• M )\ • Penetrations thru rated waits and floors sh.l! be - sealed w th a material cAPab a of Preventing th Pang® of flames and hot gaE ses when subjecteu to the requirements of the Te q StandT.rd e�ci,`ic �' � Sty ASTM-E-014. An As Built. Survey rnu t b, submitted to t1hw Building Dept. prior to calling for a foundation inspection or ;Pnv further construction. BENT FRAME 2nd FLOOR FRAME G a P.T WOOD DECK B7 OWNER Andersen u TW 21310 i CONC. Andersen EGRESS310 b WINDOW YU R DRAWING MUST 8'� iv - AT THE BUILDING' DURING THE PROG ESS OF THIS WORK. UiLDLn.G DEPARTMENT <xF Town of Dwtmouth 1EC M A rpy U--TWs Erd s ,l 1 " Must Ce- Kept On Site )-TUEE SIZE AND DEPTH rM IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED. LONG DEPARTMENT Tmm of Dertrnotdh 0 of N II o� { �a a a rM 0 W Q � �w zero +� 0 v ¢ (O H Q .z Utcn d a R; crj d W a ttAUSl E3� I,r i';t , : Y DR} VYING THe B�II,DING' DURING pRQGRESS pF THIS WORK, TOW11 di Dcrxt:r-a�� ' FILL. .*4-.ti 1=1 ANDERSON ANDERSON s RV2816 s RV2814 rAT THE BUILDING DURING TH'� PROGRESS OF THIS WORK. BLTIMUM DEAR 1 EN A Town of Ikuth yl 111 ' • - � Andersen aTW2,4310 u I in III lil.!� iii' SIDE ELEVATION (W) FIRE STOPPING REWIREMIENT Penetrations thru rated w0s and floors sti 11 bf• sealed with a material capable of preventing th=: passage of flames end'hot gasses when subjected to the requirements of tAhe Test Stsndard rp>clfic for Fko Stops ASTM-E-814. OF D-MrTUMBUTH RECORD PLAV I Crpy G4,,n�is En d PIP-nn m:ast a Uri ®ri S-0, An As Built Slarvey rni-)st br- submitted to the M-2:A.(13, 00 Dept. prior to calling for a foun 'on inspection or any fu her construction. MMI ANDERSON 5 RV2Nt � iii� � iii � ■i■i � � ■ii Andersen Andersen • X TW 2,4310 • • DOOR - • Y I II���h���I�,,_ Imo• �� LLIJII I RU.'O SIDE ELEVATION (E) o 00 A v1 A A U 0 Ln Ln R. W wo U _ Z W vQ .� w 9z 'n a�zW J O o aag� F D�4RTM Ui"H FiR6-P DISTRIC i�p_ a q CO L s \ L-i \ 1 I ~Il \ 1 1 \ 1 1 i 1 \ 1 ` 1 � \ 1 O o -� to A A -b 42 oz p O 0 U C o i� w N W 00 - x w a Q W W a cz O Q ow u�o U C/] � H N a� av o 0-4 8' DIAM. CONC W SPREAD FOOTING TYP I—' - I I I I I , I I I I t0+ I I I i I I i I I , U in O in OV HANG DECK ABOVE q• Ij�' 'I"�l" j�jl �. —, — — — — — ( 3._0. i SUMP PIT 4-LOCATE WASTE LEAD I� LONG M NORTH WALL', I I I'agAn2 wI.� � I I I � I BEAM 4 1 —j I' 3- 9, 1/2" LVL L L- �• 30'-O' 9" II °UrOo I I I o I � - I Im a I" L_-2'-10"COMPACTED T FILL 11 MIN S.O.G CONC p I I I06x1.xu10WWM — I o 1" MIN CRUSHED STONE BASE/ — I. TCOMPACTEDou ILL -i Oz� a I �Q JJ I BASEMENT FLAN SCALE 1/6"=1'-0" o rJ C� \ �s o., CV' w U 0 n FIRST FLOOR FLAN SCALE 1/8"=1'-O" o 0o o M t �4 ti 61) u, W A M 8 z N W W 0 c u p Caw w QQ w p x a�z W. U c V1 ?; tI1 N rs U In r V N O Ln X O, 00 I z x; w zw p U w7 I 0 ,O?; �w� F; PAW 01 J U U j U U _ — — — — — — kry ` aLCLOSET - --- - - - - -- r � D.1, AT 1-O KNEEWALL 10 o -------- ----- - - - - -— - COL I+ �e ti ! f -1ti] Y I I !L }. T e.L. =wttJi z d aoLe 1> I I I L'-B' HEADROOM I O I C.L. o.I RlD� I N I m l ml s Iz I HALLWAY \ ' I (Yp I I mI O \ r to Z ' , O — i I L'-8' HE — — — — r �-� � - C 1'-O" KNEEWALL COL ( C.L. :' \� `i / iL'` Dam p aQ — 11' HIGH RAIL C.L. wU p I I \ a $ W1 1 f I I f \ W ! L I! � O SECOND FLOOR FLAN -- - _ SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" 0 J 0 S'-0. U U 10'-0" 30'-0" 0 1 r� II d u W M 8 Z Q v o W N O p w p U � O V) d C/1 r l r� O Lry N O� Ln I z � �. Ln zW? wAU P� 0 WA F Ap C-60. I --------------- I I I I } I �Vf I I w I � 2 I � I r � I O I o rlu oc I m I � O U w CILU M Ar I Wu � na ! I _ I I I I I i i I ---------------- -------- I I I I I I I I I I t .. I 4 o I I \ I \ I u n I \ --� ----- S r \--—————————————————— — — — — — J I I f 4 I Q I % I � d I } I o --------- - - - - - - SCALE M II; o a I >~ R G C� �. N F Vr a, UO y I F� DO U 4-1 0 LM LM �^ O C) a k,: w � z z� wOcx Ln 'i" CRUSHED �_o•• STONE OVER �._�. �--� COMPACTED SUBBASE PER. DRAIN WITH SUMP PIT LOCATED IN FIELD/ FLUE GUARDS 30 YR. 'ARCHITECTURAL' ROOF SHINGLE R 15 ROOF FELT STRESSED SKIN INSULATED PANEL PRENGINEERED BY BRANCH RIVER FOAM PLASTICSINC. REFER TO MFG TECH DRAWINGS FOR DATA TIMBER BRAME BY NA, TIMBERFRAME ROOF JOISTS 4'-0' O,C, \1 SILL ASSEMBLY S SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS BY CONTRACTOR SILL SEALER :E WITH ALL 2.12 PT SUB -SILL 1z i PT DECK SILL FIRECODES OFFSET I' FROM IANCE WITH FACE OF WALL "HANICAL ANCHORED AS PER LOCAL 4ING SYSTEMS CODE FLASHING UNDER INSUL PANEL CROSS SECTION SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" W II .-- N o h-+ Gr �y z N W a in ¢HF w tt) �¢c C Q � U U ¢ � � t—i V V Lam.+ tV O Ln Ln O 00 O I ¢ w N Z c� O C tJ LL1 LA W 12 PITCH t2 CAP FLASH ALL TRIM AS REQ'D STEP AND COUNTER FLASHING AS REq'D AT CHIMNEY RIDGE VENT OVER GARAGE ADDITION ARCHITECTURAL STYLE SO YEAR 'ARCHITECTURAL" STYLE ROOF iISREEEN POZRCH/ - - ALUM, DRIP EDGE FRONT ELEVATION W o � N II o p� ;o au a A rig � A Loll o W N o� w a C z O U d O U d �s z O w a VINYL IN o II'�4�.11 11 REAR ELEA /TICK (SO) jVINYL �~ ALUM FLASH CAP 7 PT WOOD RAIL �! AND DECK Andrsen # TW 2g310 tt TW 18310 A TW 18310 ------- ------- -------nn ZCH a a a !o a �a DLOAndersen Andersen Andersen A TW 24310 u TW 2g3100 >< TW 2,4310 BIL 0 ® u S ® CONC. 4'-3 W -1" H 9 Andersen Andersen uTW24310 aTW21310 EGRESS EGRESS WINDOW WINDOW BENT FRAME FLOOR FRAME N W r- c 00 ti bA d .� � Q A rig �a A C1 :r W p O (V C w w o n� 2 d Ln Q; W �x�iA wCaC> z U d U J IME ---------- ANDERSON / RV2M6 Andersen Anderse ATW24310 RTW23 ❑ E- NE[ Andersen Andersen II TW 21310 S TW 213 1� ANDERSON / RV2616 SIDE ELEVATION (W) • I Andersen u TW 24310 Imil ANDERSON I RV2B16 SIDE ELEVATION I (E) O M `-. N' 00 ,- py �+ C � w r� U � A � d U Un � �n C„ 4r a w C7 Z it ., ¢ Z cn d e« �Q a;~Z 140 A. �AUW gig0 a Industry Affiliations: SIPA, NAHB, EPSMA, NRCA, MA, EIMA, ICFA Ask About ENERGY STAR R-Control Building Systems 24000 W Highway 7 Suite 201 Excelsior, MN SS33I Fax: 952/474-2074 TOLL FREE: 800/2SS-0I76 www.r-control.com Copyright (0) AFM Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. 06/02 Printed in USA. R-Control, Do -All -Ply, Diamond Snap and Perform Guard are registered trademarks of AFM Corporation,,, Excelsior, MN. The EN ERGYSTAR logo recognizes insulation as a product that saves energy, moneya nd helps the environment. To learn more, ask a salesperson for the ENERGY STAR Insulation guide, or call 1-888-STAR-YES.-The ENERGY STAR logo does not imply EPA or DOE endorsement of any product or service. RC03 Detal' Book Structural Insulated Panels R—Control Screw R—Control Fastener @ 24" o.c. SIP roof. or as required. Note: As req'd, extend ice-�� and water shield from fascia. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. R—Control Do—AII-Ply continuous Drip edge. Fascia —%� Soffit board. R—Control Screw — Fastener @ 24" o.c. or as required. 4' Max Cant —� See Technical Bulletin sip2029 for cantilever capacities and panel limitations. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control SIP wall. Spacer material or gypsum wall board as req'd. Timber frame. Spacer material or gypsum wall board as req'd. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Roof Eave NO. Square Cut — Cant Panel I SIP-206 GENERAL R-CONTROL° SIP (STRUCTURAL INSUI R-Control SIPs are made in a variety of sizes, most R-Control SIP manufacturer for sizes and fabricatio SIP HANDLING AND PLACEMENT R-Control SIPs may be placed on foundations, cor the structural systems themselves. They may be E equipment. Panel weight and contractor preferenc the erection method or the framing system used to attach the panels following the details and guidelin R-Control SIPs may be complete roof, wall, or floor lift truck may be required for panel placement. Con methods. Supplementary lifting clamps and attach► manufacturer. SIP FASTENING R-Control SIPs are connected by nails or staples a substituted for nails and staples when used at an e used together with all fastening techniques. When they require a minimum of 1" penetration into the s SIP SPLINES All spline connections of R-Control SIPs using I -Beams must be continuous members. DO -ALL -PLY"' R-Control SIPs are joined using plates and splines. screws and Do -All -Ply. R-Control Do -All -Ply is a bo polystyrene (EPS) foam insulation. Apply the Do -AI will result in the optimum coating when the plates ar recommendations. ENDATIONS .ATED PANEL) SIZES commonly from 4' x 8' up to 8' x 24'. Consult the lorval i services available in your area. antionally framed structural systems; or they may bre )cted by hand or with the use of mechanized will dictate the erection method used. Regardless (of upport the R-Control panels, place, secure and shown in this manual. ections in the building design. The use of a crane 0r ult with the manufacturer for recommended handlin fg ents may be provided by the R-Control SIP Do-All-PIyTM. Screws of equal strength may be ivalent frequency. R-Control Do -All -Ply must be -Control Wood or Driller Screw Fasteners are used:, port. 2X's, R-Control I -Beams, and R-Control Insulated] iese attachments are made with nails, staples, or ing adhesive/sealant which is safe for expanded 'ly in a 3/8" bead to wood surfaces. This size beard splines are installed following R-Control R-Control Do -All -Ply is required when sealing joints n contact with the EPS foam insulation. Apply the Do -All -Ply in a 3/8" bead where shown in the R-Con rol details. When properly applied, the R-Control Do -All -Ply will augment the overall tightne s of the structure. MECHANICAL VENTILATION R-Control SIP construction for walls and roofs effe structure. Energy robbing air changes are greatly an air-to-air heat exchanger or mechanical ventilal analyzed by a qualified HVAC representative to dE SIP Technical Bulletin sip 2000. )ly eliminates air infiltration and exfiltration in a aced. For this reason R-Control requires the use cif R-Control also recommends that your structure be; line proper ventilation design. Refer to R-Control GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (continued) THERMAL BARRIERS All interior surfaces of the R-Control SIP must be finished with a minimum 15-minute thermal barrier, such as Y2' gypsum board, Firefinish ® or 1x wood paneling. Consult your local code for special uses. Buildings with automatic sprinklers as part of their designs may not require a thermal barrier. Apply code approved thermal barriers according to the manufacturer's application specification. Hourly fire rated systems can be achieved using high performance thermal barriers such as type X and C gypsum board, spray applied fire proofing, etc. Consult R-Control Building Systems for these assemblies. VAPOR RETARDERS Vapor retarder requirements may be mandated by building codes. R-Control recommends the use of vapor retarders when mandated by code or climatic conditions. R-Control requires the use of a vapor retarder ( i.e., 6 mil polyethylene) on all SIP applications which are interconnected with dimensional lumber splines. HANDLING - STORAGE - PROTECTION R-Control SIPs should be stored in a fully supported manner and protected from weather. Cover stored SIPs with tarps or similar protective wraps. Exposure 1 OSB skins are used in R-Control SIP manufacture; however, panels used for roof systems must have a minimum temporary roofing applied at the time of installation. Apply finished roofing when immediately practical. SIP walls should have code approved weather-proof cladding system (underlayment plus siding) applied when immediately practical. If wall cladding application is delayed (more than three weeks or an anticipated repeated exposure to precipitation is expected) apply temporary breathable weather-proof underlayment to the exterior wall prior to permanent finish materials. EPS contains a flame retardant additive. However, the EPS should be considered combustible and used with system tested, code approved thermal barriers and should not be stored near any open flame or source of ignition. Do not install or use EPS with coal -tar pitch or highly solvent extended mastics, adhesives or sealants. Consult R-Control Building Systems for suggested adhesives, sealants, and assembly specifications not otherwise detailed in this publication. ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE Perform Guard EPS contains no CFC's, HCFC's, HFC's or formaldehyde and is recyclable. Perform Guard EPS is inert, non -nutritive and highly stable. R-Control Building Systems encourages you to support recycling and energy conservation. WARRANTY R-Control provides a warranty covering structural strength, thermal performance and insect resistance of its R-Control SIPs. Contact the R-Control SIP manufacturer for details regarding the warranty program. Note: As req'd, extend ice and water shield from fascia. Drip edge. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. I R—Control SIP roof. a Ctl Screw @ 24" co.c. quired. II III. Fascia II II II II Soffit board. II 11= II II 8d Nails or 14 ga. II II� 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" 11 11' o.c. each side II II or equivalent. II Il II II'' R—Control Screw Fastener @ 24" o.c. 14�J or as required. �►-- 4' Max Cant —� See Technical Bulletin sip20 9 R—Control for cantilever capacities and SIP wall. panel limitations. SECTION Scale: NTS Timber frame. Spacer m;<aterial or gypsum wall board as req'd. Updated 5 =1-99 R—Control® SIP TIT E: Roof Gable NO. S luare Cut — Cant Panel I SIP'-205 R-Control° SIP C nstruction Details Subjeo Index Page 11 of 4 Note: Details appear sequentially by detail number. Category Description of Detail General Do's and Don't' Chases - Electrical Base Board Flush Wall Chase Intermediate Roof Beam Locations in Pa el Roof Ridge Beam Roof/Wall Intersection Chases - Plumbing Flush Wall Chase Wall Chase Cold Roof Eave with 2x Sleepers Eave with Vented SpecLam Ridge SpecLam Panel Vented Connections - Panel Angled Corner Connection to Panel Corner Connec ion Corner Connec ion Floor/Roof Panel Connection Floor/Roof Panel Connection Floor/Roof Panel Connection Plate Connections Spline - Block Spline Spline - Double 2x Spline - Engineered Wood Spline - Insulat d I -Beam Spline - Insulat d I -Beam Spline - Mega pline Connection Spline - SurfaCE Spline Spline - SurfaCE Spline Top Only Spline - I -Beam Spline - I -Beam Detail # SIP-100 SIP-131 SIP-132a SIP-128 SIP-129 SIP-128a SIP-128b SIP-132a SIP-132 SIP-127a SIP-127 SIP-127b SIP-127c SIP-103b SIP-103 SIP-103a SIP-108 SIP-108a SIP-108b SIP-101 SIP-102g SIP-102d SIP-102a SIP-102c SIP-102i SIP-102f SIP-102 SIP-102e SIP-102b SIP-102h R-Control° SIP Construction Details Subject Index Page 2 of 4 Note: Details appear sequentially by detail number. Category Description of Detail Detail # Connections - Panel Continuous Panel @ Lumber SIP-134a to Supporting Continuous Panel @ Steel Joist SIP-134b Members Continuous Panel @ Truss SIP-134 Panel Fastening Patterns SIP-135 Surface Spline @ Lumber SIP-133a Surface Spline @ Steel Joist SIP-133b Surface Spline @ Steel Joist SIP-133f Surface Spline @ Steel Member SIP-138 Surface Spline @ Steel Member SIP-138a Surface Spline @ Truss SIP-133 Surface Spline (Top) @ Lumber SIP-133d Surface Spline (Top) @ Steel Joist SIP-133e Surface Spline (Top) @ Steel Member SIP-138b Surface Spline (Top) @ Truss SIP-133c Do's and Don'ts Panel Precautions SIP-100 Electrical Box for Switch or Outlet SIP-129a Fixture Attachment Cabinet Attachment SIP-130 Ceiling Fan Attachment SIP-123 Foundation Details Foundation Framing - Brick Ledge SIP-105c Foundation Framing - Joist SIP-105 Foundation Framing - Joist SIP-105a Foundation Framing - Panel SIP-105b Foundation Framing - Truss SIP-106 Knee Wall Framing SIP-107 Knee Wall Framing SIP-107a Slab Foundation Framing SIP-104 Slab Foundation Framing SIP-104a Framing Systems Roof Framing Options SIP-118 Roof Framing - Cantilever SIP-118a Exterior finish & underlayment as req'd by code R—Control Screw Fastener @ 24" o.c. or as required. R—Control - Do—AII—Ply, ea. side. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Field installed panel bottom plate. Cementitious scratch coat. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control SIP wall non —load beariing. Timber frame. Gypsum wall board. 16d Nails into sill plate as req d. --------- ,---- S u bf l o o r ' Floor joist. Rim joist. ' Nail as req'',d ;f qby code. 2 , Treated sill pirate. d dp Sill sealer. ' d • R n —Control A-* Do—AII—Ply, ea. side. / �-- Anchor bolt as req'd by code. Perform Concrete or Masonry Guard EPS. foundation wall. Updated 5-1 ='99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Foundation Framing — Joist I SIP-203 R—Control Screw Fastener @ 24" o.c. or as required. 1 1/2 Timber -_--_-- -_'-_--_--_=- frame. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Timber frame. Spacer material or gypsum wall board as req'd. R—Control SIP wall. 1 1 /211 R—Control Screw Fastener @ 24" o.c. or l; as required. 8d Nails or 14 ga. R—Control 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" SIP wall. o.c. each side or equivalent. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Reentrant Corner NO. Connection I SIP-202 R-Control° SIP 0onstruction Details Subj ct Index Paqo 3 of 4 Note: Details appear sequentially by detail Inumber Category Description of Detail Header Details Headers Headers Header Sections Header Sections Header Sections R-Control used as a Header Diaphragm Spline Connection Connections Spline Connection Panel to Supp rt Panel to Supp rt Lateral Load Post to Concr to Anchorage Connection Details Post to Concr to Anchorage Post to Post through Floor Opening Details Component Window Assembly Component Window Assembly Door Detail Openings in P nels Roof Opening Roof Penetrat ons Window Detail Roof Eave Details Built Up - Ladder Framed Plumb Cut - C ntilevered Panel Square Cut - antilevered Panel Roof Gable Details Built Up - Lad er Framed Square Cut - Cantilevered Panel Roof Ridge Details Plumb Cut Plumb Cut / C 3ntilever Ridge Square Cut Roof Valley Detail Plumb Cut Detail # SIP-112 SIP-112c SIP-113 SIP-113a SIP-113b SIP-114 SIP-139 SIP-139a SIP-140 SIP-141 SIP-136 SIP-136a SIP-137 SIP-112a SIP-112b SIP-117 SIP-115 SIP-126 SIP-126a SIP-116 SIP-119 SIP-119a SIP-119b SIP-119c SIP-119d SIP-121 SIP-121 b SIP-121a SIP-120 R-Control° SIP Construction Details Subject Index Page 4 of 4 Note: Details appear sequentially by detail number. Category Description of Detail Timber Frame Corner Connection Details Foundation Framing - Joist Reentrant Corner Roof Eave Roof Gable Wall Panel at Timber Frame Floor Wall to Ceiling Ceiling Panels & Truss Details Ceiling Panels & Rafter Wall to Floor Details Floor Joist Bearing on Wall Panel Floor Joist Hanger & Ledger Beam Floor Joist Hanger & Wall Panel Floor Panel & Ledger Beam Floor Panel on Wall Panel Floor Truss Bearing on Wall Panel Wall to Roof Details Beveled Wall Panel Beveled 2x Blocking Beveled Wedge Blocking Gable End Truss Bearing on Wall Panel Wall to Wall Details Interior Wall Connection Detail # SIP-201 SIP-203 SIP-202 SIP-206 SIP-205 SIP-204 SIP-125 SIP-125a SIP-109 SIP-110 SIP-109c SIP-110a SIP-109b SIP-109a SIP-122 SIP-122a SIP-122b SIP-122c SIP-124 SIP-111 u C — — 8d Nails or 14 ga. o — — — — — — — — — — Top pflate. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Spacer mateTrial or Nail top plate gypsum to vertical wall board plate with o o __ as r(:�'d. 3-16d nails. it Iil Top plate. Timber R—Control I1', SIP wall. Gypsum PLAN wall board. Scale: NTS R—Control Screw Fos;'tener " 1 1 /2" @ 2 4 o.(z�. or as required. 1 R—Control4�i/2 Screw Fastener @ 24" o.c. or as required. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control Do —All —Ply continuous. R—Control SIP waall. Updated 5-1-99 R—Controls SIP TITI- NO. orner Connection SIP-201 R—Control SIPs Do's and Don'ts Note: Spline to be of material conforming to 1.) Do handle SIPs with care. DOC PS2-92, min thickness 2.) Do provide adequate supp rt for SIPs when storing them. equal to the panel skins. Store SIPs laying flat and covered. 3.) Do store R—Control Do —AI —Ply in a warm area for best application results in cold weather. 4.) Do place Do—AII—Ply along the leading edge of wood being inset into panel. Fasten with 8d nails or 6d common two rows @ 5.) Do use R—Control Do—AII—Ply on wood —to —wood, wood—to)--EPS 3" o.c. both sides of and EPS—to—EPS connections. panel joint or equivalent. (See SIP-139) 6.) Do use only continuous 2 's, I —Beams, and Insulated I —Beams for spline connections. -- --' , 7.) Do provide level and squa e foundations or floors that support — SIP walls. SIPControl 8.) Do hold sill plate back from edge of floor system 7/16" to allow full bearing of SIP qSB skins. Surface spline 9.) Do provide 1 —1 /2" diame er access holes in plating to oll'ign ° (see SIP-102) - with electrical wire chases in SIPs. 10.) Do provide adequate bracing of panels during erection. R—Control screw,\—R—Control 11.) Do remove debris from pl to area prior to panel placemernt. see load design f Do—AII—Ply chart #7 for spacing continuous. 12.) Don't install SIPs directly n concrete. requirements. min. 1 5/8" penetration. I / 13.) Don't drop SIPs on corners. R—Control / Structural support 14.) Don't lift SIPs by top skin Do—AII—Ply each side, both member. Minimum 3" wide. 15.) Don't put plumbing in R— ontrol SIPs without consulting splines. R—Control panel manufacturer. Do —All —Ply 16.) Don't overcut the skins for field —cut openings. 17.) Don't cut the skins for electrical chases, use factory provtided chases in SIP core. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 6-1-02 Updated 6-11--02 R—Control° SIP R—Control® SIP TITL TITLE: Diaphragm Connection NO. : NO. — Intermediate support SIP-141 Panel Precautions SIP— "100 Optional blocking to increase point load capacity. Design as 1 1 /2" req'd for specific case. --_-- _-- _--_--_-'*#L r - - Spacer board (optional) where required for standard 8' drywall application. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side, or equivalent. Typical top & bottom. Varies NOTE: OSB skins must be fully supported by foundation system. Factory electrical chase. j l Slide panel R—Control I down. Do—AII—Ply continuous sealant. — R—Control Do—AII—Ply typical each side. NOTE: Use minimum grade SPF #2 or SECTION engineered equivalent for 2x plating Scale: NTS Updated 12-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Plate Connections SIP-101 R—Control 1 a Screw Fastener 1/Lp�Ef R—Control —?—�— Do—All—Ply, R—Control each side. - "- Do—AII—Ply I continuous. Member designed by others. min. 1 5/8" penetration SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 6-1 —02 R—Control® SIP TITLE Diaphragm Connection NO. Support Member SIP-1 40 Top Spline: Fasten with 8d box or 6d common nails in two rows 3" o.c. both sides of joint. 1/2 ° I ° 3" I f ° I ° I , ° I I° ° I I I ° I ° I I ° ° PLAN 1" Scale: NTS R—Control SIP. _...---- — —I-- ----------------- — ----__--e__-__-_------- - ----I- — — — -- -- I I I 1 I i g ¢ --------------------------- Bottom Spline: I Fasten with 8d common nails row both sides box or 6d 3" o.c. in single of joint Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92 SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Diaphragm Connection NO. — Splines SIP— 139a Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickn.ress equal to the panel skins.. 2" --------------------------- 211 4" --------------------- R—Control Do—AII—Ply Spline continuous. -------- R—Control -------------------- Do—AII—Ply each side, both splines. Factory electrical chc se. R—Control SIP. Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommendefd on interior of panel when SECTION/PLAN mandated by code or climai'tic Scale: NTS conditions. Updated 5-11-99 R—Control® SIP TITIL Spline Connection N0. Surface Spline SIP--102 2„ 15/16" 15/16" B 1 R—Control j Do—AII—Plyilt, co n ti n u o u s.---Jl 4 3 ggg I giiE i � i i c i Continuous Engineered t wood spline. R—Control SIP. Factory electrical R—Control chase. Do —All —Ply each side. t ! LU ¢¢ g I Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6 ' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTIONZPLAN mandated by code or climatic conditions. Scale: NTS Updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Spline Connection NO. Engineered Wood SIP— 102a In Note: Refer to technical Fasten with 8d box or 6d cormmon bulletin sip2031 for the nails in two rows 3" o.c. botlin limitations under which this sides of joint. detail can be used. 4" 1/2„ I T I o O 3" I i L I o o I I I O O I I i IO O I I I O O 1" PLAN Scale: NTS R—Control SIP. _-__--- -:_ --- =---__---__-_--_ Note: Spline to be (of material conforming to DOC PS2-92 SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 6—�-_02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Diaphragm Connection NO. — Top Spline Only SIP— "139 2 5/8" Note: Refer to technical bulletin Note: Spline to be of sip2031 for the limitations material conforming to 1 1/4" 1 1/4" under which this detail can DOC PS2-92, min thickness be used. equal to the panel skins. — 0 CI R—Control I I Do —All —Ply/ continuous;.. Fasten with 8d nails or 'I i 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Control Factory Do —All—Ply electrical R—Control both flanges, each R—Control chase. SIP. side. SIP. Continuous R—Control I -Beam Spline. Spline P f.a, I � -- R—Control Driller R—Control I Screw see SIP-135 fo Do—AII—Ply spacing requirements. continuous. Note: See Lorad 4 { , Design Chart #3A °for capacities.. R—Control Structural support pp I Do—AII-Ply member (steel joist, each side. —Beam, C—channel, Fasten with 8d nails or Z—channel or similar) 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of Note: panel joint or equivalent. Vapor retarder recommended Typical each side of panel. on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic SECTION - SECTION/PLAN conditions. Scale: NTS Updated 11-1-01 Scale: NTS Updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP R—Control° SIP TITLE: Surface Spline (Top) NO. I TITLE: Spline Connection NO. I —Beam Spline Connection SIP— 102b At Steel Member SIP-138b Factory electrica chase. Fasten with 8� ... 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. SECTION PLAN Scale: NTS 11/16" R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. of 'ly nges, each R—Control -Beam Spline. e: See Load ign Chart #313 capacities. Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. Updated 6-1-02 R—Control OSIP TITLE: Spline Connection N0. Insulated I —Beam Spline SIP-102c R—Contro SIP. R—Control Driller —/ Screw see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Stagger screws each side of joist top flange. SECTION Scale: NTS Structural suppor,l member (steel j©ist, —Beam, C—channel, Z—channel or similar) Updated 1 1--1-01 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Continuous Panel NO. At Steel Member I SIP---138a Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Control SIP. R—Control Driller --/ Screw see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do—A11—Ply each side, both splines. SECTION Scale: NTS Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness equal to the panel skins. Surface spline (see SIP-102) R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Structural support member (steel joist, —Beam, C—channel, Z—channel or similar) Updated 1 1-1-01 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Surface Spline NO. At Steel Member SIP-138 1 7/16" R—Control- Do—AII—Ply continuous. Continuous Double 2X spline. R—Control SIP. R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side, top & botto Fasten with 8d nails or 14 'go. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6 ' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. SECTION/PLAN Scale: NTS TITLE 3" 1 7/16" 10d Nails @ 12" o.c. two rows, staggered. �R—Control Do—AII—Ply. Factory electrical chase. Note: Vapor retarder required on interior of panel. Updated 6-1 =02 R—Control® SIP Spline Connection NO. Double 2x SIP-1102d Note: Refer to technical bulletin Note: Spline to be of sip2031 for the limitations material conforming to under which this detail can DOC PS2-92, min thickness be used. equal to the panel skins. 2" --------------------------- -------------- R-Control Do-AII-Ply continuous. Fasten with 8d nails or 14 9a. 1 1 /2" staples - @ 3' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. SECTION PL N Scale: NTS 2" 4" I Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Spline Connection NO. Surface Spline Top Side Only SIP-102e 2x with holes to - countersink nuts from bolts of hold down anchor. IEdge of cut — away OSB skin. Bolts as req'd to attach post to hold down anchor. R-Contro SIP. Simpson type - HD anchor as required by engineer. Joist hanger with nailable top flange. Edge of cut — away OSB skin. L --o 'Kro 11 i Tension/compression (post in end of shear wall as required by design. I R-Control SI111P. I I o! -I I o! ,I I I I I I I I o� ,I 2x blockiimg for OSB :skin attachme:,nt. Bottom plate. Floor joist. Threaded rod with nuts to attach to, HD type ancl'nor. Top plat&,. R-Control SIR Note: Cut panel skins to place D type anchor, post and 2x plate. Use expanding fo m to fill in area around hold d;(own anchor. Replace OSB skii and nail to 2x blocking. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITLE JN0. Post to Post through Floor SIP-1i 37 R—Control SIP. Edge of cut away OSB skin. Bolts as req'd to attach post to hold down anchor. Simpson type HD anchor as a required by engineer. 2x with holes to countersink nuts from bolts of hold down anchor. Tension/compression post in end of shear wall as required by design. a .a a c .a o� ° R—Control SIP. 2x blocking for OSB skin attachment. Epoxy type anchor. Bottom plate. Treated plate. Sill sealer. Concrete wall or slab on grade. Note: Cut panel skins to place HD type anchor, post and 2x plate. Use expanding foam to fill in area around hold down anchor. Insulate cavity with low expanding foam. Replace OSB skin and nail to 2x blocking. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Post to Concrete Anchorage I SIP— 136a a 1 7/16" ------------------------- ------------- R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. ------------------------ = Spline Beam. R—Control panel. Factory electrical chase. R—Control Do —All —Ply each side, top & bottom. -------------------------- Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Note: Typical each side of panel. Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when SECTIONZPLAN mandated by code or climatic conditions. Scale: NTS Updated 5-1--99 R—Control® SIP TITL : Mega Spline N0. Connection SIP— '102f 1 7/16" I VJIVII YY I U 1 VV I I V I I J V1 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. SECTIONZPLAN Scale: NTS TITLE: 3` 1 7/ 16" Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® Panel Block Spline NO. Connection I SIP-102g R—Control SIP. Fasteners as - req'd to attach strap to post. Metal strap as req'd by design. Concrete --,' _ anchors as req'd by design. -ension/compression post n end of shear wall as -equired by design. Fasteners as req'd by design to attach OSB to post. R—Control SIIP. o or I b, o� L----------------------- - - o a i, o 0 0 o a �C Bottom [plate. Treated [plate. Sill sealer. Concrete wa'II or slab on grade. Note: Metal strap may be atta hed over the outside skin of the R—Control SIP. Use fas eners that will not affect finishing of the exterior pr interior wall. SECTION Scale NTS Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITL NO. Po it to Concrete Anchorage SIP-136 Case 1 : SIPs up to 16' long. SIPs 16' or less in length require 4 R—Control screws per support for one & two span conditions. (See Diags 1 & 2) x x x x x x x x x x x x Diagram 1 : Single span condition Diagram 2: Two span condition (2 points of attachment) (3 points of attachment) Case 2: SIPs 16'-24' long. SIPs greater than 16' in length require 6 R—Control screws per support for one & two span conditions. (See Diags 3 & 4) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Diagram 3: Single span condition Diagram 4: Two span condition (2 points of attachment) (3 points of attachment) Case 3: SIPs with 3 or more spans. SIPs any length with 3 or more spans require 4 R—Control screws per support. (See Diag 5) x x x x x x x x 4 x x x x x x x x Diagram 5: 3 spans or greater (multiple points of attachment) Notes: 1. Perimeter attachment of roof panels requires a minimum of 1 fastener per 2 lineal feet of panel. 2. The recommendations are based on 90 psf of uplift resistance with a minimum screw penetration of 1" for R—Control Wood and Driller screws 3. The bottom of screw head must remain flush with top skin. 4. Attachment recommendations are for uplift only. Requirements for diaphragm or other bracing by others. Updated 1 1-1-01 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Panel Fastening Patterns SIP-135 1 1/4" Factory electrical chase. R—Co SIP. Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. SECTION /PLAN Scale: NTS 2 5/8" R—Conti-61 Do—All—Plly continuous. R—Control rol Do—AII—Ply both flanges, each side. Continuous R—Control I—BeamI Spline. Note: See Load Design Chart #3A for capacities. Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climati*,rc conditions. Updated 6-1 =02 R—Control® SIP TITLE Spline Connection NO. I —Beam Spline Connection I SIP— 1102h Factory electrica chase. R—Control Do —All —Ply continuous. ;s, each —Control earn Spline. See Load i Chart #313 ipacities. Fasten with 8d nails or ---J 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of Note: panel joint or equivalent. Vapor retarder recommended Typical each side of panel. on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic SECTIONZPLAN conditions. Scale: NTS updated s-1—o2 R—Control° SIP TITLE: Spline Connection N0. Insulated I —Beam Spline I SIP —102i R—Control SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Stagger screws each side of joist top flange. R—Control Do—AII— Ply each side. 2x Blocking lag screwed to top chord of steel joist. Structural support member (steel jois't). SECTION Scale: NTS updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Continuous Panel N0. At Steel Joist SIP—`134b Top plate. 0 -------------- Nail top plate i o , I. Gypsum wall to vertical �� I�.; board. plate with 3-16d nails. Top plate. �i ' R—Control PLAN SIP wall. Scale: NTS R Control Screw Fastener 1 1 /2" �..— @ 24" o.c. R—Control —Control Do —All —Ply, -Do—All—Ply each side. ontinuous. R—Control Do —All —Ply, 1 1 /2 I I; each side. �I 1'\\\ 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6"' o.c. each side SECTION or equivalent. Scale: NTS Updated 5—'1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. C.orner Connection SIP--103 --------------------------- O Top plate. 2 Rows 8d nails 11 O @ 6" o.c. ; I staggered. �X: I 'I ---------------I---------------- 1110O o Nail top plateI Gypsum wall to vertical .I I board. plate with I I . 3-16d nails. �l , Top plate. PLAN Scale: NTS R—Control R—Control SIP wall. Screw Fastener 1 1 /2" @ 24 o.c. - --- -------------------- R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. ----------------l--- R—Control Do—AII—Ply, I 1 each side. T.\-8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Corner Connection I SIP-103a R—Contro SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Stagger screws each side of top flange. / R—Control Do —All —Ply each side. Structural support member with min; 1 1 /2" bearing f-cor panels. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5—� —99 R—Controll SIP TIT E: NO. ontinuous Panel @ Truss SIP-134 Fasten with 8d nails or 14 'go. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6 ' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. Top plate. PLAN Scale: NTS R—Control Do —All —Ply each side, top & bottom. a.' SECTION Scale: NTS Nail top plate to vertical) plate with 3-16d nails. a\\\� Top plate. 0 0 Gypsum wOil board. Vapor re order Continuous Double 2X sspline, bevel cut, with 8d nails @ 12" o.c. two rows, staggered & R—Control Do—All—Plyy between 2X's R—Control Do —All —Ply, ` each side. Gypsum wall board. Vapor r tarder Factory elerctrical chase. Updated 6 'i —02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. ngled Corner Connection SIP— 103b Note: Refer to technical bulletin Note: Spline to be of sip2031 for the limita ions material conforming to under which this detai can DOC PS2-92, min thickness be used. equal to the panel skins. Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. ------------ - - - -------------- R—Control SIP. Splliine ------ ------- ---- --- - -------------- R—Control screw, R—Control see SIP-135 for Do —All —Ply spacing requirements. continuous. 2x Blocking lag R—Control screwed to top (chord Do —All —Ply of steel joist. each side. R—Contro Do —All —PI Structural support member (steel j©ist). SECTION Scale: NTS updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Surface Spline Top NO. At Steel Joist SIP'-133e Note: Refer to technical bulletin Note: Spline to be of sip2031 for the limitations material conforming to under which this detail can DOC PS2-92, min thickness be used. equal to the panel skins. Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Control SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control Do—AII—Ply Spline 7R—Contr I ol Do—AII—Ply continuous. Structural support member. Minimum 3" wide. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Surface Spline (Top) NO. At Dimensional Lumber I SIP-133d Exterior finish 8c underlayment ;: Gypsum wall as req'd by code. �� . board. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. j R—Control SIP wall. R—Control ; I 11. W. 8d Nails or 14 ga.. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" Do—AII—Ply, each side. ;I li o.c. each side or equivalent. Field installed panel bottom plate. :I 1 Capillary break, miirn 6 mil poly or min 3/8" treated plywood. Insect clip Concrete slab. or flashing. Caulk R—Control Do —All —Ply. D ` Cementitious !,Mchor� — 11�111=II —III! scratch coat. y U It as II 111=11 II II eq d by ode. .. SECTION Scale: NTS Perform Guard EPS. Updated 5 — J —99 R—Control® SIP TIT E: NO. Slab Foundation Framing I SIP'-104a Note: Refer to technical bulletin Note: Spline to be of sip2031 for the limitations material conforming to Exterior finish R—Control under which this detail can DOC PS2-92, min thickness & underlayment SIP wall. be used. equal to the panel skins. as req'd by cod Gypsum wall R—Control board. Do —All —Ply continuous. 16d Nails R—Control into floor joist ; as req d by code. Fasten with 8d nails or Do —All —Ply, '' 14 ga. 1 1/2" staples @ each side. �� 8d Nails or 14 ga. 3" o.c. both sides of 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" Field installed panel joint or equivalent. o.c. each side panel bottom To side of panel only. p p y' plate. or equivalent. ------------- - - -------------- -------------- S u bf l o o r --------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — Floor joist. R—Control R—Control SIP. Do—AII—Ply. EPS joist plug. 100, Splirne Nail as req'd by code. Treated sill plate. �i --- -- ------- ----- ------ -- - -------------- Rim joist. a as . Sill sealer. Insect clip R—Control screw, R—Control or flashing. see SIP-135 for Do—AII—Ply Anchor bolt as spacing requirements. continuous. Caulk a req'd by code. i Cementitious - R—Control Structural support scratch Do—AII—Ply member with min coat. Concrete or Masonry each side. 1 1 /2" bearing fmr foundation wall. panels each side of Perform joint. Guard EPS. SECTION SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 —99 R—Controls SIP R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. TITL : NO. Foundation Framing — Joist SIP-105 Surf ce Spline (Top) @ Truss SIP--133c Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Control SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do —All —Ply each side, both splines. R—Control Do —All —Ply each side. Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness ; equal to the panel skins. Surface spline (see SIP-102) 2x Blocking lag screwed to top chord of steel joist. Structural support member (steel joist). Exterior finish Bc underlayment CIS req'd by code. R—Control SIP wall. ' R—Control Gypsum wall Do —All —Ply board. continuous. ` 16d Nails R—Control into sill plate Do —All —Ply, I 1 11 as req'd. each side. --------- Subfloor 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples Q Floor joist. 6" o.c. each side Rim joist. or equivalent. Nail as req'd - Field installed A by code. panel bottom Treated sill pllate. plate. - - Insect clip a . a Sill sealer. or flashing. a a R—Control _ Caulk d aQ a Do—AII—Ply, each side. Cementitious scratch Anchor bolt as coat. req'd by code. Perform Concrete or Masonry uard EPS. foundation wall. SECTION SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 Scale: NTS R—Control® SIP TITLE: Surface Spline NO. At Steel Joist SIP— 133b Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITL : NO. Fo ndation Framing — Joist I SIP--105a Exterior finish & underlayment\ as req'd by code. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Field installed panel bottom plate. Insect clip--'/ or flashing. Caulk Cementitious scratch coat. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Contro SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. Finished floor, min 7/16". R—Control screw @ 24" o.c. 16d Nails into sill plate as req d. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing req'd. R—Control floor panel. e . Treated sill plate. :d a . Sill sealer. ° R—Control Do —All —Ply, each side. Anchor bolt as req'd by code. -Perform Concrete or Masonry Guard EPS. foundation wall. Updated 5-1-99 R—Controls SIP TITLE: I NO. Foundation Framing — Panel SIP-10515 Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Contro SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side, both splines. R—Control Do—AII—Ply Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness; equal to the panel skins. Surface spline (see SIP 102) R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Structural support member. Minimum; 3" wide. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Surface Spline NO. �At Dimensional Lumber SIP-1 33a Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples 3" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Top side of panel only. R—Control SIP. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do —All —Ply each side, both splines. R—Control Do —All —Ply each side. SECTION Scale: NTS Note: Spline to be of material conforming to DOC PS2-92, min thickness equal to the panel skins. Surface spline (see SIP-102) R—Control Do —All —Ply continuous. Structural support member with min 1 1 /2" bearing for panels each side of joint. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: N0. Surface Spline @ Truss I SIP-133 Code required underla ment (i.e., 15# asphalt felt Air space, 1 /2" min. R—Control SIP wall. Exterior brick Gypsum wall ' finish. board. Finished floor, R—Control min 7/16". Do —All —Ply continuous. R—Control screw @ 24" o.c. R—Control Do —All —Ply, 16d Nails each side. into sill plate - ------------ as as req'd. • 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 staples@ R—Control screw, 6" /c. side see SIP-135 ,or spacing req d.. o r equivalent. Field installed R—Control panel bottom _ SIP floor. plate. -- ----- Treated sill plcate. d ° Sill sealer. d -= — — LI�_I�11�1111 ;° R—Control as : Do —All -III—III=III- ° —Ply, 111=I1�11� -III—III—III—�. Q. each side. 1 I-- lEil 1 r a v d III —III— v q d Anchor bolt as req'd by code. �I Concrete or Masonry Cementitious Ni: foundation wall. scratch coat. SECTION Perform Guard EPS. Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 =99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Foundation Framing 0. Brick Ledge rSIP-1i05c Exterior finish & underlayment as req'd by code. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Field installed panel bottom plate. R—Control Do —All —Ply typical each side & bottom. OSB cap nailed to floor truss as req'd. Insect clip or flashing. Caulk Cementitious scratch coat. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control ,i SIP wall. 2x3 studs, �I predrilled. G Gypsum wall board. i 16d Nails into floor truss as req d by code. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" .I o.c. each side or equivalent. O 1I 11 Subfloor �I EPS insulation plug 11 AFM EPS not shown. ; I infill block. -j_ �- - Floor truss Treated sill plate. 0 ° . Sill sealer. i Anchor bolt as ---------------- re d b code. q Y Concrete or Masonry i Screw fasteners. foundation wall. Perform Guard EPS. Partially Ass PLAN Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Foundation Framing — Truss SIP-106 R—Control SIPS. 2x3 studE R—Control specialty i panel. I� Note: See SIP-1 for conn. informatior I� I� I� l Assembled Walll Scale: NTS Updated 5--j-99 R—Control® SIP TITL N0. lush Wall Chase SIP-132a Gypsum wall board. Finished flooring. Floor joist. Subfloor Concrete or Masonry foundation wall. Concrete slab. —1 R—Control SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. See SIP-109 for notes & information. See SIP-104 for notes & informatiom. Concrete slab. �— °� =1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I d d I— ;111=1 I —I 11=1 I I I I=1 I I- I11IMII III _lII—III a II- 11=1 III Il,�illl—III III �IIII��II SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 =99 R—Control® SIP TITLE NO. K ee Wall Framing SIP-11107 Gypsum wall board. Finished floc Subfloor Floc Concrete or Masonry foundation wall. Concrete slab. --\ SECTION R—Control SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. EPS insulation plug / not shown. See SIP-109a for notes & information. See SIP-104 for notes & information. r-- Concrete slab. Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—ControlO SIP TITLE: j NO. Knee Wall Framing SIP-107a SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. II II�.. Molding II: Wood spacers. II Electrical chase I,. with UL listed NM—B 11. rated wire. II Sheet metal as II req'd by code. Base board. Floor system. Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITL N0. Base Board 1 SIP--131 For typical cabinet loadings fasten cabinet to panels ' following cabinet manufacturer's recommendations. R—Control SIP wall. I Cabinet Nailing strips. For heavily loaded cabinets mount 4" wide strips of OSB to panels prior to hanging of cabinet. Use adhesive and 2 rows of #8 screws © 6" o.c. Fasten cabinet to nailing strips following cabinet manufacturer's recommendations. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Cabinet Attachment 1 SIP-130 Note: Vapor retarder required on interior of panel. ISOMETRIC PLAN Scale: NTS Continuous Double 2x splliine or engineered equivalent. See SIP-102d (or SIP-102a) for spline connection & fastening information. R—Control SIP, see Load Design Chart #3 for panel load capacity. Edge plating material, 2x lumber or engineered equivalent. Updated 6 =1-02 R—Control® SIP TIT E: NO. FI or/Roof Panel Connection SIP-108 Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. ISOMETRIC PLAN 2x lumber or engineered equivalent. Scale: NTS Updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Floor/Roof Panel Connection SIP-108a Field cut out for electrical box. Factory provided electrical chase. R—Control SIP. L Exterior finish & underlayment SECTION as req'd by code. Scale: NTS Switch or outlet. Cover plate. '•' Surface mounted electrical bo>x with wire clamp. Low expanding foam; sealant around box and in chase. UL listed NM—B rated wire. Note: Follow local code requirements for electrical installation. Updated 5-14-99 R—Control® SIP ITITLE NO. I Bo for Switch or Outlet I SIP-1129a I I I I II II it ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS Notes: 1. Factory provided electrical chases must be pre —arranged with the R—Control SIP manufacturer prior to fabrication of the panels. 2. SIP installer shall provide field drilled holes in top plates, sill/base plates, vertical plates and through floors to access electrical chases. 3. Follow local code requirements for electrical installation. i u� Factory provided electrical chases. Contact manufacturer for typical spacings. Also, refer to local codes for specific requirements. Updated 5-1-99 Note: Vapor retarder recommended on interior of panel when mandated by code or climatic conditions. ISOMETRIC PLAN Scale: NTS a Continous R—Control Insula{ted I —Beam. See SIP-102c for spline connection & fastening information. R—Control SIP, see Load Design Chart #3B for panel load capacity. Edge plating material, 2x lumber or engineered equivalent. Updated 6-1 —Q"2 r-*) /_1% 1 I /ul i-. Exterior finish --) & underlayment as req'd by cod R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. Field installed panel bottom plate. Subfloor — R—Control Do—AII—Ply. Nail as req'd by code. Rim joist. For connection --' information, sealant, and adhesive, see wall above. SECTION Scale: NTS Optional factory electrical chase. R—Control SIP wall. R—Control SIP roof. Gypsum wall board. 16d Nails into floor joist as req'd by code. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples Q 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Floor joist. EPS insulation plu Nail as req'd. �I �I Spacer board (optional) EPS wedge infill piece. where required for it standard 8 drywall �I application. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Floor Joist NO. Bearing on Wall Panel 1 SIP-109 R—Control SIP wall. Electrical chase with UL listed NM—B rated wire. Note: See SIP-122a for connection and Do—AIII—Ply information. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 —99 R—Controls' SIP TITL Chases — Electrical NO. [Roof / Wall Intersection SIP— 128b Ridge Vent and Roofing (see Technical Bulletin sip no. 2046) Note: See SIP-121 for connection and Do —All —Ply information. R—Control SIP roof. Vapor — retarder Gypsum wall board. Sheet metal as req'd by code. SECTION Scale: NTS Optional factory electrical chase. Ridge beam. Electrical chase with UL listed NM—B rated wire. Updated 1 1-1-01 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Chases — Electrical NO. Roof Ridge Beam I SIP-128a Exterior finish ---� & underlayment as req'd by cod R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. Field installed panel bottom plate. Subfloor — R—Control Do—AII—Ply. EPS insulation plug not shown joist. joist. Nail as req'd --J by code. For connection information, sealant, and adhesive, see wall above. R—Control SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. .. Nails into floor truss ■I■■■■ as req'dby code. soslim I 8d Nails or 14 go. NIEMEN ■I■■■■ ' staples c► \I ■■■I, o.c. each . - --------------------- ■?�■■1or equivalent. ��. Floor truss. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1,--99 R—Controls SIP TIT L Floor Truss NO. B aring on Wall Panel I SIP-1090 Exterior finish & underlayment as req'd by code. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. Field installed panel bottom plate. R—Control Do—AII—Ply. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Single 2x blocking when—/ floor panel has double 2x's, I —Beam or insulated —Beam splines. Double 2x blocking when floor panel has surface spline. For connection information, sealant, and adhesive, see wall above. R—Control SIP wall. Gypsum wall board. 16d Nails into floor panel as req'd by code. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. Finished floor, min 7/16". R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for req'd spacing. R—Control SIP floor. Spacer board (optional) where required for standard 8' drywall application, nail as req'd. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Floor Panel on Wall Panel I SIP-109b R—Control SIP roof. Gypsum wall board. SECTION Scale: NTS Optional factory electric I chase. M Sheet metal as req'd by code. R—Control Do—AII—Ply R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Beam Electrical chase with UL listed NM—B rated wire. Updated 5-1 =99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Chases — Electrical NO. termediate Roof Beam I SIP-1128 - — - — - — - — - — - — - f')---------------n---------------e-1 °------------- 0---------------°------------- 0- Eave Air Flow Ridge --------------------------------------------- - O- - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0-� ---------- p---------------=------------ --- 0-1 2'-6„ 2'-611 2'-6„ 8,-0„ ---7r Scale: NTS Roof sheathing - with min 24/16 span rating. Vented R—Control SpecLam (EPS with OSB nail base). 10 3/4" +— 10 3/4" 12 1/2" 41 3 1 /2" typical Screw fastener, see SECTION plan above for Scale: NTS fastening pattern. Updated 5-1-99 Exterior finish R—Control & underlayment SIP wall. as req'd by code. Gypsum wall board. R—Control Do—AII—Ply 16d Nails continuous. into floor joist as req d by code. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, 8d Nails or 14 ga. each side. 1 1 /2 staples @ 6 o.c. each side Field installed or equivalent. panel bottom plate. Finished floor. Subfloor extended to outside of wall panel. Nail to top plate with 8d nails ,- at 12"o.c., staggered. L Floor joist. For connection information, sealant, Joist hanger and adhesive, see with nailable top wall above. flange. Gypsum wall board. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 --499 Exterior finish & underlayme as re q' d by c Ledger beam as req'd by specific desig R—Control Sci Fastener spac as req'd by specific desig IJVIJI I lu, IIjGI , nail as req'd. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Floor Joist Hanger NO. and Ledger Beam I SIP-110 Option I A 1 Roofing system J as req'd by code. R—Control SIP roof. SECTION Scale: NTS Vented R—Control Spe Lam (EPS with OSB nail base). Screw fastener, s e R—Control SpecLa for fastening pattern. -------I � --- --- --- --- - SECTION A Scale: NTS Option 1 B 1 Continuous midge vent. See SIP-121 for roof ridge inform,(ation. Roof sheathing with min 24/16 span rating. 2 x 2 @ 24" maximum sparcing. IJ R— ontrol roof panel. SECTION B Scale: NTS Updated 5-1,--gg R—Control® SIP TITLE'.: NO. C Id Roof — Ridge I SIP--127b R—Control SIP roof. SIP-122 for connection. Soffit vE See SIP Saffit in I VI II I. t I V I I. Note: Design member sizes and SECTION connections as req'd for each Scale: NTS condition and/or project. Roof sheathing Roof sheathing with min 24/16 with min 24/16 span rating. span rating. 2x2 @ 24" o.c., 2x @ 24" o.c., maximum spacing. maximum spacing. L---- ----_1 ---------- = R—Control I v� I SIP roof. SECTION A SECTION B Scale: NTS Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Cold Roof NO. Eave with 2x Sleepers I SIP-127a Continuous R—Contrd Exterior finish SIP wall. & underlayment Gypsum wall as req'd by code. board. Finished floor, min 7/16 . See SIP-101 for connection information. R—Control Screw ---I Fastener @ 24" o.c. R—Contro SIP floor. Note: Interior finiish not shown. R—Control Screw—y Fastener spaced as req'd by Ledger beam specific design. as req'd by specific design. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 =99 R—Control® SIP TITLE Floor Panel NO. arld Ledger Beam I SIP— 1110a Top plate. II° e a 0 e 0 Electrical chase 0 0 0 Bottom plate. 10 wood screws @ 8" o.c. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS R—Control SIP wall with gypsum board or approved thermal barrier on inside face. Standard \�� interior wall framing, gypsum board not shown. Updated 5-1-99 .Rh —— L R—Contro SIP roof. See SIP-122 for wall connection. Soffit vent. ' :L/See SIP-119 for soffit information. SECTION ote: Design member sizes and onnections as req'd for each Scale: NTS ondition and/or project. Vented R—Control Spec am Roof sheathing (EPS with OSB nail base). with min 24/16 span rating. Screw fastener, see R—Control Spe Lam for 2x4 @ 24" o.c..,, fastening pattern. maximum spaci'rng. C--- --- --- --- --- --- I � --- --- --- --- i-_ - � SECTION A Scale: NTS R—Cor trol I SIP r of. SECTION B Scale: NTS Updated 5-1—fig Flashi R—Cc SIP r without blocking req'd less j re. for iiring Note: Recessed lights are Note: Protect EPS core from not allowed in R—Control temperatures of 1600 F or above. sips. Use zero clearance insulating material designed for high temps as req'd. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Roof Penetrations I SIP-126a Headers I �6//T ' I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 8 ^SOX. spa fOr 011ow deor`0p COntr°I 1 ® aged°Z3 of depthaes'nCh fader 1 °s ° hepder°ntr°1 SIp & R Control S Ps. 1 i Posts supporting �s header. Designed for specific load case. s �A �s Bottom plate.. R—Control SIP NOTE: Diagram represents headers h infill below a w II assembly. Headers may be any window openings. type, refer to detail SIP-113. Minim, um dimensions are not required between, openings, but the posts supporting the header must extend to the floor. AIso, the bottom plate of the header must ISOMETRIC exterid to the outside of the post. Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Headers SIP-1 12 Top plate. R—Control — SIP header. R—C� SIP wall. R—Contro SIP infill. r slP o r sip 113 V 8•-0• See n�ox. e for HeOder P°� for R, �seacio$�9bof dR p hDes9n Ch°rt� SIP head header°ntraP SIP & er �® C In fill studs. 3 O Q gee I/ [D—P^ntrol all. L\\—Jamb stud. See SIP-102d for Trimmers connection of 2x's. Note: King studs, jamb studs, trimmers, header, and bottom infill panel can be shop or field assembled. The numbers indicate sequencing for installation. Sill plate. The full size wall panel pieces are field installed. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Component Window Assembly SIP-112a R—Control SIP roof. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS Structural members. Typical 4 sides of opening. Note For openings bigger in size thorn shown above or for openings that cLut thro gh splines, provide additional framing to s pport panel edges. This additi©nal framing is to be located under the panels and framed into the main stru tural members. Updated 5--11-99 R—Controle SIP TITLE: NO. Roof Openings SIP-126 Provide truss anchorages as req'd for each specific design. Truss anchors not shown in detail. Roof decking. For soffit framing see SIP-124. 8d Nails or 14 ga. --< 1 1 /2" staples 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. 2x plate. R—Control Do —All —Ply continuous. R—Control SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS Rafter R—Control SIP. R—Control Do —All —Ply, each side. R—Control Screw Fastener, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Note: Design member sizes and connections as req'd for each condition and/or project. Rafter spacing not to exceed 2'-0" o.c. without consulting R—Control for specific project load requirements. Updated 5-1-99 R—Controls SIP TITLE: NO. Ceiling Panels & Rafter I SIP-125a Top plate. R—Control— SIP header. \`UP \�I Field notch edge for 2x s 1 r siP r slP 113 113 Trirhmer R—Control SIP wall. Pre —Install lumber, in field. Sill R—Control ' SIP infill. Note: Jack studs, jamb studs, header, and bottom infill panel will be field assembled. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS $'-o' ma for °I ow der lGa f°r R, used°as aOf RCogeSpaa ehart� SIP header hepder, ntr°I Sip de Surface Spline. Field notch edge for �-2x's R—Co,ntro SIP wiall. Jack stud. See SIP-102d fcor connection of 2>x's. Sill plate. Updated 1 1--1-01 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Component Window Assembly SIP-1 12b Provide truss anchorages as r q'd Plated wood truss.Top plate. for each specific design. Tru s anchors not shown in detail. R—Control — SIP header. In fill studs. 3 Q O O R—Contro SIP wall. R—Control SIP infill. R—Control SIP wall. King stud. Jamb stud. See AF-102d for Note: King studs, Trimmers connection of 2x's. jamb studs, trimmers, header, and bottom infill panel can be shop or field assembled. The numbers indicate sequencing for installation. Sill plate. The full size wall panel pieces are field installed. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS Updated 1 1-1-01 Roof decking. For soffit framing see SIP-124. 8d Nails or 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. 2x plate. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. R—Control SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS • No • - • • � • • III■I■■►\■■■■■ oil R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side. R—Control Screw Fastener, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Jote: Design member sizes and :onnections as req'd for each :ondition and/or project. Truss pacing not to exceed 2'-0" o.c�. iithout consulting R—Control Buillding systems for specific project load equirements. Updated 5-1-299 Provide for eacf^ anchors Roof de( Soffit vei R—Contrc, SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS Plated wood truss. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. ?x top plate. 3d Nails or 14 ga. 1 /2" staples @ >" o.c. each side )r equivalent. Control >o—AII—Ply ontinuous. Note: Design member sizes and connections as req'd for each condition and/or project. Truss spacing not to exceed 2'-0" o.c. without consulting R—Control for specific project load requirements. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. R—Control SIP used as header. 8d Nails or 14 ga.--� 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. each side, top & bottom or equivalent. R—Control Do—AII—Ply - continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply typical each side, top & bottom. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-9)9 NOTE: See SIP-101 for connection information not shown. R—Control Do —All —Ply, continuous. EPS fill. R—Control Insulated Header. SECTION Scale: NTS R—Control SIP I used as infill. Optional factory fabricated 2x with two rows 10d electrical chase. nails © 12" o.c., staggered. R—Control SIP roof. 2x ripped to width UL listed NM—B of header plus OSB rated wire. cap pieces. OSB cap, match thickness with panel skins. Typical each side of header. 8d Nails @ 12" o.c. Typical top & bottom, each side. Panel Width Min 3/4" blocking screwed to R—Control SIP with 6—#6x2" dry wall screws, and wood adhesive. Drill hole through blocking for wiring. SECTION Low expanding foam sealant. Field fabricated electrical chaste. Electrical box rated for support of ceiling fan.. Fasten to blocking as req'd. Finish as required. Updated 5-1-99 Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 =99 R—Control® SIP R—Control® SIP TITLE: Header sections NO. TITLE: NO. (Insulated Header) SIP— 113a eiling Fan Attachment I SIP-1123 NOTE: See SIP-101 for connection information not shown. R—Control Do —All —Ply, continuous. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. EPS as req'd. Built up 2x header. R—Control Do—AII—Ply typical each side, top & bottom. R—Control SIP 1 used as infill. Slide panel 1 down. ' 2x with two rows 10d nails @ 12" o.c., staggered. 2x ripped to same Iwidth as header plus OSB cap pieces. I� I; OSB cap, match thickness with 1 panel skins. Typic©I 11 each side of headier. I� I� I� 1 8d Nails © 12" o..c. 1 Typical top & bottom, each side. 2x window Pan trimmer. I Width �— SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1— 99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Header sections N0. (Built Up 2x's) SIP-1 "13b R—Control SIP. 2x framing around --� window and door openings. Numbers indicate sequencing for installation. Refer to SIP-115 for connection of 2x's to OSB panel faces. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS NOTE: Diagram represents field/shop cut openings in a monolithic wall assembly. Splines may occur above & below openings. Minimum panel dimension of 12" must be maintained over openings. See Header Load Design Chart for allowable loads. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control SIP roof. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Beveled blocki'mg, predrill for ,- R—Control screew. Use 16d nails; to attach blockirn�g to top plate untill screw is in pllace. 8d Nails or 1,4 ga. I, 1 1 /2" staplers @ R—Control ' I 6" o.c. each :side Do -All —Ply, ; or equivalent.. each side, and @ roof it panel/blocking joint. it I� R—Control l Do —All —Ply 2x top plate. ,, continuous. R—Control SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 IQ 010 R—Control SIP. 2x framing around window and door openings. Numbers indicate sequencing for installation. Refer to SIP-115 for connection of 2x's to OSB panel faces. ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS NOTE: Diagram represents field/shop cut openings in a monolithic wall assembly. Splines may occur above & below openings. Minimum panel dimension of 12" must be maintained over openings. See Header Load Design Chart for allowable loads. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: SIP used as Header NO. (surface spline condition) I SIP-114 IR—Control SIP roof. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do —All —Ply, each side, and @ roof panel/blocking joint. 2x top plate. R—Control SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS Beveled blocki'rng, predrill for R—Control screw. Use 16d nails; to attach blockincg to top plate until) screw is in pl!'ace. `-8d Nails or 14 ga. I� 1 1/2" staplers @ 6" o.c. each :side I' or equivalent. I� R—Control 1 1 Do—AII—Ply di continuous. Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Beveled Wedge Blocking SIP-122b R—Controls SIP roof. 'I l R—Control screw, .'ice ; I I R—Control see SIP-135 for SIP wall. spacing requirements. ' 1 1 /2" R—Control Do —All —Ply -� ,- continuous. Beveled 2x blocking, 8d Nails or 14 ga. toe nail with 16d 1 1/2" staples @ 6" nails @ 12" o.c. Rough o.c. each side top and bottom. Opening or equivalent. EPS wedge infill piece. Do—AII—Ply �; 8d Nails or 14 ga.IT continuous ; l; 1 1 /2" staples @ along eave line , I I; 6" o.c. each side I I glide 2x ; I or equivalent. , , I l R—Control I I; ; l R—Control l i P. Do—AII—PI ' I I R—Control i I I l Do—AII—Ply each side. � � 11 Do—AII—Ply 1 1 /2" � i t � l i continuous 2x top plate. , continuous. �I �I sealant. R—C ontrol ' SIP wall. Note: R—Control This detail is applicable Do—AII—Ply for horizontal or vertical each side. panels. SECTION SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 Scale: NTS Updated 5-11-99 R—Control® SIP R—Control® SIP TITLE-: N0. TITLE: NO. Beveled 2x Blocking SIP-122a Cpenings in Panels SIP-1 15 R—Control SIP wall. Exterior finish — & underlayment to wrap opening as req'd by code. See SIP-1 15 for connection information. Flashing at head. NOTE: See window mfg's literature for details. Fasten in accordance with window mfg's recommendations. See SIP-115 , for connection , information. R—Control SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS �I 7 NOTE: Typical casement window detail shown. All styles can be used with R—Control SIPs. Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Window Detail I SIP-116 Interior finish. I;. Low expanding foam sealant. Typical head & jamb detail. Rough Opening I _-,Typical sill detail. Low expanding foam sealant. Interior finish. R—Control SIP roof. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side, and @ roof panel/2x joint. Beveled 2x top plate. R—Contro SIP wall. SECTION Scale: NTS 8d Nails or 14- ga. 1 1 /2" staples-, @ 6" o.c. each side or equivalent. R—Control Do—AII—Ply continuous. Updated 5-1 —99 R—Control l SIP TITL N0. eveled Wall Panel I SIP— 122 Fasten with 8d nails or 14 9a. 1 1/2" staples @ 6 ' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. Fasten with 2 rows of 16d nails at 6" o.c., staggered. R—Contro SIP roof. Vapor - retarder R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side, top & bottom. SECTION Scale: NTS Note: Vapor retarder on interior of panel. Ridge Vent and Roofing (see Technical Bulletin sip no. 2046) R—Control Do —All —Ply, each side. Optional factory electrical chase. Continuous Double 2X spline, bevel cut, with R—Control Do—AII—Ply between 2X's. NOTE: Structural support members max. of 4' from center line of ridge. Support members run parallel to ridge. Panels must have double 2x's, I —Beam SPline or Insulated I —Beam Spline @ 4' o.c. See Technical Bulletin sip2029 for cantilever capacities and panel limitations Updated 6-1-02 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Roof Ridge NO. Plumb Cut/Cantilever Ridge I SIP-121 b 0 Typical Head Detail R—Control SIP. OMNI F0 onal 2x OMNI additional OMNI let support. I Typical Jamb Detail (plan) Note: Refer to SIP-116 for notes and detail information. R—Control SIP. Typical Exterior Sill Detail SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1 egg R—Control® SIP TITLE: NO. Do r Detail SIP-1 '17 ISOMETRIC Scale: NTS AFTER SYSTEM SIPs supported by rafters spanning from the ridge beam to the eave walls. BEAM SYSTEM Ds supported by e ridge beam and e eave walls. Midspan beams may be req'd. TITLE: Roof Framing Options SYSTEM ,upported )of trusses. . printed 5-1-99 SIP N0. SIP-118 Nate: Vapor retarder (Z)n interior of panel. Ridge Vent and Roofing (see: Technical Bulletin sip no. 2046) Fasten with 8d nails or 14 ga. 1 1/2 " staples EPS ridge @ 6" o.c. both sides of filler piece. panel joint or equivalent. Simpson strap tie Typical each side of panel. 4' o.c. minimum. R—Control R—Control screw, Do —All —Ply each side. see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. Optional factorly electrical chase. R—Contro SIP roof. Vapor ----/ Do—AII—Ply continumus retarder. AAalong ridge line. R—Control ' Do—AII—Ply each side, top & bottom. R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side. SECTION Sco le: NTS Structural support member with min 2" bearing for panels each side of joint. Updated 1 1-27-00 R—Control° SIP TITL N0. oof Ridge — Square Cut SIP =121 a Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 9a. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6 ' o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. Typical each side of panel. R—Control screw, see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control SIP roof. Vapor Ir retarder R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side, top & bottom. R-Control Do—AII—Ply each side. SECTION Scale: NTS Note: Vapor retarder on interior of panel. Ridge Vent and Roofing (see Technical Bulletin sip no. 2046) R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. Optional factory electrical chase. Double 2x spline, bevel cut, with R—Control Do—AII—Ply between 2x's. Structural support member with min 2" bearing for panels each side of joint. Updated 1 1-27-00 r) �_._l.__ In -' SIP Roof. 2' Max — CASE I Note: See Technical Bulletin sip2O29 for capacities and panel limitations. SIP WhIls. SIP Walls. SIP Roof. ROOF PLAN Scale: NTS Continuous I—Jcflst or Double 2X spline KI,,/--Ridge beanrn. 8' I �2 , 4 Max CASE 11 Updated 6-1 —0Z I Fasten with 8d nails or — 14 ga. 1 1 /2" staples @ 6" o.c. both sides of panel joint or equivalent. a Typical each side of panel. R—Control SIP roof. R—Control screw see SIP-135 for spacing requirements. R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side R—Control Do—AII—Ply each side, top, & bottom of member. Note: Vapor retarder on interior of panel. R—Control Do—AII—Ply, each side. j Valley flashing. Optional factory electrical ch,<ase. Vapor retarder Double 2x spline, bevel) cut, with R—Control Do—AII—Ply between 2xhs. Structural support member with min 3" bearing for panels each side of joint. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5—�--99 R—Control® SIP TITLE.': NO. Roof Valley — Plumb Cut I SIP--*120 1 Note: Design member sizes and connections as req'd for each condition and/or project. Note: As req'd, extend ice R—Control and water shield from fascia. SIP roof. Drip -••- -- - -- 1, 0 - Soffit board. Fascia Gable wall. See SIP-122c for support of roof panel. 4' Max Cant See Technical Bulletin sip2029 for cantilever capacities and panel limitations. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 R—Control® SIP TITLE: Roof Gable NO. Square Cut — Cant Panel SIP-119d Note: Design member sizes or connections as req'd for each condition and/or project. R—Contro SIP roof. Note: As req'd, extend ices and water shield from fascia. Drip edge. See SIP-1 19b for soffit framing option. 2x Framing Member - -------------- ------------------ :: Soffit Fascia Eave wall. See IP-122, SIP-122a, or SI —122b for support of roof panel. 4' Max Cant See Technical Bu letin sip2029 for cantilever ca acities and panel limitations. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1—q R—Controls SIP TITLE: Roof Eave NO. Plum Cut — Cant Panel 1 SIP-1 19a Note: Design member sizes and connections as req'd for each condition and/or project. R—Control SIP roof. Note: As req'd, extend ice and water shield from fascia. ,, Drip edge. See SIP-1 19a for soffit framing option. Soffit board. Fascia Eave wall. See SIP-122, --J SIP-122a, or SIP-122b for support of roof panel. 4' Max Cant See Technical Bulletin sip2029 for cantilever capacities and panel limitations. SECTION Scale: NTS Updated 5-1-99 Note: As req'd, ext nd ice — and water shield f om fascia Drip edge. Simpson strap tie. --------------------------- 2x Framing Membe r SECTION Scale: NTS a Soffit Fascia Gable wall. See SIP 122c for support of roof panel. R—Control SIP roof. Note: Design member sizes and c nnections as req'd for each condition and/or project. Updated 5-1-9c,3